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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: deb- from Latin debere, debitus, debitum





【deb-】 is word-forming element
usually meaning "owe"

from Latin "debere, debitus, debitum"

[WORD ROOT]root deb
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] deb, dut, due, debt, debit, deav
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) debere, debitus, debitum
[MEANING]root owe


  • 【Latin】 debere [de+habere] to owe, (originally0 keep something away from someone
  • 【Latin】 debitus [past participle of debere]
  • 【Latin】 debitum npp of debere; thing owed


debenture, debit, debt, debtor, due, duty, endeavor

Please see Word information in detail as follows;


debenture [noun] from debenture
【DEFINITION】 A debenture is a type of savings bond which offers a fixed rate of interest over a long period. Debentures are usually issued by a company or a government agency.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 written acknowledgment of a debt
【pl.】 debentures
【ROOTs】 deb; owe ent(ant); adjective suffix ure; noun suffix

debit [noun] from debit
【DEFINITION】 When your bank debits your account, money is taken from it and paid to someone else.
【ANTONYM】 credit
【ROOTs】 debit(deb); owe

debt [noun] from debt
【DEFINITION】 A debt is a sum of money that you owe someone.
【pl.】 debts
【DERIVATIVEs】 debtless, debt
【Etymology】 [Latin] debere [de+habere] to owe, (originally0 keep something away from someone
【ROOTs】 debt(deb); owe

debtor [noun] from debt
【DEFINITION】 a person, organization, government, etc., that owes money opposite CREDITOR
【pl.】 debtors
【Etymology】 [Latin] debere [de+habere] to owe, (originally0 keep something away from someone
【ROOTs】 debt(deb); owe or; noun suffix

due [adjective] from due
【DEFINITION】 If something is due at a particular time, it is expected to happen, be done, or arrive at that time.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 customary, regular, right, proper
【Etymology】 [Latin] debere [de+habere] to owe, (originally0 keep something away from someone
【ROOTs】 due(deb); owe

duty [noun] from duty
【DEFINITION】 Duty is work that you have to do for your job.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 obligatory service, that which ought to be done
【pl.】 duties
【DERIVATIVEs】 dutiful, duty
【Etymology】 [French] duete [from Old French deu]
【ROOTs】 dut(deb); owe y; noun suffix

endeavor [verb] from endeavor < endangered
【DEFINITION】 a serious effort or attempt
【ROOTs】 en; in, make into, into, upon deav(deb); have, hold or; noun suffix

Other word list containing deb-; dutiful


col-, cult-
crit-, crisi



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