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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dat- from Latin datus, dare, dere




【dat-】 is word-forming element
usually meaning "give"

from Latin "datus, dare, dere"


[WORD ROOT]root dat
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dat, date, dit, data
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) datus, dare, dere
[MEANING]root give


  • 【French】 data date, day; time
  • 【Latin】 datus [pp of dare] given
  • 【Latin】 dare to give, grant, offer
  • 【Latin】 dere to give; to put, place


data, date, dater, dating, datum, outdate, outdated, update, updated




Please see Word information in detail as follows;

data [noun] from data
【DEFINITION】 You can refer to information as data, especially when it is in the form of facts or statistics that you can analyse. In American English, data is usually a plural noun. In technical or formal British English, data is sometimes a plural noun, but at other times, it is an uncount noun.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a fact given or granted
【pl.】 [PL]
【Etymology】 [Latin] dare to give, grant, offer
【ROOTs】 data(dat); give

date [noun] from date
【DEFINITION】 A date is a specific time that can be named, for example a particular day or a particular year.
【pl.】 dates
【DERIVATIVEs】 datable, dateable, dateless, date
【Etymology】 [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
【ROOTs】 date(dat); give

dater [noun] from date
【DEFINITION】 a person who goes out on dates, typically on a regular basis
【pl.】 daters
【COMPOSITION】 date + er
【Etymology】 [Greek] daktylos date; (originally) finger, toe
【ROOTs】 dat; give er; noun suffix

dating [noun] from date
【DEFINITION】 dat + ing
【SYNONYM】 postdating
【COMPOSITION】 date + ing
【Etymology】 [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
【ROOTs】 date(dat); give ing; noun suffix

datum [noun] from datum < date
【DEFINITION】 something given or admitted especially as a basis for reasoning or inference
【pl.】 data
【Etymology】 [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
【ROOTs】 dat; give um; singular grammatical number

outdate [verb] from outdate < date
【DEFINITION】 (of something new) to cause (something else) to become old-fashioned or obsolete
【CONJUGATIONs】 outdated outdated outdating outdates
【COMPOSITION】 out + date
【Etymology】 [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
【ROOTs】 out; prefix date(dat); give

outdated [adjective] from outdate < date
【DEFINITION】 If you describe something as outdated, you mean that you think it is old-fashioned and no longer useful or relevant to modern life.
【VARIATIONs】 명사형 outdatedness부사형 outdatedly
【SYNONYM】 archaic
【COMPOSITION】 out + date + ed
【Etymology】 [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
【ROOTs】 out; out dat; give ed; adjective suffix

update [verb] from update < date
【DEFINITION】 If you update something, you make it more modern, usually by adding new parts to it or giving new information.
【CONJUGATIONs】 updated, updated, updating, updates
【DERIVATIVEs】 updateable, updater, update
【SYNONYM】 bring up to date
【COMPOSITION】 up + date
【Etymology】 [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
【ROOTs】 up; prefix date(dat); give

updated [adjective] from update < date
【DEFINITION】 made more modern or up to date
【COMPOSITION】 update + ed
【Etymology】 [Latin] datus [pp of dare] given
【ROOTs】 up; prefix dat; give ed; adjective suffix

Other word list containing dat-; dateless, postdate, dative


col-, cult-
crit-, crisi


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: damn- from Latin damnum, damnare

【damn-】 is word-forming element usually meaning "inflict, damage, loss upon" from Latin "damnum, damnare" [WORD ROOT]root damn [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] damn, demn, damag [ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) damnum, damnare [MEANING]root inflict, damage, loss upon 【DE




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