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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: cruise from Latin crucem, crux, crucis


【cruise】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "cross"
from Latin "crucem, crux, crucis"

[WORD ROOT]root cruise
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cruise, crusa, cross, cruci
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) crucem, crux, crucis
[MEANING]root cross


  • 【Latin】 crucem stake, cross
  • 【Latin】 crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
  • 【Latin】 crucis stake, cross


across, cross, crucial, crucially, crucifix, crucify, cruise, crusade

Please see Word information in detail as follows;



across [adverb] from cross < cruise
【DEFINITION】 If you look across at a place, person, or thing, you look towards them.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 in the shape of a cross
【Etymology】 [French] en croiz
【ROOTs】 a(en); on, up, into cross(cruise); cross

cross [noun] from cross < cruise
【DEFINITION】 ① A cross is a shape that consists of a vertical line or piece with a shorter horizontal line or piece across it. It is the most important Christian symbol.
② If you describe something as a cross that someone has to bear, you mean it is a problem or disadvantage which they have to deal with or bear.
③ A cross is a written mark in the shape of an X. You can use it, for example, to indicate that an answer to a question is wrong, to mark the position of something on a map, or to indicate your vote on a ballot paper.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 instrument of Christ's crucifixion; symbol of Christianity
【pl.】 crosses
【DERIVATIVEs】 crossability, crossable, crosser, crossly, crossness, crosswise, cross
【Etymology】 [Latin] crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
【ROOTs】 cross(cruise); cross

crucial [adjective] from cruise
【DEFINITION】 If you describe something as crucial, you mean it is extremely important.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 cross-shaped, having the form of an X
【DERIVATIVEs】 crucially, crucial
【SYNONYM】 essential, critical
【Etymology】 [Latin] crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
【ROOTs】 cruci(cruise); cross al; adjective suffix

crucially [adverb] from cruise
【DEFINITION】 crucial+ly
【DERIVATIVEs】 crucially, crucial
【COMPOSITION】 crucial + ly
【Etymology】 [Latin] crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
【ROOTs】 cruci(cruise); cross al; adjective suffix ly; adverb suffix

crucifix [noun] from cruise
【DEFINITION】 A crucifix is a cross with a figure of Christ on it.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a cross or representation of a cross with the crucified figure of Christ upon in
【Etymology】 [Latin] crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
【ROOTs】 cruci(cruise); cross fix; attach

crucify [verb] from cruise
【DEFINITION】 If someone is crucified, they are killed by being tied or nailed to a cross and left to die.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 to put to death by nailing or otherwise affixing to a cross
【CONJUGATIONs】 crucified crucified crucifying crucifies
【DERIVATIVEs】 crucifier, crucifixion, crucify
【Etymology】 [Latin] crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
【ROOTs】 cruci(cruise); cross fy; do, make


cruise [noun] from cruise
【DEFINITION】 A cruise is a holiday during which you travel on a ship or boat and visit a number of places.
【pl.】 cruises
【Etymology】 [Latin] crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
【ROOTs】 cruise; cross

crusade [noun] from cruise
【DEFINITION】 A crusade is a long and determined attempt to achieve something for a cause that you feel strongly about.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 military expedition under the banner of the cross
【DERIVATIVEs】 crusader, crusade
【SYNONYM】 campaign
【Etymology】 [Latin] crux accusative crucem; genitive crucis; stake, cross
【ROOTs】 crus(cruise); stake, cross ade; noun suffix

Other word list containing cruise; cruiser, crusader, cruciform, cruciate, crucifer, cruciferous, crucifixion, crucigerous, cruzeiro, discruciate, excruciate, intercross, recross


crit-, crisi
costa-, cost-
cosm-, cosmo-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: crit-, crisi from Greek krinein, krisis, krima

【crit-, crisi】 are word-forming element usually meaning "judge, separate" from Greek "krinein, krisis, krima" from PIE *krei- "to sieve; discriminate, distinguish" [WORD ROOT]root crit [VARIATION..




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