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BBC Learning English 문법강좌 Angela Merkel - 영국 BBC 6분 영어 문법


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[본문] [10] Well, we're going to find out more about her soon but not before I've challenged you to answer this question, Neil.
[설명] but not before '~하기 전에는 아니다'

[본문] [17] She was in office for 16 years - 'in office' means 'in power' or 'in charge', until she stepped down last month.
[설명] in office '재직 중'
in charge '.…을 맡은, 담당인 '
in power '권력의 자리에 있는,정권을 쥐고 있는'
step down '(후임을 위해, …의 지위를) 퇴진[사직]하다'

[본문] [20] This could be seen as a compliment but started life as more of an insult, as BBC correspondent Damien McGuinness, explained on the BBC Radio programme, From Our Own Correspondent…
[설명] compliment '칭찬'
insult 모욕
as much '그것과 동일한[같은] 것' as more '그것 이상의'

[본문] [21] The 'mummy Merkel' image in fact, started off as an insult from conservative rivals.
[설명] start off '(…하는 것으로) 시작하다[처음에는 …이다]'

[본문] [22] It was made up during her first term in office by hardline conservatives in her predominantly male party.
[설명] make up '(특히 남을 속이거나 즐겁게 하기 위해 이야기 등을) 지어[만들어] 내다'

[본문] [23] A patronising put down behind her back.
[설명] ⑴ 동명사 'patronising'에 관사를 사용하고 있습니다.
⑵ put down '(특히 다른 사람들 앞에서) ~를 바보로 만들다[깎아내리다/깔아뭉개다]'

[본문] [24] Given her dry academic distinctly un-cuddly style, it was meant to be slighly ironic to put her in her place as a woman, possibly even meant to be hurtful, given that in reality she has no children.
[설명] put her in her place '~의 분수를 알게[코를 납작하게] 해 주다', '그들이 되려고 노력한 것 보다 덜 중요하게 느끼도록 만들다'
문장 구조 분석 코너 참조 바랍니다.

[본문] [25] Oh dear, so the nickname of 'mother' was really used as an insult to start with, probably invented by the men in her political party - described as the hardline conservatives - ones with traditional and strict beliefs that can't be changed.
Oh dear, so the nickname of 'mother' was really used as an insult to start with, probably {being} invented by the men in her political party - described as the hardline conservatives - ones with traditional and strict beliefs that can't be changed.
[설명] ⑴ 「invented by ~」는 분사구문으로 being이 생략된 형태입니다.
⑵ 「that can't be changed」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 「beliefs」입니다.
⑶ to start with '처음에는[처음 시작할 때에는]'의 뜻의 관용적 부사구입니다.

[본문] [26] Yes, the nickname was used as a put down - that's an insult, used to make someone feel stupid or embarrassed.
[설명] ⑴ 「used to make ~」는 과거분사로 「insult」를 후위수식합니다. 분사 앞에 '주격관계대명사와 be 동사'가 생략되어 있다고 생각할 수 있습니다.
⑵ 「to make someone feel stupid or embarrassed」은 make 5형식 부정사구입니다. 목적어가 「someone」, 목적격보어가 「feel stupid or embarrassed」입니다.
⑶ put down '사람을 바보로 만드는[깔아뭉개는] 말'
[참조 링크]사역동사 종류 / 지각동사 종류 ( 개념 및 예문 )
[참조 링크]사역동사 + 동사원형 정리 - make, have, let

[본문] [27] And the intention was to make her feel less important - or to put her in her place.
And the intention was ①to make her feel less important - or ②to put her in her place.
[설명] ⑴ 동사 was에 두개의 to부정사 「to make her ~」과 「to put her」이 접속사 or로 연결되어 있습니다.
⑵ 「to make her feel less important」은 make 5형식 구입니다. 목적어가 「her」, 목적격보어가 「feel less ~」입니다. make가 사역동사라서 목적격보어로 원형부정사가 사용되었습니다.
⑶ put her in her place '그녀의 위치에 그녀를 두다' → '그녀의 분수를 알게[코를 납작하게] 해 주다

[본문] [28] Well, politics is full of insults and critics, but it sounds rather cruel, and Damien McGuinness does go on to say that this image is really a 'media myth' and not quite accurate.
[설명] ⑴ 「that this image is ~」의 접속사 that이 명사절을 이끕니다. 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑵ 「not quite accurate」 부분부정문 입니다.
⑶ cruel 잔혹한,잔인한,고통스러운,괴로운
[참조 링크]명사절 that 2 (보어로 쓰이는 that절)

[본문] [29] The media has not always been negative about Angela Merkel.
[설명] 「not always been negative ~」은 always '부분 부정' 표현입니다.

[본문] [30] She is the longest serving amongst current EU leaders and participated in an estimated 100 EU summits.
She is the longest serving {one/person) amongst current EU leaders and participated in an estimated 100 EU summits.
[설명] ⑴ 「the longest serving」은 'the + 형용사'는 형용사를 명사화 한 것입니다. 'one 또는person)이 생략되어 있다고 생각합니다.
⑵ serve '(어떤 사람조직국가 등을 위해) 일[봉사]하다, 근무[복무]하다'

[본문] [31] She has often been described as "the only grown-up in the room".
[설명] ⑴ 「has often been described」은 현재완료 시제입니다. 현재까지의 '계속되는 상황'을 나타냅니다. '지금까지 그래 왔고 앞으로도 계속 그럴 것'의 의미
⑵ grown-up in the room (대부분의 사람들은 그렇지 않지만) 한 사람이 성숙하고 책임감 있는 방식으로 행동하는

[본문] [33] What is true is that following the recent elections in Germany, her successor - the person who became chancellor - will lack the experience and gravitas that Merkel has gained over her 16 years as chancellor.
[설명] ⑴ 「What is true」는 what 관계대명사절로 문장성분은 주어입니다. what을 의문사로 생각하고 '무엇이 사실인가는'이라고 번역해도 관계없을 듯함.
⑵ 「that following the recent ~」의 접속사 that이 명사절을 이끕니다. 문장성분은 보어입니다.
⑶ 「following the recent elections」의 following은 분사에서 파생한 전치사입니다. 파생전치사 또는 분사형 전치사라고 합니다. '… 후에, 에 따라'

[본문] [34] But Damien McGuinness, in his report for the BBC's From Our Own Correspondent programme, concludes that many people aren't sure which of her nicknames is accurate.
[설명] ⑴ 「that many people ~」의 접속사 that이 명사절을 이끕니다. 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑵ 「which of her ~」의 which는 의문대명사입니다. 격은 주격입니다.'
[참조 링크]명사절 that 2 (보어로 쓰이는 that절)

[본문] [35] What word does he use to mean 'phrases or ideas that have become meaningless because they've been overused'?
[설명] 「that have become ~」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 「phrases or ideas」입니다.

[본문] [36] But the confusion around these cliches does point to another truth - The Chancellor is discreet, to the point of sometimes being invisible.
[설명] ⑴ discreet 신중한,조심스러운
⑵ point to ~을 들먹이다,~을 시사하다[나타내다]

[본문] [37] So, there's a fascination about what's really going on behind that deadpan exterior.
[설명] ⑴ 「what's going on」은 '무슨 일이야?', '무슨 일이 일어나고 있어?'의 뜻입니다.
⑵ 전치사 'about'가 목적어로 「what's really going on」절을 취하고 있습니다.
[참조 링크]What's going on? 무슨 일이야? What is going on with you? 도대체 뭐가 문제야?
[참조 링크]영어를 연습하자! - What is going on? / It's gonna be fine. / I will be there with ~

[본문] [38] Angela Merkel may have been in power for more than a decade and a half, but people are still not really sure they know who she is.
[설명] in power '권력의 자리에 있는,정권을 쥐고 있는'

[본문] [39] He used the word cliches to mean 'phrases or ideas that have become meaningless because they've been overused.'.
[설명] 「that have become ~」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 'phrases or ideas'입니다.

[본문] [40] People are unsure which description of her is true because she is discreet - she keeps quiet about things so as not to attract attention.
People are unsure which description of her {nicknames} is true because she is discreet - she keeps quiet about things so as not to attract attention.
[설명] ⑴ her 뒤에 'nicknames'가 생략되어 있습니다.
⑵ discreet 신중한,조심스러운
⑶ unsure '확신하지 못하는,의심스러워하는,자신 없는'
⑷ attract attention 주의를 끌다, 눈에 띄다

[본문] [41] Yes, it's hard to know what she is thinking because she looks deadpan - that means she looks serious and doesn't show expression or emotion.
Yes, it's hard to know what she is thinking because she looks deadpan - that means {that} she looks serious and doesn't show expression or emotion.
[설명] ⑴ It to 구문입니다. 「to know what ~」이 진주어입니다.
⑵ 「what she is thinking ~」 관계대명사절 what절의 문장 성분은 'to know' 부정사구의 목적어 입니다.
⑶ 「that means」 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 생략되었습니다.
⑷ deadpan 진지한 표정의[무표정한]

[본문] [42] Hmmm, I wonder if Germany's first ever chancellor had a deadpan exterior?
[설명] exterior 외부[겉]의,옥외의

[본문] [48] Now it's time to recap some of the vocabulary we've mentioned today, starting with chancellor - the person in the highest position in a government in some countries.
Now it's time to recap some of the vocabulary {which/that} we've mentioned today, starting with chancellor - the person in the highest position in a government in some countries.
[설명] 선행사 「vocabulary」 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 생략되어 있습니다.

[본문] [49] Hardline describes someone with traditional and strict beliefs that can't be easily changed.
[설명] Hardline 강경한 태도,강경책

[본문] [52] Cliches are phrases or ideas that have become meaningless because they've been overused.
[설명] 「that have become ~」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 'phrases or ideas'입니다.

[본문] [63] Angela Merkel, who is stepping down after 16 years leading Germany, has often been referred to as 'mutti' - which means 'mother' in German.
[설명] step down '(후임을 위해, …의 지위를) 퇴진[사직]하다'

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