English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: doct- from Latin docere, decere, doctus

새내기할배 2023. 3. 28. 11:48





【doct-】 is word-forming element
usually meaning "teach"

from Latin "docere, decere, doctus"
from PIE *dek- "to take, accept"

[WORD ROOT]root doct
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] doct, doci, docu, doctr
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) docere, decere, doctus
[MEANING]root teach


  • 【Latin】 docere causative of decere; to show, teach, cause to know
  • 【Latin】 doctus Perfect passive participle of doceo/docere] having been taught, instructed, trained, learned, skilled
  • 【Latin】 decere be seemly, fitting


docile, doct, doctor, doctrinal, doctrine, document, documentary, documentation, indocile


Please see Word information in detail as follows;

docile [adjective] from docile < doct
【DEFINITION】 A person or animal that is docile is quiet, not aggressive, and easily controlled.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 easily taught, quick to learn,
【DERIVATIVEs】 docilely, docility, docile
【ROOTs】 doci(doct); teach ile; adjective suffix

doct [combining form] from doct
【DEFINITION】 to show, teach, cause to know
【Etymology】 [Latin] docere causative of decere; to show, teach, cause to know
【ROOTs】 doct; teach

doctor [noun] from doctor < doct
【DEFINITION】 A doctor is someone who is qualified in medicine and treats people who are ill.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 Church father
【pl.】 doctors
【DERIVATIVEs】 doctoral, doctorhood, doctorial, doctorless, doctorship, doctor
【 Full ☞ Dr】
【ROOTs】 doct; teach or; noun suffix

doctrinal [adjective] from doctrine < doct
【DEFINITION】 Doctrinal means relating to doctrines.
【DERIVATIVEs】 doctrinal, doctrinality, doctrinally, doctrinism, doctrinist, doctrine
【ROOTs】 doctr(doct); teach in(ine); adjective suffix al; adjective suffix

doctrine [noun] from doctrine < doct
【DEFINITION】 A doctrine is a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious ones.
【pl.】 doctrines
【DERIVATIVEs】 doctrinal, doctrinality, doctrinally, doctrinism, doctrinist, doctrine
【ROOTs】 doctr(doct); teach ine; adjective suffix

document [noun] from document < doct
【DEFINITION】 A document is one or more official pieces of paper with writing on them.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a doctrine;
【pl.】 documents
【DERIVATIVEs】 document, documentable, documentarily, documentary, documentation, documenter
【ROOTs】 docu(doct); teach ment; noun suffix

documentary [noun] from document < doct
【DEFINITION】 A documentary is a television or radio programme, or a film, which shows real events or provides information about a particular subject.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to or derived from documents
【pl.】 documentaries
【DERIVATIVEs】 document, documentable, documentarily, documentary, documentation, documenter
【COMPOSITION】 document + ary
【ROOTs】 docu(doct); teach ment; noun suffix ary; noun suffix

documentation [noun] from document < doct
【DEFINITION】 Documentation consists of documents which provide proof or evidence of something, or are a record of something.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 admonition, instruction, teaching,
【DERIVATIVEs】 document, documentable, documentary, documentation, documenter
【ROOTs】 docu(doct); teach ment; noun suffix ation(ion); noun suffix

indocile [adjective] from docile < doct
【DEFINITION】 difficult to discipline or instruct
【COMPOSITION】 in + docile
【ROOTs】 in; not doci(doct); teach ile; adjective suffix




Other word list containing doct-; doctorhood, doctorship, doctorless, doctoral, doctorial, indoctrinate, indoctrination


dipl-, diplo-
dic-, dict-



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