English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: dipl-, diplo- from Greek diploos, diplous, diploun, diploma

새내기할배 2023. 3. 22. 09:43


【dipl-, diplo-】 are word-forming element
usually meaning "twofold"

from Greek "diploos, diplous, diploun, diplosis, diploma"

from PIE *pel- "⑴pale; ⑸to thrust, strike, drive; ⑸ to thrust, strike, drive"

[WORD ROOT]root dipl
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] dipl, diplo
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) diploos, diplous, diploun, diploma
[MEANING]root twofold


  • 【Greek】 diploos double
  • 【Greek】 diplous double
  • 【Greek】 diploma [from diploun] (plural diplomata) licence, chart; (originally) paper folded double
  • 【Greek】 diploun [from diploos+-oma, ] to double, fold over


diplo, diplococcus, diploma, diplomacy, diplomat, diplomate, diplomatic, diplomatics

Please see Word information in detail as follows;




diplo [combining form] from diplo
【DEFINITION】 ① double; twofold
② diploid
【Etymology】 [Greek] diplous double
【ROOTs】 diplo(dipl); twofold

diplococcus [noun] from diplo
【DEFINITION】 any of various spherical Gram-positive bacteria that occur in pairs, esp any of the genus Diplococcus, such as D. pneumoniae, which causes pneumonia: family Lactobacillaceae
【Etymology】 [Greek] diplous double
【ROOTs】 diplo(dipl); twofold coccus(cocco); berry, seed

diploma [noun] from diploma < diplo
【DEFINITION】 A diploma is a qualification which may be awarded to a student by a university or college, or by a high school in the United States. a new two-year course leading to a diploma in social work.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 state paper, official document,
【Etymology】 [Greek] diploma [from diploun] (plural diplomata) licence, chart; (originally) paper folded double
【ROOTs】 dipl; twofold oma; noun suffix

diplomacy [noun] from diploma < diplo
【DEFINITION】 Diplomacy is the activity or profession of managing relations between the governments of different countries.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 the science of formal intercourse between nations through authorized agents; the art of negotiating and drafting treaties;
【pl.】 diplomacies
【DERIVATIVEs】 diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatically, diplomacy
【SYNONYM】 tact
【COMPOSITION】 diploma + cy
【Etymology】 [Latin] diplomatis [genitive of diploma] official document conferring a privilege
【ROOTs】 dipl; twofold oma; noun suffix cy; noun suffix

diplomat [noun] from diplomacy < diplo
【DEFINITION】 A diplomat is a senior official who discusses affairs with another country on behalf of his or her own country, usually working as a member of an embassy.
【DERIVATIVEs】 diplomat, diplomatic, diplomacy
【Etymology】 [Latin] diplomatis [genitive of diploma] official document conferring a privilege
【ROOTs】 dipl; twofold om(oma); suffix at(ate); noun suffix

diplomate [noun] from diplomat < diplo
【DEFINITION】 any person who has been granted a diploma, esp a physician certified as a specialist
【SYNONYM】 muse
【Etymology】 [Greek] diplous double
【ROOTs】 dipl; twofold ate; noun suffix

diplomatic [adjective] from diplomat < diplo
【DEFINITION】 Diplomatic means relating to diplomacy and diplomats.
【DERIVATIVEs】 diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatically, diplomacy
【SYNONYM】 tactful
【Etymology】 [Greek] diplous double
【ROOTs】 dipl; twofold om(oma); noun suffix atic; adjective suffix

diplomatics [noun] from diplomat < diplo
【DEFINITION】 the critical study of historical documents
【pl.】 [PL]
【COMPOSITION】 diplomat + ics
【Etymology】 [Greek] diplous double
【ROOTs】 dipl; twofold om(oma); noun suffix atic; adjective suffix s; noun suffix



Other word list containing dipl-, diplo-; diplomatically, diploblasty, diploid, diploidy, diplonema, diplophase, diplopia, diplosis, diplotene, haplodiploid, haplodiploidy


dic-, dict-



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