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BBC Learning English 문법강좌 What’s the key to happiness? - 영국 BBC 6분 영어 문법


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[본문] [09] Ah, so you're someone who tries to see the glass half full - you generally look at things in a positive way.
[설명] 선행사 「someone」 뒤의 who는 주격 관계대명사입니다.

[본문] [11] It may seem strange to be discussing happiness in the middle of a global pandemic but right now feeling happy is more important than ever.
[설명] ⑴ may는 '추측, 추정'을 나타냅니다.
⑵ it to 가주어 구문입니다. 진주어는 「to be discussing ~」입니다.

[본문] [12] Well then, it's lucky that happiness is the subject of this programme, Georgina.
[설명] it that 가주어 구문입니다. 진주어는 「that 절」입니다.

[본문] [13] And while many things seem to be out of our control just now, there are small things we can do to feel better about life…
And while many things seem to be out of our control just now, there are small things {which/that} we can do to feel better about life…
[설명] ⑴ 선행사 「small things 」 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 생략되어 있습니다.
⑵ while (접속사) '[문장 맨 첫 부분에 쓰여] …이긴 하지만, …에도 불구하고'

[본문] [15] You're talking like a Dane now, Georgina.
[설명] Dane '덴마크 사람'

[본문] [16] Denmark, and in fact all the Nordic countries, are often listed as among the happiest places in the world.
[설명] Nordic '북유럽 국가의'

[본문] [17] You know what would make me happy, Neil?
[설명] what은 의문대명사입니다. 의문사절(명사절)/의문문을 이끕니다. 문장성분은 목적어입니다.

[본문] [20] Well, did you know that every year the UN publishes its Global Happiness Survey revealing the happiest countries in the world?
[설명] ⑴ you 주어 know 동사 that절이 목적절인 3형식 문장
⑵ 「revealing ~」은(는) 현재분사로 「Survey」를 후위수식합니다. 분사 앞에 '주격관계대명사와 be 동사'가 생략되어 있다고 생각할 수 있습니다.
⑶ reveal '(보이지 않던 것을) 드러내 보이다'

[본문] [21] It's based on factors like income, life expectancy and health.
[설명] life expectancy '기대 수명[여명]'

[본문] [22] The Nordic countries often come in the top ten, but which country was rated the happiest in 2020?
[설명] come in '(경주에서 몇 위로) 들어오다'
rate '(특정한 수준으로) 평가하다[여기다]; 평가되다[여겨지다]'

[본문] [25] Well, Neil, Denmark is famous for bacon, and nothing makes me happier than a bacon sandwich, so I'll say b) Denmark.
[설명] '~ happier than ~'은 비교급 구문입니다.

[본문] [27] We'll find out the answer later, but you're certainly right to say that Denmark is considered one of the happiest countries in the world.
[설명] 「be동사+형용사+to부정사 구문」입니다. to부정사s는 부사적 용법으로 형용사를 수식합니다.
[참조 링크]be + 형용사 + to 부정사

[본문] [28] Malene Rydahl, author of the bestselling book, Happy as a Dane, believes that aspects of Danish culture can help us improve our chances of happiness.
Malene Rydahl, author of the bestselling book, Happy as a Dane, believes {that} that aspects of Danish culture can help us improve our chances of happiness.
[설명] ⑴ Malene Rydahl가 주어 believes가 동사 that절이 목적어인 3형식 구조입니다.
⑵ 「believes」 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 생략되었습니다.
⑶ 「can help us improve ~」는 help 5형식 문장을 만들고 있습니다. 'us'가 목적어, 'improve'가 목적격 보어입니다.

[본문] [31] Well, I think we should be seeking alignment and I think we should practise gratitude and I think that we should be more conscious about how we relate to things that happen to us and how much we compare ourselves to others… I do think that what we need to focus on is the quality of our relationships.
문장 구조 분석 코너 참조 바랍니다.

[본문] [32] Did you hear Malene use the word alignment?
Did you hear {that} Malene use the word alignment?
[설명] ⑴ 「hear」 뒤에 접속사 that이 생략되었습니다.
⑵ that절 내부에 동사원형이 쓰이면 가정형 구문입니다
[참조 링크]that 절 (종속절) 안에 동사원형 Subjunctive

[본문] [34] We should be in alignment - or in the correct relation, to those things.
[설명] alignment '가지런함 일직선'

[본문] [35] Malene also thinks happiness comes from gratitude - feeling grateful and expressing thanks to other people.
[설명] gratitude '고마움'
grateful '고마워하는, 감사하는'

[본문] [36] She recommends finding three things, no matter how small, to be grateful for every day.
[설명] ⑴ 「no matter how」 접속사 '어떻게 ~ 하든지(하더라도)' 문장 내에 삽입되어 있습니다.
⑵ 「to be grateful for every day」는 to부정사 형용사적 용법으로 「three things」를 후위 수식합니다.

[본문] [39] It may sound strange but doing this every day can really boost your happiness levels.
[설명] ⑴ 「sound ~」의 'sound'는 be 형식의 2형식 문장을 만드는 연결동사로 '상태의 유지'를 나타냅니다. '~처럼 보이다/들리다'의 뜻
⑵ 「doing this every day」은 동명사(구)입니다. 문장성분은 주어입니다.
⑶ boost '신장시키다 북돋우다'

[본문] [40] Malene also warns against seeking happiness in external things, as you can hear in this chat with BBC World Service's, The Conversation:
[설명] ⑴ as절은 부사절로 '상황. 여건'의 의미를 갖습니다. ~하듯이, ~하는 대로
⑵ against (전치사) '~에 반대하여[맞서]'

[본문] [41] If you seek happiness and you mistake it for pleasure, you will be running around like a little hamster in a wheel because it's never enough and because you will be very quickly the victim of the hedonic treadmill… and the hedonic treadmill is… you know, you want something, you think if you're more beautiful, if you get more power, if you get more money and fame and then you'll finally be happy… and then you get it and you get a small satisfaction.
⑴ If you seek happiness and you mistake it for pleasure, you will be running around like a little hamster in a wheel because it's never enough and because you will be very quickly the victim of the hedonic treadmill… and ⑵ the hedonic treadmill is… you know, you want something, you think if you're more beautiful, if you get more power, if you get more money and fame and then you'll finally be happy… and then you get it and you get a small satisfaction.
[설명] ⑴ 두개의 큰 문장 ⑴⑵로 구성되어 있습니다.
⑵ run around '바삐 달리다'
hedonic treadmill '쾌락의 쳇바퀴'
문장 구조 분석 코너 참조 바랍니다.

[본문] [42] According to Malene, chasing external pleasures like money and fame will leave you feeling like a hamster on a wheel - like someone who's always busy but never accomplishes anything useful or finishes what they start.
[설명] ⑴ 「chasing ~ 」은 동명사(구)입니다. 문장성분은 주어입니다.
⑵ 「like money and fame」는 전치사명사구로 형용사 기능을 합니다. 「pleasures」를 후위 수식합니다. 「like a hamster on a wheel」는 전치사명사구로 형용사 기능을 합니다. 「feeling」을 후위 수식합니다.
⑶ 「leave」는 5형식 문장을 만들고 있습니다. 'you'가 목적어 'feeling like a hamster on a wheel'가 목적격 보어입니다.
⑷ 선행사 「someone」 뒤의 who는 주격 관계대명사입니다.
⑸ 「anything useful」 thing으로 끝나는 대명사를 수식하는 형용사는 뒤에서 수식합니다.

[본문] [43] She also says it's easy to become a victim of the hedonic treadmill.
[설명] ⑴ it to 가주어 구문입니다. 진주어는 「to to become a ~」입니다.
⑵ hedonic treadmill '쾌락의 쳇바퀴'

[본문] [44] This is the idea that humans adapt to whatever level of happiness they achieve.
[설명] ⑴ 「that humans adapt ~」절의 접속사 that은 동격의 that입니다. 「the idea」와 that 명사절은 동격관계에 있습니다.
⑵ 「whatever ~ 」절은 명사절로 전치사 to의 목적어입니다.
⑶ adapt to '~에 적응하다'

[본문] [45] As we make more money, meet the perfect boyfriend or whatever we desire, our expectations also increase, so we never find the happiness we hoped we would!
As we make more money, meet the perfect boyfriend or whatever we desire, our expectations also increase, so we never find the happiness {that/which} we hoped {that/which} we would {hope)!
[설명] ⑴ whatever 양보 부사절
⑵ 「happiness」 뒤에 관계대명사 that 또는 which가 연달아 생략되었습니다.
⑶ as (접속사} ' …대로, ~하더라도'
⑷ 「we would」 뒤에 동사 'hope'이 생략되어 있습니다. 반복 구조에서 중복되는 동사 둥은 생략할 수 있습니다.

[본문] [46] 'Money can't buy happiness', as my grandma used to say.
[설명] 'used to'는 비교적 장기간에 걸친 과거의 상습적인 동작을 표현합니다.

[본문] [48] In fact, it's probably the quality of our relationships, not external objects, that gives satisfaction - the pleasure we feel when we achieve something we wanted to.
In fact, it's probably the quality of our relationships, not external objects, that gives satisfaction - the pleasure {that/which} we feel when we achieve something {that/which} we wanted to {achieve}.
[설명] ⑴ 「that gives ~」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고 선행사는 「the quality of our relationships」입니다.
⑵ 선행사 「something」 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 생략되어 있습니다.
⑶ 「we wanted to」 뒤에 동사 'achieve'가 생략되어 있습니다. 반복 구조에서 중복되는 동사 둥은 생략할 수 있습니다.
⑷ quality '특성 특징'

[본문] [49] Lots of useful tips there, Georgina, for feeling as happy as a Dane.
{There are} Lots of useful tips there, Georgina, for feeling as happy as a Dane.
[설명] ⑴ 글머리에 「there are」가 생략되어 있습니다.
⑵ 「as happy as」는 「as ~ as」 동등 비교구문입니다.
[참조 링크]as 형용사 as 비교구문 / 두 as의 차이점

[본문] [51] So I got the correct answer?
[설명] 「get answer」는 get 디렉시칼 동사 구문입니다. '답변하다'의 뜻을 갖습니다.

[본문] [52] In my quiz question I asked Georgina which Nordic country was rated happiest in the UN's 2020 global survey.
[설명] ⑴ 「which Nordic country was ~」의 which는 의문 형용사입니다.
⑵ rate '(특정한 수준으로) 평가하다[여기다]; 평가되다[여겨지다]'

[본문] [56] OK, let's recap the vocabulary and start seeing the glass half full - looking at things in a positive way.
[설명] recap '개요를 말하다(recapitulate)'

[본문] [57] Happiness might be all about alignment - being in the correct relation to things.
[설명] alignment '가지런함'

[본문] [59] Feeling like a hamster on a wheel means you're always busy doing things but without getting satisfaction - the pleasant feeling of achieving something you really wanted to.
Feeling like a hamster on a wheel means {that} you're always busy doing things but without getting satisfaction - the pleasant feeling of achieving something {that/which} you really wanted to {achieve).
[설명] ⑴ but 부사입니다. but이 부사로 쓰이면 only의 의미입니다. 우리말 '그러나'의 의미를 그대로 가져가도 문맥은 자연스럽습니다. but는 접속사일 수 없습니다. 연결할 대상이 없기 때문입니다. 전치사로 볼 수도 없습니다. 이미 전치사 without가 사용되고 있습니다.
⑵ 「the pleasant feeling of achieving ~」의 of는 주격의 of입니다. 'A of B' 관계에서 'B가 A하는 것'이라는 주어-술어의 의미를 갖습니다. '무언가를 성취하는 즐거운 느낌'
⑶ 선행사 「something」 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 생략되어 있습니다.
⑷ 「really wanted to 」 뒤에 동사 'achieve'가 생략되어 있습니다. 반복 구조에서 중복되는 동사 둥은 생략할 수 있습니다.

[본문] [60] Finally, the reason happiness often escapes us may involve the hedonic treadmill - the human tendency to return to the same level of happiness after something very good or very bad has happened.
Finally, the reason {why} happiness often escapes us may involve the hedonic treadmill - the human tendency to return to the same level of happiness after something very good or very bad has happened.
[설명] ⑴ 주어가 the reason, (술어)동사구가 may involve, 목적어가 the hedonic treadmill인 3형식 문장입니다.
⑵ 「the reason」 뒤에 관계부사 why가 생략되었습니다.
⑶ may는 '추측, 추정'을 나타냅니다.
⑷ 「something very good or very bad ~」의 something 등과 같이 thing으로 끝나는 대명사'를 수식하는 형용사는 뒤에서 수식합니다.
⑶ hedonic treadmill '쾌락의 쳇바퀴'

[본문] [62] We hope it's lifted your spirits and given you some useful vocabulary as well.
We hope {that} it's lifted your spirits and given you some useful vocabulary as well.
[설명] lift '(기분사기 등이[을]) 좋아[홀가분해]지다[좋아지게 하다/북돋우다]'

[본문] [65] You'll find programmes about many topics that will help to keep you entertained and learning at the same time.
[설명] 「that will help to ~」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 「many topics」입니다.

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