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BBC Learning English 문법강좌 Looking for utopia - 영국 BBC 6분 영어 문법


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[본문] [05] In this programme we're looking for utopia.
[설명] look for '찾다, 구하다; 기대하다'

[본문] [06] You mean a perfect world - a place where everyone lives together in harmony.
[설명] ⑴ where는 관계부사입니다, 선행사는 「a place」입니다.
⑵ in harmony '(…와) 조화되어; 협조하여'

[본문] [08] Umm probably not, but it's something we aspire to create - a happy place where everyone is cared for and nobody goes without.
Umm probably not, but it's something {that/which} we aspire to create - a happy place where everyone is cared for and nobody goes without.
[설명] ⑴ 선행사 「something」 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 생략되어 있습니다.
⑵ where는 관계부사입니다, 선행사는 「a happy place」입니다.
⑶ aspire '~ 열망[염원]하다'
care for '~를 보살피다[돌보다]'
go without '(~이) 없이 견디다'

[본문] [09] Well let me know if you find it, and I'll head there straight away.
[설명] straight away '즉시[지체 없이]'

[본문] [10] Well, one place that is trying to be like that is the Dutch city of Amsterdam.
[설명] ⑴ 「that is trying to be like that」의 앞의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 「one place」입니다. 뒤의 that은 지시대명사입니다.
⑵ 주어가 one place, 동사가 is인 2형식문장입니다.
⑶ one {형용사, 한정사} '.하나(의), 1; 한'
⑷ like (형용사) '같은, 동일한(equal); 비슷한, 유사한(similar)'

[본문] [11] We're going to be finding out what they're doing with the help of some doughnuts!
[설명] ⑴ what은 의문대명사입니다. 의문사절(명사절)/의문문을 이끕니다. 문장성분은 목적어 입니다.
⑵ do with '…을 처리하다(=use for) …와 관계가 있다(=concern)'

[본문] [12] But first, Georgina, I have a perfect question for you!
[설명] 「have a question」은 have 디렉시컬 동사 구문입니다. '질문하다'라는 뜻입니다.

[본문] [16] That's tricky, but I imagine that - if only for the scenery - it's a) Finland.
[설명] ⑴ 접속사 that은 명사절을 이끕니다. 문장성분은 '목적어' 입니다. that절은 문장 끝의 'it's a) Finland'입니다.
⑵ 두 대시 내부믄 삽입절로 if only 가정절입니다.
⑶ if only는 실현하기 어려운 소망이나 유감을 나타내는 가정법의 가정문을 이끕니다.
문장 구조 분석 코너 참조 바랍니다.

[본문] [17] OK, Georgina, I'll tell you if you are right or wrong later on.
[설명] ⑴ tell은 4형식 문장을 구성합니다. 직접목적어는 'you' 간접목적어는 if 명사절입니다.
⑵ if절은 명사절입니다. 문장성분은 '목적어'입니다.
⑶ later on '나중에 후[뒤]에'

[본문] [18] Anyway, let's get back to Amsterdam - a city that's doing its best to use creative ideas to be sustainable.
[설명] ⑴ 「that's doing its ~」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 「a city」입니다.
⑵ get back '(특히 자기 집에) 돌아오다'
sustainable '(환경 파괴 없이) 지속 가능한'

[본문] [19] That's right, and it's using the concept of a ring doughnut to use as a model for its sustainability.
[설명] 「to use ~」는 to부정사의 부사적용법(목적)입니다. '~하기 위하여'의 의미를 나타냅니다.

[본문] [20] Economist Kate Raworth, who we will hear from shortly, describes this as "a picture of 21st Century prosperity for humanity."
[설명] who는 선행사 「Kate Raworth」의 의미를 보충 설명하는 비제한적 용법의 관계대명사입니다.
[참조 링크]비제한적 용법의 관계사(관계대명사, 관계부사) 용법 실전 예문 - BBC Learning English

[본문] [21] Now thinking of this 'ring doughnut' - the idea is not to leave anyone in the hole in the middle falling short on the essentials of life - but at the same time not going beyond the outer ring, because there we put so much pressure on our planetary home it can cause climate change.
⑴Now thinking of this 'ring doughnut' - the idea is not to leave anyone in the hole in the middle falling short on the essentials of life - but at the same time not going beyond the outer ring, ⑵because there we put so much pressure on our planetary home it can cause climate change.
[설명] ⑴ because절(⑵번 절)과 주절(⑴번 절)로 구성된 복문입니다.
⑵ 「to leave anyone ~ 」는 5형식 구조의 (to)부정사구입니다. 목적어는 'anyone', 목적격보어는 'falling short ~'입니다.} 동사 leave가 5형식 문형을 만들고 있습니다.
문장 구조 분석 코너 참조 바랍니다.

[본문] [22] So, here is Kate Raworth speaking on the BBC World Service programme, People Fixing the World, talking about how Amsterdam is trying to fit into this 'doughnut' approach…
[설명] ⑴ 「speaking」은 현재분사로 「Kate Raworth」을 후위수식합니다. 분사 앞에 '주격관계대명사와 be 동사'가 생략되어 있다고 생각할 수 있습니다.
⑵ 「talking about ~」은 '~하면서'의 뜻을 나타내는 분사구문입니다. 주절과 동시 동작 또는 연속적 동작을 나타냅니다.
⑶ fit into '…에 꼭 들어맞다 적합[적응]하다 어울리다'

[본문] [23] Amsterdam has started with a goal of saying we want to be a thriving, inclusive, regenerative city for all residents while respecting planetary boundaries - that's like saying we want our city to live in the doughnut.
Amsterdam has started with a goal of saying {that} we want to be a thriving, inclusive, regenerative city for all residents while respecting planetary boundaries - that's like saying {that} we want our city to live in the doughnut.
[설명] ⑴ 「saying」 뒤에 동격 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 생략되었습니다. 대시(-)로 연결된 문장에서도 saying 뒤에 동격 명사절을 이끄는 that이 생략되어 있습니다.
⑵ 「while respecting planetary boundaries 」은 분사구문입니다. 분사구문은 대개 접속사를 생략하지만 의미를 살리기 위해 그대로 두기도 합니다.
⑶ 두 번째 that 동격절 내부는 5형식입니다.
「our city」가 목적어, 'to live in the doughnut'가 목적격 보어입니다. .
⑷ thriving (형용사) '번성[번영]하는 번화한; 성대한'
inclusive '폭넓은 포괄적인'
regenerative '재생시키는; 개신하는 개조하는'

[본문] [25] […] How do we change the way that people travel?
[설명] 「that people travel」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고, 선행사는 「the way」입니다.

[본문] [26] Start asking very different questions from the outdated economic mindset that they were taught before.
[설명] outdated '구식인'
mindset '사고방식'

[본문] [27] Interesting stuff from Kate Raworth there.
{There is} Interesting stuff from Kate Raworth there.
[설명] ⑴ 글머리의 there is는 비격식체에서는 생략이 가능합니다.
⑵ 문장 끝의 there는 부사로 생각됩니다.

[본문] [28] The people of Amsterdam are trying to live within the doughnut!
[설명] 동사 + to부정사 구문입니다. 이 때의 to부정사는 문장에서 목적어가 됩니다.

[본문] [29] Their aim is to live and look after each other without harming the planet.
Their aim is to ①live and ②look after each other without harming the planet.
[설명] ⑴ 부정사 to에 두개의 둥사가 to를 공유하는 구조로 and 접속사로 연결되어 있습니다.
⑵look after '~을 맡다[돌보다/건사하다]'

[본문] [30] It's a big aim - but they want their city to be thriving - so growing and being successful.
It's a big aim - but they want their city to be ①thriving - so ②growing and ③being successful.
[설명] ⑴ ①thriving, ②growing, ③being successful 등 세 개의 동명사가 be에 연결되어 있습니다.
⑵ thriving '번창하다,잘 자라다'

[본문] [31] And it wants to be inclusive - including everyone and treating them equally.
[설명] inclusive '폭넓은, 포괄적인'

[본문] [32] This is beginning to sound like utopia, Rob!
[설명] sound like '~처럼 들리다'

[본문] [33] To achieve this, Kate talked about using locally-sourced materials for building and thinking about how people travel around - basically making it a sustainable city.
To achieve this, Kate talked about ①using locally-sourced materials for building and ②thinking about how people travel around - ③basically making it a sustainable city.
[설명] ⑴ talked about애 세 개의 V-ing형이 연결되어 있습니다.
⑵ locally-sourced materials '자체 조달된 원자재'

[본문] [34] It's about people thinking differently and not doing things in the same way they've always been done.
It's about people ①thinking differently and ②not doing things in the same way they've always been done.
[설명] the way는 방법을 나타내는 관계부사입니다. 원래는 'the way + how'였지만 지금은 the way나 how 중 하나만을 써야 합니다.

[본문] [35] It involves changing the way people think, or their mindset.
[설명] ⑴ the way는 방법을 나타내는 관계부사입니다. 원래는 'the way + how'였지만 지금은 the way나 how 중 하나만을 써야 합니다.
⑵ mindset '사고방식[태도]'

[본문] [36] Another idea from the Netherlands that fits the doughnut model is the making of recycled jeans.
[설명] ⑴ 「the making of recycled jeans」의 of는 ''목적격의 of'입니다. A of B의 관계에서 B를 A.하는 것'이라는 '목적어+술어'의 의미 맥락을 갖습니다,
⑵ fit '설치[설비]하다'

[본문] [37] The People Fixing the World programme visited a company where old jeans were mixed with new organic cotton to make new ones.
[설명] organic cotton '유기농 면'

[본문] [38] The new ones might not be affordable for everyone, but they do reduce cotton production and the use of chemicals and water.
[설명] affordable '줄 수 있는; 입수 가능한, <가격이> 알맞은'

[본문] [42] If you take the doughnut economy and you see the insides of the circles - if you break that boundary, mistreat people, and you have people making your jeans but they don't have any social security, or any liberty, or any medical care, those kind of things, you will never be able to make nice jeans - it has to become human again, making clothing.
[설명] 본문은 가정법 현재 구문입니다.
가정절이 두 개의 if 절로 구성되어 있습니다.
문장 구조 분석 코너 참조 바랍니다.

[본문] [43] Bert van Son sees the benefit of the doughnut economy by treating people fairly and with respect - the opposite is to mistreat.
[설명] mistreat.'학대[혹사]하다'

[본문] [44] He thinks they should have things such as social security - a payment system by governments that helps people live a reasonable life.
He thinks {that} they should have things such as social security - a payment system by governments that helps people live a reasonable life.
[설명] ⑴ 「He thinks 」 뒤에 접속사 that이 생략되었습니다.
⑵ 「that helps people ~」의 that은 관계대명사 입니다. 격은 주격이고 선행사는 「governments」입니다.
⑶ that절 내부는 help 5형식 구조 문장입니다. 목적어가 「people」, 목적격보어가 「live a reasonable life」입니다. help가 사역동사이므로 원형부정사 live가 사용되고 있습니다.

[본문] [45] And he says you can't make 'nice' jeans without being human - he doesn't just mean being a person, but being someone with compassion, feelings and respect for others.
And he says {that} you can't make 'nice' jeans without being human - he doesn't just mean being a person, but being someone with compassion, feelings and respect for others.
[설명] compassion '연민,동정심'

[본문] [54] Finland is top of the list for the third year in a row, with Denmark coming in second.
[설명] in a row '잇달아[연이어]'

[본문] [62] To mistreat someone is to treat them badly or cruelly.
[설명] cruelly '잔혹하게,무참하게,지독히,몹시'

[본문] [67] Many people aspire to create a happy place where everyone is cared for and nobody goes without.
[설명] ⑴ where는 관계부사입니다, 선행사는 「a happy place」입니다.
⑵ aspire '~ 열망[염원]하다'
care for '~를 보살피다[돌보다] '

[본문] [68] Rob and Georgina talk about how to create utopia.
[설명] 「how to부정사」구는 명사구입니다. 본문에서 about의 목적어입니다.

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