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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - Singing in tune [BBC Learning English 강좌]


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after all [부사] [6Rank; 121] [전치사부사구]
[본문] [58]So, Neil, maybe you should keep singing, after all!
[영한] ⒨ ① (예상과는 달리) 결국에는 ② 어쨌든(설명/이유를 덧붙일 때)
[구성단어] after + all

agree with [동사] [6Rank; 262]
[본문] [22]I'm sure your karaoke buddies would agree with you, Neil.
[영영] ① 1.(about/on something) to have the same opinion as somebody
② 2. to make somebody feel happy or healthy
③ to approve of something, especially a policy or a belief
[영한] ⒨ ~에 동의하다
[구성단어] agree + with

come with [동사] [6Rank; 145] [구동사]
[본문] [60]Maybe you'd like to come with me to karaoke next time we're allowed out?
[영영] 1.to be included with or as part of something
[영한] ⒨ 이 딸려 있다
[구성단어] come + with

depend on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 141] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [39]The pitch of that sound, how high or low it is, depends on the frequency of their vibration, so if you want to hit the right note they need to be working properly.
[영영] ① to need help or support from somebody/something in order to live or to manage in a particular situation
② to be affected by or decided by somebody/something
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 신뢰하다[믿다] ② (어떤 일이 있을 것임을) 확신하다[믿다] ③ (보통 진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) (~을 위해) ~에게 (돈/도움 등을) 기대다[의존하다] ④ (진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음) ~에 달려 있다[~에 의해 결정되다]
[유의어] count on
[구성단어] depend + on

health benefit [명사]
[본문] [54]Whether you're tone deaf or pitch perfect, there's lots of evidence for the health benefits of singing.
[영한] ⒨ 건강상의 이익[이점]
[활용] 복수형; health benefits
[구성단어] health + benefit

hit the right note [동사]
[본문] [39]The pitch of that sound, how high or low it is, depends on the frequency of their vibration, so if you want to hit the right note they need to be working properly.
[영영] do, say or write something that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion
[영한] ⒨ (상황에) 적절한 행동[말]을 하다
[유의어] strike the right note(적절한 행동을 하다)
[반의어] hit the wrong note(적절한 행동을 하다), strike the wrong note(적절한 행동을 하다)
[구성단어] hit + the + right + note

in tune [부사]
[본문] [13]I heard you singing at the Christmas party and to be honest I think you might be tone deaf - you know, you can't sing in tune.
[영영] ① in a state in which the correct musical sound is played or sung
② in a state in which people agree with or understand one another
③ in a state in which one thing agrees with or matches another ?usually + with
[영한] ⒨ 가락이 조화되어[with]
[구성단어] in + tune

keep it up [동사]
[본문] [53]I think there's reason for you to be hopeful and however accurate or inaccurate your singing is, one recommendation I would have for you is to keep singing because there is evidence that singing itself, whether accurate or inaccurate, has benefits socially and also for stress responses, so good reason for you to keep it up!
[영영] used to tell somebody to continue doing something as well as they are already doing it
[영한] ⒨ 계속하다, 계속해 나가다
[구성단어] keep + it + up

keep up [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 287] [★★]
[본문] [53]I think there's reason for you to be hopeful and however accurate or inaccurate your singing is, one recommendation I would have for you is to keep singing because there is evidence that singing itself, whether accurate or inaccurate, has benefits socially and also for stress responses, so good reason for you to keep it up!
[영영] ① to maintain (prices, one's morale) at the present level
② to maintain a pace or rate set by another
③ to remain informed
[영한] ⒨ ① (물가/수준 등이) 내려가지 않게 하다 ② (동일한 정도로) ~을 계속하다 ③ (사기 등이) 떨어지지 않게 하다 ④ ~을 계속 이용하다[행하다] ⑤ (집/정원 등을) 계속 손질하다[가꾸다]
[유의어] maintain
[구성단어] keep + up

listen out for [동사] [6Rank; 148] [구동사]
[본문] [36]listen out for the different body parts Marijke mentions:
[영영] to pay attention to sounds in order to hear (something expected)
[영한] ⒨ …을 들으려고 귀를 기울이다.
[구성단어] listen + out + for

listen to [동사] [6Rank; 18] [구동사]
[본문] [29]Well, after listening to you sing, Neil, I'm tempted to say b), angry cat, but that would be mean, so I'll guess, a) machine voice.
[영영] ① to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hear
② to take notice of what somebody says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them
[영한] ⒨ 귀를 기울이다
[구성단어] listen + to

meet up [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 367] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [24]As you know, I love karaoke - meeting up with friends to sing the words of our favourite pop songs over a musical backing track.
[영영] ① to meet somebody by arrangement
② to meet somebody by chance
[영한] ⒨ (특히 약속을 하여) (~와) 만나다
[구성단어] meet + up

meet up with [동사] [6Rank; 410] [구동사]
[본문] [24]As you know, I love karaoke - meeting up with friends to sing the words of our favourite pop songs over a musical backing track.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 약속을 하여) (~와) 만나다 ② …와 만나다. ③ ...와 우연히 만나다.
[구성단어] meet + up + with

not necessarily [형용사]
[본문] [51]not necessarily.
[영영] used to say that something is possibly true but not definitely or always true
[영한] ⒨ 반드시[꼭] …은 아닌
[구성단어] not + necessarily

pitch perfect [형용사]
[본문] [54]Whether you're tone deaf or pitch perfect, there's lots of evidence for the health benefits of singing.
[영한] ⒨ (어조, 음 등이) 완벽한, 흠잡을 데 없는
[유의어] pitch-perfect(완벽하다)
[구성단어] pitch + perfect

remind of [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 59] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [23]That reminds me of my quiz question, Georgina.
[영영] ① if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something, they make you think of somebody/something because they are similar
② if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way
[영한] ⒨ ① (유사한 점 때문에) ~에게 ~을 생각[연상]하게 하다 ② …을 생각나게 하다. ③ 연상시키다
[구성단어] remind + of

similar to [형용사] [6Rank; 315]
[본문] [42]Singing is similar to what happens when you play a guitar.
[영한] ⒨ ~와 비슷한
[구성단어] similar + to

start with [동사] [6Rank; 26] [구동사]
[본문] [70]Let's recap the vocabulary starting with tone deaf - a way to describe someone who cannot sing in tune or hear different sounds.
[영한] ⒨ …와 함께 출발하다.
[구성단어] start + with

the rest [명사] [6Rank; 107]
[본문] [47]Or because they hear sounds differently from the rest of us?
[영영] the part that is left when other people or things are gone, used, etc. : the remainder
[영한] ⒨ 나머지
[구성단어] the + rest

to be honest [부사] [6Rank; 191] [관용구]
[본문] [13]I heard you singing at the Christmas party and to be honest I think you might be tone deaf - you know, you can't sing in tune.
[영한] ⒨ 솔직히 말하자면
[구성단어] to + be + honest

tone deaf [형용사]
[본문] [13]I heard you singing at the Christmas party and to be honest I think you might be tone deaf - you know, you can't sing in tune.
[영영] If you say that someone is tone-deaf, you mean that they cannot sing in tune or recognize different tunes.
[영한] ⒨ (귀로) 음을 구별할 줄 모르는, 음감이 없는, 음치의
[구성단어] tone + deaf

vocal cord [명사]
[본문] [37]Vocal folds, also called vocal cords, are crucial here.
[영한] ⒨ (동물학) 성대(聲帶), 목청
[구성단어] vocal + cord

vocal fold [명사]
[본문] [37]vocal folds, also called vocal cords, are crucial here.
[영한] ⒨ (의학) 성대주름(聲帶~).
[유의어] true vocal
[구성단어] vocal + fold

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