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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: aero- from Greek aer, aeros


【aero】 is word -forming element
usually meaning "air, mist, atmosphere"
from Greek "aer, aeros"


[WORD ROOT]root aero
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] aeri, aero, air
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) aer, aeros
[MEANING]root air, mist, atmosphere


  • 【Greek】 aer [genitive aeros] air; mist, haze, clouds; atmosphere
  • 【Greek】 aeros [genitive of aer] mist, haze, clouds; atmosphere

[LIST OF ENGLISH WORD] aerial, aero, aerobatic, aerobic, aerobiology, aerodynamic, aeronaut, aeronautics, aeroplane, aerosol, aerospace, air, airborne, airplane, airport



Please see Word information in detail as follows;

aerial [adjective]
【DEFINITION】 You talk about aerial attacks and aerial photographs to indicate that people or things on the ground are attacked or photographed by people in aeroplanes.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to the air
【DERIVATIVEs】 aeriality, aerially, aerial
【ROOTs】 aeri(aero); air, mist, atmosphere al; noun suffix

aero [adjective]
【ROOTs】 aero; air, mist, atmosphere

aerobatic [adjective]
【DERIVATIVEs】 aerobatic, anabasis
【ROOTs】 aero; air, mist, atmosphere bat(bas); step, foundation ic; adjective suffix

aerobic [adjective]
【DEFINITION】 Aerobic activity exercises and strengthens your heart and lungs.
【DERIVATIVEs】 aerobic, aerobically, aerobicist, aerobics
【ANTONYM】 anaerobic
【ROOTs】 aero; air bio; life ic; adjective suffix

aerobiology [noun]
【DEFINITION】 the study of airborne organisms, spores, etc
【ROOTs】 aero; air, mist, atmosphere bio; life logy(log); word, discourse

aerodynamic [adjective]
【DEFINITION】 If something such as a car has an aerodynamic shape or design, it goes faster and uses less fuel than other cars because the air passes over it more easily.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 pertaining to the forces of air in motion
【DERIVATIVEs】 aerodynamic, aerodynamically, aerodynamicist, aerodynamics
【ROOTs】 aero; air, mist, atmosphere dynam(dyna); power ic; adjective suffix

aeronaut [noun]
【DEFINITION】 a person who flies in a lighter-than-air craft, esp the pilot or navigator
【ROOTs】 aero; air, mist, atmosphere naus(naut); ship




aeronautics [noun]
【DEFINITION】 Aeronautics is the science of designing and building aeroplanes.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 art of aerial navigation by means of a balloon,
【ROOTs】 aero; air, mist, atmosphere naus(naut); ship ics; noun suffix

aeroplane [noun]
【DEFINITION】 An aeroplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air. in AM, use airplane
【pl, aeroplanes】
【SYNONYM】 plain, airplane
【ROOTs】 aero; air plain; flat

aerosol [noun]
【DEFINITION】 An aerosol is a small container in which a liquid such as paint or deodorant is kept under pressure. When you press a button, the liquid is forced out as a fine spray or foam.
【ROOTs】 aero; air sol(solve); solution

aerospace [noun]
【DEFINITION】 Aerospace companies are involved in developing and making rockets, missiles, space vehicles, and related equipment.
【ROOTs】 aero; air space(spati); space

air [noun]
【DEFINITION】 ① Air is the mixture of gases which forms the earth's atmosphere and which we breathe.
② The air is the space around things or above the ground.
③ Air is used to refer to travel in aircraft.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 ① invisible gases that surround the earth ② manner, appearance ③ melody, tune, connected rhythmic succession of distinct musical sounds
【pl, airs】
【DERIVATIVEs】 airy, air
【SYNONYM】 note
【ROOTs】 air(aero); air, mist

airborne [adjective]
【DEFINITION】 If an aircraft is airborne, it is in the air and flying.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 carried through the air
【ROOTs】 air(aero); air, mist, atmosphere borne; borne

airplane [noun]
【DEFINITION】 An airplane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that enable it to fly through the air.
【pl, airplanes】
【SYNONYM】 plane, aeroplane
【ROOTs】 air(aero); air, mist, atmosphere plain; flat

airport [noun]
【DEFINITION】 An airport is a place where aircraft land and take off, which has buildings and facilities for passengers.
【pl, airports】
【ROOTs】 air(aero); port; carry, gate

Other word list containing aero; ministerial, aerorrhachia, aerotitis, aerodynamics





arch, archi, archy
arc-, arch-

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