【bel-, belli-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "war"
from Latin "bellona, bellare, bellum, belli, bellicus"
[WORD ROOT]root bel
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] bel, bellic, bellum
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) bellona, bellare, bellum, belli, bellicus
[MEANING]root war
- 【Latin】 bellona
- 【Latin】 bellare wage war
- 【Latin】 bellum [from Old Latin duellum, dvellum] war
- 【Latin】 belli
- 【Latin】 bellicus [from bellum] of war
antebellum, bell-, bellicose, belligerent, Bellona, bellum, postbellum, rebel, rebellion, rebellious
Please see Word information in detail as follows;
antebellum [adjective] from bellum < bell-
【DEFINITION】 of or during the period before a war, esp the American Civil War
【PRIMARY MEANING】 before the war
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ante; before, in front of, prior to ⑵ bellum(bel); war
bell- [combining form] from bell-
【ROOTs】 bell(bel); war
bellicose [adjective] from bell-
【DEFINITION】 You use bellicose to refer to aggressive actions or behaviour that are likely to start an argument or a fight.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 inclined to fighting
【SYNONYM】 warlike, aggressive
【ROOTs】 ⑴ bell(bel); war ⑵ ic; adjective suffix ⑶ ose; -
belligerent [adjective] from belligerent < gest
【DEFINITION】 A belligerent person is hostile and aggressive.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 waging war, engaged in hostilities
【DERIVATIVEs】 belligerence, belligerency, belligerently, belligerent
【SYNONYM】 hostile, warlike
【ROOTs】 ⑴ belli(bel); war ⑵ ger(gest); bear, carry ⑶ ent(ant); adjective suffix
Bellona [noun] from Bellona < bell-
【DEFINITION】 the Roman goddess of war
【ROOTs】 bellum(bel); war
bellum [noun] from bellum < bell-
【ROOTs】 bell(bel); war
postbellum [adjective] from bellum < bell-
【DEFINITION】 of, relating to, or characteristic of the period following a war and especially following the American Civil War
【ROOTs】 ⑴ post; after, later than ⑵ bellum(bel); war
rebel [verb] from rebel < bell-
【DEFINITION】 If politicians rebel against one of their own party's policies, they show that they oppose it.
【CONJUGATIONs】 rebelled, rebelled, rebelling, rebels
【DERIVATIVEs】 rebel, rebeldom, rebellike, rebellion, rebellious, rebelliously, rebelliousness
【SYNONYM】 revolt
【ROOTs】 ⑴ re; again, behind ⑵ bel; war
rebellion [noun] from rebel < bell-
【DEFINITION】 A rebellion is a violent organized action by a large group of people who are trying to change their country's political system.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 war waged against a government by some portion of its subjects
【pl.】 rebellions
【DERIVATIVEs】 rebel, rebeldom, rebellike, rebellion, rebellious, rebelliously, rebelliousness
【SYNONYM】 uprising
【ROOTs】 ⑴ re; again, behind ⑵ bell(bel); war ⑶ ion(ation); noun suffix
rebellious [adjective] from rebel < bell-
【DEFINITION】 If you think someone behaves in an unacceptable way and does not do what they are told, you can say they are rebellious.
【DERIVATIVEs】 rebel, rebeldom, rebellike, rebellion, rebellious, rebelliously, rebelliousness
【ROOTs】 ⑴ re; again, behind ⑵ belli(bel); war ⑶ ous; adjective suffix
anni-, ann-, enn-
bas- bat-, ba-
archaeo-, archeo-, archi-, archae-, arche-
aug-, auct-
aud-, audi-, audio-
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