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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Food made in space [BBC Learning English 강좌]



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You are used to having your vegetables coming from agricultural land, but how about space? Listen to the programme to find out how growing plants in space might help develop crops which are more productive and more resistant to climate change here on Earth. Neil and Georgina discuss how plants can grow in environments with little or no natural light and teach you some related vocabulary along the way.

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abbreviation [명사] [★] [레마] abbreviate
[본문] The lack of natural light in space means that plants are grown using LED lights - LED is an abbreviation of 'light emitting diode' - an electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it.
[영영] An abbreviation is a short form of a word or phrase, made by leaving out some of the letters or by using only the first letter of each word.
[영한] ⒨ ① (~의) 축약형 ② 축약
[첫뜻] shortness; act of shortening; a shortened thing
[활용] 복수형; abbreviations
[파생] abbreviate, abbreviation, abbreviator
[어근]ab(ad); to ⑵ brevi(brev); 작은 ⑶ ation; 명사 어미

absorb [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3145] [★★] [레마] absorb
[본문] Each particle of light that hits the leaves is absorbed and through photosynthesis is converted into plant food.
[영영] If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or takes it in.
[영한] ⒨ ① (액체/가스 등을) 흡수하다[빨아들이다] ② (큰 조직의 일부로) 흡수하다 ③ (정보를) 받아들이다 ④ (관심을) 빼앗다, 빠지게 만들다 ⑤ (열/빛 등을) 흡수하다
[첫뜻] to drink in, suck up, take in by absorption
[활용] absorbed, absorbed, absorbing, absorbs
[파생] absorbability, absorbable, absorption, absorptive, absorb
[유의어] take in, engross
[어근]ab; from, off ⑵ sorb; suck in

adapt [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2954] [★★] [레마] apt
[본문] They can adapt to so many different environments - we call this plasticity because they can turn on or off their genes to really adapt to all sorts of conditions and that's why you see plants growing in different areas on Earth - the same type of plant may look very different because it's adapting to the environment in that specific location.
[영영] If you adapt to a new situation or adapt yourself to it, you change your ideas or behaviour in order to deal with it successfully.
[영한] ⒨ ① (새로운 용도/상황에) 맞추다[조정하다] ② (상황에) 적응하다 ③ (연극/영화/텔레비전 극으로) 개작하다[각색하다]
[첫뜻] to fit (something, for some purpose)
[활용] adapted, adapted, adapting, adapts
[파생] adaptability, adaptable, adaptableness, adaptably, adaptation, adaptive, adapt
[유의어] adjust, modify, adjust(적응하다)
[어근]ad; to ⑵ apt; 적당히

amaze [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] amaze
[본문] Microgravity is really challenging but plants are amazing!
[영영] If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.
[영한] ⒨ (대단히) 놀라게 하다
[첫뜻] overwhelm or confound with sudden surprise or wonder
[활용] amazed, amazed, amazing, amazes
[유의어] stagger, astonish(깜짝 놀라게 하다)
<명사> 유의어 AMAZEMENT
[어원] mæs(Old English), amazed

astronaut [명사] [★] [레마] astronaut
[본문] The astronauts might have wanted a glass of wine with dinner, but the real purpose of the bottles was to explore the possibility of producing food and drink in space - not for astronauts but for people back on Earth.
[영영] An astronaut is a person who is trained for travelling in a spacecraft.
[첫뜻] space-traveler
[활용] 복수형; astronauts
[어근]astro; 별 ⑵ naut; sailor

atmosphere [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2237] [★★] [레마] atmosphere
[본문] In the low-gravity atmosphere of space, plants become stressed but they adapt genetically.
[영영] A planet's atmosphere is the layer of air or other gases around it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (지구의) 대기 ② (다른 행성의) 대기 ③ (방이나 한정된 공간의) 공기, (특정한 기운이 도는) 곳[장소] ④ 분위기, 기운 ⑤ (물리) 기압 단위(해면(海面)에 있어서 온도 0°C의 수은 760mm 주(柱)의 저면(底面)에 미치는 압력으로서 1cm2에 1,013 dyne의 힘이 작용하였을 때의 압력).
[첫뜻] gaseous envelop surrounding the earth
[활용] 복수형; atmospheres
[파생] atmospheric, atmospherical, atmospherically, atmosphere
[어근]atmo(atmos); 증기, vapor, steam ⑵ sphere; sphere, 구(球)

centre [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [BRIT][AM→center] [레마] centre
[본문] Here's Gioia Massa, chief plant scientist at the Kennedy Space centre in Florida, to explain.
[영영] A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
[영한] ⒨ ① 중심, 중앙, 가운데 ② 도심지, 중심가 ③ (문화사업 등의) 중심지 ④ 센터(특정 목적이나 활동을 위한 건물 또는 장소) ⑤ (특정 활동의) 뛰어난 중심지
[첫뜻] middle point of a circle; point round which something revolves
[활용] 복수형; centres
<동사> 중앙에 놓다
[어근] centre(center); 중심

center [동사] [Ranking; 531] [★★] [AM][BRIT→centre] [레마] center
[본문] Here's Gioia Massa, chief plant scientist at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, to explain.
[영한] ⒨ 중앙에 놓다
[첫뜻] to concentrate at a center
[활용] centered, centered, centering, centers
[파생] center, centralize, centrally, central
<명사> ① 중심, 중앙, 가운데 ② 도심지, 중심가 ③ (문화사업 등의) 중심지
[어근] center; 중심

chemicals [명사] [레마] chemic
[본문] Plants adapt themselves to being in space by manipulating their genes - chemicals and DNA in the cells of plants and animals which control their development and behaviour.
[영한] ⒨ (작물학) 화학 약품(化學藥品)
[활용] [PL]
[어근]chem(chemo); of alchemy ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사어미 ⑶ s; 명사 복수어미

climate [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2121] [★★] [레마] climate
[본문] In today's programme we'll be finding out how growing plants in space can develop crops which are more productive and more resistant to climate change here on Earth.
[영영] The climate of a place is the general weather conditions that are typical of it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 기후 ② 기후가 …한 지역 ③ 분위기, 풍조
[첫뜻] horizontal zone of the earth's surface measured by lines parallel to the equator
[활용] 복수형; climates
[파생] climatal, climatic, climatical, climatically, climate
[어원] climatis(Latin), genitive climatis; region; slope of the earth

composition [명사] [Ranking; 3025] [★★] [레마] compose
[본문] The effects of microgravity on the wine's organic composition will be studied and could hopefully offer solutions for growing food in Earth's changing climate.
[영영] When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged.
[영한] ⒨ ① 구성 요소들, 구성 ② (음악/미술/시) 작품 ③ 작곡, 작성 ④ 작곡(법) ⑤ (학교에서 하는) 작문, 짧은 에세이
[첫뜻] action of combining,
[활용] 복수형; compositions
[파생] compose, composite, compositely, compositeness, compositional, compositionally, compositive, composition
[어근]com; 함께 ⑵ posit(pon); 두다 ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미

convert [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2918] [★★] [레마] convert
[본문] Each particle of light that hits the leaves is absorbed and through photosynthesis is converted into plant food.
[영영] If one thing is converted or converts into another, it is changed into a different form.
[영한] ⒨ ① (형태목적시스템 등을) 전환시키다[개조하다] ② (형태목적시스템 등이) 전환[개조]되다 ③ 개종하다, 전향하다 ④ (의견습관 등을) 바꾸다 ⑤ (럭비와 미식축구에서) 컨버트하다(트라이나 터치다운 후에 추가로 득점하다)
[첫뜻] a change or turn from one religion to another
[활용] converted, converted, converting, converts
[파생] conversion, convert, convertive, converter
[유의어] realize, transform(변형시키다), realise
<명사> 개종자, 전향자
[어근]con(com); together ⑵ vert(verse); 돌다

cope [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3226] [★★] [레마] cope
[본문] Plants can only survive in these conditions due to their plasticity - the ability of living organisms to adapt and cope with changes in the environment by changing their biological structure.
[영영] If you cope with a problem or task, you deal with it successfully.
[영한] ⒨ 대처[대응]하다
[첫뜻] to quarrel
[활용] coped, coped, coping, copes
[유의어] manage, manage(살아 나가다)
<명사> (성직자가 특별 의식 때 입는) 긴 사제복
[어원] kolaphos(Greek), blow with the fist

crop [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2483] [★★] [레마] crop
[본문] In today's programme we'll be finding out how growing plants in space can develop crops which are more productive and more resistant to climate change here on Earth.
[영영] Crops are plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food.
[영한] ⒨ ① (농)작물 ② (한 철에 거둔) 수확량 ③ (동시에 같은 일을 하는 사람들의) 무리[집단], (동시에 일어나는) 많은 일들 ④ (승마 때 쓰는 짧은) 채찍 ⑤ 아주 짧은 머리
[첫뜻] head or top of a sprout or herb, any part of a medicinal plant except the root
[활용] 복수형; crops
[유의어] harvest
<동사> ① (머리를) 아주 짧게 깎다 ② (사진이나 그림의 일부를) 잘라 내다 ③ (동물이 풀을) 뜯어먹다
[어원] cropp(Old English), head or top of a sprout or herb, any part of a medicinal plant except the root(새싹 또는 허브의 윗부분, 뿌리를 제외한 약초 나무)

delivery [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2828] [★★] [레마] deliver
[본문] Last November Nasa launched a very unusual home delivery service - a rocket carrying four tonnes of supplies to the ISS - the International Space Station.
[영영] Delivery or a delivery is the bringing of letters, parcels, or other goods to someone's house or to another place where they want them.
[영한] ⒨ ① (물품/편지 등의) 배달[인도/전달] ② 출산, 분만 ③ (연설/공연 등의) 전달[발표] (태도) ④ (특히 크리켓이나 야구에서) 던진 공[투구]
[첫뜻] act of setting free from bondage
[활용] 복수형; deliveries
[파생] deliver, deliverability, deliverable, deliverance, deliverer, delivery
[어근]de; from ⑵ liver(liber); free ⑶ y; 명사 어미

diet [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2158] [★★] [레마] diet
[본문] So the reason why it looks pink in here is because we're actually only using red light and blue light to grow the plants, and that essentially tailors the light diet so that the plants look black when you look at them because they're not reflecting any light - they're being super-efficient, they're using up every photon that hits them.
[영영] Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
[영한] ⒨ ① (어떤 사람이 일상적으로 취하는) 식사[음식], 식습관 ② (식이요법을 위한) 규정식, 다이어트 ③ (제한된 범위에 국한된, 활동의) 많은 양
[첫뜻] ① regular food ② assembly of delegates, etc., held from day to day for legislative, political, or other business
[활용] 복수형; diets
[파생] dietal, dietary, dieter, dietetic, diet
<동사> 다이어트를 하다 <형용사> 체중 감량식으로 적당한, 당분이나 칼로리가 낮은, 규정식의
[어원] diainysthai(Greek), dia+ainysthai; take apart(dia+ainysthai; 분해하다)

diode [명사] [레마] diode
[본문] The lack of natural light in space means that plants are grown using LED lights - LED is an abbreviation of 'light emitting diode' - an electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it.
[영영] More formal name : semiconductor diode a semiconductor device containing one p-n junction, used in circuits for converting alternating current to direct current
[영한] ⒨ 다이오드, 2극 진공관
[첫뜻] tube with two electrodes
[어근]di; 둘 ⑵ ode(od); 길(way)

DNA [약어명사] [Ranking; 2852] [★★] [레마] DNA
[본문] Plants adapt themselves to being in space by manipulating their genes - chemicals and DNA in the cells of plants and animals which control their development and behaviour.
[영영] DNA is an acid in the chromosomes in the centre of the cells of living things. DNA determines the particular structure and functions of every cell and is responsible for characteristics being passed on from parents to their children. DNA is an abbreviation for `deoxyribonucleic acid'.
[영한] ⒨ (화학) 디엔에이
[활용] uncountable noun

electricity [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2743] [★★] [레마] electric
[본문] The lack of natural light in space means that plants are grown using LED lights - LED is an abbreviation of 'light emitting diode' - an electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it.
[영영] Electricity is a form of energy that can be carried by wires and is used for heating and lighting, and to provide power for machines.
[영한] ⒨ ① 전기, 전력 ② 강렬한 감정[흥분], 열광
[활용] uncountable noun
[어근]electr; amber, 전기 ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태(명사어미)

electronic [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2429] [★★] [레마] electron
[본문] The lack of natural light in space means that plants are grown using LED lights - LED is an abbreviation of 'light emitting diode' - an electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it.
[영영] An electronic device has transistors or silicon chips which control and change the electric current passing through the device.
[영한] ⒨ ① (장치가) 전자의, 전자 활동에 의한 ② 전자 장비와 관련된
[첫뜻] pertaining to electrons
[파생] electronic, electronically, electron
[어근]electr; 전기 ⑵ on; 소립자, 원자 ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미

emit [동사] [★] [레마] emit
[본문] The lack of natural light in space means that plants are grown using LED lights - LED is an abbreviation of 'light emitting diode' - an electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it.
[영영] If something emits heat, light, gas, or a smell, it produces it and sends it out by means of a physical or chemical process.
[영한] ⒨ (빛/열/가스/소리 등을) 내다[내뿜다]
[첫뜻] send forth
[활용] emitted, emitted, emitting, emits
[파생] emissive, emit, emission
[유의어] send out
[어근]e(ex); out of, 밖 ⑵ mit; to send

essentially [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2306] [★★] [레마] essence
[본문] So the reason why it looks pink in here is because we're actually only using red light and blue light to grow the plants, and that essentially tailors the light diet so that the plants look black when you look at them because they're not reflecting any light - they're being super-efficient, they're using up every photon that hits them.
[영영] You use essentially to emphasize a quality that someone or something has, and to say that it is their most important or basic quality.
[영한] ⒨ 근본[기본/본질]적으로
[파생] essence, essential, essentially
[유의어] basically(기본적으로), fundamentally(근본적으로), basically(근본적으로)
[어근]ess(esse); to be ⑵ ent(ant); 접미어 ⑶ ial(al); 접미사 ⑷ ly; 접미사

evolve [동사] [Ranking; 2845] [★★] [레마] evolve
[본문] Plants have evolved over millennia using the strong gravity on Earth.
[영영] When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms.
[영한] ⒨ ① (점진적으로) 발달[진전]하다[시키다] ② (생물) (동식물 등이) 진화하다[시키다]
[활용] evolved, evolved, evolving, evolves
[파생] evolution, evolutional, evolutionary, evolutive, evolvable, evolve, evolvement, evolver
[어근]e; 외(外) ⑵ volve; 돌다

farming [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] farm
[본문] British company Vertical Future has been working on this problem by developing indoor farming methods in partnership with Nasa.
[영영] Farming is the activity of growing crops or keeping animals on a farm.
[영한] ⒨ 영농, 농업, 농사
[구성단어] farm + ing

flavour [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [BRIT][AM→flavor] [레마] flavour
[본문] Nasa found that different colour combinations, or light recipes, can change a plant's shape, size and even flavour.
[영영] The flavour of a food or drink is its taste.
[영한] ⒨ ① (음식술의) 풍미[맛] ② (특정한) 맛 ③ 정취, 분위기 ④ (무엇에 대한) 느낌[감(感)] ⑤ (컴퓨터) (소프트웨어의 특정한) 종류
[첫뜻] a smell, odor
[활용] 복수형; flavours
[파생] flavorer, flavorless, flavorsome, flavourer, flavourless, flavoursome, flavour
[유의어] taste, ambience
<동사> (무엇에) 맛[풍미]을 더하다[첨가하다]
[어근]flav(fla); 불꽃 ⑵ our(or); 명사 어미

flavor [명사] [Ranking; 3164] [★★] [AM][BRIT→flavour] [레마] flavor
[본문] Nasa found that different colour combinations, or light recipes, can change a plant's shape, size and even flavour.
[어근]flav(fla); 불꽃 ⑵ or; 명사 어미

float [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3166] [★★] [레마] float
[본문] But this doesn't apply in space because of microgravity - the weaker pull of gravity making things float and seem weightless.
[영영] If something or someone is floating in a liquid, they are in the liquid, on or just below the surface, and are being supported by it. You can also float something on a liquid.
[영한] ⒨ ① (물 위나 공중에서) 떠[흘러]가다[떠돌다] ② (가라앉지 않고 물에) 뜨다 ③ (액체 위에) 띄우다 ④ (문예체) 미끄러지듯 걷다[움직이다] ⑤ (다른 사람들이 고려하도록 계획생각을) 제시하다[내놓다]
[첫뜻] to rest on the surface of water
[활용] floated floated floating floats
[파생] afloat, floatability, floatable, flotage, flotation
[유의어] drift, glide
<명사> ① (시가행진 때 무대처럼 꾸민) 장식 차량[꽃수레] ② 찌 ③ (수영할 때 몸이 잘 뜨게 하는) 부낭(浮囊)
[어원] flota(Old English), boat, fleet

gene [명사] [Ranking; 2307] [★★] [레마] gene
[본문] They can adapt to so many different environments - we call this plasticity because they can turn on or off their genes to really adapt to all sorts of conditions and that's why you see plants growing in different areas on Earth - the same type of plant may look very different because it's adapting to the environment in that specific location.
[영영] A gene is the part of a cell in a living thing which controls its physical characteristics, growth, and development.
[영한] ⒨ (생물) 유전자
[활용] 복수형; genes
[파생] gene, genetic, genetically, genetics
[어근] gene(gen); 생기다

genetically [부사] [레마] genetic
[본문] In the low-gravity atmosphere of space, plants become stressed but they adapt genetically.
[영한] ⒨ 유전적으로, 유전자 상으로 (cf. genetic 유전적인)
[파생] gene, genetic, genetically, genetics
[어근]gen; 생기다 ⑵ etic; 형용사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

grape [명사] [Ranking; 4818] [★★] [레마] grape
[본문] So, Neil, if it wasn't red grapes, what was the first food grown in space?
[영영] Grapes are small green or dark purple fruit which grow in bunches. Grapes can be eaten raw, used for making wine, or dried.
[영한] ⒨ 포도
[첫뜻] a grape, a berry of the vine
[활용] 복수형; grapes
[파생] grapeless, grapelike, grapey, grapy, grape
[어원] grape(French), bunch of grapes, grape

gravitational [형용사] [레마] gravity
[본문] But this changes in space because of microgravity - the weaker gravitational pull making things in space float and seem weightless.
[영영] Gravitational means relating to or resulting from the force of gravity.
[영한] ⒨ 중력의
[파생] gravitationally, gravitational
[어근]grav; 무거운 ⑵ it(ity); ~한 상태, 성격 ⑶ ation; 명사 어미 ⑷ al; 형용사 어미

gravity [명사] [Ranking; 3993] [★★] [레마] gravity
[본문] On Earth, plants use gravity to position themselves - shoots grow up, roots grow down.
[영영] Gravity is the force which causes things to drop to the ground. → see also centre of gravity
[영한] ⒨ ① (약어:g) (지구) 중력 ② 심각성, 중대성 ③ 엄숙함
[활용] 복수형; gravities
[파생] grave, gravely, graveward, gravewards, gravity
[유의어] seriousness
[어근]grav; 무거운 ⑵ ity; ~한 상태, 성격

hopefully [부사] [Ranking; 4051] [★★] [레마] hope
[본문] The effects of microgravity on the wine's organic composition will be studied and could hopefully offer solutions for growing food in Earth's changing climate.
[영영] You say hopefully when mentioning something that you hope will happen. Some careful speakers of English think that this use of hopefully is not correct, but it is very frequently used.
[영한] ⒨ ① 바라건대 ② 희망[기대]을 갖고
[파생] hopeful, hopefully, hopefulness, hope
[어근]hope; 희망 ⑵ ful; ~ 가득한(量) ⑶ ly; 부사어미

indoor [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] door
[본문] British company Vertical Future has been working on this problem by developing indoor farming methods in partnership with Nasa.
[영영] Indoor activities or things are ones that happen or are used inside a building and not outside.
[영한] ⒨ 실내의, 실내용의
[반의어] outdoor
[구성단어] in + door

LED [명사] [레마] LED
[본문] Basically we use LED lighting and we use LED lights that are tuned to a specific wavelength.
[영한] ⒨ 발광 다이오드

lettuce [명사] [★] [레마] lettuce
[본문] b) lettuce - , or c) tomatoes?
[영영] A lettuce is a plant with large green leaves that is the basic ingredient of many salads.
[영한] ⒨ 상추
[활용] 복수형; lettuces
[어원] lactis(Latin), milk

lighting [명사] [Ranking; 4910] [★★] [레마] lighting
[본문] Basically we use LED lighting and we use LED lights that are tuned to a specific wavelength.
[영영] The lighting in a place is the way that it is lit, for example by electric lights, by candles, or by windows, or the quality of the light in it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (어떤 장소의) 조명 (시설/유형) ② (어떤 장소의) 전기 사용
[활용] uncountable noun

low-gravity [명사] [레마] low-gravity
[본문] In the low-gravity atmosphere of space, plants become stressed but they adapt genetically.
[영한] ⒨ 저중력
[구성단어] low + gravity

manipulate [동사] [Ranking; 4291] [★★] [레마] manipulate
[본문] Plants adapt themselves to being in space by manipulating their genes - chemicals and DNA in the cells of plants and animals which control their development and behaviour.
[영영] If you say that someone manipulates people, you disapprove of them because they skilfully force or persuade people to do what they want.
[영한] ⒨ ① (흔히 교묘하고 부정직하게 사람/사물을) 조종하다 ② (사물을 능숙하게) 다루다[조작(操作)하다/처리하다] ③ (어긋난) 뼈[관절]를 제자리에 넣다
[첫뜻] to handle skillfully by hand
[활용] manipulated manipulated manipulating manipulates
[파생] manipulability, manipulable, manipulatable, manipulation, manipulative, manipulatively 유의어/반의어 [동사] influence, c, manipulator, manipulatory, manipulate
[어근]mani(manu); 손, hand ⑵ pul(plet); fill ⑶ ate; 동사 어미

Mars [명사] [★] [레마] Mars
[본문] Well, in the film, The Martian, a stranded astronaut grows potatoes on Mars.
[영영] ① Also called : the Red Planet the fourth planet from the sun, having a reddish-orange surface with numerous dark patches and two white polar caps. It has a thin atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide, and low surface temperatures.
② the alchemical name for iron
[영한] ⒨ 화성
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] martial, Martian, Mars
[어원] Mars(Latin)

Martian [형용사] [레마] Martian
[본문] Well, in the film, The Martian, a stranded astronaut grows potatoes on Mars.
[영영] Something that is Martian exists on or relates to the planet Mars.
[영한] ⒨ (천문) 화성의, 화성에서 온
[파생] martial, Martian, Mars
<명사> 화성인
[어원] Martius(Latin), sacred to the god) Mars; pertaining to the planet) Mars

microgravity [명사] [레마] gravity
[본문] microgravity is really challenging but plants are amazing!
[영영] the very low apparent gravity experienced in a spacecraft in earth orbit
[영한] ⒨ 극미 중력
[구성단어] micro + gravity

millennium [명사] [레마] millennium
[본문] Plants have evolved over millennia using the strong gravity on Earth.
[영영] A millennium is a period of one thousand years, especially one which begins and ends with a year ending in `000', for example the period from the year 1000 to the year 2000.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 예수 탄생을 기준으로 그 전후의) 천년 ② 새로운 천년이 시작되는 시기
[첫뜻] the 1,000-year period of Christ's anticipated rule on Earth
[활용] 복수형; millennia millenniums
[파생] millennial, millennialist, millennially, millennium
[어근]mill; thousand ⑵ ennium(anni); 하루, 년, 해

obstacle [명사] [Ranking; 3603] [★★]
[본문] But the lack of natural light isn't the biggest obstacle to growing food in space.
[영영] An obstacle is an object that makes it difficult for you to go where you want to go, because it is in your way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 장애 ② 장애물 ③ (장애물 경기에서) 장애물
[활용] 복수형; obstacles
[유의어] hindrance, block, hurdle, handicap
[어근]ob; against, in front of ⑵ sta(state); to stand ⑶ cle(cule); 접미사

orbit [동사] [Ranking; 4217] [★★] [레마] orbit
[본문] Like those bottles of red wine orbiting Earth as we speak.
[영영] If something such as a satellite orbits a planet, moon, or sun, it moves around it in a continuous, curving path.
[영한] ⒨ (다른 천체의) 궤도를 돌다
[첫뜻] revolve round in an orb
[활용] orbited, orbited, orbiting, orbits
[파생] orbital, orbitally, orbit
<명사> ① 궤도 ② (특정 개인조직 등의) 영향권[세력권]
[어근] orbit(orb); 원

organic [형용사] [Ranking; 3094] [★★] [레마] organ
[본문] The effects of microgravity on the wine's organic composition will be studied and could hopefully offer solutions for growing food in Earth's changing climate.
[영영] Organic methods of farming and gardening use only natural animal and plant products to help the plants or animals grow and be healthy, rather than using chemicals.
[영한] ⒨ ① (식품/농법 등이) 유기농의, 화학 비료를 쓰지 않는 ② 유기체[생물]에서 나온[만들어진], 유기의 ③ (인체) 장기[기관]의 ④ 유기적인 ⑤ 서서히[저절로] 생기는, 자연스러운
[첫뜻] serving as a means or instrument
[파생] organ, organic, organically, organisable, organisation, organizable, organization, organize, organise
[반의어] inorganic
[어근]organ; 시행하다, 도구 기구 ⑵ erg; 일하다 ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미

organism [명사] [Ranking; 4424] [★★] [레마] organ
[본문] Plants can only survive in these conditions due to their plasticity - the ability of living organisms to adapt and cope with changes in the environment by changing their biological structure.
[영영] An organism is an animal or plant, especially one that is so small that you cannot see it without using a microscope.
[영한] ⒨ ① 유기체, (특히 극도로 작은) 생물(체) ② 유기적 조직체, 유기체
[첫뜻] organic structure, organization
[활용] 복수형; organisms
[파생] organismal, organismally, organismic, organism
[어근]organ; 시행하다, 도구 기구 ⑵ erg; 일하다 ⑶ ism; 이념, 주의

particle [명사] [Ranking; 3719] [★] [레마] particle
[본문] But when scientists control the wavelengths being fed, plants are able to absorb every photon - particle of light energy, making them appear black.
[영한] ⒨ ① (아주 작은) 입자[조각] ② (물리) 미립자 ③ (문법) 불변화사, 소사(小辭) (동사와 함께 구동사를 이루는 부사나 전치사)
[첫뜻] small part or division of a whole, minute portion of matter
[활용] 복수형; particles
[어근]parti(part); a part ⑵ cle(cule); 접미사

photon [명사] [레마] photon
[본문] The energy needed for plants to grow is contained in photons - or light particles, travelling at different wavelengths - distances between light waves which make things look different colours.
[영영] A photon is a particle of light.
[영한] ⒨ (물리) 광자, 광양자
[첫뜻] unit of electromagnetic radiation
[활용] 복수형; photons
[파생] photonic, photon
[어근]photo; 빛 ⑵ on; 소립자

photosynthesis [명사] [레마] synthesis
[본문] Each particle of light that hits the leaves is absorbed and through photosynthesis is converted into plant food.
[영영] Photosynthesis is the way that green plants make their food using sunlight.
[영한] ⒨ (생물) 광합성
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] photosynthetic, photosynthetically, photosynthesis
[어근]photo; 빛, light ⑵ syn; 함께하다 ⑶ thesis(thes); 놓음

pink [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2512] [★★] [레마] pink
[본문] So the reason why it looks pink in here is because we're actually only using red light and blue light to grow the plants, and that essentially tailors the light diet so that the plants look black when you look at them because they're not reflecting any light - they're being super-efficient, they're using up every photon that hits them.
[영영] Pink is used to refer to things relating to or connected with homosexuals.
[영한] ⒨ ① 분홍색의 ② 동성애자들의 ③ (정치적 성향이) 약간 좌파의
<명사> ① 분홍색, 핑크 ② 패랭이꽃 <동사> (자동차 엔진이 연료의 비정상적인 연소로) 노킹 소리를 내다
[어원] unknown origin(English), unknown origin(어원 미확인)

plasticity [명사] [레마] plastic
[본문] They can adapt to so many different environments - we call this plasticity because they can turn on or off their genes to really adapt to all sorts of conditions and that's why you see plants growing in different areas on Earth - the same type of plant may look very different because it's adapting to the environment in that specific location.
[영한] ⒨ 가소성
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] plastically, plasticity, plastic
[어근]plas; 엉겨진 ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태(명사 어미)

productive [형용사] [Ranking; 4006] [★] [레마] produce
[본문] In today's programme we'll be finding out how growing plants in space can develop crops which are more productive and more resistant to climate change here on Earth.
[영영] Someone or something that is productive produces or does a lot for the amount of resources used.
[영한] ⒨ ① (상품/작물을 특히 대량으로) 생산[산출]하는 ② 결실 있는, 생산적인 ③ ~을 야기하는[불러일으키는]
[첫뜻] fit for production
[파생] produce, producibility, producible, product, production, productive
[유의어] fruitful
[반의어] unproductive
[어근]pro; forward ⑵ duct(duc); to bring, lead ⑶ ive; 형용사어미

rainbow [명사] [★] [레마] rainbow
[본문] So, if you image what the rainbow looks like, the reason a plant looks green is because it's not using all the green light - it actually reflects a lot of that back.
[영영] A rainbow is an arch of different colours that you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining.
[영한] ⒨ 무지개
<동사> ① 무지개 모양으로[다채롭게] 하다 ② 무지개처럼[다채롭게] 보이다 <형용사> 다민족[인종]의, 7색의, 가지각색의, 다채로운
[어원] renboga(Old English), rain + bow

recipe [명사] [Ranking; 2532] [★★] [레마] recipe
[본문] Nasa found that different colour combinations, or light recipes, can change a plant's shape, size and even flavour.
[영영] A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something.
[영한] ⒨ ① 조리[요리]법 ② (특정 결과를 가져올 듯한) 방안[비결]
[첫뜻] medical prescription
[활용] 복수형; recipes
[유의어] formula
[어근]re; back ⑵ cipe(capt); take

resilient [형용사] [레마] resile
[본문] And as a result they're stronger and more resilient to other, less stressful events when they return home to Earth.
[영영] Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed.
[영한] ⒨ ① (충격/부상 등에 대해) 회복력 있는 ② (물질이) 탄력 있는
[첫뜻] springing bac
[파생] resilient, resiliently, resilience
[어근]re; back ⑵ sili(sali); jump ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어미

resistant [형용사] [★★] [레마] resist
[본문] In today's programme we'll be finding out how growing plants in space can develop crops which are more productive and more resistant to climate change here on Earth.
[영영] ① Someone who is resistant to something is opposed to it and wants to prevent it.
② If something is resistant to a particular thing, it is not harmed by it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 저항력 있는, …에 잘 견디는[강한] ② 저항[반대]하는 ③ …에 강한[잘 견디는]
[파생] resist, resistance, resistant, resistantly, resister, resistibility, resistible, resistibly, resistingly
<명사> ① 저항자, 반대자, 레지스탕스의 일원 ② 방염제(防染劑), 방부제
[어근]re; back, against ⑵ sist; take a stand ⑶ ant(anti); 형용사어미

rocket [동사] [Ranking; 4133] [★★] [레마] rocket
[본문] Last November Nasa launched a very unusual home delivery service - a rocket carrying four tonnes of supplies to the ISS - the International Space Station.
[영영] If things such as prices or social problems rocket, they increase very quickly and suddenly.
[영한] ⒨ ① 치솟다, 급증[급등]하다 ② 로켓[쏜살]처럼 가다, 돌진하다 ③ (성공한 위치에) 급부상하다 ④ 로켓탄으로 공격하다
[활용] rocketed rocketed rocketing rockets
[파생] rocketer, rocketlike, rocket
[유의어] shoot up, soar
<명사> ① 로켓 ② 로켓탄, 로켓 추진 미사일 ③ (하늘 높이 쏘아 올리는) 폭죽
[어원] rocchetto(Italian), a rocket

specimen [명사] [★] [레마] specimen
[본문] And genetically stronger plants specimens to study back on Earth.
[영영] A specimen is a single plant or animal which is an example of a particular species or type and is examined by scientists.
[영한] ⒨ ① 견본, 샘플 ② 표본 ③ (의학 검사용) 시료
[첫뜻] pattern, model
[활용] 복수형; specimens
[유의어] sample
[어근] spec; 보다

strand [동사] [레마] strand
[본문] Well, in the film, The Martian, a stranded astronaut grows potatoes on Mars.
[영영] If you are stranded, you are prevented from leaving a place, for example because of bad weather.
[영한] ⒨ ① 오도 가도 못 하게 하다, 발을 묶다 ② (보트고래물고기 등이 육지로 밀려와) 다시 물로 돌아가지 못하게 하다[꼼짝 못하게 하다]
[첫뜻] to drive aground on a shore
[활용] stranded, stranded, stranding, strands
<명사> ① (실전선머리카락 등의) 가닥[올/줄] ② (생각계획이야기 등의) 가닥[부분] ③ (문예체 또는 아일랜드 영어) (바다호수강의) 물가
[어원] strand(Old English), sea-shore

stressful [형용사] [레마] stress
[본문] And as a result they're stronger and more resilient to other, less stressful events when they return home to Earth.
[영영] If a situation or experience is stressful, it causes the person involved to feel stress.
[영한] ⒨ 스트레스가 많은
[파생] stressful, stressfully, stressfulness, stress
[어근]stress(strain); tight, compressed ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

super-efficient [형용사] [레마] efficient
[본문] So the reason why it looks pink in here is because we're actually only using red light and blue light to grow the plants, and that essentially tailors the light diet so that the plants look black when you look at them because they're not reflecting any light - they're being super-efficient, they're using up every photon that hits them.
[영한] ⒨ 가장 효과적인
[구성단어] super + efficient

tailor [동사] [레마] tailor
[본문] So the reason why it looks pink in here is because we're actually only using red light and blue light to grow the plants, and that essentially tailors the light diet so that the plants look black when you look at them because they're not reflecting any light - they're being super-efficient, they're using up every photon that hits them.
[영영] If you tailor something such as a plan or system to someone's needs, you make it suitable for a particular person or purpose by changing the details of it.
[영한] ⒨ (특정한 목적/사람 등에) 맞추다[조정하다]
[활용] tailored, tailored, tailoring, tailors
<명사> (남성복) 재단사, 양복장이
[어근]tail; cut, 자르다 ⑵ or; …하는 사람(명사어미)

tonne [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] ton
[본문] Last November Nasa launched a very unusual home delivery service - a rocket carrying four tonnes of supplies to the ISS - the International Space Station.
[영영] A tonne is a metric unit of weight that is equal to 1000 kilograms.
[영한] ⒨ 톤(무게의 단위. 1 000킬로그램에 해당)
[첫뜻] ton
[활용] 복수형; tonnes
[어원] ton(French), musical sound, speech, words

tune [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3681] [★★] [레마] tune
[본문] Basically we use LED lighting and we use LED lights that are tuned to a specific wavelength.
[영영] When someone tunes a musical instrument, they adjust it so that it produces the right notes.
[영한] ⒨ ① (악기의) 음을 맞추다, 조율하다 ② (기계를) 조정[정비]하다 ③ (라디오텔레비전 채널을) 맞추다 ④ (상황에 맞도록) 준비[조정]하다
[첫뜻] bring into a state of proper pitch
[파생] tuneful, tuneless, tuny, tune
<명사> 곡, 곡조, 선율
[어근] tune(tone); 소리

vertical [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4491] [★★] [레마] vertical
[본문] British company vertical Future has been working on this problem by developing indoor farming methods in partnership with Nasa.
[영영] Something that is vertical stands or points straight up.
[영한] ⒨ ① (선장대 등이) 수직의, 세로의 ② 종적(縱的)인
[첫뜻] of or at the vertex, directly overhead
[파생] vertex, verticality, vertically, verticalness, vertical
[유의어] perpendicular
<명사> 수직(선면)
[어근]vert(verse); 돌다 ⑵ ical(ic); …의, 와 같은(것)

wavelength [명사] [레마] length
[본문] But when scientists control the wavelengths being fed, plants are able to absorb every photon - particle of light energy, making them appear black.
[영영] A wavelength is the distance between a part of a wave of energy such as light or sound and the next similar part.
[영한] ⒨ ① 파장 ② (특정 라디오 방송국 등이 사용하는) 주파수
[활용] 복수형; wavelengths
[구성단어] wave + length

weightless [형용사] [레마] weight
[본문] But this doesn't apply in space because of microgravity - the weaker pull of gravity making things float and seem weightless.
[영영] Something that is weightless weighs nothing or seems to weigh nothing.
[영한] ⒨ 무게가 없는 (듯한), 무중력의
[파생] weightlessly, weightlessness, weightless
[구성단어] weight + less

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