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BBC Learning English 문법강좌 Young women on social media - 영국 BBC 6분 영어 문법



이번주 BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English가 다룬 문법 관련 이슈 는 that(10), 관계대명사(8), it(2) 등이였습니다. 그 외에 관계부사, 동사: 글짜임 및 쓰임새, 문장형식: 4형식, 문장형식: 5형식, 부정사, 전치사, 종속접속사 등이 각각 1 건씩 다루어졌습니다.


[본문] [06] And this is a really trending topic at the moment because of what's happening in Australia, where a new law to limit under 16-year-olds' access to social media is being debated.
[설명] 『where a new law ~』의 where는 계속용법의 관계부사로 「접속사+부사」의 쓸모를 합니다. '그런데, 그 결과로' 따위의 뜻을 갖습니다.

[본문] [08] Well, one good thing is it means I can see what friends are doing who live far away and one bad thing is it's really addictive and a massive waste of time.
Well, one good thing is {the fact that} it means {that} I can see what friends are doing who live far away and one bad thing is {the fact that} it's really addictive and a massive waste of time.
[설명] ⑴ 'one good thing is' 뒤에 「the fact that」이 생략되어 있습니다.
⑵ 'it means' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. 종속절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑶ 『what friends are doing ~』은 what 목적격 관계대명사절로 절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑷ 『who live far away』의 who는 제한적용법 주격의 관계대명사입니다. 선행사는 friends입니다.
⑸ 관계대명사 who와 선행(명)사 friends가 떨어져 있습니다.

[본문] [09] Well, it's interesting to hear a man's perspective, Neil, because when it comes to issues like cyber-bullying, it's often young women who are most affected, so soon we'll be hearing from women in different countries about their online experiences.
[설명] ⑴ 『it's interesting to hear ~』는 「it to 진(眞)·주어」 글짜임입니다. it는 가짜(假)·주어, 진(眞)·주어는 「to hear ~」 부정사(구)입니다.
⑵ 『it's often young women who are ~』은 [it who 가짜주어] 글짜임입니다. who 절인 'who are most affected'가 명사절로 진짜주어입니다.

[본문] [10] And remember you can find all the vocabulary and a worksheet on our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
And remember {that} you can find all the vocabulary and a worksheet on our website, bbclearningenglish.com.
[설명] remember 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. that절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.

[본문] [20] I do think social media has played a huge role in educating young voters on different policies and different people who are running.
I do think {that} social media has played a huge role in educating young voters on different policies and different people who are running.
[설명] ⑴ 'do think' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. that절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑵ 『who are running』의 who는 제한적용법 주격의 관계대명사입니다. 선행사는 'different people'입니다.

[본문] [21] I know Trump has recently said that he has a soft spot in his heart for TikTok.
I know {that} Trump has recently said that he has a soft spot in his heart for TikTok.
[설명] 'I know' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. that절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.

[본문] [23] I think my generation too has seen so many climactic things happen.
I think {that} my generation too has seen {that} so many climactic things happen.
[설명] 'I think'와 'has seen' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 각각 간추려졌습니다. 종속절의 문장성분은 둘 다 목적어입니다.

[본문] [24] Haleigh thinks one good thing about social media is that it sparks debates and conversations - it causes debates to start.
Haleigh thinks {that} one good thing about social media is that it sparks debates and conversations - it causes debates to start.
[설명] ⑴ 'Haleigh thinks' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. 종속절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑵ 『it causes debates to start』의 동사 'causes'는 5형식 동사입니다. 목적어는 debates, 목적어 보충·어[補語, complement]는 'to start'입니다.
[참조 링크]5형식 구조: 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 + 목적격 보어
[참조 링크](영어) 5형식 문형에 대한 이애 (동사의 종류)

[본문] [25] She comments that Donald Trump is a fan of social media by saying he has a soft spot for TikTok.
She comments that Donald Trump is a fan of social media by saying {that} he has a soft spot for TikTok.
[설명] ⑴ 『by saying』의 「by V-ing ~」 글짜임은 앞에 나온 내용을 실행하는 방법이나 수단을 설명합니다. '-함으로써, -해서, -(하는 것)으로'라고 풀어줍니다.
⑵ 'by saying' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. that절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
[참조 링크]V by -ing
[참조 링크]by ing, in ing, of ing, on ing 뜻 구분 해석·번역 팁
[참조 링크]로버트 G. 앨런의 긍정 명언 - ~함으로써, by -ing 의 용법과 예문 출처:

이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

[본문] [28] Increasingly, young women are reporting the negative impact social media is making on their lives, and the pressure they feel to appear 'perfect' online, especially from men.
Increasingly, young women are reporting the negative impact {which/that} social media is making on their lives, and the pressure {which/that} they feel to appear 'perfect' online, especially from men.
[설명] 선행(명)사 'the negative impact' 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다. 또한 선행(명)사 'the pressure 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사 which 또는 that이 간추려져 빠져 있습니다.

[본문] [29] Maanvi Sharma, aged 28, is a businesswoman and model with a large Instagram following who lives in Delhi, India.
[설명] 『who lives in ~』의 who는 제한적용법 주격의 관계대명사입니다. 선행사는 'a large Instagram following'입니다.

[본문] [36] Some men or some people, they want you to shrink yourself so that they can, like, be the bigger person.
[설명] 『so that they can ~』의 「so that 접속사」는 목적이나 정도의 뜻을 갖는 부사절을 이끕니다.

[본문] [37] They get to listen to what your friends say about you, what your family says about you, and they are not able to, like, stand up for you, to say, "Oh, I know this person.
[설명] ⑴ 『what your friends say ~』와 『what your family says ~』는 what 목적격 관계대명사절로 절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.
⑵ 『to say, "Oh, ~』는 to부정사의 부사적 용법(결과) 입니다.

[본문] [38] I believe she's not, like, doing these things for other reasons".
I believe {that} she's not, like, doing these things for other reasons".
[설명] 'I believe' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. that절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.

[본문] [39] Maanvi thinks some men are intimidated by her popularity on Instagram.
Maanvi thinks {that} some men are intimidated by her popularity on Instagram.
[설명] 'Maanvi thinks' 뒤에 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 간추려졌습니다. that절의 문장성분은 목적어입니다.

[본문] [43] She says that on social media, some people want her to shrink herself, a phrase meaning that you underuse your full potential in order to avoid making people uncomfortable, or to fit in.
[설명] 『that 목적절』은 「want+목적어+to부정사」 글짜임입니다. 이 글짜임은 (to) 부정사 'to shrink ~'가 목적어 her의 보충·어[補語, complement]가 되는 5형식 글틀을 만듭니다.

[본문] [44] When she's bullied online, Kemi says that these people don't stand up for her. To stand up for someone means to defend or support someone who's being criticised or bullied.
When she's bullied online, Kemi says that these people don't stand up for her.To stand up for someone means to defend or support someone who's being criticised or bullied.
[설명] 『who's being ~』의 who는 한정용법 주격의 관계대명사입니다. 선행(명)사는 someone입니다.

[본문] [46] I asked which was the most regularly used social media platform in the world in 2024 - Facebook, Instagram or TikTok?
[설명] 이 월은 동사 ask의 4형식 문장인데, 간접목적어가 생략되었습니다. 직접목적어는 'which was the most ~' 절입니다.

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