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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - Embarrassed to go to the doctor? [BBC Learning English 강좌]



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BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Embarrassed to go to the doctor?은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

의료적 당혹감의 결과는 어떻게 되나요? 베스와 닐이 이 문제에 대해 논의하고 새로운 어휘를 알려드립니다.(What are the consequences of medical embarrassment? Beth and Neil discuss this issue and teach you some new vocabulary.)

다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.

a lot noun
[본문] [24]So I think it's probably a lot.
[영한] 다수 , 다량 , 많이
<부사> 다수 , 다량 , 많이

a lot of adj.
[본문] [32]And so I then feel that we see a lot of people kind of suffering in silence really.
[영한] 많은
[유의어] a number of(다수이다), lots of(수많다)

according to prep.
[본문] [21]Neil, according to the UK's Nursing Times newspaper, what percentage of people surveyed said they had delayed visiting their doctor out of embarrassment, and then later been diagnosed with a health condition?
[영한] ① (진술/기록 등에) 따르면 ② (지시/합의 등에) 따라 ③ ~에 의하면
[영영] If someone says that something is true according to a particular person, book, or other source of information, they are indicating where they got their information.

and then conj.
[본문] [12]I remember answering the phone, I thought it was my best friend and I said "hello" in a very silly voice, and then they asked to speak to my dad, and it wasn't my friend.
[영한] 그러고는, 그런 다음
<부사> 그러고는, 그런 다음

이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

anyone else pron.
[본문] [57]The adjective confidential means kept private and secret and describes information which is not shared with anyone else.
[영한] 누구든지 다른 사람.

as a result adv.
[본문] [34]as a result, their problem isn't diagnosed.
[영한] 결과적으로
[영영] because of something ? often + of
[유의어] from there(그 결과)

as usual adv.
[본문] [19]In this programme, we'll be discussing the issue of medical embarrassment, and as usual, we'll be learning some useful new words and phrases.
[영한] 늘 그렇듯이[평상시처럼]
[영영] ① in the same way as what happens most of the time or in most cases
② in the way that happens or exists most of the time or in most cases
③ sometimes used with per
[유의어] as always

as well adv.
[본문] [39]There are ways that doctors can help as well, as Dr Vanessa Apea explains here to James Gallagher, presenter of BBC Radio 4 programme, Inside Health:
[영한] ① (~뿐만 아니라/~은 물론) …도 ② 게다가, 또한, 마찬가지로
[영영] in addition to somebody/something; too

as well as conj.
[본문] [44]as well as discussing embarrassing problems sensitively, Dr Apea also uses non-verbal cues - the expression on her face, her hand movements, and the tone of her voice, rather than words, to communicate and relax the patient.
[영한] ① …에 더하여, 게다가 ② …과 마찬가지로 잘

ask for verb
[본문] [55]If you suffer in silence, you endure and struggle with painful feelings without asking someone for help.
[영한] ① (누구를 만나거나 어디를 가기 위해) ~에 대해 묻다[~를 찾다] ② …을 찾아오다 ③ (물건을) 청하다, 청구하다 ④ 필요로 하다
[영영] ① (ask somebody for something) to say that you want somebody to give you something
② (informal) if somebody is asking for trouble or asking for it, they are behaving in a way that is likely to cause something bad to happen to them
③ {ask for something) to say that you want to speak to somebody or be directed to a place
[유의어] request(청하다), invite(불러들이다)

at ease adj.
[본문] [40]Can you tell us what techniques you use to put people at ease?
[영한] 마음이 편안한

at the end of prep.
[본문] [27]We will find out if that's correct at the end of the programme.
[영한] ~의 끝 무렵에

best friend noun
[본문] [12]I remember answering the phone, I thought it was my best friend and I said "hello" in a very silly voice, and then they asked to speak to my dad, and it wasn't my friend.
[영한] 가장 친한 친구
[ABBR] besties, bestie

bring to verb
[본문] [41]I bring transparency to the conversation, and own it, and say that I'm going to be asking you some quite personal questions, and there may be also intimate examination… I want to assure you that this is confidential, that this is a safe, non-judgmental space… So really, I often name the words to create that space as well.
[영한] …로 가지고 오다, …로 이끌다.

car park noun
[본문] [8]Once I met my parents in a car park and I saw them arriving in their car and I waved my hands around in a very silly way.
[영한] 주차장

find out verb
[본문] [27]We will find out if that's correct at the end of the programme.
[영한] ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다 ⑥ (죄 등이) 그 본인을 폭로하다 ⑦ (미) (친척 등을) 찾아내다 ⑧ …에 대해 진상을 알다
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong

go with verb
[본문] [38]Writing your problem down, going with a friend, and visiting a doctor you trust are some ideas Dr Apea recommends.
[영한] ① ~에 포함되다[딸려 나오다] ② (계획/제의 등을) 받아들이다 ③ (함께) 잘 어울리다 ④ 공존하다[동반되다] ⑤ ~와 연애하다 ⑥ ~와 섹스하다 ⑦ 조화되다, 어울리다, …과 동행하다, …에게 동반하다, …에 부속되다, 딸려 있다
[영영] ① to look, taste, sound, etc. good with something; to combine well with something
② to exist at the same time or in the same place as something; to be often found together
③ to be included with or as a part of something
[유의어] match

going to adj
[본문] [41]I bring transparency to the conversation, and own it, and say that I'm going to be asking you some quite personal questions, and there may be also intimate examination… I want to assure you that this is confidential, that this is a safe, non-judgmental space… So really, I often name the words to create that space as well.
[영한] ~할 예정인

have a question verb
[본문] [20]So, I have a question.
[영한] ① 질문하다 ② 물어볼 게 있다

health problem noun
[본문] [35]To diagnose means to identify a disease or health problem through medical examination.
[영한] 건강 문제

in fact adv.
[본문] [52]It was, in fact a) 21% or just over a fifth.
[영한] ① 사실은[실은](방금 한 말에 대해 자세한 내용을 덧붙일 때 씀) ② 사실은[실제로는](특히 방금 한 말에 반대되는 내용을 강조할 때 씀)
[영영] ① used to emphasize a statement, especially one that is the opposite of what has just been mentioned
② used to give extra details about something that has just been mentioned

kind of adv.
[본문] [32]And so I then feel that we see a lot of people kind of suffering in silence really.
[영한] 약간, 어느 정도
[영영] 1.used with adjectives, adverbs and verbs when something is difficult to describe or when the word you use is not exactly what you mean
<한정사> 일종의, (어떤) 종류의

listening skill noun
[본문] [59]Once again, our six minutes are up, but why not built your vocabulary and listening skills even more with the quiz and worksheet related to this programme?
[영한] 듣기 능력

lots of adj.
[본문] [5]lots of things can make us feel embarrassed - that self-conscious, uncomfortable feeling when your face blushes red and you wish you could just disappear.
[영한] 수많은
[유의어] a lot of(수많다)

medical condition noun
[본문] [29]But how does feeling embarrassed about a medical condition impact our relationship with the doctor?
[영한] 질병(疾病)

medical embarrassment noun
[본문] [19]In this programme, we'll be discussing the issue of medical embarrassment, and as usual, we'll be learning some useful new words and phrases.
[영한] 의학적 당혹감

more of adj.
[본문] [45]Embarrassment is normal, and with support hopefully more of us will feel safe to visit the doctor despite it.
[영한] ① .에 가깝다, -인 편이다 ② …중에 많은
<부사> 오히려 …

more than adj.
[본문] [16]But embarrassment is more than just shyness and blushing.
[영한] …보다 많이, …이상(의)
<복합전치사> …보다 많이, …이상(의)

non-verbal cue noun
[본문] [42]Also in my manner, I would hope, and in my non-verbal cues.
[영한] ① 비언어적 신호 ② 말이 아닌 신호

once again adv.
[본문] [59]once again, our six minutes are up, but why not built your vocabulary and listening skills even more with the quiz and worksheet related to this programme?
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시

phrasal verb noun
[본문] [56]The phrasal verb put someone at ease means to make someone feel calm and relaxed.
[영한] 구동사

put [] at ease verb
[본문] [43]James asks what doctors can do to put people at ease - to make them feel calm and relaxed - and Dr Apea describes her ideal conversation: it's a safe space, it's non-judgmental and what is said is confidential, kept private and not shared with anyone.
[영한] ~를 편하게 해주다

put off verb
[본문] [33]Many people delay going to the doctor - they postpone going or put it off until a later time.
[영한] ① ~와의 만남[약속]을 취소하다 ② ~를 싫어하게[믿지 못하게] 만들다 ③ (집중을) 방해하다[흐트러지게 하다] ④ (차량/운전자가) (차를) 세우다[(사람을) 내려 주다] ⑤ (시간/날짜를) 미루다[연기하다] ⑥ ~에게 ~에 대한 흥미[열의]를 잃게 만들다
[영영] ① 【put somebody off】 to cancel a meeting or something you had arranged with somebody
② 【put somebody off】 (BrE) to stop in order to allow somebody to get off
③ 【put something off】 ( put off doing something) to change something to a later date or time
[유의어] postpone, delay

rather than conj.
[본문] [36]For some, feelings of embarrassment are so strong they prefer to suffer in silence - to struggle with pain without seeking help - rather than visit the doctor.
[영한] …보다는[대신에/…하지 말고]
[영영] instead of somebody/something
<복합전치사> …보다는[대신에/…하지 말고]

rather than prep.
[본문] [44]As well as discussing embarrassing problems sensitively, Dr Apea also uses non-verbal cues - the expression on her face, her hand movements, and the tone of her voice, rather than words, to communicate and relax the patient.
[영한] …보다는[대신에/…하지 말고]
<접속사> …보다는[대신에/…하지 말고]

related to prep.
[본문] [59]Once again, our six minutes are up, but why not built your vocabulary and listening skills even more with the quiz and worksheet related to this programme?
[영한] ~와 관련 있는

safe space noun
[본문] [43]James asks what doctors can do to put people at ease - to make them feel calm and relaxed - and Dr Apea describes her ideal conversation: it's a safe space, it's non-judgmental and what is said is confidential, kept private and not shared with anyone.
[영한] 안전 공간

struggle with verb
[본문] [36]For some, feelings of embarrassment are so strong they prefer to suffer in silence - to struggle with pain without seeking help - rather than visit the doctor.
[영한] ① ~로 고심하다 ② ~와 싸우다, ~와 투쟁하다, ~와 분쟁하다 ③ ~로 힘들어 하다

suffer in silence verb
[본문] [36]For some, feelings of embarrassment are so strong they prefer to suffer in silence - to struggle with pain without seeking help - rather than visit the doctor.
[영한] ① 남몰래 견디다 ② 벙어리 냉가슴 앓듯 하다.
[영영] endure or struggle with painful feelings or trauma without asking anyone for help

why not adv.
[본문] [59]Once again, our six minutes are up, but why not built your vocabulary and listening skills even more with the quiz and worksheet related to this programme?
[영한] (제안을 나타내어) …하는 게 어때[…하지 그래]/, (동의를 나타내어) 왜 아니겠어/[거 좋지.]
[영영] used to make a suggestion, or agree to a suggestion

write down verb
[본문] [38]Writing your problem down, going with a friend, and visiting a doctor you trust are some ideas Dr Apea recommends.
[영한] ① (특히 기억하거나 기록하기 위해) ~을 적다, 적어놓다 , 기록하다 ② (회계 장부에서) ~을 감가상각하다 ③ 호평하다.
[영영] ① 1.to write something on paper so that you do not forget it
② 2.to reduce the value of what a company owns when stating it in the company's accounts

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