Are DNA ancestry tests a reliable way to trace your ancestry? Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.
DNA 혈통 검사가 당신의 가계를 찾아낼 믿을 수 있는 방법입니까? 닐과 베스는 이것을 논의했습니다 그리고 당신에게 몇몇의 새로운 어휘를 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
amaze verb ★★[3349] from [레마] amaze(a+mæs) 《 maze(깜짝 놀란)
[본문] [11]Wow, that's amazing.
[영한] (대단히) 놀라게 하다
[영영] If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.
[굴절형] amazed, amazed, amazing, amazes
[유의어] stagger, astonish(깜짝 놀라게 하다)
<명사> (대단한) 놀라움 유의어 amazement
[어근] ⑴ a(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ maze; maze, 깜짝 놀란
[어원] 《고대 영어 amasod》 [a+mæs] amazed
[최초 의미] overwhelm or confound with sudden surprise or wonder
ancestor noun ★★★[2338] from [레마] ancestry(가다) 《 cede(가다)
[본문] [7]Well, my Mum actually did our family tree, and she found a lot of our ancestors had emigrated to the United States.
[영한] ① (사람의) 조상, 선조 ② (동물의) 조상 ③ (기계의) 원형[전신]
[영영] Your ancestors are the people from whom you are descended.
[굴절형] 복수형; ancestors
[유의어] forebear(조상), forerunner(원형), progenitor
[구성단어] ancestry + or
[어근] ⑴ an(ante); 앞, before ⑵ cest(cede); 가다 ⑶ or; 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 cedere》 가다, 진행하다, 떠나다, 승인하다, 양보하다, 산출하다, 자리를 내 주다
[최초 의미] one from whom a person is descended
[파생] ancestor, ancestral, ancestrally, ancestry
ancestry noun △[10000+] from [레마] ancestry(가다) 《 cede(가다)
[본문] [12]Well, the internet has made it easier to find the historical records needed to research your ancestry - the origins of your family.
[영한] 가계, 혈통
[유의어] descent
[어근] ⑴ an(ante); 앞, before ⑵ cest(cede); 가다, go ⑶ ry(ery); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 cedere》 가다, 진행하다, 떠나다, 승인하다, 양보하다, 산출하다, 자리를 내 주다
[파생] ancestor, ancestral, ancestrally, ancestry
blow verb ★★★[2104] from [레마] blow(to blow of the wind)
[본문] [42]It's going to blow your mind!
[영한] ① (입으로) 불다 ② (바람이) 불다 ③ (바람입김에) 날리다, (바람입김에) 날려 보내다 ④ (호각악기 등을) 불다, (호각악기 등이) 소리를 내다 ⑤ 코를 풀다 ⑥ (입에 손을 대었다가) 키스를 날려 보내다 ⑦ (모양을 만들며) 불다 ⑧ (퓨즈가) 나가다[나가게 만들다] ⑨ (폭탄으로) 날려 버리다, 폭파하다 ⑩ (비밀을) 불다[들통나게 하다]
[영영] ① When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves.
② If the wind blows something somewhere or if it blows there, the wind moves it there.
③ If you blow, you send out a stream of air from your mouth.
[굴절형] blew, blown blowed, blowing, blows
[어근] blow; 불다, blow
[어원] 《고대 영어 blawan》 to blow of the wind, bellows, etc.), breathe, make an air current; kindle; inflate; sound a wind instrument)
[최초 의미] move air, produce a current of air
[파생] blowy, blow
broadly adv. ★★[4174] from [레마] broad
[본문] [18]Not so long ago I sent off a home DNA testing kit and the results that came back were broadly in line with expectations, but it had some little glitches in there which made me think, is this accurate?
[영한] ① 대략(적으로) ② 활짝 (웃다)
[영영] You can use broadly to indicate that something is generally true.
[어근] ⑴ broad; 넓다, wide ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 breiðr》
[파생] breadth, broaden, broadly, broadness, broad
cautious adj. ★★[3818] from [레마] caution
[본문] [24]One reason to be cautious about DNA ancestry tests is that humans are very similar to each other.
[영한] 조심스러운, 신중한
[영영] Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger.
[유의어] circumspect, wary
[어근] ⑴ cauti(caut); 주의, caution ⑵ ous; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 cautionem》 nominative cautio; caution, care, foresight, precaution
[최초 의미] careful to avoid danger or misfortune,
[파생] caution, cautionary, cautioner, cautious, cautiously, cautiousness
cellular adj. △[10000+] from [레마] cell(작은 방)
[본문] [15]DNA is the cellular information that's passed down from parents to children telling the body how to create life.
[영한] ① 세포의 ② 무선[휴대] 전화의 ③ (직물이) (보온성을 높이기 위해) 성기게 짠
[영영] Cellular means relating to the cells of animals or plants.
[어근] ⑴ cell(cel); cell, to hide ⑵ ul(le); 작은 것 (지소사) ⑶ ar; ~하는 사람
[어원] 《라틴어 cella》 작은 방, 저장고, 오두막
[최초 의미] consisting of or resembling cells
[파생] celllike, cell-like, cellular, cellularity, cellularly, cellulous, cell
clever adj. ★★★[2123] from [레마] clever
[본문] [55]Well, you must be very clever, because the answer is correct.
[영한] ① 영리한, 똑똑한 ② 재주가 있는 ③ 기발한, 재치 있는 ④ 말대답[말대꾸] 하는
[영영] Someone who is clever is intelligent and able to understand things easily or plan things well.
[굴절형] 비교; clever < cleverer < cleverest
[유의어] intelligent
[어근] clever; 똑똑한, clever
[어원] 《고대 영어 clifer》 발톰, 손; 붙잡기 전문가
[최초 의미] handy, dexterous, having special manual ability
[파생] cleverish, cleverly, cleverness, clever
continent noun ★★★[2974] from [레마] continent 《 ten-(잡다)
[본문] [35]Your 'ethnicity',you would probably think of in geographical terms, maybe which continent or which region your 'people' came from.
[영한] ① 대륙 ② (영국/아일랜드를 포함하지 않는) 유럽 대륙
[영영] A continent is a very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia, that consists of several countries.
[굴절형] 복수형; continents
<형용사> ① 자제심 있는, 극기의 ② 성욕을 절제하는, 금욕의 ③ 배설 자제력이 있는
[어근] ⑴ con(com); with, together ⑵ tin(ten); 잡다, hold ⑶ ent(ant); …하는 것(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 tenere》 잡다, 유지하다
[최초 의미] continuous tract of land
[파생] continence, continency, continent, continental, continentalism, continentalist, continentalize, continentally, continently
database noun ★★[4220] from [레마] database 《 data
[본문] [51]Actually, companies compare DNA with other samples in their database, and since companies use different databases, it's not too surprising that Greg's results were so different - unlike his actual DNA.
[영한] 데이터베이스
[영영] A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer and that can easily be used and added to.
[굴절형] 복수형; databases
[구성단어] data + base
[어근] ⑴ data(dat); 주다, 날짜, give ⑵ base(bas); 걸음, 기초, step
[어원] 《라틴어 dare》 to give, grant, offer
diagram noun ★★[4149] from [레마] diagram 《 gram-(쓰다)
[본문] [5]Nowadays, it's popular to find out more about your family history by tracing your family tree - a diagram that shows all the members of a family over a long period of time.
[영한] 도표, 도해
[영영] A diagram is a simple drawing which consists mainly of lines and is used, for example, to explain how a machine works.
[굴절형] 복수형; diagrams
<동사> gramming) 도표로 나타내다, 도해하다.
[어근] ⑴ dia; 통하여 ⑵ gram; 문서, 도해, 그램
[어원] 《라틴어 diagramma》 a scale, a musical scale
[최초 의미] an illustrative figure giving only the outlines or general scheme of the object
[파생] diagrammatic, diagrammatically, diagrammatize, diagram
DNA abbr. ★★★[2136] from [레마] DNA
[본문] [14]Luckily, some companies now offer to trace your ancestry using DNA.
[영한] (화학) 디엔에이
[영영] DNA is an acid in the chromosomes in the centre of the cells of living things. DNA determines the particular structure and functions of every cell and is responsible for characteristics being passed on from parents to their children. DNA is an abbreviation for `deoxyribonucleic acid'.
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[Full] deoxyribonucleic acid
emigrate verb ☆[5332] from [레마] emigrate(움직이다) 《 migr(움직이다)
[본문] [7]Well, my Mum actually did our family tree, and she found a lot of our ancestors had emigrated to the United States.
[영한] (to…) 이민을 가다, (다른 나라로) 이주하다
[영영] If you emigrate, you leave your own country to live in another country.
[굴절형] emigrated emigrated emigrating emigrates
[유의어] migrate
[어근] ⑴ e(ex); out ⑵ migr; to move ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 migrare》 움직이다
[파생] emigratory, emigrate
ethnicity noun[10000+] from [레마] ethnic 《 ethno
[본문] [32]Another problem for research based on DNA is agreeing on the meaning of words like 'ancestry' and 'ethnicity'.
[영한] 민족성
[구성단어] ethnic + ity
[어근] ⑴ ethn; 사람, 인종, people ⑵ ic; …의, 와 같은(것) ⑶ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 ethnos》 band of people living together, nation, people, tribe, caste
[최초 의미] ethnic character
[파생] ethnically, ethnicity, ethnic
excite verb ★★[3342] from [레마] excite 《 cite(부르다)
[본문] [49]The second company's DNA test blows Greg's mind - it makes him very excited and surprised.
[영한] ① (특히 기대감으로) 흥분시키다[들뜨게 만들다] ② 흥분[초조]하게 만들다, 자극하다 ③ (특정한 감정/반응을) 불러일으키다[촉발시키다] ④ (성적으로) 흥분시키다[자극하다] ⑤ (신체 부위/조직을) 자극하다[활성화시키다]
[영영] If something excites you, it makes you feel very happy, eager, or enthusiastic.
[굴절형] excited, excited, exciting, excites
[유의어] stimulate(자극하다), arouse(흥분시키다)
[어근] ⑴ ex; out, 밖 ⑵ cite; 부르다, call
[어원] 《라틴어 citare》 소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[최초 의미] to move, stir up, instigate
[파생] excitement, excite
explicitly adv. △[10000+] from [레마] explicit 《 plic(접다)
[본문] [46]It says that you are, first of all, 66% north and west Europe, but explicitly that doesn't refer to the United Kingdom.
[영한] 명쾌하게
[영영] (explicit + ly) in an explicit manner : clearly and without any vagueness or ambiguity
[구성단어] explicit + ly
[어근] ⑴ ex; 밖으로, out ⑵ plicit(plic); 접은, fold ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 explicitus》 pp of explicare; unobstructed
[파생] explicitly, explicitness, explicit
forebear noun △[10000+] from [레마] forebear
[본문] [34]So 'ancestry' is really about people, it's about your actual forebears.
[영한] 선조, 조상
[유의어] ancestor, ancestor(조상)
[구성단어] fore + be + er
[어근] ⑴ fore; 앞, fore ⑵ be(bio); 생명, life ⑶ ar(or); …하는 사람[것]
genealogist noun[10000+] from [레마] genealogy 《 gene
[본문] [33]Here, genealogist, Louise Baldock explains the difference between these words to BBC Radio 4 programme, 'Sliced Bread':
[영한] 계보[족보]학자
[구성단어] genealogy + ist
[어근] ⑴ genea(gen); 탄생, 종족, birth ⑵ log; 말, 학문, word ⑶ ist; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 genea》 출생[생식(生殖), 발생], 인종[종족]
[파생] genealogic, genealogical, genealogically, genealogist, genealogy
genetic adj. △[8514]
[본문] [25]Most of your DNA is identical with every other person on earth, and it's only the tiny amount of difference that accounts for all genetic variations between humans.
[영한] 유전의, 유전학의
[영영] You use genetic to describe something that is concerned with genetics or with genes.
[어근] ⑴ gen; 생기다 ⑵ etic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 genea》 출생[생식(生殖), 발생], 인종[종족]
[최초 의미] pertaining to origins,
[파생] gene, genetic, genetically, genetics
geographical adj. △[10000+] from [레마] geography 《 graph(쓰기)
[본문] [35]Your 'ethnicity',you would probably think of in geographical terms, maybe which continent or which region your 'people' came from.
[영한] 지리학(상)의, 지리(학)적인
[영영] Geographical or geographic means concerned with or relating to geography.
[어근] ⑴ geo; 땅, earth ⑵ graph; 글, 쓰다, write ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 graphe》 [from graphein] 쓰기, 그리기
[파생] geographer, geographic, geographical, geographically, geography
geography noun ★★[4051] from [레마] geography 《 graph(쓰기)
[본문] [38]And it's this question of geography which interested BBC presenter, Greg Foot.
[영한] ① 지리학 ② (한 지역의) 지리[지형] ③ (사회적) 지형도
[영영] Geography is the study of the countries of the world and of such things as the land, seas, climate, towns, and population.
[굴절형] 복수형; geographies
[어근] ⑴ geo; 땅, earth ⑵ graph; 글, 쓰다, write ⑶ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 graphe》 [from graphein] 쓰기, 그리기
[최초 의미] the science of description of the earth's surface in its present condition,
[파생] geographer, geographic, geographical, geographically, geography
identical adj. ★★[3429] from [레마] identi(같음[동일함])
[본문] [25]Most of your DNA is identical with every other person on earth, and it's only the tiny amount of difference that accounts for all genetic variations between humans.
[영한] ① 동일한, 똑같은 ② 바로 그
[영영] Things that are identical are exactly the same.
[어근] ⑴ ident(idem); 같은, same, idem ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 identitas》 [identitatem의 주격] 같음[동일함]
[파생] identical, identically, identicalness, identify, identity
kingdom noun ★★★[2766] from [레마] king(related to Old English cynn) 《 kin(가족)
[본문] [46]It says that you are, first of all, 66% north and west Europe, but explicitly that doesn't refer to the United kingdom.
[영한] ① 왕국 ② (특정한 사람/물건/사상이 독점적인 지위를 갖는) 왕국[세계] ③ (자연계를 세 가지로 구분한) …계 ④ (생물) (생물을 분류하는 가장 큰 단위인) …계
[영영] A kingdom is a country or region that is ruled by a king or queen.
[굴절형] 복수형; kingdoms
[유의어] realm
[구성단어] king + dom
[어근] ⑴ kin; 혈연, family ⑵ g(ing); 명사 어미 ⑶ dom; 상태,지위,집단
[어원] 《고대 영어 cyning》 related to Old English cynn; king, ruler
[파생] kingdomless, kingdom
kit noun ★★[4244] from [레마] kit
[본문] [18]Not so long ago I sent off a home DNA testing kit and the results that came back were broadly in line with expectations, but it had some little glitches in there which made me think, is this accurate?
[영한] ① 조립용품 세트 ② (특정한 목적용 도구장비) 세트 ③ (특정 활동용) 복장
[영영] A kit is a group of items that are kept together, often in the same container, because they are all used for similar purposes.
[굴절형] 복수형; kits
[어근] kit; kit
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 kitte》 주전자[항아리, 나무[목재] 용기
[최초 의미] round wooden tub
linguistic adj. ☆[5489] from [레마] linguist 《 lingua(언어)
[본문] [61]Ethnicity means the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics shared by a group of people.
[영한] 언어(학)의
[영영] Linguistic abilities or ideas relate to language or linguistics.
[어근] ⑴ lingu; 혀, 언어 ⑵ istic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lingua》 [어원은 Old Latin dingua] 언어, 혀
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to the study of language
[파생] linguist, linguister, linguistically, linguistic
listener noun ★★★[2419] from [레마] listen(to listen)
[본문] [16]listener, Chris, from the UK, recently took a DNA ancestry test.
[영한] ① 듣는 사람, 청자 ② (라디오) 청취자
[영영] A listener is a person who listens to the radio or to a particular radio programme.
[굴절형] 복수형; listeners
[구성단어] listen + er
[어근] ⑴ listen; 듣다, listen ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《고대 영어 hlysnan》 [from Proto-Germanic *hlusinon] to listen, hear; attend to, obey, pay attention to
[파생] listener, listen
location noun ★★★[2655] from [레마] locate(위치시키다) 《 loc(곳[장소])
[본문] [37]But Louise is more interested in the term, ethnicity - the shared culture, language and traditions of a group of people - and this is closely connected to a geographical location.
[영한] ① (…이 일어나는/존재하는) 장소[곳/위치] ② (영화의) 야외 촬영지[로케이션] ③ …의 위치[소재] 찾기[추적]
[영영] A location is the place where something happens or is situated.
[굴절형] 복수형; locations
[구성단어] locate + ion
[어근] ⑴ loc; 장소 ⑵ at(ate); 동사어미 ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 locare》 위치시키다, 두다, 놓다, 배치하다, 정렬하다
[파생] local, locatable, locate, locater, location, locational, locationally, locative
luckily adv. ☆[4562] from [레마] luck
[본문] [14]luckily, some companies now offer to trace your ancestry using DNA.
[영한] ① 운 좋게 ② 다행히도
[영영] You add luckily to a statement to indicate that it is good that a particular thing happened or is the case because otherwise the situation would have been difficult or unpleasant.
[유의어] fortunately
[반의어] unluckily
[구성단어] lucky + ly
[어근] ⑴ luck; luck, 행운 ⑵ I(y); 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 luc》 행복, 좋은 행운
[파생] luck, luckily, luckiness, lucky
nowadays adv. ★★[3364] from [레마] day
[본문] [5]nowadays, it's popular to find out more about your family history by tracing your family tree - a diagram that shows all the members of a family over a long period of time.
[영한] 요즘에는
[영영] Nowadays means at the present time, in contrast with the past.
[유의어] today
<명사> 오늘날, 현대, 요즈음
[어근] ⑴ now; 지금, now ⑵ a; on ⑶ day; ⑷ s; 소유격 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 dæg》 day
[최초 의미] in these times, at the present,
pinch noun ☆[4553] from [레마] pinch 《 punct(찌르다)
[본문] [19]Or is it to be taken with a pinch of salt?
[영한] ① 꼬집기 ② 자밤
[영영] A pinch of an ingredient such as salt is the amount of it that you can hold between your thumb and your first finger.
<동사> ① (손가락으로) 꼬집다 ② (엄지와 다른 손가락으로) 꼭 집다, (두 물체 사이에) 죄다[끼다] ③ (신발 등이) 너무 끼다[꽉 죄어 아프게 하다]
[어근] pinch(punct); 찌르다, point
[어원] 《라틴어 punctus》 찌르다, 뚫다; 찌르기
[최초 의미] critical juncture
presenter noun △[8561] from [레마] present 《 pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [38]And it's this question of geography which interested BBC presenter, Greg Foot.
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[굴절형] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어근] ⑴ present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 present》
[최초 의미] one who presents
quiz noun ☆[4514] from [레마] quiz
[본문] [63]Once again our six minutes are up, but why not head over to the BBC Learning English website where you'll find a worksheet and quiz especially for this programme.
[영한] ① 퀴즈 ② (학생들에게 하는 비공식적인간단한) 시험[테스트]
[영영] A quiz is a game or competition in which someone tests your knowledge by asking you questions.
[굴절형] 복수형; quizzes
<동사> ① (많은) 질문을 하다, 심문하다 ② (학생들에게 비공식적으로간단히) 시험을 치다[테스트를 하다]
[어근] quiz; quiz
[어원] 《라틴어 qui es》 who are you?
[파생] quizzable, quizzer, quiz
reliable adj. ★★★[2292] from [레마] rely 《 lig(묶다)
[본문] [65]Are DNA ancestry tests a reliable way to trace your ancestry?
[영한] ① 믿을[신뢰할] 수 있는 ② (옳을 것으로) 믿을 만한
[영영] People or things that are reliable can be trusted to work well or to behave in the way that you want them to.
[유의어] dependable(믿을 수 있다), trustworthy(신뢰할 수 있다)
[반의어] unreliable
[구성단어] rely + able
[어근] ⑴ re; intensive prefix ⑵ li(lig); 묶다 ⑶ able; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 religare》 [re+ligare] to bind back
[파생] reliability, reliableness, reliably, reliable
slice verb ★★★[2551] from [레마] slice
[본문] [17]When the test returned some unexpected results, Chris called BBC Radio 4 programme, sliced Bread, wondering how accurate they really were:
[영한] ① (얇게) 썰다[자르다/저미다] ② (잘 드는 날로 쉽게) 베다 ③ (스포츠) (공을) 슬라이스로[한 쪽으로 깎듯이] 치다 ④ (골프에서) 휘어치기를 하다 ⑤ 대폭 줄이다[삭감하다]
[영영] If you slice bread, meat, fruit, or other food, you cut it into thin pieces.
[굴절형] sliced, sliced, slicing, slices
<명사> ① (음식을 얇게 썬) 조각 ② 부분, 몫 ③ (음식을 덜어 접시에 놓을 때 쓰는) 주걱
[어근] slice; slice
[어원] 《프랑크말 slitan》 to split
[최초 의미] to splinter, shatter, smash
[파생] sliceable, slicer, slice
trace verb ★★★[2337] from [레마] trace 《 tract(끌다)
[본문] [10]Well, I'm lucky to have an unusual surname, so it's quite easy to trace my ancestors and somebody in my family has gone back to 1700 and found somebody with my name.
[영한] ① 추적하다, (추적하여) 찾아내다 ② (기원원인을) 추적하다[(추적하여) 밝혀내다] ③ (진행발달 과정을 따라가며) 기술하다 ④ (선을) 그리다[긋다] ⑤ (무엇의 형체윤곽을) 따라가다 ⑥ (지도그림 등을 투명한 종이 밑에 받쳐 놓고) 베끼다[투사하다]
[영영] If you trace the origin or development of something, you find out or describe how it started or developed.
[굴절형] traced, traced, tracing, traces
[유의어] track down, hint
<명사> ① 자취, 흔적 ② 극미량, 조금 ③ (자동 기록 장치의) 기록
[어근] trace(tract); 끌다
[어원] 《라틴어 tractus》 도면, 자국[트랙], 과정[코스], 인출
[파생] traceability, traceable, traceableness, traceably, traceless, tracelessly, trace
unexpected adj. ★★★[2376] from [레마] expect 《 spec
[본문] [17]When the test returned some unexpected results, Chris called BBC Radio 4 programme, Sliced Bread, wondering how accurate they really were:
[영한] 예기치 않은, 예상 밖의, 뜻밖의
[영영] If an event or someone's behaviour is unexpected, it surprises you because you did not think that it was likely to happen.
[유의어] unforeseen
[어근] ⑴ un; not ⑵ e(ex); out, thoroughly ⑶ xpect(spec); 보다 ⑷ ed; 과거분사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 specere》 바라보다, 살펴보다, 보다
[파생] unexpectedly, unexpectedness, unexpected
unite verb ★★★[2373] from [레마] unit 《 uni(하나)
[본문] [7]Well, my Mum actually did our family tree, and she found a lot of our ancestors had emigrated to the united States.
[영한] ① (다른 사람들과) 연합하다 ② 통합[결속]시키다
[영영] If a group of people or things unite or if something unites them, they join together and act as a group.
[굴절형] united, united, uniting, unites
[유의어] marry
[어근] ⑴ un(uni); 하나의, one ⑵ ite; 명사/형용사/동사
[어원] 《라틴어 unus》 하나
[파생] unite, uniter, unitive, unitize, unity
variation noun ★★★[2498] from [레마] vary(바꾸다)
[본문] [25]Most of your DNA is identical with every other person on earth, and it's only the tiny amount of difference that accounts for all genetic variations between humans.
[영한] ① (특히 양/정도의) 변화[차이] ② (~의) 변형 ③ (음악) 변주곡
[영영] A variation on something is the same thing presented in a slightly different form.
[굴절형] 복수형; variations
[구성단어] vary + ion
[어근] ⑴ vari; to change ⑵ ation(ion); 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 variare》 바꾸다, 고치다, 다르게 만들다
[최초 의미] difference, divergence
[파생] variable, variant, variate, variation, variational, variationally, variety, various, vary, varying, varyingly
website noun ★★★[2285] from [레마] website(woven fabric) 《 site(a place)
[본문] [22]And remember, you can find all the vocabulary for this programme on our website,
[영한] 웹사이트(기업/단체/개인이 정보를 올릴 수 있는 홈페이지)
[영영] A website is a set of data and information about a particular subject which is available on the Internet.
[굴절형] 복수형; websites
[구성단어] web + site
[어근] ⑴ web; 거미줄, web ⑵ site; 위치, 직위, place, position
[어원] 《고대 영어 webb》 woven fabric, woven work, tapestry
worksheet noun[10000+] from [레마] worksheet 《 sheet(옷 길이)
[본문] [63]Once again our six minutes are up, but why not head over to the BBC Learning English website where you'll find a worksheet and quiz especially for this programme.
[영한] ① (학습용) 연습 문제지[평가지] ② 작업 계획표[진행표]
[구성단어] work + sheet
[어근] ⑴ work; 일하다, work ⑵ sheet; sheet
[어원] 《고대 영어 sciete》 옷 길이, 덮기, 내프킨, 수건, 감추는 것
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