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What can we learn from toddlers? 6 Minute English 영어단어공부 [BBC Learning English 강좌]




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You might think that we teach toddlers, but they can teach us as well! Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.

당신은 [우리가 걸음마 아기들을 가르친다] 라고 생각할 수도 있습니다 그러나 그들이 우리를 마찬가지로 가르칠 수도 있습니다. 닐과 베스가 이것에 관해 의견을 나눕니다 그리고 당신에게 몇몇의 도움이 되는 어휘들을 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

  • 어근을 클릭하면 같은 어근을 같는 다른 단어들을 볼 수 있습니다.(정리가 된 경우)
  • Lemma(레마)란 같은 뿌리의 단어 중 철자수가 가장 작은 단어를 말합니다. 어근과 다른 것은 레마는 사용 중인 단어입니다. 어근과 함께 공부하면 단어 공부에 큰 보탬이 됩니다..

anxiety noun ★★★[2114]    from [레마] anxious(불안한)
[본문] [29]And this idea of self-talk is really a way to decrease stress in anxiety provoking situations.
[영한] ① 불안(감), 염려 ② 걱정거리 ③ 열망
[영영] Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or worry.
[굴절형] 복수형; anxieties
[유의어] worry, apprehension
[어근]anxi(anx); choke, squeeze ⑵ ety(ity); ~한 상태(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 anxius불안한, 편치 않는
[최초 의미] apprehension caused by danger, misfortune, or error, uneasiness of mind respecting some uncertainty, a restless dread of some evil
[파생] anxiety, anxiously, anxiousness, anxious

boots noun △[9156]    from [레마] boot
[본문] [28]And Coltan's over in the side, and he's looking down at his boots, and they're on the wrong way, and so he says "Oh, Coltan did this wrong!"
[영한] (영) [호칭으로도 쓰임] (호텔의) 구두닦이
[영영] (formerly) a shoeblack who cleans the guests' shoes in a hotel
[구성단어] boot + s
[어근]boot; 장화, boot ⑵ s; 복수 어미
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 botiboot

centimetre noun △[10000+]    from [레마] centimeter 《 meter
[본문] [20]c) toddlers can grow up to three centimetres during sleep time
[영한] 센티미터
[어근]centi(cent); 백(100), 100분의 1, hundred ⑵ metre(meter); 측량, 척도, measure
[어원] 《라틴어 centum100(백)

clothe verb ☆[4549]    from [레마] cloth
[본문] [24]They depend on mum or dad to feed, clothe and care for them, so it's strange to think there's anything adults could learn.
[영한] ① 옷을 입히다 ② 입을 옷을 마련해 주다
[영영] To clothe someone means to provide them with clothes to wear.
[굴절형] clothed, clothed, clothing, clothes
[어근] clothe(cloth); 천, 옷, cloth
[어원] 《고대 영어 claþ옷감, 돛, 덮개, 직물 또는 펠트한 소재
[파생] clothe, clothes, slime, cloth

decrease verb ★★★[2268]    from [레마] decrease 《 cresc
[본문] [29]And this idea of self-talk is really a way to decrease stress in anxiety provoking situations.
[영한] (크기/수 등이) 줄다[감소하다], 줄이다[감소시키다]
[영영] When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.
[굴절형] decreased, decreased, decreasing, decreases
[유의어] diminish, wane
[반의어] increase
<명사> 감소, 하락
[어근]de; from, away ⑵ crease(cresc); 커지다, grow, rise
[어원] 《라틴어 decrescerede+crescere;
[최초 의미] become less, be diminished gradually
[파생] decreasing, decreasingly, decrease

disappoint verb ★★[3462]    from [레마] disappoint 《 point
[본문] [40]If you're down on yourself, you feel disappointed and self-critical about yourself.
[영한] ① 실망시키다, 실망을 안겨 주다 ② (바라던 일을) 좌절시키다
[영영] ① If things or people disappoint you, they are not as good as you had hoped, or do not do what you hoped they would do.
② to make (someone) unhappy by not being as good as expected or by not doing something that was hoped for or expected
[굴절형] disappointed, disappointed, disappointing, disappoints
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ ap(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑶ point(punct); 찌르다, point
[파생] disappointing, disappointingly, disappointingness, disappointment, disappoint

exciting adj. ★★★★[1889]    from [레마] excite 《 cite(부르다)
[본문] [13]But being a toddler is also an exciting time as a child's personality starts to develop.
[영한] 신나는, 흥미진진한, 흥분하게 하는
[유의어] vibrant
[구성단어] excite + ing
[어근]ex; out ⑵ cit(cite); 부르다, call ⑶ ing; 현재진행/형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 citare소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[파생] excitingly, exciting

frustration noun ★★[3794]    from [레마] frustrate
[본문] [10]When toddlers can't do the things they want to they experience frustration which often leads to tantrums, a sudden and noisy outburst of anger.
[영한] ① 불만, 좌절감 ② 불만스러운 점, 좌절감을 주는 것 ③ ~을 방해함[좌절시킴]
[굴절형] 복수형; frustrations
[어근]frustr(frust); injury, harm ⑵ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 frustra[related to fraus] in vain, in error
[최초 의미] act of frustrating
[파생] frustrate, frustrater, frustration

glove noun △[8925]    from [레마] glove
[본문] [33]When a little girl called Julie learned how to put on her gloves, she told herself, 'Julie can do it!' This is a special kind of talking out loud known as self-talk.
[영한] 장갑
[굴절형] 복수형; gloves
<동사> ① …에 장갑을 끼다 ② …에게 장갑 구실을 하다 ③ (야구) (공을) 글러브로 잡다
[어근] glove; glove
[어원] 《고대 영어 glof[from Proto-Germanic *galofo ] glove, covering for the hand having separate sheaths for the fingers
[최초 의미] glove, covering for the hand having separate sheaths for the fingers,
[파생] gloved, gloveless, glovelike, glove

inner adj. ★★★★[1862]    from [레마] inner(in) 《 in(in)
[본문] [35]It's your inner voice, and in toddlers it's usually positive and encouraging.
[영한] ① 내부[안쪽]의, 중심부 가까이의 ② (감정 등이) 내밀한, 내면의
[영영] The inner parts of something are the parts which are contained or are enclosed inside the other parts, and which are closest to the centre.
[유의어] Internal(내면이다)
[반의어] outer
<명사> ① 과녁의 내권 ② 내권 명중(탄)
[어근]in; 안(內), in, on ⑵ n; 연결 글자 ⑶ er; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 innein, within, inside
[파생] innerly, innerness, inner

kindly adv. ★★[3956]    from [레마] kind 《 kin
[본문] [42]This can be a problem, but not for toddlers who are naturally good at talking kindly to themselves and celebrating the little things, like learning to get dressed.
[영한] ① 친절[다정]하게 ② (구식, 격식) 〈특히 짜증이 나서 부탁을 하거나 말할 때 씀〉
[영영] If someone kindly does something for you, they act in a thoughtful and helpful way.
<형용사> (구식 또는 문예체) 친절한, 다정한
[구성단어] kind + ly
[어근]kind(kin); 혈연, family ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 gecynd[cynn의 관련어] 종류, 본성, 인종
[파생] kindly, kindness, kind

loud adv. ★★★[2324]    from [레마] loud
[본문] [26]When I see the toddlers by themselves they're doing a lot of things out loud.
[영한] 크게, 시끄럽게
[유의어] loudly(시끄럽다)
<형용사> ① (소리가) 큰, 시끄러운 ② (사람그의 행동이) 시끄러운 ③ (색깔무늬 등이) 야단스러운, 야한
[어근] loud; 시끄러운, loud
[어원] 《고대 영어 hlude시끄럽게, 떠들썩하게
[파생] aloud, loudly, loudness

mitts noun[10000+]    from [레마] mitts
[본문] [27]Little Julie's putting on her mitts and saying, "Julie can do it".
[영한] 벙어리 장갑
[구성단어] mitt + s
[어근]mitt(medi); 중도, middle ⑵ s; 복수 어미

mum noun[10000+]    from [레마] mum
[본문] [24]They depend on mum or dad to feed, clothe and care for them, so it's strange to think there's anything adults could learn.
[영한] 엄마
[어근] mum(mamm); 엄마, 가슴, mother

noisy adj. ★★[3816]    from [레마] noise(seasickness) 《 naut
[본문] [10]When toddlers can't do the things they want to they experience frustration which often leads to tantrums, a sudden and noisy outburst of anger.
[영한] ① (사람 등이) 시끄러운[떠들썩한] ② (장소가) 시끌벅적한[떠들썩한]
[영영] A noisy person or thing makes a lot of loud or unpleasant noise.
[굴절형] 비교; noisy < noisier < noisiest
[어근]nois(naut); 배, ship ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 nausea[from Greek nausia] seasickness
[파생] noise, noiseless, noisily, noisiness, noisy

outburst noun △[10000+]    from [레마] burst
[본문] [10]When toddlers can't do the things they want to they experience frustration which often leads to tantrums, a sudden and noisy outburst of anger.
[영한] ① (화산/격정 등의) 폭발, 분출(噴出) (of), 격발 ② (눈물 등의) 쏟아져 나옴
[유의어] explosion
[구성단어] out + burst
[어근]out; 밖, 이상의, out ⑵ burst; 터지다, burst
[어원] 《고대 영어 berstan(v, )break suddenly, shatter as a result of pressure from within

pea noun △[10000+]    from [레마] pea
[본문] [25]But not according to Dr Hasan Merali, author of a new book 'Sleep Well, Take Risks, Squish the peas' and father to his own toddler, who spoke with BBC Radio 4 programme, Woman's Hour:
[영한] 완두콩
[영영] a small, round, green seed that is eaten as a vegetable and that is formed in a seed case (called a pod) of a climbing plant
[굴절형] 복수형; peas
[어근] pea; 강낭콩, pea
[어원] 《그리스어 pisonthe pea
[최초 의미] the seed of a hardy leguminous vine,

provoke verb ★★[4022]    from [레마] provoke(provincial (n.)) 《 voc
[본문] [29]And this idea of self-talk is really a way to decrease stress in anxiety provoking situations.
[영한] ① (특정한 반응을) 유발하다 ② 화나게[짜증나게] 하다, 도발하다
[영영] If you provoke someone, you deliberately annoy them and try to make them behave aggressively.
[굴절형] provoked provoked provoking provokes
[유의어] goad, prompt(촉발하다)
[어근]pro; 앞, before, 찬성 ⑵ voke(voc); 소리, 부르다, voice
[어원] 《라틴어 provincialisprovincial (n.)
[최초 의미] to induce
[파생] provocation, provocative, provoker, provoking, provokingly, provoke

recap verb △[7975]    from [레마] cap(머리)
[본문] [54]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme about toddlers, young children who are 'toddling' or learning to walk.
[영한] 개요를 말하다
[영영] You can say that you are going to recap when you want to draw people's attention to the fact that you are going to repeat the main points of an explanation, argument, or description, as a summary of it.
[굴절형] recapped, recapped, recapping, recaps
[유의어] recapitulate
<명사> ① 요점의 되풀이, 요약, 개요 ② (생물) 발생 반복 ③ (음악) 재현부
[어근]re; again ⑵ cap; 머리, head
[어원] 《라틴어 caput〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[최초 의미] put a cap on again
[파생] recappable, recap

resemble verb ★★★[2767]    from [레마] semble 《 simil(비슷한)
[본문] [18]a) toddlers are attracted to shapes that resemble the human body
[영한] 닮다, 비슷[유사]하다
[영영] If one thing or person resembles another, they are similar to each other.
[굴절형] resembled, resembled, resembling, resembles
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ semble(simil); 유사, 비슷하다, likeness
[어원] 《프랑스말 sembler[from Latin simulare] to appear, to seem, be like
[최초 의미] be like, have likeness or similarity to,
[파생] resemblance, resembler, resemblingly, resemble

scream noun ★★★★[1901]    from [레마] scream
[본문] [11]We've probably all seen the tears and screams when a young child can't have what they want!
[영한] ① 비명, 절규, 날카로운 소리[소음] ② 재미있는[익살스러운] 사람[것]
[굴절형] 복수형; screams
<동사> ① (아픔무서움으로) 비명을 지르다, (흥분 등으로) 괴성을 지르다[빽빽거리다] ② (공포분노 등으로) 소리치다[악을 쓰다] ③ 날카로운 소리를 내다[내며 가다]
[어근] scream; scream
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 skræmato terrify, scare
[파생] screamy, scream

tantrum noun[10000+]    from [레마] tantrum
[본문] [55]A tantrum is a noisy, uncontrolled outburst of anger, usually from a young child.
[영한] (특히 아이가 발끈) 성질을 부림[짜증을 냄]
[어근] tantrum; 왕짜증, tantrum
[어원] 《중세 영어 tanterumburst of ill humor
[최초 의미] burst of ill humor,

temper noun ☆[5537]    from [레마] temper 《 temp(시간)
[본문] [12]Yes, the famous temper tantrums!
[영한] ① (걸핏하면 화를 내는) 성질[성미] ② 울화통 ③ (특정한 때의) 기분 ④ -tempered [형용사에서] 성격이 …한
[영영] If you refer to someone's temper or say that they have a temper, you mean that they become angry very easily.
[유의어] mood, mood
<동사> ① (반대 효과를 갖는 것을 더하여) 누그러뜨리다[완화시키다] ② (쇠를) 담금질[단련]하다
[어근] temper(temp); 시간
[어원] 《라틴어 tempus⑴time, ⑵temple of the head, side of the forehead
[최초 의미] due proportion of elements or qualities
[파생] temperability, temperable, temperer, temper

toddle verb[10000+]    from [레마] toddle
[본문] [7]A toddler is a young child usually between two and four years old who is learning to walk, or 'toddling'.
[영한] ① (어린 아이가) 걸음마타다[아장아장 걷다] ② 걷다, 가다
[굴절형] toddles, toddled, toddled, toddling
[어근] toddle; 아장걷다, 아기 걸음, toddle
[어원] 《어원 미확인 toddleto run or walk with short, unsteady steps
[최초 의미] to run or walk with short, unsteady steps,

toddler noun[10000+]    from [레마] toddle
[본문] [7]A toddler is a young child usually between two and four years old who is learning to walk, or 'toddling'.
[영한] 걸음마를 배우는 아이
[영영] a young child who is just learning to walk
[구성단어] toddle + er
[어근]toddl(toddle); 아장걷다, 아기 걸음, toddle ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《어원 미확인 toddleto run or walk with short, unsteady steps

twos noun[10000+]    from [레마] two
[본문] [9]It's also known as the 'terrible twos'.
[영한] 두살
[구성단어] two + s
[어근]two; 둘, 2배, two ⑵ s; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 twegen둘[2]

uncontrolled adj. ★★[4153]    from [레마] control 《 roll(small wheel)
[본문] [55]A tantrum is a noisy, uncontrolled outburst of anger, usually from a young child.
[영한] ① (감정/행동 등이) 억제[제어]되지 않는 ② 규제[단속]를 받지 않는
[영영] If you describe someone's behaviour as uncontrolled, you mean they appear unable to stop it or to make it less extreme.
[구성단어] un + control + ed
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ cont(contra); 뒤, against ⑶ rol(rot); 바퀴, wheel ⑷ l; 연결 글자 ⑸ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 contrarotulus[contra+rotulus] a counter, register

vocabulary noun ★★[3372]    from [레마] voc
[본문] [15]That's what we'll be finding out in this programme, along with some useful new vocabulary.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근]vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare[related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary

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