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6 Minute English 영어숙어 및 구동사 - Building a better world with wood? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


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BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Building a better world with wood?은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

자연 속에 있고 나무로 건물을 짓는 것이 신체적, 정신적 건강에 도움이 된다는 것을 알고 계셨습니까? Neil과 Beth는 이에 대해 토론하고 유용한 어휘를 가르칩니다.(Did you know that being in nature, and building with wood, has benefits for our physical and mental health? Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.)

다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.

a type of det.
[본문] [8]Forest bathing is a type of relaxation that involves being calm and quiet amongst the trees and using all your senses to observe nature around you, whilst breathing deeply.
[영한] 일종의

around the world adv.
[본문] [31]It's why many governments around the world want to replace the carbon intensive production of concrete and steel with bio-based materials like wood.
[영한] ① 세계적으로 ② 세계에 걸쳐, 전 세계에

as much as adv.
[본문] [14]In Roman times, it's estimated that as much as 40% of the land was forest.
[영한] ① …만큼, …정도, …못지않게 ② ] …정도까지 많이 ③ ] …이지만 ④ 사실상, 거의
[영영] ① used to say that two things are equal in amount or degree
② almost
③ used to say that someone came very close to doing something
[유의어] as far as, no less than(꼭 …만큼)



as well as conj.
[본문] [40]Strong, relaxing and eco-friendly - it seems that building with wood is good for the future as well as the past, which reminds me of my question, Neil.
[영한] ① …에 더하여, 게다가 ② …과 마찬가지로 잘

building material noun
[본문] [15]Trees provided wood, the building material needed for many things including buildings, furniture, and ships.
[영한] 건축 자재(建築資材), 건축 공사에 사용되는 재료 및 가설재.

climate change noun
[본문] [30]But there's another compelling reason to build with wood - the carbon which wood captures helps combat climate change.
[영한] 기후 변화
[영영] Climate change refers to changes in the earth’s climate, especially the gradual rise in temperature caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases.

compelling evidence noun
[본문] [25]There is some compelling evidence to show that children in schools made of wood learn better… they have greater concentration, lower stress, lower heartbeats.
[영한] 유력한 증거

cover in verb
[본문] [13]Like many other countries, Britain used to be covered in trees.
[영한] (툭 트인 공간에 지붕 같은 것을 얹어) ~을 덮다

feel better verb
[본문] [7]Being outdoors always makes me feel better, and in Japan there's even a word for it - shinrin-yoku - translated into English as forest bathing.
[영한] 기분이 좋아지다

for now adv.
[본문] [51]Goodbye for now!
[영한] ① 우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은 ② 이제 곧

forest bathing noun
[본문] [8]forest bathing is a type of relaxation that involves being calm and quiet amongst the trees and using all your senses to observe nature around you, whilst breathing deeply.
[영한] ① 삼림욕 ② 숲목욕

good for adj.
[본문] [40]Strong, relaxing and eco-friendly - it seems that building with wood is good for the future as well as the past, which reminds me of my question, Neil.
[영한] …에 알맞아, …에 견뎌서, …을 지불할 수 있는, (…기간) 유효의
[영영] able to provide or produce (something)
[유의어] can



have a question verb
[본문] [12]Great, but first I have a question for you, Neil.
[영한] 질문하다

have no idea verb
[본문] [19]Well, I have no idea.
[영한] 전혀[하나도] 모르다
[영영] 1 : to not know or understand

health benefit noun
[본문] [27]Michael believes there is compelling evidence for the health benefits of wood.
[영한] 건강상의 이익[이점]

instead of prep.
[본문] [5]Being in nature has benefits for our physical and mental health, so wouldn't it be good if instead of giving you a bottle of pills, your doctor recommended spending time in nature?
[영한] … 대신에

look at verb
[본문] [33]We look at the possibilities of building with wood and other materials we can grow - bamboo, hemp, flax… and how we can use them intelligently as replacements for steel and concrete in the world that we create around us.
[영한] ① ~을 (자세히) 살피다[검토/진찰하다] ② ~에 대해 생각[고려/검토]하다 ③ (특정한 방식으로) ~을 보다[고려하다] ④ …을 보다[살피다]
[영영] ① to turn your eyes towards somebody/something so that you can see them/it
② to examine something/somebody closely
③ (usually used in negative sentences or questions) to consider or be prepared to accept somebody/something
[유의어] examine(살피다)

made of adj.
[본문] [22]Throughout history, buildings in Britain have been made of timber, trees that are grown so their wood can be used as a building material.
[영한] ~로 구성된

make from verb
[본문] [38]Tests prove that plywood made from layers of pine, which are laid crossways and then glued together, is as strong as steel.
[영한] …로 만들다

make of verb
[본문] [22]Throughout history, buildings in Britain have been made of timber, trees that are grown so their wood can be used as a building material.
[영한] ① (의 의미[성격])를 ~라고 이해[생각]하다 ② …을 활용[이용]하다 ③ …을 중요시하다 ④ …을 문제[싸움의 구실]로 삼다 ⑤ …을 생각하다 ⑥ …를 만들다.
[영영] to have an impression or an understanding of somebody/something

mental health noun
[본문] [44]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with forest bathing, being in nature and immersing your senses in the experience for its physical and mental health benefits.
[영한] 정신 건강



mental health benefit noun
[본문] [44]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with forest bathing, being in nature and immersing your senses in the experience for its physical and mental health benefits.
[영한] 정신 건강 도움

most of det.
[본문] [43]It was even more, around 6,000 trees, most of which were oak, with some timbers over half a metre thick!
[영한] 대부분의
<부사> …의 대부분.

natural material noun
[본문] [26]And there's compelling evidence to show that patients in hospitals recover better in both rooms made of wood or other natural materials, and also in rooms that have views of nature out the window.
[영한] ① 천연 소재 ② 내추럴 머티리얼

need for verb
[본문] [15]Trees provided wood, the building material needed for many things including buildings, furniture, and ships.
[영한] …에 필요하다.

once again adv.
[본문] [50]once again our six minutes are up, but remember to join us again next time for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English.
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시

remind of verb
[본문] [40]Strong, relaxing and eco-friendly - it seems that building with wood is good for the future as well as the past, which reminds me of my question, Neil.
[영한] ① (유사한 점 때문에) ~에게 ~을 생각[연상]하게 하다 ② …을 생각나게 하다. ③ 연상시키다
[영영] ① if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something, they make you think of somebody/something because they are similar
② if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way

some of det.
[본문] [48]Hemp is a family of plants, some of which are used to make rope and strong cloth.
[영한] 몇몇의, 일부의

such as prep.
[본문] [35]Michael builds with natural materials which can be sustainably grown, including bamboo and hemp - a family of plants which are used to make many products such as rope and cloth.
[영한] ① 예를 들어 (…와 같은) ② …와 같은
[영영] ① for example
② of a kind that; like

throughout history adv.
[본문] [22]throughout history, buildings in Britain have been made of timber, trees that are grown so their wood can be used as a building material.
[영한] 역사를 통틀어

use for verb
[본문] [45]Timber is trees grown so the wood can be used for building houses.
[영한] …을 위해 사용하다.
[유의어] do with(처리하다)

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