Is it OK to ask awkward questions at the dinner table? Beth and Neil discuss chatting at meal times and teach you some useful vocabulary.
밥상머리에서 어색한 질문을 하는 것은 오케이입니까? 베스와 닐이 식사 시간에 수다 떠는 것을 논의합니다 그리고 당신에게 몇몇의 쓸모 있는 낱말들을 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
assign verb ★★[3970] [레마] sign
[본문] [30]And I think if you feel like you're assigned a role in your family, I just think take that with a little bit of a pinch of salt.
[영한] ① (일/책임 등을) 맡기다[배정하다/부과하다] ② 선임하다, 파견하다 ③ (사람을) 배치하다 ④ (가치/기능 등을) 부여하다 ⑤ 양도하다
[영영] If you assign a piece of work to someone, you give them the work to do.
[굴절형] assigned, assigned, assigning, assigns
[어근] ⑴ as(ad); 향하여, to ⑵ sign; 표시, sign
[어원] 《라틴어 adsignare》 [ad+signare] to allot, assign, award
[최초 의미] to transfer, convey, bequeath (property); appoint (to someone a task to be done); order, direct (someone to do something); fix, settle, determine; appoint or set (a time); indicate, point out,
[파생] assignability, assignable, assignably, assignation, assigner, assignment, assign
awkward adj. ★★[3460] [레마] awk(뒤틀린)
[본문] [37]Ambreia Meadows-Fernandez, a writer and founder of Free Black Motherhood, spoke about older generations' reactions to children asking awkward questions at the dinner table to BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain:
[영한] ① (기분이) 어색한 ② (처리하기) 곤란한 ③ 불편한 ④ (모양/디자인 때문에) 힘든[위험한] ⑤ 서투른, 불편한 (자세로)
[영영] An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with.
[유의어] difficult, inconvenient, difficult(까다롭다)
[반의어] easy
[어근] ⑴ awk; 잘못된, awk ⑵ ward; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《중세 영어 awkwarde》 awk+weard; the wrong way round, upside down
[최초 의미] in the wrong direction
[파생] awkwardly, awkwardness, awkward
behave verb ★★★[2162] [레마] have
[본문] [16]In this programme, we'll be discussing how people behave at the table, and, of course, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영한] ① (특정한 방식으로) 처신[행동]하다 ② 예의 바르게 행동하다 ③ -behaved [형용사에서] 행동[행실]이 …한 ④ (원래 지닌 성질에 따라) 행동[반응]을 보이다
[영영] The way that you behave is the way that you do and say things, and the things that you do and say.
[굴절형] behaved, behaved, behaving, behaves
[유의어] act
[반의어] misbehave, misbehave(못된 짓을 하다)
[어근] ⑴ be; 과도함, by, about ⑵ have; 소유, own, possess
[어원] 《고대 영어 behabban》 to contain
[최초 의미] conduct or comport
[파생] behavior, behavioral, behavioural, behave
chat verb ★★★[2498] [레마] chatter
[본문] [12]It was something we did every day and, quite often, it was the only time we could get together and chat.
[영한] ① 담소[이야기]를 나누다, 수다를 떨다 ② (인터넷으로) 채팅[대화]하다
[영영] When people chat, they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way.
[굴절형] chatted, chatted, chatting, chats
[유의어] gas
<명사> ① (친구 사이의) 담소, 수다 ② (격식을 차리지 않은) 이야기, 대화
[어근] chat(chatter); 새소리, twitter, chirp
[어원] 《영어 chatter》
[최초 의미] talk idly, babble
[파생] chattily, chattiness, chatty, chat
demarcation noun[10000+] [레마] demarcate
[본문] [39]It's overwhelmingly positive, but I also know that it is kind of a bit of culture shock for them to hear my children ask what they ask because our children haven't really been raised with that line of demarcation between the adult table and the kid table.
[영한] 경계, 구분
[구성단어] demarcate + ion
[어근] ⑴ de; 밑,밖으로 ⑵ marc(mark); 표시, 부호, mark ⑶ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑷ ion; 명사 어미
emphasis verb ★★★★[2027] [레마] path-
[본문] [36]In the past, children were sometimes seated on a different table to adults or told they should be seen and not heard, an old-fashioned phrase emphasising that children should be quiet and always on their best behaviour.
[영한] (중요성을) 강조하다
[굴절형] emphasised emphasised emphasising emphasises
<명사> ① 강조, 역점, 주안점 ② 강한 어조, 강조법
[어근] ⑴ em(en); 안에, in, into ⑵ phasis(phan); 보여주다, appearance, information
[어원] 《라틴어 emphasis》 [em+phasis]
[파생] emphasis, emphasize, emphatic, emphasise
founder noun ★★★[2174]
[본문] [37]Ambreia Meadows-Fernandez, a writer and founder of Free Black Motherhood, spoke about older generations' reactions to children asking awkward questions at the dinner table to BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain:
[영한] 창립자, 설립자
[영영] The founder of an institution, organization, or building is the person who got it started or caused it to be built, often by providing the necessary money.
[굴절형] 복수형; founders
<동사> ① (계획 등이) (특정한 문제점 때문에) 실패하다[좌초되다] ② (배가) 침몰하다
[구성단어] found + er
[어근] ⑴ found(fund); 기초, found ⑵ er; 접미어
[어원] 《라틴어 fundus》 바닥, 토대[기초], 땅의 일부분; 농장
gossip noun ☆[5646] [레마] gossip
[본문] [7]A lot can happen around the dinner table - gossip, arguments.
[영한] ① (남의 사생활에 대한 좋지 않은) 소문, 험담 ② 수다, 한담 ③ 남 얘기하기 좋아하는 사람, 험담꾼
[유의어] talk, tittle tattle, tittle-tattle
[어근] ⑴ go(god); 신, 하느님[하느님], god ⑵ ssip(sib); 친족, 사랑, kindred
[어원] 《고대 영어 godsibb》 [god+sibb] sponsor, godparent
[최초 의미] sponsor, godparent,
idiom noun ☆[4550] [레마] idiom
[본문] [34]However, Philippa says we should take these labels with a pinch of salt - an idiom meaning you shouldn't believe or do everything you are told or that's expected of you.
[영한] ① 관용구, 숙어 ② (특정 시기/지역에서 특정인들이 쓰는) 언어[어법] ③ (특정 개인/단체/시대/지역의) 표현 양식
[영영] A particular idiom is a particular style of something such as music, dance, or architecture.
[굴절형] 복수형; idioms
[어근] ⑴ idi; 자신의, 기이한, own ⑵ om(oma); 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 idios》 personal, private, one’s own, peculiar
[최초 의미] form of speech peculiar to a people or place
[파생] idiomatic, idiomatical, idiomatically, idiomaticalness, idiom
interaction noun ★★★[2190] [레마] act(이끌다)
[본문] [35]Now, over time, interactions at the dinner table have changed.
[영한] ① 상호 작용, 상호의 영향, [컴퓨터] 대화 ② (물리) 상호 작용
[영영] mutual or reciprocal action or influence
[굴절형] 복수형; interactions
[구성단어] inter + action
[어근] ⑴ inter; 사이, among ⑵ act(ag); 행위, 행하다 ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 agere》 이끌다, 가다, 움직이게 맞춰 놓다, 몰고 가다, 앞으로 몰고 가다, (뭔가) 하다, 수행하다, 행동을 선동하다, 움직이도록 놔 두다
[파생] interact, interaction
motherhood noun[10000+] [레마] mother(어머니)
[본문] [37]Ambreia Meadows-Fernandez, a writer and founder of Free Black motherhood, spoke about older generations' reactions to children asking awkward questions at the dinner table to BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain:
[영한] 어머니인 상태
[구성단어] mother + hood
[어근] ⑴ mother; 어머니, mother ⑵ hood; 상태, 성질, 집단
[어원] 《고대 영어 modor》 어머니
old-fashioned adj. ★★★[2783] [레마] old-fashioned
[본문] [36]In the past, children were sometimes seated on a different table to adults or told they should be seen and not heard, an old-fashioned phrase emphasising that children should be quiet and always on their best behaviour.
[영한] ① 옛날식의, 구식의 ② (사람이) 전통적인 사고방식을 지닌, 구식인
[영영] Something such as a style, method, or device that is old-fashioned is no longer used, done, or admired by most people, because it has been replaced by something that is more modern.
[유의어] dated(구식이다), out-of-date(시대에 뒤떨어지다)
<명사> 위스키 칵테일의 일종
[구성단어] old + fashioned
[어원] 《라틴어 factio》 from facere; a making or doing, a preparing
[파생] old-fashionedly, oldfashioned, old-fashioned
overwhelmingly adv. △[10000+] [레마] whelm(arched)
[본문] [39]It's overwhelmingly positive, but I also know that it is kind of a bit of culture shock for them to hear my children ask what they ask because our children haven't really been raised with that line of demarcation between the adult table and the kid table.
[영한] 압도적으로, 불가항력적으로, 극도로.
[구성단어] overwhelming + ly
[어근] ⑴ over; 너무, over ⑵ whelm; 덮다, 압도하다, whelm
[어원] 《고대 영어 hwealf》 아치형, 오목한, 아치형 지붕의, 아치형 또는 아치형 천장
phrasal adj. △[8094] [레마] phrasal
[본문] [49]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme, starting with open up - a phrasal verb meaning speak more easily than usual, particularly about worries or problems.
[영한] 구(句)의, 구로 된
[영영] of, relating to, or composed of phrases
[구성단어] phrase + al
[어근] ⑴ phras(phren); 마음, 말하다, mind, tell ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 phrasis》 diction
[파생] phrasal, phrase
pinch noun ☆[4670] [레마] pinch
[본문] [30]And I think if you feel like you're assigned a role in your family, I just think take that with a little bit of a pinch of salt.
[영한] ① 꼬집기 ② 자밤
[영영] A pinch of an ingredient such as salt is the amount of it that you can hold between your thumb and your first finger.
<동사> ① (손가락으로) 꼬집다 ② (엄지와 다른 손가락으로) 꼭 집다, (두 물체 사이에) 죄다[끼다] ③ (신발 등이) 너무 끼다[꽉 죄어 아프게 하다]
[어근] pinch(punct); 찌르다, point
[최초 의미] critical juncture
prominent adj. ★★★[2620] [레마] prominent
[본문] [32]When we say 'the … one', we describe a person by using a particular and prominent characteristic they have.
[영한] ① 중요한, 유명한 ② 눈에 잘 띄는, 두드러진, 현저한 ③ 툭 튀어나온, 돌출된
[영영] Someone who is prominent is important.
[유의어] noticeable, outstanding
[어근] ⑴ pro; 앞, before, 찬성 ⑵ min; 돌출, jut, project ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 prominens》 [pp of prominere, nominative of prominentem] prominent
[최초 의미] projecting, jutting out, standing out beyond the line or surface of something,
[파생] prominence, prominent, prominently, prominentness
psychotherapist noun △[10000+] [레마] therapy
[본문] [26]Philippa Perry, a psychotherapist and author, thinks we should try to be ourselves as much as possible, as she told BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain:
[영한] 정신[심리] 요법 의사
[영영] A psychotherapist is a person who treats people who are mentally ill using psychotherapy.
[어근] ⑴ psycho(psych); 심리, mind, psyche ⑵ therap; 치료, cure, serve ⑶ ist; 명사어미
[파생] psychotherapeutic, psychotherapeutically, psychotherapist, psychotherapy
ritual noun ★★★[2408] [레마] ritual
[본문] [11]Eating at the table was an important ritual.
[영한] ① (특히 종교상의) 의식 절차, (제의적) 의례 ② (항상 규칙적으로 행하는) 의식과 같은[의례적인] 일
[영영] A ritual is a religious service or other ceremony which involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order.
[굴절형] 복수형; rituals
<형용사> ① 의식상의, 의식을 위한 ② (단순히) 의례적인
[어근] ⑴ rit(rite); 의식, rite ⑵ ual(al); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 ritus》 [from PIE root *re-] custom, usage, (especially) a religious observance or ceremony
[파생] riteless, ritual, ritually, rite
storyteller noun △[9944] [레마] tell(to reckon)
[본문] [8]You might meet the love of your life on a blind dinner date or find out you're a great storyteller.
[영한] 이야기꾼, 작가
[영영] A storyteller is someone who tells or writes stories.
[굴절형] 복수형; storytellers
[구성단어] story + tell + er
[어원] 《고대 영어 tellan》 to reckon, calculate, number, compute; consider, think, esteem, account
[파생] storytelling, storyteller
uncertain adj. ★★[3151] [레마] uncertain
[본문] [42]She also says that it's a culture shock for them - a sense of feeling uncertain because you're in a different environment to usual.
[영한] ① 확신이 없는, 잘 모르는 ② 불확실한, 불안정한 ③ 확정되지 않은, 불분명한 ④ 자신 없는, 머뭇거리는
[영영] If you are uncertain about something, you do not know what you should do, what is going to happen, or what the truth is about something.
[유의어] hesitant, unclear, shaky(불확실하다)
[반의어] certain
[구성단어] un + certain
[어근] ⑴ un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ certa(cern); 구분하다 ⑶ in; …에 속하는 (형용사 어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 certus》 [cernere의 변형된 과거분사] 분리되다, 구별하다, 결정하다, 확정된, 확실한
[파생] uncertain, uncertainty
verb noun △[7990] [레마] verb
[본문] [49]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme, starting with open up - a phrasal verb meaning speak more easily than usual, particularly about worries or problems.
[영한] (문법) 동사
[영영] A verb is a word such as `sing', `feel', or `die' which is used with a subject to say what someone or something does or what happens to them, or to give information about them.
[굴절형] 복수형; verbs
[어근] verb; 단어
[어원] 《라틴어 verbum》 word
[최초 의미] a word that asserts or declares; that part of speech of which the office is predication, and which, either alone or with various modifiers or adjuncts, combines with a subject to make a sentence
[파생] verbal, verbless, verb
wise adj. ★★★[2388] [레마] wise(learned)
[본문] [27]In any group we find a role and, if we're only in one group, if we're only ever with our family, we might think, 'oh, I'm the funny one', 'he's the wise one'.
[영한] ① (사람이) 지혜로운, 현명한, 슬기로운 ② (행동이) 지혜로운, 현명한, 슬기로운
[영영] ① A wise person is able to use their experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions and judgments.
② A wise action or decision is sensible.
[유의어] prudent, politic(현명하다)
[어근] wise; 현명한, wise
[어원] 《고대 영어 wis》 learned, sagacious, cunning; sane; prudent, discreet; experienced; having the power of discerning and judging rightly
[파생] wisdom, wisdomless, wise, wisely, wiseness
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