BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Why sitting is bad for health은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.
앉아 있는 것이 건강에 해로울 수 있나요? Phil과 Georgie는 이에 대해 토론하고 유용한 어휘를 가르칩니다.(Could sitting be damaging to our health? Phil and Georgie discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.)
다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.
a certain det.
[본문] [66]If things are geared around a certain activity or purpose, they're organised to support it.
[영한] ① 막연한 어떤 ② 어느 정도의
[유의어] one
a day adv.
[본문] [17]On average, how many hours a day do British adults spend sitting down?
[영한] 하루에
a few pron.
[본문] [55]Break up periods of sitting 30 minutes or more with a few minutes of walking or moving your arms.
[영영] A small number of things.
[영한] 약간
<부사> ① (방언) 어느 정도, 조금 ② 많이 <한정사> 약간의, 어느 정도의
a lot of adj.
[본문] [9]But to be honest I do spend a lot of time sitting down.
[영한] 많은
[유의어] a number of(다수이다), lots of(수많다)
a range of det.
[본문] [39]This reduces blood circulation and causes a range of other effects like increased levels of glucose and fat, and decreased energy levels.
[영한] 다양한
add together verb
[본문] [12]added together, that's hours of sitting every single day.
[영한] 합계하다
all day noun
[본문] [11]Maybe you take the bus or train to work, then sit at a desk all day, then go home feeling tired and just sit in front of the television all evening as well.
[영한] 하루 종일
all the time adv.
[본문] [46]Like the whole of society is like driving us more and more towards, you know, sitting down all the time, and you're like, 'please don't!'
[영영] ① during the whole of a particular period of time
② very often; repeatedly
[영한] ① 내내[줄곧] ② 아주 자주
be like verb
[본문] [46]Like the whole of society is like driving us more and more towards, you know, sitting down all the time, and you're like, 'please don't!'
[영한] …라 말하다, 말하고 있다
blood circulation noun
[본문] [29]When your muscle activity goes down, your blood circulation reduces.
[영한] ① 혈액 순환 ② 피 흐름
blood pressure noun
[본문] [41]And that's not to mention the damage sitting too much causes to muscle movement and blood pressure.
[영한] 혈압
blood vessel noun
[본문] [37]It's a negative thing, one negative being the harm to blood circulation, the flow of blood through the heart and blood vessels which carries oxygen around the body.
[영한] 혈관
break up verb
[본문] [55]break up periods of sitting 30 minutes or more with a few minutes of walking or moving your arms.
[영영] ① (especially BrE) if a school or the children in it break up, school closes for the holidays at the end of a period of the school year (a term)
② to come to an end; to stop working together
③ (usually used in the progressive tenses) if the connection between two telephones, or two radios that are used for sending and receiving messages, is breaking up, the people speaking can no longer hear each other clearly
[영한] ① 부서지다 ② 끝이 나다 ③ 파하다 ④ 방학에 들어가다 ⑤ (몸과 마음이) 허물어지다[쇠약해지다] ⑥ 웃음을 터뜨리다 ⑦ (휴대전화의 통화가) 끊기다 ⑧ ~을 부수다[나누다/분해하다] ⑨ (관계 등을) 끝내다 ⑩ (무력으로) 못하게 하다[해산시키다]
CD drive noun
[본문] [34]For example, CD drives have been engineered out of laptops because downloads are more popular.
[영한] 시디 드라이브
daily activity noun
[본문] [24]If we think about our daily activities, a lot of activities are done sitting down.
[영한] ① 일과(日課) ② 하루 행동
engineer out verb
[본문] [33]When you engineer something out, you design things in such a way that it is no longer required.
[영영] design or plan in such a way that something is not required
[영한] ① 쓸모없게 되다 ② 불필요하게 설계되다
everyday life noun
[본문] [25]Movement in our everyday lives has really been engineered out with advances in technology, and our bodies just weren't designed to sit this much, so it's going to cause problems with our health.
[영한] 일상생활
find out verb
[본문] [13]In this programme, we'll be finding out exactly how much sitting is too much.
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong
[영한] ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다 ⑥ (죄 등이) 그 본인을 폭로하다 ⑦ (미) (친척 등을) 찾아내다 ⑧ …에 대해 진상을 알다
for example adv.
[본문] [34]for example, CD drives have been engineered out of laptops because downloads are more popular.
[영한] 예를 들어
for now adv.
[본문] [71]Goodbye for now!
[영한] ① 우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은 ② 이제 곧
gear around verb
[본문] [43]Everything is geared around sitting, it's organised towards that particular activity, and that makes it hard to stop.
[영한] ~에 맞춰져 있다
go down verb
[본문] [28]So, that means that your muscle activity goes down.
[영영] ① (to/something) (from/something) to travel from one place to another, especially from the north of a country to the south
② to fall to the ground
③ to become lower or smaller; to fall
[영한] ① 넘어[쓰러]지다 ② (배 등이) 침몰하다[침수되다] ③ (해/달이) 지다 ④ (음식물이 목구멍으로) 넘어가다 ⑤ (가격/기온 등이) 내려가다[낮아지다] ⑥ (질이) 나빠지다 ⑦ (잠시 작동이) 중단되다 ⑧ 일어나다
[유의어] set, fall, sink
[반의어] go up
go into verb
[본문] [48]You know, you go into a meeting and someone's, 'Come and take a seat', you're going to your GP surgery, 'Come and take a seat'.
[영영] ① to hit something violently; to crash into something
② to start a particular movement
[영한] ① 차량이 ~을 들이받다 ② 차량이나 운전자가 ~하기 시작하다 ③ (특히 어떤 직종에) 들어가다[몸담기 시작하다] ④ (어떤 일/행동을) 하기 시작하다 ⑤ 검토[조사]하다 ⑥ 돈/시간/노력 등이 투입되다[쓰이다]
have a question verb
[본문] [16]Because I have a question for you.
[영한] 질문하다
health problem noun
[본문] [22]Charlotte Edwardson is a professor of health and behaviour studies who has investigated the link between sitting and health problems in her lab at Leicester University.
[영한] 건강 문제
heart disease noun
[본문] [5]We all know how important exercise is to stay fit and reduce the risk of heart disease.
[영한] 심장병
in fact adv.
[본문] [61]in fact, on average we spend 9 hours per day sitting down, that's about 60% of our waking life.
[영영] ① used to emphasize a statement, especially one that is the opposite of what has just been mentioned
② used to give extra details about something that has just been mentioned
[영한] ① 사실은[실은](방금 한 말에 대해 자세한 내용을 덧붙일 때 씀) ② 사실은[실제로는](특히 방금 한 말에 반대되는 내용을 강조할 때 씀)
in front of prep.
[본문] [11]Maybe you take the bus or train to work, then sit at a desk all day, then go home feeling tired and just sit in front of the television all evening as well.
[영한] ① ~의 앞쪽에[앞에] ② ~가 있는 데서[~ 앞에서] ③ (시간이) 아직 앞에 놓인[지나가지 않은]
lead to verb
[본문] [49]Everything's geared around sitting, and as technology advances and it tries to make our life easier, it then leads to us sitting even more.
[영영] to result in a particular action or event; to force or persuade somebody to take a particular action
[영한] ① ~로 이어지다 ② ∼에 이르게 하다 ③ ∼로 이끌다
[유의어] result in
less than adj.
[본문] [56]Also try to spend less than half of your waking hours sitting down.
[영한] ① ] …보다 적은 ② 오히려 …이 아니다, 결코 …않다
modern life noun
[본문] [32]modern life has engineered out the need for us to move.
[영한] 현대 생활
modern technology noun
[본문] [31]Now, modern technologies like motorised vehicles and office jobs, mean we spend more and more time sitting.
[영한] 현대 기술
more and more adv.
[본문] [31]Now, modern technologies like motorised vehicles and office jobs, mean we spend more and more time sitting.
[영한] ① 점점 더 많은 ② 더욱더[갈수록 더]
[유의어] increasingly(갈수록 더)
motorised vehicle noun
[본문] [31]Now, modern technologies like motorised vehicles and office jobs, mean we spend more and more time sitting.
[영한] 자동차
no longer neg-adv.
[본문] [33]When you engineer something out, you design things in such a way that it is no longer required.
[영영] used to say that something which was possible or true before is not now
[영한] ① 이미 …아니다 ② 더 이상 …아닌[하지 않는]
of course adv.
[본문] [14]And, of course, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary.
[영영] ① used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct
② used as a polite way of giving somebody permission to do something
[영한] ① (자기 말이 사실이거나 옳음을 강조하여) 물론 ② (상대방이 하려는 일을 정중히 허락하여) 그럼(요) ③ (상대방의 말에 정중히 동의하여) 그렇지요[그렇고 말고요] ④ (지금 하는 말이 놀랄 일이 아님을, 또는 일반적으로 알려져 있거나 받아들여지는 일임을 나타내어) 물론
[유의어] naturally
office job noun
[본문] [31]Now, modern technologies like motorised vehicles and office jobs, mean we spend more and more time sitting.
[영한] 사무직
on average adv.
[본문] [17]on average, how many hours a day do British adults spend sitting down?
[영한] 평균적으로
once again adv.
[본문] [69]once again, our six minutes are up!
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시
per day adv.
[본문] [61]In fact, on average we spend 9 hours per day sitting down, that's about 60% of our waking life.
[영한] 하루에
sit down verb
[본문] [26]So when you sit down you're not using the largest muscles in your body.
[영영] ① to lower your body until you are sitting on a chair, etc.
② (and do something) to give time and attention to something in order to try to solve a problem or achieve something
③ (with somebody) to meet with somebody to discuss something
[영한] (서 있던 사람이) 앉다
swim against the tide verb
[본문] [67]The idiom to swim against the tide means to not follow what most people are doing.
[영한] 시류에 역행하다, 대세에 반하다, 모두와 반대되는 행동을 하다, 유행에 거스르다
talk to verb
[본문] [23]Here, she talks to BBC Radio 4 programme, Inside Health:
[영영] ① to have a conversation with somebody
② to speak to somebody seriously, especially about something wrong that they have done, or something that they have not done
[영한] ① …에게 말을 걸다 ② …을 꾸짖다, 비난하다 ③ (미국) [여성]에게 구애[구혼]하다
think about verb
[본문] [24]If we think about our daily activities, a lot of activities are done sitting down.
[영영] ① to have ideas or images in your mind; to remember somebody/something
② ( think of somebody/something) to consider somebody/something
③ to use your mind to consider something, such as your future plans, to try to solve problems, etc.
[영한] ① (어떤 일을 하거나 계획할 때) ~에 대해 생각[고려]하다 ② ~할 것을 생각[고려]하다 ③ …에 관해 생각하다
[유의어] contemplate, contemplate(생각하다)
this much adv.
[본문] [25]Movement in our everyday lives has really been engineered out with advances in technology, and our bodies just weren't designed to sit this much, so it's going to cause problems with our health.
[영한] 이 만큼[정도]
Throughout history adv.
[본문] [30]Throughout history, humans have always walked and moved their bodies.
[영한] 역사를 통틀어
to be honest adv.
[본문] [9]But to be honest I do spend a lot of time sitting down.
[영한] 솔직히 말하자면
used to prep.
[본문] [35]Charlotte says humans are not used to sitting this much.
[영영] made familiar with; accustomed to
[영한] ~에 익숙한
[유의어] accustomed
<법조동사> …하곤 했다, 과거 한때는[예전에는] …이었다[했다]
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