The UK's Equality Act of 2010 guaranteed the rights of disabled people to equal access to education, employment, and services, including music, theatre and the arts. Despite this, it's still difficult for disabled musicians and music fans to perform and see live music. Neil and Georgie introduce you to some ways people are trying to change this, while teaching you some useful vocabulary.
2010년의 영국 평등법은 장애인들의 권리를 보장합니다. 교육 고용 그리고 〈음악 연국 그리고 미술을 포함하는〉 복지로의 같은 접근권에 대한. 이것에도 불구하고 청각장애 음악인들과 음악팬들이 생음악을 공연하고 보는 것은 여전히 어렵습니다. 닐과 죠지가 [당신에게 몇몇의 유용한 어휘를 가르치는 동안에,] 당신에게 [사람들이 이것을 바꾸려고 애쓰는] 몇몇의 방법을 소개합니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
academy noun ☆[3859] [레마] academe
[본문] [18]a) The Royal Albert Hall b) The Southbank Centre or, c) Brixton academy?
[영영] Academy is sometimes used in the names of schools and colleges, especially those specializing in particular subjects or skills, or private high schools in the United States.
[영한] ① (특수 분야의) 학교 ② 학술원, 예술원 ③ (스코틀랜드의) 중등학교, (미국의) 사립학교
[굴절형] 복수형; academies
[어근] ⑴ academ; 학문 ⑵ y; 명사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 Akademeia》 학교, 학계
[최초 의미] the classical Academy
[파생] academic, academical, academically, academy
accessibility noun △[10000+] [레마] access 〈 cede(가다)
[본문] [16]But which London music venue was recently given a Gold award for accessibility for disabled musicians and audiences?
[영영] accessibil + ity
[영한] 접근 (가능성), 접근하기 쉬움, 이해하기 쉬움
[구성단어] accessible + ity
[어근] ⑴ ac(ad); to ⑵ cess(cede); go, move, withdraw ⑶ ibil(able); ~할 수 있는(형용사어미) ⑷ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 accedere》 ad+cedere; approach, go to, come near, enter upon
[파생] accessibility, accessible, accessibleness, accessibly, access
accessible adj. ★★★[2986] [레마] access 〈 cede(가다)
[본문] [25]And they're designed to be accessible to maybe just that one individual performer, or maybe also to lots of different performers with disabilities or differences.
[영영] If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it. If an object is accessible, it is easy to reach.
[영한] ① 접근[입장/이용] 가능한 ② 이해하기 쉬운 ③ (사람이) 다가가기 쉬운, 편한
[반의어] inaccessible
[어근] ⑴ ac(ad); to ⑵ cess(cede); go, move, withdraw ⑶ ible(able); ~할 수 있는(형용사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 accedere》 ad+cedere; approach, go to, come near, enter upon
[최초 의미] affording access, capable of being approached or reached
[파생] accessibility, accessible, accessibleness, accessibly, access
acoustic adj. △[10000+] [레마] acoustic
[본문] [28]New instruments are both electronic and acoustic.
[영영] An acoustic guitar or other instrument is one whose sound is produced without any electrical equipment.
[영한] ① 음향의, 청각의 ② (악기나 공연이) 전자 장치를 쓰지 않는
<명사> 청력을 교정하는 것
[어근] ⑴ a(an); 아닌 것(無) not, together ⑵ cou; 듣다, 받아들이다, hear ⑶ stic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 akoustikos》 [from akoustos("heard, audible")] pertaining to hearing
[최초 의미] pertaining to hearing or sound,
[파생] acoustically, acoustic
award noun ★★★★[2040] [레마] award 〈 ward
[본문] [16]But which London music venue was recently given a Gold award for accessibility for disabled musicians and audiences?
[영영] An award is a prize or certificate that a person is given for doing something well.
[영한] ① (부상이 딸린) 상 ② (보수) 인상분 ③ (판결 승소자에 대한 보상금 지급) 액수, 지급 판정 ④ (수료증 등의) 수여 (결정) ⑤ (학생의) 생활비 지원금
[굴절형] 복수형; awards
<동사> 수여하다, 수여[지급] 판정을 내리다
[어근] ⑴ a(ex); out ⑵ ward(guard); 보호, guard
[어원] 《프랑스말 eswarder》 [es+warder, from Old French esgarder] decide, judge, give one's opinion
[최초 의미] decision after consideration
[파생] awardable, awardee, awarder, award
award verb ★★★★[2040] [레마] award 〈 ward
[본문] [41]Right, you asked me which London music venue was awarded top marks for making music accessible for disabled musicians and audiences.
[영영] If someone is awarded something such as a prize or an examination mark, it is given to them.
[영한] 수여하다, 수여[지급] 판정을 내리다
[굴절형] awarded, awarded, awarding, awards
<명사> ① (부상이 딸린) 상 ② (보수) 인상분 ③ (판결 승소자에 대한 보상금 지급) 액수, 지급 판정
[어근] ⑴ a(ex); out ⑵ ward(guard); 보호, guard
[어원] 《프랑스말 eswarder》 [es+warder, from Old French esgarder] decide, judge, give one's opinion
[최초 의미] decide after careful observation
[파생] awardable, awardee, awarder, award
bespoke adj. △[10000+] [레마] bespeak 〈 speak
[본문] [24]So, they may have been mass-produced, or semi mass-produced, or they may have been designed and built by the musician themselves, just like a bespoke instrument for themselves.
[영한] ① (제품이) (개인 주문에 따라) 맞춘 ② 맞춤 생산을 하는
[유의어] tailor-made
[구성단어] be + spoke
[어근] ⑴ be; by, about ⑵ spoke(speak); 말하다, speak
[어원] 《고대 영어 specan》 to speak
centre noun ★★★[2401] [레마] center
[본문] [18]a) The Royal Albert Hall b) The Southbank centre or, c) Brixton Academy?
[영영] A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
[영한] ① 중심, 중앙, 가운데 ② 도심지, 중심가 ③ (문화사업 등의) 중심지 ④ 센터 ⑤ (특정 활동의) 뛰어난 중심지 ⑥ (관심의) 중심[초점] ⑦ [형용사에서] … 중심의 참조 self-centred ⑧ 중도파 ⑨ 센터포드
[굴절형] 복수형; centres
<동사> 중앙에 놓다
[어근] centre(center); 중심
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ center
[어원] 《그리스어 kentron》 날카로운 포인트, 막대기, 말벌의 가시
[최초 의미] middle point of a circle; point round which something revolves
cheaply adv. ★★[4046] [레마] cheap
[본문] [48]To mass-produce something means to make many copies of it cheaply in a factory, whereas a bespoke product has been made specially for one person in particular.
[영영] cheap + ly
[영한] 싸게, 저렴하게
[구성단어] cheap + ly
[어근] ⑴ cheap; 싼[저렴한], cheap ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 ceapian》 (verb) to trade, buy and sell
[파생] cheapen, cheapish, cheapishly, cheaply, cheapness, cheap
cinema noun ★★★[3168] [레마] cinema
[본문] [5]Many people love watching movies at the cinema or going to the theatre to see a play.
[영영] A cinema is a place where people go to watch films for entertainment. in AM, usually use movie theater, movie house
[영한] ① 영화관, (영화 상영용) 극장 ② 영화(보기) ③ 영화 예술[산업]
[굴절형] 복수형; cinemas
[어근] cinema(kine); 운동, 동작, motion
[어원] 《그리스어 kinema》 [from kinein("to move")] movement
[최초 의미] a movie hall
[파생] cinematic, cinematically, cinema
collaborate verb ☆[5410] [레마] collaborate 〈 labor(노역)
[본문] [21]Megan Steinberg is a music composer at Royal Northern College of Music, where she collaborates with Drake Music, a leading national organisation working in music disability and technology.
[영영] When one person or group collaborates with another, they work together, especially on a book or on some research.
[영한] ① 협력하다, 공동으로 작업하다 ② (전시에 자국을 장악한 적군에게) 협력하다, 부역하다
[굴절형] collaborated, collaborated, collaborating, collaborates
[유의어] go along with
[어근] ⑴ col(com); 함께, with ⑵ labor; 노동 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 labor》 노역, 일, 노력, 작업, 고난[시련], 고통[괴로움]
[최초 의미] to work with another or others,
[파생] collaborative, collaboratively, collaborator, collaborate
colourful adj. △[8641] [레마] color
[본문] [33]So, Morwenna is dyslexic, and she really found that traditional black and white musical notation was quite an obstacle for her in learning and teaching music, so she and her husband made these harps and they're, like, really colourful, as she uses colour in music…
[영영] ① Something that is colourful has bright colours or a lot of different colours.
② A colourful story is full of exciting details.
③ A colourful character is a person who behaves in an interesting and amusing way.
[영한] ① 형형색색의, (색이) 다채로운 ② 흥미진진한, 파란만장한
[구성단어] colour + ful
[어근] ⑴ colour(color); 색상, color ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 color》 피부 색, 색상, 색깔, 색조; 외관
[파생] colourfully, colourfulness, colourful
compose verb ★★[4024] [레마] compose 〈 pose
[본문] [22]Megan composes music to be played by 'new instruments'.
[영영] The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.
[영한] ① 구성하다 유의어 make up 참조 composed ② 작곡하다 ③ 편지/연설문/시를 (정성 들여) 쓰다[작성하다] ④ (감정/표정 등을) 가다듬다 참조 composure
[굴절형] composed composed composing composes
[유의어] make up
[어근] ⑴ com; 함께, with ⑵ pose; 두다, 놓다
[어원] 《라틴어 positus》 pp of ponere
[파생] compose, composite, compositely, compositeness, composition, compositional, compositionally, compositive, composure
composer noun ☆[5214] [레마] compose 〈 pose
[본문] [9]In this programme, we'll be hearing from a musical composer whose work using 'new instruments' allows disabled musicians to express their lived experience through music.
[영영] A composer is a person who writes music, especially classical music.
[영한] (특히 클래식 음악) 작곡가
[구성단어] compose + er
[어근] ⑴ com; 함께, with ⑵ pos(pose); 두다, 놓다 ⑶ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 positus》 pp of ponere
concert noun ★★★★[1932] [레마] concert 〈 cern(나누다)
[본문] [6]But have you ever imagined what an art gallery would be like if you were blind, or how a deaf person might feel at a music concert?
[영영] A concert is a performance of music.
[영한] ① 연주회, 콘서트 ② 협조, 협약, 협력
[굴절형] 복수형; concerts
<동사> 협조하다, 협정하다, 계획하다 <형용사> ① 음악회용의 ② 콘서트에서 연주되는[하는]
[어근] ⑴ con(com); with ⑵ cert(cern); separate, distinguish, decide
[어원] 《라틴어 cernere》 나누다[분리하다], 구별하다, 결정하다, 체로치다(가려 내다), 인지하다, 파악하다, 이해하다; 판단하다
[최초 의미] agreement of two or more in design or plan; accord, harmony
[파생] concertize, concert
correspond verb △[10000+] [레마] correspond 〈 spond(맹세)
[본문] [32]And the Rainbow Harp is a harp that has colour-coded strings, and each string colour corresponds to a different pitch.
[영영] If one thing corresponds to another, there is a close similarity or connection between them. You can also say that two things correspond.
[영한] ① 일치하다, 부합하다 ② (~에) 해당[상응]하다 ③ (~와) 서신을 주고받다
[굴절형] corresponded, corresponded, corresponding, corresponds
[유의어] agree, tally, spook, equivalent
[구성단어] respond
[어근] ⑴ cor(com); together ⑵ re; back ⑶ spond; pledge
[어원] 《라틴어 spondere》 to pledge, to bind oneself, promise solemnly; to engage oneself by ritual act
[파생] correspondence, correspondent, correspondently, correspondingly, correspond
deaf adj. ★★[3553] [레마] deaf
[본문] [6]But have you ever imagined what an art gallery would be like if you were blind, or how a deaf person might feel at a music concert?
[영영] Someone who is deaf is unable to hear anything or is unable to hear very well.
[영한] ① 귀가 먹은, 청각 장애가 있는 ② 청각 장애인 ③ ~에 귀[주의]를 기울이지 않는 ④ 귀가 어두운
[굴절형] 비교; deaf < deafer < deafest
[어근] deaf; 귀가 어두운, deaf
[어원] 《고대 영어 deaf》 청각이 결핍된
[최초 의미] lacking the sense of hearing,
[파생] deaf, deafen, deafened, deafish, deafly, deafness
disability noun ★★★[2505] [레마] disable 〈 able
[본문] [8]Since then, the disability Rights movement has worked hard to break down barriers for disabled artists and performers, and their audiences.
[영영] A disability is a permanent injury, illness, or physical or mental condition that tends to restrict the way that someone can live their life.
[영한] ① (신체적/정신적) 장애 ② (신체적/정신적) 장애(가 있는 상태)
[굴절형] 복수형; disabilities
[유의어] handicap
[구성단어] dis + ability
[어근] ⑴ dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ abil(able); 갖다, 거처하다 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태, 성격
[어원] 《라틴어 habilis》 [verbal adjective from habere] easily handled, apt; easy to manage, handy
[최초 의미] want of power, strength, or ability
[파생] disability, disablement, disable
disabled adj. ★★[4260] [레마] able 〈 hab(갖다)
[본문] [7]In the UK, The Equality Act of 2010 guaranteed the rights of disabled people to equal access to education, employment, and services, including music, theatre and the arts.
[영영] Someone who is disabled has an illness, injury, or condition that tends to restrict the way that they can live their life, especially by making it difficult for them to move about.
[영한] ① 장애를 가진 ② 장애인들
[유의어] handicapped
<명사> 신체 장애자.
[구성단어] disable + ed
[어근] ⑴ dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ abl(able); 갖다, 할 수 있는, hold ⑶ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 habilis》 [verbal adjective from habere] easily handled, apt; easy to manage, handy
drake noun[10000+] [레마] drake
[본문] [21]Megan Steinberg is a music composer at Royal Northern College of Music, where she collaborates with drake Music, a leading national organisation working in music disability and technology.
[영한] 수컷오리, 집오리 수컷
[어근] drake; 수컷오리, drake
[어원] 《서부 독일어 drako》 male of the duck
[최초 의미] male of the duck,
dyslexic adj. △[10000+] [레마] dyslexia
[본문] [33]So, Morwenna is dyslexic, and she really found that traditional black and white musical notation was quite an obstacle for her in learning and teaching music, so she and her husband made these harps and they're, like, really colourful, as she uses colour in music…
[영한] 독서 장애의, 실독증의, 난독증의
<명사> 독서 장애자, 실독증 환자, 난독증 환자
[어근] ⑴ dys; 악행, 악화(惡化) ⑵ lex(lexi); 말, 아휘, word ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《독일어 dyslexie》 [from Greek dys-("bad, abnormal, difficult"), lexis("word")]
[파생] dyslectic, dyslexic, dyslexia
dyslexic noun △[10000+] [레마] dyslexia
[본문] [34]Morwenna is dyslexic.
[영한] 독서 장애자, 실독증 환자, 난독증 환자
<형용사> 독서 장애의, 실독증의, 난독증의
[어근] ⑴ dys; 악행, 악화(惡化) ⑵ lex(lexi); 말, 아휘, word ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《독일어 dyslexie》 [from Greek dys-("bad, abnormal, difficult"), lexis("word")]
[파생] dyslectic, dyslexic, dyslexia
emphasis verb ★★★★[2027] [레마] empathy 〈 path-
[본문] [10]The phrase lived experience emphasises the unique experience of disabled people, plus the fact that this gives them knowledge and understanding that others do not have.
[영한] (중요성을) 강조하다
[굴절형] emphasised emphasised emphasising emphasises
<명사> ① 강조, 역점, 주안점 ② 강한 어조, 강조법
[어근] ⑴ em(en); 안에, in, into ⑵ phasis(phan); 보여주다, appearance, information
[어원] 《라틴어 emphasis》 [em+phasis]
[파생] emphasis, emphasize, emphatic, emphasise
employment noun ★★★★[1964] [레마] employ 〈 plic(접다)
[본문] [7]In the UK, The Equality Act of 2010 guaranteed the rights of disabled people to equal access to education, employment, and services, including music, theatre and the arts.
[영영] Employment is the fact of having a paid job.
[영한] ① 직장, (개인의) 고용 ② (사람들의) 취업[고용] 반의어 unemployment ③ 고용하는 것, 채용 ④ (기술/방법 등의) 사용[이용]
[굴절형] 복수형; employments
[유의어] work
[반의어] unemployment
[어근] ⑴ em(in); 안(內), in ⑵ ploy(plic); 접은, fold ⑶ ment; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 implicare》 [in+plicare] enfold, involve, be connected with, unite, associate
[파생] employ, employment
enable verb ★★★★[1839] [레마] able 〈 hab(갖다)
[본문] [27]More generally,the word accessible means enabling someone with a disability the opportunity to engage in the same interactions and enjoy the same experiences as people without a disability.
[영영] If someone or something enables you to do a particular thing, they give you the opportunity to do it.
[영한] ① (사람에게) …을 할 수 있게 하다 ② (무엇을) 가능하게 하다
[굴절형] enabled, enabled, enabling, enables
[유의어] allow
[어근] ⑴ en; 안에 두다, 하게 하다, into ⑵ able; 할 수 있는, able
[어원] 《라틴어 habilis》 [verbal adjective from habere] easily handled, apt; easy to manage, handy
[파생] ability, able, ably, enable, enablement, enabler
equality noun ★★★[2938] [레마] equ-
[본문] [7]In the UK, The equality Act of 2010 guaranteed the rights of disabled people to equal access to education, employment, and services, including music, theatre and the arts.
[영영] Equality is the same status, rights, and responsibilities for all the members of a society, group, or family.
[영한] 평등, 균등
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[반의어] inequality(균등), inequality(불평등)
[구성단어] equal + ity
[어근] ⑴ equ; 동등한, equal ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ity; …함, …한 성질, …한 정도
[어원] 《라틴어 aequus》 동일한; 대등한, 고른, 평평한; 크기가 비슷한, ~와 같은 높이의, 우호적인, 친철한, 공평한, 정당한, 합리적인, 치우치지 않는, 비례하는, 온화한, 평온한
[파생] equality, equalize, equally, equal
gallery noun ★★★[2670] [레마] gallery
[본문] [6]But have you ever imagined what an art gallery would be like if you were blind, or how a deaf person might feel at a music concert?
[영영] A gallery is a place that has permanent exhibitions of works of art in it.
[영한] ① 미술관, 화랑 ② 미술품점 ③ (대형 홀의 위층 뒷면이나 옆면) 좌석 ④ (극장에서 가장 표 값이 싼) 최상층 관람석 ⑤ (특히 특정 목적으로 쓰이는) 길쭉한 방 ⑥ (광산이나 지하 동굴의) 수평 갱도[통로]
[굴절형] 복수형; galleries
[유의어] passageway(낭하)
[어근] gallery; gallery
[어원] 《라틴어 galilea》 교회 현관
[최초 의미] covered walk or passageway, narrow and partly open passageway along a wall,
guarantee verb ★★★★[1948] [레마] guarant
[본문] [7]In the UK, The Equality Act of 2010 guaranteed the rights of disabled people to equal access to education, employment, and services, including music, theatre and the arts.
[영영] If one thing guarantees another, the first is certain to cause the second thing to happen.
[영한] ① (어떤 일을 하거나 있도록 할 것임을) 보장[약속]하다 ② (제품에 대해) 품질 보증을 하다 ③ (어떤 일의 발생을) 확실하게 하다[보장하다] ④ (어떤 일이 있을 것임을) 확신하다 ⑤ 보증을 서다, 보증하다
[굴절형] guaranteed, guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantees
[유의어] assure(보장하다), guaranty
<명사> ① 굳은 약속, 확약 ② (제품의) 품질 보증서 ③ 보장
[어근] ⑴ guarant; 보증, 방어, guaranty ⑵ ee; 명사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 garant》 [=warant, from Proto-Germanic *war-] (Old French) warrant that the title to a property is true; "defender, protector; warranty; pledge; justifying evidence
[최초 의미] to be surety for
hall noun ★★★★[1802] [레마] hall
[본문] [18]a) The Royal Albert hall b) The Southbank Centre or, c) Brixton Academy?
[영영] The hall in a house or flat is the area just inside the front door, into which some of the other rooms open. in AM, use entrance hall
[영한] ① (건물 입구 안쪽의) 현관 ② (건물 안의) 복도 ③ 홀[회관/-실] ④ 상호참조 hall of residence ⑤ 홀
[굴절형] 복수형; halls
[유의어] corridor
[어근] hall; hall
[어원] 《고대 영어 heall》 집, 지붕 넓은 집, 사원, 법정
[최초 의미] spacious roofed residence, house; temple; law-court,
harp noun △[10000+] [레마] harp
[본문] [33]So, Morwenna is dyslexic, and she really found that traditional black and white musical notation was quite an obstacle for her in learning and teaching music, so she and her husband made these harps and they're, like, really colourful, as she uses colour in music…
[영한] 하프
[굴절형] 복수형; harps
[어근] harp; 하프, harp
[어원] 《고대 영어 hearpe》 [from Proto-Germanic *harpon-] harp, stringed musical instrument played with the fingers
harpist noun[10000+] [레마] harp
[본문] [31]Listen as Megan introduces the Rainbow Harp, a new instrument which was designed for harpist, Morwenna Louttit-Vermaat, to BBC Radio Programme, Arts & Ideas:
[영한] 하프 연주자
[구성단어] harp + ist
[어근] ⑴ harp; 하프, harp ⑵ ist; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hearpe》 [from Proto-Germanic *harpon-] harp, stringed musical instrument played with the fingers
inclusive adj. ☆[4993] [레마] include 〈 clude(닫다)
[본문] [39]It's a great idea, and an inclusive way for disabled musicians to share their talent with music fans across the UK.
[영영] If a price is inclusive, it includes all the charges connected with the goods or services offered. If a price is inclusive of postage and packing, it includes the charge for this.
[영한] ① (가격에) 일체의 경비가 포함된[…이 포함된] ② (언급된 날짜/월/수 등을 다 포함하여) …부터 …까지 ③ 폭넓은, 포괄적인
[반의어] exclusive
[구성단어] include + Ive
[어근] ⑴ in; in ⑵ clus(clude); shut, close ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 includere》 in+claudere; to shut in, enclose, imprison, insert
[파생] includable, include, includible, inclusion, inclusive, inclusively, inclusiveness
interaction noun ★★★[2190] [레마] interact 〈 act
[본문] [27]More generally,the word accessible means enabling someone with a disability the opportunity to engage in the same interactions and enjoy the same experiences as people without a disability.
[영영] mutual or reciprocal action or influence
[영한] ① 상호 작용, 상호의 영향, [컴퓨터] 대화 ② (물리) 상호 작용
[굴절형] 복수형; interactions
[구성단어] inter + action
[어근] ⑴ inter; 사이, among ⑵ act(ag); 행위, 행하다 ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 agere》 이끌다, 가다, 움직이게 맞춰 놓다, 몰고 가다, 앞으로 몰고 가다, (뭔가) 하다, 수행하다, 행동을 선동하다, 움직이도록 놔 두다
[파생] interact, interaction
invent verb ★★★[2135] [레마] invent 〈 vene
[본문] [37]And that's how the Rainbow Harp was invented.
[영영] If you invent something such as a machine or process, you are the first person to think of it or make it.
[영한] ① 발명하다 ② (사실이 아닌 것을) 지어내다[날조하다]
[굴절형] invented, invented, inventing, invents
[유의어] think up
[어근] ⑴ in; in, on ⑵ vent; to come
[어원] 《라틴어 inventus》 pp of invenire;
[최초 의미] to find, discover (obsolete)
[파생] invent, inventable, inventible, invention, inventional, inventionless, inventive
leading adj. △[9181] [레마] lead
[본문] [21]Megan Steinberg is a music composer at Royal Northern College of Music, where she collaborates with Drake Music, a leading national organisation working in music disability and technology.
[영영] The leading person or thing in a particular area is the one which is most important or successful.
[영한] ① 가장 중요한, 선두적인 ② (경주/시합에서) 선두의
[구성단어] lead + ing
[어근] ⑴ lead; 이끌다, lead ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 lædan》 누군가와 함께 가도록 이끌다, 앞서 행진하다, 인도자로서 앞서 가다, 동행하거나 길을 보여 주다, 수행하다, 앞서 자라다, 앞으로 가져가다, (일생을) 지나가다
[파생] leadingly, leading
musician noun ★★★★[1951] [레마] music 〈 muse(뮤즈)
[본문] [24]So, they may have been mass-produced, or semi mass-produced, or they may have been designed and built by the musician themselves, just like a bespoke instrument for themselves.
[영영] A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument as their job or hobby.
[영한] 음악가(연주자/작곡가), 뮤지션
[굴절형] 복수형; musicians 소유격; musician's 복수소유격; musicians'
[어근] ⑴ mus(muse); 음악, music ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ ian(an); 명사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 Mousa》 뮤즈, 음악, 노래
[최초 의미] one skilled in music
[파생] musicianly, musicianship, musician
notation noun △[10000+] [레마] note
[본문] [33]So, Morwenna is dyslexic, and she really found that traditional black and white musical notation was quite an obstacle for her in learning and teaching music, so she and her husband made these harps and they're, like, really colourful, as she uses colour in music…
[영한] ① (특수한 문자/부호 따위에 의한) 표시[표기]법, 기호법, 표기 ② (수학) 기수법(記數法) ③ (음악) 악보, 기보법(記譜法). ④ 써두기, 메모하기, 기록, 각서(note), 주해(註解).
[구성단어] notate + ion
[어근] ⑴ not(note); 기록, letter ⑵ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 notus》 알려진
obstacle noun ★★★[2518] [레마] obstacle 〈 st-(서다)
[본문] [33]So, Morwenna is dyslexic, and she really found that traditional black and white musical notation was quite an obstacle for her in learning and teaching music, so she and her husband made these harps and they're, like, really colourful, as she uses colour in music…
[영영] An obstacle is an object that makes it difficult for you to go where you want to go, because it is in your way.
[영한] ① 장애 ② 장애물 ③ (장애물 경기에서) 장애물
[굴절형] 복수형; obstacles
[유의어] hindrance, block, hurdle, handicap
[어근] ⑴ ob; against, in front of ⑵ sta(st); to stand ⑶ cle(cule); 지소 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 obstaculum》 [from obstare+-tlom+-culum] a hindrance, obstacle
[최초 의미] opposition, obstruction, hindrance
performer noun ★★[3922] [레마] perform 〈 furnish
[본문] [25]And they're designed to be accessible to maybe just that one individual performer, or maybe also to lots of different performers with disabilities or differences.
[영영] A performer is a person who acts, sings, or does other entertainment in front of audiences.
[영한] ① (쇼/음악회 등에서 공연/연기/연주하는) 연기자[연주자] ② 〈언급된 방식으로 일·행동을 하는 사람·것〉
[굴절형] 복수형; performers
[구성단어] perform + er
[어근] ⑴ per; through, to completion ⑵ form(furn); 공급, provide ⑶ er; 접미어
[파생] performable, performance, performer, perform
pitch noun ★★★[2246] [레마] pitch
[본문] [32]And the Rainbow Harp is a harp that has colour-coded strings, and each string colour corresponds to a different pitch.
[영영] A pitch is an area of ground that is marked out and used for playing a game such as football, cricket, or AM, usually use field
[영한] ① (일부 스포츠의) 경기장 ② (감정활동의) 정도[강도], 정점, 최고조 ③ 음의 높이 ④ (물건을 팔거나 사람을 설득하기 위해 하는) 권유[주장], 홍보 ⑤ (공의) 투구 ⑥ 피치 ⑦ (거리시장에서 노점상거리 예술가의) 자리 ⑧ (배항공기의) 상하 요동 ⑨ (지붕의) 경사[물매]
[굴절형] 복수형; pitches
<동사> ① (힘껏) 내던지다[내동댕이치다] ② (야구에서) 투구하다 ③ (크리켓골프에서 공이[공을]) (땅바닥에) 떨어지다[떨어지게 하다]
[어근] pitch(pick); pitch
[어원] 《고대 영어 piccan》 [from Vulgar Latin *piccare] stigmata
[최초 의미] something that is thrust in or fixed or pierced
[파생] pitchy, pitch
plus conj. ★★★★[1888] [레마] plus
[본문] [10]The phrase lived experience emphasises the unique experience of disabled people, plus the fact that this gives them knowledge and understanding that others do not have.
[영영] You say plus to show that one number or quantity is being added to another.
[영한] 더욱이, 게다가
[유의어] furthermore(게다가), and
<명사> ① 이점, 좋은 점, 플러스 ② 플러스[덧셈] 부호(+) <형용사> ① (숫자 뒤에 써서) … 이상의 ② 영상의 ③ 좋은, 플러스가 되는 <전치사> ① 플러스, 더하기 ② …뿐만 아니라, …도 또한
[어근] plus(plu); 많다, more
[어원] 《라틴어 plus》 [genitive pluris] more, in greater number, more often
rainbow noun ☆[5070] [레마] bow
[본문] [31]Listen as Megan introduces the rainbow Harp, a new instrument which was designed for harpist, Morwenna Louttit-Vermaat, to BBC Radio Programme, Arts & Ideas:
[영영] A rainbow is an arch of different colours that you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining.
[영한] 무지개
<동사> ① 무지개 모양으로[다채롭게] 하다 ② 무지개처럼[다채롭게] 보이다 <형용사> 다민족[인종]의, 7색의, 가지각색의, 다채로운
[구성단어] rain + bow
[어근] ⑴ rain; 비, rain ⑵ bow; 절하다, bow
[어원] 《고대 영어 bugan》 [suggested by Low German bucht] to bend
regardless adv. ★★★[3180] [레마] regard
[본문] [47]If something is accessible, it enables everyone to have equal opportunities and experiences, regardless of their abilities.
[영영] If you say that someone did something regardless, you mean that they did it even though there were problems or factors that could have stopped them, or perhaps should have stopped them.
[영한] 개의치[상관하지] 않고
<형용사> ① 부주의한, 관심없는, 개의치 않는 ② 고려되지 않는
[구성단어] regard + less
[어근] ⑴ re; 다시, 반대로 ⑵ gard(guard); 보호, guard ⑶ less; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 regarder》 [re⑵+garder] Old French take notice of
[파생] regardlessly, regardlessness, regardless
specially adv. ★★[3741] [레마] special 〈 spec
[본문] [29]They might be mass-produced, that's when a factory makes a lot of the same thing, or bespoke, made specially for one person in particular.
[영영] If something has been done specially for a particular person or purpose, it has been done only for that person or purpose.
[영한] ① (특정 목적/사람 등을 위해) 특별히 ② 특히
[구성단어] special + ly
[어근] ⑴ speci; 보다, see, kind, sort ⑵ al; 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 specere》 바라보다, 살펴보다, 보다
[파생] special, specialize, specially, specialness, specialty
spell verb ★★★[2350] [레마] spell
[본문] [35]She has dyslexia, a condition which makes it difficult for her to spell, read and write.
[영영] When you spell a word, you write or speak each letter in the word in the correct order.
[영한] ① (어떤 단어의) 철자를 말하다[쓰다] ② 철자를 맞게 쓰다, 맞춤법에 맞게 글을 쓰다 ③ (철자가 특정한 순서로 조합되어 어떤 단어가[를]) 되다[형성하다] ④ (보통 나쁜 결과를) 가져오다[의미하다] ⑤ (다른 사람이 잠시 휴식하도록) 교대하다
[굴절형] spelled spelt, spelled spelt, spelling, spells
[유의어] stretch(기간), run
[어근] spell; spell
[어원] 《고대 영어 spell》 [from Proto-Germanic *spella] story, saying, tale, history, narrative, fable; discourse, command
[최초 의미] ① read letter by letter, write or say the letters of ② work in place of (another)
[파생] spellable, spell
string noun ★★★[3019] [레마] string
[본문] [32]And the Rainbow Harp is a harp that has colour-coded strings, and each string colour corresponds to a different pitch.
[영영] String is thin rope made of twisted threads, used for tying things together or tying up parcels.
[영한] ① 끈, 줄 ② (여러 개의 사물을 함께 엮어 놓은) 줄 ③ 일련 ④ (컴퓨터의) 문자열 ⑤ (악기의) 현[줄] ⑥ (오케스트라의) 현악기부[현악기 연주자들] ⑦ (테니스 라켓 등의) 줄 ⑧ 조건, 단서
[굴절형] 복수형; strings
<동사> ① (특히 장식을 위해 끈이나 줄로) 묶다[매달다] ② (실 등에) 꿰다[꿰여 있다], 길게 이어지다 ③ (악기운동 기구 등에) 현[줄]을 매다 <형용사> ① 현악기의, 현악기로 구성된 ② 줄로 된, 줄같이 생긴
[어근] string; string
[어원] 《고대 영어 streng》 선, (노)끈, 가닥[줄기], 활 또는 하프의 줄
[최초 의미] line, cord, thread, string of a bow or harp
[파생] stringless, stringlike, stringy, string
theatre noun ★★[3933] [레마] theater
[본문] [5]Many people love watching movies at the cinema or going to the theatre to see a play.
[영영] A theatre is a building with a stage in it, on which plays, shows, and other performances take place.
[영한] ① 공연장, 극장 ② [C] (美) 상호참조 cinema ③ (공연물로서의) 연극 ④ 연극 분야, 연극과 관련된 일 ⑤ [C, U] (英) 상호참조 operating theatre ⑥ (전쟁/전투가 벌어지는) 무대
[굴절형] 복수형; theatres
[어근] ⑴ theat(thea); 이론, view ⑵ re(er); 명사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ theater
[어원] 《그리스어 theatron》 [theasthai+tron] theater; the people in the theater; a show, a spectacle; place for viewing
venue noun △[10000+] [레마] venue 〈 vene
[본문] [16]But which London music venue was recently given a Gold award for accessibility for disabled musicians and audiences?
[영영] The venue for an event or activity is the place where it will happen.
[영한] (콘서트/스포츠 경기/회담 등의) 장소
[굴절형] 복수형; venues
[어근] venue(vent); 오다, 돌다, come
[어원] 《라틴어 venire》 to come
[최초 의미] a coming for the purpose of attack,
waiting adj. ☆[5631] [레마] wait
[본문] [45]The good news for all music fans living in London is that The Southbank Centre is accessible, ready and waiting!
[영한] 기다리고 있는 , 시중드는, 봉사하는 , (웨이터로서) 서비스하는.
<명사> ① 대기, (자동차의) 정차 ② (식당 등의) 종업원[웨이터] 일
[구성단어] wait + ing
[어근] ⑴ wait; 기다리다, wait ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《프랑크말 wahtwen》 [derivative of Frankish *wahtu] to watch, guard
[파생] waitingly, waiting
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