Period poverty affects over 500 million people worldwide. To help fight this, the Pachamama project has recruited volunteers who sew reusable period products for refugees. Georgie and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.
월경 빈곤은 전 세계적으로 5억 명 이상의 사람들에게 영향을 미칩니다. 이에 맞서기 위해 파차마마(Pachamama) 프로젝트는 난민을 위해 재사용 가능한 생리용품을 바느질하는 자원봉사자를 모집했습니다. Georgie와 Beth는 이에 대해 토론하고 유용한 어휘를 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
absorb verb ★★★[2292] [레마] absorb 〈 sorb
[본문] [21]She'd heard about period poverty and decided to put her lockdown time to good use by making sanitary pads, pieces of soft material used to absorb menstrual blood.
[영영] If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or takes it in.
[영한] ① (액체/가스 등을) 흡수하다[빨아들이다] ② (큰 조직의 일부로) 흡수하다 ③ (정보를) 받아들이다 ④ (관심을) 빼앗다, 빠지게 만들다 ⑤ (열/빛 등을) 흡수하다 ⑥ (충격을) 흡수하다 ⑦ (특히 돈이나 시간을) 차지하다[잡아먹다] ⑧ (경비/손실 등을) 처리하다, (변화/효과 등을) 흡수하다
[굴절형] absorbed, absorbed, absorbing, absorbs
[유의어] take in, engross, soak up
[어근] ⑴ ab; from, off ⑵ sorb; suck in
[어원] 《라틴어 absorbere》 ab+sorbere; to swallow up, devour
[최초 의미] to drink in, suck up, take in by absorption
[파생] absorb, absorbability, absorbable, absorption, absorptive
absorbent adj. △[10000+] [레마] absorb 〈 sorb
[본문] [26]They're made from absorbent fabrics such as fleece and cotton sheets which means that they can be used over and over again after they're washed unlike disposable pads.
[영한] (특히 액체를) 잘 빨아들이는, 흡수력 있는
[구성단어] absorb + ent
[어근] ⑴ ab; 분리, 떨어져서, off ⑵ sorb; 흡입, suck ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 absorbere》 ab+sorbere; to swallow up, devour
barely adv. ★★[3622] [레마] bare
[본문] [38]Like, the women originally who were distributing the pads would barely even speak about it and we had it behind a curtain, and now they'll chat away about the pads with their male colleagues, anyone that comes into the shop…
[영영] You use barely to say that something is only just true or only just the case.
[영한] ① 간신히, 가까스로, 빠듯하게 ② 거의 …아니게[없이] ③ 꼭, 겨우 ④ 거의 …하자마자
[구성단어] bare + ly
[어근] ⑴ bare; 벌거벗은, bare, naked ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 bær》 [past tense of beran, from Proto-Germanic *bazaz ] naked, uncovered, unclothed
[파생] barely, bareness, bare
bleed verb ☆[5400] [레마] blood
[본문] [6]Menstruation, or periods, are a natural process that typically happen once a month when women and girls bleed from their vagina for a few days as part of the reproductive cycle.
[영영] When you bleed, you lose blood from your body as a result of injury or illness.
[영한] ① 피를 흘리다, 출혈하다, 피가 나다 ② (과거에 질병 치료의 한 방법으로) 피를 뽑다 ③ (누구에게서 많은 돈을) 쥐어짜다 ④ (물/공기를) 빼내다 ⑤ 번지다
[굴절형] bled bled bleeding bleeds
[어근] bleed(blood); 피, blood
[어원] 《고대 영어 bledan》 to cause to lose blood, to let blood
[최초 의미] to cause to lose blood, to let blood
[파생] bleed, bloody, blood
borrow verb ★★★[2382] [레마] borrow
[본문] [23]So I borrowed a sewing machine from a friend, I learned how to sew on YouTube, and then I just started making pads.
[영영] If you borrow something that belongs to someone else, you take it or use it for a period of time, usually with their permission.
[영한] ① 빌리다 ② (돈을) 꾸다[빌리다] ③ (어휘/사상 등을) 차용하다
[굴절형] borrowed, borrowed, borrowing, borrows
<명사> ① (컴퓨터) 빌림. ② (골프) (경사/풍향 등을 고려한) 보정폭(補正幅). ③ (매립용으로 파온) 채토(採土).
[어근] borrow; borrow
[어원] 《고대 영어 borgian》 to lend, be surety for, to borrow, receive on pledge, borrow against security
[최초 의미] to lend, be surety for
[파생] borrower, borrow
chat verb ★★★[2498] [레마] chatter
[본문] [38]Like, the women originally who were distributing the pads would barely even speak about it and we had it behind a curtain, and now they'll chat away about the pads with their male colleagues, anyone that comes into the shop…
[영영] When people chat, they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way.
[영한] ① 담소[이야기]를 나누다, 수다를 떨다 ② (인터넷으로) 채팅[대화]하다
[굴절형] chatted, chatted, chatting, chats
[유의어] gas
<명사> ① (친구 사이의) 담소, 수다 ② (격식을 차리지 않은) 이야기, 대화
[어근] chat(chatter); 새소리, twitter, chirp
[어원] 《영어 chatter》
[최초 의미] talk idly, babble
[파생] chattily, chattiness, chatty, chat
cotton noun ★★★[2780] [레마] cotton
[본문] [26]They're made from absorbent fabrics such as fleece and cotton sheets which means that they can be used over and over again after they're washed unlike disposable pads.
[영영] Cotton is a type of cloth made from soft fibres from a particular plant.
[영한] ① 목화 ② 면직물, 무명 ③ (바느질용) 실 ④ 탈지면
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> ① (…이) 좋아지다, 친해지다 ② (제안 등에) 호감을 가지다, 찬성하다 <형용사> 솜의, 무명실의 , 무명으로 만든, 면제의.
[어근] cotton; 목화, cotton
[어원] 《아랍말 qutn》 cotton
[최초 의미] white fibrous substance containing the seeds of the cotton plant
[파생] cottony, cotton
curtain noun ★★★[3148] [레마] curtain 〈 cohort
[본문] [38]Like, the women originally who were distributing the pads would barely even speak about it and we had it behind a curtain, and now they'll chat away about the pads with their male colleagues, anyone that comes into the shop…
[영영] Curtains are large pieces of material which you hang from the top of a window.
[영한] ① (창문) 커튼 참조 drape ② 상호참조 net curtain ③ (침대 주위 등에 드리우는) 커튼 참조 the Iron Curtain ④ (무대의) 막 ⑤ (무엇을 가리거나 보호하는) 장막
[굴절형] 복수형; curtains
<동사> 커튼을 달다
[어근] curtain(cohort); 집단, 울타리, cohort
[어원] 《라틴어 cohortem》 울타리, 뜰
[최초 의미] hanging screen of textile fabric used to close an opening or shut out light, enclose a bed, or decorate an altar
disposable adj. △[8559] [레마] dispose 〈 pose
[본문] [26]They're made from absorbent fabrics such as fleece and cotton sheets which means that they can be used over and over again after they're washed unlike disposable pads.
[영영] A disposable product is designed to be thrown away after it has been used.
[영한] ① 사용 후 버리게 되어 있는, 일회용의 ② (금융) 이용 가능한
[어근] ⑴ dis; apart ⑵ pos(pose); to put, place ⑶ able; 가능한/형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 positus》 pp of ponere
[최초 의미] that may be done without
[파생] disposability, disposableness, disposable
distribute verb ★★★★[1915] [레마] distribute 〈 tribute(할당[지급])
[본문] [38]Like, the women originally who were distributing the pads would barely even speak about it and we had it behind a curtain, and now they'll chat away about the pads with their male colleagues, anyone that comes into the shop…
[영영] If you distribute things, you hand them or deliver them to a number of people.
[영한] ① (사람들에게) 나누어 주다, 분배[배부]하다 ② (상품을) 유통시키다 ③ (어느 범위에 걸쳐) 나누어 퍼뜨리다[분포시키다]
[굴절형] distributed, distributed, distributing, distributes
[어근] ⑴ dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ tribute; 할당, pay
[어원] 《라틴어 distributus》 pp of distribuere;
[파생] distributable, distribute, distribution, distributional, distributive
donate verb ★★★[2633] [레마] donate 〈 don(선물)
[본문] [33]Ella's network of volunteers sewing reusable sanitary pads grew, and to date the Pachamama Project has donated tens of thousands of period products to refugees fleeing conflict in Syria, Turkey and Lebanon, as well as women here in the UK.
[영영] If you donate something to a charity or other organization, you give it to them.
[영한] ① (특히 자선단체에) 기부[기증]하다 ② 헌혈하다, (장기를) 기증하다
[굴절형] donated donated donating donates
[어근] ⑴ don; 주다, give ⑵ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 donationem》 donatio의 주격 형태;
[최초 의미] to give, present as a gift, contribute,
[파생] donator, donate
flee verb △[8009] [레마] flee 〈 fly
[본문] [33]Ella's network of volunteers sewing reusable sanitary pads grew, and to date the Pachamama Project has donated tens of thousands of period products to refugees fleeing conflict in Syria, Turkey and Lebanon, as well as women here in the UK.
[영영] If you flee from something or someone, or flee a person or thing, you escape from them.
[영한] 달아나다, 도망하다
[굴절형] fled, fled, fleeing, flees
[어근] flee(fly); 날다, 파리, fly
[어원] 《고대 영어 fleon》 ~로부터 날다, 피하다, 탈출하다
[파생] flee, fleer, flight, fly
fleece noun △[10000+] [레마] Fleece
[본문] [26]They're made from absorbent fabrics such as fleece and cotton sheets which means that they can be used over and over again after they're washed unlike disposable pads.
[영한] ① (한 마리의 양에게서 깎아 낸) 양털 ② 플리스(양털같이 부드러운 직물), 플리스(로 만든) 스웨터[재킷]
[어근] fleece; 양털, fleece
[어원] 《고대 영어 fleos》 fleece, wool, fur, sealskin
[최초 의미] wool coat of a sheep,
happily adv. ★★★[3104] [레마] happy 〈 hap(기회)
[본문] [40]But now they're happily chatting away, passing the time talking to other women, and even to male colleagues.
[영영] You can add happily to a statement to indicate that you are glad that something happened or is true.
[영한] ① 행복하게, 만족스럽게 ② 다행히, 운 좋게도 ③ 기꺼이 ④ 적절히, 알맞게
[유의어] fortunately
[구성단어] happy + ly
[어근] ⑴ happ(hap); 우연한, chance ⑵ I(y); 접미어 ⑶ ly; 부사/형용사 어미
[어원] 《중세 영어 happi》
[파생] happily, happiness, happy
liquid noun ★★★[2371] [레마] liquid 〈 liqu
[본문] [46]The adjective absorbent means able to soak up and hold liquid, and the adjective disposable means designed to be thrown away after use.
[영영] A liquid is a substance which is not solid but which flows and can be poured, for example water.
[영한] 액체
[굴절형] 복수형; liquids
<형용사> ① 액체 형태의, 액상의 ② (금융) 현금화하기 쉬운, 유동적인 ③ (문예체) 맑은, 물 같은
[어근] ⑴ liqu; 유동, 흐르는, flow ⑵ id; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 liquere》 흐르는
[최초 의미] sound of a liquid consonant
[파생] liquidity, liquidize, liquidly, liquidness, liquid
lockdown noun △[8181] [레마] lock
[본문] [20]Ella Lambert was a student at Bristol University when she started The Pachamama Project in 2020 during the first Covid lockdown.
[영영] a security measure in which those inside a building such as a prison, school, or hospital are required to remain confined in it for a time
[영한] ① (움직임/행동에 대한) 제재 ② (죄수의 감방 내에서의) 엄중한 감금
[굴절형] 복수형; lockdowns
[구성단어] lock + down
[어근] ⑴ lock; 잠그다, lock ⑵ down; 아래로, down
[어원] 《고대 영어 locc》 lock of hair, curl
menstrual adj.[10000+] [레마] menstrual
[본문] [21]She'd heard about period poverty and decided to put her lockdown time to good use by making sanitary pads, pieces of soft material used to absorb menstrual blood.
[영한] 월경[생리]의
[어근] ⑴ men(moon); 달, moon ⑵ stru; 동사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
menstruate verb[10000+] [레마] menstruate
[본문] [41]I think it's time I reveal the answer to my question - as a number, how many women make up the 26% of the world's population who menstruate?
[영한] 월경[생리]을 하다
[어근] ⑴ men(moon); 달, moon ⑵ stru; 라틴어 동사어미 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
menstruation noun △[10000+] [레마] menstruate
[본문] [5]menstruation is an issue that's not often talked about, yet every month it affects billions of women around the world.
[영한] 월경[생리]
[구성단어] menstruate + ion
[어근] ⑴ men(moon); 달, moon ⑵ stru; 라틴어 동사어미 ⑶ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑷ ion; 명사 어미
needle noun ★★★[2586] [레마] needle
[본문] [27]Ella spent lockdown learning how to sew, how to join pieces of material by hand using a needle and thread, or with a sewing machine.
[영영] A needle is a small, very thin piece of polished metal which is used for sewing. It has a sharp point at one end and a hole in the other for a thread to go through.
[영한] ① (바느질용) 바늘 ② (뜨개질용) 바늘 ③ (주사) 바늘, 침 ④ (계기의) 바늘, 지침 ⑤ 솔잎 ⑥ (축음기의) 바늘
[굴절형] 복수형; needles
[유의어] stylus(바늘)
<동사> (사람을) 갉다, 신경을 건드리다
[어근] needle; 바늘, needle
[어원] 《고대 영어 nædl》 small, pointed instrument for carrying a thread through woven fabric, leather, etc.
[최초 의미] small, pointed instrument for carrying a thread through woven fabric, leather, etc.,
outer adj. ★★★[2434] [레마] out
[본문] [31]The outer layer has to be soft because it touches the skin, but they also need to be absorbent, able to soak up liquids like blood and hold them.
[영영] The outer parts of something are the parts which contain or enclose the other parts, and which are furthest from the centre.
[영한] ① 바깥 표면의, 외부의 ② (안/중심에서 가장) 바깥쪽의, 외곽의
[유의어] external
[반의어] inner
[어근] ⑴ out; 밖, 이상의, out ⑵ er; 비교급 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 ut》 밖에[밖으로]; ~이 없는, 밖에서
[최초 의미] that is farther out, that is exterior or external; of or pertaining to the outside; further removed,
plus conj. ★★★★[1888] [레마] plus
[본문] [34]plus, the project is helping in other ways too.
[영영] You say plus to show that one number or quantity is being added to another.
[영한] 더욱이, 게다가
[유의어] furthermore(게다가), and
<명사> ① 이점, 좋은 점, 플러스 ② 플러스[덧셈] 부호(+) <형용사> ① (숫자 뒤에 써서) … 이상의 ② 영상의 ③ 좋은, 플러스가 되는 <전치사> ① 플러스, 더하기 ② …뿐만 아니라, …도 또한
[어근] plus(plu); 많다, more
[어원] 《라틴어 plus》 [genitive pluris] more, in greater number, more often
polite adj. ★★★[2812] [레마] polite 〈 polish
[본문] [35]Despite affecting so many people, and being necessary for life itself, many cultures consider menstruation unclean or shameful, not a topic of polite conversation.
[영영] Someone who is polite has good manners and behaves in a way that is socially correct and not rude to other people.
[영한] ① 예의 바른, 공손한, 정중한 ② 예의상의, 의례적인 ③ 고상한
[굴절형] 비교; polite < politer < politest
[유의어] courteous
[반의어] impolite
[어근] ⑴ pol(poli); to polish, make smooth ⑵ ite; 명사/형용사/동사
[어원] 《라틴어 politus》 [past participle of polire] refined, elegant, accomplished, (literally) polished
[최초 의미] polished, burnished; elegant, cultured
[파생] politely, politeness, polite
poverty noun ★★★[2160] [레마] poor
[본문] [8]Unfortunately, over 500 million people around the world either don't have access to these products or can't afford to buy them, and this is called period poverty.
[영영] Poverty is the state of being extremely poor.
[영한] ① 가난, 빈곤 ② (질적인) 부족[빈곤]
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[유의어] misery
[어근] ⑴ pover(pauc); 거의 없는, 가난한, few ⑵ ty(ity); ~한 상태, 성격
[어원] 《라틴어 pau-paros》 [paucus+parare] 《pre-Latin》 producing little; getting little
[파생] poor, poorish, poorly, poorness, poverty
recruit verb ★★★[2488] [레마] recruit 〈 cresc
[본문] [53]To help fight this, the Pachamama project has recruited volunteers who sew reusable period products for refugees.
[영영] If you recruit people for an organization, you select them and persuade them to join it or work for it.
[영한] ① (신입 사원회원신병 등을) 모집하다[뽑다] ② (특히 자기를 도와 달라고 남을) 설득하다 ③ (새로운 인물들을 설득하여 군대팀 등을) 구성하다[꾸리다]
[굴절형] recruited, recruited, recruiting, recruits
<명사> ① 신병, 신임 경찰 ② (조직기업 등의) 새로운 구성원, 신입 사원[회원 등]
[어근] ⑴ re; again ⑵ cruit(cresc); to grow
[어원] 《프랑스말 recruter》
[최초 의미] to strengthen, reinforce
[파생] recruitable, recruital, recruiter, recruitment, recruit
refugee noun ★★★[2540] [레마] refuge
[본문] [11]In this programme, we'll be learning about one project fighting period poverty affecting thousands of women refugees.
[영영] Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their homes or their country, either because there is a war there or because of their political or religious beliefs.
[영한] 난민, 망명자
[굴절형] 복수형; refugees
[어근] ⑴ re; 다시, back, 반대로 ⑵ fug; 달아나다, flee ⑶ ee; (당하는) 사람
[어원] 《라틴어 refugium》 [re+fugere+ium] a taking refuge; place to flee back to
[최초 의미] one who flees to a refuge or shelter or place of safety; one who in times of persecution or political disorder flees to a foreign country for safety
[파생] refuge, refugeeism, refugee
reproductive adj. △[10000+] [레마] reproduce 〈 duce
[본문] [6]Menstruation, or periods, are a natural process that typically happen once a month when women and girls bleed from their vagina for a few days as part of the reproductive cycle.
[영영] Reproductive processes and organs are concerned with the reproduction of living things.
[영한] 생식[번식]의
[어근] ⑴ re; 다시, again, 반대로 ⑵ pro; 앞(before), 찬성 ⑶ duct(duc); 인도하다 ⑷ ive; …의 경향, …의 성질
[어원] 《라틴어 ducere》 이끌다
[파생] reproduce, reproducer, reproducibility, reproducible, reproducibly, reproduction, reproductive, reproductively, reproductiveness
reusable adj. △[8413] [레마] reuse 〈 use(쓰다)
[본문] [25]Ella started making reusable sanitary pads which aren't a new thing.
[영영] Things that are reusable can be used more than once.
[영한] 재사용할 수 있는
[구성단어] usable
[어근] ⑴ re; again ⑵ us(use); use ⑶ able; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 usare》 (자꾸) 쓰다
[파생] reusability, reusable
roughly adv. ★★★[2315] [레마] rough
[본문] [14]Periods affect girls and women of reproductive age, that's roughly half the female population, or 26% of the global population.
[영한] ① 대략, 거의 ② 거칠게, 험하게 ③ 꺼칠꺼칠하게
[어근] ⑴ rough; rough ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 ruh》 rough, coarse (of cloth); hairy, shaggy; untrimmed, uncultivated
[파생] rough, roughen, rougher, roughness, roughly
sanitary adj. ☆[5917] [레마] sanitate
[본문] [7]When this happens, women need special products like sanitary pads or tampons to manage the flow of blood and go about their day-to-day life.
[영영] Sanitary means concerned with keeping things clean and healthy, especially by providing a sewage system and a clean water supply.
[영한] ① 위생의 ② 위생적인, 깨끗한
[유의어] hygienic
[반의어] insanitary
[어근] ⑴ sanit(sane); Health, 건강 ⑵ ary; ~부속의 (형용사 어미)
[최초 의미] pertaining to health
[파생] sanitarily, sanitariness, sanitate, sanitary
scarcely adv. △[9710] [레마] scarce
[본문] [39]Before, most women refugees would barely talk about menstruation, they would only just, scarcely talk about it.
[영영] You use scarcely to emphasize that something is only just true or only just the case.
[영한] ① 거의 …않다, 겨우, 간신히 ② …하자마자, …하기(가) 무섭게 ③ 결코 …이 아닌
[구성단어] scarce + ly
[어근] ⑴ scarce; 부족한, 드문, scarce ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 scars》 [from Old French eschars] 《Old North French》 scanty, scarce
sewing noun △[10000+] [레마] sew
[본문] [23]So I borrowed a sewing machine from a friend, I learned how to sew on YouTube, and then I just started making pads.
[영한] ① 바느질, 재봉 ② 바느질감
<형용사> 재봉(용)의, 재봉에 쓰는.
[구성단어] sew + ing
[어근] ⑴ sew; sew ⑵ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 siwian》 [earlier siowian] to stitch, sew, mend, patch, knit together, fasten by sewing
shameful adj. △[10000+] [레마] shame
[본문] [35]Despite affecting so many people, and being necessary for life itself, many cultures consider menstruation unclean or shameful, not a topic of polite conversation.
[영한] 수치스러운, 창피한, 부끄러운
[유의어] disgraceful, inglorious
[구성단어] shame + ful
[어근] ⑴ shame; 수치심, shame ⑵ ful; 가득한(量), 의 특성
[어원] 《고대 영어 sceomu》 feeling of guilt or disgrace; confusion caused by shame; disgrace, dishonor, insult, loss of esteem or reputation; shameful circumstance, what brings disgrace; modesty; private parts
[파생] shamable, shame, shameable, shameful, shameless
soak noun ★★[4475] [레마] soak
[본문] [31]The outer layer has to be soft because it touches the skin, but they also need to be absorbent, able to soak up liquids like blood and hold them.
<동사> ① (액체 속에 푹) 담그다[담기다] ② 흠뻑 적시다 ③ 많은 돈을 우려내다
[어근] soak(suck); 빨다, suck
[어원] 《고대 영어 socian》 [related to sucan] to soak, to lie in liquid
[파생] soaker, soaking, soak
thread noun △[8513] [레마] thread
[본문] [27]Ella spent lockdown learning how to sew, how to join pieces of material by hand using a needle and thread, or with a sewing machine.
[영영] ① a long, thin piece of cotton, silk, etc., used for sewing see picture at SEWING
② a long, thin line of something
③ usually + of, A slender thread of smoke rose up from the chimney.
[영한] ① 실 ② (이야기 등의) 가닥[맥락] ③ (실같이 가느다란) 줄기[가닥] ④ 스레드 ⑤ 나삿니, 나사산 ⑥ 옷
[굴절형] 복수형; threads
<동사> ① (실 등을) 꿰다 ② (좁은 공간을) 요리조리 빠져나가다[빠져나가게 하다] ③ (두 개 이상의 사물을 줄 같은 것에) 꿰다[엮다]
[어근] thread(throw); 던지다, throw, fine cord
[어원] 《고대 영어 thræd》 [=þræd, related to þrawan, base of thrawan] fine cord, especially when twisted
[파생] threader, threadless, threadlike, thready, thread
unclean adj. △[8900] [레마] clean
[본문] [35]Despite affecting so many people, and being necessary for life itself, many cultures consider menstruation unclean or shameful, not a topic of polite conversation.
[영영] Something that is unclean is dirty and likely to cause disease.
[영한] ① (질병을 유발할 것처럼) 더러운[불결한] ② (종교적인 측면에서 볼 때) 부정(不淨)한
[굴절형] 비교; unclean < uncleaner < uncleanest
[유의어] impure(부정하다)
[반의어] clean(더럽다)
[구성단어] un + clean
[어근] ⑴ un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ clean; clean
[어원] 《고대 영어 clæne》 free from dirt or filth, unmixed with foreign or extraneous matter; morally pure, chaste, innocent; open, in the open
[파생] uncleanness, unclean
vagina noun[10000+] [레마] vagina
[본문] [6]Menstruation, or periods, are a natural process that typically happen once a month when women and girls bleed from their vagina for a few days as part of the reproductive cycle.
[영한] 질(膣)
[어근] vagina; 칼집, 외피[덮개], vagina
[어원] 《라틴어 vagina》 칼집, 외피[덮개], 곡식의 껍질, 깍지, 겉껍질
[최초 의미] sexual passage of the female from the vulva to the uterus
verb noun △[7990] [레마] verb
[본문] [44]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with the verb to sew, to join material together using a needle and thread, either by hand or with a sewing machine.
[영영] A verb is a word such as `sing', `feel', or `die' which is used with a subject to say what someone or something does or what happens to them, or to give information about them.
[영한] (문법) 동사
[굴절형] 복수형; verbs
[어근] verb; 단어
[어원] 《라틴어 verbum》 word
[최초 의미] a word that asserts or declares; that part of speech of which the office is predication, and which, either alone or with various modifiers or adjuncts, combines with a subject to make a sentence
[파생] verbal, verbless, verb
worldwide adj. ★★★[2611] [레마] world
[본문] [52]Period poverty affects over 500 million people worldwide.
[영한] 전 세계적인
<부사> 전 세계에
[구성단어] world + wide
[어근] ⑴ world; world ⑵ wide; 넓은, wide
[어원] 《고대 영어 worold》 human existence, the affairs of life
[파생] worldly, worldwide, world
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