Should we be worried about our jobs disappearing? Or is the future positive? Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.
우리 일거리가 없어지는 것에 관해 우리가 걱정해야먄 할까요? 아니면 미래가 긍정적일까요? 닐과 베스가 이것을 논의합니다. 그리고 당신에게 몇몇 쓸모있는 낱말들을 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
achievement noun ★★★★[1877] [레마] chief 〈 cap
[본문] [30]A track record means all the achievements or failures that someone has had in the past.
[영영] An achievement is something which someone has succeeded in doing, especially after a lot of effort.
[영한] ① 업적, 성취한 것 ② 성취, 달성
[굴절형] 복수형; achievements
[유의어] accomplishment, realisation, realization
[구성단어] achieve + ment
[어근] ⑴ a(ad); to ⑵ chieve(cap); 머리, head ⑶ ment; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 caput》 〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[파생] achievable, achievement, achiever, achieve
align verb △[10000+] [레마] align 〈 line
[본문] [37]And, although economists like to say new jobs will crop up, they won't necessarily be aligned at the same time - there won't be coordination.
[영영] If you align yourself with a particular group, you support them because you have the same political aim.
[영한] ① 나란히[가지런히] 만들다, 일직선으로 하다, 나란[가지런]하다 ② (~에 맞춰) ~을 조정[조절]하다
[굴절형] aligned aligned aligning aligns
[어근] ⑴ a(ad); 향하여, to ⑵ lign(line); 선, line
[어원] 《프랑스말 aligner》 a+lignier; to line
[최초 의미] to copulate
[파생] aligner, align
artificial adj. ★★★[2204] [레마] artifice 〈 face
[본문] [7]Making predictions for the future isn't easy - just ask tech billionaire, Elon Musk, who recently predicted that artificial intelligence will eventually mean that no one will have to work.
[영영] Artificial objects, materials, or processes do not occur naturally and are created by human beings, for example using science or technology.
[영한] ① 인공[인조]의 ② 인위적인 ③ 거짓된, 꾸민
[유의어] fake, false, man-made
<명사> 인공물, 모조물, 조화, [pl.] 인조 비료
[어근] ⑴ art; 예술, 기술, art ⑵ i; 연결글자 ⑶ fic(fac); 만들다, make, 하다 ⑷ ial(al); 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 facere》 만들다, 하다
[최초 의미] not natural or spontaneous
[파생] artifice, artificiality, artificialize, artificially, artificialness, artificial
billionaire noun △[9161] [레마] billion 〈 mile
[본문] [7]Making predictions for the future isn't easy - just ask tech billionaire, Elon Musk, who recently predicted that artificial intelligence will eventually mean that no one will have to work.
[영영] A billionaire is an extremely rich person who has money or property worth at least a thousand million pounds or dollars.
[영한] 억만장자, 갑부
[굴절형] 복수형; billionaires
[어근] ⑴ bi; 둘(2) ⑵ llion(mill); 천, 1000 ⑶ aire; 명사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 billion》 [bi+million]
coordination noun ☆[5728] [레마] coordinate 〈 order
[본문] [37]And, although economists like to say new jobs will crop up, they won't necessarily be aligned at the same time - there won't be coordination.
[영영] balanced and effective interaction of movement, actions, etc
[영한] ① 조직(화), 합동, 조화 ② (신체 동작의) 조정력
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] coordinate + ion
[어근] ⑴ co(com); 함께, with, together ⑵ ordin(order); 질서, order ⑶ ation(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 ordo》 (genitive ordinis) row; rank, series, arrangement; (originally) a row of threads in a loom
[파생] coordinate, coordinately, co-ordinately, coordinateness, co-ordinateness, coordination, coordinative, co-ordinative, coordinator, co-ordinator
cure verb ★★★[2489] [레마] cure
[본문] [5]Smell-o-vision, a television which allows you to smell things as well as see them; and a miracle pill which cures all diseases.
[영영] ① If doctors or medical treatments cure an illness or injury, they cause it to end or disappear.
② If doctors or medical treatments cure a person, they make the person well again after an illness or injury.
③ If someone or something cures a problem, they bring it to an end.
[영한] ① (사람동물을 아프지 않도록) 낫게 하다 ② (병을) 치유하다 ③ (문제를) 고치다[해결하다] ④ ~가 (나쁘거나 짜증스러운 행동인) ~을 하는 것을 바로잡다[고치다] ⑤ (식품담배를 훈연, 소금 절임 등으로) 보존 처리를 하다
[굴절형] cured, cured, curing, cures
<명사> ① 치유하는 약, 치유법 ② 치유 ③ (문제 등의) 치유[해결]책
[어근] cure(cur); 보살피다
[어원] 《라틴어 curare》 ~을 돌보다, ~에 주의하다
[최초 의미] to restore to health or a sound state,
[파생] cureless, curer, cure
disruption noun ☆[5807] [레마] disrupt 〈 rupt
[본문] [35]So, there will be some disruption from AI.
[영영] When there is disruption of an event, system, or process, it is prevented from continuing or operating in a normal way.
[영한] ① 붕괴, 분열, 중단, 두절, 혼란 ② 분열[붕괴]된 상태 ③ 스코틀랜드 교회 분열
[구성단어] disrupt + ion
[어근] ⑴ dis; 하지 않기, apart ⑵ rupt; 깨지다 ⑶ tion(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 disrumpere》 dis+rumpere; break apart, split, shatter, break to pieces
[최초 의미] a rending asunder, a bursting apart, forcible separation into parts,
[파생] disrupter, disruption, disruptor, disrupt
dystopian adj. △[8237] [레마] topia
[본문] [34]I'm not a tech dystopian, I don't think that machines or AI are going to get rid of all jobs, but I do worry about a sequencing risk.
[영한] ① 반(反)이상향의. ② 결함 사회의, 살기 어려운 곳의.
[구성단어] dystopia + an
[어근] ⑴ dys; 악행, 악화(惡化) ⑵ top(topo); place, location ⑶ ian(an); 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 topos》 장소
economist noun ★★★[2329] [레마] economy 〈 eco
[본문] [25]I think the track record for economists and other social scientists isn't good when we look… you know, for hundreds of years, a hundred years now, people have been predicting that they'll be really quite dramatic reductions in working time, like Elon Musk has just made, and previously those predictions - although we're heading very gradually in that direction - those predictions of very, very large changes in working time just haven't come to pass.
[영영] An economist is a person who studies, teaches, or writes about economics.
[영한] 경제학자, 경제 전문가
[굴절형] 복수형; economists
[구성단어] economy + ist
[어근] ⑴ eco; 집 ⑵ nom; managing ⑶ ist; …하는 사람
[어원] 《그리스어 oikos》 집, 거주지, 주택
foresee verb ☆[5497] [레마] foresee 〈 see
[본문] [54]A dystopian is someone who foresees a nightmarish future where there is great suffering and injustice in society.
[영영] If you foresee something, you expect and believe that it will happen.
[영한] …일 것이라고 생각하다, 예견하다 유의어 predict 참조 unforeseen
[굴절형] foresaw, foreseen, foreseeing, foresees
[유의어] predict
[어근] ⑴ fore; 앞, fore ⑵ see; see, 보디
[어원] 《고대 영어 foreseon》 [fore-+seon("to see, see ahead")] have a premonition
[최초 의미] have a premonition,
[파생] foreseeable, foreseeing, foreseer, foresight, foresee
gradually adv. ★★★★[1801] [레마] grade
[본문] [25]I think the track record for economists and other social scientists isn't good when we look… you know, for hundreds of years, a hundred years now, people have been predicting that they'll be really quite dramatic reductions in working time, like Elon Musk has just made, and previously those predictions - although we're heading very gradually in that direction - those predictions of very, very large changes in working time just haven't come to pass.
[영영] If something changes or is done gradually, it changes or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly.
[영한] 서서히
[어근] ⑴ gradu(gress); 나아가다, step ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 gradi》 [gressus의 과거문사] (걸어서) 움직이다, 걷다
[파생] gradually, gradualness, gradual
idiom noun ☆[4550] [레마] idiom
[본문] [27]To take something with a pinch of salt is an idiom meaning to doubt that what you've been told is accurate or likely to come true.
[영영] A particular idiom is a particular style of something such as music, dance, or architecture.
[영한] ① 관용구, 숙어 ② (특정 시기/지역에서 특정인들이 쓰는) 언어[어법] ③ (특정 개인/단체/시대/지역의) 표현 양식
[굴절형] 복수형; idioms
[어근] ⑴ idi; 자신의, 기이한, own ⑵ om(oma); 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 idios》 personal, private, one’s own, peculiar
[최초 의미] form of speech peculiar to a people or place
[파생] idiomatic, idiomatical, idiomatically, idiomaticalness, idiom
injustice noun ☆[4821] [레마] just
[본문] [38]Andrew is not a dystopian, someone who imagines a nightmarish future of suffering and injustice.
[영영] Injustice is a lack of fairness in a situation.
[영한] 불평등, 부당함, 부당성
[굴절형] 복수형; injustices
[반의어] justice
[구성단어] in + justice
[어근] ⑴ in; 아님(不), not ⑵ just; 정의, justice ⑶ ice; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 iustus》 [ius, jus에서 유래] 똑바른, 옳은, 공정한, 법에 따른, 합법적인, 진실한, 적절한, 완벽한, 완전한
[최초 의미] unfairness, injustice
leisure noun ★★[3963] [레마] leisure 〈 lic
[본문] [32]So, are predictions for a future of leisure, relaxing by the pool while robots do all the work, just a dream?
[영영] Leisure is the time when you are not working and you can relax and do things that you enjoy.
[영한] 여가
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<형용사> ① 틈이 있는, 할 일이 없는 ② 틈이 많은, 한가한
[어근] ⑴ leis(lic); to be allowed ⑵ ure; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lacere》 유혹하다(꾀다), 유도(유인)하다, 속이다
[최초 의미] free time, time at one's disposal
[파생] leisured, leisureful, leisureless, leisureliness, leisurely, leisureness, leisure
lifetime noun ★★★[2442] [레마] live
[본문] [22]Brendan Burchell, when you look at all the predictions that have been made, certainly in your working lifetime, do you take some of the things that are being predicted now with a large pinch of salt?
[영영] A lifetime is the length of time that someone is alive.
[영한] 일생, 평생, 생애
[굴절형] 복수형; lifetimes
<형용사> 일생의
[구성단어] life + time
[어근] ⑴ life(live); 살다, live ⑵ time; 시간, time
[어원] 《고대 영어 lifian》 있다, 살아 있다, 삶을 갖다, 삶을 지속하다, 경험하다
miracle noun ★★[4197] [레마] miracle 〈 mir(놀라운)
[본문] [5]Smell-o-vision, a television which allows you to smell things as well as see them; and a miracle pill which cures all diseases.
[영영] If you say that a good event is a miracle, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected.
[영한] ① (신이 행하는) 기적 ② 기적 ③ 경이로운 예[산물]
[굴절형] 복수형; miracles
[유의어] wonder
[어근] ⑴ mira(mir); 감탄, wonder ⑵ cle(cule); 지소 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 mirari》 [mirus에서 유래] 놀라다, 존경하다
[최초 의미] a wondrous work of God
[파생] miraculous, miracle
nightmarish adj.[10000+] [레마] mare
[본문] [38]Andrew is not a dystopian, someone who imagines a nightmarish future of suffering and injustice.
[영한] 악몽과 같은.
[구성단어] nightmare + ish
[어근] ⑴ night; 밤, night ⑵ mar(mare); 암컷, mare ⑶ ish; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 meare》 [fem, of mearh] female of the horse or any other equine animal
[파생] nightmarish, nightmarishly, nightmarishness, nightmare
old-fashioned adj. ★★★[2783] [레마] fashion 〈 fact(만들다)
[본문] [31]When it comes to predicting the future of work, most predictions simply haven't come to pass, an old-fashioned way of saying 'happened' or 'come true'.
[영영] Something such as a style, method, or device that is old-fashioned is no longer used, done, or admired by most people, because it has been replaced by something that is more modern.
[영한] ① 옛날식의, 구식의 ② (사람이) 전통적인 사고방식을 지닌, 구식인
[유의어] dated(구식이다), out-of-date(시대에 뒤떨어지다)
<명사> 위스키 칵테일의 일종
[구성단어] old + fashioned
[어원] 《라틴어 factio》 from facere; a making or doing, a preparing
[파생] old-fashionedly, oldfashioned, old-fashioned
pill noun ★★★[2619] [레마] pill
[본문] [5]Smell-o-vision, a television which allows you to smell things as well as see them; and a miracle pill which cures all diseases.
[영영] Pills are small solid round masses of medicine or vitamins that you swallow without chewing.
[영한] ① 알약, 정제 ② (알약으로 된) 피임약 ③ 귀찮은 인간[녀석]
[굴절형] 복수형; pills
[유의어] tablet
[어근] pill; pillar, ball
[어원] 《라틴어 pilula》 [diminutive of pila] globule, pill, (literally) little ball
[최초 의미] globular or ovoid mass of medicinal substance of a size convenient for swallowing
pinch noun ☆[4670] [레마] pinch
[본문] [22]Brendan Burchell, when you look at all the predictions that have been made, certainly in your working lifetime, do you take some of the things that are being predicted now with a large pinch of salt?
[영영] A pinch of an ingredient such as salt is the amount of it that you can hold between your thumb and your first finger.
[영한] ① 꼬집기 ② 자밤
<동사> ① (손가락으로) 꼬집다 ② (엄지와 다른 손가락으로) 꼭 집다, (두 물체 사이에) 죄다[끼다] ③ (신발 등이) 너무 끼다[꽉 죄어 아프게 하다]
[어근] pinch(punct); 찌르다, point
[최초 의미] critical juncture
prediction noun ★★★[2826] [레마] predict 〈 dict
[본문] [6]These predictions for the future were made in the 1930s, but so far they haven't come true.
[영영] If you make a prediction about something, you say what you think will happen.
[영한] 예측, 예견
[굴절형] 복수형; predictions
[어근] ⑴ pre; 앞(先) ⑵ dict(dic); 말, say ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 praedicere》 prae+dicere; foretell, advise, give notice
[파생] predict, predictability, predictable, predictableness, predictably, prediction, predictive
presenter noun △[8005] [레마] present 〈 pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [21]Here's Shaun Ley, presenter of BBC World Service programme, The Real Story, asking University of Cambridge professor, Brendan Burchell, what he thinks about predictions for the future of work:
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[굴절형] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어근] ⑴ present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 present》
[최초 의미] one who presents
previously adv. ★★★[2241] [레마] previous 〈 via
[본문] [25]I think the track record for economists and other social scientists isn't good when we look… you know, for hundreds of years, a hundred years now, people have been predicting that they'll be really quite dramatic reductions in working time, like Elon Musk has just made, and previously those predictions - although we're heading very gradually in that direction - those predictions of very, very large changes in working time just haven't come to pass.
[영영] Previously means at some time before the period that you are talking about.
[영한] 이전에, 미리, 사전에
[유의어] formerly
[어근] ⑴ pre; before ⑵ vi(via); way ⑶ ous; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 via》 road, way
[파생] previously, previousness, previous
profession noun ★★★★[1943] [레마] profess 〈 fess
[본문] [36]Some jobs, some professions are at risk.
[영영] A profession is a type of job that requires advanced education or training.
[영한] ① (특히 많은 교육이 필요한 전문적인) 직업[직종] ② (특정 직종) 종사자들, -계(界) ③ (의사/변호사 같은 전통적인) 전문직 ④ 공언, 천명 ⑤ 신앙고백 , 고백한 신앙(professed faith) , 종문 (宗門)에 들어가는 서약[선언].
[굴절형] 복수형; professions
[유의어] declaration (공언)
[어근] ⑴ pro; before ⑵ fess(far); 이야기, speak ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[파생] profess, professional, professionally, profession
reckon verb ★★[3551] [레마] reckon
[본문] [43]Anyway, I reckon a shorter working week is something we can all agree on right, Neil?
[영영] If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true.
[영한] ① (…라고) 생각하다 ② (일반적으로) 여겨지다 ③ 예상하다 ④ (양/수 등을) 계산[추산/추정]하다
[굴절형] reckoned, reckoned, reckoning, reckons
[어근] reckon; 설명하다, 계산하다, reckon
[어원] 《고대 영어 gerecenian》 설명하다, 관련시키다, 경험을 말하다, 순서에 맞게 정리하다
[최초 의미] to explain, relate, recount, arrange in order
[파생] reckonable, reckoner, reckon
reduction noun ★★★[2057]
[본문] [25]I think the track record for economists and other social scientists isn't good when we look… you know, for hundreds of years, a hundred years now, people have been predicting that they'll be really quite dramatic reductions in working time, like Elon Musk has just made, and previously those predictions - although we're heading very gradually in that direction - those predictions of very, very large changes in working time just haven't come to pass.
[영영] When there is a reduction in something, it is made smaller.
[영한] ① 축소, 삭감, 감소 ② 할인, 인하 ③ (사진/그림/지도 등의) 축소판[축도] ④ (화학) (어떤 물질에) 전자 첨가, (어떤 물질에서) 탈산소화
[굴절형] 복수형; reductions
[유의어] decrease, discount
[반의어] enlargement, enlargement(확대한 것)
[어근] ⑴ re; back ⑵ duct(duc); lead ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 ducere》 이끌다
[파생] reducibility, reducible, reducibly, reduction, reductive, reduce
rid verb ★★★[2276] [레마] rid
[본문] [34]I'm not a tech dystopian, I don't think that machines or AI are going to get rid of all jobs, but I do worry about a sequencing risk.
[영영] If you rid a place or person of something undesirable or unwanted, you succeed in removing it completely from that place or person.
[영한] ① (…에게서) 없애다, 제거[구축]하다, (…으로부터) 자유롭게 하다, 면하게 하다 ② 면하다, 벗어나다 ③ 구(救)하다, 해방하다
[유의어] free
[어근] rid; clear, rid
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 ryðja》 to clear (land) of obstructions
[최초 의미] clear (a space); set free, save
robot noun ★★★[2249] [레마] robot
[본문] [8]In fact, there have been many predictions about the future of work, for example that robots will take over most jobs, and that everyone will work from home.
[영영] A robot is a machine which is programmed to move and perform certain tasks automatically.
[영한] ① 로봇, 자동 기계 장치 ② (특히 공상 과학 소설 속의) 인조인간 ③ (남아프리카공화국 영어) (교통) 신호등
[굴절형] 복수형; robots
[유의어] automaton
<형용사> 무인[자동] 조종의.
[어근] robot; 로봇, robot
[어원] 《체코말 robotnik》 forced worker
[파생] robot, robotic, robotically, robotism, robotlike, robot-like, robotry, robotics
sceptical adj. ★★[3499] [레마] skeptic 〈 scope
[본문] [24]I think we have to be sceptical.
[영영] If you are sceptical about something, you have doubts about it.
[영한] 회의적인
[유의어] doubtful(회의적이다), suspicious
[어근] ⑴ scept(scope); 보다, view, 의심 ⑵ ic; 명사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ skeptical
[어원] 《라틴어 scepticus》 [from Greek skeptikos] the sect of the Skeptics
[파생] sceptically, skeptically, sceptical, skeptic
sequencing noun[10000+] [레마] sequent 〈 sequ(계속)
[본문] [34]I'm not a tech dystopian, I don't think that machines or AI are going to get rid of all jobs, but I do worry about a sequencing risk.
[영한] (임신 등으로 인한 정년 전의 여성의) 직장 업무의 중단
[구성단어] sequence + ing
[어근] ⑴ sequ; 계속, follow ⑵ enc(ance); 명사 어미 ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 sequi》 참여하다, 따르다
sixty adj. ★★[3927] [레마] six
[본문] [45]I think it's time to reveal the answer to my question about the sixty companies trying out a shorter working week in 2023.
[영한] 60, 육십, 예순
<명사> 60 대(60-69까지의 숫자), 60년 대, (온도가) 60도 대
[어근] ⑴ six; 여섯, 6, six ⑵ ty; 10의 배수
[어원] 《고대 영어 siex》 six
[파생] sixtyish, sixty
suffering noun ★★[3767] [레마] suffer 〈 fer(운반)
[본문] [38]Andrew is not a dystopian, someone who imagines a nightmarish future of suffering and injustice.
[영영] Suffering is serious pain which someone feels in their body or their mind.
[영한] ① (육체적/정신적) 고통 ② (마음의) 고통, 괴로움
[굴절형] 복수형; sufferings
[구성단어] suffer + ing
[어근] ⑴ suf(sub); under ⑵ fer; 운반, to bear ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 sufferre》 [sub+ferre] to bear, undergo, endure, carry or put under
[파생] sufferingly, suffering
tech adj. △[8015] [레마] tech
[본문] [7]Making predictions for the future isn't easy - just ask tech billionaire, Elon Musk, who recently predicted that artificial intelligence will eventually mean that no one will have to work.
[영한] ① 기술상의, 전문적인. ② 하이테크의.
<명사> ① 전문가, 기술자 ② 과학 기술 ③ (T-) 기술대학
[Full] technical
[어근] tech(techno); 기술, skill, 기교
[어원] 《그리스어 tekhne》 (art) of tactics, (art of) arrangement; art, skill, craft in work; method, system
unexpected adj. ★★★[2483] [레마] expect 〈 spec
[본문] [42]And that's exactly the problem - the future is hard to predict because it's so unexpected!
[영영] If an event or someone's behaviour is unexpected, it surprises you because you did not think that it was likely to happen.
[영한] 예기치 않은, 예상 밖의, 뜻밖의
[유의어] unforeseen
[어근] ⑴ un; not ⑵ e(ex); out, thoroughly ⑶ xpect(spec); 보다 ⑷ ed; 과거분사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 specere》 바라보다, 살펴보다, 보다
[파생] unexpectedly, unexpectedness, unexpected
unexpectedly adv. ☆[5183] [레마] expect 〈 spec
[본문] [41]Andrew predicts that AI will replace some jobs and those workers will need support, but he also thinks new jobs will crop up, they will appear unexpectedly.
[영영] unexpected9=not expected) + ly
[영한] 뜻밖에, 예상외로, 갑자기, 돌연
[어근] ⑴ un; not ⑵ e(ex); out, thoroughly ⑶ xpect(spec); 보다 ⑷ ed; 과거분사 어미 ⑸ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 specere》 바라보다, 살펴보다, 보다
[파생] unexpectedly, unexpectedness, unexpected
whopping adj. △[10000+] [레마] whop
[본문] [50]Actually, a whopping 92% of the companies plan on keeping a four-day week because it was so popular, with bosses as well as workers!
[영영] If you describe an amount as whopping, you are emphasizing that it is large.
[영한] 엄청 큰
<명사> ① 태형(笞刑), 매질. ② 대패, 참패 <부사> 굉장히, 엄청나게, 터무니없이
[구성단어] whop + ing
[어근] ⑴ whop; 치다, 때리다, whop ⑵ p; 연결 글자 ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《의성어/의태어 whop》 to beat, strike
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