BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Learning lessons from the Moon은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.
2023년 여름에는 달 탐사 임무가 두 번 있었습니다. 과학자들은 왜 그토록 거기에 도달하고 싶어하는 걸까요? 조지(Georgie)와 닐(Neil)과 함께 알아보세요.(Summer 2023 saw two missions to the Moon. Why are scientists so keen to get there? Find out with Georgie and Neil.)
다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.
a lot adv.
[본문] [31]Because the Moon's surface does not change, finding water there would explain a lot about how water, and therefore life, started on Earth.
[영영] ① very much or very often:
② to a considerable degree or extent
[영한] 다수 , 다량 , 많이
all over prep.
[본문] [26]There are craters all over that thing, and so this is a really big deal when we're thinking about what happened to the early Earth as well, because we think all of the Earth's water came from impacts with comets and asteroids in the very early days of the solar system.
[영한] 곳곳에[온 데]
<부사> ① 곳곳에[온 데] ② 과연 …다운
as usual adv.
[본문] [12]That's what we'll be discussing in this programme and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.
[영영] ① in the same way as what happens most of the time or in most cases
② in the way that happens or exists most of the time or in most cases
③ sometimes used with per
[영한] 늘 그렇듯이[평상시처럼]
[유의어] as always
as well adv.
[본문] [26]There are craters all over that thing, and so this is a really big deal when we're thinking about what happened to the early Earth as well, because we think all of the Earth's water came from impacts with comets and asteroids in the very early days of the solar system.
[영영] in addition to somebody/something; too
[영한] ① (~뿐만 아니라/~은 물론) …도 ② 게다가, 또한, 마찬가지로
big deal noun
[본문] [26]There are craters all over that thing, and so this is a really big deal when we're thinking about what happened to the early Earth as well, because we think all of the Earth's water came from impacts with comets and asteroids in the very early days of the solar system.
[영영] If you say that something is a big deal, you mean that it is important or significant in some way.
[영한] ① 큰 거래 ② 대단한 것, 큰 인물, 거물, 큰일
blast off verb
[본문] [13]But before we blast off, I have a question for you, Georgie.
[영한] (우주선이) (지상에서) 솟아오르다[발사되다]
[유의어] take off, lift off
break off verb
[본문] [21]One theory is that during the early days of the solar system, around 4 billion years ago, another planet crashed into Earth breaking off a part which then formed the Moon.
[영한] ① (억지로) 분리되다[갈라지다] ② 말[일]을 멈추다
[유의어] sever
bring to verb
[본문] [34]Astronomers know that comets are full of ice, and think comets brought water to Earth when they crashed into it.
[영한] …로 가지고 오다, …로 이끌다.
come from verb
[본문] [39]Also, various other minerals that might be there, these very heavy minerals that we know come from comets and asteroids.
[영영] ① (not used in the progressive tenses) to be born in or live in a particular place
② to start in a particular place or be made from a particular thing
[영한] ① (진행형으로는 안 씀) ~ 출신이다(고향이나 사는 지역을 나타냄) ② ~에서 나오다[비롯되다/생산되다] ③ ~의 결과이다
[유의어] come of(결과이다), be from(…출신이다)
command module noun
[본문] [15]But who was the third Apollo astronaut who flew the command module while his crewmates walked on the Moon?
[영한] (우주선의) 사령선
cover in verb
[본문] [29]The Moon has so many of these craters, it's described as pockmarked - having a surface that's covered in small marks and scars.
[영한] (툭 트인 공간에 지붕 같은 것을 얹어) ~을 덮다
crash into verb
[본문] [34]Astronomers know that comets are full of ice, and think comets brought water to Earth when they crashed into it.
[영한] ~와 충돌하다
early days noun
[본문] [21]One theory is that during the early days of the solar system, around 4 billion years ago, another planet crashed into Earth breaking off a part which then formed the Moon.
[영영] ① A time too soon to make a decision or come to a conclusion.
② The initial period of an innovation
③ Initial stages of a project.
[영한] 초기, 처음
fade away verb
[본문] [8]But in decades after that famous event, interest in returning to the Moon faded away... until now.
[영한] ① (사람이) 시름시름 하다[앓다] 죽다 ② 사라지다
far side noun
[본문] [25]And so, if anyone's ever seen an image of the far side of the Moon, the side of the Moon that we cannot see from Earth is incredibly pockmarked.
[영한] 먼 쪽, 저편, 저쪽, 건너편
find out verb
[본문] [19]Okay, Georgie, we'll find out the answer at the end of the programme.
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong
[영한] ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다 ⑥ (죄 등이) 그 본인을 폭로하다 ⑦ (미) (친척 등을) 찾아내다 ⑧ …에 대해 진상을 알다
followed by prep.
[본문] [14]Everyone knows that Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon, and was followed by a second astronaut, Buzz Aldrin.
[영영] You use followed by to say what comes after something else in a list or ordered set of things.
[영한] 뒤이어, 잇달아
for now adv.
[본문] [56]Goodbye for now!
[영한] ① 우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은 ② 이제 곧
full of prep.
[본문] [28]It's also full of craters - large holes in the ground caused by something hitting it.
[영한] ~로 가득찬, ~가득(히)
go back verb
[본문] [11]But why this sudden interest in going back to the Moon?
[영영] ① (to something/) to return to a place where you were before
② (to something) to return to school or work after a break
③ (to somebody/something) to be in a situation that you were in before
[영한] ① (…로) 돌아가다 ② (두 사람이 보통 긴 세월 동안) 알고 지내다 ③ (앞에 있었던 일/말하던 내용으로) 돌아가다 ④ (특정한 시간 동안) 존재해 오다[전해 내려오다]
have a question verb
[본문] [13]But before we blast off, I have a question for you, Georgie.
[영한] 질문하다
in some way adv.
[본문] [51]If you say something is a big deal,it's important or significant in some way.
[영한] 어떤 점에서는, 어떻게 해서든
in some ways adv.
[본문] [20]in some ways, the current interest in the Moon is really more about the origins of Earth.
[영한] 여러 가지 점으로
[유의어] in a way(어느 정도다)
in time adv.
[본문] [22]Unlike the Earth's surface, which is constantly moving, the Moon is completely still, frozen in time to create a perfectly preserved record of what happened at the birth of the solar system.
[영한] ① 이윽고 ② (~에) 시간 맞춰[늦지 않게]
[유의어] eventually(이윽고)
look back at verb
[본문] [47]Michael Collins never set foot on the Moon himself, but afterwards said the experience of looking back at Earth from the Apollo spacecraft changed his life forever.
[영한] ~을 되돌아보다
make up verb
[본문] [27]The rock which makes up the Moon is inert - it doesn't move.
[영영] ① to invent something, often in order to trick somebody
② make up something to form a particular part of something
③ make up something to put something together from several different things
[영한] ① ~을 이루다[형성하다] ② (여러 가지를 모아서) ~을 만들다[구성하다] ③ (특히 남을 속이거나 즐겁게 하기 위해 이야기 등을) 지어[만들어] 내다 ④ (요구되는 수/양을) 채우다 ⑤ (잃어버린) ~을 대신하다, ~에 대해 보상하다 ⑥ (약을) 조제하다 ⑦ 잠자리[임시로 잘 곳]를 마련해 주다 ⑧ 화장[분장]을 하다 ⑨ (~와) 화해하다
[유의어] constitute, fabricate(조작하다), constitute(구성하다), compose
of course adv.
[본문] [6]of course - that was Neil Armstrong, the first person to land on the Moon.
[영영] ① used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct
② used as a polite way of giving somebody permission to do something
[영한] ① (자기 말이 사실이거나 옳음을 강조하여) 물론 ② (상대방이 하려는 일을 정중히 허락하여) 그럼(요) ③ (상대방의 말에 정중히 동의하여) 그렇지요[그렇고 말고요] ④ (지금 하는 말이 놀랄 일이 아님을, 또는 일반적으로 알려져 있거나 받아들여지는 일임을 나타내어) 물론
[유의어] naturally
once again adv.
[본문] [54]once again, our six minutes are up.
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시
refer to verb
[본문] [53]And finally, the idiom a smoking gun refers to indisputable evidence or conclusive proof of something.
[영영] ① (as something) to mention or talk about somebody/something
② to describe or be connected to somebody/something
③ to send somebody/something to a different place or person in order to get help, advice or a decision
[영한] ① ~을 나타내다[~와 관련 있다] ② (정보를 알아내기 위해) …을 보다[… 에게 문의하다] ③ (도움/조언/결정을 받을 수 있도록) ~을 ~에게 보내다[~에게 ~을 참조하게 하다] ④ (… 에 대해) 언급하다[거론하다/들먹이다/말하다] ⑤ .…에 돌리다 ⑥ 회부하다 ⑦ …에 조회하다, ~을 참고하다 ⑧ …에 적용되다
[유의어] look, consult, attribute, mention
set foot on verb
[본문] [47]Michael Collins never set foot on the Moon himself, but afterwards said the experience of looking back at Earth from the Apollo spacecraft changed his life forever.
[영영] enter or visit a place
[영한] ~에 발을 들여놓다[들어서다]
smoking gun noun
[본문] [40]Again, that would be this sort of smoking gun to be like, yes this that's where this water came from and it's likely that Earth's water came from there as well.
[영영] A smoking gun is a piece of evidence that proves that something is true or that someone is responsible for a crime.
[영한] (범죄 등에 대한) 움직일 수 없는[명백한] 증거
[유의어] dramatic proof(명백한 증거)
solar system noun
[본문] [21]One theory is that during the early days of the solar system, around 4 billion years ago, another planet crashed into Earth breaking off a part which then formed the Moon.
[영한] ① 태양계 ② (천체의) 위성들
sort of adv.
[본문] [37]So they'll be looking essentially to see if it has the same characteristics as water here on Earth, and then we can sort of trace that back from sort of the crater history as well to working out what actually happened.
[영한] ① 어느 정도[다소] ② 뭐랄까(적절한 말이 생각나지 않을 때 쓰는 말)
start on verb
[본문] [31]Because the Moon's surface does not change, finding water there would explain a lot about how water, and therefore life, started on Earth.
[영영] ① start on (something)
② start (someone) on (something)
③ start on at (someone)
[영한] …에 착수하다.
think about verb
[본문] [26]There are craters all over that thing, and so this is a really big deal when we're thinking about what happened to the early Earth as well, because we think all of the Earth's water came from impacts with comets and asteroids in the very early days of the solar system.
[영영] ① to have ideas or images in your mind; to remember somebody/something
② ( think of somebody/something) to consider somebody/something
③ to use your mind to consider something, such as your future plans, to try to solve problems, etc.
[영한] ① (어떤 일을 하거나 계획할 때) ~에 대해 생각[고려]하다 ② ~할 것을 생각[고려]하다 ③ …에 관해 생각하다
[유의어] contemplate, contemplate(생각하다)
touch down verb
[본문] [10]Russia's rocket crashed on landing, but Chandrayaan-3 successfully touched down on the 23rd of August, making India only the fourth country to successfully land on the Moon.
[영한] ① (비행기/우주선 등이) 착륙하다 ② (럭비에서) 터치다운하다
until now adv.
[본문] [8]But in decades after that famous event, interest in returning to the Moon faded away... until now.
[영한] 지금까지.
what happened to noun
[본문] [26]There are craters all over that thing, and so this is a really big deal when we're thinking about what happened to the early Earth as well, because we think all of the Earth's water came from impacts with comets and asteroids in the very early days of the solar system.
[영한] ① ~에게 일어난 일 ② ~에게 무슨일 있었는지
[유의어] what is with
<동사> ~에게 무슨 일이 일어났다[발생했다]
work out verb
[본문] [37]So they'll be looking essentially to see if it has the same characteristics as water here on Earth, and then we can sort of trace that back from sort of the crater history as well to working out what actually happened.
[영영] ① to perform athletic exercises in order to improve your health or physical fitness
② to happen, develop, or end in a desired or successful way
③ to happen, develop, or end in a particular way or to have a particular result
[영한] ① ~을 계산[산출]하다 ② ~을 해결하다[(답을) 알아내다] ③ ~을 계획해[생각해] 내다 ④ (주로 수동태로) (광산에서 광물질을) 모두 다 파내다 ⑤ (건강/몸매 관리 등을 위해) 운동하다 ⑥ (일이) 잘 풀리다[좋게 진행되다] ⑦ ~를 이해하다
[유의어] solve, calculate(계산하다)
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