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How green is your money? 6 Minute English, BBC Learning English 강좌 [영어숙어 및 구동사]





BBC Learning English 6 Minute English 영어 구동사 공부(softca.tistory.com)

BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 How green is your money?은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

우리가 돈을 은행에 예금하면 그 돈은 다른 사업에 자금을 지원하는 데 투자되는데, 그 중 일부는 환경친화적이지 않습니다. Beth와 Neil은 이에 대해 토론하고 유용한 어휘를 가르칩니다.(When we keep our money in a bank, it is invested to fund other businesses, some of which are far from environmentally friendly. Beth and Neil discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.)

다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.

according to prep.
[본문] [18]One of the most effective things to do is be smart about investing your money, so according to the campaign, Make My Money Matter, which of the following is the best way to fight climate change?
[영영] If someone says that something is true according to a particular person, book, or other source of information, they are indicating where they got their information.
[영한] ① (진술/기록 등에) 따르면 ② (지시/합의 등에) 따라 ③ ~에 의하면

accuse of verb
[본문] [31]As a result, some banks have been accused of greenwashing, attempting to appear environmentally friendly without actually doing anything serious to protect the environment.
[영한] …의 죄로 고발[고소, 기소]하다.

as a result adv.
[본문] [31]as a result, some banks have been accused of greenwashing, attempting to appear environmentally friendly without actually doing anything serious to protect the environment.
[영영] because of something ? often + of
[영한] 결과적으로
[유의어] from there(그 결과)

as in prep.
[본문] [13]I have to admit I'm very green about money, and I don't mean green as in environmentally friendly, I mean green as in ignorant or naive.
[영한] …의 경우(에서)와 같이

as it were adv.
[본문] [36]You know, when I started this everyone said, well you know all the mechanisms and all the accounting and all the transparency isn't quite there yet, but Mark Carney said to me, 'Go for it!' because it will be… the more that people become interested, the more transparent companies will have to be, the more examples they'll give you of good things that you're investing in… so that, as it were, it will get better the more the spotlight is put on exactly what an ethical or sustainable pension is doing.



as usual adv.
[본문] [14]In this programme, we'll be discussing ways in which our money can help protect the environment, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] ① in the same way as what happens most of the time or in most cases
② in the way that happens or exists most of the time or in most cases
③ sometimes used with per
[영한] 늘 그렇듯이[평상시처럼]
[유의어] as always

as well adv.
[본문] [14]In this programme, we'll be discussing ways in which our money can help protect the environment, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] in addition to somebody/something; too
[영한] ① (~뿐만 아니라/~은 물론) …도 ② 게다가, 또한, 마찬가지로

attract attention verb
[본문] [39]To put the spotlight on something means to attract attention to it, usually to share information about something bad.
[영한] 주의를 끌다, 눈에 띄다

bank account noun
[본문] [5]Do you have a bank account, Beth, or, like my grandparents, do you keep your money under the mattress?
[영한] (예금) 계좌

be to aux.
[본문] [28]So, what I'm doing is to tackle that and actually to say, okay, which are the funds that are actually making a positive social and environmental impact?
[영한] ① 할 의무가 있다 ② 할 예정이다, ~하기로 되어 있다 ③ 할 수 있다 ④ ~ 하기로 되어 있다, ~할 운명이다)

become involved in verb
[본문] [30]But as environmentally responsible investing increased, banks started jumping on the bandwagon, an idiom meaning to become involved in an activity because it's popular, and not because you're really interested in it.
[영한] ① ~에 관련되게 되다, ~에 몰두하게 하다 ② ~에 연루되다
[유의어] be involved in(관계되다)

climate change noun
[본문] [9]Is it helping fight climate change, or polluting the planet?
[영영] Climate change refers to changes in the earth’s climate, especially the gradual rise in temperature caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases.
[영한] 기후 변화

climate crisis noun
[본문] [17]As the climate crisis worsens, people are making changes in their lives to help, for example by driving less or cycling more.
[영한] 기후 위기

draw attention to verb
[본문] [50]And finally, the phrase to put the spotlight on something, means to draw attention to it.
[영한] …에 관심을 끌어 들이다
[유의어] point towards(가리키다), point out

environmentally friendly adj.
[본문] [10]Our money doesn't just sit there in the bank, it's invested to fund other businesses, some of which are far from environmentally friendly.
[영한] (상품이) 환경 친화적인, 환경을 해치지 않는



far from prep.
[본문] [10]Our money doesn't just sit there in the bank, it's invested to fund other businesses, some of which are far from environmentally friendly.
[영영] certainly not; not at all
[영한] ① …에서 멀리 ② 전혀 …이 아닌, …와는 거리가 먼 ③ ] …은 커녕

film director noun
[본문] [33]This idea inspired British film director, Richard Curtis, to start his campaign, Make My Money Matter.
[영한] 영화감독

for decades adv.
[본문] [25]John Fleetwood, who has worked in sustainable investing for decades, thinks public interest in ethical banks has ballooned in the last few years, as he told BBC Radio 4 programme, Costing the Earth:
[영한] 수십 년간

for example adv.
[본문] [17]As the climate crisis worsens, people are making changes in their lives to help, for example by driving less or cycling more.
[영한] 예를 들어

for now adv.
[본문] [53]Bye for now!
[영한] ① 우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은 ② 이제 곧

go for it verb
[본문] [36]You know, when I started this everyone said, well you know all the mechanisms and all the accounting and all the transparency isn't quite there yet, but Mark Carney said to me, 'go for it!' because it will be… the more that people become interested, the more transparent companies will have to be, the more examples they'll give you of good things that you're investing in… so that, as it were, it will get better the more the spotlight is put on exactly what an ethical or sustainable pension is doing.
[영한] ① 단호히 목적을 추구하다, 사생결단으로 덤비다 ② 나가다, 출발하다, 여행을 떠나다 ③ 자, 해봐!, 어서!, 힘내! ④ (명령 따위가) 내리다, 공포되다, (소문 따위가) 퍼지다

have a question verb
[본문] [16]But first I have a question for you, Beth.
[영한] 질문하다

high street noun
[본문] [6]Sure, I have a bank account with one of the big high street banks.
[영한] 하이스트리트, 시내 중심가
[유의어] main street

in fact adv.
[본문] [44]in fact, changing your pension is thought to be twenty-one times more effective than avoiding meat and stopping flying put together.
[영영] ① used to emphasize a statement, especially one that is the opposite of what has just been mentioned
② used to give extra details about something that has just been mentioned
[영한] ① 사실은[실은](방금 한 말에 대해 자세한 내용을 덧붙일 때 씀) ② 사실은[실제로는](특히 방금 한 말에 반대되는 내용을 강조할 때 씀)

in turn adv.
[본문] [38]This in turn puts the spotlight on how pension funds are being used, for example whether they support large oil corporations or renewable energy companies.
[영영] ① one after another
② as a result of something in a series of events
[영한] ① 차례차례 ② 결국[결과적으로]



interested in prep.
[본문] [30]But as environmentally responsible investing increased, banks started jumping on the bandwagon, an idiom meaning to become involved in an activity because it's popular, and not because you're really interested in it.
[영한] ~에 관심있는

jump on the bandwagon verb
[본문] [48]The idiom jump on the bandwagon, means become involved in an activity because it is popular and likely to succeed, not because you are really interested in it.
[영한] 우세한 편에 붙다, 시류에 편승하다

lead to verb
[본문] [24]Concerns about how banks invest our money led to the UK's first environmentally sustainable bank, Triodos, which opened in Bristol in 2012.
[영영] to result in a particular action or event; to force or persuade somebody to take a particular action
[영한] ① ~로 이어지다 ② ∼에 이르게 하다 ③ ∼로 이끌다
[유의어] result in

likely to adj
[본문] [32]But remember, banks rely on customers' money, and are likely to change their behaviour when customers threaten to take their money elsewhere.
[영한] 개연성이 있는

millions of adj.
[본문] [34]On TV, Richard has raised millions of pounds for the BBC's charity, Comic Relief, but even he was surprised by the amount of money saved by doing one simple thing, moving your pension to an environmentally sustainable fund.
[영한] 수백만의

once again adv.
[본문] [51]once again, our six minutes are up.
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시

put on verb
[본문] [36]You know, when I started this everyone said, well you know all the mechanisms and all the accounting and all the transparency isn't quite there yet, but Mark Carney said to me, 'Go for it!' because it will be… the more that people become interested, the more transparent companies will have to be, the more examples they'll give you of good things that you're investing in… so that, as it were, it will get better the more the spotlight is put on exactly what an ethical or sustainable pension is doing.
[영영] ① to put an item of clothing, etc. on your body
② to apply something to your skin
③ (especially BrE) to switch something on
[영한] ① ~을 입다[쓰다/끼다/걸치다] ② (얼굴/피부 등에) ~을 바르다 ③ (기구 등을) 가동[작동]시키다 ④ (시디/테이프 등을) 틀다 ⑤ (무게 등이) 더 무거워지다, (살이) 찌다 ⑥ ~을 특별 공급하다 ⑦ (연극/쇼 등을) 무대에 올리다[공연하다], 상연하다 ⑧ 가장하다[꾸미다/…인 척하다] ⑨ (전화를) ~에게 바꿔 주다 ⑩ 놀리다
[유의어] gain(살이 찌다), produce(상연하다), stage(상연하다), dress oneself in(몸에 걸치다), pretend(가장하다), tease(놀리다), exaggerate(과장하다), assume, affect
[반의어] take off(입다), take off(벗다)

put together verb
[본문] [44]In fact, changing your pension is thought to be twenty-one times more effective than avoiding meat and stopping flying put together.
[영영] ① to make or repair something by fitting parts together
② to create something
③ to combine things
[영한] ① (부품을) 조립하다, (이것저것을 모아) 만들다[준비하다] ② 합하다
[유의어] construct



rely on verb
[본문] [32]But remember, banks rely on customers' money, and are likely to change their behaviour when customers threaten to take their money elsewhere.
[영영] ① to need or depend on somebody/something
② to trust or have confidence in somebody/something
[영한] ① ~에 의지[의존]하다, ~을 필요로 하다 ② ~을 믿다[신뢰하다]

sit there verb
[본문] [10]Our money doesn't just sit there in the bank, it's invested to fund other businesses, some of which are far from environmentally friendly.
[영한] 가만 있다, 움직이지 않다

some of det.
[본문] [10]Our money doesn't just sit there in the bank, it's invested to fund other businesses, some of which are far from environmentally friendly.
[영한] 몇몇의, 일부의

starting with prep.
[본문] [45]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme, starting with green, an adjective with several meanings, one of which is naive or inexperienced.
[영한] ~로 시작하면서

use for verb
[본문] [8]But do you know exactly what your money's being used for?
[영한] …을 위해 사용하다.
[유의어] do with(처리하다)

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