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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - Can you stop a disaster? [BBC Learning English 강좌]





BBC Learning English 6 Minute English 영어 구동사 공부(softca.tistory.com)

BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Can you stop a disaster?은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

자연 재해는 죽음과 파괴를 초래할 수 있습니다. 그냥 받아들여야 할까요, 아니면 자연 재해가 그렇게 큰 피해를 입히는 것을 막을 수 있는 방법이 있을까요?(Natural disasters can cause death and destruction. Should we just accept them, or is there anyway we can stop natural disasters being so damaging?)

다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.

a lot adv.
[본문] [18]I'm not sure, but you do hear a lot about terrible earthquakes in the news, don't you?
[영영] ① very much or very often:
② to a considerable degree or extent
[영한] 다수 , 다량 , 많이

according to prep.
[본문] [21]But according to Lucy, describing disasters as 'natural' is a mistake, as she told BBC Radio 4 programme, Inside Science:
[영영] If someone says that something is true according to a particular person, book, or other source of information, they are indicating where they got their information.
[영한] ① (진술/기록 등에) 따르면 ② (지시/합의 등에) 따라 ③ ~에 의하면

act of God noun
[본문] [7]But Roy isn't the only victim of an unpredictable natural event, sometimes called an act of God.
[영한] ① 신의 뜻 ② 불가항력 ③ 피치 못할 일

as usual adv.
[본문] [12]In this programme we'll be finding out, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.
[영영] ① in the same way as what happens most of the time or in most cases
② in the way that happens or exists most of the time or in most cases
③ sometimes used with per
[영한] 늘 그렇듯이[평상시처럼]
[유의어] as always

at least adv.
[본문] [9]In 2023, at least 60,000 people died after earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and things are predicted to get worse in the future due to climate change and increasing populations.
[영한] ① 적어도[최소한] ② 적어도[최소한] ③ (다른 것은 몰라도/없어도) 적어도[최소한], 하다못해 ④ 어쨌든, 적어도
[유의어] anyway



at risk noun
[본문] [30]An earthquake in the middle of the ocean is less of a disaster than in a populated city, so one technological solution involves computers mapping geological movements to identify places at risk.
[영한] 위험한 상태(손실위험에 노출되어 있는 상태)
<형용사> (~의) 위험이 있는[위험에 처한] <부사> ① 위험을 무릅쓰고. ② 위험한 상태로

be involved in verb
[본문] [33]Ilan Kelman, Professor of Disasters and Health at UCL, has been involved in the project, and told BBC Radio 4's Inside Science how it worked.
[영한] ① ~에 개입되다, 관계되다 ② …에 휘말리다, 연루되다, …으로 꼼짝 못하다, …에 몰두하다
[유의어] get involved in(관계되다), become involved in(관계되다)

climate change noun
[본문] [9]In 2023, at least 60,000 people died after earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and things are predicted to get worse in the future due to climate change and increasing populations.
[영영] Climate change refers to changes in the earth’s climate, especially the gradual rise in temperature caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases.
[영한] 기후 변화

depending on prep.
[본문] [5]depending on how you look at it, Roy Sullivan was either the luckiest or the unluckiest man alive.
[영한] …에 따라

due to prep.
[본문] [9]In 2023, at least 60,000 people died after earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and things are predicted to get worse in the future due to climate change and increasing populations.
[영한] ① ] …에 기인하는, …때문에 ② ] …때문에
[유의어] because of(때문이다)

find out verb
[본문] [12]In this programme we'll be finding out, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.
[영영] ① find out; to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about something/somebody
② find somebody out; to discover that somebody has been dishonest or has done something wrong
[영한] ① ~의 잘못을 적발하다 ② (~에 대해) (~을) 알아내다[알게 되다] ③ (조사하여) 발견하다, 생각해 내다, (해답을) 얻어내다, (수수께끼를) 풀다 ④ …임을 알아내다, 발견하다 ⑤ …의 정체[진의]를 간파하다, (범인을) 찾아내다, (부정/죄를) 간파하다 ⑥ (죄 등이) 그 본인을 폭로하다 ⑦ (미) (친척 등을) 찾아내다 ⑧ …에 대해 진상을 알다

from far away adv.
[본문] [44]A megaphone is a handheld cone-shaped device that makes your voice louder when you speak into it so that people can hear you from far away.
[영한] .멀리서[먼 곳으로]부터

get worse verb
[본문] [9]In 2023, at least 60,000 people died after earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and things are predicted to get worse in the future due to climate change and increasing populations.
[영한] 더 나빠지다

give up verb
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영영] ① to stop doing or having something
② (to somebody) to let somebody else have something, sometimes because they need it more than you
③ (to somebody) to hand something over to somebody else
[영한] ① (하던 일을) 그만두다, (가지고 있던 것을) 단념하다 ② (다른 어떤 일을 하느라고) ~을 포기하다 ③ 특히 ~가[를] 오지 않을[회복되지 못할/찾지 못할] 것이라고 생각하다 ④ (관계를) 끝내다[그만두다] ⑤ 포기하다
[유의어] pack in



go out verb
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] ① 1.(for/to something) to leave your house to go to social events, etc.
② 2.(informal) (with somebody/together) to spend time with somebody and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them
③ 3. to be sent, announced, etc.
[영한] ① (사교 모임에 가기 위해) 외출하다[나가다] ② (썰물로 물이) 빠지다 ③ 발송되다 ④ (라디오/텔레비전 프로그램이) 방송되다 ⑤ (뉴스/정보가) 발표되다[알려지다] ⑥ (불/전깃불이) 꺼지다[나가다]
[유의어] ebb
[반의어] come in, come in(유행하다)

grow up verb
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] ① when a person grows up, they become an adult
② to spend the time you are a child in a particular place or in a particular way
③ (of a person) to develop into an adult. grow up to do something
[영한] ① (사람이) 성장[장성]하다 ② 철이 들다(남에게 어리석은 짓을 그만두라고 말할 때 씀) ③ 서서히 생겨나다

hundred fold adj.
[본문] [32]Bangladesh has seen a hundred fold decrease in cyclone deaths since the introduction of its new monitoring and alert system.
[영한] 100배의.
[유의어] hundredfold

in addition to prep.
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영한] …에 더하여, …일 뿐 아니라

in fact adv.
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영영] ① used to emphasize a statement, especially one that is the opposite of what has just been mentioned
② used to give extra details about something that has just been mentioned
[영한] ① 사실은[실은](방금 한 말에 대해 자세한 내용을 덧붙일 때 씀) ② 사실은[실제로는](특히 방금 한 말에 반대되는 내용을 강조할 때 씀)

in order to prep.
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영한] (목적) 위하여

in the middle of prep.
[본문] [30]An earthquake in the middle of the ocean is less of a disaster than in a populated city, so one technological solution involves computers mapping geological movements to identify places at risk.
[영한] …의 도중에, …의 중앙에, 중간 무렵에



involved in prep.
[본문] [33]Ilan Kelman, Professor of Disasters and Health at UCL, has been involved in the project, and told BBC Radio 4's Inside Science how it worked.
[영한] …에 관련된[연루된].

just as conj.
[본문] [31]But low-tech solutions can be just as effective.
[영한] 꼭 …처럼
<부사> 꼭 …처럼

likely to adj
[본문] [43]If something is within your grasp, it's likely to be accomplished.
[영한] 개연성이 있는

look at verb
[본문] [5]Depending on how you look at it, Roy Sullivan was either the luckiest or the unluckiest man alive.
[영영] ① to turn your eyes towards somebody/something so that you can see them/it
② to examine something/somebody closely
③ (usually used in negative sentences or questions) to consider or be prepared to accept somebody/something
[영한] ① ~을 (자세히) 살피다[검토/진찰하다] ② ~에 대해 생각[고려/검토]하다 ③ (특정한 방식으로) ~을 보다[고려하다] ④ …을 보다[살피다]
[유의어] examine(살피다)

natural disaster noun
[본문] [15]But do you know, Neil, which natural disaster is most responsible for human deaths now?
[영한] 자연 재해,

once again adv.
[본문] [47]once again our six minutes are up!
[영한] 한 번 더, 또 다시

park ranger noun
[본문] [6]Working as a US park ranger, Roy was struck by lightning on seven different occasions, and survived them all!
[영한] 국립공원 레인저, 공원 경비원

responsible for prep.
[본문] [15]But do you know, Neil, which natural disaster is most responsible for human deaths now?
[영한] ~에 책임이 있는, 원인이 있는

right there adv.
[본문] [22]Probably the worst thing you can do at a disaster conference is describe it as natural disaster because that's the hopelessness right there.
[영한] 바로 그곳에(서), 자진해서, 기꺼이, 으스대며

such as prep.
[본문] [8]In the last decade, an estimated half a million people have died globally in natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and cyclones.
[영영] ① for example
② of a kind that; like
[영한] ① 예를 들어 (…와 같은) ② …와 같은



talk about verb
[본문] [39]Well, It's great to see people working together to survive cyclones, earlier we were talking about other natural disasters.
[영영] ① used to emphasize something
② to discuss
③ used informally and often ironically to add emphasis to a statement
[영한] ① …에 대해 이야기하다. ② (강조의 뜻으로) …하기란[…하기가 말도 못한다]

within our grasp adv.
[본문] [27]Fortunately, ways to limit the damage are within our grasp.
[영한] (우리의) 손바닥 안에
[유의어] within your grasp(손바닥 안에)

within your grasp adv.
[본문] [28]If something is within your grasp it is very likely that you will achieve it.
[영한] (당신의) 손바닥 안에
[유의어] within our grasp(손바닥 안에)

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