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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Can you stop a disaster? [BBC Learning English 강좌]





BBC 영어공부 6 Minute English - 단어공부 (softca.tistory.com)

Natural disasters can cause death and destruction. Should we just accept them, or is there anyway we can stop natural disasters being so damaging?

자연 재해는 죽음과 파괴를 일으킬 수 있습니다. 단지 우리가 그것들을 받아 주어야만 할 것일까요. 아니면 [우리가 자연 재해가 그헣게 훼손되는 것임을 멈출 수 있는] 어떤 방법이 있습니까?

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

accomplish verb ★★★[2213] [레마] accomplish 〈 ple(채우다)
[본문] [43]If something is within your grasp, it's likely to be accomplished.
[영영] If you accomplish something, you succeed in doing it.
[영한] 완수하다, 성취하다, 해내다
[굴절형] accomplished, accomplished, accomplishing, accomplishes
[유의어] achieve(성취하다), achieve(이루다)
[어근]ac(ad); to ⑵ com; 함께, with, together ⑶ pl(plet); 채우다, fill ⑷ ish; 동사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 accomplere[ad+complere] (Vulgar Latin) to fulfill, fill up, complete
[최초 의미] fulfill, perform, carry out an undertaking
[파생] accomplishable, accomplisher, accomplishment, accomplish

addition noun ★★★★[1805] [레마] add
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] An addition to something is a thing which is added to it.
[영한] ① 덧셈 ② 추가된 것, 부가물 ③ 추가, 부가
[굴절형] 복수형; additions
[반의어] subtraction(덧셈)
[어근]addit(add); 더하다, add, 참가하다 ⑵ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 adderead+dere의 합성어; 추가하다, 합류하다, 붙이다, 맡기다
[최초 의미] action of adding numbers
[파생] add, addable, addible, addition, additional, additionally, additive

advise verb ★★★★[1909] [레마] advise 〈 vide(보다)
[본문] [20]Now, in her job as Professor of Hazard and Risk at Durham University, Lucy Easthope attends conferences to advise on planning for natural emergencies.
[영영] If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do.
[영한] ① 조언하다, 충고하다, 권고하다 ② 자문에 응하다, 고문이 되어 주다 ③ (정식으로) 알리다
[굴절형] advised, advised, advising, advises
[유의어] inform(알리다), warn(강력히 충고하다)
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ vise(vide); 보다
[어원] 《라틴어 videre보다, 주시하다, 구분하다
[최초 의미] to view, consider(obsolete); to give counsel to
[파생] advice, advise, advisory



afterwards adv. ★★★[3131] [레마] afterward 〈 ward
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] If you do something or if something happens afterwards, you do it or it happens after a particular event or time that has already been mentioned.
[영한] 나중에, 그 뒤에
[구성단어] after + wards
[어근]after; 뒤쪽 ⑵ ward; 보호, guard ⑶ s; 명사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ afterward
[어원] 《고대 영어 weardthe action of keeping a lookout for danger

alert noun ★★[3621] [레마] alert
[본문] [32]Bangladesh has seen a hundred fold decrease in cyclone deaths since the introduction of its new monitoring and alert system.
[영영] An alert is a situation in which people prepare themselves for something dangerous that might happen soon.
[영한] ① 경계 태세 ② 경계경보
[굴절형] 복수형; alerts
<동사> ① (위험 등을) 알리다, 경보를 발하다 ② 의식하게 하다, 주의를 환기시키다 <형용사> ① 기민한, 정신이 초롱초롱한 ② (문제위험 등을) 경계하는
[어근] alert; alert
[어원] 《프랑스말 alerte바짝 경계하는
[파생] alertly, alertness, alert

bicycle noun ★★★[3261] [레마] bicycle 〈 cycl
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels which you ride by sitting on it and pushing two pedals with your feet. You steer it by turning a bar that is connected to the front wheel.
[영한] 자전거
[굴절형] 복수형; bicycles
<동사> (구식) 자전거로 가다 참조 bike, cycle
[ABBR] bike, bike
[어근]bi; 둘(2) ⑵ cycle; 순환, 반복
[어원] 《라틴어 bi
[최초 의미] two + circle, wheel
[파생] bicycler, bicyclist, bicycle

cyclone noun ☆[6075] [레마] cyclone 〈 cycl
[본문] [32]Bangladesh has seen a hundred fold decrease in cyclone deaths since the introduction of its new monitoring and alert system.
[영영] A cyclone is a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round.
[영한] 사이클론(강한 회오리바람을 일으키는, 인도양의 열대성 폭풍)
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]cycl(cycle); 순환, 반복 ⑵ one(on); 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 kyklon원 안의 움직임, 회전하는 것
[최초 의미] extensive storm characterized by the revolution of air around a calm center in which the wind blows spirally around the center,
[파생] cyclonal, cyclonic, cyclonical, cyclonically, cyclone

decrease noun ★★★[2359] [레마] decrease 〈 cresc
[본문] [32]Bangladesh has seen a hundred fold decrease in cyclone deaths since the introduction of its new monitoring and alert system.
[영영] A decrease in the quantity, size, or intensity of something is a reduction in it.
[영한] 감소, 하락
[굴절형] 복수형; decreases
[유의어] reduction
[반의어] increase
<동사> (크기/수 등이) 줄다[감소하다], 줄이다[감소시키다]
[어근]de; from, away ⑵ crease(cresc); 커지다, grow, rise
[어원] 《라틴어 decrescerede+crescere;
[최초 의미] detriment, harm
[파생] decreasing, decreasingly, decrease

destruction noun ★★★[2881] [레마] destroy 〈 struct(세우다)
[본문] [49]Natural disasters can cause death and destruction.
[영영] Destruction is the act of destroying something, or the state of being destroyed.
[영한] 파괴, 파멸, 말살
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]de; 밑,밖으로, from ⑵ struct; 세움, build ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 structus[struere의 과거분사]
[파생] destroy, destroyable, destruction, destructionist, destructive, destructively, destructiveness, destructivity



disaster noun ★★★★[1661] [레마] disaster 〈 aster
[본문] [15]But do you know, Neil, which natural disaster is most responsible for human deaths now?
[영영] A disaster is a very bad accident such as an earthquake or a plane crash, especially one in which a lot of people are killed.
[영한] ① 참사, 재난, 재해 ② 엄청난 불행, 재앙 ③ 완전한 실패자[작]
[굴절형] 복수형; disasters
[유의어] catastrophe
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ aster(astro); 별, star
[어원] 《그리스어 aster
[최초 의미] anything that befalls of ruinous or distressing nature; any unfortunate event
[파생] disaster, disastrous, disastrously

drought noun ★★[3676] [레마] drought
[본문] [13]Throughout history, floods, when there's too much water, and droughts, when there isn't enough, have caused most human deaths.
[영영] A drought is a long period of time during which no rain falls.
[영한] 가뭄
[굴절형] 복수형; droughts
[어근] drought; 가뭄, drought
[어원] 《고대 영어 drugoþ=drugaþ; continuous dry weather injurious to vegetation, dryness
[최초 의미] continuous dry weather injurious to vegetation, dryness
[파생] droughty, drought

due adv. ★★★★[1266] [레마] due
[본문] [9]In 2023, at least 60,000 people died after earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and things are predicted to get worse in the future due to climate change and increasing populations.
[영영] Due is used before the words `north', `south', `east', or `west' to indicate that something is in exactly the direction mentioned.
[영한] 정확히 북/남/동/서쪽으로, 정(正)북/남/동/서향으로
<명사> ① ~에게 마땅히 주어져야 하는 것 ② (회원 등으로서 마땅히) 내야 할 돈 <형용사> ① ~로 인한[~에 의한], ~ 때문[덕분]에 ② ~하기로 되어 있는[예정된] ③ (돈을) 지불해야 하는
[어근] due(deb); 빚지다, owe
[어원] 《라틴어 deberede+habere의 복합어; 빚지다, ~을 …로부터 멀게 하다

earthquake noun[8829] [레마] earthquake 〈 quake
[본문] [25]Although no-one can prevent an earthquake, there are ways people can reduce the damage done, what Professor Easthope calls 'additional harm'.
[영영] a shaking of a part of the Earth's surface that often causes great damage
[영한] 지진
[굴절형] 복수형; earthquakes
[구성단어] earth + quake
[어근]earth; 땅, earth ⑵ quake; 지진, 흔들림, quake
[어원] 《중세 영어 quaken[from Old English cwacian]

estimate verb ★★★★[1219] [레마] estimate 〈 estim(평가하다)
[본문] [8]In the last decade, an estimated half a million people have died globally in natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and cyclones.
[영영] If you estimate a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it.
[영한] 추산[추정]하다
[굴절형] estimated, estimated, estimating, estimates
[유의어] calculate(추정하다), assess
<명사> ① 추정(치), 추산 ② 견적서
[어근]estim; 가치, value, 살피다 ⑵ ate; 동사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 aestimare살피다[뜯어보다], 가치를 결정하다, 평가하다,
[최초 의미] appraise the worth of
[파생] estimate, estimation, estimative

fatalism noun[10000+] [레마] fate
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영한] ① 운명[숙명]론 ② 체념
[구성단어] fatal + ism
[어근]fat(far); 이야기, speak ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ism; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 fatusfari의 분사 형태

fatalistic adj.[10000+] [레마] fate
[본문] [24]Professor Easthope thinks calling disasters 'natural' is fatalistic - it involves the belief that people are powerless to change events.
[영한] 운명론적인
[구성단어] fatal + istic
[어근]fat(far); 이야기, speak ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ istic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 fatusfari의 분사 형태
[파생] fatalistically, fatalistic



flood noun ★★★[2265] [레마] flood
[본문] [13]Throughout history, floods, when there's too much water, and droughts, when there isn't enough, have caused most human deaths.
[영영] If there is a flood, a large amount of water covers an area which is usually dry, for example when a river flows over its banks or a pipe bursts.
[영한] ① 홍수 ② 쇄도, 폭주, 홍수
[굴절형] 복수형; Floods
<동사> ① 물에 잠기다[잠기게 하다], 침수되다[시키다] ② 범람하다[시키다] ③ 쇄도[폭주]하다, 물밀듯이 밀려들다
[어근] flood; 홍수, flood
[어원] 《고대 영어 floda flowing of water, tide, an overflowing of land by water, a deluge, Noah's Flood; mass of water, river, sea, wave
[최초 의미] a flowing of water, tide, an overflowing of land by water, a deluge, Noah's Flood; mass of water, river, sea, wave,
[파생] floodable, flooder, floodless, floodlike, flood

fold noun ★★★[2632] [레마] fold
[본문] [32]Bangladesh has seen a hundred fold decrease in cyclone deaths since the introduction of its new monitoring and alert system.
[영영] ① A fold in a piece of paper or cloth is a bend that you make in it when you put one part of it over another part and press the edge.
② The folds in a piece of cloth are the curved shapes which are formed when it is not hanging or lying flat.
③ When someone joins an organization or group, you can say that they have come into the fold. When they leave the organization or group, you can say that they leave the fold.
[영한] ① (천 등의) 주름 ② 접힌 부분[흔적], 접는 부분 (표시) ③ 양의 우리(들판에서 양을 안전하게 놓아먹일 수 있도록 울타리나 담을 친 구역) ④ (같은 사상신념을 가진) 집단[단체] ⑤ 습곡 ⑥ (산언덕 사이의) 움푹한 곳
[굴절형] 복수형; folds
<동사> ① (특히 종이나 천을) 접다[개키다] ② (운반보관이 쉽도록) 접다[접게 되어 있다] ③ 감싸다[둘러싸다]
[어근] fold; 접다, fold
[어원] 《고대 영어 faldanto bend (cloth) back over itself, wrap up, furl
[최초 의미] ① pen or enclosure for sheep or other domestic animals ② a bend or ply in anything
[파생] foldable, fold

fortunately adv. ★★★[2996] [레마] fortune
[본문] [27]fortunately, ways to limit the damage are within our grasp.
[영영] Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good.
[영한] 다행스럽게도, 운 좋게도
[유의어] luckily, thankfully(다행스럽게도), happily
[반의어] unfortunately
[어근]fortun(fort); 강함, 기회, chance ⑵ ate; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 fortuna기회, 운명, 행운
[파생] fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, fortune

geological adj.[10000+] [레마] log
[본문] [30]An earthquake in the middle of the ocean is less of a disaster than in a populated city, so one technological solution involves computers mapping geological movements to identify places at risk.
[영영] Geological means relating to geology.
[구성단어] geo + logical
[어근]geo; 땅, earth ⑵ log; 말,학문 ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 logos~을 다루는 것, 이유, 생각, 말[단어]

grasp noun[10000+] [레마] grasp
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영영] A grasp is a very firm hold or grip.
[영한] ① 꽉 쥐기[움켜잡기], (확실한) 통제[지배] ② 이해, 파악 ③ (무엇을 달성할 수 있는) 능력
[유의어] grip
<동사> ① 꽉 잡다, 움켜잡다 ② 완전히 이해하다, 파악하다 ③ 기회를 선뜻 붙잡다
[어근] grasp; 움켜잡다, grasp
[어원] 《고대 영어 græpsan[from Proto-Germanic *grap-, *grab-] to touch, feel
[파생] graspable, grasper, grasp

handheld adj.[10000+] [레마] hand
[본문] [36]One low tech solution involves people on bicycles shouting warnings about approaching cyclones into a megaphone - a handheld cone-shaped device that makes your voice louder when you speak into it.
[영한] 손바닥 크기의, 포켓용의, 손에 들고 쓰는
<명사> (손에 들고 조작할 수 있는 정도의) 소형 기기, 초소형 컴퓨터
[구성단어] hand + held
[어근]hand; 손, hand ⑵ held(hold); 잡다, hold
[어원] 《고대 영어 hond사람의 손; 옆면, 부분, 방향; 힘[능력], 통제, 소유



happening noun ☆[4676] [레마] happen 〈 hap(기회)
[본문] [29]It may be impossible to stop disasters from happening, but there are ways to limit the number of deaths.
[영한] ① (흔히 이상한) 일[사건] ② (계획에 없던 예술적) 행위[공연] ③ 마약
<형용사> 최신 유행의, 근사한, 인기 있는
[구성단어] happen + ing
[어근]happ(hap); 우연한, chance ⑵ en; 만들다 ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hæppan우연히 움직이다, 미끄러지다

harm noun ★★★[2166] [레마] harm
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영영] Harm is physical injury to a person or an animal which is usually caused on purpose.
[영한] 해, 피해, 손해
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> 해치다, 해를 끼치다, 손상시키다
[어근] harm; 해로운, 고통, harm
[어원] 《고대 영어 hearmhurt, pain; evil, grief; insult
[최초 의미] hurt, pain; evil, grief; insult,
[파생] harmer, harmful, harmfully, harmfulness, harm

hazard noun[9802] [레마] hazard
[본문] [20]Now, in her job as Professor of hazard and Risk at Durham University, Lucy Easthope attends conferences to advise on planning for natural emergencies.
[영영] A hazard is something which could be dangerous to you, your health or safety, or your plans or reputation.
[영한] 위험 (요소)
<동사> ① 틀릴 셈치고[모험 삼아] 제안[추측]하다 ② ~을 위태롭게 하다
[어근] hazard; hazard
[어원] 《프랑스말 hasart[from Arabic az-zahr("the die")] game of chance played with dice
[파생] hazardable, hazard-free, hazardous, hazard

hopeful adj. ★★[3723] [레마] hope
[본문] [40]We were, and I asked you which disaster you thought caused most deaths and you said you thought maybe earthquakes, which was the right answer, which is why these new ideas to save lives are so hopeful.
[영영] If you are hopeful, you are fairly confident that something that you want to happen will happen.
[영한] ① (사람이) 희망에 찬, 기대하는 ② (사람의 행동이) 희망[기대]를 드러내는 ③ (사물이) 희망적인, 희망을 주는
[유의어] optimistic, promising
[반의어] pessimistic, hopeless
<명사> 희망을 품은[성공을 바라는] 사람
[어근]hope; 희망, hope ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hopian신뢰를 갖다, 확신을 갖다, 확신을 갖고 추정하다, 신뢰하다
[파생] hopeful, hopefully, hopefulness, hopeless, hoper, hope

hopelessness noun[10000+] [레마] hope
[본문] [22]Probably the worst thing you can do at a disaster conference is describe it as natural disaster because that's the hopelessness right there.
[영한] 희망 없음, 절망 (상태)
[구성단어] hopeless + ness
[어근]hope; 희망, hope ⑵ less; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ness; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hopian신뢰를 갖다, 확신을 갖다, 확신을 갖고 추정하다, 신뢰하다
[파생] hopeless, hopelessly, hopelessness, hope

hurricane noun ★★★[3028] [레마] hurricane
[본문] [8]In the last decade, an estimated half a million people have died globally in natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and cyclones.
[영영] A hurricane is an extremely violent wind or storm.
[영한] 허리케인
[굴절형] 복수형; hurricanes
[어원] 《스페인말 huracangod of the storm

imply verb ★★★[2896] [레마] imply 〈 plic(접다)
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영영] If you imply that something is the case, you say something which indicates that it is the case in an indirect way.
[영한] ① (감정/생각을) 넌지시 나타내다[비치다], 은연중에 풍기다 ② 암시[시사]하다 ③ (생각/행동 등이 성공하려면 무엇이 필요함을) 의미하다
[굴절형] implied, implied, implying, implies
[유의어] mean, suggest
[어근]im(in); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ ply(plic); 접은, fold
[어원] 《라틴어 implicare[in+plicare] enfold, involve, be connected with, unite, associate
[최초 의미] to enfold, enwrap, entangle
[파생] implicate, implication, implicational, implicative, implicit, implicitly, implicitness, implicity, imply

importantly adv.[8931] [레마] import 〈 port
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영한] 중요하게, 거드름 피우며.
[어근]im(in); into, in ⑵ port; to carry ⑶ ant; ~한(형용사어미) ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 importarein+portare; bring in, convey, bring in from abroad
[파생] importance, important, importantly



infrastructure noun ★★★[2597] [레마] structure 〈 struct(세우다)
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transport, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function.
[영한] ① 사회[공공] 기반 시설 ② 인프라스트럭처
[굴절형] 복수형; infrastructures
[구성단어] infra + structure
[어근]infra; 내부의 ⑵ struct; build ⑶ ure; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 structus[struere의 과거분사]
[파생] infrastructure, infrastructural

introduction noun ★★★[3069] [레마] introduce 〈 duce
[본문] [32]Bangladesh has seen a hundred fold decrease in cyclone deaths since the introduction of its new monitoring and alert system.
[영영] The introduction to a book or talk is the part that comes at the beginning and tells you what the rest of the book or talk is about.
[영한] ① 도입, 전래 ② (처음으로) 도입된[전래된] 것 ③ (사람) 소개 ④ 첫 경험, 처음 접함 ⑤ (책/연설의) 도입부[서문/서론] ⑥ 입문서 ⑦ (음악) 도입부
[굴절형] 복수형; introductions
[어근]intro; inward ⑵ duc; to lead ⑶ tion(ion); 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 ducere이끌다
[최초 의미] act of bringing into existence
[파생] introduce, introducer, introducible, introduction, introductive, introductory

lightning noun ★★[3564] [레마] light
[본문] [6]Working as a US park ranger, Roy was struck by lightning on seven different occasions, and survived them all!
[영영] Lightning is the very bright flashes of light in the sky that happen during thunderstorms.
[영한] 번개, 번갯불
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<형용사> 번개 같은, 아주 빠른, 급작스런
[구성단어] lighten + ing
[어근]light; 빛, 가벼운, light ⑵ n(en); 만들다 ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 leoht⑴ [=leht] (엥글로어語) 빛나는, 밝은, 아름다운, 빛이 나는, 많은 빛을 갖는; ⑵ 무겁지 않은, 실제 무게가 거의 없는, 무게가 가벼운, 가볍게 만들어진; 하기 쉬운 , 사소한; 빠르고 민첩한
[최초 의미] visible discharge of energy between cloud and cloud or cloud and ground

livelihood noun ☆[4978] [레마] live
[본문] [46]And finally, livelihood is your job or the work that gives you the money to buy the things you need to live.
[영영] Your livelihood is the job or other source of income that gives you the money to buy the things you need.
[영한] 생계 (수단)
[굴절형] 복수형; livelihoods
[유의어] living
[구성단어] lively + hood
[어근]live; 살다 ⑵ li(ly); ly ⑶ hood; 상태, 성질, 집단
[어원] 《고대 영어 lifian있다, 살아 있다, 삶을 갖다, 삶을 지속하다, 경험하다
[최초 의미] means of keeping alive

loud adj. ★★★[2303] [레마] loud
[본문] [36]One low tech solution involves people on bicycles shouting warnings about approaching cyclones into a megaphone - a handheld cone-shaped device that makes your voice louder when you speak into it.
[영영] If a noise is loud, the level of sound is very high and it can be easily heard. Someone or something that is loud produces a lot of noise.
[영한] ① (소리가) 큰, 시끄러운 ② (사람그의 행동이) 시끄러운 ③ (색깔무늬 등이) 야단스러운, 야한
[굴절형] 비교; loud < louder < loudest
[유의어] gaudy, garish
<부사> 크게, 시끄럽게
[어근] loud; 시끄러운, loud
[어원] 《고대 영어 hlude시끄럽게, 떠들썩하게
[파생] aloud, loudly, loudness

lucky adj. ★★★★[1617] [레마] luck
[본문] [5]Depending on how you look at it, Roy Sullivan was either the luckiest or the unluckiest man alive.
[영영] You say that someone is lucky when they have something that is very desirable or when they are in a very desirable situation.
[영한] ① 운이 좋은, 행운의 ② 다행한 ③ 행운을 가져다주는, 행운의
[굴절형] 비교; lucky < luckier < luckiest
[유의어] fortunate
[반의어] unlucky(재수 없다)
<명사> ① 운이 좋은 것, 행운을 가져오는 것 ② 도망 ③ 할머니 <부사> 활수하게, 후하게, 너무나.
[어근]luck; 행운 ⑵ y; 형용사어미
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 luc행복, 좋은 행운
[파생] luck, luckily, luckiness, luckless, lucky

occasion noun ★★★★[1890] [레마] case 〈 cad-(떨어지다)
[본문] [6]Working as a US park ranger, Roy was struck by lightning on seven different occasions, and survived them all!
[영영] An occasion is a time when something happens, or a case of it happening.
[영한] ① (어떤 일이 일어나는 특정한) 때[기회/경우] ② (특별한) 행사[의식/축하] ③ (…을 하기에) 적절한 때[기회] ④ 이유, 원인, 일
[굴절형] 복수형; occasions
<동사> …의 원인이 되다, …을 야기하다
[어근]oc(ob); towards ⑵ cas(cad); to fall ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 casus[cadere릐 과거분사] 가능성, 경우, 기회, 사고, 불행, 떨어짐
[최초 의미] opportunity; grounds for action or feeling; state of affairs that makes something else possible; a happening, occurrence leading to some result
[파생] occasion, occasional, occasionally



ocean noun ★★★★[1041] [레마] Ocean
[본문] [30]An earthquake in the middle of the ocean is less of a disaster than in a populated city, so one technological solution involves computers mapping geological movements to identify places at risk.
[영영] The ocean is the sea.
[영한] ① 대양, 바다 ② …양(洋)
[굴절형] 복수형; oceans
[어근] ocean; 대양, ocean
[어원] 《그리스어 okeanosthe great river or sea surrounding the disk of the Earth
[최초 의미] the vast body of water on the surface of the globe

powerless adj.[10000+] [레마] power 〈 pot-(강력한)
[본문] [24]Professor Easthope thinks calling disasters 'natural' is fatalistic - it involves the belief that people are powerless to change events.
[영영] Someone who is powerless is unable to control or influence events.
[영한] ① 힘없는, 무력한 ② 전혀 ~할 수 없는
[유의어] helpless
[구성단어] power + less
[어근]pow(pot); 강력 ⑵ er; ~하는 것(명사 어미) ⑶ less; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 potere강력하다
[파생] powerlessly, powerlessness, powerless

ranger noun[10000+] [레마] range 〈 rang(열[줄])
[본문] [6]Working as a US park ranger, Roy was struck by lightning on seven different occasions, and survived them all!
[영한] ① 공원[삼림/자연] 관리원[경비 대원] ② 레인저 ③ 기습 공격대원
[굴절형] 복수형; rangers
[구성단어] range + er
[어근]rang; 열(列), rank ⑵ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 rangier[from rang] set in a row

realise verb ★★★[2355] [레마] realize 〈 real(실제의)
[본문] [34]What Bangladesh has done is realise we cannot have 100,000 people dying in a cyclone each time.
[영한] ① 깨닫다, 알아차리다, 인식[자각]하다 ② (목표 등을) 실현[달성]하다 ③ (수동형으로 쓰여) (우려 등이) 현실이 되다[실제로 발생하다] ④ (자산을) 실현하다[현금화하다] ⑤ (상품 등이) (특정한 금액에) 팔리다 ⑥ (글로 된 정보/지시 등에 기반하여 음향/연극/디자인 등을) 실현하다[만들어 내다]
[굴절형] realised, realised, realising, realises
[유의어] make, convert
[구성단어] real + ize
[어근]real; 사실, real ⑵ ise(ize); 동사 어미
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ realize
[어원] 《라틴어 realis실제의, 사물 그 자체인
[파생] real, realisable, realisably, realisation, realiser, reality, realizable, realizably, realization, realize, realizer, really, realness, realise

route noun ★★★★[1660] [레마] route 〈 rupt
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] A route is a way from one place to another.
[영한] ① (한 곳에서 다른 곳으로 가기 위해 따라가는) 길[경로/루트] ② (버스기차수송품 등의) 노선 ③ (어떤 일을 달성하는) 길[방법/경로] ④ (미국에서 주요 도로 번호 앞에 붙임) ~번 도로
[굴절형] 복수형; routes
<동사> (특정한 루트를 따라 무엇을) 보내다[전송하다]
[어근] route(rupt); 깨지다(break), 도로(road), fracture
[어원] 《라틴어 rupta (via)from rupta; rupta+via; (a road) opened by force
[최초 의미] road, way, path

shelter noun ★★★★[1955] [레마] shelter
[본문] [35]So in addition to having people on bicycles with megaphones going out and saying, 'Look a cyclone is coming, please get to shelter!', people in the danger zones have grown up accepting that their shelters will be safe, knowing where the evacuation routes are, but most importantly that they can return afterwards to their homes and to their livelihoods because they've built the infrastructure, and they've built their jobs in order to avoid being destroyed by the cyclone.
[영영] A shelter is a small building or covered place which is made to protect people from bad weather or danger.
[영한] ① (인간 생활의 세 가지 기본 요소 중) 주거지 ② (비바람위험공격으로부터의) 피신[대피] ③ (날씨공격으로부터의) 대피처[피신처] ④ (노숙자 등을 위한) 쉼터, (학대 받는 동물들의) 보호소
[굴절형] 복수형; shelters
<동사> ① (비바람위험 등을[으로부터]) 막아 주다[피할/쉴 곳을 제공하다], 보호하다 ② (어느 장소에서 비바람위험 등을) 피하다
[어근]shel(shield); 보호, 방패, shield ⑵ ter(trum); 강한, strong, stable
[어원] 《고대 영어 scyldtrumascield+truma; roof or wall formed by locked shields
[최초 의미] structure affording protection
[파생] shelterer, shelterless, shelter



shout verb ★★★★[1533] [레마] shout
[본문] [36]One low tech solution involves people on bicycles shouting warnings about approaching cyclones into a megaphone - a handheld cone-shaped device that makes your voice louder when you speak into it.
[영영] If you shout, you say something very loudly, usually because you want people a long distance away to hear you or because you are angry.
[영한] ① 외치다, 소리[고함]치다, 소리 지르다, 큰 소리로 말하다 ② (시끄러운) 소리를 내다[지르다] ③ (호주 영어, 뉴질랜드 영어) (술집식당 등에서 술음식을) 사 주다, 한턱내다
[굴절형] shouted, shouted, shouting, shouts
<명사> ① 외침, 고함 (소리) ② 술을 살 차례
[어근] shout(shot); 쏘다, shoot
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 skuta놀리다, 비웃다, 조롱하다
[최초 의미] to call or cry out loudly
[파생] shouter, shout

tech adj.[8314] [레마] tech
[본문] [36]One low tech solution involves people on bicycles shouting warnings about approaching cyclones into a megaphone - a handheld cone-shaped device that makes your voice louder when you speak into it.
[영한] ① 기술상의, 전문적인. ② 하이테크의.
<명사> ① 전문가, 기술자 ② 과학 기술 ③ (T-) 기술대학
[Full] technical
[어근] tech(techno); 기술, skill, 기교
[어원] 《그리스어 tekhne(art) of tactics, (art of) arrangement; art, skill, craft in work; method, system

technological adj. ★★★[2715] [레마] techno 〈 tech(기술)
[본문] [30]An earthquake in the middle of the ocean is less of a disaster than in a populated city, so one technological solution involves computers mapping geological movements to identify places at risk.
[영영] Technological means relating to or associated with technology.
[영한] ① 과학[공업] 기술의[에 관한], (과학) 기술(상)의. ② (경제) 기술상의, (생산 방법의) 기술적인 진보에 의한. (또는 technologic)
[어근]techno; 기술, skill, 기교 ⑵ log; 말, word, 학문 ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 tekhne(art) of tactics, (art of) arrangement; art, skill, craft in work; method, system
[파생] technological, technologically, technologist, technology

terrible adj. ★★★★[1248] [레마] terror
[본문] [18]I'm not sure, but you do hear a lot about terrible earthquakes in the news, don't you?
[영영] A terrible experience or situation is very serious or very unpleasant.
[영한] ① 끔찍한, 소름끼치는 ② 심한, 지독한 ③ 기분[몸]이 안 좋은 ④ 형편없는 ⑤ (나쁜 정도가) 극심한[엄청난]
[유의어] awful(무시무시하다), dreadful(무시무시하다), frightful(무섭다), hopeless(끔찍하다), rotten, ghastly(지독하다), horrible, abysmal
<명사> 무서운 사람 <부사> 몹시, 지독히, 굉장히
[어근]terr; fill with fear ⑵ ible(able); 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 terror[nominative of terrorem] great fear, dread, alarm, panic; object of fear, cause of alarm; terrible news
[최초 의미] causing terror, awe, or dread; frightful
[파생] terrible, terribleness, terribly, terrific, terrify, terror, terrorful, terrorize, terrorless

tsunami noun[9824] [레마] tsunami
[본문] [8]In the last decade, an estimated half a million people have died globally in natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and cyclones.
[영영] a very high, large wave in the ocean that is usually caused by an earthquake under the sea and that can cause great destruction when it reaches land; tidal wave
[영한] (일본어에서) 쓰나미(지진 등에 의한 엄청난 해일)
[굴절형] 복수형; tsunamis
[유의어] tidal wave
[어원] 《일본어 tsunami[from tsu+nami] harbour wave
[최초 의미] harbor wave

unlucky adj.[10000+] [레마] unlucky 〈 luck
[본문] [5]Depending on how you look at it, Roy Sullivan was either the luckiest or the unluckiest man alive.
[영한] ① 불행한, 운이 나쁜 ② 불길한, 재수 없는
[굴절형] 비교; unlucky < unluckier < unluckiest
[유의어] unfortunate(불행하다)
[반의어] lucky(재수 없다)
[구성단어] un + lucky
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ luck; 행운, luck ⑶ y; 형용사어미
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 luc행복, 좋은 행운
[파생] unluckily, unluckiness, unlucky



unpredictable adj.[9611] [레마] predict 〈 dict
[본문] [7]But Roy isn't the only victim of an unpredictable natural event, sometimes called an act of God.
[영영] If you describe someone or something as unpredictable, you mean that you cannot tell what they are going to do or how they are going to behave.
[영한] ① 예측할 수 없는, 예측이 불가능한 ② (사람이) 예측할[종잡을] 수 없는
[유의어] changeable(바뀔 수도 있다)
[반의어] predictable(예측할 수 없다)
<명사> 예언[예측]할 수 없는 것[사람, 사건].
[구성단어] un + predictable
[어근]un; not ⑵ pre; before ⑶ dict(dic); to say ⑷ able; 접미사
[어원] 《라틴어 praedicereprae+dicere; foretell, advise, give notice
[파생] unpredictability, unpredictableness, unpredictably, unpredictable

usual adj. ★★★★[1192] [레마] use
[본문] [12]In this programme we'll be finding out, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.
[영영] Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
[영한] ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[유의어] normal
<명사> 여느 때의 건강 상태
[어근]us(use); 사용, use ⑵ ual(al); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 usare(자꾸) 쓰다
[파생] usually, usualness, usual

warning noun ★★★★[1856] [레마] warn
[본문] [36]One low tech solution involves people on bicycles shouting warnings about approaching cyclones into a megaphone - a handheld cone-shaped device that makes your voice louder when you speak into it.
[영한] ① 경고(문), 주의 ② (징계 처분한다는) 경고, 계고
[굴절형] 복수형; warnings
[유의어] caution
<형용사> 경고의, 경계의, 훈계의, [동물] 경계색의
[구성단어] warn + ing
[어근]warn; 경고, warn ⑵ ing; 현재분사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 warnianto give notice of impending danger, (also intransitive) to take heed
[파생] warningly, warning

whereas conj. ★★★★[1603] [레마] whereas 〈 as
[본문] [23]The 'natural' implies a sense of fatalism and a sense of 'let's give up now' whereas in fact, these events … there's huge elements that we have in our grasp to both prevent, and more importantly perhaps prevent additional harm.
[영영] You use whereas to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in the main clause.
[영한] ① (두 가지 사실을 비교/대조할 때 씀)임에 비하여[반하여] , …인데도, …이지만 , (위로부터 내리 번역하여) 그런데, 실은 ② (공식적인 문서에서 문장 첫 부분에 쓰여) …한 사실이 있으므로, …이므로, … 인 까닭에, … 이라는 사실에 비추어
<명사> (본론 전의) 서두, [법] 전문
[구성단어] where + as
[어근]where; where ⑵ as; as
[어원] 《고대 영어 hwar어딘가

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