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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Foraging for wild food [BBC Learning English 강좌]





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Do you pick the fruit you eat from trees? In this programme, we’ll be hearing about a new foraging project taking place across the UK, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

aim verb ★★★★[1271] [레마] aim 〈 estim(평가하다)
[본문] [13]2019 was a good year for the group, Wild Food UK, with the launch of their foraging pocket guide, a handbook aimed at helping foragers find and identify safe wild food to eat.
[영영] If you aim for something or aim to do something, you plan or hope to achieve it.
[영한] ① (무엇을 성취하는 것을) 목표하다 ② …을 목표로 하다¶ ③ 겨누다 ④ (…을) 대상으로 하다[겨냥하다]
[굴절형] aimed, aimed, aiming, aims
<명사> ① 목적, 목표 ② 겨냥, 조준
[어근] aim(estim); 가치, 살피다, value
[어원] 《라틴어 aestimare살피다[뜯어보다], 가치를 결정하다, 평가하다,
[최초 의미] to estimate (number or size), calculate, count

anxiety noun ★★★[2091] [레마] anxious
[본문] [34]They all report greater appreciation for the smell and taste of their food, and say foraging has given them increased self-worth, a natural treatment for depression and anxiety.
[영영] Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or worry.
[영한] ① 불안(감), 염려 ② 걱정거리 ③ 열망
[굴절형] 복수형; anxieties
[유의어] worry, apprehension
[어근]anxi(anx); choke, squeeze ⑵ ety(ity); ~한 상태(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 anxiusuneasy, troubled in mind
[최초 의미] apprehension caused by danger, misfortune, or error, uneasiness of mind respecting some uncertainty, a restless dread of some evil
[파생] anxiety, anxiously, anxiousness, anxious

appreciation noun ★★[4048] [레마] appreciate 〈 preci
[본문] [34]They all report greater appreciation for the smell and taste of their food, and say foraging has given them increased self-worth, a natural treatment for depression and anxiety.
[영영] Appreciation of something is the recognition and enjoyment of its good qualities.
[영한] ① 감탄, 감상 ② 공감 ③ 감사 ④ 가치 상승 반의어 depreciation ⑤ (특히 예술가나 예술 작품에 대한) 평가(의 글/말)
[굴절형] 복수형; appreciations
[반의어] depreciation
[구성단어] appreciate + ion
[어근]ap(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ preci; 평가, value ⑶ ation(ion); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 pretiare높은 존경을 갖다, 가치있다고 여기다
[최초 의미] act of estimating the quality and worth of something,
[파생] appreciable, appreciate, appreciatingly, appreciation, appreciational, appreciative, appreciator

bacteria noun ★★★[3252] [레마] bacteria
[본문] [22]Microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영영] Bacteria are very small organisms. Some bacteria can cause disease.
[영한] 박테리아, 세균
[굴절형] 복수형 명사
[어근]bacter(baktr); 작은 물질, small staff ⑵ ia; 병명, 속명, 나라명
[어원] 《그리스어 bakterion[diminutive of baktron] small staff
[파생] bacterial, bacterially, bacterize, bacteria




berry noun ☆[6085] [레마] berry
[본문] [16]a) seaweed b) berries or, c) mushrooms?
[영영] Berries are small, round fruit that grow on a bush or a tree. Some berries are edible, for example blackberries and raspberries.
[영한] ① 베리 ② (식물) 장과(漿果) ③ 말린 씨앗 ④ 야생 장미의 열매 ⑤ (물고기/새우의) 알 ⑥ 달러, [영/속어] 파운드 ⑦ 최고의 것 ⑧ 와인
[굴절형] 복수형; berries
<동사> ① (나무가) 장과를 맺다 ② 장과를 따다
[어근] berry; berry
[어원] 《고대 영어 berieberry, grape
[파생] berried, berryless, berrylike, berry

biome noun[10000+] [레마] biome 〈 bio
[본문] [21]Mo is one of a group of 26 experienced foragers taking part in the 'Wild biome Project', a three-month experiment into the health benefits of introducing wild food into your diet.
[영영] a major ecological community, extending over a large area and usually characterized by a dominant vegetation See formation (sense 6)
[영한] ① (생물) (숲/사막 같은 특정 환경 내의) 생물군계 ② 생태계군(生態系群), 생태군 ③ 생물 무리
[어근]bi(bio); 생명, life ⑵ ome(oma); 종(腫), 류(瘤)

chart verb ★★★★[2028] [레마] chart
[본문] [20]Monica Wilde, known as Mo, is the author of The Wilderness Cure, a book charting her year of eating only wild food.
[영영] If you chart an area of land, sea, or sky, or a feature in that area, you make a map of the area or show the feature in it.
[영한] ① (과정을) 기록하다 ② (특정한 결과를 내기 위한 절차를 담은) 계획을 세우다 ③ 지도를 만들다 유의어 map
[굴절형] charted charted charting charts
[유의어] map, map(지도를 그리다)
<명사> ① 도표, 차트 참조 bar chart, flow chart, pie chart ② 해도 ③ (음반 판매고에 따른 대중음악 주간) 인기 순위표
[어근] chart; 종이, chart, card
[어원] 《라틴어 charta종이, 카드, 지도; 파피루스 잎
[최초 의미] to enter onto a map or chart
[파생] chartable, chart

chestnut noun[10000+] [레마] chestnut
[본문] [36]I found the first week I felt really quite flat, quite limited carbs coming in from chestnut flour primarily.
[영한] ① 밤나무 ② 밤 ③ 밤색, 적갈색 ④ 구렁말, 밤색 말 ⑤ 케케묵은 농담[이야기]
[어원] 《그리스어 kastanea

coastline noun[10000+] [레마] line
[본문] [17]There's so much coastline in Britain, I reckon it must be a) seaweed.
[영영] A country's coastline is the outline of its coast.
[영한] (특히 해안선이나 지형을 중심으로 본) 해안 지대
[구성단어] coast + line
[어근]coast(costa); rib, side of land ⑵ line; 선, line
[어원] 《고대 영어 line⑴[어원은 Latin linea] 케이블[전선], 밧줄; 시리즈[연속물], 열, 글자의 열; 규칙, 방향; ⑵ (폐어) 아마(亞麻)

commonly adv. ★★★[2501] [레마] common 〈 commun(보통의)
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영한] 흔히, 보통
[유의어] often
[구성단어] common + ly
[어근]common(commun); 보통의, 공공의, common ⑵ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 communis보통의, 공공의, 일반적인, 모두 또는 대다수에 의해 공유되는, 특별하지 않는, 칙숙한, 허세부리지 않는
[파생] common, commonage, commonness, commonly

convinced adj. ★★★[2794] [레마] convince 〈 vict
[본문] [40]Well, I'm convinced!
[영한] ① (전적으로) 확신하는 ② 독실한, 투철한
[유의어] satisfied(납득하다)
[반의어] unconvinced
[어근]con(com); intens. ⑵ vinc(vince); 정복, conquer ⑶ ed; 과거분사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 convincere[com+vincere] to overcome decisively

countryside noun ★★★[2739] [레마] side 〈 relate
[본문] [8]Why go to the shops when you can walk into nearby countryside and parks to collect edible plants, mushrooms, and fruit for free?
[영영] The countryside is land which is away from towns and cities.
[영한] 시골 지역, 전원 지대
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] country + side
[어근]countr(contra); 뒤, against ⑵ y; 명사 어미 ⑶ side; 옆면, side
[어원] 《고대 영어 sideflanks of a person, the long part or aspect of anything; left or right part of the body




culinary adj.[10000+] [레마] culinary
[본문] [10]But there's something exciting about setting off on a culinary treasure hunt to find new edible plants for dinner.
[영영] Culinary means concerned with cooking.
[영한] 요리[음식]의
[어근]culin(coc); 요리하다, cook ⑵ ary; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 culinacoquere의 변형; 부엌, 조리용 난로, 식품
[최초 의미] of the kitchen;
[파생] culinarily, culinary

cure noun ★★★[2647] [레마] cure
[본문] [20]Monica Wilde, known as Mo, is the author of The Wilderness cure, a book charting her year of eating only wild food.
[영영] ① A cure for an illness is a medicine or other treatment that cures the illness.
② A cure for a problem is something that will bring it to an end.
[영한] ① 치유하는 약, 치유법 ② 치유 ③ (문제 등의) 치유[해결]책
[굴절형] 복수형; cures
<동사> ① (사람동물을 아프지 않도록) 낫게 하다 ② (병을) 치유하다 ③ (문제를) 고치다[해결하다]
[어근] cure(cur); 보살피다
[어원] 《라틴어 curare~을 돌보다, ~에 주의하다
[최초 의미] care, heed
[파생] cureless, curer, cure

defence noun ★★[3849] [레마] defend 〈 fend(치다)
[본문] [22]Microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영영] Defence is action that is taken to protect someone or something against attack.
[영한] ① (U) 방어, 옹호, 수비 ② 방어물, 방어 시설[수단] ③ (한 국가의) 방위[국방] 체제 ④ 옹호론, 변호(하는 글/연설) ⑤ (법정에서 피고를 위한) 변호[변론] ⑥ sing.+ sing. / pl. v. (the defence) 피고측 변호인(단) ⑦ 수비진, 수비 위치 ⑧ (챔피언의) 방어전
[굴절형] 복수형; defences
[어근]de; 밑, 밖으로 ⑵ fence(fend); 치다, strike
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ defense
[어원] 《라틴어 fendere(세게) 치다; 때리다, (거칠게) 밀다, 대항하여 때리다; (비유로) 발을 헛디디다, 잘못을 저지르다, 불쾌하게 만들다, 무단 침법하다, 짜증나게 하다
[최초 의미] action of guarding or shielding from attack or injury; act of defending by fighting; a fortified place of refuge
[파생] defenceless, defencelessly, defencelessness, defenseless, defenselessly, defenselessness, defence

depression noun ★★★[2108] [레마] depress 〈 press
[본문] [34]They all report greater appreciation for the smell and taste of their food, and say foraging has given them increased self-worth, a natural treatment for depression and anxiety.
[영영] Depression is a mental state in which you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
[영한] ① 우울증 ② 우울함, 암울함 ③ 불경기, 불황 ④ 오목한[움푹한] 곳 ⑤ 저기압
[굴절형] 복수형; depressions
[유의어] hollow(오목한 곳), gloom, stagnation
[어근]de; down ⑵ press; to press ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 depressarede+premere; frequentative of deprimere
[최초 의미] angular distance of a star below the horizon
[파생] depress, depressible, depression, depressive

diet noun ★★★★[1186] [레마] diet
[본문] [21]Mo is one of a group of 26 experienced foragers taking part in the 'Wild Biome Project', a three-month experiment into the health benefits of introducing wild food into your diet.
[영영] Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
[영한] ① (어떤 사람이 일상적으로 취하는) 식사[음식], 식습관 ② (식이요법을 위한) 규정식, 다이어트 ③ (제한된 범위에 국한된, 활동의) 많은 양 ④ 국회, 의회 ⑤ 개정일, 회기
[굴절형] 복수형; diets
<동사> 다이어트를 하다 <형용사> 체중 감량식으로 적당한, 당분이나 칼로리가 낮은, 규정식의
[어근] diet; diet, 식습관
[어원] 《그리스어 diainysthaidia+ainysthai; 분해하다
[최초 의미] ① regular food ② assembly of delegates, etc., held from day to day for legislative, political, or other business
[파생] dietal, dietary, dieter, dietetic, diet



digestive adj. ☆[5285] [레마] digest 〈 gest
[본문] [22]Microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영영] You can describe things that are related to the digestion of food as digestive.
[영한] 소화의
<명사> 소화(촉진)제, 정장제, 소화 비스킷
[어근]di(dis); 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ gest; 나르다, carry ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 digestus[pp of digerere]
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to physiological digestion,
[파생] digest, digestion, digestive, digestively, digestiveness

encompass verb[10000+] [레마] encompass 〈 pass
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영영] ① to include (something) as a part
② to cover or surround (an area)
[영한] ① (많은 것을) 포함[망라]하다, 아우르다 ② 에워[둘러]싸다
[굴절형] encompasses, encompassed, encompassed, encompassing
[구성단어] en + compass
[어근]en; 안에 두다, 하게 하다, into ⑵ com; 함께, with ⑶ pass; 걸음(산보), pass
[어원] 《라틴어 compassare걸음으로 거리를 재다
[최초 의미] form a circle about, encircle,
[파생] encompassment, encompass

everywhere adv. ★★★★[1297] [레마] where
[본문] [30]Did you say stinging nettles - the wild plants growing everywhere which have leaves covered in hairs that sting when you touch them?
[영영] You use everywhere to refer to a whole area or to all the places in a particular area.
[영한] ① 어디든지, 도처에 ② 어디에 …이라도.
<명사> 모든 곳 <대명사> 모든 곳, 어디나 <접속사> 모든 곳(에[에서/으로]), 어디나
[구성단어] every + where
[어근]every; every ⑵ where; where
[어원] 《라틴어 cur

excitement noun ★★★[2400] [레마] excite 〈 cite(부르다)
[본문] [39]At the start of the experiment this forager felt flat - low in energy, emotion or excitement, but after some weeks of wild food, fresh air and appreciation of nature, she doesn't want the project to stop.
[영영] You use excitement to refer to the state of being excited, or to something that excites you.
[영한] ① 흥분, 신남 ② 흥분되는[신나는] 일
[굴절형] 복수형; excitements
[구성단어] excite + ment
[어근]ex; out, 밖 ⑵ cite; 부르다, call ⑶ ment; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 citare소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[파생] excitement, excite

experiment noun ★★★★[1139] [레마] experiment 〈 peri(경험)
[본문] [21]Mo is one of a group of 26 experienced foragers taking part in the 'Wild Biome Project', a three-month experiment into the health benefits of introducing wild food into your diet.
[영영] An experiment is a scientific test which is done in order to discover what happens to something in particular conditions.
[영한] ① (과학적인) 실험 ② 실험[시험]
[굴절형] 복수형; experiments
<동사> ① (과학적인) 실험을 하다 ② (새로운 아이디어방법 등을) 실험하다[시험 삼아 해 보다]
[어근]ex; 밖으로 ⑵ peri; 실험, 경험, 노력 ⑶ ment; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 peritus경험한, 실험한
[최초 의미] action of observing or testing; an observation, test, or trial; piece of evidence or empirical proof; feat of magic or sorcery
[파생] experiment, experimental, experimentalize, experimentally, experimenter, experimentor

fairly adv. ★★★★[1664] [레마] fair
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영영] Fairly means to quite a large degree. For example, if you say that something is fairly old, you mean that it is old but not very old.
[영한] ① 상당히, 꽤 ② 공정[타당]하게, 정직하게 ③ 정말(강조 용법)
[유의어] quite
[어근]fair; fair ⑵ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 fæger(사람들이나, 몸매, 어떤 대상, 장소 등을 볼 때) 만족스러운, 아름다운, 멋진, 매력적인
[파생] fairish, fairly, fairness, fair

flat adj. ★★★★[1630] [레마] flat
[본문] [36]I found the first week I felt really quite flat, quite limited carbs coming in from chestnut flour primarily.
[영영] Something that is flat is level, smooth, or even, rather than sloping, curved, or uneven.
[영한] ① 평평한, 편평한 ② (땅이) 평평한, 평지인 ③ (표면이) 고른, 반반한 ④ 납작한 ⑤ 김빠진, 맥 빠진 ⑥ 풀기[생기]가 없는 ⑦ 고른, 무난한 ⑧ (매출 등이) 저조한 ⑨ 단호한, 일언지하의 ⑩ 반음 낮은, 플랫인
[굴절형] 비교; flat < flatter < flattest
[반의어] sharp, sharp 12.김이 빠진
<명사> ① (무엇의) 평평한 부분 ② (물가의) 저지대 ③ (장애물 없이 하는) 평지 경마 시즌 <부사> ① 평평하게, 반듯이 ② 딱 잘라서, 일언지하에 ③ (정상 음보다) 낮게, 음을 낮춰 반의어 sharp
[어근] flat; 평평한, flat, 거주
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 flatrflat
[최초 의미] stretched out (on a surface), prostrate, lying the whole length on the ground
[파생] flatly, flatness, flatten, flat



flour noun ★★★[3016] [레마] flower 〈 flora
[본문] [36]I found the first week I felt really quite flat, quite limited carbs coming in from chestnut flour primarily.
[영영] Flour is a white or brown powder that is made by grinding grain. It is used to make bread, cakes, and pastry.
[영한] (곡물의) 가루, 밀가루
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> 밀가루를 바르다[씌우다]
[어근] flour(flora); 꽃, flower
[최초 의미] finer portion of ground grain
[파생] flourless, floury, flour

fungus noun[10000+] [레마] fungus
[본문] [22]Microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영한] ① 균류, 곰팡이류 ② 균상종
[굴절형] 복수형; fungi funguses
[어근] fungus(sponge); 스펀지, 해면, sponge
[어원] 《라틴어 fungusa mushroom, fungus;
[파생] fungic, fungicidal, fungicidally, fungous, fungus, funguslike, fungus-like, fungicide

gut noun[8370] [레마] gut
[본문] [46]Microbiome are tiny bacteria and organisms in the human gut which help digest food and strengthen immunity.
[영영] A person's or animal's guts are all the organs inside them.
[영한] ① 소화관 ② (특히 동물의) 내장 ③ (사람의, 특히 뚱뚱한) 배 ④ 배짱 ⑤ 직감 ⑥ 요지 ⑦ 장선(腸線), 거트
[굴절형] 복수형; guts
[유의어] belly, intestine
<동사> ① (특히 화재로 건물방의) 내부[내용물]를 파괴하다 ② (요리를 하기 위해 생선동물의) 내장을 제거하다 <형용사> (이성이 아닌) 직감에 따른
[어원] 《고대 영어 guttasbowels, entrails; a channel
[최초 의미] bowels, entrails; a channel,"
[파생] gutlike, gut

hunt verb ★★★[2241] [레마] hunt
[본문] [10]But there's something exciting about setting off on a culinary treasure hunt to find new edible plants for dinner.
[영영] If you hunt for something or someone, you try to find them by searching carefully or thoroughly.
[영한] ① 사냥하다 ② (찾기 힘든 것을) 찾다[뒤지다] ③ (체포하거나 해를 가하기 위해 사람을) 찾다[추적하다] ④ (영국에서 스포츠의 하나로) 여우 사냥을 하다
[굴절형] hunted, hunted, hunting, hunts
[유의어] search, search
<명사> ① (특히 찾기 힘든 사람사물을 찾는) 물색[수색/추적] (작업) ② 사냥 ③ (영국에서 스포츠로 하는) 여우 사냥
[어근] hunt; 사냥, hunt
[어원] 《고대 영어 huntianchase game
[최초 의미] chase game
[파생] huntedly, hunt

ill adj. ★★★★[1895] [레마] ill
[본문] [9]Of course, you can't eat everything you find growing outside - some poisonous plants can make you very ill.
[영영] ① Someone who is ill is suffering from a disease or a health problem.
② You can use ill in front of some nouns to indicate that you are referring to something harmful or unpleasant.
[영한] ① [대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀] 아픈, 병 든, 몸[기분]이 안 좋은 ② 나쁜, 유해한 ③ 불길한
[굴절형] 비교; ill < worse < worst
<명사> ① 문제, 해악, 병 ② (문예체) 해, 불운 <부사> ① 나쁘게, 불쾌하게 ② 잘못하여, 제대로 하지 않고 ③ 어렵게, 간신히
[어근] ill; 아픈, 병, ill
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 illrevil, bad; hard, difficult; mean, stingy
[최초 의미] morally evil; offensive, objectionable
[파생] illness, ill

immune adj. ★★★[2660] [레마] immune
[본문] [22]Microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영영] If you are immune to a particular disease, you cannot be affected by it.
[영한] ① (특정 질병에) 면역성이 있는 ② …의 영향을 받지 않는, …에 면역이 된 ③ …이 면제되는, …을 면하는
[유의어] exempt
<명사> 면역[면제]자
[어근] immune(immun); 면역
[어원] 《라틴어 immunis[in+munis] exempt from public service, untaxed; unburdened, not tributary; not paying a share
[최초 의미] free, exempt
[파생] immune, immunity, immunize




immunity noun ☆[5020] [레마] immune
[본문] [46]Microbiome are tiny bacteria and organisms in the human gut which help digest food and strengthen immunity.
[영한] ① 면역력 ② 면제
[굴절형] 복수형; immunities
[구성단어] immune + ity
[어근]immun; 면역 ⑵ ity; ~한 상태, 성격
[어원] 《라틴어 immunis[in+munis] exempt from public service, untaxed; unburdened, not tributary; not paying a share
[최초 의미] exemption from service or obligation
[파생] immune, immunity, immunize

incorporate verb ★★★[3209] [레마] corporate 〈 corp(몸)
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영영] If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing.
[영한] ① (일부로) 포함하다 ② (상업) (법인체를) 설립[창립]하다
[굴절형] incorporated, incorporated, incorporating, incorporates
[반의어] disincorporate(해체하다)
<형용사> 무형(無形)의, 영적(靈的)인
[구성단어] corporate
[어근]in; 안(內), in ⑵ corpor(corp); 육체, body ⑶ ate; 동사/형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 corpus(소유격은 corporis) 신체
[최초 의미] to put (something) into the body or substance of (something else), blend; absorb, eat,
[파생] incorporation, incorporative, incorporate

limited adj. ★★★★[1753] [레마] limit
[본문] [36]I found the first week I felt really quite flat, quite limited carbs coming in from chestnut flour primarily.
[영한] ① 제한된, 아주 많지는 않은 ② (시간/수 등이) 한정된
[구성단어] limit + ed
[어근]limit; limes, 경계 ⑵ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 limitare경계를 이루다, 제한하다, 고정시키다
[파생] limitedly, limitedness, limited

load noun ★★★★[1784] [레마] load
[본문] [37]Feeling loads better now… feeling loads better in the last few days, and I'm really enjoying the project… having a great time, in fact.
[영영] ① A load is something, usually a large quantity or heavy object, which is being carried.
② If you refer to a load of people or things or loads of them, you are emphasizing that there are a lot of them.
③ You can refer to the amount of work you have to do as a load.
[영한] ① (사람/차량 등이 운반하는, 보통 많은 양의) 짐[화물] ② (운반하거나 실을 수 있는) 짐의 양[적재량], 한 짐[차] ③ (짐의) 무게, 하중 ④ (수/양이) 많음[충분함] ⑤ 순 … ⑥ (사람/기계의) 작업[업무]량 ⑦ 부담, (마음의) 짐 ⑧ (전기의) 부하
[굴절형] 복수형; loads
[유의어] burden, cargo
<동사> ① (~에 많은 짐사람 등을) 싣다[태우다/적재하다] ② (짐이) 실리다[적재되다] ③ (사람에게 특히 들고 갈 것을) 가득 안겨 주다
[어근] load; 짐(을 싣다), load
[어원] 《고대 영어 lada way, a course, a carrying; a street, watercourse; maintenance, suppor
[최초 의미] that which is laid upon a person or beast, burden

massively adv.[9774] [레마] mass
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영한] 육중하게, 단단하게
[어근]mass; 덩어리 ⑵ ive; …의 경향, …의 성질 ⑶ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 maza보리 케익, 덩이, 덩어리, 뭉치
[파생] massive, massively, massiveness, mass

microbiome noun[10000+] [레마] biome 〈 bio
[본문] [22]microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영영] ① a community of microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses) that inhabit a particular environment and especially the collection of microorganisms living in or on the human body
② the collective genomes of microorganisms inhabiting a particular environment and especially the human body
[영한] ① (생명과학) 마이크로바이옴, 인체 내 미생물 생태계 ② (사람 몸안의) 미생물 무리
[구성단어] micro + biome
[어근]micro; 적은, small ⑵ bi(bio); 생명, life ⑶ ome(oma); 종(腫), 류(瘤)

monitor verb ★★★★[1935] [레마] monitor 〈 mon(기억나게 하다)
[본문] [24]The foragers' microbiome is measured and monitored before, during and after the experiment.
[영영] If you monitor something, you regularly check its development or progress, and sometimes comment on it.
[영한] ① (긴 기간을 두고 무엇의 전개발달 과정을) 추적 관찰하다 ② (정보를 얻기 위해 전화방송 등을) 모니터[감시]하다
[굴절형] monitored monitored monitoring monitors
[유의어] track, observe, police
<명사> ① (텔레비전컴퓨터의) 화면, 모니터 ② (측정기록 등을 위한) 감시 장치, 모니터 ③ 반장, 학급 위원
[어근]monit(mon); 충고하다, warn ⑵ or; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 monitor[agent noun from monere] one who reminds, admonishes, or checks
[최초 의미] to check for quality
[파생] monitorial, monitorially, monitorship, monitor



mushroom noun ☆[4925] [레마] mushroom
[본문] [8]Why go to the shops when you can walk into nearby countryside and parks to collect edible plants, mushrooms, and fruit for free?
[영영] Mushrooms are fungi that you can eat.
[영한] 버섯
[굴절형] 복수형; mushrooms
<동사> ① 급속히 커지다, 우후죽순처럼 늘어나다 ② 버섯을 따러 가다
[어원] 《프랑스말 moussemoss

nowadays adv. ★★[3391] [레마] day
[본문] [5]nowadays we are so used to getting food whenever we want that we've almost forgotten how we managed in the past.
[영영] Nowadays means at the present time, in contrast with the past.
[영한] 요즘에는
[유의어] today
<명사> 오늘날, 현대, 요즈음
[어근]now; 지금, now ⑵ a; on ⑶ day; ⑷ s; 소유격 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 dægday
[최초 의미] in these times, at the present,

nutrient noun ★★[3389] [레마] nutri
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영영] Nutrients are substances that help plants and animals to grow.
[영한] 영양소, 영양분
[굴절형] 복수형; nutrients
<형용사> 영양이 되는
[어근]nutri; to nourish ⑵ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 nutrire[*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[최초 의미] a nutritious substance
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritive, nutrient

nutritious adj. ☆[4840] [레마] nutri
[본문] [27]Sometimes people say, 'Oh well, you know, if everybody foraged, they wouldn't be enough', but I've never noticed a shortage of nettles, and if nettles didn't grow in this country, we'd probably be flying them in as a superfood because there's so nutritious, and above all they're free.
[영영] Nutritious food contains substances which help your body to be healthy.
[영한] (호감) (식품이) 영양분이 많은, 영양가가 높은
[유의어] nourishing
[어근]nutrit(nutri); 양육, nourish ⑵ ious(ous); …이 많은, …성(性)의
[어원] 《라틴어 nutrire[*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[최초 의미] containing or contributing nourishment,
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritiously, nutritiousness, nutritive, nutrient

organism noun ★★[3423] [레마] organ
[본문] [22]Microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영영] An organism is an animal or plant, especially one that is so small that you cannot see it without using a microscope.
[영한] ① 유기체, (특히 극도로 작은) 생물(체) ② 유기적 조직체, 유기체
[굴절형] 복수형; organisms
[어근]organ; 시행하다, 도구 기구 ⑵ ism; 이념, 주의
[어원] 《라틴어 organum기구, 장기[기관], 악기
[최초 의미] organic structure, organization
[파생] organismal, organismally, organismic, organism

pack verb ★★★★[1536] [레마] pack
[본문] [31]Yes, it turns out that nettles are packed full of nutrients and vitamins which are great for human health.
[영영] When you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday.
[영한] ① (여행을 가기 위해) (짐을) 싸다[꾸리다/챙기다] ② (보관수송매매 목적으로 물건을) 포장하다 ③ (물건이 부서지지 않게 부드러운 포장재로) 싸다 ④ (식품을 특정 물질로) 보관 처리하다 ⑤ (사람물건으로) 가득[빽빽히] 채우다 ⑥ (눈흙을) 다지다 ⑦ (총을) 휴대[소지]하다 ⑧ …을 가지다[지니다]
[굴절형] packed, packed, packing, packs
[반의어] unpack
<명사> ① (동일한 종류의 상품을 여러 개 넣거나 많은 양을 담아 놓은, 보통 종이로 만든 포장 꾸러미) 갑[곽], 통, 묶음, 꾸러미 ② (특정 용도를 위해 함께 묶어 제공하는 여러 가지 물건들로 이뤄진) 묶음[꾸러미] ③ (특히 운반을 위해 여러 물건을 함께 뭉친) 꾸러미 <형용사> ① (동물이) 운반용의. ② 꽉 채워진[찬]. ③ 포장[짐꾸리기]용의.
[어근] pack; 포장, 꾸러미, pack
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 pack꾸러미
[최초 의미] to put together in a pack
[파생] packable, pack

pandemic noun[8284] [레마] pandemic 〈 demo-
[본문] [7]Since the Covid pandemic, foraging for wild food has become popular again.
[영영] A pandemic is an occurrence of a disease that affects many people over a very wide area.
[영한] ① 전국[전 세계]적인 유행병 ② 팬데믹
[굴절형] 복수형; pandemics
<형용사> ① (전염병이) 전국[세계]적으로 퍼지는 ② (병이) 유행성인 ③ 일반적인(general), 보편적인
[어근]pan; 전부, all ⑵ dem(demo); 대중 ⑶ ic; 형용사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 pandemos[pan+demos] pertaining to all people; public, common



poisonous adj. ★★[3967] [레마] poison
[본문] [9]Of course, you can't eat everything you find growing outside - some poisonous plants can make you very ill.
[영영] Something that is poisonous will kill you or make you ill if you swallow or absorb it.
[영한] ① 유독한, 독[독성]이 있는 ② (동물/곤충이) 독이 있는 ③ 지독히 불쾌한[불친절한]
[유의어] toxic, venomous
[구성단어] poison + ous
[어근]poison(potio); drink, drinking ⑵ ous; …이 많은, …성(性)의
[어원] 《라틴어 potio[nominative of potionem] a drinking, a drink, (also) poisonous drink
[파생] poison, poisoner, poisonous, poisonously, poisonousness

primarily adv.[9524] [레마] prime
[본문] [36]I found the first week I felt really quite flat, quite limited carbs coming in from chestnut flour primarily.
[영영] You use primarily to say what is mainly true in a particular situation.
[영한] 주로
[유의어] chiefly, mainly
[구성단어] primary + ly
[어근]prim(prime); 제1, first ⑵ ari(ary); ~에 관한(형용사어미) ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 primus처음, 처음의

reckon verb ★★[3568] [레마] reckon
[본문] [17]There's so much coastline in Britain, I reckon it must be a) seaweed.
[영영] If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true.
[영한] ① (…라고) 생각하다 ② (일반적으로) 여겨지다 ③ 예상하다 ④ (양/수 등을) 계산[추산/추정]하다
[굴절형] reckoned, reckoned, reckoning, reckons
[어근] reckon; 설명하다, 계산하다, reckon
[어원] 《고대 영어 gerecenian설명하다, 관련시키다, 경험을 말하다, 순서에 맞게 정리하다
[최초 의미] to explain, relate, recount, arrange in order
[파생] reckonable, reckoner, reckon

regularly adv. ★★★★[1787] [레마] regular 〈 regul
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영한] ① 정기[규칙]적으로 ② 자주 ③ 규칙적으로, 균형이 맞게
[구성단어] regular + ly
[어근]regul; 규칙, rule ⑵ ar; …의 성질의 (형용사어미) ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 regula[regere의 지소형] 규칙, 곧은 나무 조각
[파생] regularity, regularly, regularness, regular

seaweed noun ☆[5392] [레마] weed
[본문] [16]a) seaweed b) berries or, c) mushrooms?
[영영] Seaweed is a plant that grows in the sea. There are many kinds of seaweed.
[영한] (김 /미역 등의) 해조, 해초
[굴절형] 복수형; seaweeds
[구성단어] sea + weed
[어원] 《고대 영어 weodgrass, herb, weed

shopping noun[9805] [레마] shop
[본문] [41]So, what's first on my wild food shopping list?
[영한] ① 쇼핑 ② 쇼핑한 물건
[구성단어] shop + ing
[어근]shop; 가판대, 좌판, shop ⑵ p; 연결 글자 ⑶ ing; ~하는 것(의)
[어원] 《고대 영어 eschoppe가판대, 좌판

shortage noun ★★[3866] [레마] short
[본문] [27]Sometimes people say, 'Oh well, you know, if everybody foraged, they wouldn't be enough', but I've never noticed a shortage of nettles, and if nettles didn't grow in this country, we'd probably be flying them in as a superfood because there's so nutritious, and above all they're free.
[영영] If there is a shortage of something, there is not enough of it.
[영한] 부족
[굴절형] 복수형; shortages
[유의어] deficiency, lack
[어근]short; 짧다, short ⑵ age; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 sceortshort, not long, not tall; brief
[파생] short, shortage, shorten, shortly, shortness

sting noun ★★[3656] [레마] sting
[본문] [30]Did you say stinging nettles - the wild plants growing everywhere which have leaves covered in hairs that sting when you touch them?
[영영] The sting of an insect or animal is the part that stings you.
[영한] ① (곤충 따위의) 침[가시] ② (곤충 따위의 침가시에) 쏘인[찔린] 상처 ③ 따가움, 쓰라림, 얼얼함 ④ (경찰의) 함정 수사 ⑤ (사기꾼의) 교묘한 사기
[굴절형] 복수형; stings
<동사> ① (곤충이나 식물이) 쏘다, 찌르다 ② 따끔거리다[따갑다, 쓰리다], 따끔거리게[따갑게/쓰리게] 하다 ③ 화나게[기분 상하게] 하다
[어원] 《고대 영어 stingan(뾰족한 것으로ㅖ찌르다, (뽀족하게)뚫다[찌르다], 점으로 찍다
[최초 의미] act of stinging, puncture, thrust,
[파생] stinging, stingingly, stingingness, sting

sting verb ★★[3656] [레마] sting
[본문] [30]Did you say stinging nettles - the wild plants growing everywhere which have leaves covered in hairs that sting when you touch them?
[영영] If a plant, animal, or insect stings you, a sharp part of it, usually covered with poison, is pushed into your skin so that you feel a sharp pain.
[영한] ① (곤충이나 식물이) 쏘다, 찌르다 ② 따끔거리다[따갑다, 쓰리다], 따끔거리게[따갑게/쓰리게] 하다 ③ 화나게[기분 상하게] 하다 ④ 바가지를 씌우다
[굴절형] stung stung stinging stings
<명사> ① (곤충 따위의) 침[가시] ② (곤충 따위의 침가시에) 쏘인[찔린] 상처 ③ 따가움, 쓰라림, 얼얼함
[어원] 《고대 영어 stingan(뾰족한 것으로ㅖ찌르다, (뽀족하게)뚫다[찌르다], 점으로 찍다
[최초 의미] to stab, pierce, or prick with a point
[파생] stinging, stingingly, stingingness, sting



strengthen verb ★★★[2695] [레마] strong
[본문] [22]Microbiome are tiny organisms including bacteria and fungi which live in the human digestive system, help break down food, and strengthen immune defence.
[영영] If something strengthens a person or group or if they strengthen their position, they become more powerful and secure, or more likely to succeed.
[영한] 강화되다, 강력해지다, 강화하다, 더 튼튼하게 하다
[굴절형] strengthened, strengthened, strengthening, strengthens
[유의어] cement
[반의어] weaken(더 튼튼하게 하다)
[구성단어] strength + en
[어근]streng(strong); strong, 강한 ⑵ th; 명사 어미 ⑶ en; 만들다
[어원] 《고대 영어 strangphysically powerful, powerful in effect; forceful, severe, firm, bold, brave; constant, resolute; arduous, violent
[파생] strength, strengthen, strengthener, strong

superfood noun[8979] [레마] food
[본문] [27]Sometimes people say, 'Oh well, you know, if everybody foraged, they wouldn't be enough', but I've never noticed a shortage of nettles, and if nettles didn't grow in this country, we'd probably be flying them in as a superfood because there's so nutritious, and above all they're free.
[영한] 슈퍼푸드
[굴절형] 복수형; superfoods
[구성단어] super + food
[어근]super; 위, over, beyond ⑵ food; food
[어원] 《고대 영어 fodafood, nourishment; fuel

supermarket noun ★★★[2445] [레마] market 〈 merc
[본문] [6]But for thousands of years before supermarkets, humans found food through foraging - moving from place to place looking for wild food to eat.
[영영] A supermarket is a large shop which sells all kinds of food and some household goods.
[영한] ① 슈퍼마켓 ② 할인점
[굴절형] 복수형; supermarkets
[유의어] grocery store(슈퍼마켓)
[구성단어] super + market
[어근]super; 위, over, beyond ⑵ mark(merc); 상업, 시장, merchandise ⑶ et; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 merx물품, 상품

taste noun ★★★★[1068] [레마] taste 〈 tax
[본문] [34]They all report greater appreciation for the smell and taste of their food, and say foraging has given them increased self-worth, a natural treatment for depression and anxiety.
[영영] Taste is one of the five senses that people have. When you have food or drink in your mouth, your sense of taste makes it possible for you to recognize what it is.
[영한] ① 맛 ② 미각, 입맛 ③ (맛이 어떤지 보려고 조금 먹거나 마시는) 시식[맛보기] ④ (어떤 것을 짧게 접하는) 경험[맛보기] ⑤ 감식력, 감각 ⑥ 기호, 취향
[굴절형] 복수형; tastes
[유의어] flavour
<동사> ① 맛이 …하다, … 맛이 나다 ② -tasting [형용사에서] 맛이 …한, …한 맛이 나는 ③ 맛을 느끼다[알아보다]
[어근] taste(tact); 접하다, touch
[어원] 《라틴어 taxare평가하다, 다루다
[최초 의미] act of tasting
[파생] tastable, tasteful, tastefully, tastefulness, tastily, tastiness, tasty, taste

treasure noun ★★[4175] [레마] treasure
[본문] [10]But there's something exciting about setting off on a culinary treasure hunt to find new edible plants for dinner.
[영영] Treasure is a collection of valuable old objects such as gold coins and jewels that has been hidden or lost.
[영한] ① 보물 ② 보물 같은 것, 대단히 귀중한 것 ③ 보물 같은[아주 귀한] 사람
[굴절형] 복수형; treasures
<동사> 대단히 귀하게[소중히] 여기다
[어근]treas(thet); 놓음, 두다, put ⑵ ure; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 thesauros[related to tithenai] store, treasure, treasure house
[최초 의미] treasury, hoard, treasure
[파생] treasurable, treasureless, treasury, treasure

unattainable adj.[10000+] [레마] attain
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영한] 도달 불가능한
[반의어] attainable
[구성단어] un + attainable
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ at(ad); 향하여, to ⑶ tain(tact); 접하다, touch ⑷ able; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 attingere[ad+tangere] to touch; arrive at; to attack, to strike, to appropriate, to manage



unprocessed adj.[10000+] [레마] process 〈 cede(가다)
[본문] [23]The idea is that natural unprocessed foods found in the wild support our microbiome, leading to a range of health benefits from weight loss to increased energy levels.
[영한] 가공[처리]되지 않은.
[구성단어] un + processed
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ pro; 앞, 찬성, before ⑶ cess(cede); 가다, go ⑷ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 succedere[sub+cedere] come after, follow after; go near to; come under; take the place of

usual adj. ★★★★[1192] [레마] use
[본문] [11]In this programme, we'll be hearing about a new foraging project taking place across the UK, and, as usual, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
[영한] ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[유의어] normal
<명사> 여느 때의 건강 상태
[어근]us(use); 사용, use ⑵ ual(al); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 usare(자꾸) 쓰다
[파생] usually, usualness, usual

vitamin noun ★★★[2419] [레마] vital
[본문] [26]Even if you don't buy into the whole idea of fully encompassing a wild diet - because for most people it's fairly much unattainable - but for people just incorporating a small amount of wild food into their diet, you're increasing massively the amount of nutrients, the micronutrients and the vitamins that you're getting, a lot of which aren't even available regularly in your commonly bought foods.
[영영] Vitamins are substances that you need in order to remain healthy, which are found in food or can be eaten in the form of pills.
[영한] 비타민
[굴절형] 복수형; vitamins
[어근]vit; 삶, life ⑵ amin(amine); (화학)아민
[어원] 《라틴어 vita[related to vivere] life
[최초 의미] vitamine
[파생] vitaminic, vitaminize, vitamin

wilderness noun[8332] [레마] wilderness
[본문] [20]Monica Wilde, known as Mo, is the author of The wilderness Cure, a book charting her year of eating only wild food.
[영한] ① 황야, 황무지 ② (돌보지 않아서) 버려진 땅[황폐지]
[어원] 《고대 영어 wildeornes[from wild deor+-ness] land inhabited only by wild animals

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