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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Plants fighting pollution [BBC Learning English 강좌]





BBC 영어공부 6 Minute English - 단어공부 (softca.tistory.com)

Recently, scientists have been developing a new natural technique for cleaning up pollution by letting plants do the work instead. Neil and Beth discuss ‘phytoremediation’ - a natural way of cleaning up chemical pollution, and teach you some useful vocabulary.

최근에 과학자들이 [대신에 식물들이 맡은 일을 하게 하는 것에 의해] 오염을 정화하기 위한 새로운 자연 과학 기술을 개발해 오고 있는 중입니다. 닐과 베스가 'phytoremediation(식물 환경 복원)'을 논의합니다. 이것은 화학적인 오염을 정화하는 자연적인 방식입니다. 그리고 당신에게 몇몇 유용한 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

admire verb ★★★[2760] [레마] admire 〈 mir(놀라운)
[본문] [55]OK, it's time to recap vocabulary we've learned from this programme, starting with the adjective prestigious, meaning admired and well respected.
[영영] If you admire someone or something, you like and respect them very much.
[영한] ① 존경하다, 칭찬하다 ② 감탄하며 바라보다
[굴절형] admired, admired, admiring, admires
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ mire(mir); 감탄, wonder
[어원] 《라틴어 mirari[mirus에서 유래] 놀라다, 존경하다
[최초 의미] regard with wonder, marvel at,
[파생] admiration, admire, admirer, admiring, admiringly, admired

admired adj.[10000+] [레마] admire 〈 mir(놀라운)
[본문] [35]Prestigious means admired and well respected.
[영영] simple past tense and past participle of admire
[영한] 존경 받는
[구성단어] admire + ed
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ mir; 감탄, wonder ⑶ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 mirari[mirus에서 유래] 놀라다, 존경하다
[파생] admiration, admire, admirer, admiring, admiringly, admired

attract verb ★★★★[1231] [레마] attract 〈 tract(끌다)
[본문] [46]This personal characteristic is the natural ability to attract, influence and inspire people.
[영영] If something attracts people or animals, it has features that cause them to come to it.
[영한] ① 마음을 끌다 ② (어디로) 끌어들이다[끌어 모으다] ③ (어떤 반응을) 불러일으키다[끌다] ④ (물리) (자석이나 중력이) 끌어당기다
[굴절형] attracted, attracted, attracting, attracts
[반의어] repel
[어근]at(ad); to ⑵ tract; 끌다, draw, pull
[어원] 《라틴어 attractus[past participle of attrahere] to draw, pull; to attract
[최초 의미] draw (objects or persons) to oneself
[파생] attract, attractable, attracter, attraction, attractionally, attractive, attractively, attractiveness, attractor



award noun ★★★[2848] [레마] award 〈 ward
[본문] [32]This is a prestigious award for scientists showing courage in the face of hostility.
[영영] An award is a prize or certificate that a person is given for doing something well.
[영한] ① (부상이 딸린) 상 ② (보수) 인상분 ③ (판결 승소자에 대한 보상금 지급) 액수, 지급 판정 ④ (수료증 등의) 수여 (결정) ⑤ (학생의) 생활비 지원금
[굴절형] 복수형; awards
<동사> 수여하다, 수여[지급] 판정을 내리다
[어근]a(ex); out ⑵ ward(guard); 보호, guard
[어원] 《프랑스말 eswarder[es+warder, from Old French esgarder] decide, judge, give one's opinion
[최초 의미] decision after consideration
[파생] awardable, awardee, awarder, award

breakdown noun ☆[5353] [레마] break
[본문] [11]Yes, plants like water hyacinths have been used to clean rivers by sucking up oil spilled into the water, and researchers have successfully used fungi to breakdown plastic waste.
[영영] ① The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.
② If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life.
③ If a car or a piece of machinery has a breakdown, it stops working.
[영한] ① (차량/기계의) 고장 ② (관계/논의/시스템의) 실패[결렬/와해] ③ 명세(서) ④ 분해 ⑤ 신경 쇠약
[굴절형] 복수형; breakdowns
<형용사> ① 물질의 분해로 생기는. ② (사고/조난 때) 수리[복구] 작업에 쓰이는.
[구성단어] break + down
[어근]break; 부수다, break ⑵ down; 아래로, down
[어원] 《고대 영어 brecanto divide solid matter violently into parts or fragments
[최초 의미] a collapse, a falling apart

broken adj.[10000+] [레마] break
[본문] [57]A broken promise is when you promise definitely to do something but then fail to do what you said you would.
[영한] ① 깨진, 부러진, 고장난 ② 끝장난 ③ 지켜지지 않은, 어긴 ④ 계속적이지 못한, 단속적인 ⑤ 낙담한, 쇠약한 ⑥ 실수투성이의, 유창하지 못한 ⑦ (표면이) 평탄하지 않은, 험한
[구성단어] break + en
[어근]brok(break); 부수다, break ⑵ en; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 brecanto divide solid matter violently into parts or fragments

challenging adj.[9068] [레마] challenge
[본문] [33]Now, the Niger Delta is a really dangerous and challenging place to work in, and despite personal risk to her safety, Eucharia has spent twenty years teaching communities there how these plants can suck up toxic oil from the ground and bring their land back to life.
[영영] A challenging task or job requires great effort and determination.
[영한] ① 도전적인, 도전 의식을 북돋우는 ② 저항[항의]하는
[구성단어] challenge + ing
[어근]challeng(calum); 속임수, 거짓, trick ⑵ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 calumnia[from calvi] trickery
[파생] challengingly, challenging

characteristic noun ★★★★[1287] [레마] character
[본문] [46]This personal characteristic is the natural ability to attract, influence and inspire people.
[영영] The characteristics of a person or thing are the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable.
[영한] 특징, 특질
[굴절형] 복수형; characteristics
<형용사> 특유의
[어근]character; 성격, character ⑵ istic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 kharaxpointed stake
[파생] characterful, characterisable, characteristic, characteristically, characterizable, characterize, characterless, character

charisma noun[10000+] [레마] charisma
[본문] [41]She gets them to trust her and then they take ownership for the restoration of their land… and I think Eucharia's magic formula really relies on diplomacy, trust, and actually charisma which is a very important quality.
[영한] ① 카리스마, 사람들을 휘어잡는 매력 ② (신이 특별히 부여하는) 재능, 권능
[어근] charisma; 카리스마, charisma
[어원] 《그리스어 kharisma[from kharis(‘favour, grace’)]
[최초 의미] special spiritual gift or power divinely conferred, talent from God
[파생] charismatic, charisma



chemical noun ★★★★[1608] [레마] chemical 〈 chem(연금술의)
[본문] [6]Toxic waste has mixed into the water and chemical fumes have overtaken the air, leaving animals dead and the land unsafe for humans.
[영한] 화학 물질
[굴절형] 복수형; chemicals
<형용사> ① 화학의 ② 화학적인
[구성단어] chemic + al
[어근]chem; 화학, 연금술의 ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 alchimicusof alchemy
[파생] chemical, chemically, chemist, chemistry

combination noun ★★★★[1322] [레마] combine 〈 bine
[본문] [47]Taken together, these make Eucharia's approach a magic formula - a combination of actions that is likely to result in success.
[영영] A combination of things is a mixture of them.
[영한] ① 조합[결합](물) ② 조합[연합] (행위) ③ (부호 자물쇠 등을 열 수 있도록 숫자나 글자를 조합한 일련의) 부호[번호] ④ 콤비네이션
[굴절형] 복수형; combinations
[어근]com; together ⑵ bin(bi); two by two ⑶ ation(ion); 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 combinare[com+bini] to unite, yoke together
[최초 의미] act of uniting (two things) in a whole; state of being so united
[파생] combinability, combinable, combination, combinational, combinative, combine, combiner

consult verb ★★[3941] [레마] consult 〈 sel
[본문] [44]Eucharia, on the other hand, is trusted because she consults the community by speaking with local chiefs - the rulers, or highest ranking leaders of a tribe.
[영영] If you consult an expert or someone senior to you or consult with them, you ask them for their opinion and advice about what you should do or their permission to do something.
[영한] ① 상담하다 ② 상의하다 ③ (정보를 얻기 위해 무엇을) 찾아보다[
[굴절형] consulted, consulted, consulting, consults
[유의어] refer to
<명사> 상담, 협의(회), 비밀 회의
[어근]con(com); 함께, with ⑵ sult(sel); 돌출, take, grasp
[어원] 《라틴어 consultare[frequentative of consulere] consult, take the advice of
[최초 의미] ask advice of, seek the opinion of as a guide to one's own judgment
[파생] consultable, consultation, consultative, consultatory, consulter, consultor, consult

contaminated adj.[10000+] [레마] contaminate
[본문] [30]It basically means plants being used to clean up contaminated environments, right?
[영한] 오염된
[구성단어] contaminate + ed
[어근]con(com); with, together ⑵ tamin(tact); to touch ⑶ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑷ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 contamen[from con+tag-] contact, contagion; pollution

courage noun ★★★[2474] [레마] courage 〈 core
[본문] [32]This is a prestigious award for scientists showing courage in the face of hostility.
[영영] the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
[영한] 용기
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[유의어] bravery
[어근]cour(cord); heart ⑵ age; 상태의 명사어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 corage[from Vulgar Latin *coraticum] (Old French) courage, heart, spirit
[최초 의미] heart (as the seat of emotions); spirit, temperament, state or frame of mind
[파생] courage, courageous, encourage, encouragement, encourager, encouraging, encouragingly

definitely adv. ★★★★[1171] [레마] define 〈 fin-(경계)
[본문] [43]Local people's mistrust of big oil companies comes from their broken promises - times when they said they would definitely do something but then failed to.
[영영] You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinion.
[영한] ① (강조의 의미로 쓰여) 분명히[틀림없이], 절대(로) ② 확실히, 분명히
[유의어] expressly(분명하다), certainly
<감탄사> 물론, 그럼
[어근]de; 밑,밖으로 ⑵ fin; 끝내다, 경계, end ⑶ ite; 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 definirede+finire; to limit, determine, explain
[파생] define, definite, definitely, definiteness, definitude

Delta noun[10000+] [레마] Delta
[본문] [21]Phytoremediating plants are certainly needed in one of the most oil polluted places on Earth - the Delta of the River Niger in Nigeria.
[영한] ① 델타, 그리스 알파벳의 넷째 글자 ② 삼각주, 델타
[어원] 《그리스어 delta〈name of the fourth letter of the 《Greek》 alphabet〉

devastate verb ☆[5148] [레마] devastate 〈 vast
[본문] [23]But oil spills have devastated the region's landscape, and there is mistrust between local communities and the multinational oil companies working there.
[영영] If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.
[영한] ① (한 장소나 지역을) 완전히 파괴하다 ② (사람에게) 엄청난 충격을 주다, 비탄에 빠뜨리다
[굴절형] devastated, devastated, devastating, devastates
[유의어] ravage(황폐하게 만들다)
[어근]de; intens. ⑵ vast; 텅빈, 거대한, empty ⑶ ate; ~시키다; 동사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 devastarede+vastare; to make empty; lay waste completely
[최초 의미] lay waste, ravage, make desolate
[파생] devastate, devastatingly, devastation, devastative, devastator, devastatie, devastating



diplomacy noun ☆[5946] [레마] diploma 〈 diplo
[본문] [41]She gets them to trust her and then they take ownership for the restoration of their land… and I think Eucharia's magic formula really relies on diplomacy, trust, and actually charisma which is a very important quality.
[영영] Diplomacy is the activity or profession of managing relations between the governments of different countries.
[영한] ① (국가간의) 외교(술) ② (사람들 사이의) 사교 능력[외교 수완]
[굴절형] 복수형; diplomacies
[유의어] tact
[구성단어] diploma + cy
[어근]dipl; 두겹, twofold ⑵ oma; 종(腫), 류(瘤) ⑶ cy; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 diplomatis[genitive of diploma] official document conferring a privilege
[최초 의미] the science of formal intercourse between nations through authorized agents; the art of negotiating and drafting treaties;
[파생] diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatically, diplomacy

fix verb ★★★★[1140] [레마] fix
[본문] [24]Now one woman - and her plants - are trying to fix the problem.
[영영] If something is fixed somewhere, it is attached there firmly or securely.
[영한] ① (움직이지 않게) 고정시키다[박다] ② (날짜시간양 등을) 정하다 ③ 준비[주선]하다 ④ (정확한 위치시간 등을) 알아내다[말하다] ⑤ (특히 음식을) 준비[마련]하다 ⑥ 수리하다, 바로잡다 ⑦ (얼굴머리를) 매만지다[가다듬다] ⑧ (결과를) 조작하다 ⑨ 손보다, 혼내 주다 ⑩ (색상을) 고정[고착]시키다
[굴절형] fixed, fixed, fixing, fixes
[유의어] set
<명사> ① (특히 쉽거나 잠정적인) 해결책 ② (특히 마약 같은 것의) 한 번 필요한 양 ③ 곤경
[어근] fix; 부착, attach
[어원] 《라틴어 fixus'고정시키다[박다], 매다[채우다], 찔러 넣다; 뚷어[박아] 넣다, 얼어붙게 하다'의 뜻을 갖는 figere의 분사/형용사
[최초 의미] set (one's eyes or mind) on something
[파생] fix, fixable, fixation, fixity, fixture, fixtureless

formula noun ★★[4325] [레마] formula 〈 form
[본문] [41]She gets them to trust her and then they take ownership for the restoration of their land… and I think Eucharia's magic formula really relies on diplomacy, trust, and actually charisma which is a very important quality.
[영영] A formula is a plan that is invented in order to deal with a particular problem.
[영한] ① (수학) 공식, …식 ② (화학) 화학식 ③ (특정한 일을 이루기 위한) 공식[방식] ④ 제조[조제]법 ⑤ 유아용 유동식 ⑥ 포뮬러 원, 투, 쓰리 등 ⑦ (특정한 상황에서 쓰는) 정형화된[판에 박힌] 문구
[굴절형] 복수형; formulas formulae
[유의어] recipe
<형용사> (경주용 자동차가) 공식 규격에 따른
[어근]form; 형태, shape ⑵ ula(ular); 지소 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 forma모양[형상]
[최초 의미] words used in a ceremony or ritual
[파생] formula, formulaic, formularize, formulary, formulate, formulation, formulator

fume noun ☆[5048] [레마] fume
[본문] [6]Toxic waste has mixed into the water and chemical fumes have overtaken the air, leaving animals dead and the land unsafe for humans.
[영영] Fumes are the unpleasant and often unhealthy smoke and gases that are produced by fires or by things such as chemicals, fuel, or cooking.
[영한] ① 연무(煙霧), 증발기(蒸發氣), 열기(熱氣), (자극성의) 발연(發煙) ② 향기, 향연(香煙) ③ 몽롱한 기분, 꿈 같은 기분(dreamy state of mind) , 제 잘난 체하기 ④ 노기, 흥분
[굴절형] 복수형; fumes
<동사> ① (화가 나서) 씩씩대다 ② 연기[매연]를 내뿜다
[어근] fume(fum); 연기, smoke
[최초 의미] vapor, odorous vapor; exhalation
[파생] fumeless, fumelike, fumer, fumingly, fumy, fume

fungus noun[10000+] [레마] fungus
[본문] [11]Yes, plants like water hyacinths have been used to clean rivers by sucking up oil spilled into the water, and researchers have successfully used fungi to breakdown plastic waste.
[영한] ① 균류, 곰팡이류 ② 균상종
[굴절형] 복수형; fungi funguses
[어근] fungus(sponge); 스펀지, 해면, sponge
[어원] 《라틴어 fungusa mushroom, fungus;
[파생] fungic, fungicidal, fungicidally, fungous, fungus, funguslike, fungus-like, fungicide

harmful adj. ★★★[2460] [레마] harm
[본문] [14]One word we'll be hearing a lot in this programme is 'phytoremediation' - the technique that certain plants use to remove harmful chemicals from polluted environments.
[영영] Something that is harmful has a bad effect on something else, especially on a person's health.
[영한] (특히 사람의 건강/환경에) 해로운[유해한]
[유의어] injurious(해롭다)
<명사> 유해물, 유해 폐기물.
[어근]harm; 해로운, harm ⑵ ful; ~이 가득한(형용사어미)
[어원] 《고대 영어 hearmhurt, pain; evil, grief; insult
[파생] harmer, harmful, harmfully, harmfulness, harm



hostility noun ★★[3979] [레마] host
[본문] [32]This is a prestigious award for scientists showing courage in the face of hostility.
[영영] Hostility is unfriendly or aggressive behaviour towards people or ideas.
[영한] ① 적의, 적대감, 적개심 ② (생각/계획 등에 대한) 강한 반대[반감] ③ (전쟁에서의) 전투, 교전
[굴절형] 복수형; hostilities
[유의어] antipathy
[어근]host; 무리, 손님, 적 ⑵ il(ile); …에 관한(것) ⑶ ity; ~한 상태, 성격
[어원] 《라틴어 hostis이방인, 외국인, 적, 군대
[최초 의미] hostile action
[파생] hostile, hostilely, hostility

inform verb ★★★★[1725] [레마] inform 〈 form
[본문] [42]We have a leadership structure… so you have the chief - like traditional ruler, you have the women leader, you have the youth leader, so you find out who those, and informed them of what you wanna do.
[영영] If you inform someone of something, you tell them about it.
[영한] ① (특히 공식적으로) 알리다[통지하다] ② (…에 대해 정보를) 알아내다 ③ 영향을 미치다
[굴절형] informed, informed, informing, informs
[유의어] advise(알리다), notify
<형용사> ① (분명한) 모양이 없는 ② 보기 흉한
[어근]in; into ⑵ form; 형태, shape
[어원] 《라틴어 forma모양[형상]
[최초 의미] to train or instruct in some specific subject
[파생] inform, informable, information, informational, informationally, informative, informatively, informativeness, informedly, informingly

inspire verb ★★★[2096] [레마] inspire 〈 spir
[본문] [46]This personal characteristic is the natural ability to attract, influence and inspire people.
[영영] If someone or something inspires you to do something new or unusual, they make you want to do it.
[영한] ① (욕구/자신감/열의를 갖도록) 고무[격려]하다 ② 영감을 주다 ③ (감정 등을) 불어넣다[고취시키다]
[굴절형] inspired, inspired, inspiring, inspires
[어근]in; 안(內), in ⑵ spire; 호흡, breathe
[어원] 《라틴어 inspirarein+spirare; blow into, breathe upon
[최초 의미] to fill (the mind, heart, etc., with grace, etc.); to prompt or induce (someone to do something)
[파생] inspirable, inspiration, inspirational, inspirationism, inspirationist, inspirative, inspiratory, inspire, inspirer, inspiringly

landscape noun ★★★★[1953] [레마] landscape
[본문] [23]But oil spills have devastated the region's landscape, and there is mistrust between local communities and the multinational oil companies working there.
[영영] The landscape is everything you can see when you look across an area of land, including hills, rivers, buildings, trees, and plants.
[영한] ① 풍경 ② 풍경화(법) ③ (인쇄에서) 가로로 긴 배치, 풍경 모드
[굴절형] 복수형; landscapes
<동사> (나무꽃 등을 심어) 조경을 하다 <형용사> (인쇄) (책/삽화 등이) 가로로 긴[길게]. <부사> (인쇄) (책/삽화 등이) 가로로 긴[길게].
[구성단어] land + cape
[어근]land; 땅, land ⑵ scape; 풍경
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 landscap[from land+-scap] region
[최초 의미] painting representing an extensive view of natural scenery

magic adj. ★★★[2202] [레마] magic
[본문] [41]She gets them to trust her and then they take ownership for the restoration of their land… and I think Eucharia's magic formula really relies on diplomacy, trust, and actually charisma which is a very important quality.
[영영] You use magic to describe something that does things, or appears to do things, by magic.
[영한] ① 마법[마술]의 ② 마력을 발휘하는, 아주 특별한 ③ 아주 멋진[즐거운]
<명사> ① 마법, 마술, 도술 ② (사람들을 즐겁게 하기 위한) 마술 ③ 마력, (믿기 어려울 정도로 특별한) 매력[능력] <동사> 요술을 부려서[부리듯] 나타나게[사라지게/바뀌게] 하다
[어근]mag; 마법, magic ⑵ ic; …의, 와 같은(것)
[어원] 《그리스어 magikosfrom magos; magical
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to magic
[파생] magic, magical, magically, magician

mistrust noun ☆[5511] [레마] trust 〈 true
[본문] [23]But oil spills have devastated the region's landscape, and there is mistrust between local communities and the multinational oil companies working there.
[영한] 불신
[유의어] suspicion
<동사> 신뢰하지 않다, 불신하다
[구성단어] mis + trust
[어근]mis; 잘못, wrong ⑵ trust(true); 참[진실], true
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 traust도움[지원], 신뢰[자신감], 보호, 지원



multinational adj.[10000+] [레마] nation 〈 nat
[본문] [23]But oil spills have devastated the region's landscape, and there is mistrust between local communities and the multinational oil companies working there.
[영한] 다국적의
<명사> 다국적 기업
[구성단어] multi + national
[어근]multi; 많은, many ⑵ nat(nati); 생식, 출생 ⑶ ion; 명사 어미 ⑷ al(ad); 형용사 어미

nickname noun ☆[4604] [레마] name
[본문] [22]Ever since oil, known by the nickname, black gold, was discovered there in the 1950s, it's become central to Nigeria's economy.
[영영] a name (such as “Moose“ or “Lady Bird“) that is different from your real name but is what your family, friends, etc., call you when they are talking to you or about you
[영한] 별명
[굴절형] 복수형; nicknames
[유의어] moniker(별명), sobriquet(별명)
<동사> 별명을 붙이다
[구성단어] nick + name
[어원] 《고대 영어 noma이름, 평판

outsider noun ★★[4413] [레마] outside 〈 side
[본문] [40]Her success often comes from getting communities who have deep mistrust of outsiders after broken promises from companies to clean up the oil spills.
[영영] An outsider is someone who does not belong to a particular group or organization.
[영한] ① (사회/집단의 일부로 받아들여지지 않는) 국외자[아웃사이더] ② (특정 조직/직종에 속하지 않는) 외부인 ③ (경주 등에서) 승산이 없는 선수
[굴절형] 복수형; outsiders
[구성단어] outside + er
[어근]out; 밖, 이상의, out ⑵ sid(side); 옆면, side ⑶ er; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 sideflanks of a person, the long part or aspect of anything; left or right part of the body

overtake verb ☆[4640] [레마] take
[본문] [6]Toxic waste has mixed into the water and chemical fumes have overtaken the air, leaving animals dead and the land unsafe for humans.
[영영] If you overtake a vehicle or a person that is ahead of you and moving in the same direction, you pass them. in AM, usually use pass
[영한] ① 추월하다 ② (수/양/중요도 면에서) 앞지르다[능가/추월하다] ③ (불쾌한 일이 사람에게) 불시에 닥치다[엄습하다]
[굴절형] overtook, overtaken, overtaking, overtakes
[유의어] outstrip
[구성단어] over + take
[어근]over; 너무, over ⑵ take; 취하다, take
[어원] 《고대 영어 tacan[from Old Norse taka] to take, seize

ownership noun ★★[3791] [레마] own 〈 again
[본문] [41]She gets them to trust her and then they take ownership for the restoration of their land… and I think Eucharia's magic formula really relies on diplomacy, trust, and actually charisma which is a very important quality.
[영영] Ownership of something is the state of owning it.
[영한] 소유(권)
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] owner + ship
[어근]own(ago); own ⑵ er; 명사 어미 ⑶ ship; 상태
[어원] 《고대 영어 agen[=ongean, past participle of agan] possessed by

phytoremediate verb[10000+] [레마] remedy 〈 med
[본문] [21]Phytoremediating plants are certainly needed in one of the most oil polluted places on Earth - the delta of the River Niger in Nigeria.
[영한] 식물로 환경 오염을 깨끗하게 하다
[굴절형] phytoremediated phytoremediated phytoremediating phytoremediates
[구성단어] phyto + remediate
[어근]phyto(phyt); 식물, plant ⑵ re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑶ med(medic); 치유하다, 고치다, heal ⑷ I(y); 명사 어미 ⑸ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 medeor치료하다, 치유하다

phytoremediation noun[10000+] [레마] remedy 〈 med
[본문] [14]One word we'll be hearing a lot in this programme is 'phytoremediation' - the technique that certain plants use to remove harmful chemicals from polluted environments.
[영영] ① the use of plants to extract heavy metals from contaminated soils and water
② the treatment of pollutants or waste (as in contaminated soil or groundwater) by the use of green plants that remove, degrade, or stabilize the undesirable substances (such as toxic metals)
[영한] 식물 환경 복원
[구성단어] phyto + remediation
[어근]phyto(phyt); 식물, plant ⑵ re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑶ med(medic); 치유하다, 고치다, heal ⑷ I(y); 명사 어미 ⑸ at(ate); 동사 어미 ⑹ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 medeor치료하다, 치유하다



pollute verb[9604] [레마] pollute
[본문] [5]Now, imagine a field polluted by spilled oil.
[영영] To pollute water, air, or land means to make it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use, especially with poisonous chemicals or sewage.
[영한] 오염시키다
[굴절형] polluted, polluted, polluting, pollutes
[어근] pollute(pollut); defile, pollute, 오염
[최초 의미] to defile
[파생] pollute, polluter, pollution, pollutant

polluted adj.[10000+] [레마] pollute
[본문] [14]One word we'll be hearing a lot in this programme is 'phytoremediation' - the technique that certain plants use to remove harmful chemicals from polluted environments.
[영한] 오염된, 더럽혀진, 타락한, [미/속어] 술취한
[구성단어] pollute + ed
[어근]pollut; defile, pollute, 오염 ⑵ ed; 형용사 어미

pollution noun ★★★★[1542] [레마] pollute
[본문] [8]Cleaning up chemical pollution is dangerous and expensive, and mostly involves highly technological equipment.
[영영] Pollution is the process of polluting water, air, or land, especially with poisonous chemicals.
[영한] ① 오염, 공해 ② 오염 물질 ③ 소음/(인공) 조명 공해
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]pollut; wash ⑵ ion; 명사어미
[최초 의미] discharge of semen other than during sex
[파생] pollute, polluter, pollution, pollutant

port noun ★★★★[2043] [레마] port
[본문] [25]Eucharia Nwaichi is a biochemist from the University of port Harcourt in Nigeria.
[영영] ① A port is a town by the sea or on a river, which has a harbour.
② A port is a harbour area where ships load and unload goods or passengers.
③ A port on a computer is a place where you can attach another piece of equipment, for example a printer.
[영한] ① 항구 (도시) ② 항구[항만] (시설) ③ 포트와인 ④ 포트와인 한 잔 ⑤ (선박의) 좌현, (항공기의) 좌측 ⑥ (컴퓨터) 포트
[굴절형] 복수형; ports
<동사> (컴퓨터) (한 시스템기계에서 다른 시스템기계로 소프트웨어를) 복사하다
[어근] port; 운반, carry
[어원] 《라틴어 portareto carry, to bear
[파생] portless, port

presenter noun[8300] [레마] present 〈 pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [27]Discussing Eucharia's work are, Georgina Rannard, from the BBC climate news team, and, Myra Anubi, presenter of BBC World Service programme, People Fixing the World:
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[굴절형] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어근]present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 present
[최초 의미] one who presents

prestigious adj.[9813] [레마] prestige
[본문] [32]This is a prestigious award for scientists showing courage in the face of hostility.
[영영] A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people.
[영한] 명망 있는[높은], 일류의
[어근]pre; before ⑵ stigi(strain); to tie or bind ⑶ ous; 형용사어미
[최초 의미] practicing illusion or magic, deceptive
[파생] prestigiously, prestigiousness, prestigious

prize noun ★★★[2291] [레마] prize 〈 preci
[본문] [31]Right, and when I met her recently in London she had just won the Maddox prize.
[영영] A prize is money or something valuable that is given to someone who has the best results in a competition or game, or as a reward for doing good work.
[영한] ① 상, 상품, 경품 ② (성취하기 힘들지만) 소중한 것
[굴절형] 복수형; prizes
<동사> ① 소중하게[귀하게] 여기다 ② [타동사] (美) 상호참조 prise <형용사> ① (특히 동물화초채소가) (경연에서) 상을 받을 만한 ② 훌륭한 모범이 되는
[어근] prize(preci); 평가, value
[어원] 《라틴어 pretium보상, 상품, 가치, 재산
[최초 의미] ① reward ② something taken by force

ranking adj.[10000+] [레마] rank 〈 rang(열[줄])
[본문] [44]Eucharia, on the other hand, is trusted because she consults the community by speaking with local chiefs - the rulers, or highest ranking leaders of a tribe.
[영영] The ranking member of a group, usually a political group, is the most senior person in it.
[영한] ① (서열계급 등이) (최)고위[고급]의 ② …의 등급[순위서열 등]의
<명사> ① (특히 스포츠에서) 순위[랭킹] ② (선수들의) 순위[서열]표
[구성단어] rank + ing
[어근]rank(rang); 열(列), rank ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《프랑스말 rangrank



reanimate verb[10000+] [레마] animate 〈 anim(호흡)
[본문] [37]If you bring something back to life, you make it come alive again, or reanimate it, after it has died.
[영한] (…을) 되살리다[소생시키다]
[구성단어] re + animate
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ anim; 생명, breath ⑶ ate; 부여하다, …의 특질을 가진
[어원] 《라틴어 anima호흡, (영)혼, 기류
[파생] reanimation, reanimate

rely verb ★★★★[1420] [레마] rely 〈 lig(묶다)
[본문] [41]She gets them to trust her and then they take ownership for the restoration of their land… and I think Eucharia's magic formula really relies on diplomacy, trust, and actually charisma which is a very important quality.
[영영] If you rely on someone or something, you need them and depend on them in order to live or work properly.
[영한] 의지하다, 신뢰하다, 믿다
[굴절형] relied relied relying relies
[유의어] depend
[어근]re; intensive prefix ⑵ ly(lig); 묶다
[어원] 《라틴어 religare[re+ligare] to bind back
[최초 의미] to gather, assemble

restoration noun ☆[5762] [레마] store
[본문] [41]She gets them to trust her and then they take ownership for the restoration of their land… and I think Eucharia's magic formula really relies on diplomacy, trust, and actually charisma which is a very important quality.
[영영] The Restoration was the event in 1660 when Charles the Second became King of England, Scotland, and Ireland after a period when there had been no King or Queen.
[영한] ① (낡은 건물/그림 등의) 복원[복구] ② (이전의 제도/법률 등의) 부활 ③ (제자리/원 상태로의) 회복, (본래 주인에게로의) 반환 ④ 왕정복고 시대
[굴절형] 복수형; restorations
<형용사> (R-) 왕정 복고 시대의[에 관한, 에 특유한].
[구성단어] restore + ation
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ stor(store); 상점, store ⑶ ation(ion); 동작·결과·상태
[어원] 《라틴어 staurareto make strong; to set up, establish; renew, restore
[파생] restorable, restorableness, restoration, restorationism, restorationist, restorative, restore, restorer

ruler noun ★★[3537] [레마] rule 〈 regul
[본문] [42]We have a leadership structure… so you have the chief - like traditional ruler, you have the women leader, you have the youth leader, so you find out who those, and informed them of what you wanna do.
[영영] The ruler of a country is the person who rules the country.
[영한] ① 통치자, 지배자 ② (길이 측정/줄긋기에 쓰는) 자
[굴절형] 복수형; rulers
[구성단어] rule + er
[어근]rul(regul); 규칙, rule ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(것)
[어원] 《라틴어 regulare[from Latin regula] to control by rule, direct
[파생] rulership, ruler

seed noun ★★★★[1495] [레마] seed
[본문] [17]a) their leaves b) their roots or, c) their seeds?
[영영] A seed is the small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant grows.
[영한] ① 씨, 씨앗, 종자 ② [C] (美) 상호참조 pip (2) ③ (어떤 일사건의) 씨[씨앗/근원] ④ (특히 테니스에서) 시드 선수 ⑤ (구식 또는 유머) 정액 ⑥ (문예체) (한 남자의 모든) 자손
[굴절형] 복수형; seeds
<동사> ① 씨가 맺다[여물다] ② 제 씨앗에서 자라다 ③ 씨앗을 뿌리다 <형용사> ① 씨의, 종자용의 ② 알이 작은 ③ (새 사업 등의) 출발 자금이 되는, 기초가 되는
[어근] seed; 씨앗, seed
[어원] 《고대 영어 sæd[from Proto-Germanic *sathaz, shared by Latin satis] sated, full, having had one's fill (of food, drink, fighting, etc, ), weary of
[최초 의미] that which may be sown; an individual grain of seed; offspring, posterity
[파생] seedless, seedlike, seedy, seed

specialist noun ★★★★[1876] [레마] special 〈 spec
[본문] [28]Eucharia is a specialist in phytoremediation…
[영영] A specialist is a person who has a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject.
[영한] ① 전문가, 전공자 ② 전문의
[굴절형] 복수형; specialists
[유의어] authority(권위자)
<형용사> 전문(가)의, 전문적인
[구성단어] special + ist
[어근]speci; 보다, see, kind, sort ⑵ al; 형용사어미 ⑶ ist; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 specere바라보다, 살펴보다, 보다
[파생] specialistic, specialist



spill verb ★★[3802] [레마] spill
[본문] [5]Now, imagine a field polluted by spilled oil.
[영영] If a liquid spills or if you spill it, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container.
[영한] ① (특히 액체가[를] 실수로) 흐르다, 쏟아지다, 흘리다, 쏟다 ② (사람들이) 쏟아져 나오다
[굴절형] spilled spilt, spilled spilt, spilling, spills
<명사> ① 유출, 흘린[쏟은] 액체, 유출물 ② 불쏘시개, 기다란 성냥 ③ (특히 자전거보트에서) 떨어짐
[어근] spill; 흐르다, spill
[어원] 《고대 영어 spillan[variant of spildan("destroy")] destroy, mutilate, kill; to waste
[최초 의미] destroy, mutilate, kill
[파생] spillable, spiller, spill

successfully adv. ★★★[2319] [레마] success 〈 cede(가다)
[본문] [11]Yes, plants like water hyacinths have been used to clean rivers by sucking up oil spilled into the water, and researchers have successfully used fungi to breakdown plastic waste.
[영영] successful+ly
[영한] 성공적으로, 용케, 잘, 훌륭하게, 운 좋게(도)
[구성단어] successful + ly
[어근]suc(sub); sub ⑵ cess(cede); 가다, go ⑶ ful; …이 가득한(量) (형용사어미) ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 successus[noun use of past participle of succedere] an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome
[파생] successful, successfully, successfulness, succeed, success

suck verb ★★★[2399] [레마] suck
[본문] [33]Now, the Niger Delta is a really dangerous and challenging place to work in, and despite personal risk to her safety, Eucharia has spent twenty years teaching communities there how these plants can suck up toxic oil from the ground and bring their land back to life.
[영영] If you suck something, you hold it in your mouth and pull at it with the muscles in your cheeks and tongue, for example in order to get liquid out of it.
[영한] ① (액체공기 등을) 빨아 먹다[마시다] ② (무엇을 입에 넣고 계속) 빨다[빨아 먹다] ③ (액체기체 등을) 빨아내다 ④ (특정한 방향으로) 빨아들이다 ⑤ (속어) 엉망이다, 형편없다
[굴절형] sucked, sucked, sucking, sucks
<명사> 빨기, 빨아 먹기, 빨아들이기
[어근] suck; suck
[어원] 《고대 영어 sucanto suck
[최초 의미] to suck
[파생] suckless, suction, suck

technological adj. ★★★[2715] [레마] techno 〈 tech(기술)
[본문] [8]Cleaning up chemical pollution is dangerous and expensive, and mostly involves highly technological equipment.
[영영] Technological means relating to or associated with technology.
[영한] ① 과학[공업] 기술의[에 관한], (과학) 기술(상)의. ② (경제) 기술상의, (생산 방법의) 기술적인 진보에 의한. (또는 technologic)
[어근]techno; 기술, skill, 기교 ⑵ log; 말, word, 학문 ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 tekhne(art) of tactics, (art of) arrangement; art, skill, craft in work; method, system
[파생] technological, technologically, technologist, technology

toxic adj.[10000+] [레마] toxic
[본문] [6]toxic waste has mixed into the water and chemical fumes have overtaken the air, leaving animals dead and the land unsafe for humans.
[영영] A toxic substance is poisonous.
[영한] 유독성의
[유의어] poisonous
<명사> 유독 화학 약품
[어근]tox; 독, 화살,, poison ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 toxikon[neuter of toxikos] a poison; (poison for) arrows; (poison) for use on arrows
[최초 의미] poisoned
[파생] toxically, toxic

tribe noun ★★★[2795] [레마] tribe
[본문] [44]Eucharia, on the other hand, is trusted because she consults the community by speaking with local chiefs - the rulers, or highest ranking leaders of a tribe.
[영영] Tribe is sometimes used to refer to a group of people of the same race, language, and customs, especially in a developing country. Some people disapprove of this use.
[영한] ① (때로 모욕적) 부족, 종족 ② (특히 특정 전문직에 종사하는) 집단[무리] ③ (생물) (동식물의) 족, 류 ④ (비격식 또는 유머)
[굴절형] 복수형; tribes
[어근] tribe(tribute); 종족, tribe
[어원] 《라틴어 tribus[from tri-+bheue-] division of the people, tribe; one of the three political/ethnic divisions of the original Roman state
[최초 의미] one of the twelve divisions of the ancient Hebrews,
[파생] tribal, tribally, tribeless, tribe



trust verb ★★★★[1095] [레마] trust 〈 true
[본문] [38]A big problem for climate scientists is being accepted and trusted by the people living in polluted places, but Eucharia has found a way to work with local communities.
[영영] If you trust someone, you believe that they are honest and sincere and will not deliberately do anything to harm you.
[영한] ① (사람을) 신뢰하다[신임하다/믿다] ② (무엇이 사실임옳음을) 믿다 ③ (어떤 기대바람이 사실이라고) 믿다
[굴절형] trusted, trusted, trusting, trusts
<명사> ① 신뢰, 신임 ② 신탁, 신탁 재산, 신탁금 ③ 위탁 사업체
[어근] trust(true); 참[진실], true
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 traust도움[지원], 신뢰[자신감], 보호, 지원
[파생] trust, trustability, trustable, truster, trustful, trustworthily, trustworthiness, trustworthy, trusty

twenty num. ★★★★[1374] [레마] twenty 〈 two
[본문] [33]Now, the Niger Delta is a really dangerous and challenging place to work in, and despite personal risk to her safety, Eucharia has spent twenty years teaching communities there how these plants can suck up toxic oil from the ground and bring their land back to life.
[영한] ① 스물,이십,20 ② (20~29 사이의) 20대, 20년대, (온도가) 20도대
[굴절형] 복수형; twenties
[어근]twen(two); two ⑵ ty; 10의 배수
[어원] 《고대 영어 twentig[twegen+-tig] group of twenty, (lit, ) two tens

unfortunately adv. ★★★★[1524] [레마] unfortunate 〈 fortune
[본문] [7]unfortunately, situations like this are common all over the world.
[영영] ADV] You can use unfortunately to introduce or refer to a statement when you consider that it is sad or disappointing, or when you want to express regret.
[영한] 불행하게도, 유감스럽게도
[유의어] regrettably
[반의어] fortunately
[어근]un; 아님(不) ⑵ fortun(fort); 기회 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 fortuna기회, 운명, 행운
[파생] unfortunately, unfortunateness, unfortunate

unsafe adj. ☆[4772] [레마] safe 〈 save(안전)
[본문] [6]Toxic waste has mixed into the water and chemical fumes have overtaken the air, leaving animals dead and the land unsafe for humans.
[영영] If a building, machine, activity, or area is unsafe, it is dangerous.
[영한] ① (사물/장소/활동 등이) 안전하지 못한, 위험한 ② (사람이) 위험에 처한, 불안한 ③ 증거가 불확실한, 증거 불충분의
[굴절형] 비교; unsafe < unsafer < unsafest
[반의어] safe
[구성단어] un + safe
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ safe(salv); 건강, 안전, save
[어원] 《라틴어 salvus상처가 없는, 건강한, 안전한

waste noun ★★★★[1025] [레마] waste 〈 vast
[본문] [6]Toxic waste has mixed into the water and chemical fumes have overtaken the air, leaving animals dead and the land unsafe for humans.
[영영] Waste is the use of money or other resources on things that do not need it.
[영한] ① 낭비[허비] ② 낭비[허비] ③ 쓰레기, 폐기물 ④ 불모지
[굴절형] 복수형; wastes
<동사> ① (돈시간 등을 필요 이상으로 들여) 낭비하다 ② (가치를 인정받지 못하거나 엉뚱한 곳에) 헛되이 주다[쓰다/하다] ③ (제대로 이용하지 못하고) 낭비[허비]하다 <형용사> ① (땅이) 폐허의[버려진] ② 쓸모가 없어진, 폐물이 된
[어근] waste(vast); 텅빈, 거대한, empty
[어원] 《라틴어 vastus[from PIE *wasto-] empty, unoccupied, desolate; immense, extensive, huge
[최초 의미] desolate regions
[파생] wastable, wasteful, wastefully, wastefulness, wasteness, waste

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