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6 Minute English; Cryptocurrencies(Posted on 2019-08-15)에 수록된 단어 수는 고유명사를 제외하고 총 328개 입니다.
이중 OxFord 3000단어와 일치하는 단어는 278개로 85%가 일치합니다.
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본 자료는 PDF 파일로 다운 받을 수 있습니다.
absolutely [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1152] [★★]
⒞ 전적으로, 틀림없이(사실임을 강조함)
⒨ ① 전적으로, 틀림없이(사실임을 강조함) ② 전혀(부정의 의미를 강조) ③ 극도로, 굉장히 ④ 그럼, 물론이지(강한 동의/허락을 나타냄) ⑤ 절대 (안 돼), 전혀 (아냐) (강한 반대/거절을 나타냄)
[파생] absolutely, absoluteness, absolute
[어근] ⑴ ab; not ⑵ solute(solve); to loosen, untie, ⑶ ly; 부사어미 [레마] absolute
[유의어] simply(그야말로)
<감탄사> 그렇소, 물론.
[본문] And you're absolutely wrong!
basket [명사] [Ranking; 3283] [★★]
[영영] A basket is a stiff container that is used for carrying or storing objects. Baskets are made from thin strips of materials such as straw, plastic, or wire woven together.
⒞ (경제) 바스켓 방식(여러 가지 통화를 조합해서 새로운 합성 통화 단위를 만드는 방식)
⒨ ① 바구니 ② (한) 바구니(의 양) ③ (농구에서) 바스켓, 득점 ④ (경제) 바스켓 방식(여러 가지 통화를 조합해서 새로운 합성 통화 단위를 만드는 방식)
[파생] basketlike, basket
<동사> 바구니에 넣다 , 쓰레기통에 넣다.
[본문] A cryptocurrency is normally subject to the whims of crypto markets, which are notoriously volatile, whereas Libra is kept stable by being backed up by a basket of currencies, in this case, the dollar, the pound, the euro and the Swiss franc.
cliff [명사] [Ranking; 4357] [★★]
[영영] A cliff is a high area of land with a very steep side, especially one next to the sea.
⒨ (흔히 바닷가) 절벽
[파생] clifflike, cliffy, cliff
[어근] cliff(clip); smooth rock
[본문] A whim is an unpredictable or irrational decision or trend and if you are subject to the whims of something, or someone, it means that metaphorically you are a passenger in a self-driving car which may decide just to drive off the edge of a cliff.
code [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1657] [★★]
[영영] A code is a set of rules about how people should behave or about how something must be done.
⒞ 암호, 부호
⒨ ① 암호, 부호 ② (컴퓨터) 코드(프로그램의 데이터 처리 형식에 맞는 데이터) ③ (사회적) 관례[규칙] ④ (조직국가의) 법규[규정]
⒪ (조직국가의) 법규[규정]
[첫뜻] systematic compilation of laws
[활용] 복수형; codes
[파생] codable, codeless, codify, encode, encodement, encoder
<동사> ① 부호로 처리하다 ② 암호로 쓰다 ③ (컴퓨터) (프로그램을) 코드화하다
[본문] The word is a combination of crypto, from cryptography, which is to do with using clever software codes to protect computer information and systems, and currency, which is the money of a particular country.
combination [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1822] [★★]
[영영] A combination of things is a mixture of them.
⒨ ① 조합[결합](물) ② 조합[연합] (행위) ③ (부호 자물쇠 등을 열 수 있도록 숫자나 글자를 조합한 일련의) 부호[번호] ④ 콤비네이션(예전에 입던 몸통과 다리 부분이 하나로 된 옛날 속옷)
[첫뜻] act of uniting (two things) in a whole; state of being so united
[활용] 복수형; combinations
[파생] combinability, combinable, combination, combinational, combinative, combine, combiner
[어근] ⑴ com; together ⑵ bin(bi); two by two ⑶ ation; 명사어미 [레마] combine
[본문] The word is a combination of crypto, from cryptography, which is to do with using clever software codes to protect computer information and systems, and currency, which is the money of a particular country.
content [명사] [Ranking; 1745] [★★]
[영영] ① The contents of a container such as a bottle, box, or room are the things that are inside it.
② If you refer to the content or contents of something such as a book, speech, or television programme, you are referring to the subject that it deals with, the story that it tells, or the ideas that it expresses.
③ The contents of a book are its different chapters and sections, usually shown in a list at the beginning of the book.
⒨ ① (어떤 것의) 속에 든 것들, 내용물 ② (책의) 목차 ③ (책/연설/프로그램 등의) 내용[주제] ④ 함유량, 함량 ⑤ (컴퓨터) 콘텐츠
[첫뜻] ③ state of mind which results from satisfaction with present circumstances ④ that which is contained
[활용] 복수형; contents
[파생] contain, containable, containment, content, contented, contentment
[어근] ⑴ tent(tend) ⑵ ten
<동사> ① ~에 자족하다 ② 만족시키다
<형용사> ① (자기가 가진 것에) 만족[자족]하는 ② 기꺼이 ~하려 하는
[본문] First off there is cryptography which is the use of special codes to keep computer systems and content safe.
correct [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1808] [★★]
[영영] If something is correct, it is in accordance with the facts and has no mistakes.
⒨ ① 맞는, 정확한 ② 적절한, 옳은 ③ (태도가) 올바른
[첫뜻] in accordance or agreement with a certain standard, model, or original
[파생] correctable, correctible, correction, correctly, correctness, corrector, correct
[어근] ⑴ cor(com); together ⑵ rect; to lead straight, direct
[유의어] right
[반의어] incorrect(맞다)
<동사> ① 바로잡다, 정정하다 ② (교사가) (가끔 점수를 매기기도 하면서 과제를) 검사하다 ③ (남의 실수를) 바로잡다[지적하다]
[본문] The correct answer is 2009, so no luck for you this time, but congratulations to everyone who did get that right.
crypto [형용사]
[영영] Crypto- is added to adjectives and nouns to form other adjectives and nouns which refer to people who have hidden beliefs and principles.
⒨ 비밀의, 숨겨진, 내밀(內密)의
<명사> 비밀 결탁자[당원], = CRYPTO-COMMUNIST
[본문] The word is a combination of crypto, from cryptography, which is to do with using clever software codes to protect computer information and systems, and currency, which is the money of a particular country.
cryptocurrency [명사]
⒨ 암호화폐, 가상화폐
[활용] 복수형; cryptocurrencies
[어근] ⑴ crypto(crypt); 숨은, 비밀의 ⑵ curr(cur); to run ⑶ ency; 명사어미 [구성단어] crypto + currency [레마] currency, crypto
[본문] Now, Sam, what can you tell us about cryptocurrencies?
cryptography [명사]
[영영] the science or study of analysing and deciphering codes, ciphers, etc; cryptanalysis
⒨ 암호 작성[해독]술
[첫뜻] art of writing in secret characters
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] cryptographer, cryptographic, cryptographical, cryptographically, cryptologist, cryptography
[어근] ⑴ crypto(crypt); hidden ⑵ graphy(graph); description of [레마] crypto
[본문] The word is a combination of crypto, from cryptography, which is to do with using clever software codes to protect computer information and systems, and currency, which is the money of a particular country.
currency [명사] [Ranking; 3774] [★★]
[영영] The money used in a particular country is referred to as its currency.
⒨ ① 통화 ② 통용
[첫뜻] condition of flowing(obsolete)
[활용] 복수형; currencies
[파생] currency, current, currently, currentness
[어근] ⑴ curr(cur); to run ⑵ ency; 명사어미 [레마] current
[본문] She says it's not really a cryptocurrency because it's actually backed up by a number of real currencies.
digital [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2377] [★★]
[영영] Digital systems record or transmit information in the form of thousands of very small signals.
⒨ ① (통신 등이) 디지털(방식)을 쓰는 ② (시계 등이) 디지털(방식)의 ③ 손가락의. ④ 손가락 모양의.
⒪ 손가락의.
[첫뜻] pertaining to numbers below ten; pertaining to fingers
[파생] digit, digitally, digital
[레마] digit
<명사> ① 디지털 텔레비전 ② (드물게) 손가락 ③ (악기 건반의) 건(鍵).
[본문] It's purely digital and is not controlled by banks or governments but by the people who have it and very complex computer codes.
disaster [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2341] [★★]
[영영] A disaster is a very bad accident such as an earthquake or a plane crash, especially one in which a lot of people are killed.
⒨ ① 참사, 재난, 재해 ② 엄청난 불행, 재앙 ③ 완전한 실패자[작]
[첫뜻] anything that befalls of ruinous or distressing nature; any unfortunate event
[활용] 복수형; disasters
[파생] disastrous, disaster
[어근] ⑴ dis; ill ⑵ aster(astro); a star
[유의어] catastrophe
[본문] So it might be an exciting ride, but it could end in disaster.
edge [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 980] [★★]
[영영] The edge of something is the place or line where it stops, or the part of it that is furthest from the middle.
⒨ ① (가운데에서 가장 먼) 끝, 가장자리, 모서리 ② (칼 등의) 날 ③ 위기 ④ (약간의) 우위[유리함] ⑤ 통렬함, 강렬함
[활용] 복수형; edges
[파생] edgeless, edger, edgeways, edgy, edge
<동사> ① 조금씩[살살] 움직이다[이동시키다] ② 테두리를 두르다 ③ (약간) 증가[감소]하다
[본문] A whim is an unpredictable or irrational decision or trend and if you are subject to the whims of something, or someone, it means that metaphorically you are a passenger in a self-driving car which may decide just to drive off the edge of a cliff.
exciting [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2949] [★★]
⒨ 신나는, 흥미진진한, 흥분하게 하는
[파생] excitingly, exciting
[어근] ⑴ ex; out ⑵ cite; to call, summon ⑶ ing; 현재진행/형용사어미 [레마] excite
[본문] So it might be an exciting ride, but it could end in disaster.
famous [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1495] [★★]
[영영] Someone or something that is famous is very well known.
⒨ 유명한
[첫뜻] celebrated in public report, renowned, well-known
[파생] famed, fameless, famous, famously, fame
[어근] ⑴ fam(fame); fame ⑵ ous; 형용사어미 [레마] fame
[유의어] noted(유명하다), well-known(유명하다)
[본문] Something that is notorious is well known or famous but for a negative reason.
independent [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1271] [★★]
[영영] If one thing or person is independent of another, they are separate and not connected, so the first one is not affected or influenced by the second.
⒞ (정부 기금이 아닌 민간 기금으로 운영되는) 독립된[독자적인]
⒨ ① (국가가) 독립된 ② (상황에 관련되어 있지 않아서 공정한 판단이 가능하게) 독립적인[독자적인] ③ (영향을 받지 않는관련이 없는) 독립된[별개의] ④ (정부 기금이 아닌 민간 기금으로 운영되는) 독립된[독자적인] ⑤ 자립심이 강한, 자립적인
[파생] independence, independency, independent, independently
[어근] ⑴ in; not ⑵ de; from, down ⑶ pend; to hang ⑷ ent(ant); 형용사 어미 [구성단어] dependent [레마] depend
[유의어] self-governing
[반의어] dependent
<명사> 무소속 의원[후보/정치인]
[본문] Yes, cryptocurrencies are completely independent of financial institutions and other currencies.
institution [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 990] [★★]
[영영] An institution is a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank.
⒨ ① (대학/은행 등과 같이 특정 목적을 지닌 대규모) 기관[단체/협회] ② (노인/정신 질환자 등을 위한) 보호 시설 ③ (특정 집단 사이에서 오랫동안 존재해 온) 제도[관습] ④ (제도/법률 등의) 시행[도입] ⑤ (비격식, 유머) (특정 장소/직종에 오래 있어서) 잘 알려진 인물
[활용] 복수형; institutions
[파생] institute, instituter, institution, institutional, institutionalize, institutionary, institutor
[어근] ⑴ in; in, on ⑵ stitut(stitute); cause to stand, set ⑶ ion(ation); 접미어 [레마] institute
[본문] Yes, cryptocurrencies are completely independent of financial institutions and other currencies.
invest [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2015] [★★]
[영영] If you invest in something, or if you invest a sum of money, you use your money in a way that you hope will increase its value, for example by paying it into a bank, or buying shares or property.
⒨ ① (수익을 위해) 투자하다 ② (기관/정부 등이 무엇의 개선/성공을 위해) 투자[출자]하다 ③ (시간/노력 등을) 투자하다[쏟다] ④ (특히 직책의 일부로 권력/권한 등을) 부여하다
[활용] invested, invested, investing, invests
[파생] invest, investable, investible, investiture, investment, investor
[어근] ⑴ in; in ⑵ vest; clothe
[본문] If you want to take the risk you could make a lot of money, but you could also lose a lot of money - more than you invested.
irrational [형용사] [★]
[영영] If you describe someone's feelings and behaviour as irrational, you mean they are not based on logical reasons or clear thinking.
⒨ 비이성[비논리]적인
[첫뜻] not endowed with reason
[파생] irrationality, irrationally, irrationalness, irrational
[어근] ⑴ ir(in); not ⑵ ration(rat); reason ⑶ al(ad); 형용사 어미 [레마] ratio
[유의어] unreasonable
[반의어] rational, rational(이성적이다)
[본문] A whim is an unpredictable or irrational decision or trend and if you are subject to the whims of something, or someone, it means that metaphorically you are a passenger in a self-driving car which may decide just to drive off the edge of a cliff.
journalist [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2116] [★★]
[영영] A journalist is a person whose job is to collect news and write about it for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.
⒨ 저널리스트, (신문/방송/잡지사의) 기자
[활용] 복수형; journalists
[파생] journal, journalist, journalistically, journalistic
[어근] ⑴ journal(journ); day ⑵ ist; ~하는 사람(명사어미) [레마] journal
[본문] Now, Jemima Kelly is a financial journalist.
launch [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1756] [★★]
[영영] To launch a rocket, missile, or satellite means to send it into the air or into space.
⒨ ① (특히 조직적인 일을[에]) 시작[개시/착수]하다 ② (상품을) 출시[출간]하다 ③ (배를) 진수시키다[물에 띄우다] ④ (우주선 등을) 발사하다 ⑤ (~을 향해) 맹렬히 덤비다
[첫뜻] to rush, plunge, leap, start forth; to be set into sudden motion
[활용] launched, launched, launching, launches
[파생] launchable, launch
[유의어] roll out
<명사> ① 개시[출시/진수/발사](하는 행사) ② 론치(모터가 달린 대형 보트)
[본문] Well, you seem to know a fair bit about cryptocurrency actually… anyway, now a new player is joining the digital money system as Facebook have announced they are launching their own digital currency.
luck [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2406] [★★]
[영영] Luck or good luck is success or good things that happen to you, that do not come from your own abilities or efforts.
⒨ ① 좋은 운, 행운 ② 운(수), 운명
[첫뜻] fortune good or bad, what happens to one by chance (conceived as being favorable or not); good luck, quality of having a tendency to receive desired o
[활용] 복수형; lucks
[파생] luck, Luckily, luckiness, luckless, lucky
[유의어] fortune
<동사> 운 좋게 (…을) 만나다[얻다](out)[into, on, onto], 운이 트다(out), 운이 다하다, 죽다
[본문] The correct answer is 2009, so no luck for you this time, but congratulations to everyone who did get that right.
normally [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2611] [★★]
⒨ ① 보통(은), 보통 때는 ② 정상적으로
[파생] normalcy, normality, normalize, normally, normalness, normal
[어근] ⑴ norm; a rule ⑵ al; …한 (형용사어미) ⑶ ly; 부사어미 [레마] norm
[본문] A cryptocurrency is normally subject to the whims of crypto markets, which are notoriously volatile, whereas Libra is kept stable by being backed up by a basket of currencies, in this case, the dollar, the pound, the euro and the Swiss franc.
notorious [형용사] [★]
[영영] To be notorious means to be well-known for something bad.
⒨ 악명 높은
[첫뜻] publicly known and spoken of
[파생] notoriety, notoriously, notoriousness, notorious
[어근] ⑴ notori(gno); well-known ⑵ ous; ~한(형용사어미)
[본문] Something that is notorious is well known or famous but for a negative reason.
notoriously [부사]
⒨ 악명 높게, 주지의 사실로서
[파생] notoriety, notoriously, notoriousness, notorious
[어근] ⑴ notori(gno); well-known ⑵ ous; ~한(형용사어미) ⑶ ly; 부사어미 [레마] notorious
[본문] A cryptocurrency is normally subject to the whims of crypto markets, which are notoriously volatile, whereas Libra is kept stable by being backed up by a basket of currencies, in this case, the dollar, the pound, the euro and the Swiss franc.
opposite [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2241] [★★]
[영영] The opposite of someone or something is the person or thing that is most different from them.
⒨ 반대(되는 사람/것),
[파생] oppose, opposer, opposing, opposingly, opposite, oppositely, oppositeness, opposition, oppositional, oppositionist, oppositionless, oppositive
[어근] ⑴ op(ob); against ⑵ pos(pon); pose ⑶ ite; 명사어미 [레마] oppose
<형용사> ① (보통 마주 보고 있는 둘 중) 다른 편[쪽]의[건너편의] ② … 맞은편의 ③ (정)반대의
<부사> 정반대의 위치에, 맞은편에
<전치사> ① 건너편[맞은편]에 ② (연극/영화에서) … 상대역으로
[본문] This is the opposite of volatile.
passenger [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2097] [★★]
[영영] A passenger in a vehicle such as a bus, boat, or plane is a person who is travelling in it, but who is not driving it or working on it.
⒨ ① 승객 ② (집단/팀에서 일을 많이 하지 않는) 군식구 같은 사람들
[첫뜻] passer-by
[활용] 복수형; passengers
[어근] pass
[본문] A whim is an unpredictable or irrational decision or trend and if you are subject to the whims of something, or someone, it means that metaphorically you are a passenger in a self-driving car which may decide just to drive off the edge of a cliff.
plan [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 414] [★★]
[영영] A plan is a method of achieving something that you have worked out in detail beforehand.
⒨ ① 계획(앞으로 하려는 일) ② (목표 달성을 위해 고려되는 일련의) 계획[방안/방침] ③ (건물도시 등의 자세한) 지도 ④ (기계건물 등의) 도면[설계도] ⑤ 배치도
⒪ 배치도
[첫뜻] drawing, sketch, or diagram of any object
[활용] 복수형; plans
<동사> ① 계획을 세우다, 계획하다 ② 계획[의도/예상]하다 ③ 구상[설계]하다
[본문] She was talking on the BBC radio programme Money Box Live about the plans for Libra.
protect [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 750] [★★]
[영영] To protect someone or something means to prevent them from being harmed or damaged.
⒨ ① 보호하다, 지키다 ② (동물/지역/건물 등을 법으로) 보호하다, 보호법을 도입하다 ③ (보호 관세를 통해 자국 산업을) 보호하다 ④ (보험으로) 보장하다
[첫뜻] to protect, cover in front
[활용] protected, protected, protecting, protects
[파생] protect, protection, protectionism, protectionist, protective, protectively, protectiveness
[어근] ⑴ pro; before ⑵ tect; to cover
[본문] The word is a combination of crypto, from cryptography, which is to do with using clever software codes to protect computer information and systems, and currency, which is the money of a particular country.
purely [부사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[영영] You use purely to emphasize that the thing you are mentioning is the most important feature or that it is the only thing which should be considered.
⒨ 순전히, 전적으로, 오직
[파생] pure, purely, pureness, purify, purity, Purist
[어근] ⑴ pure; pure ⑵ ly; 부사어미 [레마] pure
[유의어] pure
[본문] It's purely digital and is not controlled by banks or governments but by the people who have it and very complex computer codes.
reasonably [부사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
⒨ ① 상당히, 꽤 ② 합리적으로 ③ 타당[적정]하게
[파생] reason, reasonability, reasonable, reasonableness, reasonably
[어근] ⑴ reason(rat); reason ⑵ abl(able); 형용사어미 ⑶ y(ly); 부사어미 [레마] reason
[본문] Most currencies are reasonably stable.
reveal [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 930] [★★]
[영영] To reveal something means to make people aware of it.
⒨ ① (비밀 등을) 드러내다[밝히다/폭로하다] ② (보이지 않던 것을) 드러내 보이다
[첫뜻] reveal
[활용] revealed, revealed, revealing, reveals
[파생] reveal, revealability, revealable, revealer, revealment, revelation, revelational, revelationist
[어근] re; opposite of [레마] reveal, veil
[유의어] display, disclose, disclose(밝히다), expose(드러내다)
<명사> 시현(示現), 계시, 묵시, 폭로
[본문] Well, I'll reveal the answer later in the programme.
ride [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1290] [★★]
[영영] When you ride a horse, you sit on it and control its movements.
⒨ ① (말을) 타다[몰다], 승마하다 ② 말 타러[승마하러] 가다 ③ (자전거오토바이 등을) 타다[몰다] ④ (특히 승객으로 차량을) 타다[타고 가다] ⑤ (물공중에) 뜨다, (파도를) 타다
[첫뜻] sit or be carried on
[활용] rode, ridden, riding, rides
[파생] ridable, rideable, ride
<명사> ① (차량자전거 등을) 타고 달리기[가기] ② (승용차 등을 타고 가는) 길[여정] ③ (말 등을) 타기, 승마
[본문] So it might be an exciting ride, but it could end in disaster.
risky [형용사] [Ranking; 4545] [★★]
[영영] If an activity or action is risky, it is dangerous or likely to fail.
⒨ 위험한
[활용] 비교; risky < riskier < riskiest
[파생] risker, riskful, riskily, riskiness, riskless, risky, risk
[레마] risk
[유의어] dangerous(위험하다)
[본문] And this can make them risky, can't it?
safe [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1062] [★★]
[영영] Something that is safe does not cause physical harm or danger.
⒨ ① (신체적인 위험 등으로부터) 안전한, 안심할 수 있는 ② 안전한, 위험하지 않은 ③ 무사한 ④ (장소가) 안전한 ⑤ (잘못되거나 남의 감정을 상하게 할 염려 등이 없이) 안전한, 무방한
[첫뜻] unscathed, unhurt, uninjured; free from danger or molestation, in safety, secure; saved spiritually, redeemed, not damned
[활용] 비교; safe < safer < safest
[파생] safe, safely, safeness, safety, savable, savableness, saveable, saveableness, saver, savior, save
[레마] save
[유의어] careful, secure
[반의어] unsafe
<명사> ① 금고 ② (기마) 안장에 쓸리지 않게 하는 가죽.
<부사> 안전하게.
[본문] First off there is cryptography which is the use of special codes to keep computer systems and content safe.
secure [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2511] [★★]
[영영] A secure place is tightly locked or well protected, so that people cannot enter it or leave it.
⒨ ① 안심하는 ② 안전한, 확실한(앞으로도 계속되거나 성공적일 것으로 여겨지는) ③ (해영향을 입지 않고) 안전한 ④ (사람들이 무단으로 드나들지 않게) 안전한[보안/문단속이 철저한] ⑤ 안정감 있는, 단단한, 튼튼한
⒪ (폐어/드물게) 과신(過信)하는
[첫뜻] without care, dreading no evil
[활용] 비교; secure < securer < securest
[파생] securable, secure, securely, securement, secureness, securer, security
[어근] ⑴ se; free from ⑵ cure(cur); care
[유의어] stable, safe, firm
[반의어] insecure
<명사> (해사) 작업 중지 신호.
<동사> ① (특히 힘들게) 얻어 내다, 획득[확보]하다 ② (단단히) 고정시키다[잡아매다] ③ 안전하게 지키다[보호하다], 단단히 보안 장치를 하다
[본문] Cryptocurrency is a combination of cryptography and currency and it's used for a finance system that is based on secure digital coins that are not connected to banks or governments.
self-driving [형용사]
⒨ 자율 주행의
[구성단어] self + driving [레마] drive
[본문] A whim is an unpredictable or irrational decision or trend and if you are subject to the whims of something, or someone, it means that metaphorically you are a passenger in a self-driving car which may decide just to drive off the edge of a cliff.
simply [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 584] [★★]
[영영] You use simply to emphasize that something consists of only one thing, happens for only one reason, or is done in only one way.
⒨ ① 그냥 (간단히), 그저 (단순히) (어떤 것이 얼마나 쉽거나 간단한지를 강조함) ② (진술 내용을 강조하여) 그야말로[정말로/그냥] ③ 간단히, 평이하게 ④ 소박하게, 간소하게 ⑤ (간단히) 요약하면
[파생] simpleness, simplify, simply, simple
[레마] simple
[유의어] just(그냥 간단하다), absolutely(그야말로)
[본문] So cryptocurrency, very simply, means code money.
special [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 521] [★★]
[영영] Someone or something that is special is better or more important than other people or things.
⒨ ① (보통과 달리) 특수한[특별한] ② (다른 무엇보다 중요해서) 특별한 ③ (특정 목적을 위한) 특별한 ④ 특유의, 특정한 ⑤ 특별한(보통보다 더 많거나 나은)
[첫뜻] better than ordinary
[파생] special, specialisation, specialization, specialize, specially, specialness, specialty
[어근] ⑴ speci(spec); kind, sort ⑵ al(ad); 형용사어미
[유의어] exceptional
<명사> ① 특별한 것, 특별 상품, 특집 방송 ② (상점식당의)특별가, 특별 할인가
<동사> 를 전속 간호하다.
[본문] First off there is cryptography which is the use of special codes to keep computer systems and content safe.
stable [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2925] [★★]
[영영] If something is stable, it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly.
⒨ ① 안정된, 안정적인 ② (사람이) 차분한, 안정된 ③ (물질의 상태가) 안정된
[첫뜻] trustworthy, reliable
[활용] 비교; stable < stabler < stablest
[파생] stabile, stabilisation, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stable, stablelike, stableness, stably, stabilise
[유의어] steady(안정적이다), balanced, secure
<명사> ① 마구간 ② 말 훈련소 ③ (한 사람이 소유하거나 훈련시키는) 경주마들
<동사> (말을 마구간에) 넣다[두다]
[본문] A cryptocurrency is normally subject to the whims of crypto markets, which are notoriously volatile, whereas Libra is kept stable by being backed up by a basket of currencies, in this case, the dollar, the pound, the euro and the Swiss franc.
subject [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 670] [★★]
[영영] To be subject to something means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it.
⒞ (다른 국가에) 종속된
⒨ ① (특히 나쁜 영향을 받아) …될[당할/걸릴] 수 있는 ② (완성합의가 되려면) ~을 받아야 하는[~에 달려 있는] ③ ~의 권한 아래 있는[지배를 받는] ④ (다른 국가에) 종속된
[파생] subjectability, subjectable, subjection, subjective, subjectless, subject
[어근] ⑴ sub; under ⑵ ject; to throw
<명사> ① (논의 등의) 주제[대상/화제], (다뤄지고 있는) 문제[사안] ② 학과, 과목 ③ (그림사진 등의) 대상[소재]
<동사> (다른 국가집단을, 특히 무력으로) 지배하에 두다[종속시키다]
<부사> …을 조건으로(conditionally upon), …을 가정하여.
[본문] A cryptocurrency is normally subject to the whims of crypto markets, which are notoriously volatile, whereas Libra is kept stable by being backed up by a basket of currencies, in this case, the dollar, the pound, the euro and the Swiss franc.
unpredictable [형용사]
[영영] If you describe someone or something as unpredictable, you mean that you cannot tell what they are going to do or how they are going to behave.
⒨ ① 예측할 수 없는, 예측이 불가능한 ② (사람이) 예측할[종잡을] 수 없는
[파생] unpredictability, unpredictableness, unpredictably, unpredictable
[어근] ⑴ un; not ⑵ pre; before ⑶ dict(dic); to say ⑷ able; 접미어 [레마] predict
[유의어] changeable(바뀔 수도 있다)
[반의어] predictable(예측할 수 없다)
<명사> 예언[예측]할 수 없는 것[사람, 사건].
[본문] A whim is an unpredictable or irrational decision or trend and if you are subject to the whims of something, or someone, it means that metaphorically you are a passenger in a self-driving car which may decide just to drive off the edge of a cliff.
volatile [형용사] [★]
[영영] A situation that is volatile is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly.
⒞ (사람/기분이) 변덕스러운
⒨ ① (사람/기분이) 변덕스러운 ② (상황이) (금방이라도 급변할 듯이) 불안한 ③ (물질이) 휘발성의
[첫뜻] fine or light; evaporating rapidly
[파생] volatileness, volatility, volatilize, volatile
[유의어] unstable
[본문] A cryptocurrency is normally subject to the whims of crypto markets, which are notoriously volatile, whereas Libra is kept stable by being backed up by a basket of currencies, in this case, the dollar, the pound, the euro and the Swiss franc.
well-known [형용사] [Ranking; 4446] [★]
[영영] A well-known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar. If someone is well-known for a particular activity, a lot of people know about them because of their involvement with that activity.
⒨ ① 유명한, 주지의, 잘 알려진. ② 친한, 친숙한
[구성단어] well + known [레마] know
[유의어] famous(유명하다)
[본문] Perhaps the most well-known is Bitcoin.
whim [명사] [★]
[영영] A whim is a wish to do or have something which seems to have no serious reason or purpose behind it, and often occurs suddenly.
⒞ (일시적인) 기분, 변덕
⒨ (일시적인) 기분, 변덕
[첫뜻] play on words, pun
[활용] 복수형; whims
[유의어] fancy(욕망)
<동사> 일시적인 기분으로 바라다
[본문] A cryptocurrency is normally subject to the whims of crypto markets, which are notoriously volatile, whereas Libra is kept stable by being backed up by a basket of currencies, in this case, the dollar, the pound, the euro and the Swiss franc.
새내기할배의 [영어단어공부]자료를 처음 보시는 분은 <다음> 링크를 클릭하셔서 [공부법]을 먼저 보시기 바랍니다
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