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6 Minute English; The art of tipping - 영어단어공부

6 Minute English; The art of tipping - 영어단어공부


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[영어공부] 6 Minute English; The art of tipping - 문장편

[영어공부] 6 Minute English; The art of tipping - 문장편 본 해설 자료는 첨부파일(PDF)로 올려져 있습니다. 다운받으셔서 활용하십시오 샘과 캐서린이 팁 문화에 대해 이야기 합니다. 영국 사람들도 팁 주는..




actual [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1752] [★★]
[영영] You use actual to emphasize that you are referring to something real or genuine.
⒨ ① (사실임을 강조하여) 실제의 ② (중요한 부분을 강조하여) 사실상의, …자체는
[파생] actuality, actually, actualness, actual
[레마] act
[유의어] very(바로 그)
<명사> ① (예측과 대비하는) 실적(實績) ② (영화 등의) 다큐멘터리 ③ 현실(의 것)
[본문] But yes, it's giving money to waiters and waitresses, hairdressers, taxi drivers - money that is more than the actual bill.

attitude [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1157] [★★]
[영영] Your attitude to something is the way that you think and feel about it, especially when this shows in the way you behave.
⒨ ① (정신적인) 태도[자세], 사고방식 ② 반항적인[고집스런] 태도 ③ (몸의) 자세
[첫뜻] posture or position of a figure in a statue or painting
[활용] 복수형; attitudes
[파생] attitudinal, attitude
[어근] ⑴ atti(apt); joined, fitted ⑵ tude; 명사어미
[본문] I mean, we have restaurants in London, we have a restaurant in Manchester, we're also opening a restaurant in New York and those three cities have quite different attitudes to tipping.

automatic [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4084] [★★]
[영영] An automatic machine or device is one which has controls that enable it to perform a task without needing to be constantly operated by a person. Automatic methods and processes involve the use of such machines.
⒨ ① (기계가) 자동의 ② 무의식적인, 반사적인 ③ (어떤 행동상황에 대한 결과가) 자동적으로 따라오는
[첫뜻] self-acting, moving or acting on its own
[파생] automatically, automaticity, automatism, automatize, automatic
[어근] ⑴ auto; self ⑵ mat(ment); thinking, animated ⑶ ic; 형용사어미
[유의어] instinctive(무의식적이다)
<명사> ① 자동 권총[소총/기관총] ② 오토매틱[자동 변속기] 자동차
[본문] So, one difference is that in some places people prefer an automatic service charge so that they don't have to think about or try to calculate a tip.

calculate [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3064] [★★]
[영영] If you calculate a number or amount, you discover it from information that you already have, by using arithmetic, mathematics, or a special machine.
⒨ ① 계산하다, 산출하다 ② 추정하다, 추산하다
⒪ 추정하다, 추산하다
[첫뜻] to ascertain by computation, estimate by mathematical means
[활용] calculated, calculated, calculating, calculates
[파생] calculate, calculation, calculational, calculative
[유의어] work out(계산하다), estimate(추정하다)
[본문] So, one difference is that in some places people prefer an automatic service charge so that they don't have to think about or try to calculate a tip.

differ [동사] [Ranking; 3016] [★]
[영영] If two or more things differ, they are unlike each other in some way.
⒨ ① 다르다 ② 의견이 다르다, 동의하지 않다
[첫뜻] be unlike, dissimilar, distinct, or various
[활용] differed, differed, differing, differs
[파생] differ, difference, different, differently, differentness, differentiate
[어근] ⑴ dif(dis); apart ⑵ fer; bring, carry
[유의어] vary
[본문] Before he talks about how the policies differ, he says i.e. These two letters stand for the Latin phrase 'id est'.

difference [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 497] [★★]
[영영] The difference between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other.
⒨ ① 차이, 다름 ② (양의) 차이 ③ 의견 차이, 불화
[첫뜻] condition or relation of being other or different
[활용] 복수형; differences
[파생] differ, difference, different, differentiation, differentiator, differently, differentness, differentiate
[어근] ⑴ dif(dis); apart ⑵ fer; bring, carry ⑶ ence(ance); 명사어미 [레마] differ
[반의어] similarity
[본문] So, one difference is that in some places people prefer an automatic service charge so that they don't have to think about or try to calculate a tip.

exactly [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 749] [★★]
⒨ ① 정확히, 꼭, 틀림없이 ② (더 확실한 정보를 요구할 때 써서) 정확히 ③ (맞장구치는 말로) 맞아[바로 그거야]
[파생] exact, exactable, exacter, exaction, exactitude, exactness, exactor, exactly
[어근] ⑴ ex; out ⑵ act(ag); to drive ⑶ ly; 부사어근 [레마] exact
[유의어] precisely, literally, accurately(정확하다)
[본문] New York exactly the same.

freedom [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1151] [★★]
[영영] Freedom is the state of being allowed to do what you want to do. Freedoms are instances of this.
⒨ ① (권리로서의) 자유 ② (자기가 원하는 대로 할 수 있는) 자유(로운 상태) ③ (죄수나 노예 상태가 아닌) 자유 ④ (~을 겪지 않는) 자유 ⑤ ~을 마음대로 써도 된다는 허락
[첫뜻] power of self-determination, state of free will; emancipation from slavery, deliverance
[활용] 복수형; freedoms
[파생] free, freedom, freely, freeness, freer
[어근] dom; 접미어 [레마] free
[본문] But do people actually make use of that freedom not to tip?

hairdresser [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[영영] A hairdresser is a person who cuts, colours, and arranges people's hair.
⒨ ① 미용사, 헤어 디자이너 ② 미용실
[활용] 복수형; hairdressers
[파생] hairdressing, hairdresser
[구성단어] hair + dresser [레마] hair
[본문] But yes, it's giving money to waiters and waitresses, hairdressers, taxi drivers - money that is more than the actual bill.

highlight [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3399] [★★]
[영영] If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.
⒞ (특히 사람들이 더 많은 관심을 기울이도록) 강조하다
⒨ ① (특히 사람들이 더 많은 관심을 기울이도록) 강조하다 ② (텍스트컴퓨터 화면 등에) 하이라이트[강조] 표시를 하다 ③ (머리카락 일부를 더 밝은 색으로) 부분 염색하다
⒪ (텍스트컴퓨터 화면 등에) 하이라이트[강조] 표시를 하다
[활용] highlighted, highlighted, highlighting, highlights
[구성단어] high + light [레마] light
<명사> ① 하이라이트, 가장 좋은[흥미로운] 부분 ② (머리의) 부분 염색한 부분 ③ (그림사진의) 하이라이트[밝은/연한 부분]
[본문] There's another short expression that he used that I'd like to highlight.

necessarily [부사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1971] [★★]
[영영] If you say that something is not necessarily the case, you mean that it may not be the case or is not always the case.
⒞ 어쩔 수 없이, 필연적으로
⒨ 어쩔 수 없이, 필연적으로
[파생] necessarily, necessary, necessitate, necessity
[어근] ⑴ ne(neg); not ⑵ cess(cede); give way ⑶ ary; ~와 관련된(형용사 어미) ⑷ ly; 부사 어미 [레마] necessity
[본문] What is the norm in one city is not necessarily the norm in another.

nightmare [명사] [Ranking; 3620] [★]
[영영] A nightmare is a very frightening dream.
⒨ ① 악몽 ② 악몽 (같은 일), 아주 끔찍한[힘든] 일
[첫뜻] an evil female spirit afflicting men (or horses) in their sleep with a feeling of suffocation
[활용] 복수형; nightmares
[파생] nightmarish, nightmarishly, nightmarishness, nightmare
[구성단어] night + mare [레마] night, mare
<형용사> 악몽의, 악몽 같은, 악몽을 연상시키는.
[본문] It's a nightmare!

norm [명사] [Ranking; 3416] [★★]
[영영] ① Norms are ways of behaving that are considered normal in a particular society.
② If you say that a situation is the norm, you mean that it is usual and expected.
③ A norm is an official standard or level that organizations are expected to reach.
⒞ 표준, 일반적인 것
⒨ ① 표준, 일반적인 것 ② 규범, 규준 ③ 기준
[첫뜻] a standard, pattern, or model
[활용] 복수형; norms
[파생] normless, norm
[어근] norm; rule
[유의어] rule(표준)
[본문] In London, the norm is, it's there, it's on your bill.

normal [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1221] [★★]
[영영] Something that is normal is usual and ordinary, and is what people expect.
⒞ 보통의, 평범한, 정상적인
⒨ ① 보통의, 평범한, 정상적인 ② (정신 상태가) 정상인
[첫뜻] typical, common; standing at a right angle, perpendicular
[파생] normalcy, normality, normalize, normally, normalness, normal
[어근] ⑴ norm; a rule ⑵ al; …한 (형용사어미) [레마] norm
[유의어] typical(보통이다)
[반의어] abnormal(비정상적이다)
[본문] The norm is an expression that means, as you might guess, what is normal, what is usual.

option [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1106] [★★]
⒨ ① 선택(할 수 있는 것), (기기의) 옵션, 선택권 ② 선택 과목 ③ (특정 자산의 매매) 선택권[옵션] ④ (컴퓨터) (프로그램 사용상의) 선택[옵션]
[첫뜻] action of choosing
[활용] 복수형; options
[파생] optionable, option
[어근] ⑴ opt; to wish, desire ⑵ ion(ation); 명사 어미
<동사> ① …의 (출판권 등의) 옵션을 얻다[주다] ② (차에) 옵션 품목을 설치하다
[본문] You don't, everybody tips 20% or, there is a theory of an option.

phrase [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2612] [★★]
⒨ ① (문법) 구(句: the green car, on Friday morning처럼 동사 외의 낱말들 두 개 이상으로 이뤄진 문장 성분) ② 구절, 관용구 ③ (음악) 악구
⒪ 구절, 관용구
[첫뜻] manner or style of expression, group of words with some unity
[활용] 복수형; phrases
[파생] phrasal, phrase
[어근] phrase(parl); to speak, tell
<동사> ① (말글을 특정한 방식으로) 표현하다 ② (음악 작품을) 악구를 나누다, 악구를 구분하여 연주하다[부르다]
[본문] Before he talks about how the policies differ, he says i.e. These two letters stand for the Latin phrase 'id est'.

policy [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 389] [★★]
[영영] A policy is a set of ideas or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics, economics, or business.
⒞ 정책, 방침
⒨ ① 정책, 방침 ② 방책 ③ 보험 증권[증서]
[첫뜻] ① way of management; study or practice of government; good government ② written insurance agreement
[활용] 복수형; policies
[파생] policy, politic, politicly
[어근] ⑴ polic(polis); city, state ⑵ y; 접미어 [레마] politic
[본문] So the policy in London and Manchester differs which means, again as you might guess, it's different.

practice [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 565] [★★]
[영영] You can refer to something that people do regularly as a practice.
⒞ 관행, 관례
⒨ ① 실행, 실천 ② 관행, 관례 ③ 다반사, 습관, 관습 ④ 연습, 실습 ⑤ (의사변호사 등 전문직 종사자의) 업무[영업/사무실]
[첫뜻] practical application
[활용] 복수형; practices
[파생] practical, practicality, practically, practicalness, practice, practicer
[유의어] custom
<동사> ① 연습[실습]하다 ② (일상적으로) 행하다, 생활화하다, 실천하다 ③ (의사/변호사 등으로) 일하다
[본문] So we've been talking about tipping, the practice of giving extra money to, for example, waitresses and waiters.

speak [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 336] [★★]
[영영] ① When you speak, you use your voice in order to say something.
② When someone speaks to a group of people, they make a speech.
③ If you speak for a group of people, you make their views and demands known, or represent them.
⒨ ① 이야기하다(말을 주고받다) ② (목소리를 써서) 말하다[말을 하다] ③ (어떤 내용을) 말하다[언급/기술하다] ④ (특정한 언어를) 할 줄 알다[구사하다] ⑤ (의사 표현을 위해 특정한 언어를) 쓰다[하다]
[활용] spoke, spoken, speaking, speaks
[파생] speak, speakable, speakership, speech, speechify, speaker
<명사> 언어
[본문] Something that is tacit is not spoken, not said, yet it is still understood.

specific [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 982] [★★]
⒨ ① 구체적인, 명확한, 분명한 ② 특정한 ③ 특유의, 독특한
[첫뜻] having a special quality
[파생] species, specifiable, specific, specifically, specification, specificative, specificity, specifier, specify
[어근] ⑴ speci(spec); kind, sort ⑵ fic(fac); making, doing
[유의어] particular(특정하다), peculiar(독특하다), precise(명확하다)
<명사> ① 특별한 용도[목적]에 맞는 물건 , 명세, 상론(詳論) , 특질. ② 특효약
[본문] 'It's cultural' is a more general statement and 'it differs from place to place' is a more specific definition of what he means.

tacit [형용사]
[영영] If you refer to someone's tacit agreement or approval, you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so, often because they are unwilling to admit to doing so.
⒨ 암묵적인, 무언의
[첫뜻] silent, unspoken
[파생] tacitly, tacitness, tacit
[본문] There's a tacit pressure to tip.

taxi [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[영영] A taxi is a car driven by a person whose job is to take people where they want to go in return for money.
⒨ ① 택시 ② (아프리카 일부 지역에서) 소형 노선버스
[첫뜻] automatic meter to record the distance and fare
[활용] 복수형; taxis taxies
<동사> (비행기가) (이륙 직전착륙 직후에) 천천히 달리다[이동하다]
[본문] But yes, it's giving money to waiters and waitresses, hairdressers, taxi drivers - money that is more than the actual bill.

theoretically [부사]
⒨ 이론상으로
[파생] theoretical, theoretically, theory
[어근] ⑴ theor(thea); to consider, look at ⑵ et; 명사 지소(指小) 어미 ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미 [레마] theory
[본문] But theoretically you just stand up and walk out.

theory [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 921] [★★]
[영영] A theory is a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something.
⒨ ① (어떤 현상을 설명하기 위한) 이론 ② (특정 학문과 관련된) 학설[이론] ③ (개인적인) 의견[생각]
[첫뜻] conception, mental scheme
[활용] 복수형; theories
[파생] theoretical, theoretically, theory
[어근] ⑴ theor(thea); a view ⑵ y; 명사어미
[본문] You don't, everybody tips 20% or, there is a theory of an option.

tip [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1942] [★★]
[영영] The tip of something long and narrow is the end of it.
⒨ ① (뾰족한) 끝 ② (다른 것이 붙어 있거나 씌워져 있는) 끝 부분 ③ (실용적인, 작은) 조언 ④ (특히 경마에서 우승 예상 말에 대한) 정보 ⑤ 팁, 봉사료
⒪ (다른 것이 붙어 있거나 씌워져 있는) 끝 부분
[첫뜻] ① extreme end of something, top of something round or pointed, metal attachment to the end of something ② a light, sharp blow or tap
[활용] 복수형; tips
[파생] tipless, tippable, tip
[유의어] hint(조언), dump(쓰레기장 같은 곳)
<동사> ① 기울어지다, 젖혀지다, 기울이다, 젖히다 ② (그릇을 비스듬히 기울여 그 내용물을) 따르다 ③ (어떤 것이 어느 방향으로 가도록) 살짝 건드리다
[본문] What is the biggest tip that we know somebody gave?

tip [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1942] [★★]
[영영] If you tip an object or part of your body or if it tips, it moves into a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other.
⒞ 팁을 주다
⒨ ① 기울어지다, 젖혀지다, 기울이다, 젖히다 ② (그릇을 비스듬히 기울여 그 내용물을) 따르다 ③ (어떤 것이 어느 방향으로 가도록) 살짝 건드리다 ④ 쓰레기를 버리다 ⑤ 팁을 주다
⒪ 팁을 주다
[첫뜻] ① to knock down, overturn, topple, knock askew ② give a small present of money to ③ to strike, occur suddenly ④ put a tip on, adorn with a tip
[활용] tipped, tipped, tipping, tips
[파생] tipless, tippable, tip
[유의어] tilt(기울어지다), hint
<명사> ① (뾰족한) 끝 ② (다른 것이 붙어 있거나 씌워져 있는) 끝 부분 ③ (실용적인, 작은) 조언
[본문] Sam, how do you feel about tipping?

unlikely [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2710] [★★]
[영영] If you say that something is unlikely to happen or unlikely to be true, you believe that it will not happen or that it is not true, although you are not completely sure.
⒨ ① …할[일] 것 같지 않은, 있음직하지[있을 것 같지] 않은 ② (일반적인) 예상 밖의 ③ 믿기 힘든
[첫뜻] not likely to occur
[활용] 비교; unlikely < unlikelier < unlikeliest
[파생] unlikelihood, unlikeliness, unlikely
[레마] like
[유의어] implausible
[반의어] likely
<부사> 있을[…할] 것 같지 않게
[본문] That means although it may be possible it's actually very unlikely because of the tacit pressure and the way we behave.

waiter [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[영영] A waiter is a man who works in a restaurant, serving people with food and drink.→ see also dumb waiter
⒨ ① (식당 등에서 손님 시중을 드는) 종업원, 웨이터 ② (폐어) 시중꾼, 경비원
⒪ (폐어) 시중꾼, 경비원
[첫뜻] attendant, watchman
[활용] 복수형; waiters
[구성단어] wait [레마] wait
<동사> 웨이터로 일하다
[본문] But yes, it's giving money to waiters and waitresses, hairdressers, taxi drivers - money that is more than the actual bill.

waitress [명사] [★]
[영영] A waitress is a woman who works in a restaurant, serving people with food and drink.
⒨ (호텔/음식점의) 웨이트리스 , 여자 급사
[활용] 복수형; waitresses
[어근] ess; 명사어미 [레마] wait
<동사> 웨이트리스로 일하다
[본문] But yes, it's giving money to waiters and waitresses, hairdressers, taxi drivers - money that is more than the actual bill.

whopping [형용사]
[영영] If you describe an amount as whopping, you are emphasizing that it is large.
⒞ 엄청 큰
⒨ 엄청 큰
[레마] whop
[본문] Well it was actually, believe it or not, a whopping $3,000,000.

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