How does culture influence the way you feel and show sadness? Neil and Sam will be investigating how the way people express sadness is influenced by their culture, and, as usual, we’ll be learning some new, useful vocabulary as well.
문화는 [당신이 슬픔을 느끼고 표현하는 방식에] 어떻게 영향을 미칩니까? 닐과 샘은 [[사람들이 슬픔을 표현하는 방식이] 그들의 문화에 의하여 어떻게 영향을 받는지]를 조사하고 있습니다. 그리고 우리는 평소와 같이 새롭고 유용한 어휘를 배울 것입니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
abroad adv. ★★★[2684] [레마] broad
[본문] [9]But the sadness Helen felt didn't disappear, and the longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered whether her feelings were somehow connected to being born in England, into a culture where, traditionally, expressing your emotions was discouraged.
[영영] If you go abroad, you go to a foreign country, usually one which is separated from the country where you live by an ocean or a sea.
[영한] ① 해외에(서), 해외로 ② (소문/느낌 등이) 널리 퍼져[떠다녀] ③ (옛글투) 집 밖에
[첫뜻] widely apart
<명사> 외국, 해외, 바깥.
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 breiðr》
[어근] ⑴ a; on ⑵ broad; 넓다, wide
acute adj.[10000+] [레마] acute < acu(뾰족한)
[본문] [37]As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people… in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.
[영영] You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense.
[영한] ① 격심한, 극심한 ② (질병이) 급성의 ③ (감각이) 예민한, 잘 발달된 ④ (관찰력/이해력 등이) 예리한 ⑤ (기하) (각도가) 예각인
[첫뜻] coming quickly to a crisis
[활용] 비교; acute < acuter < acutest
[파생] acuity, acute, acutely, acuteness
[유의어] keen
[반의어] chronic
[어원] 《라틴어 acuere》 날카롭게하다
[어근] acute(acu); 뾰족한
alcohol n. ★★★★[1337] [레마] alcohol
[본문] [42]Sometimes drinking alcohol gives people the courage to say what they are feeling, but this is not so healthy and can even increase feelings of depression.
[영영] Drinks that can make people drunk, such as beer, wine, and whisky, can be referred to as alcohol.
[영한] ① 술, 알코올 ② 알코올
[첫뜻] fine powder produced by sublimation
[활용] 복수형; alcohols
[파생] alcohol, alcoholic, alcoholically, alcoholize
[어원] 《아랍어 al-kuhul》 [어원: kahala] 콜 먹(화장용 검은 먹)
[어근] alcohol; 알코홀, alcohol
anger n. ★★★★[1672] [레마] anger
[본문] [13]Also, emotions are often associated with colours, for example you might go red with anger, or turn green with envy.
[영영] Anger is the strong emotion that you feel when you think that someone has behaved in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way.
[영한] 화, 분노
[파생] anger, angrily, angriness, angry
<동사> 화나게 하다
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 angra》 비통해 하다, 성가시게 하다, 괴롭히다, 성가시다, 화를 내다
[어근] anger; 분노, anger
artistically adv. ★★[4267] [레마] art
[본문] [31]In Irish culture, melancholy is expressed artistically in poems or songs.
[영한] ① 예술[미술]적으로 ② 예술적으로 보아[보면]
[파생] art, artist, artistic, artistically
[구성단어] artistic + ally
[어원] 《라틴어 ars》 [nominative of artem, genitive artis, akin to Latin arma] art
[어근] ⑴ art; art, skill ⑵ ist; 명사 어미 ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ally(ly); 부사 어미
atlas n.[10000+] [레마] atlas
[본문] [7]She became a bestselling author and wrote a book called, The atlas of Happiness.
[영영] An atlas is a book of maps.
[영한] 지도책
[첫뜻] collection of maps in a volume,
[활용] 복수형; atlantes
[어원] 《그리스어 Atlas》 아틀라스 ((어깨에 지구를 짊어지고 있는 거인))
bestselling adj.[9560] [레마] sell
[본문] [7]She became a bestselling author and wrote a book called, The Atlas of Happiness.
[영영] best + selling
[영한] 베스트 셀러의
[구성단어] best + selling
[어원] 《고대 영어 sellan》 to give, furnish, supply, lend; surrender, give up; deliver to; promise
[어근] ⑴ best; best ⑵ sell; sell ⑶ ing; 형용사 어미
centre n. ★★★[2434] [레마] center
[본문] [22]To discover more about how British people express their feelings, Helen Russell interviewed, Thomas Dixon, a professor at the centre for the History of Emotion, for BBC World Service programme, The Documentary:
[영영] A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
[영한] ① 중심, 중앙, 가운데 ② 도심지, 중심가 ③ (문화사업 등의) 중심지 ④ 센터 ⑤ (특정 활동의) 뛰어난 중심지 ⑥ (관심의) 중심[초점] ⑦ [형용사에서] … 중심의 참조 self-centred ⑧ 중도파 ⑨ [C] 상호참조 centre forward
[첫뜻] middle point of a circle; point round which something revolves
[활용] 복수형; centres
<동사> 중앙에 놓다
[어원] 《그리스어 kentron》 날카로운 포인트, 막대기, 말벌의 가시
[어근] centre(center); 중심
characterization n.[10000+] [레마] character
[본문] [36]By and large it's a Victorian, and then Edwardian, and 20th century characterization.
[영한] ① (등장인물의) 성격 묘사 ② 묘사, 정의
[유의어] portrayal
[구성단어] characterize + ation
[어원] 《그리스어 kharax》 pointed stake
[어근] ⑴ character; 성격, character ⑵ iz(ize); 동사 어미 ⑶ ation(ion); 명사 어미
colourful adj.[9221] [레마] color
[본문] [21]In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.
[영영] ① Something that is colourful has bright colours or a lot of different colours.
② A colourful story is full of exciting details.
③ A colourful character is a person who behaves in an interesting and amusing way.
[영한] ① 형형색색의, (색이) 다채로운 ② 흥미진진한, 파란만장한
[파생] colourfully, colourfulness, colourful
[구성단어] colour + ful
[어원] 《라틴어 color》 피부 색, 색상, 색깔, 색조; 외관
[어근] ⑴ colour(color); 색상, color ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미
conquer v. ★★[3657] [레마] conquer < quer
[본문] [37]As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people… in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.
[영영] If one country or group of people conquers another, they take complete control of their land.
[영한] ① (다른 나라나 민족을) 정복하다 ② (시합/경주 등에서) 이기다[물리치다] ③ (다루기 힘든 것을) 정복하다[극복하다] ④ 대단히 유명해지다[성공하다], 정복하다
[활용] conquered, conquered, conquering, conquers
[파생] conquer, conquerable, conquerableness, conquering, conqueror, conquest
[유의어] make a conquest(정복하다), make a conquest of(꾀어 정복하다)
[어근] ⑴ con(com); intens. ⑵ quer; seek, acquire
courage n. ★★★[2474] [레마] courage < core
[본문] [42]Sometimes drinking alcohol gives people the courage to say what they are feeling, but this is not so healthy and can even increase feelings of depression.
[영영] the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
[영한] 용기
[첫뜻] heart (as the seat of emotions); spirit, temperament, state or frame of mind
[활용] 셀 수 없는 명사
[파생] courage, courageous, encourage, encouragement, encourager, encouraging, encouragingly
[유의어] bravery
[어원] 《프랑스어 corage》 [from Vulgar Latin *coraticum] (Old French) courage, heart, spirit
[어근] ⑴ cor(cord); heart ⑵ age; 상태의 명사어미
definitely adv. ★★★★[1171] [레마] define < fin-(경계)
[본문] [52]Hiding you feelings or bottling them up is definitely won't make you happy, but making friends and learning something new might, so remember to join us again soon, here at 6 Minute English.
[영영] You use definitely to emphasize that something is the case, or to emphasize the strength of your intention or opinion.
[영한] ① (강조의 의미로 쓰여) 분명히[틀림없이], 절대(로) ② 확실히, 분명히
[파생] define, definite, definitely, definiteness, definitude
[유의어] expressly(분명하다), certainly
<감탄사> 물론, 그럼
[어원] 《라틴어 definire》 de+finire; to limit, determine, explain
[어근] ⑴ de; 밑,밖으로 ⑵ fin; 끝내다, 경계, end ⑶ ite; 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
depress v. ★★[3540] [레마] depress < press
[본문] [12]In English there are many idioms which describe being sad, including down in the dumps, meaning that you feel miserable and depressed.
[영영] If someone or something depresses you, they make you feel sad and disappointed.
[영한] ① 우울[암울]하게 만들다 ② (사업/거래 등을) 부진하게 만들다[침체시키다] ③ (물가/임금을) 떨어뜨리다[하락시키다] ④ (특히 기계의 어느 부분을) 누르다[밀다]
[첫뜻] put down by force, conquer(obsolete)
[활용] depressed, depressed, depressing, depresses
[파생] depress, depressible, depression, depressive
[어원] 《라틴어 depressare》 de+premere; frequentative of deprimere
[어근] ⑴ de; down ⑵ press; to press
depression n. ★★★[2108] [레마] depress < press
[본문] [25]And then of course we have this huge vocabulary of melancholy, sorrow, grief, depression and many, many other terms, and they all mean slightly different things.
[영영] Depression is a mental state in which you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
[영한] ① 우울증 ② 우울함, 암울함 ③ 불경기, 불황 ④ 오목한[움푹한] 곳 ⑤ 저기압
[첫뜻] angular distance of a star below the horizon
[활용] 복수형; depressions
[파생] depress, depressible, depression, depressive
[유의어] hollow(오목한 곳), gloom, stagnation
[어원] 《라틴어 depressare》 de+premere; frequentative of deprimere
[어근] ⑴ de; down ⑵ press; to press ⑶ ion; 명사어미
differently adv. ★★★[2280] [레마] differ < fer(운반)
[본문] [20]Around the world, cultures express emotions very differently.
[영한] ① 다르게, 같지 않게 ② 따로, 별도로
[파생] differ, difference, different, differently, differentness
[어원] 《라틴어 ferre》 가져오다, 운반하다, 견디다[열매 맺다]
[어근] ⑴ dif(dis); apart ⑵ fer; bring, carry ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어근 ⑷ ly; 부사어근
discourage v. ★★★[2531] [레마] courage < core
[본문] [9]But the sadness Helen felt didn't disappear, and the longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered whether her feelings were somehow connected to being born in England, into a culture where, traditionally, expressing your emotions was discouraged.
[영영] If someone or something discourages you, they cause you to lose your enthusiasm about your actions.
[영한] ① (무엇을 어렵게 만들거나 반대하여) 막다[말리다] ② 의욕[열의]을 꺾다, 좌절시키다
[첫뜻] deprive of or cause to lose courage
[활용] discouraged, discouraged, discouraging, discourages
[파생] discourageable, discouragement, discourager, discouragingly, discourage
[유의어] dishearten, dishearten(낙심하게 하다)
[반의어] encourage
[구성단어] dis + courage
[어원] 《프랑스어 descouragier》 [from des+corage] dishearten
[어근] ⑴ dis; not ⑵ cour(cord); 진심 ⑶ age; 행위 (명사 어미)
display n. ★★★★[1982] [레마] display < plic(접다)
[본문] [21]In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.
[영영] A display is an arrangement of things that have been put in a particular place, so that people can see them easily.
[영한] ① 전시, 진열 ② (사람들을 즐겁게 하기 위해 기교 등을 보여주는 것) ③ (특정한 자질느낌능력의) 표현[과시] ④ 디스플레이(컴퓨터 화면에 나타나는 정보)
[활용] 복수형; displays
[파생] displayer, display
[유의어] demonstrate(보여 주다), show, compared
<동사> ① 전시[진열]하다, 내보이다 ② (특히 자질느낌의 흔적을) 드러내다[보이다] ③ (컴퓨터 등이) (정보를) 보여주다[디스플레이하다]
[어근] ⑴ dis; apart, not ⑵ play(plic); 접은, fold
documentary n. ★★★[2562] [레마] document < doct
[본문] [22]To discover more about how British people express their feelings, Helen Russell interviewed, Thomas Dixon, a professor at the Centre for the History of Emotion, for BBC World Service programme, The documentary:
[영영] A documentary is a television or radio programme, or a film, which shows real events or provides information about a particular subject.
[영한] -ies) 다큐멘터리, 기록물
[첫뜻] pertaining to or derived from documents
[활용] 복수형; documentaries
[파생] document, documentable, documentarily, documentary, documentation, documenter
<형용사> ① 서류[문서]로 이뤄진 ② 다큐멘터리의, 기록물의
[구성단어] document + ary
[어근] ⑴ docu(doct); 가르킴 ⑵ ment; 지정, 약속 (명사어미) ⑶ ary; 명사 어미
dump n. ★★★[2945] [레마] dump
[본문] [12]In English there are many idioms which describe being sad, including down in the dumps, meaning that you feel miserable and depressed.
[영영] A dump is a place where rubbish is left, for example on open ground outside a town.
[영한] ① (쓰레기) 폐기장[하치장] ② (남아프리카공화국 영어) 금광 쓰레기 폐기 더미 ③ 쓰레기장 같은 곳 ④ 군수품 임시 창고 ⑤ 덤프 ⑥ (속어) 똥 누기
[첫뜻] place where refuse is dumped, pile or heap of refuse matter,
[활용] 복수형; dumps
[파생] dumper, dump
[유의어] tip(쓰레기장 같은 곳), hole
<동사> ① (특히 적절치 않은 곳에 쓰레기 같은 것을) 버리다 ② ~을 (~에게) 떠넘기다 ③ (상업) (무엇을 아주 낮은 가격에, 흔히 다른 나라에) 팔아 치우다
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 dumpa》 to thump, to fall suddenly
[어근] dump; 버리다, 쓰레기, dump
empire n. ★★★[2914] [레마] empire < pare
[본문] [35]Here he explains to BBC World Service programme, The Documentary, how it was only quite recently, during the time of Queen Victoria and the British empire, that the English got a reputation for being repressed - unable to show their true feelings and emotions.
[영영] An empire is a number of individual nations that are all controlled by the government or ruler of one particular country.
[영한] ① 제국 ② 기업 왕국, 거대 기업
[첫뜻] territory subject to an emperor's rule;
[어원] 《라틴어 parare》 준비시키다, 준비하다, 제공하다, 공급하다, 마련하다, 지시하다, 성사시키다, 설계하다, 의도하다, 해결하다, 구[입수]하다, 획득하다, 얻다, 받다, 돈으로 받다, 사다, 구입하다, 생산하다, 가져오다
[어근] ⑴ em(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ pire(pare); 준비, order
envy n. ☆[4621] [레마] envy < vide(보다)
[본문] [13]Also, emotions are often associated with colours, for example you might go red with anger, or turn green with envy.
[영영] Envy is the feeling you have when you wish you could have the same thing or quality that someone else has.
[영한] 부러움, 선망
[첫뜻] envy, jealousy, rivalry
[활용] 복수형; envies
[파생] enviable, envious, envyingly, envy
<동사> ① 부러워하다, 선망하다 ② not ~ sb (sth) ~가[~의 ~가] 하나도 부럽지 않다[~처럼 (~을) 하지 않아도 되어 오히려 다행이다]
[어원] 《라틴어 invidere》 in-+videre; to envy, hate
[어근] ⑴ en; 안에, in, into ⑵ vy(vide); 보다, see, notice
famously adv.[9246] [레마] fame
[본문] [8]She got married, and even moved to the famously happy city of Copenhagen in Denmark.
[영영] You use famously to refer to a fact that is well known, usually because it is remarkable or extreme.
[영한] 유명하게
[파생] famous, famously, fame
[구성단어] famous + ly
[어원] 《라틴어 fama》 [fari와 동족의 단어] 대화, 루머, 보고, 평판, 여론, 명성, 호평
[어근] ⑴ fam(far); 이야기, speak, fame ⑵ ous; 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
flamenco n.[10000+] [레마] flamenco
[본문] [21]In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.
[영영] a fast and lively Spanish dance
[영한] ① 플라멩코 ② 플라멩코 기타 음악
[어원] 《스페인어 flamenco》 ((first used of Gypsy dancing in Andalusia)) a Fleming, native of Flanders; flamingo
fortunately adv. ★★★[2996] [레마] fortune
[본문] [41]fortunately, most Brits are less repressed nowadays, but it's still hard for some people, especially men, to express their feelings.
[영영] Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good.
[영한] 다행스럽게도, 운 좋게도
[파생] fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, fortune
[유의어] luckily, thankfully(다행스럽게도), happily
[반의어] unfortunately
[어원] 《라틴어 fortuna》 기회, 운명, 행운
[어근] ⑴ fortun(fort); 강함, 기회, chance ⑵ ate; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
grief n. ★★[4176] [레마] grief < grav(무거운)
[본문] [25]And then of course we have this huge vocabulary of melancholy, sorrow, grief, depression and many, many other terms, and they all mean slightly different things.
[영영] Grief is a feeling of extreme sadness.
[영한] ① (특히 누구의 죽음으로 인한) 비탄[비통] ② 큰 슬픔(을 주는 것) ③ 고민
[첫뜻] hardship, suffering, pain, bodily affliction
[활용] 복수형; griefs
[파생] grief, griefless, grievance, grieve, griever, grieving, grievingly, grievous
[유의어] sorrow, mourning(애도)
[어원] 《라틴어 gravis》 중량 있는, 무거운, 중요한
[어근] grief(grav); 무거운
happiness n. ★★★[2172] [레마] happy < hap(기회)
[본문] [7]She became a bestselling author and wrote a book called, The Atlas of happiness.
[영영] ① a state of well-being and contentment : JOY
② a pleasurable or satisfying experience
[영한] 행복, 만족, 기쁨
[파생] happily, happiness, happy
[구성단어] happy + ness
[어원] 《중세 영어 happi》
[어근] ⑴ hap; 우연한, chance ⑵ p; 연결자 ⑶ I(y); 형용사 어미 ⑷ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도
idiom n. ☆[4552] [레마] idiom
[본문] [40]When we cry, our top lip starts to wobble and so this gave rise to the idiom a stiff upper lip, meaning to not show your feelings when you are upset, even though it is difficult not to.
[영영] A particular idiom is a particular style of something such as music, dance, or architecture.
[영한] ① 관용구, 숙어 ② (특정 시기/지역에서 특정인들이 쓰는) 언어[어법] ③ (특정 개인/단체/시대/지역의) 표현 양식
[첫뜻] form of speech peculiar to a people or place
[활용] 복수형; idioms
[파생] idiomatic, idiomatical, idiomatically, idiomaticalness, idiom
[어원] 《그리스어 idios》 personal, private, one’s own, peculiar
[어근] ⑴ idi; 자신의, 기이한, own ⑵ om(oma); 명사 어미
intense adj. ★★★★[1788] [레마] intense < tend(길게 하다)
[본문] [29]One of them is melancholy, a kind of intense and thoughtful sadness.
[영영] Intense is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree.
[영한] ① 극심한, 강렬한 ② 치열한 ③ (사람이) 열정적인, 진지한
[첫뜻] great, extreme
[활용] 비교; intense < intenser < intensest
[파생] intense, intensely, intenseness, intensification, intensify, intension, intensity, intensive
[유의어] extreme(극심하다), violent(지독하다), sharp
[어원] 《라틴어 intendere》 [in+tendere] stretch out, extend; turn one's attention, strain (in quest of something), be zealous
[어근] ⑴ in; 안(內), in, on ⑵ tense(tend); 뻗치다, 잡아당기다
literally adv. ★★★[2139] [레마] liter-
[본문] [23]The word sad, as you will know, Helen, literally means sated or full.
[영영] You can use literally to emphasize a statement. Some careful speakers of English think that this use is incorrect.
[영한] ① 문자[말] 그대로 ② (전달하는 사실을 강조하여) 그야말로 ③ (어구를 강조하여) 정말로[완전히]
[파생] literal, literality, literalness, letter, literally
[유의어] exactly
[구성단어] literal + ly
[어원] 《라틴어 littera》 문자, 쓰는 것, 문서, 기록
[어근] ⑴ liter; 문자, letter ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
melancholy n.[10000+] [레마] melancholy
[본문] [25]And then of course we have this huge vocabulary of melancholy, sorrow, grief, depression and many, many other terms, and they all mean slightly different things.
[영한] (장기적이고 흔히 이유를 알 수 없는) 우울감[비애]
[첫뜻] mental disorder characterized by sullenness, gloom, irritability, and propensity to causeless and violent anger,
[파생] melancholic, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholy
<형용사> 구슬픈
[어원] 《그리스어 melankholia》 [from melas+khole] sadness, (literally) (excess of) black bile
[어근] ⑴ melan; 검은, black, dark ⑵ choly(chol); 담즙, gall, bile
miserable n. ★★[3987] [레마] miser
[본문] [12]In English there are many idioms which describe being sad, including down in the dumps, meaning that you feel miserable and depressed.
[영한] 불쌍한 사람, 곤궁한 사람
[활용] 셀 수 없는 명사
[파생] miserableness, miserably, miserable
<형용사> ① 비참한 ② 비참[우울]하게 만드는 ③ (사람이) 항상 뚱한, 성질 나쁜
[구성단어] miser + able
[어원] 《라틴어 miser》 wretched, pitiable
[어근] ⑴ miser; 구두쇠, 비참한, miser ⑵ able; 형용사 어미
new-born adj.[10000+] [레마] born < bear
[본문] [5]When Helen Russell was three years old, her new-born baby sister died suddenly.
[영영] A newborn baby or animal is one that has just been born.
[영한] 갓 난
[구성단어] new + born
[어원] 《고대 영어 beran》 [from gebyrd] to carry, bring; bring forth, give birth to, produce; to endure without resistance; to support, hold up, sustain; to wear
[어근] ⑴ new; 새로운, new ⑵ born(bear); 참다, bear
nowadays adv. ★★[3391] [레마] day
[본문] [41]Fortunately, most Brits are less repressed nowadays, but it's still hard for some people, especially men, to express their feelings.
[영영] Nowadays means at the present time, in contrast with the past.
[영한] 요즘에는
[첫뜻] in these times, at the present,
[유의어] today
<명사> 오늘날, 현대, 요즈음
[어원] 《고대 영어 dæg》 day
[어근] ⑴ now; 지금, now ⑵ a; on ⑶ day; ⑷ s; 소유격 어미
performer n. ★★[4026] [레마] perform < furnish
[본문] [21]In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.
[영영] A performer is a person who acts, sings, or does other entertainment in front of audiences.
[영한] ① (쇼/음악회 등에서 공연/연기/연주하는) 연기자[연주자] ② <언급된 방식으로 일·행동을 하는 사람·것>
[활용] 복수형; performers
[파생] performable, performance, performer, perform
[구성단어] perform + er
[어근] ⑴ per; through, to completion ⑵ form(furn); 공급, provide ⑶ er; 접미어
poem n. ★★★★[2011] [레마] poet
[본문] [31]In Irish culture, melancholy is expressed artistically in poems or songs.
[영영] A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.
[영한] (한 편의) 시(詩)
[첫뜻] composition in verse, poetry
[활용] 복수형; poems
[파생] poem, poet, poetic, poetical, poetically, poeticize
[어원] 《라틴어 poeta》 poet
[어근] poem(poie); make, create
queen n. ★★★[2231] [레마] queen
[본문] [35]Here he explains to BBC World Service programme, The Documentary, how it was only quite recently, during the time of queen Victoria and the British Empire, that the English got a reputation for being repressed - unable to show their true feelings and emotions.
[영영] A queen is a woman who rules a country as its monarch.
[영한] ① 여왕 ② 왕비, 왕후 ③ (어떤 집단/지역에서) 여왕 같은[가장 우수한] 존재 ④ (축제 등에서 뽑힌) 여왕 ⑤ (체스에서의) 퀸 ⑥ (카드놀이에서의) 퀸 ⑦ (곤충의) 여왕 ⑧ (경멸투로, 여자 같은) 남자 동성애자
[활용] 복수형; queens
[파생] queenlike, queenly, queen
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 kvæn》
[어근] queen; 여왕, queen
rarely adv. ★★★★[1894] [레마] rare
[본문] [37]As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people… in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.
[영영] If something rarely happens, it does not happen very often.
[영한] 드물게, 좀처럼 …하지 않는
[파생] rare, rarefy, rarely, rareness, rarity
[유의어] hardly, seldom
[어원] 《라틴어 rarus》 thinly sown, having a loose texture; not thick; having intervals between, full of empty spaces
[어근] ⑴ rar(rare); rare ⑵ ly; 부사어미
reputation n. ★★★★[1781] [레마] repute < pute
[본문] [35]Here he explains to BBC World Service programme, The Documentary, how it was only quite recently, during the time of Queen Victoria and the British Empire, that the English got a reputation for being repressed - unable to show their true feelings and emotions.
[영영] To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it.
[영한] 평판, 명성
[첫뜻] credit, good reputation
[활용] 복수형; reputations
[파생] reputable, reputation, reputational, reputationless, repute
[유의어] repute
[어근] ⑴ re; again ⑵ put(pute); 생각, 정리, reckon ⑶ ation(ion); 명사 어미
sad adj. ★★★★[1242] [레마] sad
[본문] [6]Looking back at that sad time, Helen remembers making a big decision - she wanted to be happy.
[영영] ① If you are sad, you feel unhappy, usually because something has happened that you do not like.
② Sad stories and sad news make you feel sad.
③ A sad event or situation is unfortunate or undesirable.
[영한] ① 슬픈 ② 슬픈(사람을 슬프게 하는), 애석한 ③ 통탄할 ④ 지루한, 재미없는, 후줄그레한 ⑤ 상태가 안 좋은
[첫뜻] sated, weary; weighty, dense; sated, full, having had one's fill (of food, drink, fighting, etc.), weary of
[활용] 비교; sad < sadder < saddest
[파생] sadden, sadly, sadness, sad
[유의어] deplorable
[어원] 《고대 영어 sæd》 [from Proto-Germanic *sathaz, shared by Latin satis] sated, full, having had one's fill (of food, drink, fighting, etc, ), weary of
[어근] sad; 슬픈, sad
sadness n. ★★[3435]
[본문] [9]But the sadness Helen felt didn't disappear, and the longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered whether her feelings were somehow connected to being born in England, into a culture where, traditionally, expressing your emotions was discouraged.
[영영] affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness
[영한] ① 슬픔 ② 슬픈 일, 슬픔
[활용] 복수형; sadnesses
[파생] sadden, sadly, sadness, sad
[구성단어] sad + ness
[어원] 《고대 영어 sæd》 [from Proto-Germanic *sathaz, shared by Latin satis] sated, full, having had one's fill (of food, drink, fighting, etc, ), weary of
[어근] ⑴ sad; 슬픈, sad ⑵ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도
shameful adj.[10000+] [레마] shame
[본문] [21]In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.
[영한] 수치스러운, 창피한, 부끄러운
[파생] shamable, shame, shameable, shameful, shameless
[유의어] disgraceful, inglorious
[구성단어] shame + ful
[어원] 《고대 영어 sceomu》 feeling of guilt or disgrace; confusion caused by shame; disgrace, dishonor, insult, loss of esteem or reputation; shameful circumstance, what brings disgrace; modesty; private parts
[어근] ⑴ shame; 수치심, shame ⑵ ful; 가득한(量), 의 특성
sorrow n.[10000+] [레마] sorrow
[본문] [25]And then of course we have this huge vocabulary of melancholy, sorrow, grief, depression and many, many other terms, and they all mean slightly different things.
[영한] ① (큰) 슬픔, 비애 ② (아주) 슬픈 일
[첫뜻] grief, regret, pain, anxiety
[파생] sorrower, sorrowful, sorrowfully, sorrowfulness, sorrowless, sorrow
[유의어] grief
<동사> (대단히) 슬퍼하다
[어원] 《고대 영어 sorg》 [from Proto-Germanic *sorg-] (n, ) grief, regret, trouble, care, pain, anxiety
[어근] sorrow; 슬픔, sorrow
stiff adj. ★★★[3258] [레마] stiff
[본문] [37]As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people… in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.
[영영] Something that is stiff is firm or does not bend easily.
[영한] ① 뻣뻣한, 뻑뻑한 ② (근육이) 결리는[뻐근한] ③ (반죽 등이) 뻑뻑한 ④ 심한, 힘든 ⑤ (사람행동이) 딱딱한, 경직된 ⑥ 터무니없이 비싼 ⑦ (술이) 독한
[첫뜻] rigid, inflexible
[활용] 비교; stiff < stiffer < stiffest
[파생] stiffen, stiffish, stiffly, stiffness, stiff
[유의어] wooden(딱딱하다), severe, inflexible
<명사> (속어) 시체 <동사> 속이다, 돈을 떼먹다, (웨이터 등에게) 팁을 안 주다[떼먹다] <부사> ① 몹시, 극심하게 ② (물기 있는 것이) 꽁꽁 언
[어원] 《고대 영어 stif》 rigid, inflexible
[어근] stiff; 뻣뻣한, stiff
superior adj. ★★★[2803] [레마] superior < super
[본문] [37]As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people… in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.
[영한] ① (…보다 더) 우수한[우세한/우월한] ② 상관의, 상급의 ③ 거만한 ④ (다른 유사 상품들보다 질적으로) 우수한
[첫뜻] higher in position
[파생] superiority, superiorly, superior
[유의어] arrogant, patronising
[반의어] inferior
<명사> ① 윗사람, 선배, 상급자, 상관 ② (종교 공동체의) -장(長)
[어원] 《프랑스어 superior》 [from Latin superiorem (nominative superior)] higher, upper
[어근] ⑴ super; 위, over, beyond ⑵ ior; (더) ~ 하는, ~더 하는 사람
superiority n.[10000+] [레마] superior < super
[본문] [37]As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people… in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.
[영한] ① 우월성, 우세 ② 거만함
[파생] superiority, superiorly, superior
[반의어] inferiority
[구성단어] superior + ity
[어원] 《프랑스어 superior》 [from Latin superiorem (nominative superior)] higher, upper
[어근] ⑴ super; 위, over, beyond ⑵ ior; (더) ~ 하는, ~더 하는 사람 ⑶ ity; 명사 어미
thoughtful adj. ☆[5135] [레마] thought < think
[본문] [29]One of them is melancholy, a kind of intense and thoughtful sadness.
[영영] If you are thoughtful, you are quiet and serious because you are thinking about something.
[영한] ① (조용히) 생각에 잠긴 ② (호감) 배려심 있는, 친절한 ③ 사려 깊은
[첫뜻] contemplative, occupied with thought,
[파생] thoughtfully, thoughtfulness, thoughtful
[유의어] kind, considerate
[구성단어] thought + ful
[어원] 《고대 영어 þyncan》 to seem, to appear
[어근] ⑴ thought(think); 생각하다, think ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미
tire v. ★★★[2120] [레마] tire
[본문] [26]Professor Dixon explains that the original meaning of the word sad was 'full' or fed up - a phrase which today means being unhappy, bored or tired of something which has been going on a long time.
[영한] 피로[피곤]해지다, 지치다, 피로하게[피곤하게/지치게] 만들다
[활용] tired, tired, tiring, tires
[파생] tireless, tiresome, tiring, tire
[어원] 《고대 영어 teorian》 지치다, 지쳐 가다
[어근] tire; 파곤, 지치다, tire
traditionally adv. ★★★[2298] [레마] tradition < trad
[본문] [9]But the sadness Helen felt didn't disappear, and the longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered whether her feelings were somehow connected to being born in England, into a culture where, traditionally, expressing your emotions was discouraged.
[영한] 전통적으로
[파생] tradition, traditional, traditionality, traditionally
[구성단어] traditional + ly
[어원] 《라틴어 tradere》 배달하다, 넘겨주다
[어근] ⑴ tradit(trad); 넘다, deliver ⑵ ion; 명사어미 ⑶ al(ad); 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
unable adj. ★★★★[1572] [레마] unable < able
[본문] [35]Here he explains to BBC World Service programme, The Documentary, how it was only quite recently, during the time of Queen Victoria and the British Empire, that the English got a reputation for being repressed - unable to show their true feelings and emotions.
[영영] If you are unable to do something, it is impossible for you to do it, for example because you do not have the necessary skill or knowledge, or because you do not have enough time or money.
[영한] …할 수 없는, …하지 못하는
[첫뜻] lacking in ability, incapable,
[반의어] able
[어원] 《라틴어 habilis》 [verbal adjective from habere] easily handled, apt; easy to manage, handy
[어근] ⑴ un; 아님(不,無), not ⑵ able; 갖다, 할 수 있는, hold
uncommon adj. ☆[5191] [레마] common < commun(보통의)
[본문] [33]In England, however, big public displays of emotion are uncommon.
[영영] If you describe something as uncommon, you mean that it does not happen often or is not often seen.
[영한] ① 흔하지 않은, 드문 ② 굉장한, 대단한
[유의어] unusual, remarkable, rare, rare, unusual(특이하다)
[반의어] common, common(흔하다)
[구성단어] un + common
[어원] 《라틴어 communis》 보통의, 공공의, 일반적인, 모두 또는 대다수에 의해 공유되는, 특별하지 않는, 칙숙한, 허세부리지 않는
[어근] ⑴ un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ common(commun); common, public
unhappy adj. ★★★[2900] [레마] unhappy < hap(기회)
[본문] [26]Professor Dixon explains that the original meaning of the word sad was 'full' or fed up - a phrase which today means being unhappy, bored or tired of something which has been going on a long time.
[영영] If you are unhappy, you are sad and depressed.
[영한] ① 불행한, 슬픈 ② 불만족스러워 하는, 기분이 나쁜 ③ 불운한, 부적절한
[활용] 비교; unhappy < unhappier < unhappiest
[파생] unhappily, unhappiness, unhappy
[유의어] down in the dumps(우울하다)
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 happ》 기회, 행운
[어근] ⑴ un; 아님(不,無), not ⑵ happ(hap); ⑶ y; 형용사 어미
uniquely adv.[10000+] [레마] unique < uni(하나)
[본문] [51]And finally, the uniquely British idiom, to keep a stiff upper lip, means not to show your feelings when you're upset, even though it is difficult not to.
[영영] unique + ly
[영한] 유례없이, 독특하게, 특유의 형태[방법]로.
[파생] uniquely, uniqueness, unique
[구성단어] unique + ly
[어원] 《라틴어 unicus》 only, single, sole, alone of its kind
[어근] ⑴ uni; 하나의, one ⑵ que; 명사, 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
upset adj. ★★★[2155] [레마] upset < set
[본문] [40]When we cry, our top lip starts to wobble and so this gave rise to the idiom a stiff upper lip, meaning to not show your feelings when you are upset, even though it is difficult not to.
[영영] If you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened to you.
[영한] ① 속상한, 마음이 상한 ② 배탈
[파생] upsettable, upsetter, upsetting, upsettingly, upset
<명사> ① (예기치 않은) 혼란 상황[문제/곤경] ② (경기대회 등에서) 예상 밖의 승리[우승] ③ (배)탈 <동사> ① 속상하게 만들다[하다] ② (계획상황 등이) 잘못되게[틀어지게] 만들다 ③ 배탈이 나게 하다
[구성단어] up + set
[어원] 《고대 영어 settan》 cause to sit, put in some place, fix firmly; build, found; appoint, assign
usual adj. ★★★★[1192] [레마] use
[본문] [10]In this programme, we'll be investigating how the way people express sadness is influenced by their culture, and, as usual, we'll be learning some new, useful vocabulary as well.
[영영] Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
[영한] ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[파생] usually, usualness, usual
[유의어] normal
<명사> 여느 때의 건강 상태
[어원] 《라틴어 usare》 (자꾸) 쓰다
[어근] ⑴ use; 사용, use ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
weak adj. ★★★★[1342] [레마] weak
[본문] [21]In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.
[영영] If someone is weak, they are not healthy or do not have good muscles, so that they cannot move quickly or carry heavy things.
[영한] ① (신체적으로) 약한, 힘이 없는 ② (지탱하는 힘이) 약한 ③ (의지/세력 등이) 약한[나약한] ④ 약자들 ⑤ (통화/경제가) 약한[허약한] ⑥ (능력이) 약한 ⑦ 설득력이 없는 ⑧ (소리/빛 등이) 약한 ⑨ (열의 등이) 약한, 힘없는, 희미한 ⑩ (액체가) 묽은, 밍밍한
[첫뜻] weak, pliant, soft
[활용] 비교; weak < weaker < weakest
[파생] weaken, weakener, weakish, weakishly, weakishness, weakly, weakness, weak
[유의어] unconvincing
[반의어] strong
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 veikr》 weak
[어근] weak; 약한, weak
weakness n. ★★★[2820] [레마] weak
[본문] [39]These men believed they were better than everyone else, and that to cry was a sign of weakness.
[영영] If you have a weakness for something, you like it very much, although this is perhaps surprising or undesirable.
[영한] ① (힘/세력/각오 등이) 약함, 힘이 없음, 나약함 ② 약점 ③ (자기가 아주 좋아하는 대상에 대해) 약함[사족을 못 씀]
[활용] 복수형; weaknesses
[파생] weaken, weakish, weakishly, weakishness, weakly, weakness, weak
[유의어] strength
[반의어] strength
[구성단어] weak + ness
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 veikr》 weak
[어근] ⑴ weak; 약한, weak ⑵ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도
whereas conj. ★★★★[1603] [레마] where
[본문] [21]In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.
[영영] You use whereas to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in the main clause.
[영한] ① (두 가지 사실을 비교/대조할 때 씀)임에 비하여[반하여] , …인데도, …이지만 , (위로부터 내리 번역하여) 그런데, 실은 ② (공식적인 문서에서 문장 첫 부분에 쓰여) …한 사실이 있으므로, …이므로, … 인 까닭에, … 이라는 사실에 비추어
<명사> (본론 전의) 서두, [법] 전문
[구성단어] where + as
[어원] 《라틴어 cur》
[어근] ⑴ where; where ⑵ as; as
wobble v.[10000+] [레마] wobble
[본문] [40]When we cry, our top lip starts to wobble and so this gave rise to the idiom a stiff upper lip, meaning to not show your feelings when you are upset, even though it is difficult not to.
[영한] ① (불안정하게) 흔들리다[떨리다], 흔들다, 떨다 ② (불안하게) 뒤뚱거리며 가다 ③ 자동사 [V]
[파생] wobbler, wobble
<명사> ① (불안정하게 약간) 흔들림[떨림] ② (마음자신감의) 흔들림, 동요
[어원] 《저지 독일어 wabbeln》 [from Proto-Germanic *wab-, cognate with Old Norse vafla] to wobble
[어근] wobble; 흔들리다, wobble
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