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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Would you eat a Kalette? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion? Neil and Sam shake up the menu and talk about new vegetables created by farmers in the UK, and teach you new vocabulary along the way.

음식이라면 당신은 모험을 즐깁니까? 또는 당신은 피자나 또는 토마토 상추 그리고 양파와 같은 보통 유형의 샐러드를 고수합니까. 닐과 샘이 메뉴를 흔들어 섞습니다. 그리고 영국의 농부에 의해 창조된 새로운 채소에 대해 이야기합니다. 그리고 진행해 가면서 당신에게 새로운 어휘를 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

addition n. ★★★★[1805] [레마] add
[본문] [46]Added to the surprising way many new varieties look, and of course their great taste, modern vegetables have provided a welcome new addition to traditional British cooking.
[영영] An addition to something is a thing which is added to it.
[영한] ① 덧셈 ② 추가된 것, 부가물 ③ 추가, 부가
[첫뜻] action of adding numbers
[활용] 복수형; additions
[파생] add, addable, addible, addition, additional, additionally, additive
[반의어] subtraction(덧셈)
[어원] 《라틴어 adderead+dere의 합성어; 추가하다, 합류하다, 붙이다, 맡기다
[어근]addit(add); 더하다, add, 참가하다 ⑵ ion; 명사 어미

adventurous adj. ☆[5591] [레마] advent < vene
[본문] [61]Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion?
[영영] Someone who is adventurous is willing to take risks and to try new methods. Something that is adventurous involves new things or ideas.
[영한] ① (사람이) 모험심이 강한, 모험을 즐기는 ② 모험적인, 용기가 필요한 ③ 흥미진진한, 새로운[신나는/위험한] 경험들로 가득 찬
[첫뜻] hazardous
[파생] adventure, adventureful, adventuresome, adventurous, adventurously, adventurousness, adventurer
[반의어] unadventurous
[어원] 《라틴어 adveniread+venire; advenire; arrive; to come to, reach, arrive at
[어근]ad; to ⑵ vent; come ⑶ ur(ure); 행위 ⑷ ous; 형용사 어미

advertise v. ★★★[2876] [레마] advert < vert(회전하다)
[본문] [23]They were advertised as a healthy vegetable that could be cooked or eaten raw and became extremely popular.
[영영] If you advertise something such as a product, an event, or a job, you tell people about it in newspapers, on television, or on posters in order to encourage them to buy the product, go to the event, or apply for the job.
[영한] ① (상품이나 서비스를) 광고하다 ② (행사/일자리 등을) 광고하다 ③ (자신을) 알리다[광고하다] 유의어 publicize
[첫뜻] to take notice of
[활용] advertised, advertised, advertising, advertises
[파생] advertisable, advertisement, advertiser, advertizer, advertise
[유의어] publicize
[어원] 《라틴어 adverteread+vertere; turn towards
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ vert(verse); 돌다 ⑶ ise(ize); …(의 상태)로 만들다

brassica n.[10000+] [레마] brassica
[본문] [29]We were looking at the whole of the brassica family, those are all brassica oleracea - Brussels sprouts, kales, cauliflowers, and just thinking how….
[영영] Brassicas are vegetables such as cabbages, broccoli and turnips.
[영한] 배추속 식물
[파생] brassicaceous, brassica
[어원] 《라틴어 brassicacabbage



breeding n. ☆[5165] [레마] breed
[본문] [27]We do quite a lot of blue-sky breeding where we just try wacky stuff and see what happens.
[영영] If someone says that a person has breeding, they mean that they think the person is from a good social background and has good manners.
[영한] ① (번식을 위한 동물) 사육 ② 번식 ③ 가정교육
[활용] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] breed + ing
[어원] 《고대 영어 bredan(젊게) 태어나게 하다, 아이[새끼]를 낳다, (자손을) 생산하다, (자손을) 아끼다
[어근]breed(brood); 새끼, 태아, brood ⑵ ing; 접미어

candy n. ★★[3927] [레마] candy
[본문] [17]One of the first hybrids on sale in the UK was named, Cotton candy, because of its sweet, caramel flavour.
[영영] Candy is sweet foods such as toffees or chocolate.
[영한] 사탕과 초콜릿 류, 캔디 유의어 sweet 참조 arm candy, eye candy
[첫뜻] crystallized sugar
[활용] 복수형; candies
[유의어] sweet
<동사> ① …을 설탕에 조리다. 설탕 절임하다. ② (설탕/시럽 따위)를 조려서 결정(結晶)시키다. ③ …에 설탕 따위를 묻히다, …에 당의(糖衣)를 입히다. <형용사> 술에 취한
[어원] 《아랍어 qandicane sugar
[어근] candy; candy

caramel n. ☆[6060] [레마] cane
[본문] [17]One of the first hybrids on sale in the UK was named, Cotton Candy, because of its sweet, caramel flavour.
[영영] A caramel is a chewy sweet food made from sugar, butter, and milk.
[영한] ① 캐러멜 (사탕) ② 캐러멜(설탕을 갈색이 되게 졸인 것으로 요리에 색깔이나 맛을 내는 데 씀) ③ 캐러멜색, 연갈색
[첫뜻] burnt sugar
[활용] 복수형; caramels
[어원] 《그리스어 kanna갈대
[어근]cara(cane); 막대, 갈대, reed ⑵ mel(mell); 달콤, honey

carrot n. ★★★[3263] [레마] carrot
[본문] [8]Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes - vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a hybrid.
[영영] Carrots are long, thin, orange-coloured vegetables. They grow under the ground, and have green shoots above the ground.
[영한] ① 당근 ② (무엇을 하도록 설득하기 위한) 보상[미끼]
[첫뜻] carrot
[활용] 복수형; carrots
[유의어] incentive
<동사> (가공하기 전에) 모피에 초산은 처리를 하다.
[어원] 《그리스어 karoton[probably from PIE *kre-] carrot

chef n. ★★★[2121] [레마] chief < cap
[본문] [37]As a result, they have become fashionable with many British chefs, including Jack Stein, son of TV chef, Rick, who runs a restaurant in the seaside town of Padstow in Cornwall.
[영영] A chef is a cook in a restaurant or hotel.
[영한] ① 요리사(특히 주방장) ② 쉐프
[첫뜻] head cook
[활용] 복수형; chefs
[어원] 《라틴어 caputcapitis의 소유격; 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[어근] chef(cap); 머리, head

cherry n.[10000+] [레마] cherry
[본문] [19]a) a cherry b) a strawberry or c) a grape?
[영한] ① 버찌, 체리 ② 벚나무, 체리 나무 ③ 벚나무 목재, 체리목 ④ 선홍색
[첫뜻] Cherry-mouth
<형용사> 선홍색의
[어원] 《그리스어 kerasoscherry tree, cherry

cooking n. ★★★[2170] [레마] cook
[본문] [46]Added to the surprising way many new varieties look, and of course their great taste, modern vegetables have provided a welcome new addition to traditional British cooking.
[영영] Cooking is food which has been cooked.
[영한] ① 요리, 음식 준비 ② (특정한 방식으로 만든) 요리
<형용사> 요리용의
[어원] 《라틴어 coquereto cook; to prepare food, ripen, digest, turn over in the mind
[어근]cook(coc); cook, 요리하다 ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미



cotton n. ★★★[3177] [레마] cotton
[본문] [17]One of the first hybrids on sale in the UK was named, cotton Candy, because of its sweet, caramel flavour.
[영영] Cotton is a type of cloth made from soft fibres from a particular plant.
[영한] ① 목화 ② 면직물, 무명 ③ (바느질용) 실 ④ 상호참조 cotton wool
[첫뜻] white fibrous substance containing the seeds of the cotton plant
[활용] 셀 수 없는 명사
[파생] cottony, cotton
<동사> ① (…이) 좋아지다, 친해지다 ② (제안 등에) 호감을 가지다, 찬성하다 <형용사> 솜의, 무명실의 , 무명으로 만든, 면제의.
[어원] 《아랍어 qutncotton

excite v. ★★[3370] [레마] excite < cite(부르다)
[본문] [28]Were you looking at sprout and a kale going, 'I could do something exciting with this'.
[영영] If something excites you, it makes you feel very happy, eager, or enthusiastic.
[영한] ① (특히 기대감으로) 흥분시키다[들뜨게 만들다] ② 흥분[초조]하게 만들다, 자극하다 ③ (특정한 감정/반응을) 불러일으키다[촉발시키다] ④ (성적으로) 흥분시키다[자극하다] ⑤ (신체 부위/조직을) 자극하다[활성화시키다]
[첫뜻] to move, stir up, instigate
[활용] excited, excited, exciting, excites
[파생] excitement, excite
[유의어] stimulate(자극하다), arouse(흥분시키다)
[어원] 《라틴어 citare소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[어근]ex; out, 밖 ⑵ cite; 부르다, call

exciting adj. ★★★★[1888] [레마] excite < cite(부르다)
[본문] [12]These exciting new varieties, which look very different from traditional vegetables, are increasingly popular on farms, in shops and in restaurants across the UK.
[영한] 신나는, 흥미진진한, 흥분하게 하는
[파생] excitingly, exciting
[유의어] vibrant
[구성단어] excite + ing
[어원] 《라틴어 citare소환하다, 충고하다, 부르다, 갑작스레 행동하다, 불러들이다, 깨우다, 흥분시키다
[어근]ex; out ⑵ cit(cite); 부르다, call ⑶ ing; 현재진행/형용사어미

fairground n.[10000+] [레마] ground
[본문] [51]In fact, Cotton Candy is a variety of grape, so called because they're very sweet and taste like you've been to the fairground.
[영영] an outdoor area where fairs, circuses, and exhibitions are held
[영한] ① 축제 마당[풍물 장터] ② 품평회장 ③ 박람회장
[구성단어] fair + ground
[어원] 《고대 영어 grundbottom; foundation; surface of the earth; abyss, Hell

fashionable adj. ★★★[2528] [레마] fashion < fact(만들다)
[본문] [37]As a result, they have become fashionable with many British chefs, including Jack Stein, son of TV chef, Rick, who runs a restaurant in the seaside town of Padstow in Cornwall.
[영한] ① 유행하는, 유행을 따른 ② 부유층이 애용하는
[반의어] unfashionable
<명사> 유행을 좇는 사람, 상류 사회의 사람
[구성단어] fashion + able
[어원] 《라틴어 factiofrom facere; a making or doing, a preparing
[어근]fash(fac); 만들다, 하다, make ⑵ ion; 명사어미 ⑶ able; 할 수 있는

flavour n. ★★[3371] [레마] flavor < fla
[본문] [17]One of the first hybrids on sale in the UK was named, Cotton Candy, because of its sweet, caramel flavour.
[영영] The flavour of a food or drink is its taste.
[영한] ① (음식술의) 풍미[맛] ② (특정한) 맛 ③ 정취, 분위기 ④ (무엇에 대한) 느낌[감(感)] ⑤ (컴퓨터) (소프트웨어의 특정한) 종류
[첫뜻] a smell, odor
[활용] 복수형; flavours
[파생] flavorer, flavorless, flavorsome, flavourer, flavourless, flavoursome, flavour
[유의어] taste, ambience
<동사> (무엇에) 맛[풍미]을 더하다[첨가하다]
[어원] 《라틴어 flare불다[흩날리다], 내뿜다[뻐끔거리다]; 고무[격려]하다, 권장[장려]하다
[어근]flav(fla); 불꽃, 바람이 불다, blow ⑵ our(or); …하는 사람[것]





grape n. ★★[4209] [레마] grape
[본문] [19]a) a cherry b) a strawberry or c) a grape?
[영영] Grapes are small green or dark purple fruit which grow in bunches. Grapes can be eaten raw, used for making wine, or dried.
[영한] 포도
[첫뜻] a grape, a berry of the vine
[활용] 복수형; grapes
[파생] grapeless, grapelike, grapey, grapy, grape
[어원] 《프랑스어 grape[from Proto-Germanic *krappon] (Old French) bunch of grapes, grape
[어근] grape; grape

grower n.[8845] [레마] grow
[본문] [7]Yes, good guess, but in fact the truth is even stranger - they're varieties of vegetable being grown in the UK by a new generation of fruit and veg growers.
[영영] A grower is a person who grows large quantities of a particular plant or crop in order to sell them.
[영한] ① 재배자[사] ② …하게 자라는 식물
[활용] 복수형; growers
[구성단어] grow + er
[어원] 《고대 영어 growanto flourish, increase, develop, get bigger
[어근]grow; 자라다, grow ⑵ er; 명사 어미

hybrid n. ☆[5070] [레마] hybrid
[본문] [8]Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes - vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a hybrid.
[영영] A hybrid is an animal or plant that has been bred from two different species of animal or plant.
[영한] ① (동식물의) 잡종 ② 혼성체, 혼합물 ③ 하이브리드
[첫뜻] offspring of plants or animals of different variety or species,
[활용] 복수형; hybrids
[파생] hybridism, hybridity, hybridize, hybrid
[유의어] mixture
[어원] 《라틴어 hybrida[variant of ibrida] mongrel
[어근] hybrid; 잡종, 혼합체, hybrid

imagination n. ★★★★[1692] [레마] image
[본문] [33]This phrase comes from another expression, blue-sky thinking, which means using your imagination to try to come up with completely new and original ideas.
[영영] ① the ability to imagine things that are not real; the ability to form a picture in your mind of something that you have not seen or experienced
② the ability to think of new things
③ something that only exists or happens in your mind
[영한] ① 상상력, 상상 ② 가상, 착각 ③ 창의력
[활용] 복수형; imaginations
[파생] imaginable, imaginably, imaginary, imagination, imaginational, imaginative, imaginatively, imaginativeness, imagine, imaginer, image
[구성단어] imagine + ion
[어원] 《라틴어 imago이미지, 유사성, 복사, 모방, 조각상, 그림
[어근]imagin(imit); 사진, 이미지, Image ⑵ ation(ion); 명사어미

ingredient n. ★★★★[1506] [레마] ingredient < grade
[본문] [55]The mixing pot is a place where different ideas or ingredients get mixed to create something new.
[영영] Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish.
[영한] ① (특히 요리 등의) 재료[성분] ② (…을 이루는 데 중요한) 구성 요소 ③ 식자재
[첫뜻] something forming part of a mixture
[활용] 복수형; ingredients
[어근]in; 안(內), in, on ⑵ gredi(gress); 나아가다, step, go ⑶ ent(ant); 명사 어미


inventor n.[8905] [레마] invent < vene
[본문] [24]The inventor of the Kalette is Jamie Claxton, one of the UK's top seed producers and head of plant breeding firm, Tozer Seeds.
[영영] An inventor is a person who has invented something, or whose job is to invent things.
[영한] 발명가, 창안자
[활용] 복수형; Inventors
[구성단어] invent + or
[어원] 《라틴어 inventuspp of invenire;
[어근]in; in, on ⑵ vent; 오다, 돌다, come ⑶ or; 명사 어미

lettuce n. ☆[4998] [레마] lettuce
[본문] [61]Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion?
[영영] A lettuce is a plant with large green leaves that is the basic ingredient of many salads.
[영한] 상추
[첫뜻] garden herb extensively cultivated for use as a salad
[활용] 복수형; lettuces
[어원] 《라틴어 lactis[genitive of lac] milk

makeover n.[10000+] [레마] make
[본문] [8]Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes - vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a hybrid.
[영영] the act or process of making changes to improve the appearance or effectiveness of someone or something
[영한] ① 수리, 수선, 개조, 개장(改裝), (완전한) 변모, 변신. ② 공들인 화장.
[구성단어] make + over
[어원] 《고대 영어 macian⑴만들다; ⑵존재하게 하다, 형태나 특성을 주다, 존재를 가져오다; 건설하다, 하다, 저작[창작]하다, 생산하다; 준비하다, 마련하다, 야기하다; 행동하다, 공정하게 하다, 변환하다
[어근]make; 만들다, make, match ⑵ over; 너무, over

menu n. ★★★[2951] [레마] menu < min
[본문] [62]Neil and Sam shake up the menu and talk about new vegetables created by farmers in the UK, and teach you new vocabulary along the way.
[영영] In a restaurant or cafe or at a formal meal, the menu is a list of the food and drinks that are available.
[영한] ① (식당/식사의) 메뉴 ② (컴퓨터) (화면의) 메뉴
[첫뜻] detailed list of dishes to be served at a banquet or meal
[활용] 복수형; menus
[어원] 《라틴어 minutus[past participle of minuere] small, (literally) made smaller
[어근] menu(min); small

mingle v.[10000+] [레마] mingle
[본문] [35]Jamie threw his ideas into the mixing pot - a place where different ideas mingle together to create something new.
[영한] ① 섞이다, 어우러지다, 섞다, 어우르다 ② (특히 사교 행사에서 사람들 사이를) 돌아다니다, (사람들과) 어울리다
[첫뜻] mix, blend, form a combination of, bring (something and something else) together
[활용] mingles, mingled, mingled, mingling
[유의어] circulate
[어원] 《고대 영어 menganto mix, combine, unite, associate with, consort, cohabit with, disturb, converse
[어근]ming; 섞다, 혼합하다, ming ⑵ le; 작은…; …하는 사람

novelty n. ☆[4896] [레마] novel < nov
[본문] [41]The colour, the texture, the taste, all these things are really important, but I think novelty and things like the Kalettes were great.
[영영] Novelty is the quality of being different, new, and unusual.
[영한] ① 새로움, 참신함, 신기함 ② 새로운[참신한/신기한] 사람[것] ③ 자그마한 싸구려 장난감[장식품]
[활용] 복수형; novelties
[파생] novelize, novelty, novel
[구성단어] novel + ity
[어원] 《라틴어 novusnew
[어근]nov; 새로운 것, new things ⑵ el(le); 지소 어미 ⑶ ty(ity); 명사 어미

nutty adj.[10000+] [레마] nutty
[본문] [36]Hybrid vegetables add exciting new colours and tastes to traditional veg, such as the deep purple leaves of rainbow kale, or the sweet nutty flavour of a CauliShoot.
[영한] ① 견과 맛이 나는, 견과가 든 ② 약간 돈[정상이 아닌]
[파생] nutlike, nuttily, nuttiness, nutty, nut
[구성단어] nut + y
[어원] 《고대 영어 hnutu견과
[어근]nut; 견과, nut ⑵ t; 연결자 ⑶ y; 형용사 어미

oleracea n.[10000+] [레마] oleracea
[본문] [29]We were looking at the whole of the brassica family, those are all brassica oleracea - Brussels sprouts, kales, cauliflowers, and just thinking how….
[영한] ① 바늘꽃벼룩잎벌레 종(種) ② 꽃양배추
[어원] 《라틴어 oleracea[ablative feminine singular of oleraceus] vegetable



onion n. ★★★[3156] [레마] onion < uni(하나)
[본문] [61]Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion?
[영영] An onion is a round vegetable with a brown skin that grows underground. It has many white layers on its inside which have a strong, sharp smell and taste.
[영한] 양파
[첫뜻] the underground bulb of the common onion plant
[활용] 복수형; onions
[파생] onionlike, oniony, onion
[어원] 《라틴어 unioone, unity.
[어근]oni(uni); 하나의, one ⑵ on(ion); 명사 어미

ordinary adj. ★★★★[1450] [레마] order
[본문] [61]Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion?
[영영] Ordinary people or things are normal and not special or different in any way.
[영한] ① 보통의, 일상적인 ② 평범한
[첫뜻] regular, customary, belonging to the usual order or course, conformed to a regulated sequence or arrangement,
[파생] ordinarily, ordinariness, ordinary
[반의어] extraordinary
<명사> ① 일[것, 사람], 예사, 상례, 보통의 상태[정도] ② 정식(定食), 정식이 나오는 여관 ③ 판사, 종무(宗務) 판사
[어원] 《라틴어 ordo(genitive ordinis) row; rank, series, arrangement; (originally) a row of threads in a loom
[어근]ordin(order); 질서, order ⑵ ary; 형용사 어미

originally adv. ★★★★[1740] [레마] origin
[본문] [42]I mean, they were originally called 'Flower Sprouts'.
[영한] 원래, 본래
[파생] origin, original, originality, originally
[어원] 《라틴어 originem[from stem of oriri] (nominative origo) a rise, commencement, beginning, source; descent, lineage, birth
[어근]origin(ori); to rise ⑵ al; …한 (성질의), 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

pizza n. ★★[3519] [레마] pizza
[본문] [61]Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion?
[영영] A pizza is a flat, round piece of dough covered with tomatoes, cheese, and other savoury food, and then baked in an oven.
[영한] 피자
[첫뜻] pizza
[활용] 복수형; pizzas

pollinate v.[8840] [레마] pollinate < pollen
[본문] [30]Obviously we knew they would cross pollinate easily and produce unusual veg, and we were just kind of thinking we need to create something that's more modern, you know, Brussels sprouts and kales are very traditional….
[영영] To pollinate a plant or tree means to fertilize it with pollen. This is often done by insects.
[영한] ① 수분(受粉)하다 ② 가루받이하다
[첫뜻] put pollen upon for the sake of fertilization,
[활용] pollinated pollinated pollinating pollinates
[파생] pollination, pollinator, pollinate
[유의어] pollen(수분하다)
[어근]pollin; 가루 ⑵ ate; 동사 어미

pop n. ★★★[2132] [레마] pop
[본문] [6]Well, they sound like the names of pop groups to me!
[영영] ① Pop is modern music that usually has a strong rhythm and uses electronic equipment.
② You can refer to fizzy drinks such as lemonade as pop. In AM, usually use soda pop
③ Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound, for example the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle.
[영한] ① 팝(뮤직) ② (특히 호칭으로) 아빠 ③ 펑[빵] ④ 탄산수
[활용] 복수형; pops
[파생] popper, pop
<형용사> ① 팝(뮤직)의 ② 대중적인
[어원] 《영어 popularpopular의 축약형



pot n. ★★★★[1995] [레마] pot
[본문] [31]Throw a few things in together in a mixing pot thing and see what comes out.
[영영] A pot is a deep round container used for cooking stews, soups, and other food.
[영한] ① (둥글고 속이 깊은) 냄비, 솥 ② (유리도기플라스틱으로 된, 식품 저장용) 병[항아리/통] ③ [C] [특히 합성어에서] <특정 목적을 위해 만들어진 다양한 종류의 그릇> 참조 chamber pot, chimney pot, flowerpot, lobster pot, melting pot, potted ④ 한 포트 ⑤ 도자기 (그릇) ⑥ (트럼프 게임에서) 건 돈 전부 ⑦ 공동 자금 ⑧ [U] (비격식) 상호참조 marijuana ⑨ [C] 상호참조 potshot ⑩ (당구포켓볼스누커에서) 포켓 샷
[첫뜻] ① deep, circular vessel ② marijuana
[활용] 복수형; pots
<동사> ① (나무를) 화분에 심다 ② (당구포켓볼스누커에서) 포켓 샷을 치다 ③ (동물조류를) 총으로 쏘다[쏘아 죽이다]
[어원] 《고대 영어 pottdeep, circular vessel
[어근] pot; 냄비, 병, pot

potato n. ★★★★[1612] [레마] potato
[본문] [8]Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes - vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a hybrid.
[영영] Potatoes are quite round vegetables with brown or red skins and white insides. They grow under the ground.
[영한] 감자
[첫뜻] sweet potato,
[활용] 복수형; potatoes
[어원] 《스페인어 patata

presenter n.[8300] [레마] present < pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [25]Here's Jamie chatting with, Leyla Kazim, presenter of BBC Radio 4's, The Food Programme.
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[첫뜻] one who presents
[활용] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어원] 《라틴어 present
[어근]present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

purple n.[10000+] [레마] purple
[본문] [36]Hybrid vegetables add exciting new colours and tastes to traditional veg, such as the deep purple leaves of rainbow kale, or the sweet nutty flavour of a CauliShoot.
[영한] ① 자주빛, 자색. ② 자주빛 예복(실제로는 심홍색으로 옛날 로마황제 및 교황청의 cardinal만이 착용) , [the p-] 왕위, 제위(royal position) , 추기경(cardinal)의 지위 , 고위. ③ 자주빛[심홍색]의 원료가 되는 조개류 ④ [pl.] 유의어 purpura
[활용] 셀 수 없는 명사
[파생] empurple, purpleness, purplish, purply
[유의어] purpura
<형용사> ① 자주색의 ② 미사여구로 된 글
[어원] 《그리스어 porphyrapurple dye, purple
[어근] purple; 보라색, purple

rainbow n. ☆[5230] [레마] bow
[본문] [36]Hybrid vegetables add exciting new colours and tastes to traditional veg, such as the deep purple leaves of rainbow kale, or the sweet nutty flavour of a CauliShoot.
[영영] A rainbow is an arch of different colours that you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining.
[영한] 무지개
<동사> ① 무지개 모양으로[다채롭게] 하다 ② 무지개처럼[다채롭게] 보이다 <형용사> 다민족[인종]의, 7색의, 가지각색의, 다채로운
[구성단어] rain + bow
[어원] 《고대 영어 bugan[suggested by Low German bucht] to bend
[어근]rain; 비, rain ⑵ bow; 절하다, bow

raw adj. ★★★★[1861] [레마] raw
[본문] [23]They were advertised as a healthy vegetable that could be cooked or eaten raw and became extremely popular.
[영영] Raw materials or substances are in their natural state before being processed or used in manufacturing.
[영한] ① 익히지 않은, 날것의 ② 원자재의, 가공되지 않은 ③ 가공[처리]되지 않은 ④ 원초적인, 다듬어지지 않은 ⑤ 피부가 벗겨져[까져서] 쓰라린[따가운] ⑥ 경험 없는, 새로 시작하는, 신입(新入)의 ⑦ 몹시 추운 ⑧ (충격적일 정도로) 노골적인[있는 그대로 보여주는]
[첫뜻] uncooked, raw
[활용] 비교; raw < rawer < rawest
[파생] rawish, rawly, rawness, raw
<명사> ① 살갗이 벗겨진 곳, 생살, 찰과상, 아픈 곳, 약점 ② 생것, 날것, 술의 원액 ③ 버릇없는 사람
[어원] 《고대 영어 hreawuncooked, raw
[어근] raw; 날 것의, raw



sale n. ★★★★[1361] [레마] sale < sell
[본문] [17]One of the first hybrids on sale in the UK was named, Cotton Candy, because of its sweet, caramel flavour.
[영영] ① The sale of goods is the act of selling them for money.
② The sales of a product are the quantity of it that is sold.
③ The part of a company that deals with sales deals with selling the company's products.
[영한] ① 판매 ② 매출(량) ③ 영업(부) ④ 세일, 할인 판매 ⑤ 경매, 공매
[활용] 복수형; sales
[파생] salable, sale, sell, sellable
[어원] 《고대 영어 sala
[어근] sale(sell); 주다, sell, sale

seaside n. ☆[4850] [레마] seaside
[본문] [37]As a result, they have become fashionable with many British chefs, including Jack Stein, son of TV chef, Rick, who runs a restaurant in the seaside town of Padstow in Cornwall.
[영영] You can refer to an area that is close to the sea, especially one where people go for their holidays, as the seaside.
[영한] (특히 사람들이 휴가 등을 위해 찾는) 해변[바닷가]
<형용사> 해안[해변]의, 바닷가의
[구성단어] sea + side

seeds n.[10000+] [레마] seed
[본문] [24]The inventor of the Kalette is Jamie Claxton, one of the UK's top seed producers and head of plant breeding firm, Tozer seeds.
[영한] ① (작물학) 씨앗 ② 종묘(種苗)
[구성단어] seed + s
[어원] 《고대 영어 sæd[from Proto-Germanic *sathaz, shared by Latin satis] sated, full, having had one's fill (of food, drink, fighting, etc, ), weary of
[어근]seed; 씨앗, seed ⑵ s; 명사 어미

stem n. ★★★[2499] [레마] stem
[본문] [11]And CauliShoots are small green stems with mini cauliflower heads shooting out the side.
[영한] ① (식물의) 줄기 ② (포도주 잔의 가늘고 기다란) 손잡이 부분 ③ 담배설대 ④ -stemmed [형용사에서] 줄기가 …한 ⑤ (문법) 어간(語幹)
[첫뜻] stem of a plant, trunk of a tree
[활용] 복수형; stems
[파생] stemlike, stemmer, stem
<동사> (흐름을) 막다[저지하다]
[어원] 《고대 영어 stemn[from Proto-Germanic *stamniz] stem of a plant, trunk of a tree; either end-post of a ship
[어근] stem; 줄기, 손잡이, stem

surprising adj. ★★★★[1967] [레마] surprise < prize
[본문] [34]Some of Jamie's plants were wacky - unusual in a funny or surprising way, but this was all part of the fun of breeding and growing new vegetables.
[영영] Something that is surprising is unexpected or unusual and makes you feel surprised.
[영한] 놀라운, 놀랄
[파생] surprisingly, surprisingness, surprising
[반의어] unsurprising
[구성단어] surprise + ing
[어원] 《라틴어 prendreto take
[어근]sur(super); over ⑵ pris(prehend); 잡다, grasp ⑶ ing; 현재분사 어미

taste v. ★★★★[1068] [레마] taste < tax
[본문] [40]I mean, obviously it's gonna be down to taste really, and it's gonna be down to what it looks like on the plates.
[영영] If food or drink tastes of something, it has that particular flavour, which you notice when you eat or drink it.
[영한] ① 맛이 …하다, … 맛이 나다 ② -tasting [형용사에서] 맛이 …한, …한 맛이 나는 ③ 맛을 느끼다[알아보다] ④ 맛보다 ⑤ 먹다, 마시다 ⑥ (짧게) 경험하다, 맛보다
[첫뜻] to touch, to handle
[활용] tasted, tasted, tasting, tastes
[파생] tastable, tasteful, tastefully, tastefulness, tastily, tastiness, tasty, taste
[유의어] try
<명사> ① 맛 ② 미각, 입맛 ③ (맛이 어떤지 보려고 조금 먹거나 마시는) 시식[맛보기]
[어원] 《라틴어 taxare평가하다, 다루다
[어근] taste(tact); 접하다, touch



taste n. ★★★★[1068] [레마] taste < tax
[본문] [41]The colour, the texture, the taste, all these things are really important, but I think novelty and things like the Kalettes were great.
[영영] Taste is one of the five senses that people have. When you have food or drink in your mouth, your sense of taste makes it possible for you to recognize what it is.
[영한] ① 맛 ② 미각, 입맛 ③ (맛이 어떤지 보려고 조금 먹거나 마시는) 시식[맛보기] ④ (어떤 것을 짧게 접하는) 경험[맛보기] ⑤ 감식력, 감각 ⑥ 기호, 취향
[첫뜻] act of tasting
[활용] 복수형; tastes
[파생] tastable, tasteful, tastefully, tastefulness, tastily, tastiness, tasty, taste
[유의어] flavour
<동사> ① 맛이 …하다, … 맛이 나다 ② -tasting [형용사에서] 맛이 …한, …한 맛이 나는 ③ 맛을 느끼다[알아보다]
[어원] 《라틴어 taxare평가하다, 다루다
[어근] taste(tact); 접하다, touch

texture n. ★★[3759] [레마] text
[본문] [41]The colour, the texture, the taste, all these things are really important, but I think novelty and things like the Kalettes were great.
[영영] The texture of something is the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how smooth or rough it is.
[영한] ① (직물의) 감촉[질감] ② (음식이 입 안에서 느껴지는) 질감 ③ (음악/문학 작품에서 여러 가지 요소의) 조화[어우러짐]
[첫뜻] network, structure
[활용] 복수형; textures
[파생] textural, texturally, textureless, texture
<동사> 직조하다, (무늬를) 짜넣다
[어원] 《라틴어 textus[past participle stem of texere] the Scriptures, text, treatise; style or texture of a work; (literally) thing woven
[어근]text(tex); 짜다, weave ⑵ ure; 과정, 결과 (명사어미)

tomato n. ★★★★[1945] [레마] tomato
[본문] [61]Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion?
[영영] Tomatoes are small, soft, red fruit that you can eat raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable.
[영한] 토마토
[활용] 복수형; tomatoes
[어원] 《아즈텍어 tomatla tomato

trait n. ★★★[2884] [레마] trait < tract(끌다)
[본문] [39]When you're looking at new varieties of veg, are there any particular traits that you're looking for that will help in the kitchen?
[영영] A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has.
[영한] ① (성격상의) 특성 ② 일필(一筆), 붓글씨 솜씨 ③ …기미, 기운, 조금 ④ 얼굴 생김새, 이목구비, 인상 ⑤ 형질
[첫뜻] shot, missiles; a stroke in drawing, a short line
[활용] 복수형; traits
[어원] 《라틴어 tractus도면, 자국[트랙], 과정[코스], 인출
[어근] trait(tract); 끌다, draw, pull

unusual adj. ★★★★[1154] [레마] use
[본문] [30]Obviously we knew they would cross pollinate easily and produce unusual veg, and we were just kind of thinking we need to create something that's more modern, you know, Brussels sprouts and kales are very traditional….
[영영] If something is unusual, it does not happen very often or you do not see it or hear it very often.
[영한] ① 특이한, 흔치 않은, 드문 ② 색다른
[파생] unusually, unusualness, unusual
[유의어] uncommon(특이하다)
[구성단어] un + usual
[어원] 《라틴어 usare(자꾸) 쓰다
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ usu(use); 사용, use ⑶ al; 형용사 어미

usual adj. ★★★★[1192] [레마] use
[본문] [14]And, as usual, we'll be learning some new vocabulary as well.
[영영] Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
[영한] ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[파생] usually, usualness, usual
[유의어] normal
<명사> 여느 때의 건강 상태
[어원] 《라틴어 usare(자꾸) 쓰다
[어근]use; 사용, use ⑵ al; 형용사 어미



veg n.[10000+] [레마] veg
[본문] [7]Yes, good guess, but in fact the truth is even stranger - they're varieties of vegetable being grown in the UK by a new generation of fruit and veg growers.
[영한] ① 채소, 야채 ② 바보, 멍청이
[Full] vegetable, vegetarian

wacky adj.[10000+] [레마] wacky < whack
[본문] [27]We do quite a lot of blue-sky breeding where we just try wacky stuff and see what happens.
[영영] amusing and very strange
[영한] 익살스러운, 괴짜의
[활용] 비교; wacky < wackier < wackiest
[파생] wackily, wackiness, wacky
[유의어] zany
[어원] 《영어 whacka blow, stroke
[어근]wack(whack); 후려치다, whack ⑵ y; 형용사 어미

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