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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Food and mood [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Scientific research into the relationship between what we eat and how we feel is growing. In this programme, we’ll be investigating the connection between our food and our mood. We’ll hear how healthy eating makes us feel better, and of course, we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well.

[우리가 먹는 것]과 [우리가 느끼는 방식] 사이의 관계에 대한 과학적인 연구가 증대되고 있습니다. 이 프로그램에서 우리는 우리의 음식과 우리의 기분 사이의 관련성을 조사할 것입니다. 우리는 [건강한 식사가 우리가 기분이 좋아지도록 어떻게 만드는 지]를 들을 것입니다. 그리고 마찬가지로, 물론 우리는 몇몇 새로운 어휘를 배우고 있을 것입니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

annoy [동사] ★★★[3002] [레마] annoy
[본문] [57]If you roll your eyes, you move your eyes upwards to show you feel annoyed, bored or don't believe what someone is telling you.
[영영] If someone or something annoys you, it makes you fairly angry and impatient.
[영한] ① 짜증나게[약 오르게] 하다 ② 귀찮게 하다
[첫뜻] to harm, hurt, injure; be troublesome or vexatious to, disquiet, upset
[활용] annoyed, annoyed, annoying, annoys
[파생] annoyance, annoyer, annoy
[유의어] bother(귀찮게 하다), irritate(짜증나게 하다)
<명사> 짜증, 약이 오름 =annoyance.
[어원] [French] enoiier to weary, vex, anger
[어근]ann(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ oy(odi); 싫어함, hate

annoyance [명사][10000+] [레마] annoy
[본문] [43]They rolled their eyes - a phrase which describes the gesture of turning your eyes upwards to express annoyance, boredom or disbelief.
[영한] ① 짜증, 약이 오름 ② 골칫거리
[파생] annoyance, annoyer, annoy
[유의어] irritation
[구성단어] annoy + ance
[어원] [French] enoiier to weary, vex, anger
[어근]ann(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ oy(odi); 싫어함, hate ⑶ ance; 명사 어미

anxiety [명사] ★★★[1396] [레마] anxious
[본문] [23]Emotional eating is often caused by feelings of depression, anxiety or stress.
[영영] Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or worry.
[영한] ① 불안(감), 염려 ② 걱정거리 ③ 열망
[첫뜻] apprehension caused by danger, misfortune, or error, uneasiness of mind respecting some uncertainty, a restless dread of some evil
[활용] 복수형; anxieties
[파생] anxiety, anxiously, anxiousness, anxious
[유의어] worry, apprehension
[어원] [Latin] anxius uneasy, troubled in mind
[어근]anxi(anx); choke, squeeze ⑵ ety(ity); ~한 상태(명사어미)

appetite [명사] ★★[3460] [레마] appetite < pete
[본문] [26]Actually, when you're working in a kitchen environment for long periods, your appetite can become suppressed because you sometimes don't want to eat, or you don't feel like you can stop and eat, and all of that.
[영영] Your appetite is your desire to eat.
[영한] ① 식욕 ② 욕구
[첫뜻] craving for food
[활용] 복수형; appetites
[어원] [Latin] appetere ad+petere; to long for, desire; strive for, grasp at
[어근]ap(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ pete; 찾다 ⑶ ite; 명사 어미



apple [명사] ★★★★[1440] [레마] apple
[본문] [47]So the next time you're feeling down and your brain is calling out for a donut, you might be better eating an apple instead!
[영영] An apple is a round fruit with smooth green, yellow, or red skin and firm white flesh.
[영한] 사과
[첫뜻] apple; any kind of fruit; fruit in general
[활용] 복수형; apples
[어원] [Old English] æppel apple; any kind of fruit; fruit in general
[어근] apple; 사과, apple

bananas [형용사][10000+] [레마] banana
[본문] [36]So I proposed to do this for my PhD study, and everyone thought I was a bit bananas, you know, and there was quite a bit of, I guess, eye rolling maybe.
[영한] 머리가 돈, 열광한, 흥분한, [미/속어] 동성애의
[구성단어] banana + s
[어원] [African] Wolof banana

behave [동사] ★★★[1718] [레마] behave < have
[본문] [58]And finally, if someone is patronising you, they speak or behave towards you as if you were stupid or unimportant.
[영영] The way that you behave is the way that you do and say things, and the things that you do and say.
[영한] ① (특정한 방식으로) 처신[행동]하다 ② 예의 바르게 행동하다 ③ -behaved [형용사에서] 행동[행실]이 …한 ④ (원래 지닌 성질에 따라) 행동[반응]을 보이다
[첫뜻] conduct or comport
[활용] behaved, behaved, behaving, behaves
[파생] behavior, behavioral, behavioural, behave
[유의어] act
[반의어] misbehave, misbehave(못된 짓을 하다)
[어원] [Old English] behabban to contain
[어근]be; 과도함, by, about ⑵ have; 소유, own, possess

bore [동사] ★★[2973] [레마] bore
[본문] [57]If you roll your eyes, you move your eyes upwards to show you feel annoyed, bored or don't believe what someone is telling you.
[영영] ① If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.
② If you bore a hole in something, you make a deep round hole in it using a special tool.
[영한] ① (특히 말을 너무 많이 해서) 지루하게[따분하게] 만들다 ② (깊은 구멍을) 뚫다[파다] ③ (눈이) 뚫어지게 들여다[쏘아]보다
[첫뜻] ① to bore through, perforate ② be tiresome or dull
[활용] bored, bored, boring, bores
[파생] bored, bore
<명사> ① (보통 말이 너무 많아서) 지겨운 사람 ② 지루한[따분한] 일[상황] ③ (파이프총 등 원통형 물건의) 구멍, 구멍 너비, 구경
[어원] [Old English] bor auger 나사, 송곳
[어근] bore; bore

boredom [명사][5822] [레마] bore
[본문] [43]They rolled their eyes - a phrase which describes the gesture of turning your eyes upwards to express annoyance, boredom or disbelief.
[영영] Boredom is the state of being bored.
[영한] 지루함, 따분함
[첫뜻] state of being bored,
[구성단어] bore + dom
[어원] [Old English] bor auger 나사, 송곳
[어근]bore; bore ⑵ dom; 상태,지위,집단

butter [명사] ★★★★[2559] [레마] butter
[본문] [5]When someone feels sad or in a bad mood, they often try to feel better by eating their favourite food… I usually go for a peanut butter sandwich myself.
[영영] Butter is a soft yellow substance made from cream. You spread it on bread or use it in cooking.
[영한] 버터
[첫뜻] butter
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[파생] butter, butterless, buttery, butt
<동사> 버터를 바르다
[어원] [Old English] butere butter, the fatty part of milk

carbohydrate [명사] ★★[4819] [레마] hydrate < hydro(물)
[본문] [8]But unfortunately, most comfort food is high in carbohydrates and sugar and, after a few minutes, it leaves us feeling even worse than before.
[영영] Carbohydrates are substances, found in certain kinds of food, that provide you with energy. Foods such as sugar and bread that contain these substances can also be referred to as carbohydrates.
[영한] ① 탄수화물 ② 탄수화물 식품
[활용] 복수형; carbohydrates
[구성단어] carbon + hydrate
[어원] [Greek] hydor water
[어근]carbo; 탄소, carbon ⑵ hydr(hydro); 물, water ⑶ ate; 명사 어미



chef [명사] ★★★[1676] [레마] chief < cap
[본문] So you go for something that's quick, so hence why a lot of chefs have quite a bad diet.
[영영] A chef is a cook in a restaurant or hotel.
[영한] ① 요리사(특히 주방장) ② 쉐프
[첫뜻] head cook
[활용] 복수형; chefs
[어원] [Latin] caput genitive capitis; head; leader, guide, chief person; summit; capital city capitis의 소유격; 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[어근] chef(cap); 머리, head

chocolate [명사] ★★★★[1808] [레마] chocolate
[본문] [7]Hmm, maybe a cream chocolate eclair… Comfort food is a type of emotional eating - eating lots of food because we feel sad, not because we're hungry.
[영영] Chocolate is a sweet hard food made from cocoa beans. It is usually brown in colour and is eaten as a sweet.
[영한] ① 초콜릿 ② 초콜릿 과자 ③ [U, C] (英) 참조 cocoa 상호참조 hot chocolate ④ 초콜릿 색
[활용] 복수형; chocolates
[파생] chocolaty, chocolate
<형용사> ① 초콜릿의, 초콜릿으로 만든 ② 초콜릿 색의 ③ 흑인의
[어원] [Aztecan] chocola-tl chocolate 초코렛

comfort [명사] ★★★★[1533] [레마] comfort < fort
[본문] [6]Do you have a favourite comfort food, Rob?
[영영] If you are doing something in comfort, you are physically relaxed and contented, and are not feeling any pain or other unpleasant sensations.
[영한] ① 안락, 편안 ② 위로, 위안 ③ 위안을 주는[위로가 되는] 사람[것] ④ 편의 시설[도구]
[첫뜻] feeling of relief in affliction or sorrow; solace, consolation; source of alleviation or relief
[활용] 복수형; comforts
[파생] comfortable, comfortableness, comfortably, comforting, comfortingly, comfortless, comfortlessly, comfortlessness, comfort
[유의어] consolation, consolation, relief
<동사> 위로[위안]하다
[어근]com; intens. ⑵ fort; 강함, 기회, chance

cream [명사] ★★★★[1859] [레마] cream
[본문] [7]Hmm, maybe a cream chocolate eclair… Comfort food is a type of emotional eating - eating lots of food because we feel sad, not because we're hungry.
[영영] Cream is a thick yellowish-white liquid taken from milk. You can use it in cooking or put it on fruit or desserts.
[영한] ① (우유로 만든) 크림 ② 크림 (같은 게 속에 든) 사탕[과자] ③ (화장용이나 세정용) 크림 ④ 크림색, 미색 ⑤ (특정 무리에서) 최고의 인물들[것들]
[첫뜻] the rich and buttery part of milk
[활용] 복수형; creams
<동사> ① 섞어서 크림처럼 되게 하다 ② …을 완패시키다 <형용사> 크림색의, 미색의
[어원] [French] cresme [a blend of Late Latin chrisma and Late Latin cramum] chrism, holy oil 성유(聖油), 성스러운 기름, 라틴어 chrisma(성유(聖油)를 바름)와 cramum(크림)의 합성어
[어근] cream; 크림, cream

decrease [동사] ★★★[2241] [레마] decrease < cresc
[본문] [28]Even though he's surrounded by food, Danny says that working under stress actually decreases his appetite - the feeling that you want to eat food.
[영영] When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.
[영한] (크기수 등이) 줄다[감소하다], 줄이다[감소시키다]
[첫뜻] become less, be diminished gradually
[활용] decreased, decreased, decreasing, decreases
[파생] decreasing, decreasingly, decrease
[유의어] diminish, wane
[반의어] increase
<명사> 감소, 하락
[어원] [Latin] decrescere de+crescere;
[어근]de; from, away ⑵ crease(cresc); 커지다, grow, rise

depression [명사] ★★★[1680] [레마] depress < press
[본문] [23]Emotional eating is often caused by feelings of depression, anxiety or stress.
[영영] Depression is a mental state in which you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
[영한] ① 우울증 ② 우울함, 암울함 ③ 불경기, 불황 ④ 오목한[움푹한] 곳 ⑤ 저기압
[첫뜻] angular distance of a star below the horizon
[활용] 복수형; depressions
[파생] depress, depressible, depression, depressive
[유의어] hollow(오목한 곳), gloom, stagnation
[어원] [Latin] depressare de+premere; frequentative of deprimere
[어근]de; down ⑵ press; to press ⑶ ion; 명사어미

diet [명사] ★★★★[1201] [레마] diet
[본문] So you go for something that's quick, so hence why a lot of chefs have quite a bad diet.
[영영] Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
[영한] ① (어떤 사람이 일상적으로 취하는) 식사[음식], 식습관 ② (식이요법을 위한) 규정식, 다이어트 ③ (제한된 범위에 국한된, 활동의) 많은 양 ④ 국회, 의회 ⑤ 개정일, 회기
[첫뜻] ① regular food ② assembly of delegates, etc., held from day to day for legislative, political, or other business
[활용] 복수형; diets
[파생] dietal, dietary, dieter, dietetic, diet
<동사> 다이어트를 하다 <형용사> 체중 감량식으로 적당한, 당분이나 칼로리가 낮은, 규정식의
[어원] [Greek] diainysthai dia+ainysthai; take apart dia+ainysthai; 분해하다
[어근] diet; diet, 식습관

disbelief [명사] ☆[7609] [레마] belief < lief
[본문] [43]They rolled their eyes - a phrase which describes the gesture of turning your eyes upwards to express annoyance, boredom or disbelief.
[영영] Disbelief is not believing that something is true or real.
[영한] 믿기지 않음, 불신감
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[구성단어] dis + belief
[어원] [Old English] leof dear, valued, beloved, pleasant, agreeable, to believe 소중한, 가치있는, 사랑받는, 즐거운, 선뜻 동의하는; 믿다
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ be; 과도함, by, about ⑶ lief; dear, valued



discipline [명사] ★★★★[2094] [레마] disciple
[본문] [37]I'm not surprised by that because the discipline of psychiatry was very medication and brain-focused.
[영영] Discipline is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behaviour, and punishing them when they do not.
[영한] ① 규율, 훈육 ② 단련법, 수련법 ③ 절제력 ④ 지식 분야, (특히 대학의) 학과목
[첫뜻] penitential chastisement; punishment for the sake of correction
[활용] 복수형; disciplines
[파생] disciplinable, disciplinal, disciplinary, discipliner, disciplinarian, discipline
<동사> ① 징계하다 ② 훈육하다 ③ 스스로[심신]를 단련하다
[어원] [Old English] discipul [from Anglo-French disciple, both borrowed from Late Latin discipulus] one who follows another for the purpose of learning
[어근]discipl(disciple); 배우는 자, disciple ⑵ ine; 명사 어미

donut [명사][10000+] [레마] dough
[본문] [47]So the next time you're feeling down and your brain is calling out for a donut, you might be better eating an apple instead!
[영한] 도넛
[유의어] doughnut
[구성단어] doughnut
[어원] [Old English] dag [from Proto-Germanic *daigaz] dough

eating [명사] ★★[2931] [레마] eat
[본문] [5]When someone feels sad or in a bad mood, they often try to feel better by eating their favourite food… I usually go for a peanut butter sandwich myself.
[영영] food, esp in relation to its quality or taste
[영한] 식사 (행위)
<형용사> ① (근심 등이) 마음을 썩이는 ② 식용의, 날로 먹을 수 있는
[구성단어] eat + ing
[어원] [Old English] etan to consume food, devour, consume 음식을 먹다, 게걸스레 먹다, 먹다[마시다]
[어근]eat; 먹다, eat ⑵ ing; 명/형용사 어미

eclair [명사][10000+] [레마] eclair
[본문] [7]Hmm, maybe a cream chocolate eclair… Comfort food is a type of emotional eating - eating lots of food because we feel sad, not because we're hungry.
[영한] 에클레어
[첫뜻] a cake, long in shape but short in duration
[어원] [Latin] exclarare [ex-+clarus] light up, illumine
[어근]e(ex); 밖으로, 외(外), out ⑵ clair(clare); 밝음, 분명한, clear

elsewhere [부사] ★★★★[2014] [레마] where
[본문] [46]But her ground-breaking research, named 'The Smile Trial', has been successfully repeated elsewhere, clearly showing the link between eating well and feeling good.
[영영] Elsewhere means in other places or to another place.
[영한] (어딘가) 다른 곳에서[으로]
[구성단어] else + where
[어원] [Latin] cur

favourite [형용사] ★★★[2978] [레마] favor
[본문] [5]When someone feels sad or in a bad mood, they often try to feel better by eating their favourite food… I usually go for a peanut butter sandwich myself.
[영영] Your favourite thing or person of a particular type is the one you like most.
[영한] (동일한 종류의 다른 것들보다) 좋아하는
<명사> ① (동일한 종류의 다른 사람[것]들보다) 좋아하는 사람[것] ② 특별한 귀염[사랑]을 받는 사람 ③ 우승 후보
[구성단어] favour
[어원] [Latin] favorem nominative favor; good will, inclination, partiality, support
[어근]favour(favor); 호의, favor ⑵ ite; 명사/형용사

gesture [명사] ★★★[1913] [레마] gest
[본문] [43]They rolled their eyes - a phrase which describes the gesture of turning your eyes upwards to express annoyance, boredom or disbelief.
[영영] A gesture is a movement that you make with a part of your body, especially your hands, to express emotion or information.
[영한] ① 몸짓, 제스처 ② (특정한 감정의도의) 표시[표현]
[첫뜻] manner of carrying the body
[활용] 복수형; gestures
[파생] gestural, gesturer, gesture
[유의어] motion
<동사> (손머리얼굴 등으로) 가리키다[나타내다], 손짓[몸짓]을 하다
[어원] [Latin] gestus [pp of gerere] gesture, carriage, posture [gerere의 과거분사] 몸짓, 운반[수송], 자세[태도]
[어근]gest; 나르다, carry ⑵ ure; 명사 어미

ground-breaking [형용사][10000+] [레마] break
[본문] [46]But her ground-breaking research, named 'The Smile Trial', has been successfully repeated elsewhere, clearly showing the link between eating well and feeling good.
[영영] You use groundbreaking to describe things which you think are significant because they provide new and positive ideas, and influence the way people think about things.
[영한] 신기원을 이룬, 획기적인
[구성단어] ground + breaking
[어원] [Old English] brecan to divide solid matter violently into parts or fragments

habit [명사] ★★★★[1328] [레마] habit < hab(갖다)
[본문] [25]BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain, asked Danny about his eating habits at work:
[영영] A habit is something that you do often or regularly.
[영한] ① 버릇 ② 습관 ③ (약물/알코올/흡연의) 습관성 중독[습성] ④ (수도사/수녀가 입는) 의복
[첫뜻] characteristic attire of a religious or clerical order
[활용] 복수형; habits
[파생] habitual, habitually, habitualness, habituate, habit
[유의어] custom
<동사> ① 차려입다, 입히다 ② 거주하다
[어원] [Latin] habitus [past participle of habere] condition, demeanor, appearance, dress [habere의 과거분사] 상태, 태도[품행], 외관, 옷[의복]
[어근] hibit(hab); 갖다, 거처하다


hence [부사] ★★[4000] [레마] hence
[본문] So you go for something that's quick, so hence why a lot of chefs have quite a bad diet.
[영영] You use hence to indicate that the statement you are about to make is a consequence of what you have just said.
[영한] 이런 이유로
[첫뜻] (away) from here
[유의어] thus(따라서)
[어원] [Old English] heonan away, hence

hugely [부사][9501] [레마] huge
[본문] [40]Oh, hugely sceptical and sometimes very patronising.
[영영] huge + ly
[영한] ① 엄청나게, 극도로 ② 크게, 아주
[파생] hugely, hugeness, huge
[구성단어] huge + ly
[어원] [French] ahoge extremely large, enormous; mighty, powerful
[어근]huge; 막대한, huge ⑵ ly; 부사 어미

hungry [형용사] ★★★[1756] [레마] hunger
[본문] [7]Hmm, maybe a cream chocolate eclair… Comfort food is a type of emotional eating - eating lots of food because we feel sad, not because we're hungry.
[영영] When you are hungry, you want some food because you have not eaten for some time and have an uncomfortable or painful feeling in your stomach.
[영한] ① 배고픈 ② 굶주리는 ③ 굶주리는 사람들 ④ 허기지게 만드는 ⑤ (~을) 갈구[갈망]하는, (~에) 굶주린
[활용] 비교; hungry < hungrier < hungriest
[파생] hunger, hungeringly, hungrily, hungriness, hungry
[구성단어] hunger + y
[어원] [Old English] hungrig hungry, famished
[어근]hungr(hunger); 배고픔, hunger ⑵ y; 명사 어미

imaginable [형용사][10000+] [레마] image
[본문] [24]Chef Danny Edwards, who has suffered with depression, works in one of the most stressful places imaginable - a busy restaurant kitchen.
[영한] ① 상상[생각]할 수 있는 ② 상상이 가능한
[파생] imaginable, imaginably, imaginary, imagination, imaginative, imagine, imaginer, image
[반의어] unimaginable
[구성단어] imagine + able
[어원] [Latin] imago an image, a likeness, copy, imitation; statue, picture 이미지, 유사성, 복사, 모방, 조각상, 그림
[어근]imagin(imit); 사진, 이미지, Image ⑵ able; 형용사 어미

medication [명사] ★★★[2527] [레마] medicate < med
[본문] [37]I'm not surprised by that because the discipline of psychiatry was very medication and brain-focused.
[영영] Medication is medicine that is used to treat and cure illness.
[영한] 약[약물] (치료)
[첫뜻] medical treatment of a disease or wound
[활용] 복수형; medications
[어원] [Latin] medeor to cure, heal 치료하다, 치유하다
[어근]medic; to medicate, heal, cure ⑵ ation(ion); 명사어미

mood [명사] ★★★★[1561] [레마] mood
[본문] [5]When someone feels sad or in a bad mood, they often try to feel better by eating their favourite food… I usually go for a peanut butter sandwich myself.
[영영] Your mood is the way you are feeling at a particular time. If you are in a good mood, you feel cheerful. If you are in a bad mood, you feel angry and impatient.
[영한] ① 기분 ② 기분이 안 좋은 때 ③ 분위기 ④ (문법) 법 ⑤ (문법) 서법
[첫뜻] emotional condition, state of mind as regards passion or feeling
[활용] 복수형; moods
[유의어] temper
[어원] [Old English] mod heart, frame of mind, spirit; courage, arrogance, pride; power, violence 마음, 용기
[어근] mood; mood

nutrient [명사] ★★[3027] [레마] nutrient < nutri
[본문] [14]People who link what we eat with how we feel make a simple argument: the food you eat supplies nutrients and energy to the brain, and the brain controls our emotions.
[영영] Nutrients are substances that help plants and animals to grow.
[영한] 영양소, 영양분
[첫뜻] a nutritious substance
[활용] 복수형; nutrients
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritive, nutrient
<형용사> 영양이 되는
[어원] [Latin] nutrire [from *nutri] to nourish, suckle, feed, nurse, foster, support, preserve [*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[어근]nutri; to nourish ⑵ ent(ant); 형용사 어미





nutrition [명사] ☆[4997] [레마] nutrient < nutri
[본문] [41]But this again comes from the fact that general practitioners, psychiatrists, medical specialists get almost no nutrition training through all those years of study.
[영영] Nutrition is the process of taking food into the body and absorbing the nutrients in those foods.
[영한] 영양
[첫뜻] act or process by which organisms absorb their proper food into their systems and build it into living tissue
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritiously, nutritiousness, nutritive, nutrient
[어원] [Latin] nutrire [from *nutri] to nourish, suckle, feed, nurse, foster, support, preserve [*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[어근]nutrit(nutri); to nourish, suckle, feed ⑵ ion; 명사어미

nutritional [형용사][9481] [레마] nutrient < nutri
[본문] [31]Professor Felice Jacka, is an expert in nutritional psychiatry.
[영영] The nutritional content of food is all the substances that are in it which help you to remain healthy.
[영한] 영양상의
[파생] nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutritionary, nutritionist, nutritious, nutritive, nutrient
[구성단어] nutrition + al
[어원] [Latin] nutrire [from *nutri] to nourish, suckle, feed, nurse, foster, support, preserve [*nutri가 어원] 영양분을 주다, 젖을 먹이다, 먹이다, 아이를 맡아 기르다, 부양하다, 보호하다
[어근]nutri; to nourish, suckle, feed ⑵ ion; 명사어미 ⑶ al; ~한 성질의(형용사어미)

olive [명사][10000+] [레마] olive
[본문] [32]She studied the effect of eating a healthy diet - food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals, and olive oil - on people suffering depression.
[영영] Olives are small green or black fruit with a bitter taste. Olives are often pressed to make olive oil.
[영한] ① 올리브 (열매) ② 올리브나무 ③ 올리브색, 황록색
[첫뜻] olive tree,
[활용] 복수형; olives
<형용사> ① 올리브색[황록색]의 ② (피부가) 올리브색[황갈색]의
[어원] [Latin] oliva [from Greek elaia] olive, olive tree

patronising [형용사][10000+] [레마] patron < patr(아버지)
[본문] [40]Oh, hugely sceptical and sometimes very patronising.
[영한] 잘난[윗사람인] 체하는
[파생] patronisingly, patronizing, patronizingly, patronising
[유의어] superior
[구성단어] patronise + ing
[어원] [Latin] patronus [from pater+-onus] patron saint, bestower of a benefice, lord, master, model, pattern; defender, protector, former master (of a freed slave); advocate 수호 성인, 직책의 수여자, 영주, 주인, 모델, 패턴, 수비 선수, (해당된 노예의) 과거 주인, 옹호자[변호인]
[어근]patr; 아버지, father ⑵ on(oner); 짐[부담], load, burden ⑶ is(ize); 동사어미 ⑷ ing; 형용사 어미

percent [명사] ★★[4362] [레마] percent < cent
[본문] [18]a) 10 percent, b) 20 percent or c) 30 percent?
[영영] You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
[영한] ① 퍼센트, 백분 ② 백분율, 비율 ③ (몇 ,) 이율의 공채[채권]
[활용] 복수형명사
[어원] [Latin] centum a hundred 100(백)
[어근]per; by ⑵ cent; 백(100)

PhD [약어명사][10000+] [레마] PhD
[본문] [36]So I proposed to do this for my PhD study, and everyone thought I was a bit bananas, you know, and there was quite a bit of, I guess, eye rolling maybe.
[영영] ① the highest degree given by a university or college
② a person who has a PhD
[영한] 박사 (학위)
[Full] Doctor of Philosophy

practitioner [명사] ★★[4267] [레마] practitioner
[본문] [41]But this again comes from the fact that general practitioners, psychiatrists, medical specialists get almost no nutrition training through all those years of study.
[영영] Doctors are sometimes referred to as practitioners or medical practitioners.
[영한] ① 의사, 변호사 ② (특히 기술을 요하는 일을) 정기적으로 하는 사람, 현역
[첫뜻] one who acquires knowledge from actual practice
[어원] [Greek] praktikos [from prassein] fit for action, fit for business; business-like, practical; active, effective, vigorous
[어근]practit(prag); 행동, do, act ⑵ ion; 동작·결과·상태 ⑶ er; ~하는 사람(것)



presenter [명사][5752] [레마] present < pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [35]Here, she explains to Jordan Dunbar, presenter of BBC World Service's, The Food Chain, about the opposition her study faced from other doctors:
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[첫뜻] one who presents
[활용] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어원] [Latin] present
[어근]present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

psychiatrist [명사][6569] [레마] psychiatry < psycho(영혼)
[본문] [41]But this again comes from the fact that general practitioners, psychiatrists, medical specialists get almost no nutrition training through all those years of study.
[영영] A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats people suffering from mental illness.
[영한] 정신과 의사
[활용] 복수형; psychiatrists
[파생] psychiatric, psychiatrically, psychiatrist, psychiatry
[구성단어] psychiatry + ist
[어근]psych; 심리, psyche ⑵ iatr(iatro-); 치료, heal ⑶ ist; 명사 어미

psychiatry [명사][10000+] [레마] psychiatry < psycho(영혼)
[본문] [31]Professor Felice Jacka, is an expert in nutritional psychiatry.
[영영] Psychiatry is the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of mental illness.
[영한] 정신 의학, 정신과학
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[파생] psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychiatry
[어근]psych; 심리 ⑵ iatry(iatro-); 치료, heal

sad [형용사] ★★★★[1253] [레마] sad
[본문] [5]When someone feels sad or in a bad mood, they often try to feel better by eating their favourite food… I usually go for a peanut butter sandwich myself.
[영영] ① If you are sad, you feel unhappy, usually because something has happened that you do not like.
② Sad stories and sad news make you feel sad.
③ A sad event or situation is unfortunate or undesirable.
[영한] ① 슬픈 ② 슬픈(사람을 슬프게 하는), 애석한 ③ 통탄할 ④ 지루한, 재미없는, 후줄그레한 ⑤ 상태가 안 좋은
[첫뜻] sated, weary; weighty, dense; sated, full, having had one's fill (of food, drink, fighting, etc.), weary of
[활용] 비교; sad < sadder < saddest
[파생] sadden, sadly, sadness, sad
[유의어] deplorable
[어원] [Old English] sæd [from Proto-Germanic *sathaz, shared by Latin satis] sated, full, having had one's fill (of food, drink, fighting, etc, ), weary of
[어근] sad; 슬픈, sad

sandwich [명사] ★★★[2108] [레마] sandwich
[본문] [5]When someone feels sad or in a bad mood, they often try to feel better by eating their favourite food… I usually go for a peanut butter sandwich myself.
[영영] A sandwich usually consists of two slices of bread with a layer of food such as cheese or meat between them.
[영한] ① 샌드위치 ② (가운데 잼크림이 든) 카스텔라
[첫뜻] sandwich
[활용] 복수형; sandwiches
<동사> ① 샌드위치 속에 끼우다 ② (억지로) 끼워 넣다, 사이에 끼우다
[어원] [Middle English] Sandwich the 4th Earl of Sandwich, an English nobleman 영국 귀족, 샌드위치 백작 4세

sceptical [형용사] ★★[3282] [레마] skeptic < scope
[본문] [39]Were they sceptical?
[영영] If you are sceptical about something, you have doubts about it.
[영한] 회의적인
[파생] sceptically, skeptically, sceptical, skeptic
[유의어] doubtful(회의적이다), suspicious
[어원] [Latin] scepticus [from Greek skeptikos] the sect of the Skeptics
[어근]scept(scope); 보다, view, 의심 ⑵ ic; 명사 어미 ⑶ al; 형용사 어미



silly [형용사] ★★★[2171] [레마] silly
[본문] [42]When Professor Jacka investigated the link between food and mood, her colleagues thought she was bananas - a slang word meaning silly or crazy.
[영영] If you say that someone or something is silly, you mean that they are foolish, childish, or ridiculous.
[영한] ① 어리석은, 바보 같은 ② 우스꽝스러운, 유치한, 철없는 ③ (실용적이지 않고) 장난감 같은, 심각하지 않은
[첫뜻] happy, fortuitous, prosperous
[활용] 비교; silly < sillier < silliest
[파생] sillily, silliness, silly
[유의어] foolish, ridiculous, foolish(어리석다), stupid(어리석다)
<명사> 바보
[어원] [Old English] gesælig happy, fortuitous, prosperous
[어근] silly; 천진난만한, 어리석은, silly

simplistic [형용사][10000+] [레마] simple
[본문] [15]Now, that might sound simplistic, but the brain is a vital link in the connection between food and our mood.
[영영] A simplistic view or interpretation of something makes it seem much simpler than it really is.
[영한] 지나치게 단순화한
[파생] simplism, simplistically, simplistic
[어원] [Latin] simplus plain, decent
[어근]simpl(simple); 단순, simple ⑵ istic; ~하는 사람같은 (형용사어미)

slang [명사] ☆[4441] [레마] slang
[본문] [42]When Professor Jacka investigated the link between food and mood, her colleagues thought she was bananas - a slang word meaning silly or crazy.
[영영] Slang consists of words, expressions, and meanings that are informal and are used by people who know each other very well or who have the same interests.
[영한] 속어, 은어
[첫뜻] special vocabulary of tramps or thieves
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[파생] slangily, slanginess, slangy, slang
<형용사> 속어의, 속어적인

specialist [명사] ★★★★[2111] [레마] special < spec
[본문] [41]But this again comes from the fact that general practitioners, psychiatrists, medical specialists get almost no nutrition training through all those years of study.
[영영] A specialist is a person who has a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject.
[영한] ① 전문가, 전공자 ② 전문의
[활용] 복수형; specialists
[파생] specialistic, specialist
[유의어] authority(권위자)
<형용사> 전문(가)의, 전문적인
[구성단어] special + ist
[어원] [Latin] specere [=spicere] to look at, view, behold 바라보다, 살펴보다, 보다
[어근]speci; 보다, see, kind, sort ⑵ al; 형용사어미 ⑶ ist; 명사 어미

stressful [형용사][6049] [레마] stress
[본문] [24]Chef Danny Edwards, who has suffered with depression, works in one of the most stressful places imaginable - a busy restaurant kitchen.
[영영] If a situation or experience is stressful, it causes the person involved to feel stress.
[영한] 스트레스가 많은
[파생] stressful, stressfully, stressfulness, stress
[어원] [Latin] strictus [past participle of stringere] drawn together, close, tight
[어근]stress(strain); 조이다 ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

stupid [형용사] ★★★★[2311] [레마] stupid
[본문] [44]Other colleagues were patronising - they behaved towards her as if she were stupid or unimportant.
[영영] If you say that someone or something is stupid, you mean that they show a lack of good judgment or intelligence and they are not at all sensible.
[영한] ① (행동판단 등이) 어리석은 ② (사람이) (우)둔한, 멍청한, 바보 같은 ③ (짜증이 나서 하는 말로) 빌어먹을
[첫뜻] mentally slow, lacking ordinary activity of mind, dull, inane,
[활용] 비교; stupid < stupider < stupidest
[파생] stupefy, stupidity, stupidly, stupidness, stupor, stupid
[유의어] foolish(어리석다), silly(어리석다), foolish(바보 같다), dull
<명사> 바보
[어원] [Latin] stupidus [from stupere] amazed, confounded; dull, foolish, (literally) struck senseless
[어근]stup; 놀라움, wonder ⑵ id; 접미어

successfully [부사] ★★★[2182] [레마] success < cede(가다)
[본문] [46]But her ground-breaking research, named 'The Smile Trial', has been successfully repeated elsewhere, clearly showing the link between eating well and feeling good.
[영영] successful+ly
[영한] 성공적으로, 용케, 잘, 훌륭하게, 운 좋게(도)
[파생] successful, successfully, successfulness, succeed, success
[구성단어] successful + ly
[어원] [Latin] successus [noun use of past participle of succedere] an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome
[어근]suc(sub); sub ⑵ cess(cede); 가다, go ⑶ ful; …이 가득한(量) (형용사어미) ⑷ ly; 부사 어미



suppress [동사] ★★[3395] [레마] suppress < press
[본문] [26]Actually, when you're working in a kitchen environment for long periods, your appetite can become suppressed because you sometimes don't want to eat, or you don't feel like you can stop and eat, and all of that.
[영영] If someone in authority suppresses an activity, they prevent it from continuing, by using force or making it illegal.
[영한] ① (정부/통치자 등이) 진압하다 ② (인쇄/발표 등을) 금하다, (정보 등을) 숨기다 ③ (감정/감정 표현을) 참다[억누르다] ④ 억제하다
[첫뜻] be burdensome; put down by force or authority
[활용] suppressed, suppressed, suppressing, suppresses
[파생] suppresser, suppressible, suppression, suppressive, suppress
[유의어] quash, keep a lid on(억제하다)
[어원] [Latin] supprimere press down, stop, hold back, check, stifle
[어근]sup(sub); under ⑵ press; 누르다, press

topical [형용사] ☆[4380] [레마] topic < topo
[본문] [59]That's the end of our programme, don't forget to join us again soon for more topical discussion and useful vocabulary here at 6 Minute English.
[영영] Topical is used to describe something that concerns or relates to events that are happening at the present time.
[영한] ① 시사(時事)와 관련된 ② (의학) (사람 몸의) 국부[국소]의
[첫뜻] pertaining to a place
[파생] topical, topicality, topically, topic
<명사> ① (우표) 주제별 수집 ② 뉴스 영화.
[어원] [Greek] ta topika from topos; matters matters concerning topoi; commonplaces
[어근]top(topo); place, location ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ al; 형용사어미

twenty [수사] ★★★★[1394] [레마] twenty < two
[본문] [52]In fact, around twenty percent of the body's energy goes to feeding the brain, even though it only makes up two percent of our total body weight.
[영한] ① 스물,이십,20 ② (20~29 사이의) 20대, 20년대, (온도가) 20도대
[활용] 복수형; twenties
[어원] [Old English] twentig [twegen+-tig] group of twenty, (lit, ) two tens
[어근]twen(two); two ⑵ ty; 10의 배수

unfortunately [부사] ★★★★[1620] [레마] unfortunate < fortune
[본문] [8]But unfortunately, most comfort food is high in carbohydrates and sugar and, after a few minutes, it leaves us feeling even worse than before.
[영영] ADV] You can use unfortunately to introduce or refer to a statement when you consider that it is sad or disappointing, or when you want to express regret.
[영한] 불행하게도, 유감스럽게도
[파생] unfortunately, unfortunateness, unfortunate
[유의어] regrettably
[반의어] fortunately
[어원] [Latin] fortuna [from fors] chance, fate, good luck 기회, 운명, 행운
[어근]un; 아님(不) ⑵ fortun(fort); 기회 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

unimportant [형용사] ★★[3648] [레마] important < port
[본문] [44]Other colleagues were patronising - they behaved towards her as if she were stupid or unimportant.
[영영] If you describe something or someone as unimportant, you mean that they do not have much influence, effect, or value, and are therefore not worth serious consideration.
[영한] 중요하지 않은, 하찮은
[파생] unimportantly, unimportant
[구성단어] un + important
[어원] [Latin] importare in+portare; bring in, convey, bring in from abroad
[어근]un; 아님(不,無), not ⑵ im(in); into, in ⑶ port; to carry ⑷ ant; ~한(형용사어미)

upwards [부사] ★★[5494] [레마] upward < ward
[본문] [43]They rolled their eyes - a phrase which describes the gesture of turning your eyes upwards to express annoyance, boredom or disbelief.
[영영] If someone moves or looks upwards, they move or look up towards a higher place.
[영한] ① 위쪽으로 ② (양/가격이) 올라가[상승하여] ③ ~보다 많게[이상으로]
[반의어] downwards, downwards(아래쪽으로)
[구성단어] upward + s
[어원] [Old English] upweard =upweardes;
[어근]up; 위, up ⑵ ward; 보호, guard ⑶ s; 명사 어미



vital [형용사] ★★★★[2159] [레마] vital
[본문] [15]Now, that might sound simplistic, but the brain is a vital link in the connection between food and our mood.
[영영] If you say that something is vital, you mean that it is necessary or very important.
[영한] ① 필수적인 ② 생명 유지와 관련된, 생명 유지에 필수적인 ③ (사람이) 활력이 넘치는
[첫뜻] of or manifesting life
[파생] vitality, vitalize, vitally, vitalness, vital
[유의어] dynamic(활력이 넘치다), dynamic, essential(필수적이다), key(핵심적이다)
<명사> ① 생명의 유지에 절대 필요한 기관 ② 중추부(中樞部) ③ 핵심, 긴요 부분, 급소
[어원] [Latin] vita [related to vivere] life
[어근]vit; 삶, life ⑵ al; 접두어

wholegrain [형용사][10000+] [레마] grain
[본문] [32]She studied the effect of eating a healthy diet - food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals, and olive oil - on people suffering depression.
[영영] made with or containing whole unprocessed grains of something
[영한] 통밀[통알곡]로 만든
[구성단어] whole + grain
[어원] [Latin] granum seed, a grain, small kernel 씨, 곡물, 작은 (씨)알맹이

worse [형용사] ★★★[2998] [레마] worse < bad
[본문] [8]But unfortunately, most comfort food is high in carbohydrates and sugar and, after a few minutes, it leaves us feeling even worse than before.
[영영] Worse is the comparative of bad.
[영한] ① 더 나쁜[못한/엉망인] ② 더 심한[심각한/악화된] ③ 더 아픈[불행한]
[첫뜻] worse
[파생] worsen, worseness, worse
<명사> 더 안 좋은[나쁜] 일 <부사> ① 더 나쁘게[못하게/엉망으로] ② 더 심하게[심각하게/악화되어] ③ (진술의 도입 부분에 쓰여) 더 심각한 것은[심각하게도]
[어원] [Old English] wyrsa worse

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