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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Why do we procrastinate? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Why do people procrastinate? We’ll hear from a comedian who likes to leave their work until the last minute, and as usual, we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well.

왜 사람들이 질질 끌까요? 우리는 그들의 일릏 마지막 순간까지 남겨두는 것을 즐겨했던 (한) 코미디언에게서 들을 것입니다 그리고 마찬가지로 우리는 평소처럼 몇몇 새로운 어뤼를 공부하고 있을 것입니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

ancestor [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4178] [★★] [레마] ancestor < cede(가다)
[본문] [38]Back when we were living in caves, life was dangerous and short, and our ancestors were impulsive - they acted suddenly, on instinct, without thinking about the consequences of what they were doing.
[영영] Your ancestors are the people from whom you are descended.
[영한] ① (사람의) 조상, 선조 ② (동물의) 조상 ③ (기계의) 원형[전신]
[첫뜻] one from whom a person is descended
[활용] 복수형; ancestors
[파생] ancestor, ancestral, ancestrally, ancestry
[유의어] forebear(조상), forerunner(원형), progenitor
[어원] [Latin] cedere to go from, proceed, leave grant, give way, yield, give place 가다, 진행하다, 떠나다, 승인하다, 양보하다, 산출하다, 자리를 내 주다
[어근]an(ante); 앞, before ⑵ cest(cede); 가다 ⑶ or; 사람(명사어미)

anxious [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3864] [★★] [레마] anxious
[본문] [33]Eshaan also says that, like Sam, he works better under pressure, when he feels stressed or anxious because of having too much to do.
[영영] If you are anxious to do something or anxious that something should happen, you very much want to do it or very much want it to happen.
[영한] ① 불안해하는, 염려하는 ② 불안하게 하는, 불안해 보이는 ③ 열망하는, 간절히 바라는
[첫뜻] greatly troubled by uncertainties,
[파생] anxiety, anxiously, anxiousness, anxious
[유의어] uneasy
[어원] [Latin] anxius uneasy, troubled in mind
[어근]anxi(anx); 화가나다, choke ⑵ ous; 형용사어미

bore [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] bore
[본문] [13]In this programme, we're discussing procrastination - the act of delaying things that must be done until later, often because they're difficult, boring or unpleasant.
[영영] ① If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.
② If you bore a hole in something, you make a deep round hole in it using a special tool.
[영한] ① (특히 말을 너무 많이 해서) 지루하게[따분하게] 만들다 ② (깊은 구멍을) 뚫다[파다] ③ (눈이) 뚫어지게 들여다[쏘아]보다
[첫뜻] ① to bore through, perforate ② be tiresome or dull
[활용] bored, bored, boring, bores
[파생] bored, bore
<명사> ① (보통 말이 너무 많아서) 지겨운 사람 ② 지루한[따분한] 일[상황] ③ (파이프총 등 원통형 물건의) 구멍, 구멍 너비, 구경
[어원] [Old English] bor auger 나사, 송곳
[어근] bore; bore



calm [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4228] [★★] [레마] calm < caust
[본문] [44]And, I need to understand why I prefer that over the calm serenity of getting things done with oodles of time on my hands.
[영영] A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.
[영한] ① 침착한, 차분한 ② (바다가) 잔잔한 ③ (날씨가) 바람이 없는
[첫뜻] windless, without motion or agitation;
[활용] 비교; calm < calmer < calmest
[파생] calmly, calm
<명사> ① 평온, 진정 ② 침착함, 차분함 <동사> 진정시키다
[어원] [Greek] kauma [from kaiein] heat (of the day)
[어근] calm(caust); 태우다(타다)

calmly [부사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] calm < caust
[본문] [46]What he doesn't understand is why he prefers to work under pressure, instead of finishing calmly with oodles,or lots of,time.
[영영] You can use calmly to emphasize that someone is behaving in a very controlled or ordinary way in a frightening or unusual situation.
[영한] 고요히, 침착하게, 태연하게
[파생] calmly, calm
[어원] [Greek] kauma [from kaiein] heat (of the day)
[어근]calm(caust); 태우다, 타다, burn ⑵ ly; 부사 어미

cave [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3596] [★] [레마] cave
[본문] [38]Back when we were living in caves, life was dangerous and short, and our ancestors were impulsive - they acted suddenly, on instinct, without thinking about the consequences of what they were doing.
[영한] 동굴
[첫뜻] a hollow place in the earth, a natural cavity of considerable size and extending more or less horizontally
[활용] 복수형; caves
<동사> ① 동굴로 만들다, …에 굴을 파다, …을 뚫다 ② (벽/모자 등을) 움푹 들어가게 하다, (지반을) 함몰시키다
[어원] [Latin] cavus [from PIE root *keue-] hollow (속이) 빈[움푹 꺼진]
[어근] cave; 동굴, cave

comedian [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] comic
[본문] [25]Here's Ella al-Shamahi, presenter of BBC Radio 4's, 'Why Do We Do That' talking to the comedian, Eshaan Akbar, about his procrastination habit:
[영영] A comedian is an entertainer whose job is to make people laugh, by telling jokes or funny stories.
[영한] 코미디언
[첫뜻] comic poet
[유의어] comic
[구성단어] comedy + an
[어원] [French] comedie [from Latin comoedia] comedy, a poem
[어근]com; 흥청대다, revel ⑵ edi(ode); 노래, song ⑶ an; 명사 어미

day-to-day [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] day
[본문] [17]According to recent research by DePaul University in Chicago, what percentage of people procrastinate so much that it interferes with their day-to-day life?
[영영] Day-to-day things or activities exist or happen every day as part of ordinary life.
[영한] ① (장기적으로 계획하는 것이 아니라) 그날그날 꾸려 가는 ② (일이) 매일 행해지는, 그날그날의
[구성단어] day + to + day
[어원] [Old English] dæg day

deadline [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4072] [★] [레마] line
[본문] [6]I've got a deadline to meet today, and I haven't finished my work yet!
[영영] A deadline is a time or date before which a particular task must be finished or a particular thing must be done.
[영한] 기한, 마감 시간[일자]
[첫뜻] time limit
[활용] 복수형; deadlines
<동사> (정비/수리를 위해) (탱크 등을) 사용 금지하다
[구성단어] dead + line
[어원] [Old English] line ⑴[from Latin linea] cable, rope; series, row, row of letters; rule, direction; ⑵ (obsolete) flax ⑴[어원은 Latin linea] 케이블[전선], 밧줄; 시리즈[연속물], 열, 글자의 열; 규칙, 방향; ⑵ (폐어) 아마(亞麻)



delay [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3130] [★★] [레마] delay < lax(느슨한)
[본문] [7]Let me guess, it's because you delayed, and delayed, and put your work off until the last minute - as usual!
[영영] If you delay doing something, you do not do it immediately or at the planned or expected time, but you leave it until later.
[영한] ① 미루다, 연기하다 ② 지연시키다, 지체하게 하다
[첫뜻] to put off, postpone
[활용] delayed, delayed, delaying, delays
[파생] delayer, delay
[유의어] defer, hold up, put off
<명사> ① 지연, 지체 ② 미룸, 연기
[어원] [Latin] laxare [from laxus] slacken, undo; loosen 완화하다; (묶인 것을) 풀다; 느슨하게 하다
[어근]de; away, from ⑵ lay(lax); leave, let

distract [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4548] [★★] [레마] distract < tract(끌다)
[본문] [39]Back then, being impulsive was a good thing, but in modern life, with work goals and deadlines, when we are impulsive and get distracted, we procrastinate.
[영영] If something distracts you or your attention from something, it takes your attention away from it.
[영한] (정신이) 집중이 안 되게[산만하게/산란하게] 하다, (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다
[첫뜻] to turn or draw (a person, the mind) aside or away from any object; divert (the attention) from any point toward another point
[활용] distracted, distracted, distracting, distracts
[파생] distractable, distracter, distractibility, distractible, distracting, distractingly, distraction, distractive, distractively, distract
[유의어] divert
[어원] [Latin] distrahere [dis-+trahere] draw in different directions
[어근]dis; apart ⑵ tract; to draw, pull

emphasise [동사] [Rank; 2003] [★★] [레마] empathy < path-
[본문] [32]Eshaan thinks that he is a procrastinator without a shadow of a doubt, a phrase which is used to emphasise that you are completely certain of something.
[영영] To emphasize something means to indicate that it is particularly important or true, or to draw special attention to it.
[영한] ① (중요성을) 강조하다 ② 두드러지게 하다, 강조하다 ③ 힘주어 말하다, 역설하다
[활용] emphasized, emphasized, emphasizing, emphasizes
[파생] emphasis, emphasize, emphatic, emphasise
[유의어] stress(강조하다)
[어원] [Greek] empatheia en+pathos; passion, state of emotion
[어근]em(en); in(안,속) ⑵ phas(path); feeling, 감정 ⑶ ise(ize); 동사 어미

evolution [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2969] [★★] [레마] evolve < volve
[본문] [37]What Sam says is supported by a theory of human evolution which explains how putting things off is an emotional response.
[영영] Evolution is a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics.
[영한] ① (생물) 진화 ② (점진적인) 발전[진전]
[첫뜻] an opening of what was rolled up,
[활용] 복수형; evolutions
[파생] evolution, evolutional, evolutionarily, evolutionary, evolutive, evolvable, evolve, evolvement, evolver
[어원] [Latin] evolvere ex+volvere; to unroll, roll out, roll forth, unfold
[어근]e(ex); 외(外) ⑵ volut(volve); 돌다 ⑶ ion; 명사 어미

forgive [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3629] [★★] [레마] forgive < give
[본문] [50]So, forgive yourself and start making changes, Sam, before you end up like the timewasters in my question: what percentage of people procrastinate so much that it interferes with day-to-day life.
[영영] If you forgive someone who has done something bad or wrong, you stop being angry with them and no longer want to punish them.
[영한] ① 용서하다 ② … (…해서) 죄송합니다 ③ (은행/국가 등이) (빚을) 탕감하다
[활용] forgave, forgiven, forgiving, forgives
[파생] forgivable, forgivably, forgive, forgiveness
[구성단어] for + give
[어원] [Old English] forgiefan [for-⑵+giefan] give, grant, allow; remit a debt), pardon an offense)
[어근]for; 금지, 제외, completely ⑵ give; 주다, give

gratification [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] gratify < grat
[본문] [43]Perhaps I get more emotional gratification from doing it last minute.
[영영] He's only concerned with selfish gratification of his own desires.
[영한] 만족감[희열]
[파생] gratifiable, gratification, gratifier, gratify
[유의어] satisfaction
[구성단어] gratify + ation
[어원] [Latin] gratificari [from Latin gratificare] to do favor to, oblige, gratify
[어근]grati(grat); 환희, 감사, please ⑵ fic; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ation(ion); 명사 어미



habit [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2327] [★★] [레마] habit < hab(갖다)
[본문] [25]Here's Ella al-Shamahi, presenter of BBC Radio 4's, 'Why Do We Do That' talking to the comedian, Eshaan Akbar, about his procrastination habit:
[영영] A habit is something that you do often or regularly.
[영한] ① 버릇 ② 습관 ③ (약물/알코올/흡연의) 습관성 중독[습성] ④ (수도사/수녀가 입는) 의복
[첫뜻] characteristic attire of a religious or clerical order
[활용] 복수형; habits
[파생] habitual, habitually, habitualness, habituate, habit
[유의어] custom
<동사> ① 차려입다, 입히다 ② 거주하다
[어원] [Latin] habitus [past participle of habere] condition, demeanor, appearance, dress [habere의 과거분사] 상태, 태도[품행], 외관, 옷[의복]
[어근] hibit(hab); 갖다, 거처하다

helpful [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3080] [★★] [레마] help
[본문] [49]Also, forgiving yourself for procrastinating in the past seems helpful in avoiding procrastinating in the future.
[영영] If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information.
[영한] ① 도움이 되는 ② (사람이) 기꺼이 돕는
[파생] help, helpable, helper, helpfully, helpfulness, helpful
[유의어] useful
[반의어] unhelpful
[어원] [Old English] helpan help(verb), support, succor; benefit, do good to; cure, amend 돕다, 지원하다; 구조; 혜택, ~애 좋게 하다, 치유하다, 개정[수정[하다
[어근]help; 도움, help ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

impulse [명사] [Rank; 4749] [★★] [레마] impulse < pell(밀다)
[본문] [40]So rather than being a problem with time management, Sam should blame her caveman ancestors who acted on impulse.
[영영] An impulse is a sudden desire to do something.
[영한] ① (갑작스러운) 충동 ② (반응을 불러일으키는) 충격[자극] ③ (진전/발달 등을 유도하는) 자극
[첫뜻] an act of impelling, a thrust, push
[활용] 복수형; impulses
[파생] impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness, impulse
<형용사> ① 충동적인 ② 충동 구매의
[어원] [Latin] pellere to push, drive, beat 밀다, 몰다, 이기다
[어근]im(in); into, in, on, upon ⑵ pulse(pell); drive, push

impulsive [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] impulse < pell(밀다)
[본문] [38]Back when we were living in caves, life was dangerous and short, and our ancestors were impulsive - they acted suddenly, on instinct, without thinking about the consequences of what they were doing.
[영영] If you describe someone as impulsive, you mean that they do things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first.
[영한] (사람/행동이) 충동적인
[파생] impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness, impulse
[유의어] impetuous(충동적이다), rash(충동적이다)
[어원] [Latin] pellere to push, drive, beat 밀다, 몰다, 이기다
[어근]im(in); into, in, on, upon ⑵ puls(pell); drive, push ⑶ ive; 형용사 어미

instinct [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4280] [★★] [레마] instinct < stinct(찌르다)
[본문] [38]Back when we were living in caves, life was dangerous and short, and our ancestors were impulsive - they acted suddenly, on instinct, without thinking about the consequences of what they were doing.
[영영] Instinct is the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way.
[영한] ① 본능, 타고난 소질 ② 직감
[첫뜻] a prompting" (obsolete)
[활용] 복수형; instincts
[파생] instinct, instinctive, instinctively, instinctual, instinctually
[유의어] intuition(직감), nose(알아보는 능력)
[어원] [Latin] instinguere to incite, impel
[어근]in; into ⑵ stinct; prick, goad

interfere [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4473] [★★] [레마] interfere
[본문] [17]According to recent research by DePaul University in Chicago, what percentage of people procrastinate so much that it interferes with their day-to-day life?
[영영] If you say that someone interferes in a situation, you mean they get involved in it although it does not concern them and their involvement is not wanted.
[영한] 간섭[개입/참견]하다
[첫뜻] to strike against
[활용] interfered, interfered, interfering, interferes
[파생] interfere, interferential, interfering, interferingly, interference
[어원] [French] enterferir entre+ferir; exchange blows, strike each other
[어근]inter; 사이에 ⑵ fere(fora); 파다, 뚫다, bore, drill



lower [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2068] [★★] [레마] lower < low
[본문] [11]I see, but did you know that that people who procrastinate have higher levels of stress and lower wellbeing?
[영영] ① (always used before a noun) located below another or others of the same kind
② (always used before a noun) located toward the bottom part of something
③ not high above the ground
[영한] ① (특히 비슷한 유형이나 한 쌍을 이루는 다른 것보다) 더 낮은[아래] 쪽의 ② (무엇의 바닥 가까운) 아래쪽의 ③ (장소가) 저지의, 남쪽의
[파생] lower, lowerable, lowly, lowness, low
<명사> 아래턱 의치(義齒), (배/열차 따위의) 하단의 침대, 하등 동물, 뒤떨어진 사람. <동사> ① …을 내리다[낮추다] ② (가치특질 등을[이]) 낮추다[낮아지다] <부사> ① 의 비교급. ② 보다 낮게.
[어원] [Old Norse] lagr low, low-down, short; humble 낮은, 밑으로 낮은, 짧은; 겸손한
[어근]low; 낮은, low ⑵ er; 형용사 어미

oodles [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] oodles
[본문] [44]And, I need to understand why I prefer that over the calm serenity of getting things done with oodles of time on my hands.
[영영] a large amount of something
[영한] 많음
[첫뜻] abundance, a large quantity,
[어원] [American English] oodles (US slang) abundance, a large quantity (Tennessee)

percent [명사] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] percent < cent
[본문] [19]a) 10 percent b) 20 percent?
[영영] You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent (10%) of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount.
[영한] ① 퍼센트, 백분 ② 백분율, 비율 ③ (몇 ,) 이율의 공채[채권]
[활용] 복수형명사
[어원] [Latin] centum a hundred 100(백)
[어근]per; by ⑵ cent; 백(100)

pleasant [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3810] [★★] [레마] please
[본문] [59]And finally, when you have oodles of something, you have a lot of a very large amount of something pleasant…. like time, which once again we've run out of.
[영영] Something that is pleasant is nice, enjoyable, or attractive.
[영한] ① 쾌적한, 즐거운, 기분 좋은 ② 상냥한, 예의 바른
[첫뜻] pleasing or acceptable to God;
[파생] pleasable, pleasant, pleasantly, pleasantness, please, pleased, pleasedly, pleaser, pleasure, pleasureful, pleasureless
[반의어] unpleasant
[어원] [Latin] placere to please, give pleasure, be approved
[어근]pleas; 기쁨, calm ⑵ ant; 형용사 어미

presenter [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] present < pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [25]Here's Ella al-Shamahi, presenter of BBC Radio 4's, 'Why Do We Do That' talking to the comedian, Eshaan Akbar, about his procrastination habit:
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[첫뜻] one who presents"
[활용] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어원] [Latin] present
[어근]present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

procrastinate [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] procrastinate
[본문] [11]I see, but did you know that that people who procrastinate have higher levels of stress and lower wellbeing?
[영영] If you procrastinate, you keep leaving things you should do until later, often because you do not want to do them.
[영한] (해야 할 일을 보통 하기가 싫어서) 미루다[질질 끌다]
[첫뜻] to put off till another day, defer to a future time,
[활용] procrastinated, procrastinated, procrastinating, procrastinates
[파생] procrastination, procrastinator, procrastinate
[어원] [Latin] procrastinare [pro-+crastinus] to put off till tomorrow; defer, delay; "be dilatory
[어근] procrastinate; 질질 끌다, procrastinate

procrastination [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] procrastinate
[본문] [12]procrastination is also linked with lower financial and career success, so there's a lot of reasons not to do it.
[영한] (질질) 오래 끔, 연기(postponement), 지연(delay), 인순(因循)
[첫뜻] a putting off to a future time; dilatoriness,
[파생] procrastination, procrastinator, procrastinate
[구성단어] procrastinate + ion
[어원] [Latin] procrastinare [pro-+crastinus] to put off till tomorrow; defer, delay; "be dilatory
[어근]procrastinat(procrastinate); 질질 끌다, procrastinate ⑵ ion; 명사 어미


procrastinator [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] procrastinate
[본문] [8]You're a real procrastinator, Sam - someone who keeps delaying things that need to be done.
[영한] 꾸물거리는 사람, 질질 끄는 사람
[파생] procrastination, procrastinator, procrastinate
[구성단어] procrastinate + or
[어원] [Latin] procrastinare [pro-+crastinus] to put off till tomorrow; defer, delay; "be dilatory
[어근]procrastinat(procrastinate); 질질 끌다, procrastinate ⑵ or; …하는 사람[것]

relax [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2883] [★★] [레마] relax < lax(느슨한)
[본문] [47]Unlike Eshaan, I'd rather finish my work feeling relaxed, but there never seems to be enough time.
[영영] If you relax or if something relaxes you, you feel more calm and less worried or tense.
[영한] ① (즐기는 일을 하면서) 휴식을 취하다[느긋이 쉬다] ② (마음의 긴장을 풀고) 안심[진정]하다 ③ (근육 등의) 긴장이 풀리다[긴장을 풀다], (움켜쥔 손 등을) 풀다[놓다] ④ (법/규칙 등을) 완화하다 ⑤ (관심/노력을) 늦추다
[첫뜻] to make (something) less compact or dense,
[활용] relaxed, relaxed, relaxing, relaxes
[파생] relax, relaxable, relaxation, relaxed, relaxedly, relaxedness, relaxer
[유의어] unwind, ease
[구성단어] lax
[어원] [Latin] relaxare [re+laxare] loosen, stretch out
[어근]re; back ⑵ lax; not tense, slack

satisfaction [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2803] [★★] [레마] satis < sati
[본문] [45]In the same way that our ancestors felt good living on impulse, Eshaan thinks he gets gratification - a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction - from doing things at the last minute.
[영영] Satisfaction is the pleasure that you feel when you do something or get something that you wanted or needed to do or get.
[영한] ① 만족(감), 흡족, 만족(감을 주는 것) ② (욕구 등의) 충족 ③ (불만/부채/부상 등에 대한) 배상[보상]
[활용] 복수형; satisfactions
[파생] satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfiable, satisfier, satisfy, satisfying, satisfyingly
[유의어] gratification
[어원] [Latin] satis enough 충분한
[어근]satis(sati); 만족, enough ⑵ fact(fac); 만들다, make, do ⑶ ion; 명사 어미

serenity [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] serene
[본문] [44]And, I need to understand why I prefer that over the calm serenity of getting things done with oodles of time on my hands.
[영한] ① 맑게 갬, 청명, 화창함 ② 평정(平靜), 마음의 평온(calmness), 침착, 태연자약 ③ (칭호로서) 전하
[활용] 복수형; serenities
[구성단어] serene + ity
[어원] [Latin] serenus [from PIE root *ksero-] peaceful, calm, clear, unclouded; (figuratively) cheerful, glad, tranquil
[어근]seren(serene); 조용한, serene ⑵ ity; 명사 어미

serial [형용사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] series < sert
[본문] [28]I am a serial procrastinator without a shadow of a doubt.
[영영] Serial killings or attacks are a series of killings or attacks committed by the same person. This person is known as a serial killer or attacker.
[영한] ① 앞에 씀] 순차적인 ② (같은 일을 여러 번) 계속하는, 상습[연쇄]적인 ③ (극소설 등이) 연속 방송되는, 연재되는
[첫뜻] coming in regular succession
[파생] serial, serially, seriate, series
<명사> (텔레비전/라디오의) 연속극, (잡지의) 연재물
[어원] [Latin] series row, chain, series, sequence, succession
[어근]seri(sert); 결합, attach ⑵ al; 형용사 어미

spontaneous [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] spontaneous
[본문] [57]Impulsive behaviour is sudden and spontaneous, done without thinking about the consequences.
[영영] Spontaneous acts are not planned or arranged, but are done because someone suddenly wants to do them.
[영한] ① 자발적인, 마음에서 우러난 ② (사람이) 즉흥적인 ③ 저절로 일어나는, 자연스러운 ④ (억지로 하거나 연습한 것이 아닌) 자연스러운
[첫뜻] occurring without external stimulus
[파생] spontaneity, spontaneously, spontaneousness, spontaneous
[어원] [Latin] spontaneus willing, of one's free wil
[어근]spont; 자유의지의, spontaneous ⑵ aneous; 형용사 어미

squarely [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] square < quadr(넷)
[본문] [42]A lot of stuff you read about procrastination focuses on the time management element of it… I probably got a better sense that for me it seems very squarely around the emotional aspect of it.
[영한] ① 똑바로, 정면으로 ② 곧바로, 정확하게
[유의어] square
[구성단어] square + ly
[어원] [Latin] quadrus [from quattuor] square 넷, 4
[어근]s(ex); 밖으로, out ⑵ quare(quadr); 넷(4), 네모 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미



sudden [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2890] [★★] [레마] sudden < it-(가다)
[본문] [57]Impulsive behaviour is sudden and spontaneous, done without thinking about the consequences.
[영한] 갑자기, 급작스럽게, 불현듯
[파생] suddenly, suddenness, sudden
[유의어] suddenly
<명사> 불시, 돌연, 급격 <형용사> 갑작스러운, 급작스러운
[어원] [Latin] subire sub+ire; go under; occur secretly, come or go up stealthily
[어근]sudd(sub); 아래(밑), below ⑵ en(it); 가다, go

unlike [전치사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2490] [★★] [레마] like
[본문] [47]unlike Eshaan, I'd rather finish my work feeling relaxed, but there never seems to be enough time.
[영영] If one thing is unlike another thing, the two things have different qualities or characteristics from each other.
[영한] ① …와 다른 ② …와는 달리 ③ …답지 않은
[파생] unlikeness, unlike
[반의어] like
<명사> 닮지 않은 사람[것] <형용사> (두 사람사물이) 서로 다른
[어원] [Old English] gelic [from Proto-Germanic *(ga)leika-] like, similar; alike 비슷한, 유사한, ~과 같은
[어근]un; not ⑵ like; 비슷한, similar, alike

unpleasant [형용사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] please
[본문] [13]In this programme, we're discussing procrastination - the act of delaying things that must be done until later, often because they're difficult, boring or unpleasant.
[영영] If something is unpleasant, it gives you bad feelings, for example by making you feel upset or uncomfortable.
[영한] ① 불쾌한, 불편한 ② 불친절한, 기분 나쁜, 무례한
[파생] unpleasantly, unpleasant
[유의어] disagreeable
[반의어] pleasant
[어원] [Latin] placere to please, give pleasure, be approved
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ pleas; 기쁨, calm ⑶ ant; 형용사 어미

usual [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2381] [★★] [레마] use
[본문] [7]Let me guess, it's because you delayed, and delayed, and put your work off until the last minute - as usual!
[영영] Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
[영한] ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[파생] usually, usualness, usual
[유의어] normal
<명사> 여느 때의 건강 상태
[어원] [Latin] usare [frequentative form of pps of uti] use (자꾸) 쓰다
[어근]use; 사용, use ⑵ al; 형용사 어미

waste [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2000] [★★] [레마] waste < vast
[본문] [15]So, without wasting any more time, I have a question for you, Sam.
[영영] If you waste something such as time, money, or energy, you use too much of it doing something that is not important or necessary, or is unlikely to succeed.
[영한] ① (돈시간 등을 필요 이상으로 들여) 낭비하다 ② (가치를 인정받지 못하거나 엉뚱한 곳에) 헛되이 주다[쓰다/하다] ③ (제대로 이용하지 못하고) 낭비[허비]하다 ④ (사람을 보통 죽임으로써) 제거하다 ⑤ (경기경쟁에서 상대를) 처참히 지게 만들다
[첫뜻] devastate, ravage, ruin
[활용] wasted, wasted, wasting, wastes
[파생] wastable, wasteful, wastefully, wastefulness, wasteness, waste
<명사> ① 낭비[허비] ② 낭비[허비] ③ 쓰레기, 폐기물 <형용사> ① (땅이) 폐허의[버려진] ② 쓸모가 없어진, 폐물이 된
[어원] [Latin] vastus empty, unoccupied, desolate; immense, extensive, huge
[어근] waste(vast); empty, desolate



wellbeing [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] being < be
[본문] [11]I see, but did you know that that people who procrastinate have higher levels of stress and lower wellbeing?
[영영] Someone's well-being is their health and happiness.
[영한] (건강과) 행복, 웰빙
[활용] 불가산(不加算) 명사
[구성단어] well + being
[어원] [Old English] beon be, exist, come to be, become, happen

workload [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] work
[본문] [34]But maybe, also like Sam, Eshaan has a problem organising his workload and managing his time.
[영영] The workload of a person or organization is the amount of work that has to be done by them.
[영한] 업무량, 작업량
[구성단어] work + load
[어원] [Old English] weorc (noun) something done, discrete act performed by someone, action (whether voluntary or required), proceeding, business; that which is made or manufactured, products of labor

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