Language changes fast, and new words and phrases are being created all the time. In this programme, Rob and Sam talk about some modern idioms ? new expressions that have been introduced to English through the internet, TV and social media.
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boxer [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] box
[본문] [52]The idiom 'throw in the towel' comes from boxing where the coach of losing boxer would literally throw a towel into the ring to surrender.
[영영] A boxer is someone who takes part in the sport of boxing.
[영한] ① 권투 선수 ② 복서(코가 납작하고 털이 부드러우며 몸집이 큰 개)
[첫뜻] fist-fighter, pugilist,
[활용] 복수형; boxers
[어근] ⑴ box; box ⑵ er; 명사 어미
classic [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2639] [★★] [레마] classic < class
[본문] [48]Meanwhile, you can still rely on classic English idioms, like 'pull my leg', 'kick the bucket', and 'throw in the towel' - which, I think, comes from the sport of boxing.
[영영] A classic example of a thing or situation has all the features which you expect such a thing or situation to have.
[영한] ① 일류의, 최고 수준의 ② 전형적인, 대표적인 ③ (스타일이) 고전적인, 유행을 안 타는 ④ (비격식)
[첫뜻] of or belonging to the highest class; approved as a model
[파생] classic, classical, classicalism, classicalist, classicality, classically, classicalness, classicize
<명사> ① (책영화음악 등이) 고전, 명작 ② 전범, 모범 ③ 고대 그리스라틴학
[어근] ⑴ class(cal); 부르다, call ⑵ ic; 형용사 어미
[어원] classis(Latin), [akin to calare] a class, a division; army, fleet, (especially) any one of the six orders into which Servius Tullius divided the Roman people for the purpose of taxation; (traditionally originally) the people of Rome under arms(학급, 부서, 부대, 함대)
crash [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2859] [★★] [레마] crash
[본문] [44]Another modern idiom is breaking the internet - causing so much excitement about something online that too many people visit the website at the same time, making it crash.
[영영] If a moving vehicle crashes or if the driver crashes it, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed.
[영한] ① (차량이나 운전자가) 충돌하다[들이받다], (항공기가) 추락하다 ② (움직이는 뭔가가[를] 굉음과 함께) 부딪치다[박살나다/박살내다] ③ 굉음[요란한 소리]을 내다 ④ (물가주가사업체 등이) 폭락[붕괴/도산]하다 ⑤ (컴퓨터가) 갑자기 서 버리다[고장 나다], (컴퓨터를) 고장 내다 ⑥ [타동사][VN] (비격식) 상호참조 gatecrash ⑦ 크게 지다, 대패(大敗)하다 ⑧ 잠이 들다, (보통 때 자는 곳이 아닌 곳에서) 잠을 자다 ⑨ 심장이 멎다
[첫뜻] break in pieces; make a loud, clattering sound
[활용] crashed, crashed, crashing, crashes
<명사> ① (자동차 충돌항공기 추락) 사고 ② (무엇이 떨어지거나 부서질 때 나는) 요란한 소리, 굉음 ③ (가격가치의) 폭락[붕괴], (사업) 실패, 도산 <형용사> (빠른 결과를 얻기 위한) 단기 집중적인 <부사> 요란스러운 소리를 내며
[어원] crash(imitative/echoic)
embed [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [레마] bed
[본문] [34]So, Groundhog Day I think more or less has the meaning of 'deja vu' now, and it's completely embedded in the language… actually, that's probably one of the first phrases that got me thinking about these modern idioms in the first place because it is so ubiquitous, it's used in a huge range of contexts, and one of the things that made me sit up and take notice is, I had a number of students who know the phrase, Groundhog Day, but had no idea it was a film.
[영영] If an object embeds itself in a substance or thing, it becomes fixed there firmly and deeply.
[영한] ① (단단히) 박다[끼워 넣다] ② (종군 기자/사진 기자 등을) 파견하다 ③ (다른 절 속에) 절을 끼워 넣다, 내포절을 넣다
[첫뜻] to lay in a bed (of surrounding matter),
[활용] embedded embedded embedding embeds
[파생] abed, embed, embedment
[어근] ⑴ em(en); 안에 두다, in, 하게하다 ⑵ bed; bed
excitement [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3536] [★★] [레마] excite < cite(부르다)
[본문] [44]Another modern idiom is breaking the internet - causing so much excitement about something online that too many people visit the website at the same time, making it crash.
[영영] You use excitement to refer to the state of being excited, or to something that excites you.
[영한] ① 흥분, 신남 ② 흥분되는[신나는] 일
[활용] 복수형; excitements
[파생] excitement, excite
[어근] ⑴ ex; out, 밖 ⑵ cite; 부르다, call ⑶ ment; 명사 어미
first-world [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] world
[본문] [43]Yeah, so the idea of something going viral is certainly very much in the vocabulary now… But things like Twitter have leant sort of phrases, so the idea of first-world problems, meaning sort of ironically things that we complain about but actually, compared to other parts of the world, may well be relatively minor, that started life as Twitter hashtag, for example.
[영영] The most prosperous and industrialized parts of the world are sometimes referred to as the First World. Compare Third World.
[영한] 제1세계, 부유한 선진국들
[활용] [U]
[구성단어] first + world
forty [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3768] [★★] [레마] forty
[본문] [47]Unlike general vocabulary, a native speaker's full knowledge of idioms takes longer to develop, usually at around the age of thirty to forty.
[영영] forty
[영한] 40대(40~49), 40년대, 40도대 (기온)
[첫뜻] 1 more than thirty-nine, twice twenty; the number which is one more than thirty-nine; a symbol representing this number;
[활용] [복수형; ] the forties
[어근] ⑴ for(four); 넷(4), four ⑵ ty; 명사 어미
[어원] feowertig(Old English), [feower+tig]
gradually [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2986] [★★] [레마] grade
[본문] [36]gradually, the movie title itself became an idiom, Groundhog Day, meaning a situation in which events that have happened before, happen again in exactly the same way.
[영영] If something changes or is done gradually, it changes or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly.
[영한] 서서히
[파생] gradually, gradualness, gradual
[어근] ⑴ gradu(gress); 나아가다, step ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
hashtag [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] hashtag < tag
[본문] [43]Yeah, so the idea of something going viral is certainly very much in the vocabulary now… But things like Twitter have leant sort of phrases, so the idea of first-world problems, meaning sort of ironically things that we complain about but actually, compared to other parts of the world, may well be relatively minor, that started life as Twitter hashtag, for example.
[영영] word or phrase that starts with the symbol # and that briefly indicates what a message (such as a tweet) is about
[영한] (인터넷) 해시태그, 소셜네트워크서비스(SNS : social network service)인 트위터에서 '#특정단어' 형식으로, 특정 단어에 대한 글이라는 것을 표현하는 기능
[구성단어] hash + tag
ironically [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4861] [★★] [레마] ironic < iron-(위선)
[본문] [43]Yeah, so the idea of something going viral is certainly very much in the vocabulary now… But things like Twitter have leant sort of phrases, so the idea of first-world problems, meaning sort of ironically things that we complain about but actually, compared to other parts of the world, may well be relatively minor, that started life as Twitter hashtag, for example.
[영영] You use ironically to draw attention to a situation which is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast.
[영한] ① 비꼬아, 반어적으로 ② 얄궂게도
[파생] ironic, ironical, ironically, irony
[어근] ⑴ iron; 역설, dissemble ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사어미
literally [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2492] [★★] [레마] liter-
[본문] [52]The idiom 'throw in the towel' comes from boxing where the coach of losing boxer would literally throw a towel into the ring to surrender.
[영영] You can use literally to emphasize a statement. Some careful speakers of English think that this use is incorrect.
[영한] ① 문자[말] 그대로 ② (전달하는 사실을 강조하여) 그야말로 ③ (어구를 강조하여) 정말로[완전히]
[파생] literal, literality, literalness, letter, literally
[유의어] exactly
[어근] ⑴ liter; 문자, letter ⑵ al; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
metaphorically [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] metaphor < phore
[본문] [41]The vocabulary of the internet, even the word 'internet', is relatively modern… the idea of breaking the internet is now a phrase I think people would use and recognise, so something that causes such a stir online that metaphorically so many people rush to a website that it threatens to bring it down, something like that…
[영영] metaphorical+ly
[영한] 은유적으로
[파생] metaphor, metaphoric, metaphorical, metaphorically, metaphoricalness
[어근] ⑴ meta; over ⑵ phor(phore); bear, carry ⑶ ic; 형용사어미 ⑷ al; 형용사 어미 ⑸ ly; 부사 어미
mic [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] microphone
[본문] [32]Dr Carrol is the author of a new book, 'Dropping the mic and Jumping the Shark: Where Do Modern Idioms Come From?'
[영한] 마이크
[활용] 복수형; mics
[유의어] microphone(마이크)
minor [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2633] [★★] [레마] minor
[본문] [43]Yeah, so the idea of something going viral is certainly very much in the vocabulary now… But things like Twitter have leant sort of phrases, so the idea of first-world problems, meaning sort of ironically things that we complain about but actually, compared to other parts of the world, may well be relatively minor, that started life as Twitter hashtag, for example.
[영영] You use minor when you want to describe something that is less important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation.
[영한] ① 작은[가벼운] ② 단조의, 단음계의
[첫뜻] Franciscan friar,
[파생] minorship, minor
[반의어] major, major(주요하다)
<명사> ① 미성년자 ② (대학에서의) 부전공 <동사> I.부전공으로 연구하다
[어근] minor(mini); 작은, less, smaller
[어원] minor(Latin), [a masculine/feminine form of minus] less, lesser, smaller, junior
old-fashioned [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4791] [★★] [레마] fashion < fact(만들다)
[본문] [54]To spend a penny is an old-fashioned way of saying 'go to the toilet'.
[영영] Something such as a style, method, or device that is old-fashioned is no longer used, done, or admired by most people, because it has been replaced by something that is more modern.
[영한] ① 옛날식의, 구식의 ② (사람이) 전통적인 사고방식을 지닌, 구식인
[파생] old-fashionedly, oldfashioned, old-fashioned
[유의어] dated(구식이다), out-of-date(시대에 뒤떨어지다)
<명사> 위스키 칵테일의 일종
[구성단어] old + fashioned
outlet [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4678] [레마] let
[본문] [45]Social media outlets like Twitter have also created their own idioms, including first-world problems - a trivial problem that does not seem very important when compared to the serious problems faced by people in poorer parts of the world.
[영영] An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer.
[영한] ① (감정/생각/에너지의 바람직한) 발산[배출] 수단 ② (상업) (특정 회사의 것이나 특정 유형의 상품을 취급하는) 직판점[전문 매장] ③ (특정 상표 상품의) 할인점, 아울렛 ④ (액체/기체의) 배출구 ⑤ 상호참조 socket?(1)
[활용] 복수형; outlets
[반의어] inlet
[어근] ⑴ out; 밖, 이상의, out ⑵ let; 하게 하다, let
raring [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] rare < rear
[본문] [19]Great, I'm 'raring to go' - another idiom there.
[영영] ready and excited to start to do something; very eager
[영한] (…하고 싶어) 몸이 근질거리는
[어근] ⑴ rar(rear); 기르다, rear ⑵ ing; 형용사 어미
shark [명사] [Rank; 4485] [★★] [레마] shark
[본문] [32]Dr Carrol is the author of a new book, 'Dropping the Mic and Jumping the shark: Where Do Modern Idioms Come From?'
[영영] A shark is a very large fish. Some sharks have very sharp teeth and may attack people.
[영한] ① 상어 ② 사기꾼
[활용] 복수형; sharks
[파생] sharklike, shark
[어원] shark(Middle English)
surrender [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] surrender < render
[본문] [21]Many well-known idioms come from the world of sport, for example 'throw in the towel' which means 'give up', or 'surrender'.
[영영] If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten.
[영한] ① 항복[굴복]하다, 투항하다 ② (권리 등을) 포기하다[내주다/넘겨주다]
[첫뜻] to give (something) up,
[활용] surrendered surrendered surrendering surrenders
[파생] surrenderer, surrender
[유의어] give in, relinquish, yield(넘겨주다), capitulate(항복하다)
<명사> ① 항복, 굴복 ② (비유적으로) 굴복 ③ (특히 전투 후의) 양도
[어근] ⑴ sur(super); 위, above ⑵ render; 되게 하다, render
[어원] surrendre(French), sur+rendre; give up, deliver over
tennis [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3107] [★★] [레마] tennis
[본문] [24]a) football b) tennis or c) boxing?
[영영] Tennis is a game played by two or four players on a rectangular court. The players use an oval bat with strings across it to hit a ball over a net across the middle of the court.
[영한] 테니스
[활용] [U]
[어원] tenir(French), hold together, stick together, support, to hold
thirty [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2856] [★★] [레마] thirty
[본문] [47]Unlike general vocabulary, a native speaker's full knowledge of idioms takes longer to develop, usually at around the age of thirty to forty.
[영영] When you talk about the thirties, you are referring to numbers between 30 and 39. For example, if you are in your thirties, you are aged between 30 and 39. If the temperature is in the thirties, the temperature is between 30 and 39 degrees.
[영한] 30, 서른
[파생] thirtyish, thirty
[어근] ⑴ thir(three); 셋(3), three ⑵ ty; 명/형용사 어미
[어원] þritig(Old English), thirty
toilet [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4026] [★★] [레마] toilet
[본문] [12]Spend a penny means 'go to the toilet'.
[영영] A toilet is a large bowl with a seat, or a platform with a hole, which is connected to a water system and which you use when you want to get rid of urine or faeces from your body.
[영한] ① 변기(통) ② (집 안의) 화장실 ③ (여러 개의 화장실이 작은 칸으로 나뉘어져 있는) 화장실 ④ (구식) 몸단장
[첫뜻] cover or bag for clothes
[활용] 복수형; toilets
<형용사> 화장[몸단장](용)의, 화장실(용)의.
[어원] toilette(French), [diminutive of toile] a cloth;, a bag for clothes
towel [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3717] [★★] [레마] towel
[본문] [21]Many well-known idioms come from the world of sport, for example 'throw in the towel' which means 'give up', or 'surrender'.
[영영] A towel is a piece of thick soft cloth that you use to dry yourself.
[영한] 수건, 타월
[첫뜻] towel
[활용] 복수형; towels
<동사> (down) 수건으로 닦다
[어원] toaille(French), towel
trivial [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] trivial
[본문] [45]Social media outlets like Twitter have also created their own idioms, including first-world problems - a trivial problem that does not seem very important when compared to the serious problems faced by people in poorer parts of the world.
[영영] not important
[영한] 사소한, 하찮은
[첫뜻] ordinary; insignificant, trifling
[유의어] jesting(시시하다)
[어원] trivialis(Latin), [from trivium] common, commonplace, vulgar, (literally) of or belonging to the crossroads
ubiquitous [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] ubiquity
[본문] [34]So, Groundhog Day I think more or less has the meaning of 'deja vu' now, and it's completely embedded in the language… actually, that's probably one of the first phrases that got me thinking about these modern idioms in the first place because it is so ubiquitous, it's used in a huge range of contexts, and one of the things that made me sit up and take notice is, I had a number of students who know the phrase, Groundhog Day, but had no idea it was a film.
[영영] seeming to be seen everywhere
[영한] 어디에나 있는, 아주 흔한
[파생] ubiquitously, ubiquitousness, ubiquity, ubiquitous
[어근] ⑴ ubiqu(ubique); 모든 곳, everywhere ⑵ it(ite); 명사 어미 ⑶ ity; 명사 어미 ⑷ ous; 형용사 어미
[어원] ubiquitarius(Latin), [from ubique]
unfortunately [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2032] [★★] [레마] unfortunate < fortune
[본문] [59]unfortunately for us, our six minutes are up!
[영영] ADV] You can use unfortunately to introduce or refer to a statement when you consider that it is sad or disappointing, or when you want to express regret.
[영한] 불행하게도, 유감스럽게도
[파생] unfortunately, unfortunateness, unfortunate
[유의어] regrettably
[반의어] fortunately
[어근] ⑴ un; 아님(不) ⑵ fortun(fort); 기회 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
unlock [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] lock
[본문] [13]It's an old idiom from the days when it cost a penny to unlock the door of a public toilet.
[영영] If you unlock something such as a door, a room, or a container that has a lock, you open it using a key.
[영한] ① (열쇠로) 열다 ② (비밀 등을) 드러내다
[활용] unlocked, unlocked, unlocking, unlocks
[파생] unlockable, unlock
[반의어] lock
[어근] ⑴ un; not ⑵ lock; 잠그다, lock
viral [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] virus
[본문] [42]In the early days we had 'go viral' which has stayed with us, hasn't it?
[영영] A viral disease or infection is caused by a virus.
[영한] 바이러스성의, 바이러스에 의한
[첫뜻] of the nature of, or caused by, a virus
[파생] viral, virally, virus, viruslike
[어근] ⑴ vir(virus); poison, venom ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
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