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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Do our pets care about us? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


We love and care for our pets. But do they care about us in return? Do they know when their human owners feel afraid or in danger. Do animals know, or care, about human feelings? Neil and Sam talk about cats and dogs and teach you related vocabulary.

우리는 우리의 애완 동물을 사랑하고 보살핍니다. 그런데 그들은 그 보답으로 우리를 보살필까요? 그들은 [그들의 인간 소유주들이 두려움을 느끼거나 위험에 처해 있을 때]를 알까요? 동물들은 인간의 기분을 알거나 보살필까요? 닐과 샘이 고양이와 개에 대하여 말합니다. 그리고 당신에게 관련된 어휘를. 가르칩니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

agony [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] agon
[본문] [38]I don't think they were particularly sensitive or bothered that I was squealing around the floor in agony, holding my leg up in the air, trying to feign an injury.
[영영] Agony is great physical or mental pain.
[영한] 극도의 (육체적/정신적) 고통[괴로움]
[첫뜻] mental suffering
[활용] 복수형; agonies
[파생] agonize, agony
[어근]agon(agog); 지도자, 이끌다 ⑵ y; 명사/형용사 어미

anthropomorphize [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] anthropomorph < morph
[본문] [17]People often anthropomorphize their pets - treat them as if they were human by giving them human characteristics.
[영영] to attribute or ascribe human form or behaviour to (a god, animal, object, etc)
[영한] (신/동물을) 인격화하다, 의인화(擬人化)하다
[어근]anthropo; 사람, human ⑵ morph; form, shape ⑶ ize; 동사 어미






anthrozoologist [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] zoology < zoo
[본문] [31]Recently, anthrozoologist Dr Karen Hiestand, designed an experiment to test whether our pets really do care about us.
[영한] 인간동물학자
[어근]anthro(anthropo); 사람, human ⑵ zoo; 동물(animal) ⑶ log; 명사 어미 ⑷ ist; 명사 어미

antisocial [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] social < soci
[본문] [52]The experiment confirms the idea we have of cats being cold and antisocial.
[영영] avoiding the company of other people; unsociable
[영한] ① 반사회적인 ② 비사교적인
[어근]anti; 반대 ⑵ soci; companion, ally ⑶ al; …한 (성질의), …함(과정, 상태)

awful [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3304] [★★] [레마] awful < awe
[본문] [48]What we're seeing typically is cats staying much more still… that they're looking and looking at their owner, so they're definitely paying their owner an awful lot of attention when they're displaying a negative distress emotion, comparing to during the control procedure where they're just doing cat things - walking around, grooming… that kind of thing.
[영영] If you say that someone or something is awful, you dislike that person or thing or you think that they are not very good.
[영한] ① 끔찍한, 지독한 ② (특히 양적으로 많음을 강조하는 의미로) 엄청 ③ 무시무시한
[파생] awe, aweless, awesome, awful, awfulness, awless
[유의어] terrible(무시무시하다), frightful(끔찍하다)
<부사> 되게, 굉장히
[어근]aw(awe); 두려움, awe ⑵ ful; 형용사 어미

breed [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] breed
[본문] [45]Dogs are descended from ancient breeds of wolves - very social animals who live together in packs, so it makes sense that a dog would sniff and come closer to investigate what was happening.
[영영] A breed of a pet animal or farm animal is a particular type of it. For example, terriers are a breed of dog.
[영한] ① (특히 개고양이가축의) 품종 ② (사람의) 유형
[활용] 복수형; breeds
<동사> ① (동물이) 새끼를 낳다 ② (동물식물을 번식시키기 위해) 사육하다[재배하다] ③ …을 야기하다[불러오다]
[어근] breed(blood); 피, blood
[어원] bredan(Old English), [akin to Old English brod] bring (young) to birth, procreate, produce or cherish offspring((젊게) 태어나게 하다, 아이[새끼]를 낳다, (자손을) 생산하다, (자손을) 아끼다)

cartoon [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4195] [★] [레마] cartoon
[본문] [18]In cartoons, Micky Mouse can talk and Donald Duck dances and sings, but we know mice and ducks don't really do that in nature.
[영영] A cartoon is a humorous drawing or series of drawings in a newspaper or magazine. → see also strip cartoon
[영한] ① 만화 ② 상호참조 comic strip ③ 만화 영화 ④ (그림의) 밑그림
[첫뜻] a drawing on strong paper
[활용] 복수형; cartoons
[파생] cartoon, cartoonist
<동사> 만화화하다, 만화를 그리다, 밑그림을 그리다 <형용사> 풍자만화적인
[어근] cartoon(chart); chart, map
[어원] ⓐcarton(French), [from Italian cartone] sketch, cardboard, card
ⓑkhartes(Greek), leaf of paper

collie [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] collie < coal
[본문] [6]Yes, I grew up watching the adventures of schoolboy, Timmy, and his pet dog, a collie named Lassie.
[영영] A collie or a collie dog is a dog with long hair and a long, narrow nose.
[영한] 콜리(흔히 양치기 개로 많이 쓰이는 종류의 개)
[어근]coll(coal); 석탄, coal ⑵ ie(y); 명사 어미
[어원] coaly(Middle English), coal-black(칠흑 같은[새까만])

companion [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3586] [★★] [레마] company < pan
[본문] [23]'Lassie' wasn't the only TV show to feature a boy and his pet companion.
[영영] A companion is someone who you spend time with or who you are travelling with.
[영한] ① 동반자, 동행 ② (마음 맞는) 친구[벗] ③ 동지 ④ 가정 도우미(보수를 받고 특히 노약자와 함께 살면서 보살펴 주는 여자) ⑤ (서로 한 쌍이나 한 벌을 이루는 둘 중의) 한 짝 ⑥ (특정 주제를 다룬 책의 제목에 쓰여) 안내서[지침서]
[첫뜻] one who accompanies or associates with another
[활용] 복수형; companions
[파생] companionate, companionless, companion
[어근]com; with, together ⑵ pan; bread ⑶ ion(ation); ~상태(명사어미)



cow [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3103] [★★] [레마] cow
[본문] [12]They include pets, like cats and dogs, working animals and farm animals, like cows and sheep.
[영영] A cow is a large female animal that is kept on farms for its milk. People sometimes refer to male and female animals of this species as cows. → see also cattle
[영한] ① 암소, 젖소 ② (코끼리고래, 그 외 일부 동물의) 암컷 ③ (여자에 대한 욕으로) 년 ④ (호주 영어, 뉴질랜드 영어) 지겨운 것
[첫뜻] female of a bovine animal
[활용] 복수형; cows
[어원] cu(Old English), cow

descend [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4046] [★★] [레마] descend < scand
[본문] [45]Dogs are descended from ancient breeds of wolves - very social animals who live together in packs, so it makes sense that a dog would sniff and come closer to investigate what was happening.
[영영] If you descend or if you descend a staircase, you move downwards from a higher to a lower level.
[영한] ① 내려오다, 내려가다 ② (언덕 등이) (아래로) 경사지다, 내리막이 되다 ③ (문예체) (밤/어둠/분위기 등이) 내려앉다[다가오다]
[첫뜻] move or pass from a higher to a lower place
[활용] descended, descended, descending, descends
[파생] descend, descendable, descendant, descent
[유의어] fall
[반의어] ascend(내려가다)
[어근]de; down ⑵ scend; 오르다, climb

display [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2110] [★★] [레마] display < plic(접다)
[본문] [48]What we're seeing typically is cats staying much more still… that they're looking and looking at their owner, so they're definitely paying their owner an awful lot of attention when they're displaying a negative distress emotion, comparing to during the control procedure where they're just doing cat things - walking around, grooming… that kind of thing.
[영영] If you display something that you want people to see, you put it in a particular place, so that people can see it easily.
[영한] ① 전시[진열]하다, 내보이다 ② (특히 자질느낌의 흔적을) 드러내다[보이다] ③ (컴퓨터 등이) (정보를) 보여주다[디스플레이하다] ④ (새동물의 수컷이) 구애 동작을 하다
[첫뜻] unfold, spread out, unfurl
[활용] displayed, displayed, displaying, displays
[파생] displayer, display
[유의어] exhibit(전시하다), put up, reveal, post
<명사> ① 전시, 진열 ② (사람들을 즐겁게 하기 위해 기교 등을 보여주는 것) ③ (특정한 자질느낌능력의) 표현[과시]
[어근]dis; apart, not ⑵ play(plic); 접은, fold

distress [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] distress < stress
[본문] [48]What we're seeing typically is cats staying much more still… that they're looking and looking at their owner, so they're definitely paying their owner an awful lot of attention when they're displaying a negative distress emotion, comparing to during the control procedure where they're just doing cat things - walking around, grooming… that kind of thing.
[영영] Distress is a state of extreme sorrow, suffering, or pain.
[영한] ① (정신적) 고통, 괴로움 ② 고충, 곤경 ③ 조난 (위험)
[첫뜻] circumstance that causes anxiety or hardship
[활용] [U]
[파생] distressful, distressfully, distressfulness, distressing, distressingly, distress
[유의어] danger(위난), hardship(고통), misery
<동사> 괴롭히다, 고통스럽게 하다 <형용사> ① 출혈 판매의, 투매품의 ② 빈민 구제의
[어근]di(dis); 아님, 不 ⑵ stress(strain); 조이다

domesticate [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] domestic < dom
[본문] [11]We're talking about domesticated animals - types of animals which are under human control and have been living closely with people for centuries.
[영영] When people domesticate wild animals or plants, they bring them under control and use them to produce food or as pets.
[영한] ① (동물을) 길들이다[사육하다] ② (작물을) 재배하다 ③ (흔히 유머) 가정적이 되게 만들다
[첫뜻] convert to domestic use, tame, bring under control or cultivation;
[활용] domesticated domesticated domesticating domesticates
[파생] domestic, domesticable, domestically, domesticate, domestication, domesticative, domesticator, domesticity
[유의어] cultivate
[어근]domest(dom); 가(家), house, 가장(家長) ⑵ ic; …의, 와 같은(것) ⑶ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] domesticus(Latin), [from domus] belonging to the household

duck [명사] [Rank; 3553] [★] [레마] duck
[본문] [18]In cartoons, Micky Mouse can talk and Donald duck dances and sings, but we know mice and ducks don't really do that in nature.
[영영] A duck is a very common water bird with short legs, a short neck, and a large flat beak.
[활용] 복수형; ducks
[파생] ducker, duck
<동사> ① (머리나 몸을) 휙[쑥] 수그리다[숨기다] ② (머리나 몸을 움직여) 피하다 ③ (특히 눈에 띄지 않기 위해) 급히 움직이다
[어원] duce(Old English), a duck


feign [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] feign
[본문] [40]Adrian didn't really hurt his leg - he feigned, or pretended, to be hurt.
[영영] If someone feigns a particular feeling, attitude, or physical condition, they try to make other people think that they have it or are experiencing it, although this is not true.
[영한] (감정/질병 등을) 가장하다[…인 척하다]
[첫뜻] disguise or conceal (deceit, falsehood, one's real meaning); dissemble, make false pretenses, lie; pretend to be
[활용] feigned feigned feigning feigns
[파생] feigner, feigningly, feint, feign
[유의어] simulate
[어근] feign(fig); 모양, form, shape
[어원] fingere(Latin), to shape, form, devise, feign, to mold, fashion, make a likeness of, pretend to be(빚다, 형성하다, 창안[고안]하다, 꾸미다)

frog [명사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] frog
[본문] [26]a) a rabbit b) a frog or c) a kangaroo?
[영영] A frog is a small creature with smooth skin, big eyes, and long back legs which it uses for jumping. Frogs usually live near water.
[영한] ① 개구리 ② 프랑스인(모욕적인 표현)
[첫뜻] ① frog ② type of fastening for clothing
[활용] 복수형; Frogs Froggies
<동사> 개구리를 잡다
[어원] frogga(Old English), frog

groom [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] groom
[본문] [48]What we're seeing typically is cats staying much more still… that they're looking and looking at their owner, so they're definitely paying their owner an awful lot of attention when they're displaying a negative distress emotion, comparing to during the control procedure where they're just doing cat things - walking around, grooming… that kind of thing.
[영영] If you groom an animal, you clean its fur, usually by brushing it.
[영한] ① (동물을) 손질[솔질]하다 ② (동물이) (가죽털 등을) 다듬다 ③ (중요한 일직책에) 대비시키다[훈련하다] ④ (아동을 상대로 성행위를 하는 자가 특히 인터넷 채팅을 통해) 상대 아동을 구하다
[활용] groomed, groomed, grooming, grooms
[파생] groomer, grooming, groom
<명사> ① 마부, 말 사육 담당자 ② 신랑 = bridegroom
[어원] grome(Old English), male child, boy

hop [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] hop
[본문] [61]Over two metres high and able to jump nine metres in a single hop, you'd be in safe hands with Skippy the Kangaroo.
[영영] A hop is a short, quick journey, usually by plane.
[영한] ① (사람이 한 발로 짧게) 깡충 뛰기 ② (짐승새가 발을 모아서) 깡충깡충 뛰기 ③ (특히 비행기로 하는) 짧은 여행, 휙 날아가기 ④ 홉(원뿔 모양의 암꽃이 피는 키 큰 덩굴 식물의 일종) ⑤ 홉스(hop의 원뿔 모양 암꽃을 말린 것. 맥주 제조 원료) ⑥ (비격식적인) 무도회, 댄스파티
[활용] 복수형; hops
<동사> ① (사람이) 한 발로 깡충깡충 뛰다 ② (짐승새가 발을 모아) 깡충깡충 뛰다 ③ 후딱[급히] 가다[움직이다]
[어원] hoppian(Old English), to spring, leap; to dance; to limp

ill [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2970] [★★] [레마] ill
[본문] [64]If you feign illness, you pretend to be ill when you are not.
[영영] ① Someone who is ill is suffering from a disease or a health problem.
② You can use ill in front of some nouns to indicate that you are referring to something harmful or unpleasant.
[영한] ① [대개 명사 앞에는 안 씀] 아픈, 병 든, 몸[기분]이 안 좋은 ② 나쁜, 유해한 ③ 불길한
[첫뜻] morally evil; offensive, objectionable
[활용] 비교; ill < worse < worst
[파생] illness, ill
<명사> ① 문제, 해악, 병 ② (문예체) 해, 불운 <부사> ① 나쁘게, 불쾌하게 ② 잘못하여, 제대로 하지 않고 ③ 어렵게, 간신히
[어원] illr(Old Norse), evil, bad; hard, difficult; mean, stingy

kangaroo [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] kangaroo
[본문] [26]a) a rabbit b) a frog or c) a kangaroo?
[영영] A kangaroo is a large Australian animal which moves by jumping on its back legs. Female kangaroos carry their babies in a pouch on their stomach.
[영한] 캥거루
[첫뜻] large marsupial mammal of Australia,
[활용] 복수형; kangaroos
[파생] kangaroo-like, kangaroo
[어원] kangaroo(Aboriginal), large marsupial mammal of Australia



misunderstand [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] understand < stand
[본문] [16]Unlike humans, pets can't talk to say how they're feeling, and this makes it easy for us to misunderstand them.
[영영] If you misunderstand someone or something, you do not understand them properly.
[영한] 오해하다
[활용] misunderstood misunderstood misunderstanding misunderstands
[파생] misunderstander, misunderstand
[어근]mis; 잘못 ⑵ under; 아래 ⑶ stand; 서다, stand

mouse [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3336] [★★] [레마] mouse
[본문] [18]In cartoons, Micky mouse can talk and Donald Duck dances and sings, but we know mice and ducks don't really do that in nature.
[영영] A mouse is a small furry animal with a long tail.
[영한] ① 쥐, 생쥐(들판이나 사람의 집 등에 사는 작은 쥐) ② (컴퓨터) 마우스
[활용] 복수형; mice mouses
[파생] mouselike, mouse
<동사> ① 습격하다, 몰아내다(hunt out), 찾아내다 ② (고양이가 쥐를 다루듯) 못살게 굴다, 가지고 놀다, 잡아 찢다 ③ (항해) (갈고랑쇠 끝을) 가는 끈으로 묶다
[어원] mus(Old English), small rodent; (also) muscle of the arm(작은 설치; (또한) 팔의 근육)

paw [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] paw
[본문] [51]Some cats did nothing except carry on grooming - cleaning themselves using their tongue and paws.
[영영] The paws of an animal such as a cat, dog, or bear are its feet, which have claws for gripping things and soft pads for walking on.
[영한] ① (동물의 발톱이 달린) 발 ② (사람의) 손
[첫뜻] hand or foot of an animal which has nails or claws
<동사> ① (동물이) 발로 긁다[건드리다] ② (때로 유머) (성적 의도를 갖고 함부로) 손을 대다[건드리다]
[어원] powe(French), paw, fist

pet [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3306] [★★] [레마] pet
[본문] [8]If you believe shows like 'Lassie', pets know when their human owners feel afraid or in danger.
[영영] A pet is an animal that you keep in your home to give you company and pleasure.
[영한] ① 애완동물 ② (특히 다른 사람들이 볼 때 불공평할 정도로) 총애를 받는 사람 ③ (상대방에게 애정다정함을 담아 말을 할 때 씀)
[첫뜻] ① domesticated or tamed animal kept as a favorite ② fit of peevishness, offense or ill-humor at feeling slighted
[활용] 복수형; pets
[파생] petter, pet
[유의어] favourite
<동사> ① (동물아이를 다정하게) 어루만지다[쓰다듬다] ② (두 사람이) 애무하다 <형용사> (사람이) 특별한 관심[애정]을 갖는
[어원] pet(Scottish), pet; domesticated or tamed animal kept as a favorite(애완 동물; 가축이나 애완용으로 길들인 동물)

rescue [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3852] [★★] [레마] rescue
[본문] [7]Whenever Timmy got lost or into trouble, Lassie sensed danger and came to the rescue.
[영영] If you rescue someone, you get them out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation.
[영한] (위험에서) 구하다, 구조[구출/구제]하다
[첫뜻] deliver (someone) from an enemy's attack or restraint; deliver or save (someone) from evil or harm,
[활용] rescued, rescued, rescuing, rescues
[파생] rescuable, rescuee, rescueless, rescuer, rescue
<명사> ① 구출, 구조, 구제 ② 구출[구조] 작업 <형용사> 구조의, 구제의
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로, again ⑵ s(ex); 밖으로, 외(外), out ⑶ cue(quati); 흔들리다, shake
[어원] rescoure(French), [re-+escorre, from Latin re-+excutere] protect, keep safe; free, deliver

sadness [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] sad
[본문] [49]The experiment showed the different responses of cats and dogs to human distress - feelings of worry, sadness or pain.
[영영] affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness
[활용] 복수형; sadnesses
[파생] sadden, sadly, sadness, sad
[어근]sad; 슬픈, sad ⑵ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도

schoolboy [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] boy
[본문] [6]Yes, I grew up watching the adventures of schoolboy, Timmy, and his pet dog, a collie named Lassie.
[영영] A schoolboy is a boy who goes to school.
[영한] 남학생
[파생] schoolboyish, schoolboy
[구성단어] school + boy



sensitive [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2529] [★★] [레마] sense < sent(느끼다)
[본문] [38]I don't think they were particularly sensitive or bothered that I was squealing around the floor in agony, holding my leg up in the air, trying to feign an injury.
[영영] If you are sensitive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them.
[영한] ① (남의 기분을 헤아리는 데) 세심한 ② (예술적으로) 감성 있는 ③ (사람이) 예민한[민감한] (그래서 상처를 잘 받는) ④ (정보/주제 등이) 민감한[신중을 요하는] ⑤ (추위/빛/식품 등에) 민감한 ⑥ (변화에) 민감한
[첫뜻] having the function of sensation
[파생] sense, sensible, sensitive, sensitively, sensitiveness, sensitivity, sensory, sensual
[반의어] insensitive
[어근]sensit(sent); 느낌 ⑵ ive; 형용사 어미

sniff [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] sniff
[본문] [45]Dogs are descended from ancient breeds of wolves - very social animals who live together in packs, so it makes sense that a dog would sniff and come closer to investigate what was happening.
[영영] If you get a sniff of something, you learn or guess that it might be happening or might be near.
[영한] ① 코를 킁킁[벌름/훌쩍]거리기, 냄새 맡기, 콧방귀 뀌기 ② (무엇이 어떠한 것인지에 대한) 생각[맛], 기미, 낌새 ③ 작은 가능성
[활용] 복수형; sniffs
[파생] sniffing, sniffy, sniff
[유의어] smell
<동사> ① 코를 훌쩍이다 ② 코를 킁킁[벌름]거리다, (코를 킁킁벌름거리며) 냄새를 맡다[들이마시다] ③ 콧방귀를 뀌다[뀌며 말하다]
[어원] sniffen(imitative/echoic), sniff

solitary [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] sole
[본문] [46]Cats, on the other hand, are solitary creatures, descended from wild cats who lived and hunted alone.
[영영] A person or animal that is solitary spends a lot of time alone.
[영한] ① (다른 사람 없이) 혼자 하는 ② (사람동물이) 혼자 있기를 좋아하는, 혼자서 잘 지내는 ③ (사람사물장소가) 홀로 있는, 외딴 ④ 단 하나의
[파생] sole, solitarily, solitariness, solitary, solitude, solitudinous
[유의어] single, lone
<명사> ① [U] (비격식) 상호참조 solitary confinement ② (자기가 선택해서) 혼자 사는 사람, 은자
[어근]solit(sole); 홀로 ⑵ ary; 형용사 어미

squeal [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] squeal
[본문] [38]I don't think they were particularly sensitive or bothered that I was squealing around the floor in agony, holding my leg up in the air, trying to feign an injury.
[영영] If someone or something squeals, they make a long, high-pitched sound.
[영한] ① (높고 길게) 끼익[꽤액/꺄악] 하는 소리를 내다 ② (특히 신이 나거나 신경질이 나서) 꽤액 소리를 지르다 ③ (특히 경찰에) 찌르다[일러바치다]
[활용] squealed, squealed, squealing, squeals
[파생] squealer, squeal
<명사> 끼익[꽤액/꺄악] 하는 소리
[어원] squelen(imitative/echoic)

tail [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3010] [★★] [레마] tail
[본문] [37]Well, the tail wagging has got a bit more, there's a bit of a yawn.
[영영] The tail of an animal, bird, or fish is the part extending beyond the end of its body.
[영한] ① (동물의) 꼬리 ② [형용사에서] 꼬리가 …한 ③ (항공기우주선 등의) 꼬리 부분 ④ (~의) 꼬리 ⑤ (자신으로부터 멀어져 가는 기다란 것의) 꼬리[끝부분] ⑥ 연미복 ⑦ (동전의) 뒷면 ⑧ 미행자, 끄나풀
[첫뜻] ① hindmost part of an animal ② limitation of ownership
[활용] 복수형; tails
[파생] tailless, taillessly, taillessness, taillike, tail-like, tail
<동사> 미행하다 <형용사> 꼬리 부분의, 맨 끝의, 뒤에서 오는

typically [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2029] [★★] [레마] typical < type
[본문] [48]What we're seeing typically is cats staying much more still… that they're looking and looking at their owner, so they're definitely paying their owner an awful lot of attention when they're displaying a negative distress emotion, comparing to during the control procedure where they're just doing cat things - walking around, grooming… that kind of thing.
[영영] You use typically to say that something usually happens in the way that you are describing.
[영한] ① 보통, 일반적으로 ② 전형적으로, 특징적으로 ③ 늘 하는 식으로, 늘 그렇듯이
[파생] type, typical, typicality, typically, typicalness
[어근]typ; 소인, 모형, stamp ⑵ ical(ic); …의, 와 같은(것) ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

visibly [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] visible < vide(보다)
[본문] [50]In the experiment, dogs were visibly concerned, while cats simply paid more attention to what was going on.
[영영] visible + ly
[영한] 눈에 띄게, 분명히
[파생] visibility, visibleness, visibly, visible
[어근]vis(vide); 보다, see, separate ⑵ ibl(able); 형용사 어미 ⑶ y(ly); 부사 어미



wag [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] wag
[본문] [42]Adrian's dog wagged his tail and gave a yawn.
[영영] When a dog wags its tail, it repeatedly waves its tail from side to side.
[영한] ① (개가 꼬리를) 흔들다, (개의 꼬리가) 흔들리다 ② (흔히 불만스럽다는 뜻으로 손가락고개를) 흔들다 ③ (호주 영어, 뉴질랜드 영어) (학교를) 빼먹다[땡땡이치다]
[첫뜻] waver, vacillate, lack steadfastness
[활용] wagged, wagged, wagging, wags
[파생] wagger, waggery, waggish, waggishly, waggishness, wag
<명사> ① 농담하기를 즐기는 사람 ② (꼬리손가락 등을) 흔들기
[어원] vagga(Old Norse), a cradle

windowsill [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] sill
[본문] [39]Meanwhile the cat, who's on the windowsill, is looking at me with wide eyes.
[영영] A windowsill is a shelf along the bottom of a window, either inside or outside a building.
[영한] 창턱
[구성단어] window + sill

wolf [명사] [Rank; 4192] [★★] [레마] wolf
[본문] [45]Dogs are descended from ancient breeds of wolves - very social animals who live together in packs, so it makes sense that a dog would sniff and come closer to investigate what was happening.
[영영] A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog.
[첫뜻] wolf, wolfish person, devil
[활용] 복수형; wolves
[파생] wolfish, wolflike, wolf
[유의어] gobble(게걸스럽게 먹다)
[어원] wulf(Old English), wolf, wolfish person, devil

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