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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: calli-, calo-, cal, kal- from Greek kalos, kallos, kallistos


【calli-, calo-, cal, kal-】 are word -forming element
usually meaning "beauty"
from Greek "kalos, kallos, kallistos"



[WORD ROOT]root calli
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] calli, callisto, calo, kal
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Greek) kalos, kallos, kallistos
[MEANING]root beauty





  • 【Greek】 kalos beautiful, beauteous, noble, good
  • 【Greek】 kallos beauty
  • 【Greek】 kallistos [superlative of kalos] beautiful, beauteous, noble, good


calisthenics, calli, calligraphy, calliope, callipygian, Callista, Callisto, calomel, kaleidoscope, kalon


Please see Word information in detail as follows;


calisthenics [noun] from calisthenics < calli
【DEFINITION】 Calisthenics are simple exercises that you can do to keep fit and healthy.
【ROOTs】 calli; beauty sthen; power, ability, might ics; noun suffix

calli [combining form] from calli
【DEFINITION】 beauty, beautiful
【ROOTs】 calli; beauty

calligraphy [noun] from calligraphy < graph
【DEFINITION】 Calligraphy is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen.
【DERIVATIVEs】 calligrapher, calligraphic, calligraphically, calligraphist, calligraphy
【ROOTs】 calli; beauty graph; draw, write y; noun suffix

calliope [noun] from calliope < calli
【DEFINITION】 ① a steam organ
② the Muse of epic poetry
【PRIMARY MEANING】 harsh-sounding steam-whistle keyboard organ
【pl.】 calliopes
【ROOTs】 calli; beauty ope;





callipygian [adjective] from callipygian < calli
【DEFINITION】 having beautifully shaped buttocks
【PRIMARY MEANING】 of, pertaining to, or having beautiful buttocks
【ROOTs】 calli; beauty pyg; ian(an); noun suffix

Callista [proper noun]
【DEFINITION】 Callista comes from the Greek for "most beautiful (fem.)" (καλλ?στη - kalliste). This name is a lesser known name for girls. Callista mostly means the most beautiful among the women. Center of attention because of its itelligence and beautifulness of body and soul, inside and out. Callista also means a person who is loved and tend to be surrounded by people who adore and admire her.
【ROOTs】 calli; beauty


Callisto [noun] from calli
【DEFINITION】 the second largest (but faintest) of the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter, discovered in 1610 by Galileo. Approximate diameter: 4800 km; orbital radius: 1 883 000 km See also Galilean satellite
【PRIMARY MEANING】 a nymph, mother of Arcas by Zeus, turned to a bear by Hera
【ROOTs】 callisto(calli); beauty


calomel [noun] from calomel < calli
【PRIMARY MEANING】 old name for mercurous chloride
【ROOTs】 calo(calli); beauty mel(melan); black, dark

kaleidoscope [noun] from kaleidoscope < calli
【DEFINITION】 A kaleidoscope is a toy in the shape of a tube with a small hole at one end. If you look through the hole and turn the other end of the tube, you can see a pattern of colours which changes as you turn the tube round.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 optical instrument creating and exhibiting, by reflection, a variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms
【pl.】 kaleidoscopes
【DERIVATIVEs】 kaleidoscopic, kaleidoscopically, kaleidoscope
【ROOTs】 kal(calli); beauty eido(oid); like, resembling, shape scope; see, view


kalon [noun] from kalon < calli
【DEFINITION】 Ideal perfect beauty in the physical and moral sense, especially as perceived by Greek philosophers.
【PRIMARY MEANING】 the (morally) beautiful, the ideal good
【ROOTs】 calli; beauty




Other word list containing calli-, calo-, cal, kal-; calophyllous, callithumpian


calc-, calcul-, cal-
cale-, cal-
cal-, calend-, class-
cad-, cas-, cid-
bal-, bel-, bol-
bibli-, bibl-


ENGLISH ROOT WORD: calc-, calcul-, cal- from Latin calx, calcis, calculus, calculare

【calc-, calcul-, cal-】 are word -forming element usually meaning "lime, limestone, reckon, compute" from Latin "calx, calcis, calculus, calculare" [WORD ROOT]root calc [VARIATIONS OF ROOT] cal, c..


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