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6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Is chimp politics like ours? [BBC Learning English 강좌]


Just like humans, chimps are highly intelligent. They live in social groups, have leaders and a desire for power. Neil and Sam talk about the topic and teach you related vocabulary along the way.

인간과 마찬가지로 침팬지도 지능이 높습니다. 그들은 사회 집단 내에 살고 지도자와 권력에 대한 열망이 있습니다. Neil과 Sam은 주제에 대해 이야기하고 그 과정에서 관련 어휘를 가르칩니다.

새내기할배 블로그가 제안하는 영어단어 암기법은 기본적으로 문장을 통해 암기하는 것입니다. 그래서 설명하는 모든 단어마다 본문도 함께 제시됩니다. 그러나 새로 나온다고 해서 모든 단어를 무한정 암기할 수는 없습니다. 그래서 암기해야 해야 할 단어와 이해만 하고 넘어갈 단어를 구분하는 지혜가 필요합니다.

[BBC Leaning English] 6 Minute English - Is chimp politics like ours?에 수록된 영어단어 수는

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alliance [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3405] [★★] [레마] ally
[본문] [38]According to Simon Hicks, professor of political science at the London School of Economics, human alliances work in exactly the same way.
[영영] An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.
[영한] ⒨ ① 동맹, 연합 ② 동맹 단체, 연합체
[첫뜻] bond of marriage
[활용] 복수형; alliances
[파생] alliable, alliance, ally
[유의어] league
[어근]al(ad); 향하여, 첨가 ⑵ li(lig); bind ⑶ ance; 일시, 조화

alpha [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] alpha
[본문] [24]In chimpanzee society this is called the alpha male - the most successful and powerful male who leads the group.
[영영] ① the first letter in the Greek alphabet (Α, α), a vowel transliterated as a
② the highest grade or mark, as in an examination
③ involving or relating to helium-4 nuclei
[영한] ⒨ ① 알파(A, α: 그리스 문자의 첫째 글자) ② 시초, 처음, 제1위(의 것), 제 1급
[어원] aleph(Hebrew), alpha

ambitious [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4331] [★★] [레마] ambit < ambi
[본문] [23]It's usually the most powerful or ambitious person who becomes president.
[영영] Someone who is ambitious has a strong desire to be successful, rich, or powerful.
[영한] ⒨ ① (사람이) 야심 있는 ② (일이) 야심적인, 어마어마한
[첫뜻] craving, yearning, overambitious,
[파생] ambition, ambitionless, ambitionlessly, ambitious, ambitiously, ambitiousness
[반의어] unambitious
[어근]amb(ambi); 주위, around, both ⑵ it; 가다, go ⑶ ous; 형용사 어미

biologically [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] biology < bio
[본문] [15]Research shows that the reason chimpanzee behaviour so closely resembles human politics is because biologically we are almost identical.
[영영] biological + ly
[영한] ⒨ 생물학적으로 (말하면)
[어근]bio; life ⑵ log; study of. ⑶ ical(ic); ~한(형용사어미) ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

chimp [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] chimp
[본문] [10]…which is strange, because of all the animals it's our close cousins, chimpanzees, or chimps for short, who are most like us.
[영한] ⒨ 침팬지
[활용] 복수형; chimps
[유의어] chimpanzee

coalition [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2259] [★] [레마] coalition
[본문] [44]In human politics making coalitions improves your chances of winning an election.
[영영] A coalition is a government consisting of people from two or more political parties.
[영한] ⒨ ① (둘 이상의 정당으로 구성된) 연립 정부, 연정 ② (특히 정치적인) 연합체 ③ 연합
[첫뜻] the growing together of parts,
[활용] 복수형; coalitions
[파생] coalitional, coalitioner, coalitionist, coalition
[어원] ⓐcoalitus(Latin), fellowship
ⓑcoalescere(Latin), =co+alescere; unite, grow together, become one in growth

cousin [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2735] [★★] [레마] cousin
[본문] [10]…which is strange, because of all the animals it's our close cousins, chimpanzees, or chimps for short, who are most like us.
[영영] Your cousin is the child of your uncle or aunt.
[영한] ⒨ ① 사촌 ② (먼) 친척, 일가 ③ 형제 같은 사람들(자기 나라 사람들과 비슷한 다른 나라 사람들을 묘사할 때 씀)
[첫뜻] a collateral blood relative more remote than a brother or sister
[활용] 복수형; cousins
[파생] cousinagehood, cousinageship, cousinhood, cousinly, cousinship, cousin
[어원] consobrinus(Latin), com+sobrinus; cousin; mother's sister's son

defeat [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3358] [★★] [레마] defeat < feat
[본문] [45]And in chimpanzee politics coalitions are a good way for young male chimps to defeat the alpha male and divide up the spoils between themselves.
[영영] If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle, game, or contest.
[영한] ⒨ ① (전쟁시합대회 등에서 상대를) 패배시키다[물리치다/이기다] ② (…에게) 이해가 안 되다 ③ 무산[좌절]시키다
[첫뜻] overcome (with sorrow or anger)
[활용] defeated, defeated, defeating, defeats
[파생] defeater, defeat
[유의어] beat
<명사> ① 패배 ② 타도, 타파
[어근]de(dis); 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ feat(fac); 만들다, 하다
[어원] disfacere(Latin), dis+facere; undo

dominate [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2332] [★★] [레마] domin
[본문] [41]Whereas, if either one of them form a coalition with a big party, the big party would dominate, and they wouldn't get many of the spoils for themselves.
[영영] To dominate a situation means to be the most powerful or important person or thing in it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 불쾌한 방식으로) 지배[군림]하다 ② (...의) 가장 중요한[두드러지는] 특징이 되다 ③ (어떤 장소에서) 가장 크다[높다/두드러지다] ④ (스포츠) (경기에서) 압도적으로 우세하다
[첫뜻] to rule over, control by mastery
[활용] dominated, dominated, dominating, dominates
[파생] dominance, dominant, dominantly, dominate, dominating, dominatingly, dominative, dominator
[어근]domin; master, 가내(家內) ⑵ ate; 동사 어미
[어원] dominari(Latin), [from dominus] to rule, dominate, to govern

economics [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3213] [★★] [레마] economy < eco
[본문] [38]According to Simon Hicks, professor of political science at the London School of economics, human alliances work in exactly the same way.
[영영] Economics is the study of the way in which money, industry, and trade are organized in a society.
[영한] ⒨ ① 경제학 ② (어떤 산업 분야/사회의) 자본 환경[조건]
[활용] [U]
[파생] economic, economics, economy
[어근]eco; house ⑵ nomy; 법칙 ⑶ ics; …학(學), …활동

fame [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4646] [★★] [레마] fame
[본문] [48]While for human politicians' power can bring wealth and fame as well.
[영영] If you achieve fame, you become very well-known.
[영한] ⒨ 명성
[첫뜻] character attributed to someone;
[활용] [U]
[파생] famed, fameless, famous, famously, fame
[유의어] celebrity(명성)
<동사> …의 명성을 떨치다, 유명하게 하다
[어근] fame(far); 말하다, 루머

gang [동사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2637] [★] [레마] gang
[본문] [36]Another example of chimp politics is when several weaker males gang up and overthrow a stronger alpha male.
[영한] ⒨ ① 조(組)로 편성하다 ② 집단적으로 습격하다 ③ (도구 등을) 한 벌로 갖추다, (일련의 기계 장치를) 동시 작동시키다 ④ 일단이 되다, 집단으로 행동하다 , 동료가 되다 , 집단적으로 습격하다
[파생] ganged, gang
<명사> ① 갱, 범죄 조직, …단 ② (함께 어울려 다니며 말썽을 일으키는) 패거리 ③ (정기적으로 만나는) 친구들 무리
[어원] gang(Old English), a going, journey, way, passage

gorilla [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] gorilla
[본문] [16]Did you know that a chimp is more like a human than like a gorilla?
[영영] A gorilla is a very large ape. It has long arms, black fur, and a black face.
[영한] ⒨ ① 고릴라 ② 고릴라 같은[덩치가 크고 호전적인] 남자
[활용] 복수형; gorillas
[파생] gorillalike, gorillien, gorilla
<동사> …을(…에서) 도둑질하다, 탈취하다[out of], [남]을 후려갈기다. gorilla/like, -li/an, -line[-lain] 형용사-loid 형용사, 명사
[어원] gorillai(Greek)

groom [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] groom
[본문] [27]Older males who are over the hill and cannot be alpha males any more, they start grooming a certain young male who they think has a future, and they may end up making that young male the alpha male with their help, meaning that they are essential to the power of that young male…
[영영] If you groom an animal, you clean its fur, usually by brushing it.
[영한] ⒨ ① (동물을) 손질[솔질]하다 ② (동물이) (가죽털 등을) 다듬다 ③ (중요한 일직책에) 대비시키다[훈련하다] ④ (아동을 상대로 성행위를 하는 자가 특히 인터넷 채팅을 통해) 상대 아동을 구하다
[활용] groomed, groomed, grooming, grooms
[파생] groomer, grooming, groom
<명사> ① 마부, 말 사육 담당자 ② 신랑 = bridegroom
[어원] grome(Old English), male child, boy

identical [형용사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3862] [★] [레마] identity < idem
[본문] [15]Research shows that the reason chimpanzee behaviour so closely resembles human politics is because biologically we are almost identical.
[영영] Things that are identical are exactly the same.
[영한] ⒨ ① 동일한, 똑같은 ② 바로 그
[파생] identical, identically, identicalness, identify, identity
[어근]ident(idem); 같은, same, idem ⑵ ical(ic); 형용사 어미

minimum [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3668] [★★] [레마] minim
[본문] [40]So, for example if you imagine three parties in a parliament, one big one and two small ones, you might think that naturally the most likely coalition is the big party with either one of the two small ones, whereas, in fact, minimum winning coalition prediction would suggest the two smaller ones should get together, if together they can reach more than 50 percent of the seats, because they can divide up the spoils between the two of them.
[영영] You use minimum to describe an amount which is the smallest that is possible, allowed, or required.
[영한] ⒨ [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 최저의, 최소한의
[첫뜻] of the smallest possible amount or degree, that is the lowest obtainable
[파생] minimal, minimally, minimize, minimum
[반의어] maximum
<명사> ① 최소한도, 최저(치) ② 극히 적은 양 <부사> 최소한
[어근]minim(mini); 작은, less, smaller ⑵ um; 명사 어미
[어원] minimum(Latin), [neuter of minimus] smallest

overthrow [동사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] throw
[본문] [36]Another example of chimp politics is when several weaker males gang up and overthrow a stronger alpha male.
[영영] When a government or leader is overthrown, they are removed from power by force.
[영한] ⒨ (지도자정부를) 타도하다[전복시키다]
[활용] overthrew, overthrown, overthrowing, overthrows
<명사> 타도, 전복
[구성단어] over + throw

prediction [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3641] [★] [레마] predict < dict
[본문] [40]So, for example if you imagine three parties in a parliament, one big one and two small ones, you might think that naturally the most likely coalition is the big party with either one of the two small ones, whereas, in fact, minimum winning coalition prediction would suggest the two smaller ones should get together, if together they can reach more than 50 percent of the seats, because they can divide up the spoils between the two of them.
[영영] If you make a prediction about something, you say what you think will happen.
[영한] ⒨ 예측, 예견
[활용] 복수형; predictions
[파생] predict, predictability, predictable, predictableness, predictably, prediction, predictive
[어근]pre; 앞(先) ⑵ dict(dic); 말 ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미

resemble [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3083] [★★] [레마] resemble < semble
[본문] [15]Research shows that the reason chimpanzee behaviour so closely resembles human politics is because biologically we are almost identical.
[영영] If one thing or person resembles another, they are similar to each other.
[영한] ⒨ 닮다, 비슷[유사]하다
[첫뜻] be like, have likeness or similarity to,
[활용] resembled, resembled, resembling, resembles
[파생] resemblance, resembler, resemblingly, resemble
[어근]re; again ⑵ sembl(simil); 유사, 비슷하다, likeness
[어원] resembler(French), [re-+sembler] be like

secretly [부사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] secret
[본문] [35]In other words, they are the power behind the throne - an expression meaning someone with no official power but who secretly controls things in the background.
[영영] secret + ly
[영한] ⒨ 비밀히, 내밀히, 몰래, 숨어서
[파생] secrecy, secretly, secret
[어근]se; without, apart ⑵ cret(cern); 구분, separate ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

spoil [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] spoil
[본문] [40]So, for example if you imagine three parties in a parliament, one big one and two small ones, you might think that naturally the most likely coalition is the big party with either one of the two small ones, whereas, in fact, minimum winning coalition prediction would suggest the two smaller ones should get together, if together they can reach more than 50 percent of the seats, because they can divide up the spoils between the two of them.
[영영] The spoils of something are things that people get as a result of winning a battle or of doing something successfully.
[영한] ⒨ ① (격식 또는 문예체) 약탈품, 전리품 ② 성과 ③ (광산발굴터 등에서 파낸) 폐석
[첫뜻] booty, goods captured in time of war
[활용] 복수형; spoils
[파생] spoilable, spoilage, spoil
<동사> ① 망치다, 버려 놓다, 못쓰게 만들다 ② (아이를) 응석받이로[버릇없게] 키우다 ③ (특별한 일로) 행복하게 하다
[어원] spolium(Latin), arms taken from an enemy, booty; hide, skin stripped from a killed animal(적에게서 뺴았은 무기, 노획물; 가죽, 죽인 적으로부터 벗긴 피부)

surprisingly [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3398] [★★] [레마] surprise < prize
[본문] [14]In fact, chimpanzees have their own politics which is surprisingly similar to human politics, as we'll be discovering in this programme.
[영한] ⒨ ① 놀랄 만큼, 의외로, 대단히 ② 놀랍게도
[파생] surprisingly, surprisingness, surprising
[유의어] oddly
[어근]sur(super); over ⑵ pris(prehend); 잡다, grasp ⑶ ing; 현재분사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

temporarily [부사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] temporary
[본문] [62]A coalition is when different political groups temporarily unite to form a government.
[영한] ⒨ 일시적으로, 임시로
[파생] temporarily, temporariness, temporize, temporary
[어근]tempor(temp); 시간, time ⑵ ari(ary); 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미

throne [명사] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] throne
[본문] [31]They're the power behind the throne, really…
[영영] A throne is a decorative chair used by a king, queen, or emperor on important official occasions.
[영한] ⒨ ① 왕좌, 옥좌 ② 왕위, 보위
[첫뜻] the seat of God or a saint in heaven;
[활용] 복수형; thrones
[파생] dethrone, enthrone, throneless
[어원] thronos(Greek), elevated seat, chair, throne

winning [명사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] win
[본문] [40]So, for example if you imagine three parties in a parliament, one big one and two small ones, you might think that naturally the most likely coalition is the big party with either one of the two small ones, whereas, in fact, minimum winning coalition prediction would suggest the two smaller ones should get together, if together they can reach more than 50 percent of the seats, because they can divide up the spoils between the two of them.
[영한] ⒨ ① 획득, 점령 ② 승리, 성공 ③ 상금, 벌이, 소득 ④ (광산) 채굴 가능한 탄층, 탄층으로 통하는 갱도
[파생] winningly, winningness, winning
<형용사> ① 이긴, 우승한, 승리한 ② (사람의) 마음을 끄는, 애교 있는
[구성단어] win + ing

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