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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - Coronavirus vs other pandemics [BBC Learning English 강좌]


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at risk [명사] [6Rank; 482]
[본문] According to Peter, countries which are geographically peripheral - at the periphery or edge of things, instead of at the centre, are less at risk.
[영한] ⒨ 위험한 상태(손실위험에 노출되어 있는 상태)
<형용사> (~의) 위험이 있는[위험에 처한] <부사> 위험을 무릅쓰고.
[구성단어] at + risk

check out [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 48] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] And if you like topical discussions and want to learn how to use the vocabulary found in headlines, why not check out our News Review podcast?
[영영] ① to leave a hotel, a hospital, etc. where you have been staying
② (AmE,informal) to leave a place or finish an activity
③ (especially AmE) to find out if something is true or correct or if somebody is honest, works hard, etc.
[영한] ⒨ ① (호텔 등에서 비용을 지불하고) 나가다[체크아웃하다] ② 사실로[받아들일 수 있는 것으로] 확인[판명]되다 ③ (도서관 등에서) 대출받다 ④ 지불을 끝내고 호텔을 나오다 ⑤ ~을 확인[조사]하다
[구성단어] check + out

close to [부사] [6Rank; 45] [형용사전치사구]
[본문] One reason Peter gives for this is the high-density of populations, meaning people living together in buildings very close to one another.
[영영] in a position very near to something
[영한] ⒨ 아주 가까이에서
[유의어] close up(아주 가까이에서)
[구성단어] close + to

come from [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 11] [구동사]
[본문] Well, since this current pandemic came from Wuhan, I'll say, c) from Asia to Europe.
[영영] ① (not used in the progressive tenses) to be born in or live in a particular place
② to start in a particular place or be made from a particular thing
[영한] ⒨ ① (진행형으로는 안 씀) ~ 출신이다(고향이나 사는 지역을 나타냄) ② ~에서 나오다[비롯되다/생산되다] ③ ~의 결과이다
[유의어] come of(결과이다)
[구성단어] come + from

deal with [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 19] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] And why have some countries been able to deal with it so much better than others.
[영영] ① to look after, talk to or control people in an appropriate way, especially as part of your job
② to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to who you are talking to, etc.
③ to take appropriate action to punish somebody who has done something wrong
[영한] ⒨ ① (문제/과제 등을) 처리하다 ② (주제/소재로) ~을 다루다 ③ ~를 (상)대하다 ④ ~와 거래하다
[유의어] cope with(대응하다)
[구성단어] deal + with

enough of [명사] [6Rank; 211] [명사구]
[본문] I've really had enough of this coronavirus, Georgina!
[영한] ⒨ …의 충분한 양[수].
[구성단어] enough + of

flight path [명사]
[본문] The UK, on the other hand, is at the centre of global flight routes - the connecting flight paths used by airplanes.
[영영] the course through the air of an aircraft, rocket, or projectile Compare approach (sense 10), glide path
[영한] ⒨ 비행경로
[구성단어] flight + path

get sick [동사] [6Rank; 1150]
[본문] People getting sick, losing their jobs and to top it off, the pubs in some places are closed!
[영한] ⒨ 병에 걸리다
[구성단어] get + sick

get wrong [동사] [6Rank; 289] [구동사]
[본문] The scorecard is very mixed and there've been some democratic systems that have been extremely resilient and robust at anticipating it and some that have got it wrong.
[영영] not understand correctly what somebody means
[영한] ⒨ ① ~의 말을 오해하다 ② …을 오해하다, 잘못 생각하다 ③ (상황을) 오해하다 ④ ~에 대해 실수를 하다
[구성단어] get + wrong

go back [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 107] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] And one of the products of living together in high-density populations, going back as far as historical records go, is you find there are transitions of disease from animals to human beings and they inflict damage.
[영영] ① 1.(to something/) to return to a place where you were before
② 2.(to something) to return to school or work after a break
③ 3.(to somebody/something) to be in a situation that you were in before
[영한] ⒨ ① (…로) 돌아가다 ② (두 사람이 보통 긴 세월 동안) 알고 지내다 ③ (앞에 있었던 일/말하던 내용으로) 돌아가다 ④ (특정한 시간 동안) 존재해 오다[전해 내려오다]
[구성단어] go + back

have had enough of [동사]
[본문] I've really had enough of this coronavirus, Georgina!
[영한] ⒨ (~라면) 진절머리 난다
[구성단어] have + had + enough + of

in sight [형용사] [6Rank; 750]
[본문] So from a historical viewpoint, this current pandemic doesn't seem so bad - far fewer people have died than in previous pandemics and with the arrival of a vaccine, the end is almost in sight.
[영한] ⒨ …이 보이는 곳에[의], (…을) 기대하여
[파생] insight, insightful, in sight
<부사> ① …이 보이는 곳에[의], (…을) 기대하여 ② 보이는, 시야에 들어오는 ③ 시야 안에
[구성단어] in + sight

listen to [동사] [6Rank; 17] [구동사]
[본문] listen to historian, Peter Frankopan, being interviewed for the BBC programme, HARDTalk.
[영영] ① to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hear
② to take notice of what somebody says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them
[영한] ⒨ 귀를 기울이다
[구성단어] listen + to

live through [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 951] [구동사]
[본문] Our ancestors all lived through big pandemics, some of them which were much more lethal than coronavirus.
[영영] to experience something difficult or unpleasant and survive
[영한] ⒨ (살면서) ~을 겪다
[구성단어] live + through

look at [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 2] [구동사]
[본문] You've got to look at the bigger picture - the long-term, overall view of a complex situation.
[영영] ① to turn your eyes towards somebody/something so that you can see them/it
② to examine something/somebody closely
③ (usually used in negative sentences or questions) to consider or be prepared to accept somebody/something
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 (자세히) 살피다[검토/진찰하다] ② ~에 대해 생각[고려/검토]하다 ③ (특정한 방식으로) ~을 보다[고려하다] ④ …을 보다[살피다]
[유의어] examine(살피다)
[구성단어] look + at

on the other hand [부사]
[본문] The UK, on the other hand, is at the centre of global flight routes - the connecting flight paths used by airplanes.
[영한] ⒨ 다른 한편으로는, 반면에
[구성단어] on + the + other + hand

point of view [명사] [6Rank; 100] [명사구]
[본문] Well, we've heard lots from politicians and scientists about the spread of coronavirus but a historian's view might give us a fresh look at the bigger picture - and maybe a more hopeful point of view.
[영영] You can refer to the opinions or attitudes that you have about something as your point of view.
[영한] ⒨ ① (무엇에 대한 개인의) 관점[견해] ② (무엇을 판단/관찰하는) 견지[관점]
[활용] 복수형; points of view
[유의어] angle, viewpoint
[구성단어] point + of + view

remind of [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 62] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] Ah, the title of that book, The Silk Roads, reminds me of my quiz question, Georgina.
[영영] ① if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something, they make you think of somebody/something because they are similar
② if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way
[영한] ⒨ ① (유사한 점 때문에) ~에게 ~을 생각[연상]하게 하다 ② …을 생각나게 하다. ③ 연상시키다
[구성단어] remind + of

sound like [동사] [6Rank; 103] [구동사]
[본문] Sounds like another example of looking at the bigger picture - the long-term, overall view of a complex situation.
[영영] ① to seem to be something when heard
② to have a sound that is like the sound of (something else)
③ to have a voice that is like the voice of (someone else)
[영한] ⒨ ~처럼 들리다
[구성단어] sound + like

the rest [명사] [6Rank; 73]
[본문] Well, your geographical position in the world matters - if you're if you're geographically peripheral like Scandinavia or New Zealand, then you have a different dose, a different level of connectivity with the rest of the world.
[영영] the part that is left when other people or things are gone, used, etc. : the remainder
[영한] ⒨ 나머지
[구성단어] the + rest

top off [동사]
[본문] People getting sick, losing their jobs and to top it off, the pubs in some places are closed!
[영영] to complete something in a successful or pleasant way, especially by adding one final thing
[영한] ⒨ (~으로) ~을 마무리짓다
[구성단어] top + off

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