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6 Minute English; Are you good at complaining? - 영어단어공부(철자순) | BBC Learning English)



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When a company's service is not to your satisfaction, how do you complain? What's the best way to get what you want? And when has complaining been completely futile? Sam and Rob discuss people's readiness to complain and teach you vocabulary.


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[BBC Leaning English] 6 Minute English - Are you good at complaining?에 수록된 영어단어 수는

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a little more [부사]
[본문] We'll look at this topic a little more after this week's quiz question.
[영한] ⒨ 조금 더
[구성단어] a + little + more


a load of [형용사]
[본문] Someone bought a load of goats and fewer were delivered than were bought.
[영한] ⒨ 많은 , 한 짐의
[구성단어] a + load + of

a lot [부사]
[본문] Putting your complaint on social media means that a lot more people are going to see it and it might encourage a company to deal with the complaint.
[영영] ① very much or very often:
② to a considerable degree or extent
[영한] ⒨ 다수 , 다량 , 많이
[구성단어] a + lot

actor [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1507] [★★] [레마] act
[본문] We usually think of the word perform when we are talking about actors or musicians, but in a business sense to perform well or badly means to be successful or not, and, according to Giles Hawke, travel and retail are performing well in terms of customer service.
[영영] An actor is someone whose job is acting in plays or films. `Actor' in the singular usually refers to a man, but some women who act prefer to be called `actors' rather than `actresses'.
[영한] ⒨ 배우
[첫뜻] an overseer, guardian, steward
[활용] 복수형; actors
[파생] actorish, actor
[어근] ⑴ act(ag); o do, perform ⑵ or; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

affairs [명사] [레마] affair
[본문] You and Yours is a BBC radio programme about consumer affairs.
[영영] personal or business interests
[영한] ⒨ 사건, 일
[활용] 복수형; affairses

as well [부사]
[본문] How successful a company is can be describe as how well it's performing.
[영영] in addition to somebody/something; too
[영한] ⒨ ① (~뿐만 아니라/~은 물론) …도 ② 게다가, 또한, 마찬가지로
[구성단어] as + well



banquet [명사] [★] [레마] banquet
[본문] c) The non-payment of a bill for a banquet.
[영영] A banquet is a grand formal dinner.
[영한] ⒨ ① (공식) 연회[만찬] ② 성찬
[첫뜻] feast, sumptuous entertainment
[활용] 복수형; banquets
[파생] banqueter, banquet
<동사> 연회를 베풀어 대접하다

be good at [동사]
[본문] Are good at complaining, Rob?
[영한] ⒨ ~에 능숙하다
[구성단어] be + good + at

check out [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[본문] Do join us again soon and don't forget to check us out online.
[영영] ① to leave a hotel, a hospital, etc. where you have been staying
② (AmE,informal) to leave a place or finish an activity
③ (especially AmE) to find out if something is true or correct or if somebody is honest, works hard, etc.
[영한] ⒞ (흥미로운 것을) 살펴보다[보다]
⒨ ① (호텔 등에서 비용을 지불하고) 나가다[체크아웃하다] ② 사실로[받아들일 수 있는 것으로] 확인[판명]되다 ③ (도서관 등에서) 대출받다 ④ 지불을 끝내고 호텔을 나오다 ⑤ ~을 확인[조사]하다
[구성단어] check + out

come to [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[본문] Which sectors does he say have most problems when it comes to keeping the complaining customer satisfied?
[영영] ① if an idea comes to you, it suddenly enters your mind
② (especially BrE) to pass to somebody else when somebody dies
③ to regain consciousness or return to one's normal state
[영한] ⒨ ① (총계가) ~이 되다 ② (특히 좋지 않은 상황이) 되다 ③ 알아차리다. ④ (생각이) 들다[나다]
[구성단어] come + to

complaint [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2345] [★★] [레마] complain
[본문] The oldest recorded complaint is on a stone tablet in the British Museum.
[영영] A complaint is a statement in which you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation.
[영한] ⒨ ① 불평[항의] (거리), 고소 ② 불평[항의] (행위) ③ (신체 어떤 부위의, 심하지 않은) 통증[질환]
[첫뜻] lamentation, expression of grief
[활용] 복수형; complaints
[파생] complainer, complainingly, complaint, complain
[어근] ⑴ com; intensive prefix ⑵ plain(plang); to lament

complicated [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2775] [★★] [레마] complicate
[본문] Well, some sectors, by their nature, are more complicated and more likely to cause problems for customers.
[영영] If you say that something is complicated, you mean it has so many parts or aspects that it is difficult to understand or deal with.
[영한] ⒨ 복잡한
[파생] complicatedly, complicatedness, complicated
[어근] ⑴ com; together ⑵ plic; to fold ⑶ ate; 동사어미 ⑷ ed; 과거분사/형용사 어미
[유의어] complex, intricate(복잡하다)

copper [명사] [★] [레마] copper
[본문] b) The quality of copper bars that were supplied, or
[영영] Copper is reddish brown metal that is used to make things such as coins and electrical wires.
[영한] ⒨ ① (Cu) 구리, 동 ② (액수가 얼마 안 되는) 동전 ③ 경찰관
[활용] 복수형; coppers
[파생] copperish, coppery, copper



day-to-day [형용사] [레마] day
[본문] And there are probably some inherent challenges within those sectors - they may have more impact on a day-to-day basis.
[영영] Day-to-day things or activities exist or happen every day as part of ordinary life.
[영한] ⒨ ① (장기적으로 계획하는 것이 아니라) 그날그날 꾸려 가는 ② (일이) 매일 행해지는, 그날그날의
[구성단어] day + to

deal with [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[본문] We still see over 58% of complaints are made by phone or by letter so, you know, the more traditional methods of making a complaint are still dominant, but we are seeing social media rise, although it's still a very small part of how people complain and it tends to be used as an escalation point if people aren't getting what they want dealt with in the first instance.
[영한] ⒨ ① (문제/과제 등을) 처리하다 ② (주제/소재로) ~을 다루다 ③ ~를 (상)대하다 ④ ~와 거래하다
[구성단어] deal + with
[유의어] cope with(대응하다)

dominant [형용사] [Ranking; 3204] [★★] [레마] dominant
[본문] We still see over 58% of complaints are made by phone or by letter so, you know, the more traditional methods of making a complaint are still dominant, but we are seeing social media rise, although it's still a very small part of how people complain and it tends to be used as an escalation point if people aren't getting what they want dealt with in the first instance.
[영영] Someone or something that is dominant is more powerful, successful, influential, or noticeable than other people or things.
[영한] ⒨ ① 우세한, 지배적인 ② (생물) 우성(優性)의
[파생] dominance, dominant, dominantly, dominate, dominating, dominatingly, dominative, dominator
[어근] ⑴ domin; lord, master ⑵ ent(ant); 형용사어미
<명사> ① 주요[우세]한 물건 ② (생물) 우성 (형질) ③ (음악) (음계의) 제5음

escalate [동사] [★] [레마] escalate
[본문] When you escalate a complaint, you take it to a higher level.
[영영] If a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it, it becomes greater in size, seriousness, or intensity.
[영한] ⒨ 확대[증가/악화]되다[시키다]
[첫뜻] to use an escalator
[활용] escalated, escalated, escalating, escalates
[파생] escalation, escalate

escalation [명사] [★] [레마] escalate
[본문] We still see over 58% of complaints are made by phone or by letter so, you know, the more traditional methods of making a complaint are still dominant, but we are seeing social media rise, although it's still a very small part of how people complain and it tends to be used as an escalation point if people aren't getting what they want dealt with in the first instance.
[영한] ⒨ (임금/물가/전쟁 등의) 단계적 확대, 에스컬레이션
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] escalation, escalate

fix [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1865] [★★] [레마] fix
[본문] To deal with something means to sort it, to fix it - and if you complain and it's not dealt with, then, he says, people turn to social media as a form of escalation.
[영영] If something is fixed somewhere, it is attached there firmly or securely.
[영한] ⒞ 수리하다, 바로잡다
⒨ ① (움직이지 않게) 고정시키다[박다] ② (날짜시간양 등을) 정하다 ③ 준비[주선]하다 ④ (정확한 위치시간 등을) 알아내다[말하다] ⑤ (특히 음식을) 준비[마련]하다
[첫뜻] set (one's eyes or mind) on something
[활용] fixed, fixed, fixing, fixes
[파생] fixable, fixation, fixity, fixture, fix
[어근] fix; attach
[유의어] set
<명사> ① (특히 쉽거나 잠정적인) 해결책 ② (특히 마약 같은 것의) 한 번 필요한 양 ③ 곤경



for example [부사] [레마] example
[본문] Public services, for example, often don't have enough money or enough staff.
[영한] ⒨ 예를 들어
[구성단어] for + example

go for [동사]
[본문] I went for a).
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 택하다 ② 힘을 내다[쏟다] ③ ~에 해당되다 ④ ~을 데리러[가지러] 가다 ⑤ ~을 좋아[선호]하다
[구성단어] go + for
[유의어] like, prefer, favor, attack, try for

go wrong [동사]
[본문] Telecommunications systems, such as your internet connection, are very complicated and sometimes go wrong.
[영영] ① make a mistake with something
② stop working correctly
[영한] ⒨ ① 실수를 하다[잘못하다] ② (기계가) 고장 나다[망가지다] ③ (일이) 잘못되다[문제를 겪다]
[구성단어] go + wrong

goat [명사] [Ranking; 4726] [★★] [레마] goat
[본문] a) An incorrect number of goats that were delivered after being bought at market
[영영] A goat is a farm animal or a wild animal that is about the size of a sheep. Goats have horns, and hairs on their chin which resemble a beard.
[영한] ⒨ ① 염소 ② 늙은 호색한
[활용] 복수형; goats
[파생] goatlike, goat

guess at [동사]
[본문] I'm just going to guess at the goats.
[영영] 1.to try to imagine something or make a judgement without knowing all the facts
[영한] ⒨ ① 짐작하다 ② …을 맞혀 보다
[구성단어] guess + at

have guess [동사]
[본문] That sounds good, but it's just a guess.
[영한] ⒨ 추축히다
[구성단어] have + guess
[유의어] guess(추축히다)

in terms of [전치사]
[본문] We usually think of the word perform when we are talking about actors or musicians, but in a business sense to perform well or badly means to be successful or not, and, according to Giles Hawke, travel and retail are performing well in terms of customer service.
[영영] used to show how something is explained, described or judged
[영한] ⒨ … 면에서[…에 관하여]
[구성단어] in + terms + of

incorrect [형용사] [★] [레마] correct
[본문] a) An incorrect number of goats that were delivered after being bought at market
[영영] Something that is incorrect is wrong and untrue.
[영한] ⒨ ① 부정확한, 맞지 않는, 사실이 아닌 ② (규범/규칙에) 맞지 않는
[파생] incorrectly, incorrectness, incorrect
[어근] ⑴ in(en) ⑵ cor(com); together ⑶ rect; to lead straight, di
[반의어] correct, correct(맞다)

ingot [명사] [레마] ingot
[본문] It was actually a complaint about the quality of copper ingots or bars that were supplied.
[영영] An ingot is a lump of metal, usually shaped like a brick.
[영한] ⒨ 잉곳, 주괴(특히 금/은을 벽돌 모양으로 만든 덩이)
[첫뜻] mold in which metal is cast
[활용] 복수형; ingots



inherent [형용사] [Ranking; 4981] [★★] [레마] inhere
[본문] And there are probably some inherent challenges within those sectors - they may have more impact on a day-to-day basis.
[영영] The inherent qualities of something are the necessary and natural parts of it.
[영한] ⒨ 내재하는
[파생] inhere, inherence, inherency, inherently, inherent
[어근] ⑴ in; in ⑵ her(here); to adhere, stick ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어비
[유의어] intrinsic

institute [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] institute
[본문] On a recent programme they discussed the topic of complaining and customer service with Giles Hawke from an organisation called the institute of Customer Service.
[영영] An institute is an organization set up to do a particular type of work, especially research or teaching. You can also use institute to refer to the building the organization occupies.
[영한] ⒨ (특히 교육전문 직종과 관련된) 기관[협회]
[첫뜻] purpose, design
[활용] 복수형; institutes
[파생] institute, instituter, institution, institutional, institutionalize, institutionary, institutor
[어근] ⑴ in; in, on ⑵ stitute; cause to stand, set up, place.
<동사> (제도정책 등을) 도입하다, (절차를) 시작하다

leisure [명사] [★] [레마] leisure
[본문] Those sectors which are performing well … travel is performing well, retail is performing well, leisure appears to be performing well.
[영영] Leisure is the time when you are not working and you can relax and do things that you enjoy.
[영한] ⒨ 여가
[첫뜻] free time, time at one's disposal
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] leisured, leisureful, leisureless, leisureliness, leisurely, leisureness, leisure
[어근] ⑴ leis(licer); to be allowed ⑵ ure; 명사 어미
<형용사> ① 틈이 있는, 할 일이 없는 ② 틈이 많은, 한가한

look at [동사] [Oxford3000]
[본문] We'll look at this topic a little more after this week's quiz question.
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 (자세히) 살피다[검토/진찰하다] ② ~에 대해 생각[고려/검토]하다 ③ (특정한 방식으로) ~을 보다[고려하다] ④ …을 보다[살피다]
[구성단어] look + at
[유의어] examine(살피다)

minority [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1642] [★★] [레마] minor
[본문] Well, you might be in a minority now as it seems we British are complaining more than we used to.
[영영] If you talk about a minority of people or things in a larger group, you are referring to a number of them that forms less than half of the larger group, usually much less than half.
[영한] ⒞ (한 사회/국가 내의) 소수집단
⒨ ① (한 집단의 절반이 못 되는) 소수 ② (한 사회/국가 내의) 소수집단 ③ 미성년(인 상태)
[첫뜻] state or condition of being smaller(obsolete)
[활용] 복수형; minorities
[어근] ⑴ minor; less, smaller ⑵ ity; 명사어미
[반의어] majority
<형용사> 소수의, 소수파[당]의

museum [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1736] [★★] [레마] museum
[본문] The oldest recorded complaint is on a stone tablet in the British museum.
[영영] A museum is a building where a large number of interesting and valuable objects, such as works of art or historical items, are kept, studied, and displayed to the public.
[영한] ⒨ 박물관, 미술관
[첫뜻] the university building in Alexandria
[활용] 복수형; museums
[어근] ⑴ muse; muse ⑵ um; 명사어미

non-payment [명사] [레마] pay
[본문] c) The non-payment of a bill for a banquet.
[영영] Non-payment is a failure to pay a sum of money that you owe.
[영한] ⒨ (빚/세금/집세 등의) 미지급[미납]
[활용] uncountable noun

public transport [명사]
[본문] The sectors that probably have more problems than the UK average are public services, telecommunications, transport and service sector.
[영한] ⒨ 대중교통 (체계)
[활용] uncountable noun
[구성단어] public + transport

put on [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[본문] Putting your complaint on social media means that a lot more people are going to see it and it might encourage a company to deal with the complaint.
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 입다[쓰다/끼다/걸치다] ② (얼굴/피부 등에) ~을 바르다 ③ (기구 등을) 가동[작동]시키다 ④ (시디/테이프 등을) 틀다 ⑤ (무게 등이) 더 무거워지다, (살이) 찌다
[구성단어] put + on
[유의어] gain(살이 찌다), produce(상연하다), stage(상연하다), dress oneself in(몸에 걸치다), pretend(가장하다), tease(놀리다), exaggerate(과장하다), assume, affect
[반의어] take off



record [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1668] [★★]
[본문] The oldest recorded complaint is on a stone tablet in the British Museum.
[영한] ⒨ ① (글영화컴퓨터 등으로) 기록하다 ② (테이프디스크에) 녹음[녹화]하다 ③ (음반을 만들기 위해) 녹음하다 ④ (공식 석상이나 법정에서 기록될 내용을) 진술하다[밝히다] ⑤ (계기가 특정 수치양을) 보여주다[기록하다]
[활용] recorded, recorded, recording, records
[파생] recordable, record
<명사> ① (글 등으로 남긴) 기록 ② 음반, 레코드 ③ (특히 스포츠에서 최고최저 성적결과를 나타내는) 기록

retail [명사] [Ranking; 3509] [★★] [레마] retail
[본문] Those sectors which are performing well … travel is performing well, retail is performing well, leisure appears to be performing well.
[영영] Retail is the activity of selling goods direct to the public, usually in small quantities. Compare wholesale.
[영한] ⒨ 소매
[첫뜻] sale of commodities in small quantities or parcels or at second hand
[활용] uncountable noun
[어근] ⑴ re; back ⑵ tail; cut
<동사> ① 소매하다 ② (상업) (특정 가격에) 팔리다 ③ (특히 남의 행위/사생활에 대해) 이야기하다[들려주다]
<형용사> 소매의, 소매상의
<부사> 소매로

satisfied [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] satisfy
[본문] Which sectors does he say have most problems when it comes to keeping the complaining customer satisfied?
[영영] If you are satisfied with something, you are happy because you have got what you wanted or needed.
[영한] ⒨ ① 만족하는, 만족스러워[흡족해] 하는 ② (…이 사실임을) 받아들이는[믿는], 납득하는
[어근] ⑴ satis(sati); enough ⑵ fy; to make, do, perform ⑶ d(ed); 과거분사(형용사)어미
[유의어] convinced(납득하다)
[반의어] dissatisfied(만족스러워 하다)

sector [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1988] [★★] [레마] sector
[본문] He talks about different sectors.
[영영] A particular sector of a country's economy is the part connected with that specified type of industry.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 국가 경제 활동) 부문[분야] ② (특히 군대의 통치를 받고 있는) 지구 ③ (기하) 부채꼴(부분)
[첫뜻] section of a circle between two radii
[활용] 복수형; sectors
[파생] sectoral, sector
[어근] ⑴ sect; cut ⑵ or; 접미어
<동사> 부채꼴로 분할하다

sense [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3209] [★★]
[본문] We usually think of the word perform when we are talking about actors or musicians, but in a business sense to perform well or badly means to be successful or not, and, according to Giles Hawke, travel and retail are performing well in terms of customer service.
[영한] ⒨ ① 감지하다, 느끼다 ② (기계가) 감지[탐지]하다
[활용] sensed, sensed, sensing, senses
[파생] sense, sensible, sensibly, sensitive, sensitively, sensitiveness, sensitivity, sensory, sensual
[어근] sens(sent); feel, perceive
[유의어] feel(느끼다)
<명사> ① (오감 중의 하나인) 감각 ② (중요한 것에 대한) -감[의식/느낌] ③ (어떤 것을 이해판단할 줄 아는) 감각

shame [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3804] [★★] [레마] shame
[본문] No shame to get that one wrong.
[영영] Shame is an uncomfortable feeling that you get when you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you has.
[영한] ⒨ ① (자기가 한 짓에 대해 갖는) 수치심[창피/(남)부끄러움] ② 창피(해 할 줄 아는 마음) ③ 애석한[딱한/아쉬운] 일 ④ 망신, 수치
[첫뜻] feeling of guilt or disgrace; confusion caused by shame
[활용] 복수형; shames
[파생] shamable, shame, shameable, shameful, shamelessly, shamelessness, shameless
[유의어] pity(애석한 일), disgrace(수치)
<동사> ① 창피스럽게[부끄럽게] 하다 ② 망신시키다
<감탄사> (남아프리카공화국 영어) (연민애정 등을 나타냄)

supply [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1503] [★★] [레마] supply
[본문] b) The quality of copper bars that were supplied, or
[영영] If you supply someone with something that they want or need, you give them a quantity of it.
[영한] ⒨ (특히 대량으로) 공급[제공]하다
[첫뜻] to help, support, maintain; fill up, make up for
[활용] supplied, supplied, supplying, supplies
[파생] suppliable, supplier, supply
[어근] ⑴ sup(sub); up from below ⑵ ply(poly); to fill
[유의어] provide(제공하다), come up with(제안하다)
<명사> ① 공급[비축](량) ② (군대원정대 등의 단체가 필요로 하는) 보급품[물자] ③ 공급[제공] (행위)



tablet [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] tablet
[본문] The oldest recorded complaint is on a stone tablet in the British Museum.
[영영] A tablet is a small solid round mass of medicine which you swallow.
[영한] ⒨ ① 정제(錠劑: 둥글넓적한 모양의 약제) ② (정제 모양의 것) ③ 명판(名板), 평판(平板) (중요한 인물/사건을 기념하는 글귀 등을 적어 벽에 박아 놓은 것) ④ 비누 한 개 ⑤ 메모지첩, 도화지첩
[첫뜻] slab or flat surface for an inscription
[어근] ⑴ tabl; board ⑵ et; 지소(指小) 어미(명사어미)
[유의어] pill, plaque
<동사> ① 서판[장식 액자]을 달다 ② 메모장에 적다 ③ 정제[작은 조각]로 하다

take over from [동사]
[본문] Giles Hawke goes on to talk about how people are actually making their complaints, but are modern methods taking over from the traditional letter or phone call?
[영한] ⒨ ① …에게서 이어받다. ② (~로부터) (~을) 인계받다 ③ (정권/정당 등을) 탈취[장악]하다
[구성단어] take + over + from
[유의어] replace

telecom [명사] [★] [레마] telecom
[본문] He says that public services, telecoms, transport and the service sector have most problems.
[영영] short for telecommunications
[영한] ⒨ 전기 통신
[활용] 복수형; telecoms

telecommunication [명사] [★] [레마] telecommunication
[본문] The sectors that probably have more problems than the UK average are public services, telecommunications, transport and service sector.
[영영] the telegraphic or telephonic communication of audio, video, or digital information over a distance by means of radio waves, optical signals, etc, or along a transmission line
[영한] ⒨ (원거리) 전기 통신, [pl., 단수 취급] 전기 통신 공학, [컴퓨터] 전자 통신
[활용] 복수형; telecommunications

terms [명사] [Ranking; 1292] [★★] [레마] term
[본문] We usually think of the word perform when we are talking about actors or musicians, but in a business sense to perform well or badly means to be successful or not, and, according to Giles Hawke, travel and retail are performing well in terms of customer service.
[영한] ⒨ ① (합의/계약 등의) 조건 ② (지불) 조건, 요구액, 가격, 비용 ③ (표현/말하는 방식)

terrible [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1958] [★★] [레마] terror
[본문] I never complain, even when I get terrible service.
[영한] ⒞ 형편없는
⒨ ① 끔찍한, 소름끼치는 ② 심한, 지독한 ③ 기분[몸]이 안 좋은 ④ 형편없는 ⑤ (나쁜 정도가) 극심한[엄청난]
[첫뜻] causing terror, awe, or dread; frightful
[파생] terrible, terribleness, terribly, terrific, terrify, terror, terrorful, terrorize, terrorless
[어근] ⑴ terr; fill with fear ⑵ ible(able); 형용사어미
[유의어] awful(무시무시하다), dreadful(무시무시하다), frightful(무섭다), hopeless(끔찍하다), rotten, ghastly(지독하다), horrible
<명사> 무서운 사람
<부사> 몹시, 지독히, 굉장히

think of [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] think
[본문] We usually think of the word perform when we are talking about actors or musicians, but in a business sense to perform well or badly means to be successful or not, and, according to Giles Hawke, travel and retail are performing well in terms of customer service.
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 생각하다[머리에 떠올리다] ② ~을 생각해 내다 ③ ~을 생각[기억]하다[~이 생각나다/기억나다] ④ (실제 또는 가능한 상황을) 생각[상상]하다 ⑤ (어떤 일을 하거나 계획할 때) ~에 대해 생각[고려]하다
[구성단어] think + of
[유의어] contemplate, contemplate(생각하다)

transport [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4879] [★★] [레마] transport
[본문] The sectors that probably have more problems than the UK average are public services, telecommunications, transport and service sector.
[영영] Transport refers to any vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in.
in AM, usually use transportation
[영한] ⒨ ① 수송 ② 차량, 이동 (방법) ③ 운송, 수송, 운송업 ④ 수송[운송] 수단 ⑤ (문예체) 도취
[활용] 복수형; transports
[파생] transportability, transportable, transportation, transporter, transportive, transport
[어근] ⑴ trans; over, across ⑵ port; to carry [구성단어] trans + port
<동사> ① 수송하다 ② (자연스러운 과정을 통해) 이동시키다[실어 나르다] ③ (다른 장소시간상황에 있는 것 같은 느낌이 들게 하다)

turn to [동사] [Oxford3000] [★★]
[본문] Where people are turning to social media is if their complaint is not dealt with.
[영영] ① turn to somebody
to move your head or body so as to face somebody
② turn to somebody/something
to go to somebody/something for help or information; to ask somebody for sympathy or advice
③ turn to something
to turn your attention, your thoughts, etc. to a new subject
[영한] ⒨ (도움/조언 등을 위해) ~에 의지하다
[구성단어] turn + to



unavoidable [형용사] [레마] avoid
[본문] It's usually used to describe a problem or risk that is an unavoidable part of something.
[영영] If something is unavoidable, it cannot be avoided or prevented.
[영한] ⒨ 불가피한, 어쩔 수 없는
[파생] unavoidability, unavoidableness, unavoidably, unavoidable
[어근] ⑴ un; not ⑵ a(ex); out ⑶ void(vac); vacant ⑷ able; able(형용사어미)
[유의어] inevitable
[반의어] avoidable

weather [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 1623] [★★] [레마] weather
[본문] Bad weather can affect transport, and so on.
[영영] The weather is the condition of the atmosphere in one area at a particular time, for example if it is raining, hot, or windy.
[영한] ⒨ ① 날씨, 기상, 일기 ② 일기 예보, 기상 통보
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] weatherability, weatherer, weatherly, weather
<동사> ① 햇빛[비바람]에 변하다[변하게 하다] ② (역경 등을) 무사히 헤쳐 나가다[견디다]
<형용사> ① 바람 불어오는 쪽의(opp. lee), 바람을 안고 가는 ② 비바람에 노출된


6 Minute English; Are you good at complaining? BBC Learning English)


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