Mushrooms have been used as medicine throughout history, and today the medicinal mushroom industry is big business. But how much scientific evidence is there for their benefits? Beth and Neil discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary.
버섯은 역사를 지나가면서 약품으로 다루어져오고 있습니다. 그리고 오늘날 약효가 있는 버섯 산업은 큰 사업입니다. 그런데 그것들의 유익한 면에 대한 얼마나 많은 과학적인 증거가 있을까요? 베스와 닐이 이것에 대해 생각을 나눕니다. 그리고 당신에게 몇몇 쓸모있는 낱말들을 가르칩니다.
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
amaze verb ★★[3372] [레마] amaze 〈 maze
[본문] [19]Neither plant, nor animal, mushrooms are mysterious and amazing things.
[영영] If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.
[영한] (대단히) 놀라게 하다
[굴절형] amazed, amazed, amazing, amazes
[유의어] stagger, astonish(깜짝 놀라게 하다)
<명사> (대단한) 놀라움 유의어 amazement
[어근] ⑴ a(ad); 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ maze; maze, 깜짝 놀란
[어원] 《고대 영어 amasod》 a+mæs; amazed
[최초 의미] overwhelm or confound with sudden surprise or wonder
ancestor noun ★★★[2335] [레마] ancestry 〈 cede(가다)
[본문] [12]Throughout history our ancestors used mushrooms as food, but also as medicine for physical problems and mental illnesses like depression.
[영영] Your ancestors are the people from whom you are descended.
[영한] ① (사람의) 조상, 선조 ② (동물의) 조상 ③ (기계의) 원형[전신]
[굴절형] 복수형; ancestors
[유의어] forebear(조상), forerunner(원형), progenitor
[구성단어] ancestry + or
[어근] ⑴ an(ante); 앞, before ⑵ cest(cede); 가다 ⑶ or; 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 cedere》 가다, 진행하다, 떠나다, 승인하다, 양보하다, 산출하다, 자리를 내 주다
[최초 의미] one from whom a person is descended
[파생] ancestor, ancestral, ancestrally, ancestry
anxiety noun ★★★[2094] [레마] anxious
[본문] [29]So, I think these mushrooms are very much having a moment right now, they're kind of labelled as 'super brain drugs', so things are gonna potentially help with lessening anxiety, improving potentially depression.
[영영] Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or worry.
[영한] ① 불안(감), 염려 ② 걱정거리 ③ 열망
[굴절형] 복수형; anxieties
[유의어] worry, apprehension
[어근] ⑴ anxi(anx); choke, squeeze ⑵ ety(ity); ~한 상태(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 anxius》 uneasy, troubled in mind
[최초 의미] apprehension caused by danger, misfortune, or error, uneasiness of mind respecting some uncertainty, a restless dread of some evil
[파생] anxiety, anxiously, anxiousness, anxious
arrival noun ★★★[2617] [레마] arrive 〈 river
[본문] [46]People want scientific evidence that what they are taking is good for them, but many are also convinced by ancient wisdom, a phrase referring to knowledge, philosophy and beliefs that existed before the arrival of Christianity in Europe.
[영영] When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, you can refer to their arrival.
[영한] ① 도착 반의어 departure ② 도착한 사람[것] ③ 도래, 도입
[굴절형] 복수형; arrivals
[반의어] departure
[구성단어] arrive + al
[어근] ⑴ ar(ad); 향하여, to ⑵ riv; 해안, 강변, brook ⑶ al; 접미사
[어원] 《라틴어 ad ripam》 to the shore
[파생] arrival, arrive, arriver
bioluminescent adj. △[10000+] [레마] luminescent 〈 lumin
[본문] [54]About 80 species of fungi are bioluminescent, meaning they really do glow in the dark!
[영한] 생물 발광(發光)의, 생물 발광(發光)하는.
[구성단어] bio + luminescent
[어근] ⑴ bio; 생명, life ⑵ lumin; 빛, light ⑶ escent; 형용사 어미
brown noun △[8247] [레마] brown
[본문] [10]Lion's Mane is a white hairy mushroom found across Asia, and Turkey Tail is a brown fan-shaped fungus which looks a bit like… well, a turkey's tail!
[영한] 갈색, 밤색, 고동색
[굴절형] 복수형; browns
<동사> 갈색[고동색]이 되다, 갈색[고동색]이 되게 하다 <형용사> ① 갈색[밤색/고동색]의 ② (피부가) 갈색인[햇볕에 탄]
[어근] brown; 갈색, brown
[어원] 《고대 영어 brun》 dark, dusky
[최초 의미] a brown thing or part of a thing;
[파생] brownish, brownness, browny, brown
chamomile noun △[10000+] [레마] chamomile
[본문] [40]You might feel less stressed after drinking chamomile tea, but that doesn't mean you can legally call chamomile a 'medicine', even though it's been used for centuries to help people relax.
[영한] 카밀레
[어근] ⑴ chamo; 땅, earth ⑵ mile(melon); 사과, melon
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ camomile
[어원] 《고대 영어 camemalon》
Christianity noun ☆[5662] [레마] Christian
[본문] [46]People want scientific evidence that what they are taking is good for them, but many are also convinced by ancient wisdom, a phrase referring to knowledge, philosophy and beliefs that existed before the arrival of Christianity in Europe.
[영영] Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God.
[영한] 기독교
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] Christian + ity
[어근] ⑴ Christ; 그리스도, Christ ⑵ ian(an); …의 (사람) ⑶ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 christianos》 Christ
[파생] Christ, Christian, Christianity, Christianize, Christianlike, Christianly
clinical adj. ★★★[2538] [레마] clinic 〈 clin
[본문] [45]However, I also think that for many consumers, the medicinal properties of certain ingredients, based on natural and holistic ancient wisdom, may be just as compelling, if not more so, than knowledge based on modern science and clinical trials, and I think many people, young people in particular, they're just really intrigued to give these ingredients a go.
[영영] Clinical means involving or relating to the direct medical treatment or testing of patients.
[영한] ① 임상의 ② 냉담한 ③ (방/건물 등이) 간소한, 꾸밈없는
[유의어] clinic
[구성단어] clinic + al
[어근] ⑴ clin; 임상, 침대, bed ⑵ ic; …의, 와 같은(것) ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 kline》 침대, 긴 의자, 누울 수 있는 것
[파생] clinical, clinically, clinicalness, clinic
compel verb ★★[4085]
[본문] [45]However, I also think that for many consumers, the medicinal properties of certain ingredients, based on natural and holistic ancient wisdom, may be just as compelling, if not more so, than knowledge based on modern science and clinical trials, and I think many people, young people in particular, they're just really intrigued to give these ingredients a go.
[영영] If a situation, a rule, or a person compels you to do something, they force you to do it.
[영한] ① 강요[강제]하다, (필요에 따라) …하게 만들다 ② (어떤 반응을) 자아내다[불러오다]
[굴절형] compelled, compelled, compelling, compels
[유의어] force
[어근] ⑴ com; 함께, with ⑵ pel(pell); 몰다, 밀다, drive, push
[어원] 《라틴어 pellere》 밀다, 몰다, 이기다
[파생] compel, compellable, compellably, compeller, compulsion, compulsive, compulsorily, compulsoriness, compulsory
confusion noun ★★[3634] [레마] confuse 〈 fuse(붓다)
[본문] [44]Lots of people absolutely want there to be scientific proof for health claims on food and drink because there still is a fair amount of scepticism, distrust, and general confusion around functionality.
[영영] If there is confusion about something, it is not clear what the true situation is, especially because people believe different things.
[영한] ① (정신 상태의) 혼란 ② 혼동 ③ 당혹 ④ 혼란(스러운 상황)
[굴절형] 복수형; confusions
[유의어] turmoil
[어근] ⑴ con(com); together ⑵ fus; 붓다, pour ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 confundere》 com+fundere; to confuse, jumble together, bring into disorder; disconcert, perple
[최초 의미] overthrow, ruin
[파생] confusability, confusable, confusion, confuse
depression noun ★★★[2101] [레마] depress 〈 press
[본문] [12]Throughout history our ancestors used mushrooms as food, but also as medicine for physical problems and mental illnesses like depression.
[영영] Depression is a mental state in which you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant.
[영한] ① 우울증 ② 우울함, 암울함 ③ 불경기, 불황 ④ 오목한[움푹한] 곳 ⑤ 저기압
[굴절형] 복수형; depressions
[유의어] hollow(오목한 곳), gloom, stagnation
[어근] ⑴ de; down ⑵ press; to press ⑶ ion; 명사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 depressare》 de+premere; frequentative of deprimere
[최초 의미] angular distance of a star below the horizon
[파생] depress, depressible, depression, depressive
discourage verb ★★★[2516] [레마] courage 〈 core
[본문] [41]However, that hasn't discouraged many from experimenting, especially young people.
[영영] If someone or something discourages you, they cause you to lose your enthusiasm about your actions.
[영한] ① (무엇을 어렵게 만들거나 반대하여) 막다[말리다] ② 의욕[열의]을 꺾다, 좌절시키다
[굴절형] discouraged, discouraged, discouraging, discourages
[유의어] dishearten, dishearten(낙심하게 하다)
[반의어] encourage
[구성단어] dis + courage
[어근] ⑴ dis; not ⑵ cour(cord); 진심 ⑶ age; 행위 (명사 어미)
[어원] 《프랑스말 descouragier》 [from des+corage] dishearten
[최초 의미] deprive of or cause to lose courage
[파생] discourageable, discouragement, discourager, discouragingly, discourage
distrust noun[10000+] [레마] trust 〈 true
[본문] [44]Lots of people absolutely want there to be scientific proof for health claims on food and drink because there still is a fair amount of scepticism, distrust, and general confusion around functionality.
[영한] 불신(감)
[유의어] mistrust
[구성단어] dis + trust
[어근] ⑴ dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ trust(tree); 나무, tree
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 traust》 도움[지원], 신뢰[자신감], 보호, 지원
exaggerate verb ★★[3612] [레마] exaggerate
[본문] [38]Dr Leeming thinks some of the claims made about mushrooms are overblown, exaggerated to seem more significant than they really are.
[영영] If you exaggerate, you indicate that something is, for example, worse or more important than it really is.
[영한] 과장하다
[굴절형] exaggerated, exaggerated, exaggerating, exaggerates
[유의어] magnify(과장하다), put on(과장하다)
[어근] ⑴ ex; up ⑵ agger; heap, heap up, accumulate ⑶ ate; 부여하다, …의 특질을 가진
[어원] 《라틴어 exaggerare》 [ex+aggerare] amplify, magnify
[최초 의미] to pile up, accumulate
[파생] exaggeratingly, exaggeration, exaggerative, exaggerator, exaggeratory, exaggerate
fashionable adj. ★★★[2554] [레마] fashion 〈 fact(만들다)
[본문] [35]If something is having a moment, it's very popular or fashionable at a particular time.
[영한] ① 유행하는, 유행을 따른 ② 부유층이 애용하는
[반의어] unfashionable
<명사> 유행을 좇는 사람, 상류 사회의 사람
[구성단어] fashion + able
[어근] ⑴ fash(fac); 만들다, 하다, make ⑵ ion; 명사어미 ⑶ able; 할 수 있는
[어원] 《라틴어 factio》 from facere; a making or doing, a preparing
functionality noun △[9328] [레마] function
[본문] [44]Lots of people absolutely want there to be scientific proof for health claims on food and drink because there still is a fair amount of scepticism, distrust, and general confusion around functionality.
[영영] The functionality of a computer or other machine is how useful it is or how many functions it can perform.
[영한] ① 기능성 ② (상품 등의) 목적[기능] ③ (컴퓨터) (컴퓨터/전자 장치의) 기능
[굴절형] 복수형; functionalities
[유의어] practicality
[구성단어] functional + ity
[어근] ⑴ funct; 수행하다, perform ⑵ ion; 명사 어미 ⑶ al; 명사 어미 ⑷ ity; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 functio》 [nominative of functionem] a performance, an execution
[파생] functional, functionally, function, functionality
fungus noun △[10000+] [레마] fungus
[본문] [10]Lion's Mane is a white hairy mushroom found across Asia, and Turkey Tail is a brown fan-shaped fungus which looks a bit like… well, a turkey's tail!
[영한] ① 균류, 곰팡이류 ② 균상종
[굴절형] 복수형; fungi funguses
[어근] fungus(sponge); 스펀지, 해면, sponge
[어원] 《라틴어 fungus》 a mushroom, fungus;
[파생] fungic, fungicidal, fungicidally, fungous, fungus, funguslike, fungus-like, fungicide
given prep. ★★[3377] [레마] give
[본문] [50]They are intrigued about mushrooms - they find them interesting and want to know more… which is not surprising given some of the amazing things mushrooms can do.
[영영] Given is used when indicating a possible situation in which someone has the opportunity or ability to do something. For example, given the chance means `if I had the chance'.
[영한] …을 고려해 볼 때
<명사> 기정 사실 <형용사> ① (이미) 정해진 ② 특정한 <접속사> ~을 고려하면
[어근] given(give); give
[어원] 《고대 영어 giefan》 to give, bestow, deliver to another; allot, grant; commit, devote, entrust
glow verb △[10000+] [레마] glow
[본문] [24]c) Some mushrooms glow in the dark?
[영영] If something glows, it produces a dull, steady light.
[영한] ① (특히 뜨거운 것이 계속 은은히) 빛나다, 타다 ② (사람의 신체나 얼굴이) 상기되다, 발갛다, 발개지다 ③ (기쁨만족감에 얼굴 등이) 빛나다[눈부시다] ④ (강렬하고 따스한 색조로) 타오르다[달아오르다]
[굴절형] glowed, glowed, glowing, glows
<명사> ① (특히 불꽃이 나지 않는 불의 은은한) 불빛 ② (운동 때문이거나 행복감에 상기된 얼굴의) 홍조 ③ 단풍
[어근] glow; glow
[어원] 《고대 영어 glowan》 to glow, shine as if red-hot
glow noun △[10000+] [레마] glow
[본문] [52]I guessed one of the amazing things some mushrooms can do is glow in the dark.
[영영] A glow is a dull, steady light, for example the light produced by a fire when there are no flames.
[영한] ① (특히 불꽃이 나지 않는 불의 은은한) 불빛 ② (운동 때문이거나 행복감에 상기된 얼굴의) 홍조 ③ 단풍 ④ (기쁨만족감을 동반한 은근한) 감정
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> ① (특히 뜨거운 것이 계속 은은히) 빛나다, 타다 ② (사람의 신체나 얼굴이) 상기되다, 발갛다, 발개지다 ③ (기쁨만족감에 얼굴 등이) 빛나다[눈부시다]
[어근] glow; glow
[어원] 《고대 영어 glowan》 to glow, shine as if red-hot
hairy noun △[8973] [레마] hair
[본문] [10]Lion's Mane is a white hairy mushroom found across Asia, and Turkey Tail is a brown fan-shaped fungus which looks a bit like… well, a turkey's tail!
[영한] ① 털이 많은 사람[것] ② 다리에 털이 더부룩하게 난 짐 끄는 말 ③ 장발인 남자
<형용사> ① 털이 많은 ② (흔히 흥미롭고) 아슬아슬한, 스릴 있는
[구성단어] hair + y
[어근] ⑴ hair; 머리털, hair ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 hær》 hair, a hair
[파생] haired, hairiness, hairless, hairlike, hairy, hair
holistic adj. △[10000+] [레마] holism
[본문] [45]However, I also think that for many consumers, the medicinal properties of certain ingredients, based on natural and holistic ancient wisdom, may be just as compelling, if not more so, than knowledge based on modern science and clinical trials, and I think many people, young people in particular, they're just really intrigued to give these ingredients a go.
[영한] ① 전체론의 ② 전체론적 의학[치료]의
[구성단어] holism + istic
[어근] ⑴ hol(holo); 전체[모두], 완전, whole ⑵ ist; 명사 어미 ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 holos》 whole
intrigue verb ☆[4631] [레마] intricate 〈 trick
[본문] [45]However, I also think that for many consumers, the medicinal properties of certain ingredients, based on natural and holistic ancient wisdom, may be just as compelling, if not more so, than knowledge based on modern science and clinical trials, and I think many people, young people in particular, they're just really intrigued to give these ingredients a go.
[영영] If something, especially something strange, intrigues you, it interests you and you want to know more about it.
[영한] ① 강한 흥미[호기심]를 불러일으키다 ② 모의하다, 음모를 꾸미다
[굴절형] intrigued, intrigued, intriguing, intrigues
<명사> ① 모의 (활동) ② 음모, 은밀한 관계 ③ (비밀스럽거나 중요한 일을 둘러싼) 흥미로움[흥미진진함]
[어근] ⑴ in; 안(內), in, on ⑵ trigue(trick); 속임수, trick
[어원] 《라틴어 intricare》 [in+tricae("perplexities, hindrances, toys, tricks")] to plot, meddle; perplex, puzzle; to entangle, embarrass
[최초 의미] to trick, deceive, cheat
[파생] intriguer, intrigue
legally adv. ★★[3850] [레마] legal 〈 leg(법)
[본문] [40]You might feel less stressed after drinking chamomile tea, but that doesn't mean you can legally call chamomile a 'medicine', even though it's been used for centuries to help people relax.
[영영] in a legal manner : in accordance with the law
[영한] 법률적[합법적]으로, 법률상
[어근] ⑴ leg; 법률, law ⑵ al; …한 (성질의), 형용사어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lex》 [소유격은 legis, legere 연관어] 법; 법률 제정; 계율, 규정, 원칙, 규칙; 법의 공식적 발의; (법률) 발의; 청구서; 계약서
[파생] legalist, legality, legalize, legally, legal
lessen verb ☆[5037] [레마] less
[본문] [29]So, I think these mushrooms are very much having a moment right now, they're kind of labelled as 'super brain drugs', so things are gonna potentially help with lessening anxiety, improving potentially depression.
[영영] If something lessens or you lessen it, it becomes smaller in size, amount, degree, or importance.
[영한] 줄다[줄이다]
[굴절형] lessened, lessened, lessening, lessens
[유의어] diminish, lighten
[구성단어] less + en
[어근] ⑴ less; 보다 적은, less ⑵ en; 동사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 læs》 (부사) 보다 적은, …하지 않도록
[최초 의미] to become less,
lion noun ★★★[2749] [레마] lion
[본문] [5]Do the names, 'lion's Mane', or, 'Turkey Tail', mean anything to you, Neil?
[영영] A lion is a large wild member of the cat family that is found in Africa. Lions have yellowish fur, and male lions have long hair on their head and neck.
[영한] 사자
[굴절형] 복수형; lions 소유격; lion's
[어근] lion; 사자, lion
[어원] 《그리스어 leon》 (genitive leontos) lion
[최초 의미] lion
[파생] lionize, lionlike, lion
mane noun[10000+] [레마] mane
[본문] [5]Do the names, 'Lion's mane', or, 'Turkey Tail', mean anything to you, Neil?
[영한] ① (말이나 사자 목덜미의) 갈기 ② (사람의) 길고 숱 많은 머리털
[어근] mane; 갈기, mane
[어원] 《고대 영어 manu》 [from Proto-Germanic *mano] mane of a horse
[최초 의미] growth of long hair on the back of the neck and shoulders,
medicinal adj. △[9463] [레마] medicine 〈 med
[본문] [15]In 2021, the global medicinal mushroom market was valued at 26 billion dollars and growing.
[영영] Medicinal substances or substances with medicinal effects can be used to treat and cure illnesses.
[영한] 약효[치유력]가 있는
[어근] ⑴ medic; 치유하다, 고치다 ⑵ in(ine); ~물질(명사어미) ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 medeor》 치료하다, 치유하다
[파생] medical, medicinal, medicinally, medicine
mushroom noun ★★[4697] [레마] mushroom
[본문] [9]But they're actually the names of mushrooms.
[영영] Mushrooms are fungi that you can eat.
[영한] 버섯
[굴절형] 복수형; mushrooms
<동사> ① 급속히 커지다, 우후죽순처럼 늘어나다 ② 버섯을 따러 가다
[어근] mushroom; 이끼, 버섯, mushroom
[어원] 《프랑스말 mousse》 moss
mysterious adj. ★★★[2569] [레마] mystery 〈 myst
[본문] [19]Neither plant, nor animal, mushrooms are mysterious and amazing things.
[영영] Someone or something that is mysterious is strange and is not known about or understood.
[영한] ① 이해[설명]하기 힘든, 기이한, 불가사의한 ② (특히 사람이 알려진 것이 많지 않아서) 신비한, 신비에 싸인 ③ (사람이 무엇에 대해) 말을 많이 하지 않는, 비밀스러운
[유의어] enigmatic(신비에 싸이다), cryptic(수수께끼 같다)
[어근] ⑴ myst; 비밀, 신비, secret ⑵ eri(ery); 명사어미 ⑶ ous; 형용사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 mysterion》 from mystes; secret rite or doctrine (known and practiced by certain initiated persons only), consisting of purifications, sacrificial offerings, processions, songs, etc.
[파생] mysterious, mysteriously, mysteriousness, mystery
overblown adj. △[10000+] [레마] over
[본문] [32]I think that at the moment they seem to be quite overblown.
[영한] ① 잔뜩 부풀려진[과장된] ② (꽃이) 한창때가 지난
[유의어] exaggerated
[구성단어] over + blown
[어근] ⑴ over; 너무, over ⑵ blown(blow); 불다, blow
[어원] 《고대 영어 ofer》 ⑴over, beyond; above, 제자리에[또는 더 높은 곳에]; upon; in; across, past(시간이 지나서); ~ 보다 더[~ 이상]; 높은 곳에; ⑵ 강둑[강 기슭], 해변, 벼랑, 가장자리, 여백[경계], 경계[국경]
pagan noun △[10000+] [레마] pagan
[본문] [58]In Britain, the phrase ancient wisdom describes pagan knowledge, philosophy and beliefs that existed before Christianity.
[영한] ① 이교도(세계 주요 종교가 아닌 종교를 믿는 사람), 토속 신앙인 ② (과거 기독교도들이 말하던) 비기독교도[이교도]
[어근] ⑴ pag; 마을 사람, 시민, pagan ⑵ an; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 pagus》 country district
philosophy noun ★★★★[1892] [레마] philosophy 〈 soph(학습된)
[본문] [46]People want scientific evidence that what they are taking is good for them, but many are also convinced by ancient wisdom, a phrase referring to knowledge, philosophy and beliefs that existed before the arrival of Christianity in Europe.
[영영] Philosophy is the study or creation of theories about basic things such as the nature of existence, knowledge, and thought, or about how people should live.
[영한] ① (학문으로서의) 철학 ② (세계나 인생에 대한 신념 체계로서의) 철학 ③ (개인의 세계관/인생관을 담은) 철학
[굴절형] 복수형; philosophies
[어근] ⑴ philo(phil); 사랑(loving) ⑵ soph; 현명하다, wise ⑶ y; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 sophos》 손기술이 뛰어난, 공예에 정교한, 일상의 삶의 문제에 영리한, 슬기로운, 과학에 숙련된, 학습된, 너무 영리한
[파생] philosophic, philosophically, philosophicalness, philosophize, philosophy, philosopher, philosophical
poisonous adj. ★★[3892] [레마] poison
[본문] [21]a) Most mushrooms are poisonous?
[영영] Something that is poisonous will kill you or make you ill if you swallow or absorb it.
[영한] ① 유독한, 독[독성]이 있는 ② (동물/곤충이) 독이 있는 ③ 지독히 불쾌한[불친절한]
[유의어] toxic, venomous
[구성단어] poison + ous
[어근] ⑴ poison(potio); drink, drinking ⑵ ous; …이 많은, …성(性)의
[어원] 《라틴어 potio》 [nominative of potionem] a drinking, a drink, (also) poisonous drink
[파생] poison, poisoner, poisonous, poisonously, poisonousness
potentially adv. ★★★[2212] [레마] potent 〈 pot-(강력한)
[본문] [29]So, I think these mushrooms are very much having a moment right now, they're kind of labelled as 'super brain drugs', so things are gonna potentially help with lessening anxiety, improving potentially depression.
[영한] 가능성 있게, 잠재적으로, 어쩌면
[유의어] possibly(어쩌면)
[구성단어] potential + ly
[어근] ⑴ pot; 강력, power ⑵ ent(ant); 형용사어미 ⑶ ial(al); 형용사/명사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 controversia》 a turning against; contention, quarrel, dispute
[파생] potency, potent, potentiality, potentialize, potentially, potential
presenter noun △[8313] [레마] present 〈 pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [28]She shared her discoveries with, Sheila Dillon, presenter of BBC Radio 4 programme, The Food Chain:
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[굴절형] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어근] ⑴ present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 present》
[최초 의미] one who presents
proof adj. ★★★★[1830] [레마] prove
[본문] [39]The problem is that to sell something as medicine, you need scientific proof of its benefits.
[영영] Proof is used after a number of degrees or a percentage, when indicating the strength of a strong alcoholic drink such as whisky.
[영한] ① (손상 등에) 견딜 수 있는 ② (''…에 맞서 저항보호할 수 있음''을 나타냄)
<명사> ① (of sth/) 증거(물), 증명(서) ② 입증, 증명 ③ (수학) 증명 <동사> ① (특히 천에) 방수[방염 등의] 처리를 하다 ② 교정쇄를 만들다
[어근] proof(prob); 시험, worthy
[어원] 《라틴어 probare》 시도하다, 시험하다, 좋게 하다, 존경하다, 훌륭하게 나타나다, 신뢰있게 하다, 보여주다, 입증하다, 점검하다, 시도에 의해 판단하다
[파생] proof, provability, provable, provably, prove
recap noun △[8270] [레마] cap
[본문] [55]OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned in this programme starting with having a moment, a phrase meaning to be popular or fashionable at a particular time.
[영한] ① 요점의 되풀이, 요약, 개요 ② (생물) 발생 반복 ③ (음악) 재현부
[유의어] recapitulation
<동사> 개요를 말하다
[Full] recapitulation
[어근] ⑴ re; again ⑵ cap; 머리, head
[어원] 《라틴어 caput》 〈capitis의 소유격〉 머리, 지도자, 안내자, 주요 인사, 정상, 수도
[파생] recappable, recap
rediscover verb △[10000+] [레마] discover 〈 cover
[본문] [13]In the 21st century, this medicine is being rediscovered and marketed.
[영영] If you rediscover something good or valuable that you had forgotten or lost, you become aware of it again or find it again.
[영한] 재발견하다
[굴절형] rediscovered rediscovered rediscovering rediscovers
[구성단어] re + discover
[어근] ⑴ re; atain ⑵ dis; not ⑶ cover; 덮다, cover
[어원] 《라틴어 discooperire》 dis+cooperire;
[파생] rediscovery, rediscover
scepticism noun △[9317] [레마] skeptic 〈 scope
[본문] [44]Lots of people absolutely want there to be scientific proof for health claims on food and drink because there still is a fair amount of scepticism, distrust, and general confusion around functionality.
[영영] Scepticism is great doubt about whether something is true or useful.
[영한] 회의론, 회의적인 태도
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근] ⑴ scept(scope); 보다, 관찰 ⑵ ic; …의, 와 같은(것) ⑶ ism; 이념,주의
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ skepticism
[어원] 《라틴어 scepticus》 [from Greek skeptikos] the sect of the Skeptics
[파생] scepticism, skepticism, sceptic
super adj. △[8361] [레마] super
[본문] [29]So, I think these mushrooms are very much having a moment right now, they're kind of labelled as 'super brain drugs', so things are gonna potentially help with lessening anxiety, improving potentially depression.
[영영] ① Some people use super to mean very nice or very good.
② Super is used before nouns to indicate that something is larger, better, or more advanced than similar things.
[영한] (비격식, 구식이 되어감) 대단한, 굉장히 좋은
<명사> ① 경찰서장 ② 건물 관리인 <부사> 특별히
[어근] super; 위, over, beyond
[어원] 《라틴어 super》 [from PIE root *uper("over")] over, beyond
[최초 의미] first-rate, excellent,
tail noun ★★★[2657] [레마] tail
[본문] [5]Do the names, 'Lion's Mane', or, 'Turkey tail', mean anything to you, Neil?
[영영] The tail of an animal, bird, or fish is the part extending beyond the end of its body.
[영한] ① (동물의) 꼬리 ② [형용사에서] 꼬리가 …한 ③ (항공기우주선 등의) 꼬리 부분 ④ (~의) 꼬리 ⑤ (자신으로부터 멀어져 가는 기다란 것의) 꼬리[끝부분] ⑥ 연미복 ⑦ (동전의) 뒷면 ⑧ 미행자, 끄나풀
[굴절형] 복수형; tails
<동사> 미행하다 <형용사> 꼬리 부분의, 맨 끝의, 뒤에서 오는
[어근] tail; 꼬리, tail
[어원] 《고대 영어 tægl》 a tail
[최초 의미] ① hindmost part of an animal ② limitation of ownership
[파생] tailless, taillessly, taillessness, taillike, tail-like, tail
vocabulary noun ★★[3352] [레마] voc
[본문] [17]In this programme we'll be finding out, along with some useful new vocabulary.
[영영] Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
[영한] ① (개인이 아는/사용하는) 어휘 ② (특정 언어의 모든) 어휘 ③ (특정 주제에 관련된) 용어 ④ 어휘 목록(특히 외국어 학습 교재 속에 의미와 함께 제시된 것)
[굴절형] 복수형; vocabularies
[어근] ⑴ vocabul(voc); 소리, voice ⑵ ary; 부속의
[어원] 《라틴어 vocare》 [related to vox] to call
[최초 의미] list of words with explanations
[파생] vocabularied, vocabulary
wisdom noun ★★★[2483] [레마] wise
[본문] [45]However, I also think that for many consumers, the medicinal properties of certain ingredients, based on natural and holistic ancient wisdom, may be just as compelling, if not more so, than knowledge based on modern science and clinical trials, and I think many people, young people in particular, they're just really intrigued to give these ingredients a go.
[영영] Wisdom is the ability to use your experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions or judgments.
[영한] ① 지혜, 슬기, 현명함 ② 타당성 ③ (사회/문화적으로 축적된) 지식[지혜]
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근] ⑴ wis(wise); 현명한, wise ⑵ dom; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 wis》 learned, sagacious, cunning; sane; prudent, discreet; experienced; having the power of discerning and judging rightly
[파생] wisdom, wisdomless, wise, wisely, wiseness
zoo noun ★★[3717] [레마] zoo 〈 a(1[하나])
[본문] [7]Sounds like things you might find in the zoo!
[영영] A zoo is a park where live animals are kept so that people can look at them.
[영한] 동물원
[굴절형] 복수형; zoos
[어근] zoo; 동물(animal)
[어원] 《그리스어 zoion》 동물, 살아있는 존재
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