Many cities are getting hotter and hotter. This can cause many problems for the people who live in them. What can we do to make heatwaves more bearable?
많은 도시들이 점점 더 더원지고 있습니다. 이것은 그것들에 들어가 사는 사람들에게 많은 문제를 야기할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 더위를 보다 더 잘 견딜 수 있게 하기 위해 우리가 무엇을 할 수 있습니까?
이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.
adapt verb ★★★★[1721] [레마] adapt 〈 apt(붙이다)
[본문] [47]It's a great example of Indians skilfully finding ways of adapting to the heat - a modern version of 'jaali', you could say.
[영영] If you adapt to a new situation or adapt yourself to it, you change your ideas or behaviour in order to deal with it successfully.
[영한] ① (새로운 용도/상황에) 맞추다[조정하다] ② (상황에) 적응하다 ③ (연극/영화/텔레비전 극으로) 개작하다[각색하다]
[굴절형] adapted, adapted, adapting, adapts
[유의어] adjust, modify, adjust(적응하다)
[어근] ⑴ ad; 향하여, 첨가 ⑵ apt; 적당히, fit
[어원] 《라틴어 adaptare》 ad+aptare; adjust, fit to
[최초 의미] to fit (something, for some purpose)
[파생] adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptableness, adaptably, adaptation, adaptational, adaptationally, adaptive
afford verb ★★★★[1388] [레마] afford 〈 fore(앞)
[본문] [32]Air conditioning needs electricity which most families can't afford, and even those who can experience frequent power cuts - periods when the supply of electricity is stopped.
[영영] If you cannot afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it.
[영한] ① (…을 살/할/금전적/시간적) 여유[형편]가 되다 ② …하면 안 되다 ③ 제공하다
[굴절형] afforded, afforded, affording, affords
[어근] ⑴ af(ge); with, together ⑵ ford(fore); 앞, fore
[어원] 《고대 영어 geforðian》 제안하다, 공헌하다, 더 멀리에, 전진, 수행하다, 성취하다
[최초 의미] to put forth, contribute; further, advance; carry out, accomplish
[파생] affordability, affordable, afford
Celsius adj.[8825] [레마] Celsius
[본문] [17]Living in cities where summer temperatures regularly exceed 45 degrees Celsius, Indians have been finding clever ways to keep their houses cool for over five thousand years.
[영영] Celsius is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. It is represented by the symbol C.
[영한] (약어:C) 섭씨의
<명사> ① 섭씨 ② 셀시우스 Anders ~ (1701-44)
[어원] 《스웨덴말 Celsius》 스웨덴 천문학자인 Anders Celsius의 이름에서 유래함
clever adj. ★★★[2109] [레마] clever
[본문] [17]Living in cities where summer temperatures regularly exceed 45 degrees Celsius, Indians have been finding clever ways to keep their houses cool for over five thousand years.
[영영] Someone who is clever is intelligent and able to understand things easily or plan things well.
[영한] ① 영리한, 똑똑한 ② 재주가 있는 ③ 기발한, 재치 있는 ④ 말대답[말대꾸] 하는
[굴절형] 비교; clever < cleverer < cleverest
[유의어] intelligent
[어근] clever; 똑똑한, clever
[어원] 《고대 영어 clifer》 발톰, 손; 붙잡기 전문가
[최초 의미] handy, dexterous, having special manual ability
[파생] cleverish, cleverly, cleverness, clever
conditioning noun[10000+] [레마] condition 〈 dict
[본문] [13]And in hot parts of the world where air conditioning is unavailable, or unaffordable, this is a real problem.
[영영] ① the process of becoming stronger and healthier by following a regular exercise program and diet
② often used before another noun
③ the act or process of training a person or animal to do something or to behave in a certain way in a particular situation
[영한] ① (공기의) 조절 ② (심신의) 조절, (동물 등의) 컨디션 조절, 조교(調敎) ③ (상품의) 검사 ④ 조건 붙이기
[구성단어] condition + ing
[어근] ⑴ con(com); 함께, with ⑵ dit(dic); 말, say ⑶ ion; 명사 어미 ⑷ ing; ~하는 것(의)
[어원] 《라틴어 conditio》 [from condicere] agreement; stipulation; the external position, situation, rank, place, circumstances
confession noun ★★[4455] [레마] confess 〈 fess
[본문] [5]I have a confession to make, Neil - I love the hot weather.
[영영] A confession is a signed statement by someone in which they admit that they have committed a particular crime.
[영한] ① (죄의) 자백 ② (수치스럽거나 당황스러운 사실의) 고백[인정] ③ (특히 가톨릭교에서) 고해, 고백 성사 ④ (종교적 신념 등의) 고백
[굴절형] 복수형; confessions
[유의어] admission
[어근] ⑴ con(com); 함께, with. together ⑵ fess(far); 이야기, speak ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 confiteri》 [com+fateri] to acknowledge
[최초 의미] action of confessing, acknowledgment of a fault or wrong,
[파생] confessionary, confession
consultant noun ★★★[2680] [레마] consult 〈 sel
[본문] [24]Roshni Diwakar is a consultant for the Mahila Housing Trust, an NGO helping poor Indian women to heat-proof their houses.
[영영] A consultant is an experienced doctor with a high position, who specializes in one area of medicine.
[영한] ① 상담가, 자문 위원, 컨설턴트 ② 고문 의사
[굴절형] 복수형; consultants
[어근] ⑴ con(com); 함께, with ⑵ sult(sel); 돌출, take, grasp ⑶ ant; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 consultare》 [frequentative of consulere] consult, take the advice of
[최초 의미] person who consults an oracle,
[파생] consultancy, consultant
desert adj. ★★★★[1992] [레마] desert 〈 sert
[본문] [45]In Jodhpur, a city on the edge of the Thar desert, they painted an entire slum - a poor and crowded area of a city with very bad housing conditions.
[영한] 사막 같은, 불모의(barren), 사는 사람 없는, 쓸쓸한, 사막에 사는, 사막에서 착용하는
<명사> 사막 <동사> ① (도와주거나 부양하지 않고) 버리다, 저버리다 ② (어떤 장소를) 버리다[떠나다] ③ (군인이) 탈영[탈주]하다
[어근] ⑴ de; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ sert; 결합, attach
[어원] 《라틴어 desertare》 버리다[떠나다]
[최초 의미] deserted, uncultivated, waste, barren, unproductive
[파생] desert, deserted, deserter, desertic, desertion, desertlike, deserve, deserved, deservedness, deserver
electric adj. ★★★★[1645] [레마] electr
[본문] [28]They don't necessarily have illegal electric connections, and even if they do, they don't have electricity 24 hours a day - there are power cuts, especially in the summer months.
[영영] ① (or electrical) of or relating to electricity
② (or electrical) operated by electricity
③ (or electrical) providing electricity compare ELECTRONIC
[영한] ① 전기의, 전기를[로] 이용하는[생산하는/생산되는] ② 열광(케)하는
[유의어] electrifying
<명사> (건물의) 전기
[어근] ⑴ electr; amber ⑵ ic; 형용사어미
[어원] 《그리스어 elektron》 호박
[파생] electrically, electric, electrical
electricity noun ★★★★[1496] [레마] electr
[본문] [28]They don't necessarily have illegal electric connections, and even if they do, they don't have electricity 24 hours a day - there are power cuts, especially in the summer months.
[영영] Electricity is a form of energy that can be carried by wires and is used for heating and lighting, and to provide power for machines.
[영한] ① 전기, 전력 ② 강렬한 감정[흥분], 열광
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] electric + ity
[어근] ⑴ electr; amber ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ ity; ~한 상태(명사어미)
[어원] 《그리스어 elektron》 호박
exceed verb ★★★[2883] [레마] exceed 〈 cede(가다)
[본문] [17]Living in cities where summer temperatures regularly exceed 45 degrees Celsius, Indians have been finding clever ways to keep their houses cool for over five thousand years.
[영영] ] If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number.
[영한] ① (특정한 수/양을) 넘다[초과하다/초월하다] ② (허용 한도를) 넘어서다[초과하다]
[굴절형] exceeded, exceeded, exceeding, exceeds
[유의어] pass, go beyond
[어근] ⑴ ex; out ⑵ ceed(cede); to go, yield
[어원] 《프랑스말 conceder》
[최초 의미] to go beyond,
[파생] exceed, exceedable, exceeder, excess, excessive, excessively, excessiveness
external adj. ★★★[2410] [레마] extern 〈 exter
[본문] [43]Mahila Housing Trust gets external funding and uses it to subsidise the cost of the paint meaning communities only end up paying 15 to 20% of the actual price.
[영영] External is used to indicate that something is on the outside of a surface or body, or that it exists, happens, or comes from outside.
[영한] ① (물체/사람의) 외부[겉/외면]의 ② (장소/조직/상황 등의) 외부의[외부적인] ③ (대학/기관 등의) 외부의 ④ (국가) 대외의
[유의어] extern(밖이다), outer, outside
[반의어] Internal(외면적이다), Internal(내부이다)
<명사> ① 외부, 외측, 외면 ② 외관, 외형, 외모, 외부 사정
[어근] ⑴ extern(exter); 멀리, outer ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 externus》 outside
[최초 의미] overt
[파생] externality, externalization, externalize, externally, external
fix verb ★★★★[1140] [레마] fix
[본문] [26]Here Roshni describes a typical house to BBC World Service programme, People fixing The World:
[영영] If something is fixed somewhere, it is attached there firmly or securely.
[영한] ① (움직이지 않게) 고정시키다[박다] ② (날짜시간양 등을) 정하다 ③ 준비[주선]하다 ④ (정확한 위치시간 등을) 알아내다[말하다] ⑤ (특히 음식을) 준비[마련]하다 ⑥ 수리하다, 바로잡다 ⑦ (얼굴머리를) 매만지다[가다듬다] ⑧ (결과를) 조작하다 ⑨ 손보다, 혼내 주다 ⑩ (색상을) 고정[고착]시키다
[굴절형] fixed, fixed, fixing, fixes
[유의어] set
<명사> ① (특히 쉽거나 잠정적인) 해결책 ② (특히 마약 같은 것의) 한 번 필요한 양 ③ 곤경
[어근] fix; 부착, attach
[어원] 《라틴어 fixus》 '고정시키다[박다], 매다[채우다], 찔러 넣다; 뚷어[박아] 넣다, 얼어붙게 하다'의 뜻을 갖는 figere의 분사/형용사
[최초 의미] set (one's eyes or mind) on something
[파생] fix, fixable, fixation, fixity, fixture, fixtureless
fortunately adv. ★★★[2996] [레마] fortune
[본문] [36]But fortunately, Roshni has been working on a clever cool roof solution - white paint.
[영영] Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good.
[영한] 다행스럽게도, 운 좋게도
[유의어] luckily, thankfully(다행스럽게도), happily
[반의어] unfortunately
[어근] ⑴ fortun(fort); 강함, 기회, chance ⑵ ate; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 fortuna》 기회, 운명, 행운
[파생] fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, fortune
frequent adj. ★★★[2652] [레마] frequent
[본문] [32]Air conditioning needs electricity which most families can't afford, and even those who can experience frequent power cuts - periods when the supply of electricity is stopped.
[영영] If something is frequent, it happens often.
[영한] 잦은, 빈번한
[반의어] infrequent(빈번하다), infrequent(드물다)
<동사> (특정 장소에) 자주 다니다
[어근] frequent; frequent
[어원] 《라틴어 frequentare》 [from frequentem] visit regularly; do frequently, repeat; assemble in throngs
[최초 의미] ample, profuse
[파생] frequency, frequentable, frequentation, frequenter, frequently, frequentness, frequent
funding noun ★★★[3237] [레마] fund
[본문] [43]Mahila Housing Trust gets external funding and uses it to subsidise the cost of the paint meaning communities only end up paying 15 to 20% of the actual price.
[영영] Funding is money which a government or organization provides for a particular purpose.
[영한] 자금, 자금 제공[재정 지원]
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] fund + ing
[어근] ⑴ fund; 기초, found ⑵ ing; 현재분사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 fundus》 바닥, 토대[기초], 땅의 일부분; 농장
honestly adv. ★★★[3085] [레마] honesty 〈 honor
[본문] [40]This has honestly been the most successful of the technologies that they've adopted.
[영영] You use honestly to emphasize that you are referring to your, or someone else's, true beliefs or feelings.
[영한] ① 솔직히 ② (사실임을 강조하여) 정말로[진짜로] ③ 정말, 참으로(맘에 안 들거나 짜증스러움을 나타냄)
[반의어] dishonestly
[어근] ⑴ honest(honor); honor ⑵ ly; 부사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 honor》 honor, dignity, office, reputation
[파생] honest, honestly, honestness, honesty
housing noun ★★★★[1952] [레마] house
[본문] [45]In Jodhpur, a city on the edge of the Thar Desert, they painted an entire slum - a poor and crowded area of a city with very bad housing conditions.
[영영] You refer to the buildings in which people live as housing when you are talking about their standard, price, or availability.
[영한] ① 주택 ② 주택 공급 ③ 하우징
[굴절형] 복수형; housings
[유의어] bury(하우징)
[구성단어] house + ing
[어근] ⑴ hous(hus); 집, 거주하다, house ⑵ ing; ~하는 것(의)
[어원] 《고대 영어 hus》 주거, 주거지, 거주용 건물
illegal adj. ★★★★[1900] [레마] illegal 〈 leg(법)
[본문] [28]They don't necessarily have illegal electric connections, and even if they do, they don't have electricity 24 hours a day - there are power cuts, especially in the summer months.
[영영] If something is illegal, the law says that it is not allowed.
[영한] 불법적인
[반의어] legal(불법적이다), legal(합법적이다)
<명사> (외국인) 불법 체류자[노동자]
[어근] ⑴ il(in); not ⑵ leg; 법률 ⑶ al; …한 (성질의), 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 lex》 [소유격은 legis, legere 연관어] 법; 법률 제정; 계율, 규정, 원칙, 규칙; 법의 공식적 발의; (법률) 발의; 청구서; 계약서
innovative adj. ★★[4193] [레마] innovate 〈 nov
[본문] [14]In this programme, we'll be hearing about an innovative new idea for keeping houses cool in one of the hottest countries on Earth, India.
[영한] (호감) 획기적인
[어근] ⑴ in; 아님(不), not ⑵ nov; 새로운 것, new things ⑶ ative(ive); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 novus》 새로운
[파생] innovative, innovatively, innovativeness, innovator, innovatory, innovate
livelihood noun ☆[4978] [레마] live
[본문] [30]Health gets affected, because their health is affected their livelihood gets affected, because they're daily wage earners - if you don't work you don't earn.
[영영] Your livelihood is the job or other source of income that gives you the money to buy the things you need.
[영한] 생계 (수단)
[굴절형] 복수형; livelihoods
[유의어] living
[구성단어] lively + hood
[어근] ⑴ live; 살다 ⑵ li(ly); ly ⑶ hood; 상태, 성질, 집단
[어원] 《고대 영어 lifian》 있다, 살아 있다, 삶을 갖다, 삶을 지속하다, 경험하다
[최초 의미] means of keeping alive
necessarily adv. ★★★★[1526] [레마] necessary 〈 cede(가다)
[본문] [28]They don't necessarily have illegal electric connections, and even if they do, they don't have electricity 24 hours a day - there are power cuts, especially in the summer months.
[영영] If you say that something is not necessarily the case, you mean that it may not be the case or is not always the case.
[영한] 어쩔 수 없이, 필연적으로
[어근] ⑴ ne(neg); not ⑵ cess(cede); 가다, go ⑶ ari(ary); ~와 관련된(형용사 어미) ⑷ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 necesse》 ne+cedere; unavoidable, indispensable; no backing away
[파생] necessarily, necessary, necessitate, necessity
regularly adv. ★★★★[1787] [레마] regular 〈 regul
[본문] [17]Living in cities where summer temperatures regularly exceed 45 degrees Celsius, Indians have been finding clever ways to keep their houses cool for over five thousand years.
[영한] ① 정기[규칙]적으로 ② 자주 ③ 규칙적으로, 균형이 맞게
[구성단어] regular + ly
[어근] ⑴ regul; 규칙, rule ⑵ ar; …의 성질의 (형용사어미) ⑶ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 regula》 [regere의 지소형] 규칙, 곧은 나무 조각
[파생] regularity, regularly, regularness, regular
salty adj. ★★[4232] [레마] salt
[본문] [11]It sweats, passing salty water called sweat through the skin to lose heat.
[영영] Something that is salty contains salt or tastes of salt.
[영한] ① 소금이 든, 짠, 짭짤한 ② (구식) (말/유머가) (때로 약간 저속하기도 하지만) 재미있는
[굴절형] 비교; salty < saltier < saltiest
[어근] ⑴ salt; 소금, salt ⑵ y; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 sealt》 (noun) salt
[파생] saline, saltily, saltiness, saltish, saltless, saltlike, saltness, salty, salt
sickness noun ☆[4781] [레마] sick
[본문] [33]In this heat, sickness is common.
[영영] Sickness is the state of being ill or unhealthy.
[영한] ① 질병, 아픔, 건강하지 못함 ② (특정한 종류의) 병[질환] ③ 메스꺼움, 욕지기, 구토, 구역질 ④ 극심한 슬픔[실의/혐오감]
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[유의어] nausea
[구성단어] sick + ness
[어근] ⑴ sick; sick ⑵ ness; ~한 상태(명사 어미)
[어원] 《고대 영어 seoc》 아픈, 병든, 연약한, 약한; 부정한; 슬픈, 괴로워하는, 깊게 영향을 받은
[최초 의미] sickness, disease; a disease
[파생] sick, sicken, sickish, sickness
slum noun[10000+] [레마] slum
[본문] [42]In fact in Jodhpur we've done it in an entire slum.
[영한] (도시) 빈민가, 슬럼
[어근] slum; 가난한 마을, slum
[어원] 《어원 미확인 back slum》 《alang》 dirty back alley of a city, street of poor or low people
[최초 의미] squalid district of a city, low and dangerous neighborhood
spray verb ★★[3904] [레마] spray
[본문] [20]a) a tall house designed to reduce sunlight b) a honeycomb pattern used in windows or, c) a system for spraying cool water?
[영영] If you spray a liquid somewhere or if it sprays somewhere, drops of the liquid cover a place or shower someone.
[영한] ① (스프레이분무기로) 뿌리다[살포하다], 뿌려지다 ② (작은 것을 아주 많이) 뿌리다[퍼붓다] ③ (특히 수고양이가) (영역 표시로) 오줌을 깔기다
[굴절형] sprayed sprayed spraying sprays
<명사> ① 물보라, 비말 ② 스프레이, 분무 ③ 분무기, 스프레이
[어근] spray; 물보라, spray
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드말 sprayen》 sprinkle
[최초 의미] sprinkle liquid in drops
[파생] sprayer, spraylike, spray
sunlight noun ★★[3517] [레마] light
[본문] [20]a) a tall house designed to reduce sunlight b) a honeycomb pattern used in windows or, c) a system for spraying cool water?
[영영] Sunlight is the light that comes from the sun during the day.
[영한] 햇빛, 햇살, 일광
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] sun + light
[어근] ⑴ sun; 태양, sun ⑵ light; 빛, 가벼운, light
[어원] 《고대 영어 leoht》 ⑴ [=leht] (엥글로어語) 빛나는, 밝은, 아름다운, 빛이 나는, 많은 빛을 갖는; ⑵ 무겁지 않은, 실제 무게가 거의 없는, 무게가 가벼운, 가볍게 만들어진; 하기 쉬운 , 사소한; 빠르고 민첩한
[파생] sunlit, sunlight
suntan noun[10000+] [레마] tan
[본문] [6]It's a chance to get outside, maybe get a suntan.
[영한] ① 볕에 그을음 , 볕에 그을린 빛깔, 담갈색. ② 선탠
[구성단어] sun + tan
[어근] ⑴ sun; 태양, sun ⑵ tan; 햇볕에 타다, tan
[어원] 《라틴어 tannare》 [from tannum] 《medieval Latin》 tan, dye a tawny color
sweat verb ★★★[2789] [레마] sweat
[본문] [11]It sweats, passing salty water called sweat through the skin to lose heat.
[영영] When you sweat, sweat comes through your skin.
[영한] ① 땀[진땀/식은땀]을 흘리다 ② 물기가 스며 나오다 ③ 땀 흘리다, 매우 열심히 일하다 ④ 식은땀을 흘리다, 불안해하다 ⑤ (고기채소를[가]) 기름을 조금 두르고 서서히 익히다[약간의 기름 속에서 서서히 익다]
[굴절형] sweated, sweated, sweating, sweats
[유의어] perspire
<명사> ① 땀, 식은땀, 진땀 ② 땀[식은땀/진땀]에 젖은 상태 ③ 노력, 수고, 땀 <형용사> (의복이) 스포츠용의, 흡습성 천으로 만들어진.
[어근] sweat; 땀, sweat
[어원] 《고대 영어 swat》 perspiration, moisture exuded from the skin
[최초 의미] perspire, work hard
[파생] sweatless, sweaty, sweat
sweat noun ★★★[2789] [레마] sweat
[본문] [11]It sweats, passing salty water called sweat through the skin to lose heat.
[영영] Sweat is the salty colourless liquid which comes through your skin when you are hot, ill, or afraid.
[영한] ① 땀, 식은땀, 진땀 ② 땀[식은땀/진땀]에 젖은 상태 ③ 노력, 수고, 땀 ④ 추리닝, 운동복
[굴절형] 복수형; sweats
[유의어] perspiration
<동사> ① 땀[진땀/식은땀]을 흘리다 ② 물기가 스며 나오다 ③ 땀 흘리다, 매우 열심히 일하다 <형용사> (의복이) 스포츠용의, 흡습성 천으로 만들어진.
[어근] sweat; 땀, sweat
[어원] 《고대 영어 swat》 perspiration, moisture exuded from the skin
[최초 의미] perspiration, moisture exuded from the skin
[파생] sweatless, sweaty, sweat
tin adj. ★★★[2734] [레마] tin
[본문] [29]Many of them have tin roofs which of course will really heat up.
[영한] ① 주석의, 주석[양철]으로 만든 ② (사물/사람 등이) 싸구려의, 볼품없는, 하찮은, 가짜의 ③ (결혼 기념일 등이) 10회째의, 석혼식(錫婚式)의
<명사> ① (Sn) 주석 ② 통조림 ③ (원통형) 통, 깡통 <동사> ① 주석을 입히다, 주석 도금하다, 주석판으로 덮다[씌우다] ② (식품을) 통조림으로 하다
[어근] tin; 주석, 통조림, tin
[어원] 《고대 영어 tin》 [from Proto-Germanic *tinom] tin
[파생] tinlike, tinny, tin
trust noun ★★★★[1095] [레마] trust 〈 true
[본문] [24]Roshni Diwakar is a consultant for the Mahila Housing trust, an NGO helping poor Indian women to heat-proof their houses.
[영영] Your trust in someone is your belief that they are honest and sincere and will not deliberately do anything to harm you.
[영한] ① 신뢰, 신임 ② 신탁, 신탁 재산, 신탁금 ③ 위탁 사업체 ④ 트러스트, 기업 합동
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> ① (사람을) 신뢰하다[신임하다/믿다] ② (무엇이 사실임옳음을) 믿다 ③ (어떤 기대바람이 사실이라고) 믿다
[어근] trust(true); 참[진실], true
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이말 traust》 도움[지원], 신뢰[자신감], 보호, 지원
[최초 의미] reliance on the veracity, integrity, or other virtues of someone or something; religious faith
[파생] trust, trustability, trustable, truster, trustful, trustworthily, trustworthiness, trustworthy, trusty
typical adj. ★★★★[1556] [레마] typical 〈 type
[본문] [26]Here Roshni describes a typical house to BBC World Service programme, People Fixing The World:
[영영] You use typical to describe someone or something that shows the most usual characteristics of a particular type of person or thing, and is therefore a good example of that type.
[영한] ① 전형적인, 대표적인 ② 보통의, 일반적인 ③ 늘 하는 식[행동]의
[유의어] normal(보통이다), representative
[반의어] atypical, untypical
[어근] ⑴ typ; 소인, 모형, stamp ⑵ ical(ic); …의, 와 같은(것)
[어원] 《그리스어 typos》 [from root of typtein] impression, figure, type
[최초 의미] symbolic, emblematic
[파생] type, typical, typicality, typically, typicalness, typify
unlike prep. ★★★★[1401] [레마] like
[본문] [12]But unlike the body, houses don't know how to keep cool.
[영영] If one thing is unlike another thing, the two things have different qualities or characteristics from each other.
[영한] ① …와 다른 ② …와는 달리 ③ …답지 않은
[반의어] like
<명사> 닮지 않은 사람[것] <형용사> (두 사람사물이) 서로 다른
[어근] ⑴ un; not ⑵ like; 비슷한, similar, alike
[어원] 《고대 영어 gelic》 비슷한, 유사한, ~과 같은
[파생] unlikeness, unlike
usual adj. ★★★★[1192] [레마] use
[본문] [15]And as usual we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.
[영영] Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
[영한] ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[유의어] normal
<명사> 여느 때의 건강 상태
[어근] ⑴ us(use); 사용, use ⑵ ual(al); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 usare》 (자꾸) 쓰다
[파생] usually, usualness, usual
wage noun ★★★★[1816] [레마] wage
[본문] [30]Health gets affected, because their health is affected their livelihood gets affected, because they're daily wage earners - if you don't work you don't earn.
[영영] Someone's wages are the amount of money that is regularly paid to them for the work that they do.
[영한] (보통 주 단위로 받는) 임금[급료]
[굴절형] 복수형; wages
<동사> ① (전쟁전투 등을) 벌이다[계속하다] ② (전쟁/투쟁 등을) (수)행하다
[어근] wage; 급료, wage
[어원] 《프랑스말 wage》 [from Old French gage] a stake, pledge, pay, reward
[최초 의미] a payment for services rendered, reward, just deserts
[파생] wageless, wagelessness, wage
wooden adj. ★★★★[1929] [레마] wood
[본문] [51]'Jaali' is a honeycomb design with many small holes set into wooden or stone windows.
[영영] Wooden objects are made of wood.
[영한] ① 나무로 된, 목재의 ② (표정/감정/움직임이) 경직된[뻣뻣한/딱딱한]
[유의어] stiff(딱딱하다), wood(목제이다)
<명사> 강타, 녹아웃 펀치 <동사> 을 쓰러뜨리다, 죽이다
[어근] ⑴ wood; 나무, wood ⑵ en; 만들다
[어원] 《고대 영어 widu》 tree, trees collectively, forest, grove; the substance of which trees are made
[파생] wooden, woodenly, woodenness, woodless, woodsy, woody, wood
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