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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Addicted to war [BBC Learning English 강좌]






In this programme, we’ll be hearing about the extraordinary life of BBC war correspondent, Fergal Keane. His reporting helped his television audiences make sense of the horrors of war, but underneath there were more personal reasons attracting him to the frontline. Was he 'addicted' to war? Listen to his story and learn new vocabulary along the way.

이 프로그램에서 우리는 비비씨 종군 기자인 Fergal Keane의. 기이한 삶에 관하여 듣고 있을 것입니다. 그의 보도는 그의 텔레비전 시청자들이 전쟁의 공포을 이해하도록 도왔습니다. 그러나 그 아래에는 그를 최전선으로 이끌었던 보다 더 많은 개인적인 이유가 있었습니다. 그는 전쟁에 'addicted' 되었나요? 그의 이야기에 귀를 기울이십시오. 그리고 그 과정에서 새로운 어휘를 배우십시오.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.

acute adj.[10000+] [레마] acute 〈 acu(뾰족한)
[본문] [46]Fergal had a nervous breakdown - a period of acute mental illness leaving him unable to cope with life.
[영영] You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense.
[영한] ① 격심한, 극심한 ② (질병이) 급성의 ③ (감각이) 예민한, 잘 발달된 ④ (관찰력/이해력 등이) 예리한 ⑤ (기하) (각도가) 예각인
[굴절형] 비교; acute < acuter < acutest
[유의어] keen
[반의어] chronic
[어근] acute(acu); 뾰족한
[어원] 《라틴어 acuere날카롭게하다
[최초 의미] coming quickly to a crisis
[파생] acuity, acute, acutely, acuteness

addicted adj.[10000+] [레마] addict 〈 dict
[본문] [9]It gave him something he couldn't get anywhere else - a massive rush of adrenaline, and Fergal started to worry that he was becoming addicted to war.
[영영] Someone who is addicted to a harmful drug cannot stop taking it.
[영한] ① (약물 등에) 중독된 ② (오락거리 등에) 중독된[푹 빠진]
[구성단어] addict + ed
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ dict(dic); 말, say ⑶ ed; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 addiceread+dicere; to deliver, award, yield; make over, sell
[최초 의미] delivered over
[파생] addictedness, addicted

admission n. ★★[3419] [레마] admit 〈 mit(보내다)
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] ① the act of admitting or allowing something
② a statement or action by which someone admits a weakness, fault, etc.
③ the right or permission to enter a place
[영한] ① (승인을 받고) 들어감, 가입, 입장, 입학, 입회 ② (특히 범행/잘못 등에 대한) 시인[인정] ③ 입장료
[유의어] confession
[구성단어] admit + ion
[어근]ad; 향하여, 첨가, to ⑵ mis(mit); 보내다, send ⑶ s; 연결 글자 ⑷ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 mittere보내다; 놓다; 위치시키다; 놓아 주다, 가게 하다, 던지다

adrenaline n.[10000+] [레마] renal
[본문] [9]It gave him something he couldn't get anywhere else - a massive rush of adrenaline, and Fergal started to worry that he was becoming addicted to war.
[영한] ① 아드레날린 ② 흥분시키는[자극하는] 것.
[구성단어] adrenal + ine
[어근]af(ad); 향하여, to ⑵ renal(ren); 콩팥, kidney ⑶ ine; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 adrenal[ad-+renalis] (Modern Latin) of or near the kidneys

alcohol n. ★★★★[1337] [레마] alcohol
[본문] [34]Instead, Fergal turned to booze - an informal name for alcohol.
[영영] Drinks that can make people drunk, such as beer, wine, and whisky, can be referred to as alcohol.
[영한] ① 술, 알코올 ② 알코올
[굴절형] 복수형; alcohols
[어근]alcoh; 알코홀, alcohol ⑵ ol; 화합물, 기름, oil
[어원] 《아랍어 al-kuhul[어원: kahala] 콜 먹(화장용 검은 먹)
[최초 의미] fine powder produced by sublimation
[파생] alcohol, alcoholic, alcoholically, alcoholize



alcoholic n. ★★[4077] [레마] alcohol
[본문] [30]You know, the truth is, I was an alcoholic long before I got to Rwanda.
[영영] An alcoholic is someone who cannot stop drinking large amounts of alcohol, even when this is making them ill.
[영한] 알코올[술] 중독자
<형용사> ① 술의, 알코올이 든 ② 음주에 의한
[구성단어] alcohol + ic
[어근]alcoh; 알코홀, alcohol ⑵ ol; 화합물, 기름, oil ⑶ ic; 형용사어미
[어원] 《아랍어 al-kuhul[어원: kahala] 콜 먹(화장용 검은 먹)
[파생] alcohol, alcoholic, alcoholically, alcoholize

alcoholic adj. ★★[4077] [레마] alcohol
[본문] [31]But I was in the kind of functioning alcoholic - what they call, you know, managing it stage of the of the disease.
[영영] Alcoholic drinks are drinks that contain alcohol.
[영한] ① 술의, 알코올이 든 ② 음주에 의한
[반의어] non-alcoholic
<명사> 알코올[술] 중독자
[구성단어] alcohol + ic
[어근]alcoh; 알코홀, alcohol ⑵ ol; 화합물, 기름, oil ⑶ ic; 형용사어미
[어원] 《아랍어 al-kuhul[어원: kahala] 콜 먹(화장용 검은 먹)
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to alcohol
[파생] alcohol, alcoholic, alcoholically, alcoholize

anger n. ★★★★[1672] [레마] anger
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] Anger is the strong emotion that you feel when you think that someone has behaved in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way.
[영한] 화, 분노
<동사> 화나게 하다
[어근] anger; 분노, anger
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 angra비통해 하다, 성가시게 하다, 괴롭히다, 성가시다, 화를 내다
[파생] anger, angrily, angriness, angry

badly adj. ★★★[2227] [레마] bad
[본문] [38]But the nightmares didn't stop, and his mental health got worse and worse.
[영한] ① 몸이 아픈(sick), 기분이 언짢은. ② 딱한, 유감스러운. ③ 낙담한, 기가 죽은.
[굴절형] 비교; badly < worse < worst
<부사> ① <무엇을 솜씨 있거나 조심성 있게 하지 못함을 나타냄> 반의어 well ② <성공적으로 해 내거나 되어 가지 않음을 나타냄> 반의어 well ③ <받아들일 만한 수준이 못 됨을 나타냄> 반의어 well
[구성단어] bad + ly
[어근]bad; 나쁜, bad ⑵ ly; 부사 어미
[어원] 《중세 영어 baddebad
[파생] baddish, badly, badness, bad

booze n.[10000+] [레마] booze
[본문] [28]booze.
[영영] Booze is alcoholic drink.
[영한] 술
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<동사> 술을 진탕 마시다
[어근] booze; 술, booze
[어원] 《중세 네덜란드어 buse[related to Middle High German bus] (noun) drinking vessel
[최초 의미] alcoholic drink
[파생] boozed, boozing, booze

breakdown n. ☆[5353] [레마] break
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] ① The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.
② If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life.
③ If a car or a piece of machinery has a breakdown, it stops working.
[영한] ① (차량/기계의) 고장 ② (관계/논의/시스템의) 실패[결렬/와해] ③ 명세(서) ④ 분해 ⑤ 신경 쇠약
[굴절형] 복수형; breakdowns
<형용사> ① 물질의 분해로 생기는. ② (사고/조난 때) 수리[복구] 작업에 쓰이는.
[구성단어] break + down
[어원] 《고대 영어 brecanto divide solid matter violently into parts or fragments
[최초 의미] a collapse, a falling apart



combat n. ★★[3707] [레마] combat 〈 batt(이기다)
[본문] [17]a) nostalgia b) shell shock or, c) combat stress?
[영영] Combat is fighting that takes place in a war.
[영한] 전투, 싸움
[굴절형] 복수형; combats
<동사> ① (좋지 않은 일의 발생이나 악화를) 방지하다[(방지하기 위해) 싸우다] ② (적과) 싸우다, 전투를 벌이다
[어근]com; 함께 ⑵ bat(batt); 치다, beat, strike
[어원] 《라틴어 battuere이기다, 치다
[최초 의미] a fight
[파생] combatable, combatant, combater, combative, combatter, combat

cope v. ★★★[2140] [레마] cope
[본문] [35]Fergal had been addicted to alcohol before he arrived in Rwanda, but now he had another addiction to cope with - the need to keep returning to war.
[영영] If you cope with a problem or task, you deal with it successfully.
[영한] 대처[대응]하다
[굴절형] coped, coped, coping, copes
[유의어] manage, manage(살아 나가다)
[어근] cope; 대처[대응]하다, cope
[어원] 《라틴어 colaphus[from Greek kolaphos] a cuff, box on the ear
[최초 의미] to quarrel

correspondent n. ★★★[2564] [레마] correspond 〈 spond(맹세)
[본문] [6]As a BBC war correspondent, Fergal witnessed some of the most violent events in recent history.
[영영] A correspondent is a newspaper or television journalist, especially one who specializes in a particular type of news.
[영한] ① (특정 지역이나 주제 담당) 기자[통신원], 특파원 ② 편지를 쓰는 사람
<형용사> 대응하는, 일치하는
[어근]cor(com); together ⑵ re; back ⑶ spond; pledge ⑷ ent(ant); 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 spondereto pledge, to bind oneself, promise solemnly; to engage oneself by ritual act
[파생] correspondence, correspondent, correspondently, correspondingly, correspond

criterion n. ★★[4078] [레마] crit
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.
[영한] (판단이나 결정을 위한) 기준
[굴절형] 복수형; criteria criterions
[어근]criter(crit); 판단, 구분 ⑵ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 krinein구분짓다[나누다], 결정하다
[최초 의미] a standard of judgment or criticism, rule by which opinion or conduct can be tested

description n. ★★★★[1834] [레마] describe 〈 scribe
[본문] [13]The term, PTSD, is quite new, but descriptions of the mental suffering of war go back to ancient times.
[영영] A description of someone or something is an account which explains what they are or what they look like.
[영한] ① (~이 어떠한지에 대한) 서술[기술/묘사/표현] ② 일부[어떤], 온갖 종류 등의
[굴절형] 복수형; descriptions
[어근]de; 밑,밖으로, from ⑵ script(scrib); 기록, write ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 describerede+scribere; to write down, copy; sketch, represent
[파생] describable, describe, describer, description, descriptive

diagnose v.[10000+] [레마] diagnosis 〈 gnosis
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] If someone or something is diagnosed as having a particular illness or problem, their illness or problem is identified. If an illness or problem is diagnosed, it is identified.
[영한] (질병/문제의 원인을) 진단하다
[굴절형] diagnosed diagnosed diagnosing diagnoses
[어근]dia; 통하여 ⑵ gnose(gno); 알다, know
[어원] 《그리스어 diagignoskeindia+gignoskein; discern, distinguish
[최초 의미] to ascertain or determine (a disease) from its symptoms
[파생] diagnosable, diagnose, diagnoseable, diagnostic, diagnosis





diagnosis n. ★★[3952] [레마] diagnosis 〈 gnosis
[본문] [49]After his diagnosis of PTSD, he got support and was finally able to stay away from booze and war.
[영영] Diagnosis is the discovery and naming of what is wrong with someone who is ill or with something that is not working properly.
[영한] 진단
[굴절형] 복수형; diagnosises
[어근]dia; 통하여 ⑵ gno; 알다, know ⑶ sis; 명사 어미
[어원] 《그리스어 diagignoskeindia+gignoskein; discern, distinguish
[최초 의미] scientific discrimination,
[파생] diagnosable, diagnose, diagnoseable, diagnostic, diagnostically, diagnosis

disorder n. ★★★[2176] [레마] disorder 〈 order
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The Madness: A Memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영영] A disorder is a problem or illness which affects someone's mind or body.
[영한] ① 엉망, 어수선함 ② (많은 사람들에 의한) 난동[무질서] ③ (신체 기능의) 장애[이상]
[굴절형] 복수형; disorders
[반의어] order, order(정돈)
<동사> (질서 등을) 어지럽히다, 혼란시키다, (심신을) 탈나게 하다, 병들게 하다
[구성단어] dis + order
[어근]dis; 하지 않기, 不, apart ⑵ order; 질서
[어원] 《라틴어 ordo(genitive ordinis) row; rank, series, arrangement; (originally) a row of threads in a loom
[파생] disorderly, disorder

dramatic adj. ★★★★[1752] [레마] drama 〈 dra
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] A dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising.
[영한] ① (변화/사건 등이) 극적인 ② 감격적인, 인상적인 ③ 연극(계)의 ④ 과장된, 호들갑스러운
[유의어] dramatical
[어근]dram(dra); 행동하다, do, act ⑵ atic; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 dramaticus
[최초 의미] of or pertaining to acted drama
[파생] dramatic, dramatically, dramatize, drama

erosion n.[10000+] [레마] erode
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영한] ① 산(酸)의 부식(腐蝕), (병의) 침해. ② (물/얼음/바람/물결 따위에 의한) 침식 (작용) ③ 미란(靡爛), 짓무름, (병 따위의) 좀먹음
[구성단어] erode + ion
[어근]e; out, off ⑵ ros(rod); 쏠다[갉아먹다], 좀먹다, gnaw ⑶ ion; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 erodere[from ex+rodere] to gnaw away, consume
[최초 의미] a gnawing away

extraordinary adj. ★★★★[1699] [레마] extraordinary 〈 order
[본문] [5]In this programme, we'll be hearing about the extraordinary life of a well-known BBC journalist, Fergal Keane.
[영영] If you describe something or someone as extraordinary, you mean that they have some extremely good or special quality.
[영한] ① 기이한, 놀라운 ② 보기 드문, 비범한, 대단한 ③ (회의 등이 정기적인 것 외에) 임시의 ④ (공무원이) 특별히 임명된
[유의어] incredible, phenomenal(경이적이다), exceeding(굉장하다)
[반의어] ordinary
<명사> (군사) 특별 수당
[구성단어] extra + ordinary
[어근]extra; 멀리 ⑵ ordin(order); 질서 ⑶ ary; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 extra ordinemout of order
[최초 의미] being beyond or out of the common order or rule; not of the usual, customary, or regular kind
[파생] extraordinarily, extraordinariness, extraordinary



extreme adj. ★★★★[1610] [레마] extreme 〈 exter
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The Madness: A Memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영영] Extreme means very great in degree or intensity.
[영한] ① 극도의, 극심한 ② 지나친, 심각한 ③ (사람들정치 조직의견 등이) 극단적인 ④ (중앙이나 시작 부분에서, 또는 언급되는 방향으로) 가장 먼[멀리 떨어진]
[굴절형] 비교; extreme < extremer < extremest
[유의어] intense(극심하다), exceeding(대단하다)
[반의어] moderate
<명사> ① 극단 ② 극도
[어근] extreme(exter); 극단의, outermost, utmost
[어원] 《라틴어 extremusexterus의 최상급; 가장 바깥쪽의, 최고의, 가장 멀리, 마지막의; 마지막 부분; 맨 끝, 경계; 가장 높은 또는 가장 거대한 온도
[최초 의미] outermost, farthest
[파생] extreme, extremely, extremeness, extremity

fighting n. ★★★[2645] [레마] fight
[본문] [20]Fergal Keane, who was born in Ireland, had seen violence ever since the early days of his career covering the fighting in Belfast.
[영한] 싸움, 전투, 교전, 회전(會戰), 논쟁, 격투, 투쟁
[굴절형] 복수형; fightings
<형용사> ① 싸우는, 전쟁의, 전투용의, 전투적인, 호전적인 ② (전투적일 정도로) 몹시, 지독히.
[구성단어] fight + ing
[어근]fight; fight ⑵ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 feohtanto combat, contend with weapons, strive; attack; gain by fighting, win
[파생] fighting, fight

frighten v. ★★★[2800] [레마] fright
[본문] [32]When Fergal returned home from Rwanda, he started having nightmares - upsetting and frightening dreams.
[영영] If something or someone frightens you, they cause you to suddenly feel afraid, anxious, or nervous.
[영한] 겁먹게[놀라게] 만들다
[유의어] fright(소스라쳐 놀라게 하다)
[구성단어] fright + en
[어근]fright; 놀라다, fright ⑵ en; 동사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 fryhto두려움, 두려워하다, 전율하는, 무서운 광경
[최초 의미] strike with fear, terrify,
[파생] affright, fright, frighten, frightful

frontline n.[10000+] [레마] line
[본문] [7]Fergal's reporting helped his television audiences make sense of the horrors of war, but underneath there were more personal reasons attracting him to the frontline.
[영영] The front line is the place where two opposing armies are facing each other and where fighting is going on.
[영한] 최전방, 최전선
<형용사> 최전방의, 최전선의
[구성단어] front + line
[어원] 《고대 영어 line⑴[어원은 Latin linea] 케이블[전선], 밧줄; 시리즈[연속물], 열, 글자의 열; 규칙, 방향; ⑵ (폐어) 아마(亞麻)

fulfil v.[8936] [레마] full
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] If you fulfil something such as a promise, dream, or hope, you do what you said or hoped you would do.
[영한] ① 실현[성취]하다 ② (약속/요구 등을) 이행하다[충족시키다] ③ (특정한 역할/기능을) 하다 ④ 성취감을 주다/느끼다
[굴절형] fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilling, fulfils
[유의어] meet
[구성단어] full + fill
[어근] fulfil(full); 가득한, full
[BRIT] 미국영어 ☞ fulfill
[어원] 《고대 영어 full받아졌을 수도 있는 모든 것을 포함함; 과다(過多)하다고 할 만큼 먹거나 마셔버렸음; 완벽한, 전체의, 완전한
[최초 의미] fill up
[파생] fulfiller, fulfillment, fulfilment, fulfil

horror n. ★★★[2424] [레마] horr
[본문] [7]Fergal's reporting helped his television audiences make sense of the horrors of war, but underneath there were more personal reasons attracting him to the frontline.
[영영] Horror is a feeling of great shock, fear, and worry caused by something extremely unpleasant.
[영한] ① 공포(감), 경악 ② ~에 대한 공포[~을 몹시 싫어함] ③ ~의 참상 ④ 참혹한 경험 ⑤ 공포물 ⑥ 골치 아픈 아이
[굴절형] 복수형; horrors
<형용사> 공포의, 전율의, 오싹하는 <감탄사> 어머나
[어근]horr; 떨림, 떨다, shudder ⑵ or; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 horror[horrere에서 유래] 두려움, 숭배[숭상], 종교적 경외; 떨림[동요], (두려움 또는 추위로) 떨림[전율], 몸을 떨다, 냉기
[최초 의미] feeling of disgust;
[파생] horrible, horribleness, horribly, horrid, horridly, horridness, horrification, horrify, horrifying, horrifyingly, horror



hypervigilance n.[10000+] [레마] vigilance
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영영] ① extreme alertness, care, or caution
② a state of or tendency towards being overly aware of one's environment and the potential dangers it presents
[영한] 과잉 각성
[구성단어] hyper + vigilance
[어근]hyper; 위, beyond ⑵ vigil; 지켜보는, 꺠어있는, watchful ⑶ ance; …한 일, 된 일

illness n. ★★★★[1469]
[본문] [33]It was obvious he was traumatised from the violence he had seen, but still Fergal didn't go to a psychiatrist - a medical doctor who specialises in treating mental illness.
[영영] Illness is the fact or experience of being ill.
[영한] ① 병, 아픔 ② (특정 종류의) 병[질환]
[굴절형] 복수형; illnesses
[구성단어] ill + ness
[어근]ill; ill ⑵ ness; 성질, 상태, 정도
[어원] 《고대 노르웨이어 illrevil, bad; hard, difficult; mean, stingy
[파생] illness, ill

informal adj. ★★★[2256] [레마] inform 〈 form
[본문] [34]Instead, Fergal turned to booze - an informal name for alcohol.
[영영] Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official.
[영한] ① 격식에 얽매이지 않는, 허물없는, 편안한 ② (옷이) 평상복의 ③ (언어가) 일상어의, 일상적인
[유의어] casual
[반의어] formal
<명사> (정장을 하지 않는 편한) 댄스 파티. informal/ly 부사비공식[약식]으로.
[어근]in; not ⑵ form; 형태, shape ⑶ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 forma모양[형상]
[최초 의미] lacking form; not in accordance with the rules of formal logic,
[파생] informality, informally, informal

journalist n. ★★★★[1477] [레마] journal 〈 journ
[본문] [5]In this programme, we'll be hearing about the extraordinary life of a well-known BBC journalist, Fergal Keane.
[영영] A journalist is a person whose job is to collect news and write about it for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.
[영한] 저널리스트, (신문/방송/잡지사의) 기자
[굴절형] 복수형; journalists
[구성단어] journal + ist
[어근]journ; 하루, day ⑵ al; 명사 어미 ⑶ ist; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《프랑스어 jornel[어원 라틴 diurnalis] 하루(日); 시(時); 하루의 여행, 하루의 일
[파생] journal, journalist, journalistically, journalistic

madness n.[10000+] [레마] mad
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The madness: A Memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영한] ① 정신 이상, 광기 ② (위험할 수도 있는) 미친[어리석은] 행동
[유의어] insanity
[구성단어] mad + ness
[어근]mad; 미친[정신 나간], mad ⑵ ness; 명사 어미
[어원] 《고대 영어 gemædde[earlier gemæded] out of one's mind, (also) foolish, extremely stupid

massive adj. ★★★★[1580] [레마] mass
[본문] [9]It gave him something he couldn't get anywhere else - a massive rush of adrenaline, and Fergal started to worry that he was becoming addicted to war.
[영영] Something that is massive is very large in size, quantity, or extent.
[영한] ① (육중하면서) 거대한 ② 엄청나게 큰[심각한]
[어근]mass; 덩어리, mass ⑵ ive; …의 경향, …의 성질
[어원] 《그리스어 maza보리 케익, 덩이, 덩어리, 뭉치
[최초 의미] forming or consisting of a large mass, having great size and weight or solidity
[파생] massed, massedly, massive, massively, massiveness, massy, mass

memoir n. ☆[5720] [레마] memor
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The Madness: A memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영영] a biography or historical account, esp one based on personal knowledge
[영한] ① (특히 유명인의) 회고록 ② (어떤 사람/장소/사건을 잘 아는 사람이 쓴) 전기[체험기/회상록]
[굴절형] 복수형; memoirs
[어근] memoir(memor); 생각, remember
[어원] 《라틴어 memoria[abstract noun from memor] memory, remembrance, faculty of remembering
[최초 의미] written record
[파생] memoirist, memoir

nervous adj. ★★★★[1548] [레마] nerve
[본문] [46]Fergal had a nervous breakdown - a period of acute mental illness leaving him unable to cope with life.
[영영] If someone is nervous, they are frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen, and show this in their behaviour.
[영한] ① 불안해[초조해/두려워] 하는 ② 신경이 과민한, 걱정을 많이 하는, 겁을 잘 먹는 ③ 신경의
[반의어] confident
[어근]nerv; 힘줄, 신경, nerve ⑵ ous; 형용사어미
[어원] 《라틴어 nervus힘줄, 건(腱), 노끈(인체 조직), (활)시위, 악기의 현(줄)
[최초 의미] containing nerves; affecting the sinews
[파생] nerve, nervine, nervous, nervously, nervousness, nervy



nightmare n. ★★★[2856] [레마] mare
[본문] [55]A nightmare is an upsetting and frightening dream.
[영영] A nightmare is a very frightening dream.
[영한] ① 악몽 ② 악몽 (같은 일), 아주 끔찍한[힘든] 일
[굴절형] 복수형; nightmares
<형용사> 악몽의, 악몽 같은, 악몽을 연상시키는.
[구성단어] night + mare
[최초 의미] an evil female spirit afflicting men (or horses) in their sleep with a feeling of suffocation
[파생] nightmarish, nightmarishly, nightmarishness, nightmare

nostalgia n.[10000+] [레마] nostalgia
[본문] [17]a) nostalgia b) shell shock or, c) combat stress?
[영영] Nostalgia is an affectionate feeling you have for the past, especially for a particularly happy time.
[영한] 향수(鄕愁)
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[어근]nost; 귀향, get home ⑵ algia(alg); pain
[어원] 《그리스어 nostos algosnostos+algos; homesickness
[최초 의미] morbid longing to return to one's home or native country, severe homesickness considered as a disease,
[파생] nostalgic, nostalgically, nostalgist, nostalgia

ordinary adj. ★★★★[1450] [레마] order
[본문] [22]But what Fergal saw there shocked him like nothing before, as he told Mobeen Azhar, presenter of BBC World Service programme, Lives Less ordinary.
[영영] Ordinary people or things are normal and not special or different in any way.
[영한] ① 보통의, 일상적인 ② 평범한
[반의어] extraordinary
<명사> ① 일[것, 사람], 예사, 상례, 보통의 상태[정도] ② 정식(定食), 정식이 나오는 여관 ③ 판사, 종무(宗務) 판사
[어근]ordin(order); 질서, order ⑵ ary; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 ordo(genitive ordinis) row; rank, series, arrangement; (originally) a row of threads in a loom
[최초 의미] regular, customary, belonging to the usual order or course, conformed to a regulated sequence or arrangement,
[파생] ordinarily, ordinariness, ordinary

post-traumatic adj.[10000+] [레마] trauma
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The Madness: A Memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영한] 외상후(外傷後)의
[구성단어] post + traumatic
[어원] 《그리스어 traumaa wound, a hurt; a defeat

presenter n.[8300] [레마] present 〈 pres(앞에 있다)
[본문] [22]But what Fergal saw there shocked him like nothing before, as he told Mobeen Azhar, presenter of BBC World Service programme, Lives Less Ordinary.
[영영] A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. in AM, usually use host, anchor
[영한] ① (라디오/텔레비전 프로 각 부분의) 진행자[사회자] ② (특정 주제에 대한) 발표자 ③ (시상식에서) 시상하는 사람
[굴절형] 복수형; presenters
[구성단어] present + er
[어근]present(pres); 앞에 있다, be before ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)
[어원] 《라틴어 present
[최초 의미] one who presents

psychiatrist n.[8904] [레마] psychiatry 〈 psycho(영혼)
[본문] [24]And of course, at that stage, you know, it was obvious that I was traumatised but, again, did I go to a psychiatrist?
[영영] A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats people suffering from mental illness.
[영한] 정신과 의사
[굴절형] 복수형; psychiatrists
[구성단어] psychiatry + ist
[어근]psych; 심리, psyche ⑵ iatr(iatro-); 치료, heal ⑶ ist; 명사 어미
[파생] psychiatric, psychiatrically, psychiatrist, psychiatry

psychological adj. ★★★[2099] [레마] psychology 〈 psycho(영혼)
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The Madness: A Memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영영] Psychological means concerned with a person's mind and thoughts.
[영한] ① 정신[심리]의, 정신[심리]적인 ② 심리학적인
[유의어] mental
[어근]psycho(psych); 심리, mind, psyche ⑵ log; study of ⑶ ical(ic); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 psychologia
[파생] psychological, psychologically, psychologist, psychology



PTSD abbr.[9856] [레마] PTSD
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The Madness: A Memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영한] 피티에스디, 외상 후 스트레스 장애
[Full] post traumatic stress disorder

reporting n.[10000+] [레마] report 〈 port
[본문] [7]Fergal's reporting helped his television audiences make sense of the horrors of war, but underneath there were more personal reasons attracting him to the frontline.
[영영] Reporting is the presenting of news in newspapers, on radio, and on television.
[영한] 보도
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
[구성단어] report + ing
[어근]re; 다시, 반대로 ⑵ port; 운반(carry) ⑶ ing; 접미어
[어원] 《라틴어 portareto carry, to bear

shell n.[9796] [레마] shell
[본문] [17]a) nostalgia b) shell shock or, c) combat stress?
[영한] ① (달걀견과류 등의 딱딱한) 껍데기[껍질] ② 고둥 껍데기[조가비] 모양의 것 ③ 포탄 ④ (美) 상호참조 cartridge ⑤ (빈 건물화재로 타고 난 배 등의) 뼈대[외부 구조] ⑥ (외부의 틀을 이루는) 뼈대 ⑦ (사람의) 겉모습[외피]
[굴절형] 복수형; shells
<동사> ① 포격[폭격]하다 ② (호두콩 등의) 껍질을 까다 <형용사> 껍질이 있는, 껍질로 이루어진, 조개껍질로 만든.
[어근] shell; 껍데기, shell
[어원] 《고대 영어 scell[from Proto-Germanic *skaljo, related to Old English scealu⑵, akin to Middle Dutch schelle] seashell; eggshell
[최초 의미] hard outer covering
[파생] shellless, shell-less, shelllike, shelly, shell

shock n. ★★★★[1416] [레마] shock
[본문] [17]a) nostalgia b) shell shock or, c) combat stress?
[영영] If you have a shock, something suddenly happens which is unpleasant, upsetting, or very surprising.
[영한] ① (심리적) 충격, 충격적인 일 ② (의학적인) 쇼크 ③ (폭발지진 등으로 인한) 충격 ④ 감전, 전기 충격 ⑤ (숱이 많고) 부스스한 머리털
[굴절형] 복수형; shocks
<동사> ① 충격을 주다, 깜짝 놀라게 하다, 경악하게 하다 ② (욕설비도덕적인 행위 등으로) 충격[불쾌감/혐오감]을 주다 ③ (볏)가리[단]로 만들다
[어근] shock; 충격, shock
[어원] 《프랑스어 chocviolent attack
[최초 의미] violent encounter of armed forces or a pair of warriors
[파생] shockability, shockable, shock

shock v. ★★★★[1416] [레마] shock
[본문] [22]But what Fergal saw there shocked him like nothing before, as he told Mobeen Azhar, presenter of BBC World Service programme, Lives Less Ordinary.
[영영] If something shocks you, it makes you feel very upset, because it involves death or suffering and because you had not expected it.
[영한] ① 충격을 주다, 깜짝 놀라게 하다, 경악하게 하다 ② (욕설비도덕적인 행위 등으로) 충격[불쾌감/혐오감]을 주다 ③ (볏)가리[단]로 만들다
[굴절형] shocked, shocked, shocking, shocks
<명사> ① (심리적) 충격, 충격적인 일 ② (의학적인) 쇼크 ③ (폭발지진 등으로 인한) 충격
[어근] shock; 충격, shock
[어원] 《프랑스어 chocviolent attack
[파생] shockability, shockable, shock

slang n. ☆[4588] [레마] slang
[본문] [57]Booze is slang for alcohol.
[영영] Slang consists of words, expressions, and meanings that are informal and are used by people who know each other very well or who have the same interests.
[영한] 속어, 은어
[굴절형] 셀 수 없는 명사
<형용사> 속어의, 속어적인
[최초 의미] special vocabulary of tramps or thieves
[파생] slangily, slanginess, slangy, slang



specialize v.[10000+] [레마] special 〈 spec
[본문] [33]It was obvious he was traumatised from the violence he had seen, but still Fergal didn't go to a psychiatrist - a medical doctor who specialises in treating mental illness.
[영한] (~을) 전공하다[전문적으로 다루다]
[굴절형] specialized, specialized, specializing, specializes
[구성단어] special + ize
[어근]speci; 보다, see, kind, sort ⑵ al; …한 (성질의), …함(과정, 상태) ⑶ ize; 동사 어미
[AM] 영국영어 ☞ specialise
[어원] 《라틴어 specere바라보다, 살펴보다, 보다
[파생] special, specialisation, specialization, specialize, specially, specialness, specialty

steady n. ★★★★[2017] [레마] stead
[본문] [40]I reach a point where I can't carry that anymore, and it's not dramatic, it's a slow, steady erosion… and that ends with a breakdown, and admission to hospital, and this time diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and fulfilling the kind of essential criteria as the psychiatrist saw it of hypervigilance, nightmares, flashbacks… more nightmares than flashbacks… and the sense of being under threat, and anger.
[영한] ① (기계) 대(臺), 받침 ② 단골손님
[굴절형] 복수형; steadies
<동사> ① (흔들리지 않게) 균형을 잡다, 진정시키다, 흔들리지 않다, 진정되다 ② (변동이 멈추고) 다시 안정되다 ③ 진정시키다, 가라앉히다 <형용사> ① (발달전개 등이) 꾸준한 ② 변함[변동]없는, 고정적인, 한결같은 ③ 흔들림 없는, 안정된 <부사> 흔들림[변동] 없이, 안정되게 <감탄사> ① (구식이 되어감) (극단적이거나 부적절한 행동을 하지 않도록 주의를 주는 말로) 조심해라[진정해라] ② 조심[주의]해라
[어근]stead; 어느 곳, 꾸준함, standing ⑵ y; 접미어
[어원] 《고대 영어 stedeplace, position; standing, firmness, stability, fixity
[최초 의미] a steady thing or place
[파생] stead, steadier, steadily, steadiness, steady

suffering n. ★★[4164] [레마] suffer 〈 fer(운반)
[본문] [10]In his new book, 'The Madness: A Memoir of War, Fear and PTSD', Fergal discusses living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of psychological suffering that results from witnessing extreme violence.
[영영] Suffering is serious pain which someone feels in their body or their mind.
[영한] ① (육체적/정신적) 고통 ② (마음의) 고통, 괴로움
[굴절형] 복수형; sufferings
[구성단어] suffer + ing
[어근]suf(sub); under ⑵ fer; 운반, to bear ⑶ ing; 명사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 sufferre[sub+ferre] to bear, undergo, endure, carry or put under
[파생] sufferingly, suffering

unable adj. ★★★★[1572] [레마] unable 〈 able
[본문] [46]Fergal had a nervous breakdown - a period of acute mental illness leaving him unable to cope with life.
[영영] If you are unable to do something, it is impossible for you to do it, for example because you do not have the necessary skill or knowledge, or because you do not have enough time or money.
[영한] …할 수 없는, …하지 못하는
[반의어] able
[어근]un; 아님(不,無), not ⑵ able; 갖다, 할 수 있는, hold
[어원] 《라틴어 habilis[verbal adjective from habere] easily handled, apt; easy to manage, handy
[최초 의미] lacking in ability, incapable,

underneath adv. ★★[3655] [레마] neath
[본문] [7]Fergal's reporting helped his television audiences make sense of the horrors of war, but underneath there were more personal reasons attracting him to the frontline.
[영한] ① 아래에, 하부(下部)에 ② 밑면에
<전치사> ① …의 밑[아래/안]에 ② (겉으로 보이는 감정성격과 달리) 속으로[내심] ③ …의 지배 밑에, …에 예속하여
[구성단어] under + neath

upset v. ★★★[2155] [레마] upset 〈 set
[본문] [32]When Fergal returned home from Rwanda, he started having nightmares - upsetting and frightening dreams.
[영영] If something upsets you, it makes you feel worried or unhappy.
[영한] ① 속상하게 만들다[하다] ② (계획상황 등이) 잘못되게[틀어지게] 만들다 ③ 배탈이 나게 하다 ④ (실수로) 넘어뜨리다[뒤엎다]
[굴절형] upset, upset, upsetting, upsets
<명사> ① (예기치 않은) 혼란 상황[문제/곤경] ② (경기대회 등에서) 예상 밖의 승리[우승] ③ (배)탈 <형용사> ① 속상한, 마음이 상한 ② 배탈
[구성단어] up + set
[어원] 《고대 영어 settancause to sit, put in some place, fix firmly; build, found; appoint, assign
[파생] upsettable, upsetter, upsetting, upsettingly, upset

usual adj. ★★★★[1192] [레마] use
[본문] [11]We'll hear about some key events in Fergal's life, and, as usual, we'll be learning some new vocabulary as well.
[영영] Usual is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.
[영한] ① 하는[있는], 평상시의, 보통의 ② 늘 있는 일, 늘 마시는 것[술]
[유의어] normal
<명사> 여느 때의 건강 상태
[어근]use; 사용, use ⑵ al; 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 usare(자꾸) 쓰다
[파생] usually, usualness, usual



violent adj. ★★★★[1625] [레마] violent 〈 viol(폭력)
[본문] [6]As a BBC war correspondent, Fergal witnessed some of the most violent events in recent history.
[영영] If someone is violent, or if they do something which is violent, they use physical force or weapons to hurt, injure, or kill other people.
[영한] ① 폭력적인, 난폭한 ② 격렬한, 맹렬한 ③ 극심한, 지독한, 끔찍한 ④ (색깔이) (극도로) 강렬한
[유의어] intense(지독하다), severe(끔찍하다)
[어근]viol; 부상, 격노, injury ⑵ ent(ant); 형용사 어미
[어원] 《라틴어 violentus폭력적인, 격렬한
[최초 의미] having a marked or powerful effect
[파생] violence, violent, violently

well-known adj. ★★[3363] [레마] know
[본문] [5]In this programme, we'll be hearing about the extraordinary life of a well-known BBC journalist, Fergal Keane.
[영영] A well-known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar. If someone is well-known for a particular activity, a lot of people know about them because of their involvement with that activity.
[영한] ① 유명한, 주지의, 잘 알려진. ② 친한, 친숙한
[유의어] famous(유명하다)
[구성단어] well + known
[어원] 《고대 영어 cnawan다른 것과 동일하다고 사물을 인지하다, 구별할 수 있다

worse adj. ★★★[2452] [레마] worse 〈 bad
[본문] [38]But the nightmares didn't stop, and his mental health got worse and worse.
[영영] Worse is the comparative of bad.
[영한] ① 더 나쁜[못한/엉망인] ② 더 심한[심각한/악화된] ③ 더 아픈[불행한]
<명사> 더 안 좋은[나쁜] 일 <부사> ① 더 나쁘게[못하게/엉망으로] ② 더 심하게[심각하게/악화되어] ③ (진술의 도입 부분에 쓰여) 더 심각한 것은[심각하게도]
[어원] 《고대 영어 wyrsaworse
[최초 의미] worse
[파생] worsen, worseness, worse

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