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[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; How resilient are you?

[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; How resilient are you? -


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How do you deal with difficult situations? Why do some people cope better in times of stress than others? Are we born with resilience or can we learn it? Rob and Georgina discuss resilience and teach you related vocabulary.

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[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; How resilient are you?

adversity [명사] [★] [레마] adverse
[본문] They remain resilient despite adversity - a difficult time in their life they've had to face.
[영영] Adversity is a very difficult or unfavourable situation.
[영한] ⒨ 역경
[첫뜻] condition of misfortune, hardship, difficulty, distress,
[활용] 복수형; adversities
[파생] adverse, adversity
[어근]ad; to, toward ⑵ vers(verse); to turn’ ⑶ ity; 명사어미

bamboo [명사] [★] [레마] bamboo
[본문] bamboo is a good example of a resilient material - you can bend it, it doesn't break and returns to its original shape.
[영영] Bamboo is a tall tropical plant with hard, hollow stems. The young shoots of the plant can be eaten and the stems are used to make furniture.
[영한] ⒨ 대나무
[활용] 복수형; bambooes
[어원] mambu(Malay)
<형용사> 대(나무)의, 대로 만든

bend [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2213] [★★] [레마] bend
[본문] Bamboo is a good example of a resilient material - you can bend it, it doesn't break and returns to its original shape.
[영영] When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 몸이나 머리를) 굽히다, 숙이다 ② (팔다리를[가]) 굽히다[굽혀지다] ③ (무엇을) 구부리다 ④ (방향이) 구부러지다[휘어지다], (방향을) 틀다[휘다]
[첫뜻] to bend a bow, bring into a curved state; confine with a string, fetter,
[활용] bent, bent, bending, bends
[파생] bendable, bent, bend
[어원] benden(Anglo-Saxon), to confine with a string
<명사> ① (특히 도로강의) 굽이, 굽은 곳 ② 잠함병(잠수부가 너무 빨리 수면 밖으로 돌아올 때 겪게 되는 극심한 호흡 곤란)

bloomers [명사] [레마] bloomers
[본문] Other children, what she calls the late bloomers, started off less resilient, struggled with adversity, but turned their lives around by becoming more resilient.
[영영] Bloomers are an old-fashioned kind of women's underwear which consists of wide, loose trousers gathered at the knees.
[영한] ⒨ ① (여성용 구식) 속바지 ② 블루머(과거 여성이 운동을 하거나 자전거를 탈 때 입던, 무릎 부분을 조이게 만든 헐렁한 반바지)
[첫뜻] iron-worker
[활용] [PL]
[어원] bloma(Old English)

characteristic [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2049] [★★] [레마] character
[본문] Resilience is also a word used in science to describe the characteristic of a substance or object.
[영영] The characteristics of a person or thing are the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable.
[영한] ⒨ 특징, 특질
[활용] 복수형; characteristics
[파생] characterful, characteristic, characterize, characterless, character
[어근]character; character ⑵ istic; 형용사 어미
<형용사> 특유의

cope [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3226] [★★] [레마] cope
[본문] Well, it is a useful trait to have, and it's something that can help you deal with many difficult situations from coping with the pressures of work to handling the death of a loved one.
[영영] If you cope with a problem or task, you deal with it successfully.
[영한] ⒨ 대처[대응]하다
[첫뜻] to quarrel
[활용] coped, coped, coping, copes
[어원] kolaphos(Greek), blow with the fist
[유의어] manage, manage(살아 나가다)
<명사> (성직자가 특별 의식 때 입는) 긴 사제복

distress [명사] [★] [레마] distress
[본문] And then a third level that we can look at for resilience is a biological level - how well we can soothe ourselves, calm ourselves down, how well we can actually regulate our own nervous systems at times of distress.
[영영] Distress is a state of extreme sorrow, suffering, or pain.
[영한] ⒨ ① (정신적) 고통, 괴로움 ② 고충, 곤경 ③ 조난 (위험)
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] distressful, distressfully, distressfulness, distressing, distressingly, distress
[어근]di(dis); 아님, 不, apart ⑵ stress(strain); draw tight
[유의어] danger(위난), hardship(고통), misery
<동사> 괴롭히다, 고통스럽게 하다 <형용사> ① 출혈 판매의, 투매품의 ② 빈민 구제의

distress [동사] [★] [레마] distress
[본문] So, when we're distressed, a resilient person is able to soothe his or her body and regulate his or her nervous system, which helps them stay calm.
[영영] If someone or something distresses you, they cause you to be upset or worried.
[영한] ⒨ 괴롭히다, 고통스럽게 하다
[활용] distressed, distressed, distressing, distresses
[파생] distressful, distressfully, distressfulness, distressing, distressingly, distress
[어근]di(dis); 아님, 不, apart ⑵ stress(strain); draw tight
<명사> ① (정신적) 고통, 괴로움 ② 고충, 곤경 ③ 조난 (위험) <형용사> ① 출혈 판매의, 투매품의 ② 빈민 구제의

fuss [명사] [★] [레마] fuss
[본문] It's interesting to note that a resilient person isn't necessarily someone quiet, who doesn't make a fuss and gets on with things.
[영영] Fuss is anxious or excited behaviour which serves no useful purpose.
[영한] ⒨ ① 호들갑, 법석, 야단 ② (특히 하찮은 것에 대한) 화[불평]
[첫뜻] trifling bustle
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] fusser, fussy, fuss
[어원] fjas(Danish), foolery, nonsense
[유의어] to-do, palaver
<동사> ① 법석[야단/호들갑]을 떨다 ② (하찮은 것을 두고) 안달하다

grip [명사] [Ranking; 3730] [★★] [레마] grip
[본문] And it's more than just telling someone to 'toughen up' or 'get a grip', as Dr David Westley knows.
[영영] A grip is a firm, strong hold on something.
[영한] ⒨ ① 꽉 붙잡음, 움켜쥠, 잡는[쥐는] 방식 ② 통제, 지배 ③ 이해, 파악 ④ 접지력 ⑤ 미끄럼 방지 처리가 된 손잡이
[활용] 복수형; grips
[파생] gripper, grippingly, grip, gripping
[어원] grippan(Old English), to grip, seize, obtain
[유의어] grasp, purchase
<동사> ① 꽉 잡다, 움켜잡다 ② (마음흥미시선을) 끌다[빨아들이다] ③ (감정상황이) 사로잡다

handling [명사] [레마] hand
[본문] Well, it is a useful trait to have, and it's something that can help you deal with many difficult situations from coping with the pressures of work to handling the death of a loved one.
[영한] ⒨ ① (상황/사람/동물 등에 대한) 처리[다루기] ② (기계/장치 등의) 조작[처리] ③ (손으로) 다루기[만지기] ④ (주문 상품 등의) 취급 수수료 ⑤ (차량의) 조종[운전]
[활용] uncountable noun
[어근]hand; hand ⑵ l(le); …하는 도구 ⑶ ing; 현재분사어미

liquid [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4403] [★★] [레마] liquid
[본문] c) It can turn from a solid into a liquid quickly.
[영영] A liquid substance is in the form of a liquid rather than being solid or a gas.
[영한] ⒨ ① 액체 형태의, 액상의 ② (금융) 현금화하기 쉬운, 유동적인 ③ (문예체) 맑은, 물 같은 ④ (문예체) (소리가) 청아한
[첫뜻] flowing, capable of flowing; neither solid nor gaseous
[어근]liqu; be fluid ⑵ id; 명사어미
[유의어] limpid(맑다)
<명사> 액체

manifest [형용사] [★] [레마] manifest
[본문] Ann Masten talks about how some of the children she studied manifest resilience from the start.
[영영] If you say that something is manifest, you mean that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if they saw it or considered it.
[영한] ⒨ (보거나 이해하기에) 분명한
[첫뜻] clearly revealed to the eye or the understanding, open to view or comprehension
[파생] manifestable, manifestation, manifestative, manifester, manifestly, manifestness, manifest
[어근]mani(manu); hand, 손 ⑵ fest
[유의어] clear
<명사> (배/비행기의) 화물 목록[승객 명단] <동사> ① (특히 감정/태도/특질을 분명히) 나타내다[드러내 보이다] ② 나타나다, 분명해지다

manifest [동사] [★] [레마] manifest
[본문] When something manifests, it shows clearly and is easy to notice.
[영영] If you manifest a particular quality, feeling, or illness, or if it manifests itself, it becomes visible or obvious.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 감정/태도/특질을 분명히) 나타내다[드러내 보이다] ② 나타나다, 분명해지다
[첫뜻] to spread; to show plainly
[활용] manifested manifested manifesting manifests
[파생] manifestable, manifestation, manifestative, manifester, manifestly, manifestness, manifest
[어근]mani(manu); hand, 손 ⑵ fest
[유의어] appear(나타내다), demonstrate(드러내 보이다)
<명사> (배/비행기의) 화물 목록[승객 명단] <형용사> (보거나 이해하기에) 분명한

mentor [명사] [Ranking; 4611] [★★] [레마] mentor
[본문] Those that were 'late bloomers' only connected with adults and mentors later in life.
[영영] A person's mentor is someone who gives them help and advice over a period of time, especially help and advice related to their job.
[영한] ⒨ 멘토(경험 없는 사람에게 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 조언과 도움을 베풀어 주는 유경험자/선배)
[활용] 복수형; mentors
[파생] mentorial, mentor
[어원] Mentor(Greek), friend of Odysseus and adviser of Telemachus
<동사> (…에 대해) 조언[지도]하다.

motivational [형용사] [레마] motive
[본문] There are many self-help books and motivational speakers {which are} all promising us {that} we can learn to be resilient.
[영한] ⒨ 동기를 주는, 동기의
[파생] motivational, motivation
[어근]motiv(mob); 움직임 ⑵ ation; 명사어미 ⑶ al; ~한 성질의(형용사어미)

nervous [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2415] [★★] [레마] nerve
[본문] And then a third level that we can look at for resilience is a biological level - how well we can soothe ourselves, calm ourselves down, how well we can actually regulate our own nervous systems at times of distress.
[영영] If someone is nervous, they are frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen, and show this in their behaviour.
[영한] ⒨ ① 불안해[초조해/두려워] 하는 ② 신경이 과민한, 걱정을 많이 하는, 겁을 잘 먹는 ③ 신경의
[첫뜻] containing nerves; affecting the sinews
[파생] nerve, nervine, nervous, nervously, nervousness, nervy
[어근]nerv; sinew, nerve ⑵ ous; 형용사어미
[반의어] confident

optimistic [형용사] [Ranking; 4183] [★★] [레마] optimum
[본문] So, for example, one way to look at that would be just to look at how optimistic people are as a guide to how resilient they might be when times get tough.
[영영] Someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.
[영한] ⒨ 낙관적인, 낙관하는
[첫뜻] of, pertaining to, or characterized by optimism; disposed to take the most hopeful view of a matter,
[파생] optimist, optimistic, optimistical, optimistically, optimistictically, optimism
[어근]optim; best ⑵ ist; …하는 사람(명사어미) ⑶ ic; …의(형용사어미)
[유의어] positive(낙관적이다), hopeful, upbeat
[반의어] pessimistic

pile [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3027] [★★] [레마] pile
[본문] I have a pile of work to do today, but I'm remaining calm and not getting stressed.
[영영] A pile of things is a mass of them that is high in the middle and has sloping sides.
[영한] ⒨ ① (위로 차곡차곡) 포개[쌓아] 놓은 것, 더미 ② (둥그렇게 수북이 쌓여 있는) 무더기[더미] ③ 많은 ~, ~ 무더기[더미] ④ (융단벨벳 같은 천 윗부분에 짧게 나 있는) 털 ⑤ (건물다리 등을 지탱하기 위해 박는) 말뚝
[첫뜻] ① mass, heap ② heavy pointed beam ③ soft, raised surface upon cloth
[활용] 복수형; piles
[어근] pile(pill); pillar, ball, mass, heap
[유의어] heap
<동사> ① (물건을 차곡차곡) 쌓다[포개다] ② (…에 ~을) 쌓다[집어 얹다/넣다] ③ (많은 수의 사람들이) 우르르 가다

psychology [명사] [Ranking; 2997] [★] [레마] psychology
[본문] He is Head of psychology at Middlesex University and talked about levels of resilience on the BBC World Service programme, The Why Factor.
[영영] Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people's behaviour.
[영한] ⒨ ① 심리학 ② 심리 ③ 심리 작용[작전]
[첫뜻] study of the soul
[활용] 복수형; psychologies
[파생] psychological, psychologically, psychologist, psychology
[어근]psycho; breath, spirit, soul ⑵ log; study of

react [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2689] [★★] [레마] act
[본문] And children are watching; they're learning from the adults around them by seeing how they react when they get challenged by something.
[영영] When you react to something that has happened to you, you behave in a particular way because of it.
[영한] ⒨ ① 반응하다, 반응을 보이다 ② (특정 물질에 대해 신체적으로 좋지 않은) 반응을 보이다 ③ (화학) (물질이) 화학 반응을 일으키다
[활용] reacted, reacted, reacting, reacts
[파생] react, reaction, reactional, reactionally, reactionary, reactive
[어근]re; 다시(again) ⑵ act(ag); act [구성단어] re + act
[유의어] respond

regulate [동사] [Ranking; 3413] [★★] [레마] regulate
[본문] And then a third level that we can look at for resilience is a biological level - how well we can soothe ourselves, calm ourselves down, how well we can actually regulate our own nervous systems at times of distress.
[영영] To regulate an activity or process means to control it, especially by means of rules.
[영한] ⒨ ① 규제[통제/단속]하다 ② (기계 등의 속도/압력/온도 등을) 조절[조정]하다
[첫뜻] adjust by rule, control
[활용] regulated, regulated, regulating, regulates
[파생] regulate, regulation, regulative, regulatively, regulatory
[어근]regul; rule ⑵ ate; 동사어미

resilience [명사] [레마] resile
[본문] That's good, you are showing resilience.
[영한] ⒨ ① (충격/부상 등에서의) 회복력 ② 탄성(彈性), 탄력
[첫뜻] act of rebounding
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] resilient, resiliently, resilience
[어근]re; back ⑵ sili(sali); jump ⑶ ence(ance); 명사어미

resilient [형용사] [레마] resile
[본문] Now, Georgina, how resilient are you?
[영영] Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed.
[영한] ⒨ ① (충격/부상 등에 대해) 회복력 있는 ② (물질이) 탄력 있는
[첫뜻] springing bac
[파생] resilient, resiliently, resilience
[어근]re; back ⑵ sili(sali); jump ⑶ ent(ant); 형용사어미

self-help [명사] [레마] self-help
[본문] There are many self-help books and motivational speakers {which are} all promising us {that} we can learn to be resilient.
[영영] Self-help consists of people providing support and help for each other in an informal way, rather than relying on the government, authorities, or other official organizations.
[영한] ⒨ 자립, 자조(自助)
[활용] uncountable noun
[구성단어] self + help
<형용사> (책 등이) 자립하기 위한, 자습의

solid [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2027] [★★] [레마] solid
[본문] c) It can turn from a solid into a liquid quickly.
[영영] A solid is a substance that stays the same shape whether it is in a container or not.
[영한] ⒨ ① 고체, 고형물 ② (기하) 입체
[활용] 복수형; solids
[파생] solidarity, solidify, solidity, solidly, solidness, solid
[어근] solid; firm, whole
<형용사> ① 단단한, 고체의, 고형의 ② 견고한, 속이 꽉 찬, (속이) 빈 데가 없는 ③ (잘 만들어져) 튼튼한

soothe [동사] [★] [레마] soothe
[본문] And then a third level that we can look at for resilience is a biological level - how well we can soothe ourselves, calm ourselves down, how well we can actually regulate our own nervous systems at times of distress.
[영영] If you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you make them feel calmer.
[영한] ⒨ ① (마음을) 달래다[진정시키다] ② (통증 등을) 누그러뜨리다[완화시키다]
[활용] soothed soothed soothing soothes
[파생] soother, soothe
[어원] soth(Old English), true
[유의어] calm, relieve

speaker [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2558] [★★] [레마] speak
[본문] There are many self-help books and motivational speakers {which are} all promising us {that} we can learn to be resilient.
[영영] A speaker at a meeting, conference, or other gathering is a person who is making a speech or giving a talk.
[영한] ⒨ ① 연사, 연설가, 발표자 ② 말[이야기]하는 사람 ③ (특정한 언어) 사용자[화자] ④ (의회의) 의장 ⑤ (라디오 등의) 스피커
[활용] 복수형; speakers
[파생] speak, speakable, speakership, speech, speaker
[어근]speak; speak ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

substance [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2297] [★★] [레마] substance
[본문] Resilience is also a word used in science to describe the characteristic of a substance or object.
[영영] A substance is a solid, powder, liquid, or gas with particular properties.
[영한] ⒨ ① 물질 ② 실체 ③ 본질, 핵심, 요지 ④ 중요성
[첫뜻] essential nature, real or essential part
[활용] 복수형; substances
[파생] substance, substanceless, substantial, substantialism, substantialist, substantiality, substantially, substantialness, substantiate, substantival, substantivally, substantively, substantiveness, substantive
[어근]sub; up to, under ⑵ st(state); to stand ⑶ ance; 명사어미
[유의어] significance(중요성)

toughen [동사] [레마] tough
[본문] And it's more than just telling someone to 'toughen up' or 'get a grip', as Dr David Westley knows.
[영영] If you toughen something or if it toughens, you make it stronger so that it will not break easily.
[영한] ⒨ ① (쉽게 깨지거나 하지 않도록) 더 단단하게[질기게] 만들다, 강화하다 ② (법규 등을) 강화하다[더 엄격히 하다] ③ (사람을) 더 강인하게 만들다
[활용] toughened toughened toughening toughens
[파생] toughen, toughener, toughish, toughly, toughness, tough
[어근]tough; tough ⑵ en; 동사어미

trait [명사] [Ranking; 3773] [★★] [레마] trait
[본문] Well, it is a useful trait to have, and it's something that can help you deal with many difficult situations from coping with the pressures of work to handling the death of a loved one.
[영영] A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has.
[영한] ⒨ (성격상의) 특성
[첫뜻] shot, missiles; a stroke in drawing, a short line
[어근] trait(tract); drawing, drawing out

upset [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 3417] [★★] [레마] set
[본문] Distress is the feeling you get when you are worried or upset by something.
[영영] If something upsets you, it makes you feel worried or unhappy.
[영한] ⒨ ① 속상하게 만들다[하다] ② (계획상황 등이) 잘못되게[틀어지게] 만들다 ③ 배탈이 나게 하다 ④ (실수로) 넘어뜨리다[뒤엎다]
[활용] upset, upset, upsetting, upsets
[파생] upsettable, upsetter, upsetting, upsettingly, upset
[구성단어] up + set
<명사> ① (예기치 않은) 혼란 상황[문제/곤경] ② (경기대회 등에서) 예상 밖의 승리[우승] ③ (배)탈 <형용사> ① 속상한, 마음이 상한 ② 배탈

useful [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2043] [★★] [레마] use
[본문] Well, it is a useful trait to have, and it's something that can help you deal with many difficult situations from coping with the pressures of work to handling the death of a loved one.
[영영] If something is useful, you can use it to do something or to help you in some way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 유용한, 도움이 되는, 쓸모 있는 ② 유능한, 훌륭한
[파생] usage, use, useful, usefully, usefulness, useless, usable
[어근]use; 사용 ⑵ ful; ~이 가득한(형용사어미)
[유의어] helpful

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