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[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; Is it good to disagree?

[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; Is it good to disagree? -


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Have we lost respect for those who disagree with us? At a time when public debate has become so ill-tempered, a battle of ideas might have become an exchange of insults. Sam and Rob wonder if the art of persuasion is lost and teach you related vocabulary.

의견이 상충되는 사람들에 대해 최소한의 예의도 사라져 버린 시대가 되었습니다. 공공의 논쟁의 질이 더할 나위 없이 추락하면서, 사고의 전쟁은 서로 간에 모욕하고 모욕받는 상태가 되었습니다. 샘과 롭은 설득의 미학이 사라져 버릴 것을 걱정합니다. 그러면서 독자들에게 관련된 어휘를 가르칩니다.

새내기할배 블로그가 제안하는 영어단어 암기법은 기본적으로 문장을 통해 암기하는 것입니다. 그래서 설명하는 모든 단어마다 본문도 함께 제시됩니다. 그러나 새로 나온다고 해서 모든 단어를 무한정 암기할 수는 없습니다. 그래서 암기해야 해야 할 단어와 이해만 하고 넘어갈 단어를 구분하는 지혜가 필요합니다. [BBC Leaning English] 6 Minute English - Is it good to disagree?에 수록된 영어단어 수는

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accuse [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2041] [★★] [레마] accuse
[본문] First of all, I was accused of being pedantic - focussing too much on the small details or formal rules.
[영영] If you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell them that you believe that they did it.
[영한] ⒨ 고발[기소/비난]하다, 혐의를 제기하다
[활용] accused, accused, accusing, accuses
[파생] accusation, accusatory, accuse, accuser, accusing, accusingly
[어근]ac(ad); to ⑵ cuse(caus); a cause; a lawsuit

behaviour [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [BRIT][AM→behavior] [레마] behave
[본문] He says we shouldn't just follow the values of civility - that means polite behaviour.
[영영] People's or animals' behaviour is the way that they behave. You can refer to a typical and repeated way of behaving as a behaviour.
[영한] ⒨ ① 처신, 행위, 행동 ② 행동 방식, 작용
[첫뜻] manner of behaving (whether good or bad), conduct, manners
[활용] 복수형; behaviours
[파생] behavioral, behavioural, behavior, behaviour
[어근]be; 과도함, intensive prefix ⑵ havi(have); to have or bear ⑶ our(or); ~하는 사람(명사어미)

behavior [명사] [Ranking; 674] [AM][BRIT→behaviour]
[본문] He says we shouldn't just follow the values of civility - that means polite behaviour.
[영영] People's or animals' behaviour is the way that they behave. You can refer to a typical and repeated way of behaving as a behaviour.
[영한] ⒨ ① 행동, 거동, 행실, 품행, 태도 ② 행동, 습성 ③ 행동 양식 ④ (기계 등의) 가동, 움직임, 작용, 반응
[파생] behavior, behavioral, behavioural, behave, behaviour

boring [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 4969] [★★] [레마] bore
[본문] Of course disagreeing is normal - it would be boring if we agreed about everything.
[영영] Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient.
[영한] ⒨ 재미없는, 지루한
[파생] boringly, boring
[어근]bor(bore); bore ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미
<명사> ① 구멍 뚫기, 천공, 속을 우비어 파기, 천공 작업, [鑛]보링 ② 송곳밥

civility [명사] [★] [레마] civil
[본문] A couple of decades I spent as an elected politician convinced me that disagreement is necessary if society is to progress and a society that values civility over justice and truth would simply be a recipe for stagnation.
[영한] ⒨ ① 정중함, 공손함 ② 예의상 하는 말
[첫뜻] status of a citizen
[활용] 복수형; civilities
[파생] civility, civilly, civilness, civil
[어근]civil; 시민 ⑵ ity; 명사어미

contempt [명사] [레마] contemn
[본문] In a battle, you position yourself in a hierarchy - one is on top of the other, and then there is arguing that comes with a contempt in which it's not just that I don't accept your point of view, is that, I actually really think you're a lesser human being.
[영영] If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.
[영한] ⒨ ① 경멸, 멸시 ② (법규/위험 등을) 개의하지 않음, 무시 ③ 상호참조 contempt of court
[첫뜻] open disregard or disobedience
[파생] contemptuous, contempt
[어근]con(com); intensive prefix ⑵ temn; slight, scorn, despise
[유의어] scorn(경멸)

convince [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2056] [★★] [레마] convince
[본문] A couple of decades I spent as an elected politician convinced me that disagreement is necessary if society is to progress and a society that values civility over justice and truth would simply be a recipe for stagnation.
[영영] If someone or something convinces you of something, they make you believe that it is true or that it exists.
[영한] ⒨ ① 납득시키다, 확신시키다 ② 설득하다 ⒪ 설득하다
[첫뜻] to overcome in argument
[활용] convinced, convinced, convincing, convinces
[파생] conviction, convince, convincement, convincer, convincible, convincingly, convincingness, convict, convincing
[어근]con(com); intens. ⑵ vince; to conquer
[유의어] persuade

disagree [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2701] [★★] [레마] agree
[본문] In this programme, we'll be talking about disagreeing.
[영영] If you disagree with someone or disagree with what they say, you do not accept that what they say is true or correct. You can also say that two people disagree.
[영한] ⒨ ① 의견[뜻]이 다르다, 동의하지 않다 ② (진술/보고서들이) 내용이 다르다[일치하지 않다]
[활용] disagreed disagreed disagreeing disagrees
[어근]dis; 아님, 不, 非 ⑵ a(ad); to ⑶ gree(grate); 환희 [구성단어] dis + agree
[반의어] agree

disagreement [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] agree
[본문] I know, but I feel better for having that little disagreement - so that proves {that} it is good to disagree!
[영영] Disagreement means objecting to something such as a proposal.
[영한] ⒨ ① 의견 충돌[차이], 다툼 ② (같아야 할 두 가지 사이의) 불일치[차이]
[활용] 복수형; disagreements
[어근]dis; 아님, 不, 非 ⑵ a(ad); to ⑶ gree(grate); 환희 ⑷ ment; 명사어미 [구성단어] dis + agreement
[반의어] agreement

dislike [명사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] like
[본문] And according to Esther, things also don't go well if someone has contempt, which is a dislike or lack of respect for someone or something.
[영한] ⒨ ① 반감, 싫음 ② 싫어하는 것
[활용] 복수형; dislikes
[파생] dislikable, dislikeable, dislike
[어근]dis; 不, 非, not ⑵ like; like [구성단어] dis + like
<동사> 싫어하다

elect [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2285] [★★] [레마] elect
[본문] A couple of decades I spent as an elected politician convinced me that disagreement is necessary if society is to progress and a society that values civility over justice and truth would simply be a recipe for stagnation.
[영영] When people elect someone, they choose that person to represent them, by voting for them.
[영한] ⒨ ① (선거로) 선출하다 ② 선택하다
[첫뜻] to choose for an office, position, or duty
[활용] elected, elected, electing, elects
[파생] elect, electability, electable, election, elective
[어근]e(ex); out ⑵ lect; to choose
<명사> ① 뽑힌 사람 ② 특권 계급, 엘리트 ③ (신학) 하느님의 선민(選民)들 <형용사> ① 당선된(명사 뒤에 써서 그 직책에 당선되었지만 아직 취임은 하지 않은 사람을 가리킴) ② (종교) 하느님의 선택을 받은 사람들

empathy [명사] [레마] empathy
[본문] It also suggests speaking truthfully, listening intently - that means giving all your attention to what's being said - and aiming for empathy.
[영영] Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own.
[영한] ⒨ 감정이입, 공감
[첫뜻] passion, state of emotion
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] empathist, empathy
[어근]em(en); in(안,속) ⑵ pathy(path); feeling, 감정

err [감탄사]
[본문] err, shouldn't that be five minutes?

fascinating [형용사] [Ranking; 4246] [★★] [레마] fascinate
[본문] Indeed, but it is a fascinating subject and it's something the BBC Radio 4 programme 'A Guide to Disagreeing Better' looked at.
[영영] If you describe something as fascinating, you find it very interesting and attractive, and your thoughts tend to concentrate on it.
[영한] ⒨ 대단히 흥미로운, 매력적인
[파생] fascinatingly, fascinating
[어근]fascinat(fascinate); fascinate ⑵ ing; 현재분사어미

hierarchy [명사] [★] [레마] hierarchy
[본문] In a battle, you position yourself in a hierarchy - one is on top of the other, and then there is arguing that comes with a contempt in which it's not just that I don't accept your point of view, is that, I actually really think you're a lesser human being.
[영영] A hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of importance, for example in society or in a company.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 사회나 조직 내의) 계급[계층] ② (큰 조직의) 지배층[고위층] ③ (사상/개념 등의) 체계
[첫뜻] rank in the sacred order; one of the three divisions of the nine orders of angels; system of orders of angels and heavenly beings
[활용] 복수형; hierarchies
[파생] hierarchical, hierarchically, hierarchism, hierarchy
[어근]hier(hiero); sacred, 신성한 ⑵ archy(arch); ruler, 통치자
[유의어] pecking order(서열)

honest [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2554] [★★] [레마] honest
[본문] But honest conversations involve listening intently as well as speaking truthfully.
[영영] If you describe someone as honest, you mean that they always tell the truth, and do not try to deceive people or break the law. You say `honest' before or after a statement to emphasize that you are telling the truth and that you want people to believe you.
[영한] ⒨ ① (성품이) 정직한 ② (어떤 사실에 대해) 솔직한 ③ 순수[정직]해 보이는 ④ (일/임금이) 힘들게 한, 정직하게 번, 힘든 노력의 대가인
[첫뜻] respectable, decent, of neat appearance; free from fraud
[파생] honestly, honestness, honesty, honest
[어근] honest(honor); honor
[유의어] truthful, sincere(진심이다)
[반의어] dishonest
<명사> 정직한 사람 <부사> 정말로, 참말로, 틀림없이

intently [부사] [★] [레마] intently
[본문] It also suggests speaking truthfully, listening intently - that means giving all your attention to what's being said - and aiming for empathy.
[영한] ⒨ 골똘하게, 여념없이, 오로지
[파생] intend, intent, intently, intentness
[어근]in; in, at ⑵ tent(tend); stretch ⑶ ly(lig); 부사어미

joke [동사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2266] [★★] [레마] joke
[본문] No… just joking!
[영영] You say you're joking or you must be joking to someone when they have just told you something that is so surprising or unreasonable that you find it difficult to believe.
[영한] ⒨ ① (사람들을 웃기려고) 농담하다, 재미있는 이야기를 하다 ② (사실이 아닌 것을) 농담 삼아 말하다
[활용] joked, joked, joking, jokes
[파생] jokingly, joky, joke
[어근] joke(joc); jest
[유의어] kid
<명사> ① 우스개(소리행동), 농담 ② (한심하거나 어이가 없어) 웃기는 사람[것]

pedantic [형용사] [레마] pedant
[본문] Rob, you are being pedantic - focussing too much on the small details or formal rules.
[영영] If you think someone is pedantic, you mean that they are too concerned with unimportant details or traditional rules, especially in connection with academic subjects.
[영한] ⒨ 지나치게 규칙을 찾는[세세한 것에 얽매이는]
[파생] pedantically, pedantic
[어근]paed; 아이 ⑵ ant(agog); 지도차 ⑶ ic; 형용사 어미

polite [형용사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] polite
[본문] He says we shouldn't just follow the values of civility - that means polite behaviour.
[영영] Someone who is polite has good manners and behaves in a way that is socially correct and not rude to other people.
[영한] ⒨ ① 예의 바른, 공손한, 정중한 ② 예의상의, 의례적인 ③ 고상한
[첫뜻] polished, burnished; elegant, cultured
[활용] 비교; polite < politer < politest
[파생] politely, politeness, polite
[어근]pol(poli); to polish, make smooth ⑵ ite; 명사/형용사/동사
[유의어] courteous
[반의어] impolite

politely [부사] [Oxford3000] [★★] [레마] polite
[본문] But I would add that this should be done politely and with respect.
[영한] ⒨ 공손히, 예의 바르게, 점잖게, 고상하게, 품위있게
[파생] politely, politeness, polite
[어근]pol(poli); to polish, make smooth ⑵ ite; 형용사 어미 ⑶ ly(lig); 부사어미

recipe [명사] [Ranking; 2532] [★★] [레마] recipe
[본문] A couple of decades I spent as an elected politician convinced me that disagreement is necessary if society is to progress and a society that values civility over justice and truth would simply be a recipe for stagnation.
[영영] A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something.
[영한] ⒨ ① 조리[요리]법 ② (특정 결과를 가져올 듯한) 방안[비결]
[첫뜻] medical prescription
[어근]re; back ⑵ cipe(capt); take
[유의어] formula

speaker [명사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2558] [★★] [레마] speak
[본문] This is couples' therapist, author and speaker Esther Perel, who knows a thing or two about that...
[영영] A speaker at a meeting, conference, or other gathering is a person who is making a speech or giving a talk.
[영한] ⒨ ① 연사, 연설가, 발표자 ② 말[이야기]하는 사람 ③ (특정한 언어) 사용자[화자] ④ (의회의) 의장 ⑤ (라디오 등의) 스피커
[활용] 복수형; speakers
[파생] speak, speakable, speakership, speech, speaker
[어근]speak; speak ⑵ er; ~하는 사람(명사어미)

spiritual [형용사] [Oxford3000] [Ranking; 2114] [★★] [레마] spirit
[본문] So, do you know which spiritual leader is famous for saying "Disagreement is something normal"?
[영한] ⒨ ① 정신의, 정신적인 ② 종교의, 종교적인
[파생] spirit, spiritual, spirituality, spiritualize, spiritually, spiritualness
[어근]spirit(spire); breathe ⑵ ual(al); 형용사어미
[반의어] material(정신적이다)

stagnation [명사] [레마] stagnate
[본문] A couple of decades I spent as an elected politician convinced me that disagreement is necessary if society is to progress and a society that values civility over justice and truth would simply be a recipe for stagnation.
[영한] ⒨ 굄, 침체, 정체, 부진, 불경기
[활용] uncountable noun
[파생] stagnation, stagnatory, stagnate
[어근]stagn; pool ⑵ at(ate); 동사어미 ⑶ ion(ation); 명사어미
[유의어] depression

therapist [명사] [Ranking; 3953] [★★] [레마] therapist
[본문] This is couples' therapist, author and speaker Esther Perel, who knows a thing or two about that...
[영영] A therapist is a person who is skilled in a particular type of therapy.
[영한] ⒨ ① 치료 전문가, 치료사 ② 상호참조 psychotherapist
[활용] 복수형; therapists
[파생] therapy, therapeutic, therapist
[어근]therap; 치료 ⑵ ist; ~하는 사람

truthfully [부사] [레마] true
[본문] It also suggests speaking truthfully, listening intently - that means giving all your attention to what's being said - and aiming for empathy.
[영한] ⒨ 정직하게, 참되게.
[파생] truthful, truthfully, truthfulness, truth
[어근]tru(true); true ⑵ th; 추상 명사어미 ⑶ ful; 형용사어미 ⑷ ly; 부사어미

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[BBC 영어단어 공부] 6 Minute English; Is it good to disagree?

[다음 글] https://softca.tistory.com/168


[BBC 영어 숙어/구동사 어휘] 6 Minute English; Is it good to disagree?

[BBC 영어 숙어/구동사 어휘] 6 Minute English; Is it good to disagree? 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다. 이 블로그에는 [BBC 6분 영어와 관련..


[지난 주] https://softca.tistory.com/163


[6분 영어]로 구동사(Phrasal Verb) 및 숙어(Idiom) 공부하기 - The benefits of low emission zones [BBC Learning English]

[6분 영어]로 구동사(Phrasal Verb) 및 숙어(Idiom) 공부하기 - The benefits of low emission zones [BBC Learning English] 어느 영국 도시가 최근 영국 내에서 첫번째 네트제로 도시가 되겠다고 선언했는데요..


