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[영어숙어 및 구동사] 6 Minute English - Rhetoric: How persuasive are you? [BBC Learning English 강좌]



BBC 6 Minute English의 금주 주제인 Rhetoric: How persuasive are you?은 개략적으로 다음의 개요를 갖고 있습니다.

수사학은 고대 그리스 철학자들과 함께 시작되었습니다. 나중에 로마 공화국 동안 정치인과 정치가는 광장에서 군중 앞에서 연설을 할 때 수사학을 사용했습니다. 현대 정치인들은 트위터를 선호하지만 여전히 설득력 있는 언어를 사용합니다. Sam과 Neil은 주제에 대해 토론하고 관련 어휘를 가르칩니다.(The art of rhetoric started with the ancient Greek philosophers. Later, during the Roman republic, politicians and statesmen used rhetoric in speeches given to crowds in the public square. Modern politicians may prefer Twitter, but they still use persuasive language. Sam and Neil discuss the topic and teach you related vocabulary.)

다음은 금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.


add to [동사] [구동사]
[본문] [36]It's hard to analyse the argument or reasoning of a tweet, 'cos 280 characters is not a way for me to lay out a logical argument with a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion, it's much easier to just use a two-word phrase or a hashtag that usually ends up adding to that kind of polemical division between my side and their side.
[영영] to increase the size, amount, number, etc. of something

agree with [동사] [6Rank; 217] [구동사]
[본문] [46]In fact, argumentum ad baculum means the argument with a stick, or in other words, hitting somebody with a stick until they agree with you!
[영영] ① (about/on something) to have the same opinion as somebody
② to make somebody feel happy or healthy
③ to approve of something, especially a policy or a belief
[영한] ~에 동의하다

ask for [동사] [6Rank; 218] [구동사]
[본문] [43]Yes, in my question I asked Sam for the meaning of term, argumentum ad baculum.
[영영] ① (ask somebody for something) to say that you want somebody to give you something
② (informal) if somebody is asking for trouble or asking for it, they are behaving in a way that is likely to cause something bad to happen to them
③ {ask for something) to say that you want to speak to somebody or be directed to a place
[영한] ① (누구를 만나거나 어디를 가기 위해) ~에 대해 묻다[~를 찾다] ② …을 찾아오다 ③ (물건을) 청하다, 청구하다 ④ 필요로 하다
[유의어] request(청하다), invite(불러들이다)

at once [부사] [6Rank; 249] [전치사명사구]
[본문] [53]But there's no arguing the fact that once again our six minutes are up!
[영한] ① 즉시[당장/지체 없이] ② 동시에[한꺼번에]
[유의어] simultaneously(동시에), immediately(즉각), straight away(즉시)

base on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 80] [구동사]
[본문] [19]a) an argument based on logic b) an argument based on emotion or c) an argument based on the stick?
[영영] to use an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. as the point from which something can be developed
[영한] ① ~에 근거[기반]를 두다 ② …에 기초를 두다

bring together [동사] [6Rank; 405] [구동사]
[본문] [30]As well as persuading people, Sam Tatum says rhetoric can be used to rally - to bring people together in support of a common goal.
[영영] 1.to collect a group of people or objects together in one place
[영한] ① …을 긁어 모으다, 묶다, 합치다 ② …을 접촉[재회, 화해]시키다

common ground [명사] [6Rank; 1387]
[본문] [41]If you believe passionately in something, you need to explain it to people in a way they understand, and in ancient times rhetoric also meant building bridges between people and finding common ground.
[영한] 공통되는 기반, 공통점

end up [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 104] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [36]It's hard to analyse the argument or reasoning of a tweet, 'cos 280 characters is not a way for me to lay out a logical argument with a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion, it's much easier to just use a two-word phrase or a hashtag that usually ends up adding to that kind of polemical division between my side and their side.
[영영] to reach or come to a particular place or situation that you did not expect or intend to be in
[영한] 결국 (어떤 처지에) 처하게 되다

in support of [부사] [6Rank; 794]
[본문] [30]As well as persuading people, Sam Tatum says rhetoric can be used to rally - to bring people together in support of a common goal.
[영한] …을 지지[옹호]하여

lay out [동사]
[본문] [36]It's hard to analyse the argument or reasoning of a tweet, 'cos 280 characters is not a way for me to lay out a logical argument with a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion, it's much easier to just use a two-word phrase or a hashtag that usually ends up adding to that kind of polemical division between my side and their side.
[영영] ① to prepare (someone's dead body) so that it can be seen by family and friends before it is buried
② 【informal] lay (someone) out or lay out (someone)] to make (someone) unconscious; to knock (someone) out
③ to place (something) on a surface in a carefully arranged way
[영한] ① 펼치다 ② 투자하다 ③ 질책하다 ④ 때려 눕히다 ⑤ 설계[계획]하다 ⑥ ~를 (기절하도록) 때려눕히다 ⑦ (시신을) 매장 준비를 하다[염을 하다]
[유의어] arrange, spend, contribute, reprimand, plan, knock down, extend at length, (autoLink search=

start with [동사] [6Rank; 18] [구동사]
[본문] [11]The art of rhetoric started with the ancient Greek philosophers.
[영한] …와 함께 출발하다.



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