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6 Minute English

6 Minute English 영어단어공부 - Body language online [BBC Learning English 강좌]



The coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of people worldwide to get used to meeting others only through a computer screen. But how can we make these meetings feel more natural? That's what Neil and Sam discuss, as they teach you related vocabulary.

코로나바이러스 펜데믹은 세계적으로 수백만 명의 사람들에게 단지 컴퓨터 화면만을 통하여 다른 사람들을 만나는 것에 익숙해 지도록 강요해 오고 있습니다. 그런데, 우리는 이러한 만남들이 어떻게 좀더 자연스러워지도록 만들 수 있습니까? 그것은 [그들이 당신에게 관련된 어휘를 가르치면서] 닐과 샘이 논의하는 것입니다.

이것은 이번 주제의 주요 내용입니다. 영어 단어를 공부할 때 스토리와 함께 공부하면 크게 도움이 됩니다. 다음은 이번 주에 수록된 주요 단어 목록들입니다.





accessibility [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] access < cede(가다)
[본문] [29]Practise what I call the five-second rule - wait five seconds before speaking to make sure that individuals have time to process the ideas, especially if there may be technology or accessibility issues.
[영영] accessibil + ity
[영한] ⒨ 접근 (가능성), 접근하기 쉬움, 이해하기 쉬움
[파생] accessibility, accessible, accessibleness, accessibly, access
[어근]ac(ad); to ⑵ cess(cede); go, move, withdraw ⑶ ibil(able); ~할 수 있는(형용사어미) ⑷ ity; 명사 어미

altogether [부사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 3838] [★★] [레마] together
[본문] [35]Do you think it's killing off people laughing and smiling in the way we do when we're altogether in the live situation?
[영영] You use altogether to emphasize that something has stopped, been done, or finished completely.
[영한] ⒨ ① 완전히, 전적으로 ② 모두 합쳐, 총 ③ 전체적으로 보아, 대체로
[유의어] entirely(전혀)
[구성단어] all + together

brainstorm [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] brain
[본문] [27]Remember when it was completely normal to have a one-minute pause in a room with one another because we knew when we're thinking and brainstorming.
[영영] If a group of people brainstorm, they have a meeting in which they all put forward as many ideas and suggestions as they can think of.
[영한] ⒨ ① 브레인스토밍을 하다. ② 를 브레인스토밍에 회부하다.
[활용] brainstormed brainstormed brainstorming brainstorms
<명사> ① (발작적) 정신 착란 ② 영감, 인스피레이션 ③ 유의어 BRAINSTORMING <형용사> 브레인스토밍의.
[구성단어] brain + storm

chat [동사] [Oxf3] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] chat
[본문] [42]She also thinks it's important to make time for employees to chat informally about things unrelated to work - their weekend plans or last night's TV show.
[영영] When people chat, they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way.
[영한] ⒨ ① 담소[이야기]를 나누다, 수다를 떨다 ② (인터넷으로) 채팅[대화]하다
[첫뜻] talk idly, babble
[활용] chatted, chatted, chatting, chats
[파생] chattily, chattiness, chatty, chat
[유의어] gas
<명사> ① (친구 사이의) 담소, 수다 ② (격식을 차리지 않은) 이야기, 대화
[어근] chatter; 새소리, twitter, chirp

classmate [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] class
[본문] [48]It was a good guess, Sam, but the correct answer is b - she copied the body language of her cool teenage classmates, so probably lots of rolled eyes and slouching!
[영영] Your classmates are students who are in the same class as you at school or college.
[영한] ⒨ 급우, 반 친구
[활용] 복수형; classmates
[구성단어] class + mate

communicator [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] communicate < commun(보통의)
[본문] [14]So how did Erica beat her shyness and become the confident communicator she is today?
[영영] communicate + or
[영한] ⒨ (자기) 의사를 전달하는 사람, 전달자
[활용] 복수형; communicators
[파생] communicate, communication, communicative, communicator, communicatory
[어근]commun; 보통의, 공공의, common ⑵ ic; 형용사어미 ⑶ at(ate); 동사어미 ⑷ or; 명사 어미





conquer [동사] [Oxf5] [R; 5001+] [★★] [레마] conquer < quer
[본문] [46]Ah yes, Neil, in your quiz question you asked how Erica conquered her shyness at school.
[영영] If one country or group of people conquers another, they take complete control of their land.
[영한] ⒨ ① (다른 나라나 민족을) 정복하다 ② (시합/경주 등에서) 이기다[물리치다] ③ (다루기 힘든 것을) 정복하다[극복하다] ④ 대단히 유명해지다[성공하다], 정복하다
[활용] conquered, conquered, conquering, conquers
[파생] conquer, conquerable, conquerableness, conquering, conqueror, conquest
[유의어] make a conquest(정복하다), make a conquest of(꾀어 정복하다)
[어근]con(com); intens. ⑵ quer; seek, acquire

cooler [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] cool
[본문] [39]One of the ways we can overcome this is by creating intentional moments in our meetings for the water cooler effect.
[영한] ⒨ ① (특히 음료수용) 냉장고[냉장 박스] ② 쿨러(보통 포도주를 넣고 얼음을 띄운 음료)
[활용] 복수형; coolers
[어근]cool; 시원한, cool ⑵ er; 접미어

distract [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 4548] [★★] [레마] distract < tract(끌다)
[본문] [38]When it comes to screen delays, the fact that it's not natural to see our own camera - being distracted by that - we are much less likely to laugh and smile.
[영영] If something distracts you or your attention from something, it takes your attention away from it.
[영한] ⒨ (정신이) 집중이 안 되게[산만하게/산란하게] 하다, (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다
[첫뜻] to turn or draw (a person, the mind) aside or away from any object; divert (the attention) from any point toward another point
[활용] distracted, distracted, distracting, distracts
[파생] distractable, distracter, distractibility, distractible, distracting, distractingly, distraction, distractive, distractively, distract
[유의어] divert
[어근]dis; apart ⑵ tract; to draw, pull

face-to-face [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] face
[본문] [5]When Neil and I record 6 Minute English face-to-face in the BBC Learning English studio which, I am happy to say, we are doing right now, we look at each other as we speak.
[영영] within each other's sight or presence
[영한] ⒨ (…과) 마주 보고, 마주앉아 , 직면하여
<형용사> 마주보는, 대면하는
[구성단어] face + to + face

face-to-face [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] face
[본문] [22]In face-to-face meetings, we immediately see someone's reaction to what we've said through eye contact, where two people look into each other's eyes as they talk.
[영한] ⒨ 마주보는, 대면하는
<부사> (…과) 마주 보고, 마주앉아 , 직면하여
[구성단어] face + to + face

fountain [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] fountain
[본문] [43]And she uses the expression, the water cooler effect which comes from the United States where office workers sometimes meet at the water fountain to chat.
[영영] A fountain is an ornamental feature in a pool or lake which consists of a long narrow stream of water that is forced up into the air by a pump.
[영한] ⒨ ① 분수 ② 분수처럼 뿜어져 나오는 것 ③ (무엇의) 원천
[첫뜻] spring of water that collects in a pool
[활용] 복수형; fountains
[파생] fountained, fountainless, fountain-like, fountain
[어근]founta(font); 분수, spring ⑵ in; ~에 속함(명사어미)





gesture [명사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2994] [★★] [레마] gest
[본문] [6]We smile and use hand gestures and facial expressions in a type of communication called body language.
[영영] A gesture is a movement that you make with a part of your body, especially your hands, to express emotion or information.
[영한] ⒨ ① 몸짓, 제스처 ② (특정한 감정의도의) 표시[표현]
[첫뜻] manner of carrying the body
[활용] 복수형; gestures
[파생] gestural, gesturer, gesture
[유의어] motion
<동사> (손머리얼굴 등으로) 가리키다[나타내다], 손짓[몸짓]을 하다
[어근]gest; 나르다, carry ⑵ ure; 명사 어미

informally [부사] [R; 5001+] [레마] inform < form
[본문] [42]She also thinks it's important to make time for employees to chat informally about things unrelated to work - their weekend plans or last night's TV show.
[영한] ⒨ ① 비공식으로, 약식으로 ② 형식에 구애되지 않고 ③ 구어(口語)로
[파생] informality, informally, informal
[어근]in; not ⑵ form; 형태, shape ⑶ al; 형용사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

intentional [형용사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] intent < tent
[본문] [39]One of the ways we can overcome this is by creating intentional moments in our meetings for the water cooler effect.
[영영] Something that is intentional is deliberate.
[영한] ⒨ 의도적인, 고의로 한
[파생] intend, intention, intentional, intentionality, intentionally
[유의어] deliberate, intended, designed(고의故意이다)
[반의어] unintentional
[어근]in; in, at ⑵ tent(tend); stretch ⑶ ion(ation); 명사어미 ⑷ al; 형용사 어미

mute [명사] [R; 5001+] [★] [레마] mute
[본문] [28]If we don't hear someone speak on video, we ask them if they're on mute.
[영한] ⒨ ① (음악) (악기 소리를 더 부드럽게 하는) 약음기 ② (구식) 벙어리
[첫뜻] person who does not speak
[파생] mutely, muteness, mute
<동사> ① (약음기 등을 써서 특히 악기의) 소리를 줄이다[작게 하다] ② 약화[완화]하다 <형용사> ① 무언의, 말없는 ② (구식) (사람이) 말을 못하는, 벙어리의
[어원] mutus(Latin), silent, speechless, dumb

non-verbal [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] verb
[본문] [49]OK, let's recap the vocabulary from this programme about online body language - non-verbal ways of communicating using the body.
[영영] Non-verbal communication consists of things such as the expression on your face, your arm movements, or your tone of voice, which show how you feel about something without using words.
[영한] ⒨ 말로 하지 않는, 비언어적인
[어근]non; 아님(不, 無, 非) ⑵ verb; 단어, word, verb ⑶ al; 형용사 어미

one-minute [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] minute
[본문] [27]Remember when it was completely normal to have a one-minute pause in a room with one another because we knew when we're thinking and brainstorming.
[영한] ⒨ (미) 1분 담화
[구성단어] one + minute

overcome [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2730] [★★] [레마] come
[본문] [39]One of the ways we can overcome this is by creating intentional moments in our meetings for the water cooler effect.
[영한] ⒨ ① 극복하다 ② (남을) 이기다 ③ (… 때문에) 꼼짝 못하게 되다, 압도당하다
[활용] overcame, overcome, overcoming, overcomes
[파생] overcomer, overcome
[유의어] overwhelm(압도당하다), surmount(극복하다), get over
[어근]over; 너무, over ⑵ come;





pause [동사] [Oxf5] [Rank; 2801] [★★] [레마] pause
[본문] [27]Remember when it was completely normal to have a one-minute pause in a room with one another because we knew when we're thinking and brainstorming.
[영영] If you pause while you are doing something, you stop for a short period and then continue.
[영한] ⒨ ① (말/일을 하다가) 잠시 멈추다 ② (정지 버튼을 눌러 테이프/시디 등을) 정지시키다
[첫뜻] make a temporary stop or intermission
[활용] paused, paused, pausing, pauses
[파생] pausal, pauseless, pauser, pausing, pause
<명사> ① (말/행동 등의) 멈춤 [휴지] ② (특히 음악) 늘임표 ③ (녹음기/시디플레이어 등의) 정지 버튼
[어근] pause(pose); 멈추다, 쉬다
[어원] pausa(Latin), [from Greek pausis] a halt, stop, cessation

rulebook [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] rule < regul
[본문] [11]We'll meet the person who wrote the rulebook for clear communication in the digital age - Erica Dhawan, author of a new book, 'Digital Body Language'.
[영영] A rule book is a book containing the official rules for a particular game, job, or organization.
[영한] ⒨ ① (취업) 규칙서. ② (경기 따위의) 규칙집(集). (또는 rule book)
[구성단어] rule + book

schoolday [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] school
[본문] [45]Erica Dhawan seems very comfortable communicating online, but she's had lots of time to practice since her schooldays.
[영한] ⒨ ① 수업일 ② (지난 날의) 학교[학생] 시절
[활용] 복수형; schooldays
[어근]school(schola); 학문, student ⑵ day; 하루, day

schoolgirl [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] girl
[본문] [13]She may be a communications expert now, but growing up in Pennsylvania she was a shy and quiet schoolgirl.
[영영] A schoolgirl is a girl who goes to school.
[영한] ⒨ 여학생
[구성단어] school + girl

shy [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4455] [★★] [레마] shy
[본문] [13]She may be a communications expert now, but growing up in Pennsylvania she was a shy and quiet schoolgirl.
[영영] ① A shy person is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people.
② If you are shy of doing something, you are unwilling to do it because you are afraid of what might happen.
[영한] ⒨ ① (사람이) 수줍음[부끄럼]을 많이 타는, 수줍어[부끄러워]하는 유의어 timid ② (태도 등이) 수줍은[부끄러워하는] (듯한) ③ (동물이) 겁이 많은, 사람들 옆에 잘 안 오는 ④ …을 두려워하는[꺼리는] ⑤ (필요한 양이) 못 되는, 부족한 ⑥ …을 피하는[좋아하지 않는]
[첫뜻] timid, easily startled, shrinking from contact with others
[활용] 비교; shy < shyer shier < shyest shiest
[파생] shyer, shyly, shyness, shy
[유의어] timid, reserved
<명사> 뒷걸음질, (말이) 뛰어 물러남 <동사> (특히 말이) 겁을 먹다, 주춤하다 참조 coconut shy
[어원] sceoh(Old English), timid, easily startled, shrinking from contact with others(소심한, 쉽게 놀라는, 다른 사람과 만나면 위축되는)

shyness [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] shy
[본문] [14]So how did Erica beat her shyness and become the confident communicator she is today?
[영영] shy + ness
[영한] ⒨ 수줍음, 숫기 없음, 겁 많음
[파생] shyer, shyly, shyness, shy
[어근]shy; 수줍은, shy ⑵ ness; 명사 어미

slouch [동사] [R; 5001+] [레마] slouch
[본문] [48]It was a good guess, Sam, but the correct answer is b - she copied the body language of her cool teenage classmates, so probably lots of rolled eyes and slouching!
[영영] If someone slouches, they sit or stand with their shoulders and head bent so they look lazy and unattractive.
[영한] ⒨ (게으르게) 구부정하니 서다[앉다/움직이다]
[첫뜻] walk with a slouch
[활용] slouched slouched slouching slouches
[파생] sloucher, slouching, slouchingly, slouch
<명사> 구부정한[축 늘어진 듯한] 자세
[어원] slokr(Old Norse), lazy fellow




suggestion [명사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2530] [★★] [레마] suggest < gest
[본문] [24]Erica Dhawan makes several suggestions to help with this.
[영영] If you make a suggestion, you put forward an idea or plan for someone to think about.
[영한] ⒨ ① 제안, 제의, 의견 ② (특히 좋지 않은 일에 대한) 시사[암시] ③ 기미, 기색 ④ 연상
[활용] 복수형; suggestions
[파생] suggest, suggester, suggestible, suggestion, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness
[유의어] hint(암시), trace(기미)
<동사> ① 제안, 제의, 의견 ② (특히 좋지 않은 일에 대한) 시사[암시] 유의어 hint ③ 기미, 기색 유의어 trace
[어근]sur(sub); 접두어 ⑵ gest; carry ⑶ ion(ation); 명사 어미

teenage [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 3905] [★★] [레마] teen
[본문] [48]It was a good guess, Sam, but the correct answer is b - she copied the body language of her cool teenage classmates, so probably lots of rolled eyes and slouching!
[영영] Teenage children are aged between thirteen and nineteen years old.
[영한] ⒨ 십대의(13~19세의 나이나 그 연령대의 사람들을 가리킴)
[첫뜻] teen age, teen-age
<명사> 10대, 청소년기(보통 teen age로 씀).
[어근]teen; 열, 10, ten ⑵ age(aev); 시대, age

unfortunately [부사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 2032] [★★] [레마] unfortunate < fortune
[본문] [23]unfortunately, using a web camera to make eye contact is almost impossible in online meetings and this often creates a kind of 'distancing' effect.
[영영] ADV] You can use unfortunately to introduce or refer to a statement when you consider that it is sad or disappointing, or when you want to express regret.
[영한] ⒨ 불행하게도, 유감스럽게도
[파생] unfortunately, unfortunateness, unfortunate
[유의어] regrettably
[반의어] fortunately
[어근]un; 아님(不) ⑵ fortun(fort); 기회 ⑶ ate; 동사 어미 ⑷ ly; 부사 어미

unison [명사] [R; 5001+] [레마] unison < son-(소리)
[본문] [37]Number one, laughing is often done in unison where we can quickly pick up the energy of someone smiling or laughing and feed off of that and laugh ourselves.
[영한] ⒨ ① 조화, 화합(harmony), 일치 ② 동음(同音) ③ (음악) 제창(齊唱), 제주(齊奏)
[첫뜻] note having the same pitch as another; identity in pitch of two or more sounds; interval between tones of the same pitch,
[활용] [U]
[어근]uni; 하나의 ⑵ son; 음(音), sound
[어원] unisonus(Latin), [uni-+sonus, from Late Latin unisonius] having one sound, sounding the same

unrelated [형용사] [R; 5001+] [레마] relate
[본문] [42]She also thinks it's important to make time for employees to chat informally about things unrelated to work - their weekend plans or last night's TV show.
[영영] If one thing is unrelated to another, there is no connection between them. You can also say that two things are unrelated.
[파생] unrelatedness, unrelated
[유의어] unconnected(관계 없다)
[반의어] related(혈연관계가 아니다), related(동족이다)
[어근]un; 아님(不, 無), not ⑵ relate(relat); 관련되다, relate ⑶ d(ed); …을 가진

worldwide [형용사] [Oxf3] [Rank; 4505] [★★] [레마] world
[본문] [57]The coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of people worldwide to get used to meeting others only through a computer screen.
[영한] ⒨ 전 세계적인
[파생] worldly, worldwide, world
<부사> 전 세계에
[구성단어] world + wide




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