금주의 6 Minute English에 수록된 구동사, 숙어 등 여러 단어 어휘를 간단히 정리한 자료입니다.
a couple of [형용사] [6Rank; 132] [관사구]
[본문] [27]And, you know, after a couple of months, I was able to understand one full prayer that was said at a ceremony feast and the glee in me and the feeling of joy at being able to understand something in my own language, it was the most profound sense of confidence.
[영한] ⒨ ① 둘의, 두 사람의 ② 두서너 개의, 몇 개의, 몇 사람의
at risk [명사] [6Rank; 330]
[본문] [57]Some indigenous languages are at risk of disappearing and, when this happens, so does the culture it's linked to.
[영한] ⒨ 위험한 상태(손실위험에 노출되어 있는 상태)
<형용사> (~의) 위험이 있는[위험에 처한] <부사> 위험을 무릅쓰고.
at school [부사] [6Rank; 331]
[본문] [37]This meant that Mshkogaabwid's children spoke both English - at school - and Anishinaabemowin - at home.
[영한] ⒨ 취학중, 수업중
bring up [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 365]
[본문] [35]Bringing up her children to speak her indigenous language wasn't easy and Mshkogaabwid says there were some bumps in the road - small problems or delays that slowed down or stopped things from developing.
[영영] ① 1.to move something from a lower to a higher position She brought up her hand to protect her face.
② subject , matter
③ total
[영한] ⒨ ① (흔히 수동태로) (예의범절을 가르쳐 가며) ~를 기르다[양육하다] ② (법정에) 소환하다 ③ (화제를) 꺼내다 ④ 토하다, 게우다 ⑤ (컴퓨터 화면에) 띄우다
[유의어] raise
come out [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 101] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [26]When I realised that the sounds that were coming out of my mouth were the same sounds that had come out of my ancestors' mouths thousands of years ago I felt a deep sense of who I was and what it means to be Anishinaabemowbec and it made me realise that my dream of learning this language and passing it on to my children was now accessible, was now reachable, attainable.
[영영] 1.when the sun, moon or stars come out, they appear in the sky 2.when flowers come out, they open
[영한] ⒨ ① (해/달/별이) 나오다 ② (꽃이) 피다 ③ 생산[출간]되다 ④ (소식/진실 등이) 알려지다[드러나다] ⑤ (사진이) 잘 나오다
come out of [동사] [6Rank; 302] [구동사]
[본문] [26]When I realised that the sounds that were coming out of my mouth were the same sounds that had come out of my ancestors' mouths thousands of years ago I felt a deep sense of who I was and what it means to be Anishinaabemowbec and it made me realise that my dream of learning this language and passing it on to my children was now accessible, was now reachable, attainable.
[영영] ① to return to normal after a difficult time
② to result or develop from a process or an event
③ to be taken away from a total amount
[영한] ⒨ ~에서 (발전되어) 나오다
day care [명사]
[본문] [34]Being put back into day care, which she's only been there maybe a month, has really influences her English… so I notice she's speaking a lot of English and so that was a little bit rough for the family being an immersion home where we only speak Anishinaabemowin when in the home, for there to be so much English, and only recently, over the last week and a half, have we really noticed her switch and her shift back into using the language.
[영한] ⒨ 데이케어[주간 보호]
[활용] [U]
grow up [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 97] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [24]She grew up speaking English instead of her native language, Anishinaabemowin, which she only learned later, as an adult.
[영영] ① when a person grows up, they become an adult
② to spend the time you are a child in a particular place or in a particular way
③ (of a person) to develop into an adult. grow up to do something
[영한] ⒨ ① (사람이) 성장[장성]하다 ② 철이 들다(남에게 어리석은 짓을 그만두라고 말할 때 씀) ③ 서서히 생겨나다
listen to [동사] [6Rank; 18] [구동사]
[본문] [25]listen to Mshkogaabwid speaking with BBC World Service programme, The Conversation, about how she felt learning Anishinaabemowin later in life.
[영영] ① to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hear
② to take notice of what somebody says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them
[영한] ⒨ 귀를 기울이다
live on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 165] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [30]To pass something on means to give it to someone, usually in your family, who lives on after you die.
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 먹고 살다 ② ~을 많이 먹다[주식으로 하다] ③ (얼마의 돈으로 기본적인 것들을 해결하며) 먹고 살다 ④ 계속 살다[존재하다]
make up [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 110] [구동사]
[본문] [47]And what's amazing is that although indigenous peoples make up under 6% of the global population, they speak more than 4,000 of the world's languages.
[영영] ① to invent something, often in order to trick somebody
② make up something to form a particular part of something
③ make up something to put something together from several different things
[영한] ⒨ ① ~을 이루다[형성하다] ② (여러 가지를 모아서) ~을 만들다[구성하다] ③ (특히 남을 속이거나 즐겁게 하기 위해 이야기 등을) 지어[만들어] 내다 ④ (요구되는 수/양을) 채우다 ⑤ (잃어버린) ~을 대신하다, ~에 대해 보상하다
[유의어] constitute, fabricate(조작하다), constitute(구성하다), compose
pass on [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 290] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [26]When I realised that the sounds that were coming out of my mouth were the same sounds that had come out of my ancestors' mouths thousands of years ago I felt a deep sense of who I was and what it means to be Anishinaabemowbec and it made me realise that my dream of learning this language and passing it on to my children was now accessible, was now reachable, attainable.
[영영] ① to give something to somebody else, especially after receiving or using it yourself
② to give something that you have, such as a disease, a quality, etc. to somebody else
③ if a company, a shop/store, etc. passes on higher or lower costs to its customers, it makes them pay more or less for something
[영한] ⒨ (특히 자기도 남에게 받았거나 자기가 쓰던 것을) (~에게) 넘겨 주다[전달하다]
pass on to [동사]
[본문] [29]Although she didn't grow up speaking Anishinaabemowin she now wants to pass it on to her children.
[영영] to arrange for somebody else to help or deal with a particular person
[영한] ⒨ ① …로 전하다[옮기다]. ② (특히 자기도 남에게 받았거나 자기가 쓰던 것을) (~에게) 넘겨 주다[전달하다]
remind of [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 59] [★★] [구동사]
[본문] [42]Which reminds me of your quiz question, Neil.
[영영] ① if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something, they make you think of somebody/something because they are similar
② if somebody/something reminds you of somebody/something else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way
[영한] ⒨ ① (유사한 점 때문에) ~에게 ~을 생각[연상]하게 하다 ② …을 생각나게 하다. ③ 연상시키다
slow down [동사] [6Rank; 470] [구동사]
[본문] [35]Bringing up her children to speak her indigenous language wasn't easy and Mshkogaabwid says there were some bumps in the road - small problems or delays that slowed down or stopped things from developing.
[영영] ① to go, or to make somebody/something go, at a slower speed
② to be less active or develop more slowly; to make somebody/something do this
[영한] ⒨ 느긋해지다, [속도/진행]을 늦추다, (기력이) 쇠해지다, (노동자가) 태업하다
[유의어] decelerate(속도가 줄어들다)
talk about [동사] [6Rank; 1] [구동사]
[본문] [58]In this programme, Neil and Sam talk about a woman's effort to keep her language alive.
[영영] ① used to emphasize something
② to discuss
③ used informally and often ironically to add emphasis to a statement
[영한] ⒨ ① …에 대해 이야기하다. ② (강조의 뜻으로) …하기란[…하기가 말도 못한다]
turn out [동사] [Oxf5] [6Rank; 294] [구동사]
[본문] [31]Mshkogaabwid's decision to raise her children speaking Anishinaabemowin turned out to be the right one, as she explained to BBC World Service programme, The Conversation.
[영영] ① to be present at an event; to attend something or to go somewhere
② (used with an adverb, an adjective or in questions with) to take place or happen in the way mentioned; to develop or end in a particular way
③ to be discovered to be; to prove to be
[영한] ⒨ ① 모습을 드러내다[나타나다] ② (일/진행/결과가 특정 방식으로) 되다[되어 가다] ③ 바깥쪽으로 향하다 ④ …인 것으로 드러나다[밝혀지다]
[파생] turnout, turn out
[유의어] prove
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