ENGLISH ROOT WORD: fac, fact, -fect, fic from Latin facere, factus, ficus, facilis
【fac, fact, -fect, fic】 are a word-forming element
usually meaning "do, make"
from Latin "facere, factus, ficus, facilis"
from PIE *dhe- "to set, put"
[WORD ROOT]root fac
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] fac, fact, fash, feat, fect, face, feig, fein, fair, fit, fice, ficit, fiat
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) facere, factus, ficus, facilis
[MEANING]root do, make
- 【Latin】 facere [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
- 【Latin】 factus [pp of facere]
- 【Latin】 ficus ⑴making, doing; ⑵fig tree, fig
- 【Latin】 facilis [from facere] easy to do; pliant, courteous, yielding
affair, affect, affecting, affection, affectionate, affectionately, artefact, artifact, artifice, artificial, artificially, benefaction, benefactor, benefice, beneficiary, benefit, calefaction, calefactory, chafe, defeat, defect, defective, deficiency, deficient, deficit, difficult, difficulty, dissatisfaction, edifice, effect, effective, effectively, effectiveness, effects, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, face, facial, facile, facilely, facileness, facilitate, facility, fact, faction, factor, factory, facture, faculty, fashion, fashionable, fashioned, feat, feature, fiat, ineffective, inefficient, infect, infected, infection, infectious, insufficient, laissez-faire, manufacture, manufacturer, non-profit, perfect, perfection, perfectionist, perfectly, proficiency, proficient, profit, profitable, sacrifice, satisfaction, suffice, sufficient, sufficiently, surface, surficial
Please see the Word information in detail as follows;
affair [noun] from affair 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If an event or a series of events has been mentioned and you want to talk about it again, you can refer to it as the affair.
【pl.】 affairs
【SYNONYM】 business, matter
【ROOTs】 ⑴ af(ad); to, toward ⑵ fair(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 what one has to do, ordinary business
affect [verb] from affect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If something affects a person or thing, it influences them or causes them to change in some way.
【Declension/Conjugation】 affected, affected, affecting, affects
【SYNONYM】 put on, impact, bear upon, make an impact on
【ROOTs】 ⑴ af(ad); to, toward ⑵ fect(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin afficere》 [ad+facere] to do; treat, use, manage, handle; act on, do something to; attack with disease; have influence on, apply force to
【First Known Meaning】 ① to make a mental impression on ② to make a pretense of
【DERIVATIVEs】 affect, affectability, affectable, affectation, affection, affectional, affectionate, affectionless, affective
affecting [adjective] from affect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If you describe something such as a story or a piece of music as affecting, you think it is good because it makes you feel a strong emotion, especially sadness or pity.
【COMPOSITION】 affect + ing
【ROOTs】 ⑴ af(ad); to, toward ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ing; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin afficere》 [ad+facere] to do; treat, use, manage, handle; act on, do something to; attack with disease; have influence on, apply force to
【DERIVATIVEs】 affectingly, affecting
affection [noun] from affect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If you regard someone or something with affection, you like them and are fond of them.
【pl.】 affections
【ROOTs】 ⑴ af(ad); to, toward ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin afficere》 [ad+facere] to do; treat, use, manage, handle; act on, do something to; attack with disease; have influence on, apply force to
【First Known Meaning】 desire, inclination, wish, intention
【DERIVATIVEs】 affect, affectability, affectable, affectation, affection, affectional, affectionate, affectionately, affectionateness, affectionless, affective
affectionate [adjective] from affect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 feeling or showing love and affection
【SYNONYM】 loving, fond
【COMPOSITION】 affection + ate
【ROOTs】 ⑴ af(ad); to, toward ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix ⑷ ate; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin afficere》 [ad+facere] to do; treat, use, manage, handle; act on, do something to; attack with disease; have influence on, apply force to
【DERIVATIVEs】 affect, affection, affectional, affectionate, affectionately, affectionateness, affectionless
affectionately [adverb] from affect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 affectionate + ly
【COMPOSITION】 affectionate + ly
【ROOTs】 ⑴ af(ad); to, toward ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix ⑷ ate; adjective suffix ⑸ ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin afficere》 [ad+facere] to do; treat, use, manage, handle; act on, do something to; attack with disease; have influence on, apply force to
【DERIVATIVEs】 affectionate, affectionately, affectionateness, affection
artefact [noun] from fact
【DEFINITION】 An artefact is an ornament, tool, or other object that is made by a human being, especially one that is historically or culturally interesting.
【pl.】 artefacts
【SYNONYM】 artifact
【ROOTs】 ⑴ arte(art); art, skill ⑵ fact(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
artifact [noun] from artifact 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 ① a simple object (such as a tool or weapon) that was made by people in the past
② a false or inaccurate result or effect that is produced accidentally
③ usually + of
【SYNONYM】 artefact
【ROOTs】 ⑴ art; art, skill ⑵ i; - ⑶ fact(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 artificial production, anything made or modified by human art,
artifice [noun] from artifice 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 Artifice is the clever use of tricks and devices.
【pl.】 artifices
【SYNONYM】 cunning, sleight
【ROOTs】 ⑴ art; art, skill ⑵ i; - ⑶ fice(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 workmanship, the making of something by craft or skill
【DERIVATIVEs】 artifice, artificiality, artificialize, artificially, artificialness, artificial
artificial [adjective] from artifice 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 Artificial objects, materials, or processes do not occur naturally and are created by human beings, for example using science or technology.
【SYNONYM】 fake, false, man-made
【ROOTs】 ⑴ art; art, skill ⑵ i; - ⑶ fic(fac); do, make ⑷ ial(al); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 not natural or spontaneous
【DERIVATIVEs】 artifice, artificiality, artificialize, artificially, artificialness, artificial
artificially [adverb] from artifice 〈 face
【COMPOSITION】 artificial + ly
【ROOTs】 ⑴ art; art, skill ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ial(al); adjective suffix ⑷ ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 artifice, artificiality, artificialize, artificially, artificialness, artificial
benefaction [noun] from benefactor 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 the act of doing good, esp by giving a donation to charity
【pl.】 benefactions
【COMPOSITION】 indispensable + century
【ROOTs】 ⑴ bene; good, well ⑵ fact(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
benefactor [noun] from benefactor 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A benefactor is a person who helps a person or organization by giving them money.
【pl.】 benefactors
【ROOTs】 ⑴ bene; good, well ⑵ fact(fac); do, make ⑶ or; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 one who confers a benefit, a kindly helper,
benefice [noun] from benefice 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 an endowed Church office yielding an income to its holder; a Church living
【SYNONYM】 living
【ROOTs】 ⑴ bene; good, well ⑵ fice(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 a church living, church office endowed with a revenue
beneficiary [noun] from benefice 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 Someone who is a beneficiary of something is helped by it.
【pl.】 beneficiaries
【ROOTs】 ⑴ bene; good, well ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ i(y); - ⑷ ary; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 one who receives profits or advantages
benefit [noun] from benefice 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 The benefit of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results from it.
【pl.】 benefits
【SYNONYM】 value
【ROOTs】 ⑴ bene; good, well ⑵ fit(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 good or noble deed; helpful or friendly action
【DERIVATIVEs】 beneficial, beneficially, beneficialness, benefiter, benefit
calefaction [noun] from calefaction 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 (rare) the process of heating or warming.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cale; heat, be warm ⑵ fact(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin calefactio》
calefactory [adjective] from calefaction 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 giving warmth
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cale; heat ⑵ fact(fac); do, make ⑶ ory; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin calefactio》
chafe [verb] from chafe 〈 fact
【ROOTs】 ⑴ cale; heat ⑵ fact(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin calefacere》 [calere+facere] to make hot, make warm
【First Known Meaning】 be provoked, grow or be excited
defeat [verb] from defeat 〈 feat
【DEFINITION】 If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle, game, or contest.
【Declension/Conjugation】 defeated, defeated, defeating, defeats
【SYNONYM】 beat
【ROOTs】 ⑴ de(dis); away, spart, aside ⑵ feat(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin disfacere》 dis+facere; undo
【First Known Meaning】 overcome (with sorrow or anger)
【DERIVATIVEs】 defeater, defeat
defect [noun] from defect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A defect is a fault or imperfection in a person or thing.
【pl.】 defects
【SYNONYM】 flaw, fault
【ROOTs】 ⑴ de; down, under ⑵ fect(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin defectus》 [noun use of past participle of deficere〈=de+facere〉] failure, revolt, falling away
【First Known Meaning】 want or lack of anything,
【DERIVATIVEs】 defect, defection, defective, defectively, defectiveness, defector
defective [adjective] from defect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If something is defective, there is something wrong with it and it does not work properly.
【SYNONYM】 faulty
【COMPOSITION】 defect + Ive
【ROOTs】 ⑴ de; down, under ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ive; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin defectus》 [noun use of past participle of deficere〈=de+facere〉] failure, revolt, falling away
【DERIVATIVEs】 defect, defection, defective, defectively, defectiveness, defector
deficiency [noun] from deficit 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Deficiency in something, especially something that your body needs, is not having enough of it.
【pl.】 deficiencies
【SYNONYM】 shortage
【COMPOSITION】 deficient + y
【ROOTs】 ⑴ de; down, under ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ iency(ance); noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin deficit》 [3rd person singular present indicative of deficere《=de+facere》] it is wanting, it is lacking
【First Known Meaning】 state of falling short, a lack or failing
【DERIVATIVEs】 deficiency, deficient, deficiently, deficit
deficient [adjective] from deficit 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If someone or something is deficient in a particular thing, they do not have the full amount of it that they need in order to function normally or work properly.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ de; down, under ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ient(ant); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin deficit》 [3rd person singular present indicative of deficere《=de+facere》] it is wanting, it is lacking
【First Known Meaning】 lacking, wanting, incomplete;
【DERIVATIVEs】 deficiency, deficient, deficiently, deficit
deficit [noun] from deficit 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A deficit is the amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, especially the amount by which the total money received is less than the total money spent.
【pl.】 deficits
【SYNONYM】 shortfall
【ROOTs】 ⑴ de; down, under ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ it; -
【Etymology】 《Latin deficit》 [3rd person singular present indicative of deficere《=de+facere》] it is wanting, it is lacking
【First Known Meaning】 a falling short or failure in amount
【DERIVATIVEs】 deficiency, deficient, deficiently, deficit
difficult [adjective] from difficult 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 Something that is difficult is not easy to do, understand, or deal with.
【SYNONYM】 awkward
【ROOTs】 ⑴ dif(dis); away, spart ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ult(ile); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin difficilis》 [dis+facilis] hard
【First Known Meaning】 not easy, requiring or dependent on effort; troublesome, arduous
【DERIVATIVEs】 difficult, difficultly, difficulty
difficulty [noun] from difficult 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 A difficulty is a problem.
【pl.】 difficulties
【ROOTs】 ⑴ dif(dis); away, spart ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ult(ile); adjective suffix ⑷ y(ly); suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin difficultas》 [nominative of difficultatem, from difficilis] difficulty, distress, poverty
【First Known Meaning】 want of easiness, that quality which makes something laborious or perplexing
【DERIVATIVEs】 difficult, difficultly, difficulty
dissatisfaction [noun] from dissatisfy 〈 sati
【DEFINITION】 If you feel dissatisfaction with something, you are not contented or pleased with it.
【COMPOSITION】 dis + satisfaction
【ROOTs】 ⑴ dis; prefix ⑵ satis(sati); enough ⑶ fact(fac); do, make ⑷ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin satis》 enough
【DERIVATIVEs】 dissatisfaction, dissatisfy
edifice [noun] from edifice 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 An edifice is a large and impressive building.
【pl.】 edifices
【ROOTs】 ⑴ edi(aedi); building ⑵ fice(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 building
【DERIVATIVEs】 edificial, edifice
effect [noun] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing.
【pl.】 effects
【SYNONYM】 belongings
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fect(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【First Known Meaning】 execution or completion (of an act)
【DERIVATIVEs】 effect, effecter, effectible, effective, effectively, effectiveness, effectivity, effectual, efficiency, efficient, efficiently
effective [adjective] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Something that is effective works well and produces the results that were intended.
【ANTONYM】 ineffective
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ive; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【DERIVATIVEs】 effect, effecter, effectible, effective, effectively, effectiveness, effectivity, effectual, efficient
effectively [adverb] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 You use effectively with a statement or opinion to indicate that it is not accurate in every detail, but that you feel it is a reasonable description or summary of a particular situation.
【ANTONYM】 ineffectively
【COMPOSITION】 effective + ly
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ive; adjective suffix ⑷ ly; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【DERIVATIVEs】 effect, effective, effectively, effectiveness, effectivity
effectiveness [noun] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 effective + ness
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ive; adjective suffix ⑷ ness; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【DERIVATIVEs】 effect, effective, effectively, effectiveness, effectivity
effects [noun] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Also called : personal effects personal property or belongings
【SYNONYM】 goods, movables, personal property
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ s; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
efficiency [noun] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Efficiency is the quality of being able to do a task successfully, without wasting time or energy.
【pl.】 efficiencies
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ iency(ance); noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【First Known Meaning】 power to accomplish something,
【DERIVATIVEs】 efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effect
efficient [adjective] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If something or someone is efficient, they are able to do tasks successfully, without wasting time or energy.
【ANTONYM】 inefficient
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ient(ant); suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【First Known Meaning】 making, producing immediate effect, active, effective,
【DERIVATIVEs】 effect, effecter, effectible, effective, effectual, efficiency, efficient, efficiently
efficiently [adverb] from effect 〈 fact
【ROOTs】 ⑴ ef(ex); out, out of ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ient(ant); adjective suffix ⑷ ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【DERIVATIVEs】 efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effect
face [noun] from face
【DEFINITION】 ① Your face is the front part of your head from your chin to the top of your forehead, where your mouth, eyes, nose, and other features are.
② If your face is happy, sad, or serious, for example, the expression on your face shows that you are happy, sad, or serious.
③ The face of a cliff, mountain, or building is a vertical surface or side of it.
【pl.】 faces
【ROOTs】 face(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 the human face, facial appearance
【DERIVATIVEs】 face, faceable, facial, facially
facial [adjective] from face
【DEFINITION】 Facial means appearing on or being part of your face.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fac; do, make ⑵ ial(al); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 face to face
【DERIVATIVEs】 face, faceable, facial, facially
facile [adjective] from facile 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 If you describe someone's arguments or suggestions as facile, you are criticizing them because their ideas are too simple and indicate a lack of careful, intelligent thinking.
【SYNONYM】 glib
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fac; do, make ⑵ ile; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 easy to do,
【DERIVATIVEs】 facile, facilely, facileness, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facility
facilely [adverb] from facile 〈 face
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fac; do, make ⑵ ile; adjective suffix ⑶ ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 facile, facilely, facileness, facilitate, facility
facileness [noun] from facile 〈 face
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fac; do, make ⑵ ile; adjective suffix ⑶ ness; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 facile, facilely, facileness, facilitate, facility
facilitate [verb] from facile 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen.
【Declension/Conjugation】 facilitated facilitated facilitating facilitates
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fac; easy to do, ⑵ il(ile); adjective suffix ⑶ it(ity); noun suffix ⑷ ate; verb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 facile, facilely, facileness, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facility
facility [noun] from facile 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 Facilities are buildings, pieces of equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose.
【pl.】 facilities
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fac; do, make ⑵ il(ile); adjective suffix ⑶ ity; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 facile, facilely, facileness, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facility
fact [noun] from fact
【DEFINITION】 When you refer to something as a fact or as fact, you mean that you think it is true or correct.
【pl.】 facts
【ROOTs】 fact(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 action, anything done
【DERIVATIVEs】 factful, factual, fact
faction [noun] from faction 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas.
【pl.】 factions
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fact(fac); do, make ⑵ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin factio》 from facere; a making or doing, a preparing
【DERIVATIVEs】 factional, factionalism, factionalist, factious, faction
factor [noun] from factor 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A factor is one of the things that affects an event, decision, or situation.
【pl.】 factors
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fact(fac); do, make ⑵ or; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 commercial agent, deputy, one who buys or sells for another
【DERIVATIVEs】 factorability, factorable, factorial, factorize, factorship, factor
factory [noun] from factory 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A factory is a large building where machines are used to make large quantities of goods.
【pl.】 factories
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fact(fac); do, make ⑵ ory; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin factor》 pp of facere; doer, maker
【First Known Meaning】 estate manager's office
【DERIVATIVEs】 factorylike, factory-like, factory
facture [noun] from fact
【DEFINITION】 ① construction
② the manner in which something (such as a painting) is made
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fact(fac); do, make ⑵ ure; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 manner of making, shape
faculty [noun] from face
【DEFINITION】 Your faculties are your physical and mental abilities.
【pl.】 faculties
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fac; do, make ⑵ ult(ile); adjective suffix ⑶ y; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facultas》 [nominative of facultatem] power, ability, capability, opportunity; sufficient number, abundance, wealth
【First Known Meaning】 ability, opportunity, means, resources,
【DERIVATIVEs】 facultative, faculty
fashion [noun] from fashion 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Fashion is the area of activity that involves styles of clothing and appearance.
【pl.】 fashions
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fash(fac); do, make ⑵ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin factio》 from facere; a making or doing, a preparing
【First Known Meaning】 physical make-up or composition; form, shape; appearance
【DERIVATIVEs】 fashioner, fashion
fashionable [adjective] from fashion 〈 fact
【ANTONYM】 unfashionable
【COMPOSITION】 fashion + able
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fash(fac); do, make ⑵ ion; noun suffix ⑶ able; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin factio》 from facere; a making or doing, a preparing
fashioned [adjective] from fashion 〈 fact
【ROOTs】 ⑴ fash(fac); do, make ⑵ ion; noun suffix ⑶ ed; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin factio》 from facere; a making or doing, a preparing
feat [noun] from feat
【DEFINITION】 If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement.
【pl.】 feats
【ROOTs】 feat(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 featly, feat
feature [noun] from feat
【DEFINITION】 A feature of something is an interesting or important part or characteristic of it.
【pl.】 features
【ROOTs】 ⑴ feat(fac); do, make ⑵ ure; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
fiat [noun] from fiat 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If something is done by fiat, it is done because of an official order given by someone in authority.
【pl.】 fiats
【SYNONYM】 decree
【ROOTs】 fiat(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin fiat》 [third person singular present subjunctive of fieri] let it be done
【First Known Meaning】 authoritative sanction,
ineffective [adjective] from effect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 If you say that something is ineffective, you mean that it has no effect on a process or situation.
【ANTONYM】 effective
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in(en); in, into ⑵ ef(ex); out, out of ⑶ fect(fac); do, make ⑷ ive; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin effectus》 pps of efficere; accomplishment, performance
【DERIVATIVEs】 ineffectively, ineffectiveness, ineffective
inefficient [adjective] from inefficient 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Inefficient people, organizations, systems, or machines do not use time, energy, or other resources in the best way.
【ANTONYM】 efficient
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; not ⑵ ef(ex); out, out of ⑶ fic(fac); do, make ⑷ ient(ant); suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 not producing or incapable of producing the desired effect
【DERIVATIVEs】 inefficiency, inefficiently, inefficient
infect [verb] from infect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 To infect people, animals, or plants means to cause them to have a disease or illness.
【Declension/Conjugation】 infected infected infecting infects
【SYNONYM】 contaminate
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; in ⑵ fect(fac); to make, do, perform
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 fill with disease, render pestilential; pollute, contaminate; to corrupt morally
【DERIVATIVEs】 infecter, infection, infectious, infectiously, infectiousness, infective, infector, infect
infected [adjective] from infect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 An infected place is one where germs or bacteria are causing a disease to spread among people or animals.
【COMPOSITION】 infect + ed
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; in ⑵ fect(fac); to make, do, perform ⑶ ed; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
infection [noun] from infect 〈 fact
【pl.】 infections
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; in, on ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 infecter, infection, infectious, infectiously, infectiousness, infective, infector, infect
infectious [adjective] from infect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A disease that is infectious can be caught by being near a person who has it. Compare contagious.
【SYNONYM】 catching
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; in, on ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ious(ous); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【First Known Meaning】 catching, having the quality of spreading from person to person, communicable by infection
【DERIVATIVEs】 infecter, infection, infectious, infectiously, infectiousness, infective, infector, infect
insufficient [adjective] from insufficient 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Something that is insufficient is not large enough in amount or degree for a particular purpose.
【SYNONYM】 inadequate
【ANTONYM】 sufficient
【COMPOSITION】 sufficient
【ROOTs】 ⑴ in; not ⑵ suf(sub); below ⑶ fic(fac); do, make ⑷ ient(ant); suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 insufficiency, insufficiently, insufficient
laissez-faire [noun] from laissez-faire 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Laissez-faire is the policy which is based on the idea that governments and the law should not interfere with business, finance, or the conditions of people's working lives.
【COMPOSITION】 laissez + faire
【ROOTs】 ⑴ lax; not tense, slack ⑵ fac; do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
manufacture [verb] from manufacture 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 To manufacture something means to make it in a factory, usually in large quantities.
【Declension/Conjugation】 manufactured, manufactured, manufacturing, manufactures
【SYNONYM】 mass-produce, fabricate
【ROOTs】 ⑴ manu; hand ⑵ fact(fac); do, make ⑶ ure; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin manufactura》 manu+factura; a making by hand
【First Known Meaning】 convert material to a form suitable for use
【DERIVATIVEs】 manufacturable, manufactural, manufacturing, manufacture
manufacturer [noun] from manufacture 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 A manufacturer is a business or company which makes goods in large quantities to sell.
【pl.】 manufacturers
【SYNONYM】 maker
【COMPOSITION】 manufacture + er
【ROOTs】 ⑴ manu; hand ⑵ fact(fac); do, make ⑶ ur(ure); noun suffix ⑷ er; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin manufactura》 manu+factura; a making by hand
non-profit [adjective] from profit 〈 feat
【DEFINITION】 A non-profit organization is one which is not run with the aim of making a profit.
【COMPOSITION】 non + profit
【ROOTs】 ⑴ non; not ⑵ pro; toward ⑶ fit(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin proficere》 pro+ficere; accomplish, make progress; be useful, do good; have success, profit
perfect [adjective] from perfect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Something that is perfect is as good as it could possibly be.
【SYNONYM】 ideal
【ROOTs】 ⑴ per; thoroughly, utterly, very ⑵ fect(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin perfectus》 pp of perficere; completed, excellent, accomplished, exquisite
【First Known Meaning】 finished, completed, ready
【DERIVATIVEs】 perfection, perfectly, perfectness, perfect
perfection [noun] from perfect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Perfection is the quality of being as good as it is possible for something of a particular kind to be.
【pl.】 perfections
【ANTONYM】 imperfection
【ROOTs】 ⑴ per; thoroughly, utterly, very ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin perfectus》 pp of perficere; completed, excellent, accomplished, exquisite
【DERIVATIVEs】 perfection, perfectly, perfectness, perfect
perfectionist [noun] from perfect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 Someone who is a perfectionist refuses to do or accept anything that is not as good as it could possibly be.
【pl.】 perfectionists
【COMPOSITION】 perfection + ist
【ROOTs】 ⑴ per; thoroughly, utterly, very ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ation(ion); noun suffix ⑷ ist; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin perfectus》 pp of perficere; completed, excellent, accomplished, exquisite
perfectly [adverb] from perfect 〈 fact
【DEFINITION】 You can use perfectly to emphasize an adjective or adverb, especially when you think the person you are talking to might doubt what you are saying.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ per; thoroughly, utterly ⑵ fect(fac); do, make ⑶ ly; suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin perfectus》 pp of perficere; completed, excellent, accomplished, exquisite
【DERIVATIVEs】 perfection, perfectly, perfectness, perfect
proficiency [noun] from proficient 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 If you show proficiency in something, you show ability or skill at it.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; prefix ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ iency(ance); noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin proficiens》 pp of proficere
【First Known Meaning】 advancement, progress
【DERIVATIVEs】 proficiency, proficiently, proficient
proficient [adjective] from proficient 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 If you are proficient in something, you can do it well.
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; prefix ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ient(ant); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin proficiens》 pp of proficere
【First Known Meaning】 well-versed in any business, art, science, etc.,
【DERIVATIVEs】 proficiency, proficiently, proficient
profit [noun] from profit 〈 feat
【DEFINITION】 A profit is an amount of money that you gain when you are paid more for something than it cost you to make, get, or do it.
【pl.】 profits
【ANTONYM】 loss
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; toward ⑵ fit(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin proficere》 pro+ficere; accomplish, make progress; be useful, do good; have success, profit
【First Known Meaning】 income; benefit, advantage
【DERIVATIVEs】 profitability, profitable, profitableness, profitably, profiter, profitless, profit
profitable [adjective] from profit 〈 feat
【DEFINITION】 A profitable organization or practice makes a profit.
【SYNONYM】 rewarding, economic
【ROOTs】 ⑴ pro; toward ⑵ fit(fac); do, make ⑶ able; adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin proficere》 pro+ficere; accomplish, make progress; be useful, do good; have success, profit
【First Known Meaning】 yielding benefit, useful,
【DERIVATIVEs】 profitability, profitable, profitableness, profitably, profiter, profitless, profit
sacrifice [noun] from sacrifice 〈 sacred
【DEFINITION】 ① an act of offering to a deity something precious
② something offered in sacrifice
【pl.】 sacrifices
【ROOTs】 ⑴ sacr; sacred ⑵ i(y); - ⑶ fice(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin sacrificus》 [from sacra+facere] performing priestly functions or sacrifices
【DERIVATIVEs】 sacrificeable, sacrificer, sacrificial, sacrifice
satisfaction [noun] from satis 〈 sati
【DEFINITION】 Satisfaction is the pleasure that you feel when you do something or get something that you wanted or needed to do or get.
【pl.】 satisfactions
【SYNONYM】 gratification
【ROOTs】 ⑴ satis(sati); enough ⑵ fact(fac); do, make ⑶ ion; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin satis》 enough
【DERIVATIVEs】 satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfiable, satisfier, satisfy, satisfying, satisfyingly
suffice [verb] from suffice 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 If you say that something will suffice, you mean it will be enough to achieve a purpose or to fulfil a need.
【Declension/Conjugation】 sufficed, sufficed, sufficing, suffices
【ROOTs】 ⑴ suf(sub); below, under ⑵ fice(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《Latin sufficere》 sub+facere; to supply as a substitute
【First Known Meaning】 be sufficient, satisfy
【DERIVATIVEs】 suffice, sufficer, sufficiency, sufficient, sufficiently
sufficient [adjective] from sufficient 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 If something is sufficient for a particular purpose, there is enough of it for the purpose.
【SYNONYM】 enough
【ANTONYM】 insufficient
【ROOTs】 ⑴ suf(sub); below ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ient(ant); suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin facere》 [face+re] infinitive of facio; to make, to do
【DERIVATIVEs】 suffice, sufficer, sufficiency, sufficient, sufficiently
sufficiently [adverb] from suffice 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 sufficient + ly
【SYNONYM】 amply
【COMPOSITION】 sufficient + ly
【ROOTs】 ⑴ suf(sub); below, under ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ient(ant); adjective suffix ⑷ ly; adverb suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin sufficere》 sub+facere; to supply as a substitute
【DERIVATIVEs】 suffice, sufficiency, sufficient, sufficiently
surface [noun] from surface 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 The surface of something is the flat top part of it or the outside of it.
【pl.】 surffaces
【ROOTs】 ⑴ sur(super); above, over, beyond ⑵ face(fac); do, make
【Etymology】 《French surface》 sur+face; an outermost boundary, outside part
【DERIVATIVEs】 surfaceless, surfacer, surface
surficial [adjective] from surface 〈 face
【DEFINITION】 of or relating to a surface
【ROOTs】 ⑴ sur(super); above, over, beyond ⑵ fic(fac); do, make ⑶ ial(al); adjective suffix
【Etymology】 《French surface》 sur+face; an outermost boundary, outside part
Other word list containing fac, fact, -fect, fic; confect, confectionery, affectation, confection, counterfeit, disaffect, effectible, effection, effectivity, effector, effectual, effectuality, effectuate, effectuation, efficacious, efficacity, efficacy, enface, enfacement, facet, facette, faciend, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facilitatory, facinorous, facsimile, factional, factionary, factious, factitious, factorable, factorial, factotum, factual, feasible, feckless, forfeit, inofficious, interoffice, malefaction, olfaction, omnificence, omnificent, parfait, perfecta, perfectibility, perfectible, perfective, perfector, pluperfect, prefect, prefectural, prefecture, prequalification, profitability, profiteer, profiterole, quasiperfect, refactorable, refashion, refect, refection, refectory, reinfect, remanufacture, resurface, reunification, semelfactive, suboffice, subprefect, sufficiency, superficial, superficiality, surfeit, transfection, trifacial, trifecta, uniface, unifacial, unifactorial, unification, facade, surfacer, surfaceless, affectionless, affectional, affectionateness, factorize, factorship, factorability, defectiveness, defection, defectively, defector, edificial
exter, extrem
esse, ess-
erg-, org-, urg-
ed-, es-, eder-