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English Category/Root Word

ENGLISH ROOT WORD: equ from Latin aequus, aequare






English Root Word Latin equ-

【equ】 is a word-forming element
usually meaning "even, equal, level"

from Latin "aequus, aequare"

[WORD ROOT]root equ
[VARIATIONS OF ROOT] equ, equel, equat, equi, iqu
[ETYMOLOGY]root (Latin) aequus, aequare
[MEANING]root even, equal, level


  • 【Latin】 aequus equal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil
  • 【Latin】 aequare from aequus; make level


adequate, adequately, equ-, equal, equality, equally, equate, equation, equator, equity, equivalent, equivocal, inequality, iniquity, unequal

Please see the Word information in detail as follows;




adequate [adjective] from equate 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 If something is adequate, there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted.
【ANTONYM】 assimilation, inadequate
【ROOTs】 ad; to, toward equ; even, equal ate; adjective suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 adequacy, adequately, adequateness, adequate
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil
【First Known Meaning】 equal to what is needed or desired, sufficient,

adequately [adverb] from equate 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 adequate + ly
【COMPOSITION】 adequate + ly
【ROOTs】 ad; to, toward equ; even, equal ate; adjective suffix ly; adverb suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 adequacy, adequately, adequateness, adequate
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil

equ- [combining form] from equ-
【DEFINITION】 equal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil
【ROOTs】 equ; even, equal, level
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil

equal [adjective] from equal 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 If two things are equal or if one thing is equal to another, they are the same in size, number, standard, or value.
【ROOTs】 equ; even, equal al; suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equality, equalize, equally, equal
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil
【First Known Meaning】 identical in amount, extent, or portion

equality [noun] from equ-
【DEFINITION】 Equality is the same status, rights, and responsibilities for all the members of a society, group, or family.
【ANTONYM】 inequality
【COMPOSITION】 equal + ity
【ROOTs】 equ; even, equal, level al; adjective suffix ity; noun suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equality, equalize, equally, equal
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil

equally [adverb] from equal 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 Equally means in sections, amounts, or spaces that are the same size as each other.
【ROOTs】 equ; even, equal, level al; suffix ly; suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equality, equalize, equally, equal
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil

equate [verb] from equate 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 If you equate one thing with another, or if you say that one thing equates with another, you believe that they are strongly connected.
【Declension/Conjugation】 equated equated equating equates
【SYNONYM】 identify with
【ROOTs】 equ; even, equal ate; verb suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equatability, equatable, equate, equation, equational, equationally
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil
【First Known Meaning】 to make similar or the same; to balance or harmonize; distribute (ingredients) uniformly; reduce to evenness or smoothness; to set (a fracture),

equation [noun] from equate 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 An equation is a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the same, for example 6x4=12x2.
【pl.】 equations
【ROOTs】 equ; even, equal at(ate); verb suffix ation(ion); noun suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equatability, equatable, equate, equation, equational, equationally
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil




equator [noun] from equate 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth at an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole.
【ROOTs】 equat(equ); even, equal or; noun suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equatorial, equator
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil

equity [noun] from equ-
【DEFINITION】 In finance, your equity is the sum of your assets, for example the value of your house, once your debts have been subtracted from it. → see also negative equity
【pl.】 equities
【SYNONYM】 fairness
【ANTONYM】 inequity
【ROOTs】 equ; even, equal ity; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil
【First Known Meaning】 quality of being equal or fair, impartiality in dealing with others

equivalent [adjective] from equivalent 〈 val
【DEFINITION】 having the same value, use, meaning, etc.
【ROOTs】 equi(equ); even, equal val; strength, worth ent(ant); suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equivalence, equivalently, equivalent
【Etymology】 《Latin valerebe well, be worth; be strong

equivocal [adjective] from voc
【DEFINITION】 If you are equivocal, you are deliberately vague in what you say, because you want to avoid speaking the truth or making a decision.
【SYNONYM】 ambiguous
【ROOTs】 equi(equ); even, equal voc; call, voice al; adjective suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 equivocality, equivocally, equivocalness, equivocal
【Etymology】 《Latin vocare[related to vox] to call

inequality [noun] from equal 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 an unfair situation in which some people have more rights or better opportunities than other people
【pl.】 inequalities
【SYNONYM】 disparity
【ANTONYM】 equality
【ROOTs】 in; not equ; even, equal al; suffix ity; noun suffix
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil

iniquity [noun] from equ-
【DEFINITION】 You can refer to wicked actions or very unfair situations as iniquity.
【pl.】 iniquities
【ROOTs】 in; in, on, upon iqu(equ); even, equal ity; noun suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 iniquitous, iniquitously, iniquitousness, iniquity
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil
【First Known Meaning】 hostility, malevolence; a hostile action,




unequal [adjective] from equal 〈 equ-
【DEFINITION】 An unequal system or situation is unfair because it gives more power or privileges to one person or group of people than to others.
【SYNONYM】 unfair
【COMPOSITION】 un + equal
【ROOTs】 un; not equ; even, equal al; suffix
【DERIVATIVEs】 unequally, unequalness, unequal
【Etymology】 《Latin aequusequal; level, even, flat; as tall as, on a level with; friendly, kind, just, fair, equitable, impartial; proportionate; calm, tranquil

Other word list containing equ; equivalence, equanimity, equilibrium, equinox, equipoise, equivocate


ed-, es-, eder-
duc-, duct-
dra-, drama-, drast-



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